Proposal “Dash_Force_May“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Force May - August
Monthly amount: 150 DASH (3851 USD)
Completed payments: 4 totaling in 600 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-04-18 / 2018-08-15 (added on 2018-04-14)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 0 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description


We at the Dash Force aim to be the Dash community's front line of defense and support. Our mission is to provide support to the human ecosystem surrounding Dash, ensuring that its network effects are maximized by building a community that is the envy of the digital currency world.
Whether it be countering online trolls, reporting critical news, helping local meetups flourish, encouraging economic activity to newly integrated services and exchanges, or bringing in new members and fans, we will do our best to ensure that Dash's community grows and strengthens into a positive social movement behind some of the most amazing and revolutionary technology of our time.
Above all, we seek to conduct ourselves as ambassadors of the Dash community in a polite and professional manner, using honesty and genuine goodwill to represent and preserve Dash's positive and community-focused brand, and relentless tenacity and commitment to quality work to ensure that the job gets done right.

Current Dash Force Operations:

Dash Force News publishes 2 or more new articles everyday covering the Dash community. There has yet to be a day when something notable was not going on. Fortunately we have a lot of good news to cover. DFN is also translating articles into 6+ other languages. English, Spanish, French, Russian, German, Portuguese, Korean.
Dash Force News Webmaster Report

Discover Dash currently has 800+ business locations that accept Dash. Recently Updated Website!
In an effort to provide the Dash community with the necessary resources to reach mass adoption as quickly as possible, we have started, a merchant listing and adoption website. This will give new users and businesses all the resources they need to start using Dash, and provide a powerful visual statement of how strong and diverse the Dash economy has become.
The site is actively maintained and strives to be “the” site for Dash business listings. Plans are to continue to grow this and provide easy to use guides for merchant adoption, meetups and more. Live chat has recently been added and 24hr. Live chat support will be available after a little more testing.

Dash Force YouTube – The channel currently has over 2600 subscribers with 1 to 2 weekly shows.
3 Amigos Podcast is done live and features the 3 partners that run Dash Force. This is an easy going discussion of the weeks topics with the occasional guest and questions from the live chat.
The Dash Force News 3 Amigos Podcast is now broadcasted on The Liberty Radio Network and is also available to listen to on the following platforms: ItunesTuneinStitcherGoogle PlayOvercastPodbean.
There are also more or less monthly interviews with Dash related guests like Scott Farsworth AKA Dashracer and Bitcoin Jesus Roger Veralong with Evan Duffield and others.

Dash Force Meetup and Presentation Program
Meetup Programs in Mexico, South Africa, Haiti, Germany, Russia, England  the US and many more. 1000's of wallets have been set up during these classes with tens of thousands exposed to Dash in a positive way.

Discover Dash Merchant Adoption Program This next cycle (May) we will be launching phase one of the Discover Dash Merchant Adoption Program.

The MVP Contest is a monthly award of 1 Dash to the most Active and Valuable members of the community. On Hold until June.

Swarms and the Mod Squad
Active engagement on Discord, Reddit, Twitter, Bitcointalk, YouTube, Facebook, Telegram and other social media Platforms. We also assist in reviewing and helping with pre proposals and active proposals. Everyday task include, article sharing across multiple Social Media Platforms while also moderating them, upvoting/downvoting positive/negative post and countering misinformation.

Joël Valenzuela on using Dash for everyday purchases - CNN International

February Budget Allocation:
0 + 202.160 Rollover = 202.160

Dash Force Core Team Salaries (3 full-time  16+ part-time) - 53.81
Website Server Upgrade - .16
Dash Force Meetup and Presentation Program - 3.517
ROTC Large African Event - 1.215
General Tip Fund - .02 CIU
Kenn Bosak Wallet Setup Promotion - .51
Crypt0 Omar Dash Give-Away! - 1
Total = 60.232

March Budget Allocation:
0 + 141.928 Rollover = 141.928

Dash Force Core Team Salaries (3 full-time  15+ part-time) - 51.198
Website budget - Upgraded Server - Yearly Renewal Fees - .265
Pax Libertas podcast Fee - .351
Dash Force Meetup Contest - 7.9
ROTC Larger BlockChain Conferences - 4
Ultimate Crypto's Large Event in Africa - 1.5
David Mogaji Fun Fair - 1.872 Coming in April
Total 67.086

April Budget Allocation:
0 + 74.842 Rollover = 74.842

Dash Force Core Team Salaries (3 full-time  15+ part-time) - Ongoing
Website budget - Upgraded Server - 0.316
Dash Giveaway at Talent Land in Guadalajara, Mexico 2018 - 1

Prop Fee - 5
Dash Force Meetup Contest - 5.25
Total 99.126

May Budget Allocation:
150 - 24.284 Rollover = 125.716

Dash Force Core Team Salaries (4 full-time and 14+ part-time) - 71.67
Website budget - Upgraded Server - .19
Dash Force Meetup Contest - 2.95
@KennethBosak - 2
Tip Budget - 1.02
Mises Event - San Francisco Seminar on the Future of Money - 1.51
Crypt0 -2
Total 81.34

June Budget Allocation:
150 + 44.376 Rollover = 194.376

Dash Force Core Team Salaries (4 full-time and 14+ part-time) - 106.217
Website budget - Upgraded Server - .29
@KennethBosak Canada  - 2
Website domains - .874
Dash Central Donation - .5
Dash Force MVP Winners: June Cycle - 4.006
Dash Force Meetup Contest Winners: June - 6.6
Total 120.487

July Budget Allocation:
150 + 73.889 Rollover = 223.889


Upcoming and Special Projects!
Dash Force News Writing Contest
Dash Force News Rebrand
Discover Dash Merchant Adoption Program
Dash Force Free Escrow - Mastermined
Dash Force Outreach to International (Women) Entrepreneurs
VICE: Wall Street Meets Pepe - Cryptocurrency Is a Bro’s World - Anja
Liquidity Providers 2.0 - DF Mixing Mondays
Proposal Fee Help Program
Discord Help Desk Incentivization/tips Program - Saikababii, Back in May
Dash Force China, Brazil, Russia, Japan, Latin AmericaKorea, India and more
Ongoing help and Consultation with several projects - Ben Swann The Great American Pilgrimage TV ShowESPN analyst, media personality, MMA fighter Chael SonnenWe Are ChangeThe Free Thought Project and many more ongoing and upcoming projects

Dash Force Core Team

4 full-time roles:
Brian FreeMan @mastermined - Treasurer and Executive Director of Dash Force and Founder of Dash Force News
Mark Mason @MarkMason - Dash Force Webmaster, Media Relations and Director of International Outreach
Joel Valenzuela @thedesertlynx - Chief Editor and Writer for Dash Force News, Dash Force Community Ambassador
Albert Arellanes - Discover Dash Support and Live Chat , DF Contest Manager

14+ part-time roles:
Justin Szilard - DFN Head Writer
David Dinkins - DFN Part Time Writer
Solowizkid - Dash Force Social Media Swarm Leader
TroyDASH - Mod Squad Discord Leader
Macrochip - Mod Squad Reddit Leader
Agnewpickens - Mod Squad Altcoin Ambassador
Arthyron - Mod Squad Pre Proposal and Proposal Helper/Evaluator
Wilmar Toro - Dash Force News Spanish, Translato, Video Presenter and community Outreach
Yujin - Dash Force News Korea, Translator. Video Presenter and Community Outreach
Roxane - DFN French Translator and Outreach
Fabio & Jan - DFN German Translator and Outreach
Dmitrii Zhludin - DFN Russian Translator and Outreach
Rígille - DFN Portuguese Translator and Outreach
T0dd - DFN Weekly Writer: On Break, Back in June 

We will be adding 1 new full-time roll and a few new part-time rolls starting in May.

Dash Watch Report

Thanks again to all the masternode owners who continue to vote for us!
If you have any questions, comments or suggestion please share them below.
For more information please see the Original proposal and all discussion thereafter.
Last Dash Force Proposal

Current Proposal: Dash Forum Link
Dash Force May - August

Requested funding for the May - August budget cycle:

Total: 150 Dash Per month

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
-2 points,6 years ago
Hello. :) Some MNOs requested alerts when there are issues with a proposal. I'd like to alert you that there are issues here.

[I am a Financial Manager, Accountant, and Tax Specialist with a legal background and public relations experience. I will try to 'briefly' summarize a situation that I have spent at least 40+ hours on in the past 10 days trying to help resolve to no avail. I was creating tools and services for Dash MNOs 'free-of-charge', that would have been available over a week ago for budgeting and voting ease purposes--and more, if not side-lined by this problem that has put me 'in EXTREME distress' and has hurt the reputation(s) of Dash and others. At least 3 people listed above have been notified of this problem and have not assisted with investigation or resolution - @mastermined, @thedesertlynx, @TroyDash]

1. Stated above, it says: Dash Force provides "Ongoing help and Consultation with several projects".

@DashingDude has become a MAJOR problem. He had two proposals for Africa in which he states @mastermined and Dash Force assisted him. There were 92 dash funded, 82 is unaccounted for or not distributed. @John Reed came forward with notification and complaint that he received 10 dash but is owed 'at least' an additional 22 dash. He and others have not been paid in over 2 months. DashingDude received another 24 dash at last payout.

2. Mission Statement posted above and elsewhere states, "We at the Dash Force aim to be the Dash community's front line of defense and support. Our mission is to provide support to the human ecosystem surrounding Dash..."; "....ensure that Dash's community grows and strengthens into a positive social movement...", " a polite and professional manner, using honesty and genuine goodwill to represent and preserve Dash's positive and community-focused brand"

They do not respond politely or professionally, if at all; they ignore people and mark concerns as 'trolling', including mine; they do not represent Dash in a 'positive' way when they boast about their 'funding' abilities, manipulate their news and messages to get people to act according to their goals or wishes, and they remain silent and take no action when needed or asked to help resolve problems and keep Dash's brand in a positive light.

I REQUEST YOU UN-FUND DASH FORCE ...FOR 'AT LEAST' MAY 2018; AND SUSPEND 'thedesertlynx' without pay for at least a month, until they fix the issues at hand; and they help get DashingDude to distribute the funds appropriately. I think they should cease their 'escrow-like' and 'funding' services forthwith.

ALSO, PLEASE ADVISE the best ways to help MNOs and Dash if there is no easy, central, or expedited way to communicate with you; there are problems that require resolution before they escalate to serious legal matters; and voting related thereto would presently cost 5 dash which most people don't have, including me.

I was building 2 websites to help, but I don't know if there is interest or if it would be as you desire. There hasn't been much help for me in the forum.

Sorry, this is so long. It took 3 hours to write and doesn't include most of the info. This is my first DC post, so not sure how this platform works yet.

-Helper Dash
4 points,6 years ago
"He had two proposals for Africa in which he states @mastermined and Dash Force assisted him."

We have nothing to do with DashingDude's proposals. We have helped pretty much all the African proposal owners at some point doing Dash Force meetups, I guess that is what he is referring to. That is the extent of our involvement which has NOTHING to do with any of their current proposals or your issues of not getting paid by him.
I have put you and 2 or 3 others on ignore in the Dash forum and YOU have vindictively marked several of my post as trolling in an effort to get me to respond to your personal issues with DashingDude who I have NO involvement with.

I have reached out behind the scenes to get some answers but with the way you have acted I will not be pursuing things any further to help you. Leave Dash Force out of your personal problems John!
2 points,6 years ago
I corroborate all that @Mastermined has stated.
3 points,6 years ago
Yes from me and I look forward to the 3 Amigos podcast!
-1 point,6 years ago
I have no problem with their websites but I take serious issue with their 3 Amigos podcast and their flippant attitude towards such criticism. Their hour plus long ramblings are unstructured and bring little to the table. Don't they have anything else better to do?

In comparison. Dash Dinheiro Digital has 8874 subscribers, regularly gets 300 - 400 views and it's not even aimed at the larger English speaking market. For a rank 13 coin, and compared to their peers, the 3 Amigos podcast under performs.

They will tell you their weekly hangout is just a small part of what they do, yet they will bitterly defend it and refuse to reform it, and flippantly expect the treasury to fund them.

Unfortunately there is no granular control to reign them in and they have refused to acknowledge the problem. I therefore have no choice but to vote no.
3 points,6 years ago
Dash Dinheiro Digital/ Rodrigo is awesome, I love his stuff. Unlike Dash Force his proposal focuses mainly on making videos along with some social media outreach. It is similar to what Amanda did and others whose proposals were mostly to make weekly videos.
Rod's aim is way bigger than you give him credit for as he has interviewed many members of the core team as well as people like Trace Mayer and many other crypto/Dash celebrities. I have personally posted those videos to the DFN website and look forward to seeing more of his great interviews.

The Brazilian community is huge and very active from my experience helping sponsor Brazilian MMA fighter Dos Santos and other outreach we have done. The whole Latin American community is very active from my own experience sponsoring meetups and other and collaborations. I think you really do theses vibrant and super active communities a disservice dismissing them as you have.
I put you and Argon31 on ignore in the Dash forum so forgive me if I don't responded.
1 point,6 years ago
Dash Watch March 22nd Report on
Dash Force: September - November by Mastermined
1 point,6 years ago
Yes, WIsh I had more than 1 vote.
0 points,6 years ago
LOL! :p
5 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the articles and podcasts on dashforcenews.
Wish you even more success.

2 points,6 years ago
Thanks for sharing the video on the Give-Away. We are very happy that you guys liked it. Dash Force always sets the bar pretty high.

You have always done a great job keeping the community together and well informed.

We hope to have the chance to keep collaborating with you in the near future, although our proposal isn´t looking very good right now.

Best wishes and all the success for your team.
3 points,6 years ago
Thank you too. I was very impressed with how this last collaboration turned out! If our proposal passes again I hope we can continue to collaborate and help you and others with funding to put on many more of these events.
4 points,6 years ago
"Typically you have 600 - 700 views per podcast" - that may sound like a low number, but it is not for a podcast that lasts over an hour.

I absolutely believe this is a valuable project that is requesting a correct amount of funds for what it offers. I voted YES.
3 points,6 years ago
You have my support. Keep up the good work.
2 points,6 years ago
3 Amigos podcast is very enjoyable to me. Smart, fun, informative. I've caught almost every episode. I appreciate the work and hope you can expand it further. Good fun group...keep welcoming in Dashers!
1 point,6 years ago
Voting yes, but have to agree with DeepBlue.
4 points,6 years ago
I have to throw a spanner in the works here boys sorry. I hope you will find it a helpful spanner.

Everyone reading this go and look at any one of the 3 amigo podcast number of views. Typically you have 600 - 700 views per podcast. Are you happy with these low number of people viewing your podcasts boys? For me those numbers are pitiful considering you are supposed to be the "premium news for all things DASH". Have you ever considered why your ratings are so low? I have quite a number of suggestions why they are so low.

I can tell you the truth why your figures are so low and I can tell you how to increase your views. But I'm not yet sure you can "handle the truth" ( thanks to Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men for those words)

Seriously guys you don't have much idea on how to make content that will get viewed.

I have many times forced myself to watch your podcasts to get the info I need but I have to say it is PAINFUL. Very painful to watch. If I have to watch them to get some info then I always put it on 2 X speed so most of the time you guys sound like Donald Duck on speed. But that is the only way I can get through your podcasts.

Currently it feels you are making these for your benefit. You are not making them for us the viewer.

The list is pretty long as to why your podcasts will never get a high number of views. If you are trully interested to know why then I am prepared to give you the feedback but only if you're actually receptive. If you fully intend to carry on the way you are regardless then I'm not going to provide the feedback so I would be grateful if you can clarify what you intend to do.

Your website also needs a major improvement but interestingly the same issue is there. You are thinking about you and not the site visitor.

My sites have had over 100,000,000 visitors viewing 450,000,000 pages in 9 languages over a period of 15 years. I have the experience needed to create traffic organically to content without paying for any advertising. I think you might benefit from some of this experience.

Your site and your youtube videos need significant changes to be effective. Your website is better than you podcasts but even there you are missing out on huge opportunities.

I know you are well loved in the community and I am one of your supporters. But sometimes you got to give people some tough love in order for them to thrive. That is my intention here.

Let me know if you want the feedback and if so how.

-3 points,6 years ago
Totally agree but go visit their forum thread and you'll see just how stubborn and closed minded they are. Seems to me, they've got too comfortable receiving money, then sitting around shooting the breeze. I won't knock their websites but the 3 Amigos podcast is bad.
4 points,6 years ago
Hi DeepBlue, thanks for your comment. I'd be more than happy to listen to your suggestions and discuss them with you over Skype or Google Hangouts. Message me on Discord and we can set something up. Thanks.
1 point,6 years ago
DeepBlue -- after your conversation, please do share how you think it went. Thanks :)
1 point,6 years ago
+1 (but I'll vote yes anyway)
1 point,6 years ago
I fully agree with DeepBlue. I do appreciate the work you're doing and watch and read regularly, but particularly with the 3 Amigos Podcast things should be much tighter and more focused. Were not bringing in new people with this stuff and we're barely doing anything to inform those already in the ecosystem.

My suggestion would be to constrain the time more, know your topics of discussion before hand and focus on projects going on. We have a lot of money going out to proposal owners. Interviews with people each week on what's up for vote and what's already being done would be great.

Again, I don't want to beat up on you guys too much. You do have my vote, but I hope you will consider how you can make the flow more productive and informative.
1 point,6 years ago
I agree. I support you guys too, but often times IMO there's too much rambling and not enough focus. Going off on tangents sometimes is ok and I understand Mastermined's comment about how this is a different "more casual" format. So ok... but even in "interviews" instead of getting more info from/about a special guest, it feels like over 75% is just rambling by you guys when I'd like to hear more from the guest.

But if this type of podcast isn't for focused efficient discussion, would you consider releasing a different "tighter" weekly news update? "This week in Dash..." for people that just want to get caught up quickly and hear about the latest things in the community.
2 points,6 years ago
Thanks for the comment Henry. Dash definitely needs someone to fill the void left by Amanda. A 10-15 min weekly news and info focused youtube show is what is needed. A separate 20-30 min weekly interview style show is also needed. It will probably not be Dash Force that does both of those, at least not weekly. Joel has focused on doing lots of interviews and speeches lately while Mark has been busy with the new Discover Dash and a million other things.
It would be best if someone else could do a stand alone proposal and focus solely on those type shows as they are very time consuming. We have tried to do both in the past but there is only so much time in a day and other important things that need to be done.
However, we are talking about doing a very short weekly recap to help fill the void, at least temporarily, maybe permanently. I think Ben Swann is also working on something like that but he has to finish building out his studio first. I really miss Amanda’s show :(

The 3A podcast is what it is and we don't plan on changing it. It is overall only a small part of what we do, just one of the more visible. It is somewhat of a side project where we hang out and give our personal opinions, we also give disclaimers from time to time that said opinions don't officially represent Dash, they’re just our personal views. It’s like 50% Dash Force and 50% our personal free time. The 3A after party is 100% our personal free time.
Unfortunately, since ABJ left we have become the go to for video based news which was not something we ever intended 3A to be.
Dash Force news is the opposite and we are very careful with what we publish and try not to be biased and just report the news. Joel does an opinion piece every Sunday and we label it as such, just like other news outlets.

Dash Force did not start out having anything to do with the news or videos. I started DFN about 5-6 months after DF first started because no one was doing a proper news website, some tried, but failed. I brought on Mark and Joel around that same time and everything worked out perfectly, no way I could have done it without them.
Before that DF focused on contests, meetups and other stuff that was needed and not being done. The intention was to temporarily fill voids and help build up others to do their own proposals that focused on a specific area. We like to help smaller projects get going and then let them start their on proposals once they have proven themselves and the community is happy with them. Most if not all of the African proposals started with Dash Force meetups as have several others.
Lately we have been doing a lot more stuff behind the scenes to help bring on or consult on larger and smaller proposals which have been very successful. I think that is where our time is better spent rather than trying to take over and do everything media wise. Dash force can't do everything, nor should we as that will lead to centralization.
0 points,6 years ago
“Everyone reading this go and look at any one of the 3 amigo podcast number of views. Typically you have 600 - 700 views per podcast. Are you happy with these low number of people viewing your podcasts boys?”

I’m just guessing but I would bet we have more views than any other single altcoin focused weekly podcast of the same format. Maybe there is an ethereum one but I have no idea, there is probably some btc ones.
Do you have an example of a hour plus long format podcast that focuses only on one altcoin that gets more views than we do?

“For me those numbers are pitiful considering you are supposed to be the "premium news for all things DASH".”

The 3 Amigos podcast is not supposed to be the "premium news for all things DASH" the 3A podcast is “an easy going discussion of the weeks topics with the occasional guest and questions from the live chat.”
I’m sure we could buy green screens and build out more professional sets and spend a bunch more money and wear suites and stuff but that is not the style of the 3 amigos podcast. Joel has talked about doing something more formal but it has never materialized as there is only so much time in a day and doing consistent weekly shows takes a lot of time. People have done just one or two shows a week and that's all they did as their whole full time job for their proposal, we do that plus a whole lot more for a fraction of the price.
When Amanda tried to go more professional her prop was rejected because of cost and most everyone was happy with her normal lower budget setup.

“If I have to watch them to get some info then I always put it on 2 X speed so most of the time you guys sound like Donald Duck on speed. But that is the only way I can get through your podcasts.”

Yeah that is not really the audience 3A is geared towards. 3A is a hour plus long casual style podcast format for hardcore Dash fans. It's not a 10-15 minute news and info Amanda style video that appeals to noobs and people who just want a quick recap. Mark has done those weekly review news video in the past but has been busy with other projects lately. We have looked for a female to do what Amanda did but that’s like finding a unicorn, she was very special in that way.
We could do better in quickly reporting breaking news from the podcast on Dash Force News which is the "premium news for all things DASH".
I have also suggested adding timestamps to the video's so people can jump to the topic they want to hear about, i’ll have to check back on what needs to be done to make that happen consistently. That would be a great extra side job for one of the new part timers we are bringing on.

“Your website also needs a major improvement but interestingly the same issue is there.

We have thought of changing the name now that we have more money and can afford to buy premium named website domains that cost thousands of dollars, but have decided against it for now.
We have also looked into hiring a professional custom website designer but have decided to wait until after Evolution. We would need to do a seperate prop that would cost probably around 20-30k to do everything we would like to do with the website. The DAO budget can’t handle that right now though, so we wait.

“ You are thinking about you and not the site visitor.”

Not sure what that means but i’ll let Mark discuss that with you.
1 point,6 years ago
"We have thought of changing the name " => in my opinion, this is really needed
1 point,6 years ago
0 points,6 years ago
haha eh, besides Dash News: Dash World, Dash Report, Dash Press, Dash Express, The Dash, All Dash, Dash Life
1 point,6 years ago
Myself and Mark tried a few of those a year ago but they were taken or cost thousands of dollars to buy. IIRC I bid 3k on and they rejected the offer wanting more, but that was all we had to spend at the time, so we kept trying other names.
It is something we have talked about but we have no plans to change the name in the next month or 2, but we are actively discussing it. It will set back SEO results and cause other issues as well so it is not something to just run off and do without a lot of consideration.
Whatever the new name is it will probably not be cheap and everyone should understand that before hand. A good domain name will probably cost a few thousand plus, unless we get lucky and find something cheaper that everyone agrees on.
0 points,6 years ago
Well it's good that you are thinking about it, and that you see the value in changing it. I'm sure you have a better idea regarding the costs vs benefits. If it's a few thousand plus, it would still be worth it, at least in my eyes :)
2 points,6 years ago
PS I had voted YES for you anyway so your decision for feedback is not required. DeepBlue
3 points,6 years ago
Happy birthday!
2 points,6 years ago
You guys continue to get the job done. Carry on.

3 points,6 years ago
Easy YES. ..the weekly 3 Amigo's podcast are my personal fav. But...excellent work all around.
5 points,6 years ago
Continue the great work guys.
2 points,6 years ago
Of course yes!
7 points,6 years ago
Guys you do the great things in so many different stages. You got my support!
Good luck!
4 points,6 years ago
Thank you sir
2 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your great work. A very easy YES.
4 points,6 years ago
Easily one of the best DAO-funded organizations in the ecosystem. I look forward to listening to your show every Friday. Keep doing what you're doing!
2 points,6 years ago
Let’s give them a round of applause in the form of ‘yes’ votes. Keep it up guys!
2 points,6 years ago
Keep up. Keep up and expand, guys.
0 points,6 years ago
Colleagues, you create a great product. Therefore, only yes. Mastermined, we create a Russian-language news portal and our editor-in-chief Yuri Pavlenok is ready to write articles for DASH FORCE covering events that take place in Russia and other CIS countries. Is there an opportunity for him to become an author of DASH FORCE? It seems to me that the English-speaking community should be interested in what happens to the Dash in the CIS. What do you think about it?
2 points,6 years ago
Hi, thank you for your comment and kind words it is very much appreciated. Regarding your request I have to inform you that I already have an arrangement with CIS Territory of Dash team member Oleg Karimov who has been keeping me to date with events they attend forwarding on information, photos etc. I have personally been publishing coverage and articles on Dash Force News on these events. Please see the following articles:

Dash at International Blockchain Summit in Moscow -
DASH at Blockchain Conference Saint Petersburg 2018 -

In terms of Russian language coverage. We have Dash Force Russian Ambassador Dmitrii Zhludin who has been doing a fantastic job. I'm very happy with his performance and proud to have him as Dash Force team member.

Just incase you didn't know and for others reading. We already publish articles in Russian on the website. Please see here:

You can also follow and help support our Dash Force Russian social media profiles at the following locations:

Dash Force News Россия

Dmitrii also syndicates and shares these articles in #dn-russian channel on Discord and the very popular Russian Telegram Dash community amongst other social media platforms.

Thank you for your interest and support.

0 points,6 years ago
Thank you, Mark for your help. I'll contact Dmitri. Good luck to you guys.