Proposal “WeAreChange-DASH“ (Closed)Back

Title:We Are Change
One-time payment: 50 DASH (1188 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 50 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-03-19 / 2018-04-18 (added on 2018-03-20)
Votes: 902 Yes / 151 No / 12 Abstain

Proposal description

Pre-Proposal disscusion -

We Are Change

Established in 2006, We Are Change is more than just a news outlet with a half a million YouTube subscribers and even more followers on Facebook. We provide a home for activists to meet, grow, and take action and benefit communities around the world.

We Are Change is headlined by independent journalist Luke Rudkowski but includes activists from around the globe. Since 2006, We Are Change has operated as a decentralized, nonpartisan news organization that has broken stories no other news outlets in the United States have had the will or freedom to cover. We Are Change shares diverse news and information as an outlet independent of antiquated systems that provides an unbiased perspective. Traveling teams expose many of the problems humanity faces every day by showing raw footage as it happens.

We Are Change has been avidly promoting cryptocurrencies since 2013 and is one of the first outlets in the world to accept Bitcoin donations and, of course, DASH. We have interviewed many of the leading voices in the cryptocurrency community, and we are teaching the world about blockchain technology when few people had even heard of it.

DASH Sponsorship Proposal

DASH has created a powerful tool for individuals to store their wealth and conduct business transactions with the liberty to privately spend their funds as they see fit. In much the same way, We Are Change is an independent news outlet that can assist people in freeing their minds through access to uncensored information and with an emphasis on personal liberty.

In light of our shared goals for individual freedom, we propose that DASH sponsor We Are Change, which has been severely censored throughout the years but still stands as one of the most popular independent news outlets in the world.

As the sole sponsor of We Are Change, DASH will be promoted exclusively in our news segments, which have a proven record of consistent viewership globally. We Are Change has accumulated over 100 million video views on YouTube alone, with similar view counts on Facebook and tens of millions of additional views as a result of other news outlets re-uploading and sharing our content.

Benefit to DASH

We Are Change is currently producing 10-15 videos a week between social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and now even DTube exclusive content. Although our videos have been demonetized at a rapid rate on YouTube, our organic reach has been higher than current numbers. We have also circumvented demonetization in some ways by having a large presence and following on Steemit and DTube. So how do we grow, and how do we involve DASH?

First of all, We Are Change has a very proactive community when called to action, so our plan, of course, involves that community. We Are Change has always encouraged being the change one wants to see in the world, so we will be calling on our viewers to submit written, video, graphic, and even meme content directly to WRC. The best of these will then be shared with the community via our platforms. At the end of each month, the community will vote on the five best pieces of content, from there WRC will choose a winner and a runner-up, who will receive 1 and .5 Dash respectively. Everything shared on any platform will be branded in some way with the Dash logo to ensure maximum exposure.

Secondly, We Are Change would build and maintain a weekly show based on cryptocurrencies and related DASH news as well as the communities efforts and the possibilities it provides. We also plan on involving our audience with the DASH network where we give away $5 in DASH to the first 100 people in the comments who leave their wallet address, and of course, run similar promotions throughout the week on separate broadcasts.

This brings us to branding. We want to make We Are Change synonymous with Dash by embedding its logo on every piece of original content we produce, which means a minimum of 10 videos a week that have a vast and very broad reach. This ensures that your brand is seen despite Google now banning advertisements regarding cryptocurrencies. As the exclusive sponsor of one of the world's leading independent news outlets, DASH will expand its visibility and, as a result, increase its value in the minds of millions. By sponsoring We Are Change in addition to the already funded Reality Check and Truth in Media project with Ben Swann, DASH will become an online presence that will be impossible to ignore.

We hope to forge a relationship with the DASH community starting out incrementally gaining trust in the value of our brand and content. With this model, we empower individuals through information and encourage them to take action using the power of crypto.

We will be asking for 50 DASH per month on a month per month basis.
with giving away at least 5 DASH a month through contests and giveaways.

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
Good job on the execution so far, i like the videos. Subscribed!
1 point,6 years ago
voting YES. I am very familiar with Luke's work (see my comments on the pre-proposal forum thread). Even donated BTC tips to Luke in the past.
Your initial proposal was too big and would not have passed IMHO. This looks a ton better. Good on you Luke from Sydney, Australia.
1 point,6 years ago
Voting Yes. Best of luck..
-1 point,6 years ago
While acknowledging that technically almost everything is political, DASH should not be openly sponsoring content that is *this political.* And by political, I mean polarizing.

If we sponsor at all, DASH should sponsor things that quite nearly everyone likes -- Sports. Outdoor events. Parties. Etc.

The aggressive, polarizing content of We Are Change is *not* something that quite nearly everyone likes. In terms of creating polarity, it is akin to BTC Miami's strip club sponsorship, if that rings a bell.

Voting no on both this and Ben Swann, for the same reason.
0 points,6 years ago
What is polarising about Luke's work. In my case, I am a Trump fan, but accept that Luke rips on Trump. I don't care, facts are facts.
2 points,6 years ago
I understand your concerns, although I don't see what I do as either politically left or right more about future learning and understanding about what really is happening in the world. But still even with that comes controversy.

Originally and I still am planning on to keep the DASH giveaways and content to mainly be around cryptocurrency news and away from anything remotely political.
1 point,6 years ago
n00bkid, truth is the most valuable resource available after time. without unbiased news, we are being fed propaganda. if we want to actually make a diff and not be just a gimmic we need to do something useful for society other than make money. wearechange, benswann, adamkokesh, etc are some of the best proposals ive seen so far.
0 points,6 years ago
Interview Alt36 Luke! Your viewers will be more likely to support Dash once they know the cannabis play Alt36 is going for.
0 points,6 years ago
where is he and how do i find him?
0 points,6 years ago
Come to CannMed 2018 if you can. We met briefly out in Aspen.

Here is another freedom orientated Cannabis Project this group might like. Vote for it if you can.
0 points,6 years ago
you can find Alt Thirty Six on the Dash forum :
Just make an account on and start a conversation (upper right, next to your accountname) with "ThirtySix"
0 points,6 years ago
and you have my support for your budget proposal by the way
1 point,6 years ago
Hey everyone I know I'm jumping the gun here even before the proposal is approved or disapproved but I prefer to get things done fast.

I'm in Kenya Africa right now for this btc conference

If there is anything I can do for DASH at this conference in Kenya or in the country of Somalia, please let me know. Even interviews you would like to see or giveaways of any sort to the people here with exciting projects, any ideas are very welcome.

I won't be able to respond here so please email me here with the subject AFRICA!
4 points,6 years ago
Glad I could be of some help scaling back this first proposal and hopefully giving it a good shot at passing. The first iteration was very ambitious but showed Lukes commitment to a long term partnership helping Dash succeed.
This will help get us much needed exposure outside of just cryptoland and also with Luke's other influential media and crypto connections. With Google and most of the major social media outlets banning crypto advertizing I feel it is imperative to help sponsor independent grassroots media projects with huge followings like WAC, Ben Swann and TFTP etc.
For the price this is a very easy yes!
0 points,6 years ago
i can do a lot with very little, and im totally down to prove myself moving forward with what we could do together. I could easily also get the same amount of money through advertising on my channel but If I could do it with an amazing coin like DASH all the better
2 points,6 years ago
To me personally this is a circle coming to a close. 2006 is the year I woke up to the false right/left/black/white paradigm in part thanks to WeAreChange and now we are here, basically "re-joining" paths (from my perspective mind you) through this ground breaking technology with the power to achieve the change we both wanted for the last 12 years. I'm glad you're here Luke! All the best to you.
0 points,6 years ago
it all comes full circle brother
1 point,6 years ago
Totally yes. This is how to incorporate Dash as a sponsor - all others take note.
0 points,6 years ago
we have a lot of projects coming up, I'm excited
2 points,6 years ago
Yes! Keep up the good work Luke!! First Ben Swann, now Luke. Decentralised cash for decentralised media!!
0 points,6 years ago
hell yeah, big fan!
2 points,6 years ago
Yes, please. This is a great organization. Our contribution here will yield many benefits.
0 points,6 years ago
I don't think giving away free Dash is the way to do in fact it should be the opposite.
When Dash sponsors We are change viewers in turn need to sponsor We are change by investing in Dash. These don't have to be large amounts, but its a 2 way street. Dash provided the power to come together, and the we are change viewers bring in that power by investing and promoting Dash, as the go to currency for a better World.
0 points,6 years ago
thats the plan
1 point,6 years ago
Luke had a great idea for a Dash giveaway to increase maximum exposure and to lessen the potential for fraud. I though a little bit more about it and came up with a plan of action. The plan would be to start off with a larger Dash giveaway the first month to create a buzz and to get as many people to setup Dash wallets for as cheap as possible. The contest would be simple, Luke would host a large Dash giveaway and get his social media followers to setup Dash wallets and post their address. Instead of then giving everyone $5 in Dash he would randomly choose (they have apps for that) 3 people and give them 2+ Dash for first prize and 1 Dash for 2nd and 3rd, could be more or less.

After that first initial big giveaway and wallet setup you could then do the $5, $10 or more Dash giveaways but this time maybe chose 20 or more people out of 1000’s or 10,000’s. This would keep them all engaged and using their wallets, you could even require they use a new address every time to get them to further learn and have some buy-in.
0 points,6 years ago
i was advised to go lower in my proposal but that was ultimately the plan and create a huge buzz. I hope I can prove myself with this smaller propsoal and we can go from there with really big giveaway project like i planned.
1 point,6 years ago
Giveaways are marketing 101. That's why every major company in the world does them. Sometimes they outright just giveaway free burritos or whatever but usually there is some kind of catch or requirement, buy one get one free etc, something to get them in the door so they will buy more. Our requirement is they Use Dash by setting up a wallet on their phone or computer, get them in the door, so they will buy more.

Our goal should be to get as many new people into using Dash as possible for as cheap as possible, preferably before other coins.

I do however think we could agree on curtailing one trend that I have seen lately. That is the $10 Dash Giveaways that everyone seems to be doing now.
At the very least Five dollars needs to become the new $10 Dash giveaway. I think it started with the Dash Force meetups and Amanda’s myfistwallet thing but $10 is just too much in most cases.

If you are doing a smaller meetup where you will be presenting Dash and personally helping people for an hour or so I think $10 is appropriate. However, if you are going to be just giving away Dash at a large, non-structured, non-crypto specific type event then I think $5 is plenty, maybe less.
It could also depend on the people and country in specific that you are trying to reach.
If you are at a Event with really wealthy or tech savvy influential people then even $20 could be appropriate, yet rare. In countries like venezuela and some places in Africa etc it would be appropriate to give less than $5 as that is a lot of money there and not needed to efficiently get the job done.
You could argue that Meetups in NY City or San Francisco etc should get more money for giveaways than other countries or small towns in America with a low income rate and high unemployment. I think at some point we will have to consider those things but we are way too small to worry about that now and we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
0 points,6 years ago
I understand where your coming from Mastermind, but these guys are truthers, and point fingers and say look there is the problem. Now they can be part of the solution. If we have to spend money to get them in, the are in fact not with clean hands either.

I am in Dash (and was in bitcoin). Because I want don't want to be a finger point. I want to be part of the revolution. All I am saying is invest into the revolution, if you hold up your hand, and demand and feel privileged to a free lunch your part the problem, not the solution. (lots of these truthers don't get that, so that the message which should get out).
0 points,6 years ago
I mean if you look at our work, we look for solutions i think more then anyone in the business. But if you see it differently I would really like to know why?

Plus we're not looking for a free lunch, were starting out really small to show you guys what we can do.
1 point,6 years ago
As I said in the Pre-Proposal, been following the very important work you do for many years. Your re-evaluated proposal seems like a great plan. I just hope we have enough in the budget this cycle to fit it in!