Proposal “scaling-getfreedash“ (Closed)Back

Title:Scaling Getfreedash to get 1million users from Venezuela
Monthly amount: 550 DASH (14876 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-03-19 / 2018-06-16 (added on 2018-03-16)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 374 Yes / 241 No / 9 Abstain

Proposal description

100,000 Sign-ups and counting, aiming for 1 million sign-ups in next 3 months. Dash is going Viral in Venezuela!

Escrow sponsored by  Dash Force News (@Mastermind )  link 

Scaling this proposal  to get 1 million users by giving $1 for every one who sign-ups.

Imagine various media outlets going gaga about Dash's  1 million sign-ups in a country suffering from hyperinflation providing much-needed legitimacy for

With Google and Facebook banning cryptocurrency ads, Getfreedash's peer to peer marketing strategy is much more relevant now and will remain as the
foundation for the many Dash Activities in Venezuela.

Thanks a lot for those who switched their NO votes to Yes, I am happy to answer all your concerns if any, you can also reach me on discord #mno-office 

Dollar-to-dollar getfreedash is the most effective campaigns out there for raising  Dash awareness.There are 200+ youtube videos promoting us quit my job if this proposal passes and will offer data analytics services as well 

Actual Dash transactions list About 50,000 transactions Payment link.  

why is Getfreedash so powerful?

"People spend months on seeing ads and learning about dash … but don’t actually download the wallet which is what we aim to change.”
GetFreeDash is doing an airdrop to everyone that signs up, you get $0.5 USD equivalent in Dash and another $0.5 USD equivalent in Dash for each friend that signs up using a referral link.

we aim to “sign up 1 million users and kick-start a local dash economy in Venezuela and we have the stats show our track record.

Sign up Stats

Google Analytics stats

100s of positive feedback received from various people including from people on the ground in Venezuela. 

a few sample partnership requests

Pre-proposal links:

Current one:
Previous one:

why are we asking for additional 550 Dash when we have a parallel proposal running?

This obviously is one the first question that comes to any MNOs mind, let me answer.

we are  running on running out of our daily scheduled funds of 5 dash  very easily, we have a payout backlog of 7 days ( i.e if you sign up today you get paid in 5-7 days - this is of course mentioned when you request your withdrawal ) this is because we have a limited budget of 5 dash per day, As you can understand this is not an ideal situation. we have had multiple complaints from long-time getfreedash fans to pay the same day promising viral growth if we can do that.

This new proposal of 550 dash along with 150 dash gives us that much-needed breathing room, we will able to sign up 10-15000 users per day comfortably with the new money.  we need to sign up at that pace if we desire to sign up 1 million people asap.

our payout management page  ( snapshot on  16-March  -- 6 days backlog)

Basics about Getfreedash?

Getfreedash offers a sign-up bonus and referral bonus, for Venezuela we offer $0.5 for sign up and $0.5 for referral paid in dash ofcourse , which means users 
must  download a dash wallet   . So far the response has been breathtaking with over 120,000 sign ups in just 6 weeks of working. The plan for the future is to partner with local merchants , remittance providers and
freelancing companies, which are obviously very good use cases for using dash.

"Getfreedash has arguably created more buzz and awareness that would cost 10-20x more if you approached via Youtube Ads / Google ads or in fact any other marketing technique. "

Why are we focused on Venezuela?

Venezuela is undergoing one of the worst crisis in the world right now, the currency is depreciating 15% a week, people are exiting the country en masse which resulted in one of
the biggest remittance markets in the Americas.   The really interesting info is not even this , Venezuela is one of the few countries which has an artificial currency peg with dollar,
which is much higher ( Bolivar per usd ) than the market rate, because of this when you send money through the official route like western union you get far lesser bolivar per usd,
As a result, people have been resorting to bitcoin heavily apparently as informed by our dear friend @javier ( Javier is a Venezuela resident who joined dash through getfreedash, he's been very supportive to me in giving various insights over current situation in Venezuela, he also referred 100s of his friends to getfreedash. )... check  more details here 

The current timing for dash is an absolutely awesome opportunity, Maduro has announced cryptocurrency to be used across all businesses in Venezuela, as he wants his crypto Petro to spread  as well, please check this link to know more why this is an absolutely wonderful opportunity  

All this means only one thing, The need for cryptocurrencies is exploding in this country, so far bitcoin has been a lifeline for many folks however owing to the high fees and unreliable speed, many have been forced back to their state currency bolivars, unfortunately. Getfreedash aims to change this, we are already one of the biggest crowd pullers for any Dash initiative in Venezuela and we aim to sign up few 100k users as soon as possible. With the big user bases we have, other initiatives like Dash Conferences etc can easily piggyback on the userbase.

   Now imagine various media outlets going gaga about Dash's  1 million sign-ups in a country suffering from  hyperinflation 

How do we prevent fraud of same users claiming multiple times?

Controlling fraud is obviously our highest priority. Venezuela like many other developing countries have strict regulations when coming to SIM card ownership, they need your ID verification and only allow so many cards per person. There is also a cost of $1 associated with SIM cards since we are only paying $1 per user, we are eliminating the possibility of a single user claiming multiple times, we are other methods like IP address matching etc which act as a second layer protection.

The more advanced plan is to launch Android app and use various device-specific IDs to identify individual phones precisely.

 what are our future plans? 

we plan to launch a Getfreedash app very soon, this should ease out the signup process greatly and ensure that we are getting mobile savvy users, which is our primary target.

On the user side we want to acquire as many users in Venezuela as possible ( more initiatives are being planned), having said that , we want to extend this pay per sim card model to other developing countries where people are happy to sign up for receiving just $1 , Countries like Nigeria, Kenya, Philippines, India are in the pipeline , These countries also happen to have one of the biggest remittance markets in the world. The future plan is to integrate with some crypto remittance provider in the west to let them use dash a payment rail  ( players like Arba etc).  Apart from this, we will also partner with local e-commerce players and other businesses ( but we are getting too far now :) )

Clarification regarding conflict of interest with ben’s proposal 

On ben’s proposal, i have stated that I think that proposal has poor ROI and felt its not a good deal, however after watching his videos, I have realized that he is doing a  great job digging out facts and
presenting them in a very concise and understandable fashion, I feel Dash should try our best to support him, however we need to get a clear understanding of the spending and try and get a better deal for dash.

Having said that, please understand that I have never felt any rivalry with him ( back when the proposal was posted we had plenty of funds left in the  Treasury) and I have no conflict of interest what so ever ( we are not targeting even same geographies tbh).

I have shared my displeasure on the proposal more than necessary and i regret making those excessive comments, I wish I could state my points in one or two comments and delete rest of them.

Budget  Split and Milestones

1st month 

Development Costs ( Only Android, $ 15,000, back-end dev, UI/UX dev, Testing, Support,  Covered in the other proposal )

Marketing consultant: $4000  ( we are planning to various partnerships for various initiatives like dashinformer , Dash Venezuela , Remittance, dashnearby etc )

Develop and maintain an SMS one-time password (OTP) system (approximately $15000 per month )

Email hosting  (approximately $2000 per month of the Term)
DashMaximaslist's salary: $7,500

With the remainder of the Funds, provide approximate $1 USD to each new user who signs up
or registers on the Website (cost varies depending on the price of Dash Digital Cash).

Obtain approximately 150,000 new users (depending on the price of Dash Digital Cash).

550 dash * $500  ( 30 day average price )  = $275,000

2nd Month 

Development Costs ( Only Android, $ 15,000, back-end dev, UI/UX dev, Testing, Support,  Covered in the other proposal )

Marketing consultant: $4000 
Develop and maintain an SMS one-time password (OTP) system (approximately $15000 per month )

Email hosting  (approximately $2000 per month of the Term)
DashMaximaslist's salary: $7,500

With the remainder of the Funds, provide approximate $1 USD to each new user who signs up
or registers on the Website (cost varies depending on the price of Dash Digital Cash).

Obtain approximately 150,000 new users (depending on the price of Dash Digital Cash).

550 dash * $500  ( 30 day average price )  = $275,000
Cost recovery for my Initial costs ( first half ) : $10,000 

3rd Month  

Development Costs :  Android, $ 15,000 , 
back-end dev, UI/UX dev, Testing, Support,  Covered  $15,000  ( other proposal wont cover this month )
Marketing consultant: $4000 

SMS one-time password (OTP) verification costs (approximately $15000 per month )

Email hosting  (approximately $2000 per month of the Term)

DashMaximaslist's salary: $7,500

With the remainder of the Funds, provide approximate $1 USD to each new user who signs up
or registers on the Website (cost varies depending on the price of Dash Digital Cash).

Obtain approximately 150,000 new users (depending on the price of Dash Digital Cash).

550 dash * $500  ( 30 day average price )  = $275,000
Cost recovery for my Initial costs ( second half ) : $10,000 

About me :

I am Krishna yogi aka dashmaximalist, I am a Dash masternode Owner and a very active member on the dash forum with 100s of posts  as most of you know, i have created  and have spent over $20,000 ( i am planning to recover this amount in this proposal in the last 2 months )
before I posted the proposal for 150 dash 
Other details to be followed soon!

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
will vote YES. we need people to download wallets...although this needs to be scam proof. Funding of Dash for this prob too high. Better luck next time.
0 points,6 years ago
Let me share why Getfreedash airdrop is so powerful?

"People spend months on seeing ads and learning about dash, but don’t actually download the wallet which is what we aim to change".
1 point,6 years ago
I really agree, I think your concept works and really am sad this proposal isn't passing. Hope it will in some different form later.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your support ! Next time we will try with a smaller amount ...
0 points,6 years ago
Super thrilled to see DFN article about getfreedash ,
0 points,6 years ago
Hello. I am from Russia and I want to ask some questions about Dash in Venezuela. Can you give me your email to contact you?
0 points,6 years ago
Hi Helena

Sure my email is

0 points,6 years ago
Thanks a lot for your support everyone ...

No voters please voice your concern so that we can answer them.

Literally a million people will ( well hopefully )get into dash .. Let's make that a reality .
1 point,6 years ago
I would have supported this if the ask was reasonable. It isnt. Abstaining for now..
2 points,6 years ago
Can you please explain more on why you think the ask is not reasonable . we have been one of the most transparent proposals ever. We are one of the cheapest when it comes to user acquisition and have solid statistics to prove that. Lastly we are targeting one of most Crypto friendly geography on the planet.

Please express your concern so we can answer that
1 point,6 years ago
dollar-to-dollar getfreedash is the most effective campaigns out there for raising Dash awareness.

There are 200+ youtube videos promoting us

please consider this, before you vote, thanks.
4 points,6 years ago
From my perspective, you are trying to scale too quickly. We need partnerships with stores to accept dash and we need data about how people are using their free dash.

Put in a proposal when what we have already funded as run out.
0 points,6 years ago
Hi name3 , once you realise we have over 10000 withdrawls pending at any point you will understand we are not scaling too quickly ... Lot of people want to sign up and use dash for the first time .. Denying them that chance is not the smart thing to do.

As far as the merchant adoption goes they are other proposals that exclusively focusing on that , apart from that we have tons of businesses contacting us directly.

Please understand that getting users to sign up and getting them is arguably the hardest thing to do, once you have million folks using dash merchants will rush to accept us.
0 points,6 years ago
I would like to see an in-depth analysis on where the given away dash flows before scaling it up to this amount.
1 point,6 years ago
for some reason, getfreedash is expected to increase its mandate by a huge margin. Our basic mandate is to raise awareness about Dash, create buzz and sign up people, we have fulfilled those three and there are statistics to prove that.

For some reason, we are supposed to do everything, figure out blockchain analysis, figure out if merchants are using dash and so much more... all these are separate million dollar proposals themselves.

I hope people understand dollar-to-dollar getfreedash is the most effective campaigns out there that raise awareness about dash if not there will not be 200+ youtube videos promoting us
0 points,6 years ago
I think you are mixing up two things: The question whether you have achieved what you proposed in your previous proposals and this new proposal. I have never claimed that you did not do what you said with the previously funded proposals.

However, as I MNO, for each new proposal, I have to ask myself the question what the benefit of funding it is and how this compares in relation to the requested funds and to other proposals. For this, it is in the duty of the proposal owner to explain what the benefits of a proposal is and to justify them.

Just distributing free dash to people is not enough at some point. It was fine as an experiment at low expense. Questions that I would like to have answers for before scaling the distributions up:
- Do the people receiving the money actually understand what DASH is?
- What happens to the free DASH? Do people keep it, transfer it to friend, pay things with it, convert it to fiat?
- Where is DASH accepted in Venezuela? Does the free distribution increase adoption?
- How confident are we that we have reached X new people so far (were there attempts of multi-signup)?

Providing some information about these questions will help to assess what the impact is. Answering all questions exactly would be very hard. But at least do an attempt on it. I am fine adding a salary for this work (either in a separate proposal or as part of the new proposal).
4 points,6 years ago
I am voting no for the following reasons:
1)Lot of our users ( 90% of them ) are using uphold because of zero fees within uphold. I suspect the us of Uphold is because it's easy to withdraw into their currency of choice.
Answer given by you here:
2) I think we need to focus more on merchant adoption, without places to spend Dash, its only logical that people are going to cash out imminently, however if Dash increase in price, lots of people will also say Damn it why did i cash it out so quickly ! (aka a learning experience)
3) I think the best way approach this is by doing this a teaser, I don't think a bigger give away especially short term will increase use, things need to be learned and build out.
4) I think the referral profit equal to the initial sign-up is not correct, it should be something like 50% or less, in fact I think that allot close to the standard used in these types of promotion campaign's
5) Limiting, the action to maximum of 300.000 people, will only further increase desire into Dash, Plenty of big brands in fact use this strategy, nothing sells better than an "limited" edition/time/etc.

To conclusion, we need to focus on people keeping and using Dash, otherwise we are just bleeding funds into people that desperately need
currency, which is not Dash but happily take that free lunch in the currency of there choice. We don't run a charity here, and if we do Dash will certainly lose more and more of its marketing cap.
1 point,6 years ago
I have to respectably disagree with you, people are using uphold because of zero fees and instant transactions but not necessarily because they can get their currency of choice, uphold doesn't support Bolivar at this point, however there is nothing wrong even if they wanted to cash out.

The whole point of this exercise is to 'raise awareness about dash' in this country and get them to use it at least once ( most people agree that using crypto is extremely hard ) which is arguably the toughest part. Trying to raise this level of awarness and usage from other Marketing methods like Youtube ads or Google ads would easily cost 10-20x more.

have you ever thought about no of users downloading a dash wallet and using it for any of the other proposals, do they have any stats to support that?

Merchant adoption is already happening, most of the users have been referred by merchants themselves as they have huge networks etc.

4) referral profit % is working out great, that's the reason we have some of the biggest viral growth dash has ever seen.

5) limited edition doesn't work here because we are giving away funds, referral marketing only works as long we pay people, once we stop it, no one would want to refer others right.

I think the conclusion is also wrongly assumed, getfreedash has arguably created more buzz and awareness that would cost 10-20x more if you approached via Youtube Ads or Google ads or in fact any other marketing technique ( i would be happy to be challenged on this) .
0 points,6 years ago
We are happy to answer any questions , feel free to raise your concerns before voting no
1 point,6 years ago
If the choices were either fund this or burn the dash then I might consider it, but at this point with so many other projects in this cycle, scaling up an existing project that is already funded is not the highest priority. I hope you will continue to make the most out of the 150 dash already scheduled for payment and operate within that budget without running ahead of yourself for the time being.
0 points,6 years ago
dollar-to-dollar getfreedash is the most effective campaigns out there for raising Dash awareness.

There are 200+ youtube videos promoting us

please consider this, before you vote, thanks.
0 points,6 years ago
If the current campaign is working, then great! Let's continue and get another 200+ videos using the same budget.
0 points,6 years ago
Our plan is to acquire 1 million users in Venezuela before other coins venture in which will dash a massive first mover advantage and the network effects that come with the 1 million number
0 points,6 years ago
If that is true then why don't we spend 100% of the budget on airdrops?
0 points,6 years ago
If you ask me ,We shouldn't spend 100% on airdrops but more like 70% on it, rest should be spent on acquiring merchants and getting the pos systems ready ..
0 points,6 years ago
Bitcoin had any tons and tons of airdrops in its early days ... Andreas himself claims to have given bitcoin to 1000s of people personally
2 points,6 years ago
@dashmaxamalist - can you please answer my questions I have posted on the dash forum - quite concerned about this going forward:
-1 point,6 years ago
This is not a fraud behaviour per se. There are lot of people who refer a lot of them and we process all the amount in one shot. Hence the reason for more than $0.5

In fact some of them have referred 100s of folks so they a lot more money obviossly.

Trying to decrease the no of txns ( which will change from next month ), we have mandated a minimum of $1 for second time withdrawal on
5 points,6 years ago
Voting no, like others pointet out some problems with your behavior ad your handling stuff , stay within its budget of 150 Dash per month that you alreddy have till May and show data after that i will consider my Vote on the next proposal
0 points,6 years ago
Can you explain your issues with this proposal in a bit more detail !?
-1 point,6 years ago
Yes from me mate
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for the support
3 points,6 years ago
I will vote yes for this ONLY if the transactions are conducted in such a way that it increases our daily transaction count, not done in batches. We need to show this usage on our blockchain which shows that our blockchain is being used in a healthy way.

Many investors correlate price to # of transactions on the network, if this increases the price, then it increases our treasury budget which I think we need more of based on the number of proposals this month!
-1 point,6 years ago
Hi there , this is indeed our very next priority , as you can recall from our discussion I am in touch with various devs reagarding this and will crack this very soon. Unfortunately dash doesn't have a set of APIs that can be easily plugged in , but we will find out a solution soon.

By next month , we will have transactions happenening indivually instead of batches , I promise :).

I happy to contribute to the growth of dash price by pushing as many transactions to the dash network that investors will find interesting.
6 points,6 years ago
My only real concern is that there are no plans to analyse the metadata and blockchain data of these 120,000 or so people who have now signed up to Stating that you don't have a 'good amount of data' yet is not really an acceptable answer. There's plenty of data there, and it's already such a statistically significant sample that we can extrapolate with a high degree of accuracy how the funds are being used overall, this sort of insight would be invaluable at this stage.

The data is there to analyse how effective these Dash giveaways are, and it would really strengthen the argument to scale this up and expand geographically if the analysis shows really good results. Do you agree?

At the moment you seem to be creating a sense of urgency about this whole Venezuela giveaway and pushing for more and more funds without taking time step back and reflect on how things are going, no matter how well meaning it is, this is a dangerous and reckless approach in my opinion.

I think this proposal (and future requests) would receive much more support if you could come to the MNOs with some stats generated from the data that show that this is working as intended. A $1m giveaway is pointless if half of it ends up on poloniex or something.. but conversely it could be a wonderful opportunity if the data shows that this is kick-starting and generating real organic uptake and usage of Dash in the Venezuelan economy... But we don't know either way at the moment do we?

We're getting a lot of hype and focus on the headline number of signups, but we're not getting anything concrete that shows that this funding is jump-starting something much bigger, as is claimed. The data is there (120,000 records) and you're a Data Scientist, let's make it happen. :-)

Unfortunately, I'm going to vote no on this proposal until we have some solid feedback in terms of what is going on with the Dash we're giving away. Without this understanding and insight we are just hitting and hoping. That's not the way to do things..

0 points,6 years ago
The request to analyze has been asked many times in the pre-proposal forum, @demo has done some basic analysis of the same
however, there are a lot of issues that prevent any meaningful results
firstly because uphold offers zero txn fees and instant transfers lot of our users are using uphold ( or similar services like polo ) which means we can track whats going on per se. Secondly, unless we also have tie-ups with businesses in Venezuela etc we cant know exactly where they are spending, so basically blockchain based analysis is not a practical one to do, and it borders on privacy invasion.

what we should rather focus on the buzz that is created on-ground ( we have plenty of evidence from various folks appreciating our initiative ) and the response we get for partnerships like remittance, freelancers, e-commerce sites ( in the future ).

should we sign up 1 million folks, that's a massive database which many businesses would be happy to partner with , that's where the real value lies.

for example, we just send an email asking people( about 5000 ) to refer any businesses that are looking to accept Dash ( as suggested by Mark ) and we have got some great response already.
0 points,6 years ago
I disagree that there are lots of issues that prevent meaningful results, and I also disagree that it borders on privacy invasion. We're not dealing with any Personally Identifiable information are we? To then in the next sentence suggest that you can use the 'massive database' for commercial purposes with businesses makes your comment about privacy invasion even more bizarre.

Anyway, I've aired my concerns and nothing you've said so far has answered them, they still stand. You'll be pleased to know that I have no further questions.


0 points,6 years ago
You are welcome to guide on how to use the blockchain data , afaik it's not possible in the current state of affairs
3 points,6 years ago
I have voted NO on this proposal, and here is why:
1) This project was funded 150 Dash per month for 3 months starting 19 days ago. There is nothing in the project's own numbers that support the need for an additional 550 Dash per month other than the project owner's desire to "scale up".
2) This project makes payments manually. The project reports payments from a static spreadsheet created manually. That is not in line with "Scaling up".
3) This project is neither the first nor the only current project that gives Dash to people in Venezuela. However, it is the most expensive by far and the additional amount it is seeking is, in my opinion, grotesquely excessive.
4) This project offers nothing to keep the person interested in Dash over the long-term.
5) This project pays people amounts based in US dollars.
6) Last month, the proposal owner assured MNOs that SMS verification was good enough to prevent fraud, but now he wants the Dash community to pay for further development for better fraud prevention. If it was good enough 19 days ago, it should be good enough now.
7) There is nothing in this project that will prevent people from organizing to pay others to receive the SMS message and collect the Dash ensuring that the real person who got the SMS is just getting paid in Bolivares and never understanding what Dash is. The fact that the program offers a premium for referrals only makes matters worse because the perpetrator will get paid twice.
0 points,6 years ago
hi @ec1warc1 you obviously have the right to Vote NO, having said that here are my responses to your concerns.

1) I am not sure whether you have been involved in many marketing campaigns but basically, that's how scaling works, first you test an idea and see if it works and then scale it up.
2) we are in the process of doing transactions automatically, unfortunately, there aren't any easy DASH APIs to integrate, we are in touch with few developers expect this feature to be rolled out soon ( also remember we are only in the first month of our proposal period, so cant expect everything to happen )
3) getfreedash is arguably the cheapest ( by at least 100x compared to many other proposals which cant even confirm that users actually downloaded a dash wallet) when you consider the user base that have signed up.
4) I think you havent paid attention to all the discussions that went so far, we have lot of plans to engage users over long-term.
5) Dash market cap is 0.00001% of US Dollar , people obviously recognize US dollar much much more than Dash, changing that takes time and lot of efforts like getfreedash
6) SMS is good, the new Android strategy will be better, I don't understand why that is an issue.
7) Every strategy starts somewhere and getfreedash is not perfect, what we are doing is creating a lot of buzz, lot of awareness and a lot of action ( downloads ) ( the action part is missing in almost all other proposals ) at one of the lowest costs ever. Now everyone who signs up also has a choice of referring others and earning dash and most people do this, which means they do get an understanding of dash.

All the big things we wish to happen needs to start from something simple and they take time, all we can do is to make sure we have a proper plan of action and keep measuring the responses to make sure we are on the right path.
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you @dashmaximalist for your response. I believe that your project should try to stay within its budget of 150 Dash per month until the 3 months are over. It is only 3 months, which will pass quickly. Then, you will then have more experience and more data to be able to request a funding that is based on said experience and data. Opportunities will still be there!
0 points,6 years ago
yes, Thats what I guess we will be doing if the proposal doesn't pass, however we could be facing competition from other coins from people like David Hay, 1 million is not a big amount for many other coins, once they get to know about the success of getfreedash, they can replicate it and scale it.
1 point,6 years ago
I must say I feel that there's been a conflict in interest in terms of how you conduct yourself as both a MNO and a Proposal Owner in vocally opposing and torpedoing other proposals and using your privileged status to leverage on behalf of your own proposal, especially because you are actually receiving income from these proposals. That makes me suspicious.

That being said. You've got the best and first solution to get Dash in to people's hands. Whether or not that is something we as the DAO want to continue doing will probably depend on the metrics (i.e. whether handing out $0.50 to new users has a meaningful effect on Dash adoption/use/price/etc), but given the other pushes in the area, I think this can only benefit and augment our other efforts.

So you've got my support this time, but reconsider the way you conduct yourself if you want to continue to be funded here on out.
0 points,6 years ago
first of all, let me apologize for all Ben's fans because I have become his fan after watching a bunch of videos, this guy really does use his brain and dig deep to come up with the facts. having said that does it make a lot of economic sense for dash to support Ben, i would say it probably doesn't. But the stuff he's doing we can't put a price on it, imagine his videos affect future policy and save some actual lives, how do we put a price on that? So its a very balancing act if you want to call that.

Do I have a privileged status? no way man, please explain how i do...

Also, let me clarify one thing to everyone, I AM NOT MAKING A MILLION DOLLARS FROM GETFREEDASH, The net Personal income I receive from Getfreedash is big negative $$$, I have spent $20,000 so far and countless hours perfecting the website talking with developers and patiently replied to countless and seemingly endless barrage of questions, All for what ?? you tell me.. do the math and please explain me if i make a lot of money,
like I said previously I am a pretty successful data scientist with a very high Daily rate and happy with my day job and a passive MNO status, what do I get by risking that for a 3-Month gig that is not a value-add to my CV?

I swear that the only thing I will get back is the satisfaction that getfreedash will introduce a stable currency to millions of people who are getting crushed by a currency with hyper-inflation.
2 points,6 years ago
I'm afraid that when you ask for funding of over $1m USD you have to expect, and welcome, the additional scrutiny that it brings. This is a large amount of funding you are asking for and the MNOs are only doing due diligence. You are getting a "seemingly endless barrage of questions" for this reason.

You can't in one post say "Hi folks , please express your concerns if you have any ..."

Then in another post berate the MNOs for doing just that.. That's how it comes across anyway.
0 points,6 years ago
Ok sorry about that , I am a bit frustrated when people think I benefit personally from getfreedash .. instead of being a project for dash ...

Yes I happy to have additional scrutiny as long as it's related to the project...
1 point,6 years ago
I don't recall seeing any scrutiny that is unrelated to the project?

Anyway, I don't think MNOs have concerns about you personally benefiting from getfreedash, you are entitled to be rewarded for your efforts.
0 points,6 years ago
I am voting yes on this. It's an easy yes for me.

However, I do agree with the other MNOs that it may be appropriate to be slightly less vocal in the criticism of other proposals, as their is a slight conflict of interest.

I realize you are doing this project at a loss and I'm very grateful for that. I believe the MNOs will pass this, and I look forward to further adoption in Venezuela.
0 points,6 years ago
@papatierra thanks for your support and for your words of wisdom , I do relalise the conflict of interest , however that was never my intention , neverthless I will take the advice for the next time around, thanks again
0 points,6 years ago
Voted yes, good luck!
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks a lot for your support ..
3 points,6 years ago
Right place at the right time. Voting yes.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your support
2 points,6 years ago
Any campaign that demonstrates this rate of growth is impressive and significant. Yes.
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks for your support
1 point,6 years ago
I thought you've been doing this for a while. Why do you need to develop anything?
1 point,6 years ago
That's what I intially thought too , but we are constantly adding features tweaking them ... And funding and keeping the good devs is not easy ...
0 points,6 years ago
What features? Why do you need to add new features to keep giving away Dash as you have already been doing?
0 points,6 years ago
We spend lot of time digging deep to find any fraud ... That takea lot of time

Apart from that we try to automate as many things as possible

We are also rolling out automatic payments and email marketing soon

Many other ideas are being planned.
0 points,6 years ago
Finding I mean
5 points,6 years ago
It appears DashMax has gotten the formula right for getting people to try Dash in Venezuela. His anti-fraud measure seem to be working pretty well (although I look forward to more thorough analysis of this issue). He also has a plan for tackling the remittance market, which would dramatically increase the number and size of Dash transactions. Together with the other Venezuela programs to on-board merchants, we can turn Venezuela into a showcase for what Dash can do for real people in difficult situations.

Voting yes.
2 points,6 years ago
Thanks a lot for your support !!
5 points,6 years ago
By your own records, which unfortunately are in dollars, you have given away $42,651.50 USD in Dash. Yet, you recieved 150 Dash, worth $64,500 today. Dash is worth less today than when you started making payments which means that in Dash, you are easily in the black. Why would you need 700 Dash per month?

You have done: 57,370 transactions to 48,818 distinct Dash Addresses. I did the work that you should have done by putting it into a searchable, clickable database table:

Now anyone can go through the Dash Addresses to see where the money went. Many of these addresses are clearly not people who are recieving Dash for the first time.

You say you are doing from 2000 to 3000 transactions per day. Some days, you do many more than that, but according to your own records, you are averaging 1850 transactions per day (Feb 3 - Mar 5).

Your average transaction is $0.74 USD. Lets say you do 2500 transactions per day every day for 30 days. Value: $55,500 USD per month or about 129 Dash. You just got funded for 150 Dash!!

I would like you to answer these questions:
1) How can you be sure that after rolling out your Android app for better verification your sign ups don't drop to a fraction of what they are now?
2) if you are MANUALLY making 2000 to 3000 payments per day, when do you sleep?
3) How much Dash do you pay to each new sign up?
4) How much do you pay to an account that refers a new sign up?
5) Other than signing up and existing in your database, what does the website offer people?
2 points,6 years ago
We need 700 dash so that we can scale this operation to million users , not that we are running out of funds ( we were intially but it's in control ).

Now to answer your others questions

Android signs and web sign ups running parallely ( we don't stop web right away ) , we want to study how and Android sign ups work so that we can try other countries when required.

About my sleep :) ,I sleep lesser because of all the dash work but it's not very bad , we process the payments in a batch of 500 not one at a time :)

I also suggest you go through the pre-proposal link on the top so that you can get the full picture. Having said that we pay $0.5 per sign up and $0.5 for referral in venezuela. In other countries we need to pay higher like $1 and $1.

Right now we show a video of how dash works when they sign up , in future we plan to integrate dash academy videos.

In the long future the plan is to partner with remittance and freelance companies.
3 points,6 years ago
From reports from another core team member on the ground, Venezuela is at a turning point and is actively embracing crypto and in particular Dash because of our efforts there. Proposals like this one could turn the tide in our favor and make Dash a highly used, if not the most used method for transactions in Venezuela. This is one of the main missions for Dash; to ensure economic liberty to people hurting from any economic system that oppresses them. To that extent almost all valid Venezuela proposals are vital to pass at this stage in my opinion.

We are being offered kindle to spark change that will affect generations to come. Let's have Dash be the vector of that cryptocurrency movement.
2 points,6 years ago
Agree with this.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your support Chrisb
1 point,6 years ago
Absolutely well said , that's the main point , I wish everyone reads this comment , this is the crux of our campaign.
2 points,6 years ago
With regards to SMS one-time-password, can you not just integrate with a well known provider? There are loads of solutions, below is just one company doing it:

This company will charge $0.022 per SMS sent. That's $19,800 on the 900,000 account signups you're targeting. You can hooks straight into them via an API. $45,000 to develop and maintain a system seems like a lot of effort when you can get off the shelf for less than 50% of the cost?
0 points,6 years ago
When you run a campaign you will realize that you need to send 2-3x sms because lot of times it will be hit and miss. We will update the final figure once it's all done
2 points,6 years ago
Also, you must have a really good day job to be earning $7000USD per month... Could you explain how you come to this value for your time please?
0 points,6 years ago
I currently earn $15,000 working as a data scientist,

I have cut down my salary to half as I am passionate about dash
0 points,6 years ago
£10,000 a month (£120,000 a year) as a Senior Data Scientist in the UK is far higher than the average salary reported by the main job sites and google.. reports the following relating to Royal Mail PLC specifically:

Even the highest stats at show salary for this role below £6,000 per month at Royal Mail PLC, with the average being around £3,800 per month. I don't mean to be rude but your claimed salary level of £10,000 a month is very hard to believe... Also advertisements for similar jobs at other organisations I've found on google are priced at the same rate that reports.

Why would Royal Mail pay you way more than the market rate?

The problem I have now is that I could believe that you actually earn $7000 a month once provided with some extra details about your background etc... And your Linked In profile backs this up nicely as $7000 a month is the going rate for a Senior Data Scientist.

Now your telling me you earn twice that... I find it impossible to believe, especially when google's big search engine doesn't back up your claim.
0 points,6 years ago
I work as a contractor at a daily Rate of £700 ...

But we are getting slightly off topic .
1 point,6 years ago
I don't really think it is off topic.. your background and qualifications is very relevant to this proposal.

For the amount of salary you're asking for MNO's should expect you to be offering to use your Data Scientist knowledge/skills to provide full data analytics of your efforts at getfreedash. Data crunching is right in your wheelhouse, so why is it not an integral part of this proposal and the previous one?

I've heard you state that free giveways are the best way to grow a network and that Paypal used to give $10 free when signing up? The difference between this and paypal though is that in exchange for $10 'free money' you were giving paypal the ability to collect huge amounts of data about your spending habits and all aspects of your existence. This data is invaluable. For Paypal, $10 was a price worth paying for such data. What are we getting in return for the free signups we're targetting?

This sort of giveaway is a massive missed opportunity unless we're able to get meaningful information from the metadata and block-chain data you should be collecting during the process.

Could you expand on what plans you have in that regard? Is this actually just a free money drop or are we going to get some meaningful and useful insight into how Dash may be used by the masses in the future?

0 points,6 years ago
Hi Walter ,

As if now our primary focus is user acquisition and product partnerships . Once we acquire good numbers of users we can focus on data analytics and blockchain analysis.

We would use data analytics to prevent fraud and understand spending patterns and various things like customer experience etc.

But everything starts with data collection and lots of it :)
0 points,6 years ago
Wouldn’t you agree that 100,000 users is plenty to get on with data analytics and blockchain analysis?

It’s a statistically significant sample in any field of analytics.
0 points,6 years ago
so the plan is to first look into partnerships and the response to them, blockchain analysis is something @demo is doing, i am an expert in that
1 point,6 years ago
I saw the first mobile number is same to the third one in your payout management page picture that you showed in this propsal.Are they the same people paid twice?Why?
0 points,6 years ago
Hey yes same person can get paid twice if they referred diffefernt people etc , but this looks a bit suspicious , let us dig deeper and get back to you thanks
-1 point,6 years ago
Hi folks , please express your concerns if you have any ...
1 point,6 years ago
Email hosting $2000 a month? Could you provide more detail about the email hosting solution and why it is so expensive please?

0 points,6 years ago
we will send at least 5 million emails ( or more depending on marketing campaigns ) to sign up 1 million folks for various things, I am using AWS as a backend, if there is a cheaper please option let me know
0 points,6 years ago
Amazon Web Service SES (simple email service) would send 5million emails for you for $500 tops.. It's $0.10 per 1000 after you've sent the first 62,000 emails in a month.

Here's their price list:

So $6,000 to send 5 million emails isn't even close, even taking into account inbound emails (they cost the same) you'll do well to spend more than $1000 in total on email hosting during the whole campaign.

You'll also need to be very careful about sending out such a large volume of emails from a new domain/address. It's very easy to end up blacklisted on all the major spam protection services.
0 points,6 years ago
we are using a combo of Sendgrid and AWS , hence the high costs
1 point,6 years ago
Please answer these questions:
1) How can you be sure that telephone SIMs are a good way to prove that the money is going to unique individuals? If it was so good a month ago, then why would you need an Android App now?
2) How can you be sure that after rolling out your Android app for better verification your sign ups don't drop to a fraction of what they are now?
3) How much Dash do you pay to each new sign up?
4) How much do you pay to an account that refers a new sign up?
5) How many payments do you make per day? Are payments made manually or by the system?
6) Can you show a list of transactions with links to a blockchain explorer for transparency?
7) Wasn't 150 Dash per month enough? Did you not plan carefully enough? How much have you paid out?
8) Other than signing up and existing in your database, what does the website offer people?
0 points,6 years ago
Lot of good questions, I have answered lot of them in the pre-proposal discussion link

Basically, telephone SIM card eliminates fraud in developing countries (because the sim cards are not free ) , Android app will idea any where.
Now once we roll out android app , we wont stop web sign ups in Venezuela, both will continue parallelly.
Android sign ups will get $1 for sign up , $1 for referral , where as web sign ups in Venezuela currently get $0.5 for sign up and $0,5 for referral

right now we make about 2000-3000 payments per day and its done manually ( which will be automated next month )

heres the link of dash payments ( not updated to the date )

150 dash is enough if we want to limit the sign ups to 3000 per day , but we want to sign up 1 million folks , which means we need to sign up 15000 per day.

please visiting the website once right now we prompt people to play games on and read dash news on dash force news.

In future, we want to promote various dash based use cases like remittance, freelancing etc ...
1 point,6 years ago
You just won 150 Dash per month for 3 months. That was 16 days ago. I am taken aback by this proposal, you are requesting 550 additional Dash per month for 3 months. Wow. What are you giving away? How can you be sure that your giveaway is to different people?
Please show some transparency. Can you provide a list of transactions with links to a blockchain explorer?
0 points,6 years ago
hey there, just updated the description to answer that , sorry about the delay
1 point,6 years ago
I think that what you are doing is really important and I am a huge fan of the project. Can you speak a little about what you are doing to minimize fraud?
-1 point,6 years ago
Thanks a lot for support, it has been discussed on the post, I will however write a detailed post on the DC soon ,

Long story short, we don't have more than 10% fraud at the most ( we think its more like 3-5% ) , that only cost us 10 cents at the most, however, we are rolling out facial recognition soon, that will scare most fraudsters.

Once we roll out Android app, we won't have more than 1% fraud at the worst and can scale to any country as well.
1 point,6 years ago
"we don't have more than 10% fraud at the most ( we think its more like 3-5% )" - based on..... what?
-1 point,6 years ago
we are using simple economics to fight fraud, sim cards cost $1.5 in Venezuela, no one will buy a sim card just to claim free dash, having said that, we are also asking for a selfie and noting down IP address.

its more like 0-5% and is from big internet cafes that are signing up 100s of people and we are seeing a lot of same IP addresses, this even though is not probably fraud, having unique IP address implies no fraud at all
0 points,6 years ago
I think we're lucky to have someone with your skillsets and passion working on this project for Dash. You have my support.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks a lot for support. ... You are very kind.
0 points,6 years ago
Voting yes.

I strongly believe we will see a 2nd stage of cryptocurrency surge again, but this time it will be based around real world use. Not a buying speculative frenzy, but an adoption frenzy. This world moves so fast because it works so wonderfully with the internet. One of the most promising hotbed of adoption is Venezuelans .
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks a lot for your support .. you arguments are indeed correct .. things move fast .. if we pull in 1 million we start a crypto revolution in venezuela
-1 point,6 years ago
Downvote as you want, I do not support charity or this sort of campaign. I can think of many other better ways to spend 1/4 million dollars.
2 points,6 years ago
When wechat payments started they gave out billions dollars worth of money in rebates and value. Now they are the most used payment system in the world. It’s not really charity as much as it is encentive to join the system I would say. This is a valid debate though to be had in our community.
1 point,6 years ago
Well said , not just we chat .. PayPal gave $10 to everyone who joined in the early days .. .. now cryptocurrency is such a new idea to everyone and getting introduced through your friends is the best way of builidng trust and clearing any issues .. and we should be glad all this is happening just for $1 per person
0 points,6 years ago
Keep up the good work, and don't let us down. We're trusting you with a lot of money to reach a very big goal.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks a lot for support , I will try my best.