Proposal “Dash-NFC-POS“ (Closed)Back

Title:Dash wristband/bracelet/card POS development | 10+ 100% Dash-only events | 100+ merchants | 50,000+ users | MNO/DCG code sharing | Adoption stage 2
Monthly amount: 63 DASH (1711 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-09-17 / 2018-12-15 (added on 2018-09-10)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 297 Yes / 184 No / 68 Abstain

Proposal description

Update: Eventizer NFC Cashless POS Demo

TLDR summary:[/b]
* Mobile POS system for accepting Dash via NFC (contactless) payments at large events and venues, improving ROI and user experience.
* Short term: 10+ 100% Dash only events (people will know that they are using DASH - Visible branding everywhere).
* Long term: 100+ 100% Dash only events.
* Amount of transactions could reach into millions.
* Maximum bang for the buck - no expensive silicon valley devs.
* Code sharing with DCG or other MNO-approved groups.
* No surprise "launch proposal".

As we know, the current problem with cryptocurrencies is the lack of real life use.
Our mission is to increase usage and adoption by building a strong foundation/infrastructure that benefits everyone.

Currently there is a massive global trend towards “cashless” festivals/events and even nightclubs.
We’re going to use Dash blockchain as the backbone of our mobile Point Of Sale system - every transaction at various Festivals/Events/Clubs will be broadcasted to the Dash network.

Around our area (Nordic/Baltic countries) there is lots of interest in crypto payments already. There’s also a lot of festivals and events happening that need cashless and  contactless payment solutions. In addition, night clubs also want the same solutions. We will provide these solutions via our DASH NFC POS - a Dash-exclusive software/hardware point of sale system (based on Dash) that’s already been in development and testing for some time.

We are providing source code, but only to groups explicitly approved by MNOs.

This project directly benefits the Dash ecosystem by using it’s blockchain (EXCLUSIVELY) to process vast amounts of transactions. This could reach into millions of transactions in a relatively short amount of time.

Dash treasury should fund this proposal because we’re building a infrastructure for already-existing industry/audiences - this will result in large-scale awareness and usage.

Return Of Investment for the Dash community

We are creating, expanding and maintaining a whole infrastructure of payments. This project directly benefits the Dash ecosystem by using it’s blockchain (EXCLUSIVELY) to process vast amounts of transactions. This could reach into millions of transactions in a relatively short amount of time.

Through this usage, Dash will get a lot of coverage - many people will have Dash as their first real cryptocurrency experience.

This project delivers on multiple levels: Hands-on experience with Dash, organic marketing that draws new people into the ecosystem and providing a functional payment infrastructure for new/existing Dash users.

Our team is solid and we have previous experience in this field. We’ve gained a lot of experience and contacts during the time we’ve been working for the Dash community (please check our 3 successful proposals below).

Scope of technical work

In the scope of this proposal, we will upgrade our current solution by doing the following:

  • Continue development of the DASH NFC Point of Sale system (that was used in Estonian music festival, at a large scale). This includes goals like:
    • Migrate to phone/tablet hardware (significally reducing set-up cost)
    • More advanced inventory/stock control systems
    • Multi-language support
    • Top-up DASH NFC wristbands using DASH or fiat on the spot
    • Continued mobile (QR-code based) payments support
  • Continue development of the related back-office systems like:
    • In-depth user/account management
    • Inventory/stock control
    • Precise reporting
  • Continue development of the client-facing parts accessible via world wide web:
    • Top-up DASH NFC wristbands using DASH or fiat online (QR-code based)
    • Detailed top-up and transaction history
    • Loyalty program support (for nightclubs and recurring events)
  • Develop a modular and flexible system for festivals and clubs - easy to set up, configure and upgrade.

You can expect regular status updates (with videos) regarding development.

Budget overview (63 Dash per month)

Budget, as calculated with an exchange rate of 150€ (30 day average price) per DASH:
  • 2 Developers - 2 x 3000€ = 6000€ / month
  • 1 Project Manager - 2000€ / month
  • Refund of the proposal fee - 5 DASH
  • Small buffer for unexpected costs  ~ 1000€ / month
  • Fiat gateway fees - up to 5%

We understand that there’s very limited amount of budget in the treasury, so we decided to postpone the ‘marketing’ side of this proposal for 3 months. This enabled us to reduce our monthly ask by 35%.


We want to add a few more facts about Estonia and why it is important to get adoption here first.
According to The Economist, the country in 2013 held the world record for the number of startups per person.
And it’s not quantity over quality: Many Estonian startups are now successful companies that you may recognize, such as Skype, TransferWise, Pipedrive, Cloutex, Click and Grow, GrabCAD, Erply, Fortumo, Lingvist and others.
Since independence the country has rapidly developed its IT sector, becoming one of the world's most digitally advanced societies.
In 2005 Estonia became the first state to hold elections over the Internet, and in 2014 the first state to provide e-residency.
The top three industries doing exponentially well compared to the global trends, are Location Services, Engineering/Technology, and Electronics/Hardware.
Estonians are open-minded, tech-savvy and ready for changes.
We are aiming to bootstrap DASH adoption, starting with truly “frictionless” payments using contactless technology (NFC) and mobile payments (QR).

Link to our pre-propsal

Our previous successful proposals:

Dash NFC wristband system used at Estonian music festival

Related articles:

Local Meetups and Community building at Tallinn

Tallinn Blockchain conference Sponsorship

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
1 point,5 years ago
A definite yes from me - actual use case, reasonable price!

1 point,5 years ago
If the source code and information necessary to create our own NFC terminals can be released to the MNOs requesting it so that we can apply this technology to other projects I think this would be worth it. I have some ideas on other projects how we could use this technology.

I have a few questions. Once this NFC payment POS system is fully developed how much would each POS system cost in Euros?

How much would the wrist bands costs per person?

Could the NFC chip be incorporated into a plastic card instead of a wristband?

How would the information on your project be made available to a MNOs such as myself?

Where can I learn more about the capabilities of your NFC payment system?

1 point,5 years ago
Hey, thank you for your questions.

Q: Once this NFC payment POS system is fully developed how much would each POS system cost in Euros?
A: The hardware cost is in the range of 100 - 200 euros per mobile POS device, depending on individual client’s requirements.
The device is essentially a specialized, locked-down android device with better NFC capabilities.

Q: How much would the wrist bands costs per person?
A: Depending on quantity and type, 0.7 - 2.5 euros per wristband.

Q: Could the NFC chip be incorporated into a plastic card instead of a wristband?
A: Yes, our partner in NFC chips is the biggest producer/importer in our region.
Most common forms for NFC chips are plastic cards and wristbands.

Q: How would the information on your project be made available to a MNOs such as myself?
A: We will keep you updated via Dash Central (or Dash Nexus in the future). Expect video updates.
Q: Where can I learn more about the capabilities of your NFC payment system?
A: We are in the process of setting up a webpage.
Meanwhile, if you have any specific questions, feel free to contact us on Discord or use the proposal’s comment section.

Eventizer team
0 points,5 years ago
@rullikas I would like to PM you regarding this project. Could you send me your user name at the Dash Forum. Thanks /DeepBlue
2 points,5 years ago
The demo looks slick.
Funding may not come this time around...but looking forward to seeing this progress and grow.
0 points,5 years ago
Thank you!
2 points,5 years ago
You have my support (i voted yes some time ago, but forgot to comment on it)
0 points,5 years ago
Thank you for your support qwizzie !
2 points,5 years ago
I don't know what most of the other MNOs who have commented on this thread are doing, but it's clearly not making any reasonable attempt to understand this proposal, to assess the previous contributions of this team, or to seriously consider potentially viable or valuable projects.

Firstly, regardless of whether or not you like this particular proposal or not, the fact of the matter is that this is a team that has had several previously successful proposals all the way from basic meetups to large scale festivals, and on top of that they built an entire NFC payment system from scratch for exclusive use on the Dash network. You may not like this solution they've built and may not want to continue funding its development or adoption within their intended business model--fine--but that's not an excuse to behave condescendingly to them, their accomplishments, or plans. You need to grow up.

Secondly, this solution has been field tested at a fairly large festival and not only did it perform flawlessly (the only technical problems were with spotty wifi signals and not the NFC system itself), it outperformed conventional payment systems both in terms of use and acclaim. That bodes well both for the team and its technology.

Thirdly, the explicit goal of this team is to become self-sufficient using their payment solution to facilitate payments not only at large scale events (not *merely* their own personal events), but in *any* potential large scale or regular event space where a simple NFC solution is more viable or appropriate than a typical PoS solution. Major events like festivals, conventions, sporting events, university functions, social/political gatherings as well as "regular" events like concerts or bars or night clubs could make use of a solution like this in a way that would be far more fluid and efficient than a typical PoS. So not only is this a potentially more optimal solution for these venues, but they're explicitly already in talks with these sorts of partnerships and use cases.

This brings activity to the Dash blockchain, incentivizes the pre-purchase of Dash for use in these environments, and provides the Dash ecosystem with yet another viable payment utility solution that is more appropriate for different environments than the mostly PoS-oriented solutions that already exist.

I think this is something worth pursuing further and so far none of the objections have been particularly reasonable.
-2 points,5 years ago
With all do respect, what do you call successful ?

IF you do a simple calculation, based on the fact they had about 1000 people using Dash to pay on there previous festival.
The cost per user was $250 ! To me that sounds expensive.
0 points,5 years ago
Hey A_node_to_a_Master,

The objective of that project was to lay the cornerstone for future progress to be possible.
Our goal was to introduce Dash to different people from different walks of life (event organizers, marketers, merchants, etc).
This was the first event worldwide where Dash was used at such a large scale.
In that context, the project was successful - entities are actively interested in our solution.
1 point,5 years ago
@A_node_to_a_Master -- In that context I would say that "success" would be measured in whether or not the team was able to implement the solution(s) they asserted they could and that those solutions functioned as anticipated. Whether or not you believe it was a valuable or profitable exercise should have been determined when the project came to a vote. The vote passed, and so the project was funded, and carried out successfully. So in that instance, you could say that it would not be in Dash's best interest to fund another festival or what have you, but the team *was* successful in delivering on their promises and in the process has produced a viable NFC payment solution that could be useful in future events.

So whether or not their previous proposal was too expensive in your estimation, that's largely irrelevant to whether or not this development proposal is worthwhile.
-1 point,5 years ago
Do not know what the quality of you're code is, but for me this type of service should be part of the Dash Core software suite.
If the code is of that standard, (I think that should be judged by DCG). Than I would like this team to be part of that team, do it could remain loosely part of it (preferred in fact), but at any rate the part of sharing the opensource code with DCG should be 100% transparent.
1 point,5 years ago
On second hand, actually I think it better to wait for Dash evolution which is about 6 months away, and this project is still a couple of month a way as well.
* This can be build with Dash evolution.
0 points,5 years ago
No. We need Dash utility not some weird festival payment schemes. Just use Dash directly at your festival.
0 points,5 years ago
Unfortunately, you are clearly demonstrating the inability to grasp the concept behind this proposal.
Have you actually read the text? What festival are you talking about?
This is not about any single event. Our solution could be used at hundreds of events - these events would effectively be 100% Dash-only.
This is as direct Dash usage as you can get - each transaction is a Dash transaction and people know that they use Dash.
DIRECTLY - by signing transactions using their wristband (that acts as a wallet). This is the only viable scheme.

What is your definition of direct usage? Thousands of people showing up at various events with their own Dash?

We all know how intelligent, mature and troll-free this community is.
This is or second attempt at this proposal and there will not be a third one.
We tried to do our best in explaining the concept but it seems that people dont even bother to read.
In our opinion, this is one of the highest value proposals in the history of the treasury.
MNOs, please see the big picture and decide for yourself. Do not take advice from anyone.
1 point,5 years ago
Agree with no for this. I like the term "weird festival payment schemes". Couldn't said it better myself. Drop this intermediate gizmo, just use Dash, geeez.
-1 point,5 years ago
In any event anypay is a superior product qhen compared to this will be voting NO
1 point,5 years ago
AnyPay is not an NFC payment solution geared for use in the context of large events. It's a complete false equivalency. Why do you keep making irrelevant comments meant to denigrate this proposal?
1 point,5 years ago
Why would you compare this to Anypay? What does Anypay have to do with NFC payments?
What problems does Anypay solve for large public events (including festivals) and clubs?
0 points,5 years ago
Do MNO ever question why a PO would suddenly at last minute re-evaluate their position on things such as open sourcing etc?

If you look at the last couple of PO that did that, the results wherent so great.

Please MNO make an informed decision.
2 points,5 years ago
I used this hand strap at a festival in Estonia.
Systems worked well and were nicely equipped with Dash logos everywhere.
Made random people speak about cryptos.

I really hope we can fund this and continue the development!
2 points,5 years ago
Thank you for the support!
2 points,5 years ago
How is this different from Festy?
1 point,5 years ago
Hi @zwolf,

• As far as we know then in the end Festy didn’t deliver and there are no recent updates about their progress.
Before we presented our last proposal we even had real life face to face meeting in Tallinn December 2017 with Festy with a purpose to use their system, but unfortunately they didn’t deliver.

• As a result we developed our own software and we have already demonstrated working tech in real life, please see video:

• The biggest difference with Festy is that we have real transactions in the blockchain. In contract Festy had their own Festy money and no real transactions in the blockchain.

• The money we are currently asking for future development is a fraction of what Festy has received from the network.

• We will share source code with MNO-approved groups.
2 points,5 years ago
Yep. Festy didn't deliver. In fact, it seemed that Graham De Barra failed to deliver anything. Does that make him a crook? A con artist? I think the facts speak for themselves.
So, why bring this up? For better or worse, fair or unfair, your proposal lives under this cloud. In my mind, a festival payment solution is a dubious value proposition to begin with, but on top of that, you have to be convincing has to how you are different, and won't rob the network like others in the past. By the way, I don't want your code, I want an actual functioning system.
0 points,5 years ago
Please keep in mind that this is not our first “job” for the dash community.
In addition, we already have a working prototype that has been tested with 1000+ people.
We are asking for funding to continue developing the software (making it scalable and cheaper to deploy). Organizations are interested (multiple deals pending) in this product.

Our NFC tech used at music festival:
Local meetups (community building):
Dash sponsored Northern European blockchain conference:

We are committed in delivering a functioning system that benefits everyone.
Please don’t mistake us for Festy.
0 points,5 years ago
Instead of ignored, maybe my question was missed. What other job did you do for the community, and how did it turn out?
0 points,5 years ago
They ran meetups before they built their NFC solution and carried it out successfully at the festival. All of this information is available on the forums...
0 points,5 years ago
Thanks. This is the stuff I want to hear ("multiple deals pending..."). What was the other job you did for the community? How did it turn out?
0 points,5 years ago
Its not, its just more copy paste devs, looking for some extra income.
0 points,5 years ago
That's a really unprofessional and unfair accusation, MrHack. This is a team that has worked all the way from pre-proposal through several iterations of successful proposals and custom-built technical solutions. Whether or not you like or support their proposal, this kind of flippant comment is completely unnecessary and has no place in the DAO.
1 point,5 years ago
Dear @Relmrhack, it would have been really easy to quit the project after it didn’t get enough votes. But we didn’t, because we believe in it. Each and everyone of us have their own businesses and we are grinding every day and have late night meetings to make this project happen. We have invested lots of our personal time & money into this and honestly, our time is more valuable than the money we’re asking here.
It’s more about building the infrastructure for the future and this money is going into development.
3 points,5 years ago
Dear Community & MNO's
After careful consideration, we have decided that we are willing to provide source code, but only to groups explicitly approved by MNOs.
1 point,5 years ago
Please explain to me the security of your software. I'm very familiar with NFC transactions, especially as they pertain to blockchains. If this works like I think it does, I see some major security issues.
2 points,5 years ago
Hello @kodaxx, thank you for your concern.
Your assuptions are not correct about how the system works.
Please rest assured that the different organisations/venues will not have knowledge of the encryption keys used.
There is no key sharing to worry about - different organisations will have different keys.
Nevertheless, it is still possible to top up at Club A and spend at Club B.
There's a remote server involved - it selects the correct key based on NFC chip's "header" and uses that to decrypt the "body".
-2 points,5 years ago
@rullikas you should open source everything, for any projects which (mnos vote) wish to use your code-base so that eliminates concerns of other groups copying code.

I'm sure with a bit of modifications at the back end level, other groups should be able to use it aswell especially since your asking DASH for the funds.

Otherwise if its solely to remain private you should seek external funding.

We are preparing dash ventures for such occurrences where dash ventures would hold equity in a startup such as yours.
0 points,5 years ago
@Realmrhack, after careful consideration, we have decided that we are willing to provide source code, but only to groups explicitly approved by MNOs.
2 points,5 years ago
Maybe I am being a buzz-kill but I see a few issues with this proposal.
The comments make it sound as this is a private business that is being jump started by the DAO. That is fine but I don't see what is in it for Dash.
Festival go-ers are not going to be excited about the backend technology their nfc device is using. If Dash is the superior blockchain it should be in the devs best interest to use it, with or without direct funding from the DAO.
What's in it for Dash? Seemingly the answer is a promise for more transactions on the network.
This seems like a small fry market (not to discourage the use of Dash for this usecase) but it isn't adding up for me.
I will likely vote no, but I will wait to see if I'm missing something.
0 points,5 years ago
Hey @mikenewhouse, thank you for your feedback.
Please let us elaborate on the size of said market.
In Europe alone, all kinds of festivals have become very popular and frequent.
We are not limited to festivals, though - night clubs are also a big thing.
The amount of transactions could literally reach into millions. It’s not small.
In comparison to the general population, this demographic group of people (mostly young Europeans) are more likely to be interested in change and cryptocurrencies like Dash.
It’s the easiest group to introduce Dash to and this will be done on multiple levels.
People will use Dash knowingly and they’ll have good experiences with it.
Dash will be used for all NFC payments (wristband/card), on-site QR-code based payments and when topping up online.
We are confident that in the end, you will be happy with our results.
1 point,5 years ago
>this will be done on multiple levels.
>People will use Dash knowingly and they’ll have good experiences with it.

Ok, I'm starting to see more value here. Can you elaborate a bit more on how that will come to be. Are your existing customers or prospective customers willing to promote and advertise Dash as powering the NFC? Will Dash centric promotional material be included with the device or in a follow up with the user?
2 points,5 years ago
Absolutely, we will have Dash branding and promotional materials on preload/refund website and logos on wristbands/cards.
2 points,5 years ago
I am bit dissapointed that you would not want to open source the software allowing other providers to popup extending the reach of the dash network,

Will dash ventures be given any form of equity?
-1 point,5 years ago
Hey @Realmrhack,
A service like this requires servers and people (tech/support).
Having the software code is just part of the thing.
We are willing to consider open-sourcing some components of the code.
0 points,5 years ago
Voting Yes, Could this be made public to general retailers and users?
2 points,5 years ago
Thank you for your support!
We hope we understand your question.
In order to attain self-sufficiency, we will charge fees from organisations/venues (in order to pay for servers, security and maintenance).
Therefore, it is not economically feasible to release this software (free of charge) to the general public.
Other types of merchants will be able to use this software like everybody else, but it makes more sense in an event/festival/club context.