Proposal “media-of-the-china“ (Active)Back

Title:Promotion, media, and preaching of the Chinese community in China
Monthly amount: 75 DASH (2035 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 75 DASH (2 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2024-06-09 / 2024-09-06 (added on 2024-05-26)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 470 Yes / 123 No / 36 Abstain
Will be funded: No. This proposal needs additional 3 Yes votes to become funded.
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Proposal description

  1. China currently has a population of 1.42 billion, ranking second in the world in terms of population;
  2. Among the top five cryptocurrency exchanges, four are created by Chinese people;
  3.  The trading volume of Chinese people accounts for about 40% of the Binance, OKX, and Huobi exchanges
  4. Dash lacks promotion in China, and the Chinese section on Dash forums has not been updated since 2019;[/size]Due to government regulation, China is unable to directly connect to external networks such as Twitter, Telegram, and YouTube. If you need to obtain information, you must use VPN.6. Due to the regulatory measures taken by the Chinese government in 2019, domestic updates on Dash's information have been suspended;
The current situation
  1. Since 2022, China has been gradually relaxing its regulation of cryptocurrencies, and Hong Kong, as a pilot, has begun to open up EFT;
  2.  The enthusiasm for cryptocurrencies, especially mainstream BTC and ETH, has surged in China. But Dash has not yet reached a consensus due to low attention;
  3. Dash has not been promoted or promoted in China since 2019, The Chinese website displayed on Dash China's official forum is no longer usable;
My thoughts
  1. Promote Dash on major social networks in China; In order to help more people get to know and understand Dash, we plan to expand our presence on major social networks in China, such as Sina Weibo, Baidu Tieba, and more QQ、 Today's Headlines Promote and advertise on media such as Bilibili videos and WeChat
What I am doing now
  1. The first step is to promote Dash from scratch in the media, with the initial focus on introducing Dash and its updates and information in recent years; Translate and disseminate content such as Twitter, Telegram, YouTube, etc.The second step is to jointly promote and develop new communities. So as to maximize people's access to high-quality information about Dash.The third step is to form like-minded volunteers for Dash, jointly promote and create new Dash promotional articles and videos.
What I have already done
In the past period of time, we have started the following work on major media:
  1. Sina Weibo: Dash Coin Chinese Website
  2. Bilibili: Dash Coin Chinese website
  3. Today's Headline: Dash
  4. Baidu Tieba: Dash your wealth and make your own decisions -8&kw=dash% E4% BD% A0% E7% 9A% 84% E8% B4% A2% E5% AF% 8C% E4% BD% A0% E5% 81% 9A% E4% B8% BB&fr=search
  5. Dash QQ Official Group: 942984664
Current achievements:
  1. We plan to promote Dash's past news and deeper insights within the next three months. 
  2. We have set up five columns in just one week, with a total following of over 2000 and various readings exceeding 20000.
  3. China has nearly 700 million internet users, and we hope to take this seriously and become Dash's ambassador in China
Who am I
  1. My name is Zhang Wei, from Wuhan, Hubei, China. I have been familiar with Dash since 2020. I like Dash and there are many people I also love. We all want to promote Dash in China. We have formed a three person group, including two students from Wuhan University of Science and Technology.Our plan is for me to be responsible for media publishing and promotion, and they will assist in translating Dash's articles and videos. Gradually update and create Dash's self media in the later stageMy suggestionMy plan is to receive donations from 75 sprint foundations every month for a total of 3 months. Among them, 40 sprint foundations will be used to compensate for the leisure time of two people's teams on campus, and 35 sprint foundations will be used for promotion.My email is: If you have any questions, you can contact me.
  2. We also hope that Dash administrators can update our website in the Dash Chinese section.

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
3 points,8 days ago
The Chinese community currently has nearly 6,000 followers and hopes that the proposal will be passed so that we can do more.
3 points,1 month ago
Before launching the proposal, we had already promoted Dash in China. In May, the total number of readers read by the promotion was 190,000 people and it gained more than 5,000 followers. China is a large country with huge promotion coverage. I hope that the proposal can be passed. Once approved, the funding can be used for advertising and marketing. It is expected that the total promotion coverage will be increased by at least 5 times, so that at least 1 million Chinese people will know about Dash. We will summarize the promotion data in the report on the forum every month. If you have any questions, please contact us! Thank you!
2 points,1 month ago
Yes from me, good luck with your budget proposal.
2 points,1 month ago
My YES votes will be coming in the next few days as well.
2 points,1 month ago
Thank you for your support!
2 points,1 month ago
Thank you for your support and encouragement. You have given me strength and confidence. Thank you very much!
2 points,1 month ago
I am in favor of funding this, I just believe the DAO needs to know more about the backers of this proposal before I give it a yes. Would like to see more interaction in Discord.
1 point,1 month ago
Thank you. We provided a detailed introduction in the new proposal discussion section of the Dash forum before initiating the proposal, but did not include Discord. This is our mistake.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. I love Dash and believe it will continue to improve
-1 point,1 month ago
It appears this PO has called Dash 'dead' in the Discord, abstaining for now until this is clarified.
2 points,1 month ago
I guess you're referring to the following sentence:
Because whether something is eligible or not, this highly depends on the one who decides the election method. Dash is dead because it is a victim of Evan Duffield's decision in favor of the current election method (10% threshold) that nobody until now ever challenged officialy.
Quoted from ITSDemo's response below this proposal
We love Dash and have had it since 22 years ago,
We had already started promoting in China before initiating the proposal.
Regardless of whether the proposal is approved or not, at least we have worked hard.
3 points,1 month ago
Next time you quote someone, please use quotation marks and seperate your own comment more clearly, from the person you are quoting.
3 points,1 month ago
Yes, this is my serious mistake! I'm very sorry!
Meanwhile, thank you very much
3 points,1 month ago
OK, thanks for clarifying, I will be voting YES on this proposal. Good luck.
-1 point,1 month ago
Ok, so you wrote "Dash is dead". Please take some time, and think about your words.

IMHO, you’ll have 2 possibilities after your reflections:

1.) You realise, that Dash is alive, and that your words are idiocy, and you’ll apologize.

2.) You really think, that Dash is dead, so you won’t do anything for Dash apart from mourning.
3 points,1 month ago
No. He was simply quoting demo for clarification. demo was the one who stated :

'Dash is dead because it is a victim of Evan Duffield's decision in favor of the current election method (10% threshold) that nobody until now ever challenged officialy.'
4 points,1 month ago
This is a typical demo statement, who at this point is just none-stop spamming the budget section with all his usual fud & crap. Combined that with people not fully grasping the english language and you get this miscommunication.
2 points,1 month ago
On Discord AIlizhang wrote that without mentioning "itsdemo". No quotation marks neither.
2 points,1 month ago
We no longer expect proposals to pass,
Regardless of whether we pass or not, we will do what we believe is right.
At the same time, I apologize for what I said on Discord
It will only get better and better!
Thank you!
1 point,1 month ago
Most of the voting happens in the last week, you still have a very good chance that this will pass.
3 points,1 month ago
Thank you. I’ll vote yes. I’ll support your efforts.
1 point,1 month ago
It was not a very smart comment on Discord from AIlizhang, parotting demo like that. I am not sure if AIlizhang on Discord and Dash341274566 on Dash Central are the same person.
1 point,1 month ago
This is the data we promoted in China on the Dash forum as of June 5th:
This is the link to the largest Sina Weibo and Dash Chinese website in China, along with the latest data:
Anyone can vote against a proposal,
For various reasons, but please do not question our efforts
1 point,1 month ago
We actively discussed and participated in replies on the forum, and only joined Discord yesterday,
Speak twice, once to clarify translation errors
One time is to quote this sentence.
No one replied
No one discussed it
But people with ulterior motives can use it to write great articles
I think it's sad
2 points,1 month ago
We have opened a total of 6 Dash article columns (as of June 5th):
1. Dash - Introduction to Learning (21 in total);
2. Dash - Market Analysis (10 articles in total);
3. Dash - Global Cooperation (12 articles in total);
4. Dash - Latest news (16 articles in total);
5. Dash - Development Update (3 articles in total);
6. Blockchain knowledge (2 articles in total);
Three Dash video columns have been established (as of June 5th):
1. Dash - promotional videos (3 in total);
2. Dash - Video Learning (10 parts in total);
3. Dash - Global Cooperation (2 parts in total);
There is detailed data on participation and support forums in China:
2 points,1 month ago
YES votes

NO votes
2 points,1 month ago
Currently BrazToweCrow and twotimes are the main China supporters.

While euvo, ketiItalmnow and DIFoCrowincu are against the China proposal.
1 point,1 month ago
For the people who finally undestand the stupidity of the budget voting system, here you are the alternative election methods, where you can discover whether China proposal is eligible to other parallel universes.
1 point,1 month ago
Because whether something is eligible or not, this highly depends on the one who decides the election method. Dash is dead because it is a victim of Evan Duffield's decision in favor of the current election method (10% threshold) that nobody until now ever challenged officialy.


end of my metauniverse bombast/rant.
-1 point,1 month ago
Theres so many different worlds
So many differents suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones
0 points,1 month ago
Can I understand it this way?
In fact, the oldest Dao promoted by Dash is now concentrated in a few hands
Dash's decentralization is actually centralized!
Because whether something is eligible or not, this highly depends on the one who decides the election method. Dash is dead because it is a victim of Evan Duffield's decision in favor of the current election method (10% threshold) that nobody until now ever challenged officialy.
0 points,1 month ago
Here you are the approximation of the individuals who decide about Dash. They are currently about 124 persons.

The main problem is not the number of individuals who decide about Dash. The main problem is that these individuals do not want to change the faulty status quo. The main problem is that nobody among them dares to officcialy challenge it by puting this status quo into a vote.
1 point,1 month ago
We began envisioning promotion in China in early May, translating promotional, learning articles, and videos related to Dash, and implemented them on major domestic media on May 19th. As of May 31st, for a total of 10 days, we have published 54 articles and 9 videos on Sina Weibo. A total of 65000 people have read, of which 3200 are followers. Preliminary calculations show that the proportion of interest after reading is about 5%.
During this period, we have also actively participated in interactions. The cumulative views of learning and promotional videos related to Dash have exceeded 11000 times, with an average of over 1000 views per day.
We believe that continuous progress will promote Dash's long-term development.
According to our statistics, the majority of Weibo users are between the ages of 20 and 45, while today's headlines are mostly used between the ages of 40 and 50. So our focus now is on promoting on Sina Weibo, which is the homepage website of Dash Weibo:
If you have any better suggestions, please feel free to bring them up!
4 points,1 month ago
I think we have really been hurt over the last few years by a lack of presence in China. Thank you for your proposal. I will be voting yes.
2 points,1 month ago
Thanks so much for your support。We will continue to work hard and expect to summarize on Dash's official forum every two weeks to witness Dash's growth in China
2 points,2 months ago
What options do Chinese users interested in buying Dash actually have to obtain it ?
Chinese Yuan --> USDT / BTC --> switch to an International Exchange --> Dash ?
Any other options ?
2 points,2 months ago
What are the chances of obtaining Yuan/Dash pairs on local exchanges in China ? Now and in the nearby future ?
1 point,1 month ago
The registration of mainstream exchanges allows Chinese users to register directly with their mobile phone number, and there is also a Chinese option in the registration options, which makes no difference.
The trend cannot be stopped!
1 point,1 month ago
The enthusiasm for blockchain and cryptocurrencies in China has always been high, and when the market rises, hot searches about BTC often occupy the Chinese news hot search list. Now China is piloting in Hong Kong, trying to adopt an open attitude. The enthusiasm for blockchain has been reignited domestically.
Big V bloggers about blockchain have hundreds of thousands to millions of followers, including former FIL, EOS, The main promoter is also a domestic user in China.
When everyone thinks a bull market is coming, we don't want Dash to miss this feast. Dash is not wrong, at least I think it's better than FIL EOS is much stronger, but Dash lacks consensus.
A week ago, my partner and I attempted to reignite Dash. We registered for Dash Chinese website on Sina Weibo, and in just one week, we gained over 2000 followers. The average daily reading of our blog posts was around 1500, which is still on the rise. We also established Dash hyperlinks to attract more people who like Dash to join.
1 point,2 months ago
All along, exchanges in China have been directly downloadable, except for Apple users who need to use their Hong Kong ID to search and download. Moreover, all exchanges have a default Chinese version, which does not require a VPN and can be downloaded and used directly. Each exchange has a special U merchant, who can directly use bank card, WeChat, Alipay and other payment methods to directly exchange for USDT. The founders of Binance, OKX, Huobi,, and Bitfinex are all Chinese and have never given up on the Chinese market. However, they have been uniformly divided into European and American regions for statistical purposes
2 points,2 months ago
By March 2024, the number of Internet users in China has reached 1.092 billion, and the Internet penetration rate has reached 77.5%.
China has the highest participation in cryptocurrency investment.
The latest research from Bitget, the cryptocurrency derivatives exchange, spanning 20 countries, found that China is the most active in interacting with cryptocurrencies. The study was conducted from May to August 2023, with more than 1500 participants from Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Türkiye and other countries. A report released on Thursday showed that 18% of Chinese investors allocated funds ranging from $50000 to $100000, and another 19% invested in cryptocurrency assets ranging from $100000 to $500000.
Recently, the People's Bank of China has launched a fierce attack by issuing new regulations on digital currency regulation, striving to build a new security order. This document, titled "Notice on Strengthening Digital Currency Supervision," has set new rules for the rapidly developing digital currency market. This is not only an important milestone for China in the field of digital currency regulation, but also demonstrates the government's firm determination and strong action to maintain financial stability and protect investor interests.
Firstly, the notice emphasizes the importance of regulating digital currency transactions. In order to ensure the security and legality of digital currency transactions, various regions will strengthen their supervision of digital currency trading platforms. This means that the platform access review will be stricter, and platforms without approval or corresponding qualifications will be banned in accordance with the law. In addition, the platform needs to improve its internal risk control system, strengthen measures such as customer identity authentication and anti money laundering to ensure the healthy operation of the market.
Secondly, the notice highlights the necessity of promoting and providing warning education on the digital currency market. In order to enable consumers to view digital currencies more rationally and avoid economic losses caused by blind investment, relevant departments will strengthen market promotion and warning education. For digital currency projects that engage in fraudulent schemes, false advertising, and other negative behaviors, they will be promptly exposed and cracked down on to maintain market order and consumer rights.
Once again, the notice emphasizes the importance of monitoring, analyzing, and risk prevention for digital currencies. In order to better cope with the risks in the digital currency market, relevant departments will establish a digital currency monitoring and analysis mechanism to comprehensively grasp the market operation situation. At the same time, risk prevention and disposal measures will be formulated to respond to potential market risk events and ensure market stability and safety.
Finally, the notice proposes suggestions for promoting the improvement of digital currency laws and regulations. In response to the shortcomings and deficiencies in current digital currency laws and regulations, relevant departments will actively promote the improvement and revision of relevant laws and regulations. This will help provide clearer and stronger legal protection for the digital currency market, promoting the healthy development of the market.
In summary, the Notice of the People's Bank of China on Strengthening the Supervision of Digital Currency reflects the Chinese government's attention and importance to the digital currency market. The introduction of this policy marks the gradual standardization and legalization of China's digital currency regulation.
In today's gradually legal transactions, we hope Dash can be widely promoted in China and reignite Dash!