Proposal “tallinn-blockchain-conference“ (Completed)Back

Title:DASH Diamond Sponsorship of Tallinn Blockchain conference 4-5 December '17
One-time payment: 47 DASH (1117 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 47 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-10-19 / 2017-11-17 (added on 2017-10-27)
Votes: 584 Yes / 32 No / 14 Abstain

Proposal description

Please make sure to watch the video before voting
(I'm sorry for posting this proposal so last minute, we have had a bit of struggle for getting our proposal up since Tuesday)
Thank you for all your kind votes!

Hi Community, We are small DASH enthusiast team from Tallinn, Estonia. (Baltics) We like the idea to change the world economics with cryptocurrencies. All of us have entrepreneurial and marketing background and are devoted to developing dash community here in Estonia, using our network and previous experience.

What conference?
In the beginning of December, Tallinn will host the largest conference in Northern Europe: Moontec17, devoted to blockchain technology and its implementation in various industries.Communication with the event organizer has resulted with an understanding about the options for sponsoring. We've come to terms at price and wish to see Dash attending Moontec17 as a General sponsor, considered as a core-organizer.
What's the reward (ROI) of becoming a Diamond Sponsor?

Diamond Sponsor:
-XL company logo on website-Branded 12m2 booth (DASH giveaway booth 0.01 per face)
-Large logo on press wall
-Logo on video screens
-Logo in promo emails-Branded badges & lanyards
-2 items in the gift bag
-2-page ad in the guide
-Social media promotion
-Mentions in press releases
-5 VIP Tickets, 5 Premium Tickets

- 35 Diamond Sponsor (8,000 EUR)
- 4 DASH for booth giveaway
- 5 DASH for proposal fee
- 3 DASH team salary

Total Investment: 47 DASH

Proof of work: One of the tickets that come with this sponsorship will go to a photographer/filmmaker who will, next to us, give professional proof of work. 

Estonia, Tallinn- Interest in blockchain in this country has never been higher. 

Please find out more about us:
Keiu Tammis
Siim Rull
Mihkel Pruus
He prefers to avoid social media sites.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,7 years ago
Its looking good. We need more young go getters like you. You didnt gave up when your first proposal was voted down. But a big bilboard in combination with a conference make more sense. Maybe if this proposal was done before you could have both. Good luck for the conference.
0 points,7 years ago
It was so nice to wake up today and see that our first proposal has your support!
Thank you all voters and supporters, we gonna keep you updated step by step :)
1 point,7 years ago
Voted YES. I wish I could go! We went to Estonia last year. We went too early!
1 point,7 years ago
we need to do more sponsorships (if they are not too expensive). Voting YES.
1 point,7 years ago
Voting yes, good luck.
3 points,7 years ago
It seems Estonia is rapidly becoming the blockchain capital of Europe with a fintech-friendly government. Dash needs to be a part of this. Voting YES.
3 points,7 years ago
Estonia is the most digitized country in Europe, and where more use cases exist of blockchain technology.
The presence of Dash in that event is important.
I hope you do a good job and show the advantages of Dash to your compatriots.

You have my support. Thank you for you proposal.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for your kind words @blockchaintech! I'm glad you have this information about how digitized this country is.
Many might think that Tallinn equals Medieval which makes me both intrigued and excited. Intrigued by peoples perception and excited cause it's nice to witness when somebody realizes the potential this market has. And not only the market, people here are aching for quality information and great solutions - both younger people and businessman.

Moontech17 is all about how to implement blockchain technology into various industries (E-Commerce, logistics, public sector, supply chain etc). Next to the conference they also launched Moonrise17, a blockchain based startup competition and if I would to add something about Estonia, it's that Estonia is the land of start-ups!

That's why we wish to introduce and represent Dash officially.
0 points,7 years ago
With 'The Brexit' many companies from the UK have moved to Estonia through the program: to stay in the European Union.
These companies have to move money internationally and Dash is the perfect solution. But they do not know !! They do not know him !!
You have a lot of work, and I hope the support of the Dash community.
1 point,7 years ago
Yes! Yes! Yes! Your knowledge about E-Residency and the connection for international business oportunity makes me smile.

Please, I welcome you to visit
1 point,7 years ago
voted yes! the proposal is very good, and it has an acceptable budget
0 points,7 years ago
Sure, I'll vote yes. It's not a truckload of money. They have a meaningful plan to demonstrate their work. It get's us high visibility at the biggest blockchain conference in the region. The conference actually exists. Yes, we got suckered like that once. See how much smarter and more capable we are now?

The team strikes me as enthusiastic and capable. If it goes well, we get double benefits. The shakers and movers at the conference see Dash a lot, with a booth to ask follow up questions, some free Dash to entice people to try wallets, ease of use, speed, etc. etc. And...we get a new team in the area that has (at that point) demonstrated their capabilities and drive for the Dash ecosystem.

If this goes well, maybe they do bigger and better things for us later on.

Of course, Paragon makes an excellent point. If you introduce yourself (ahead of time) and we get to know each other (ahead of time) on the Dash forums, that improves your odds of having your Proposal approved.

But I'm willing to take a modest chance here.
1 point,7 years ago
Voting yes
0 points,7 years ago
KeiuTammis would you mind answering my question about why you are confident you will be good ambassadors of Dash? How long have you been involved with Dash and the community? Are you investors in Dash? Have you sponsored these types of events ever before? What are your personal primary motivations in carrying out this event? Have you reached out to core for any guidance on how to go about representing Dash in person? Do you have any Dash-branded pamphlets or items to hand out? Thanks
2 points,7 years ago
Dear paragon, Investors, yes, it's in our interest also that the community and knowledge grows.
I personally have build and organised a 2000+ people festival from scratch, doing PR/marketing, finding sponsorship and taken responsibilities for very important fields. I don't want to brag but these types of experiences give me confidence that when I feel passionate about something I will make sure the impact will be there.

We are all big-time followers, enthusiasts and believers of DASH, giving our best in knowledge and actions.

Dash-branded pamphlets/items are coming, of course. Are they physically existing- not yet. Have we reached out to core for guidance - not yet but will definitely do so. This, for our personal growth, is also a very important part. Our personal mission with the event is to introduce DASH to Estonian marketplace. Next to it, to have credibility to write more projects like this. This market here is looking for ways to integrate blockchain, both existing businessman and young entrepreneurs. We wish to see how the economics will change with crypto currencies.. and be part of it.
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks for the response. I hope this goes well!
1 point,7 years ago
How can we be confident that you will be good representatives and stewards of the Dash brand at this event? Why are you qualified to be Dash ambassadors? Have you tried to arrange Dash core representation there with you at the event as is planned to happen at Essra's event in Germany which will have Holger from Core there?
1 point,7 years ago
Anyone or groups of people who make a proposal to publicize Dash for the world at blockchain conferences has my respect and my support.
Why? They are simply investing their time (the most valuable). Time will tell us if we succeed or fail in the decision.

They have made the contacts so that Dash can participate in the event.
We just have to take the next step.

For them it will be an opportunity to be known in the Dash community, as have groups in Morocco, and the rest of Africa.
1 point,7 years ago
Yes. Please vote, not a lot of time to do so.