Proposal “all-subs-now-cheaper“ (Completed)Back

Title:All Subtitles for DASH: Detailed, Now Cheaper!
Monthly amount: 50 DASH (1357 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 50 DASH (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-02-03 / 2017-04-20 (added on 2017-01-10)
Votes: 693 Yes / 13 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description


The DASH: Detailed team wants two payments of 50 Dash to:

  1. Get subtitles in 6 languages: French, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Ukrainian.  
  2. Publish Chinese-subtitled version of each episode on China's equivalent of YouTube, YouKu.
(If DASH: Detailed seeks to renew its employment when our current agreement expires in two months, we'll add these translation costs to the renewal proposal.)

Why It's Now Cheaper

Our trial month of the translations totaled 91 Dash per month [here and here]. We've slashed costs by:

  • We changed the format of DASH: Detailed, lessening total monthly content from ~88 minutes to ~40.
  • We've utilized recording software that cuts our YouKu video generation time significantly.
This proposal supports three additional languages – Portuguese, French, and Ukrainian – at a very small monthly cost per language (4 Dash) and drops last month's support of Cantonese due to feedback of people living in Hong Kong.

Cost Breakdown

  • 24 DASH – compensation to six translators (0.1 DASH per minute, 40 minutes per month)
  • 0.4 DASH – compensation to Mandarin translator for also translating each episode title/description for YouKu upload ($1 USD per episode)
  • 15 DASH – manual correction of auto-generated English .srt file, which is emailed to each translator
  • 8 DASH – YouKu remake and upload
  • 2.5 DASH - proposal fee reimbursement, split over two months
50 Dash total (rounded from 49.8 Dash)

Meet Our Translators

FRENCH – Daf, based in France, says he's “pretty fascinated by Dash’s virtuous circle model” and likens himself to a “geek” with a “strong taste for translation.” He notes that he's “thrilled by what Dash people are doing, which seems never seen-anywhere-before,” and a “great adventure.”

MANDARIN – Wu Xiaoning just moved to Seattle from China. She notes, “One day, my husband [a DASH: Detailed viewer] told me that your channel was looking for a Mandarin translator... I was very excited to begin learning about Dash and make a bridge for my people.”

PORTUGUESE – Edson Brusquelives in Blumenau, Brazil. He writes, “To put it simply, the more people know about the subjects addressed in DASH: Detailed, the better. And I would like to help spread the word.”

RUSSIAN – Dmitrii is from St. Petersburg, Russia. He says, “Translation is my hobby. [A] Hobby that can make you some extra money – that's good. When you can get some Dash from translation – that's superb. I do believe in Dash and its bright future.”

SPANISH – Kryztoval lives in Monterrey, Mexico, and says, “My dad watches the videos. I was translating for him in real time. When I heard you were hiring help, it seemed like a nice way to collaborate and get some Dash. I found the masternode network to be particularly interesting. I am saving to create my own masternode in the near future.”

UKRANIAN – Svitlana Tryputen– who resides in Cherkasy, Ukraine – says, “My friend for whom I do some work wants to pay me in Dash. That's why I decided to know more about Dash. He advised me to watch Amanda's videos. I think that these videos will be helpful not only for me but also for other Ukrainians.”


Each DASH: Detailed video will be published on Wednesday at 12pm EST (17:00UTC). All subtitles will be viewable there on Friday at 12pm EST (17:00UTC). The YouKu upload will be viewable at on Saturday at 12 pm EST (17:00UTC).

Thanks for your consideration. If anything is unclear or if you have additional questions please let us know.

- The DASH: Detailed team, Amanda B. Johnson and Pete Eyre

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,7 years ago
Inga would love to translate Lavtian......she is from Riga.
2 points,7 years ago
I think the Indian language should be added. Hindi language.
India is an immense country with one billion inhabitants and that 35% of them are under 15 years of age. (Millenial generation)

Dash is the ideal solution in India to supplement cash payments.
But they do not know! They have to be literate.
We have to provide literacy as digital payment

In addition they have a high knowledge in IT
1 point,7 years ago
Strangely I voted yes.
0 points,7 years ago
Good idea I just voted yes!
2 points,7 years ago
I think Dash: Detailed is amazing. So if with this proposal the reach can be expanded to more viewers then you have my votes! =)
2 points,7 years ago
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks Amanda!