Proposal “DashElectrumOct2019“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Electrum Support and Development Oct 2019
Monthly amount: 74 DASH (2216 USD)
Completed payments: 2 totaling in 148 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2019-10-16 / 2019-12-14 (added on 2019-10-17)
Votes: 708 Yes / 111 No / 22 Abstain

Proposal description

Upd.  This proposal complements previous proposal and syncs funding cycles (see detailed description below in Amount requested section).  Accepting this proposal will keep our current funding rate of $10K and will allow to deliver PrivateSend on Dash Electrum this year.

Electrum is probably the most popular open-source SPV wallet for bitcoin. Early 2017 I've picked up maintenance and support for DASH Electrum.  Since then, I've assembled a small team of three developers.  This is a proposal to fund the continuing development and support for Dash Electrum.
Scope and deliverables:
Since last proposal, we've
  • followed the upstream changes in preparation for their release
  • released v 3.3.8 including full InstantSend support
  • working on PrivateSend support
Execution and Schedule:
Work already performed or in progress. Deliverables are released publicly as soon as they are ready.
We are positioning Dash Electrum as the default front-end for dash ecosystem, with focus on privacy by default.
Our current roadmap is the following:
  • keep up with the upstream development
  • submission of Android version to Google Play
  • complete privatesend support
  • applets/plugins:
    • masternode monitoring
    • budget proposals monitoring (incl. discussions)
    • pay for fiat services
    • point of sales
    • shared masternodes
    • new: synthetic assets plugin
Since our additional proposal passed, we're again working full time.
About me:
I'm active software developer for over 25 years and for last 15 years I develop mainly in Python. I'm in DASH since late 2014 (you can track my posts on the forum). I package dash electrum for more two years now.
Amount requested:
This time we will request 2-month funding that would cover our burn rate at current exchange rate which is $68.93USD/Dash at the moment of this post.
Budget calculation:
  • deficit accumulated: -18.09Dash
  • total burn rate: 145.07Dash per month * 2 months = 290.15Dash
  • financed burn rate: 93Dash per month * 2 months = 186Dash
  • burn rate: 104.15Dash per month * 2 months = 208.3Dash
  • proposal submission fee: 5DASH
Total: 231.39Dash over 3 month or 74Dash per month (rounded up to the nearest Dash).
To provide transparency, funds would be directed to a separate wallet, as with previous proposals.
In case of DASH appreciation, any leftover funds would be spent to extend the duration of the project. In case of DASH depreciation, we will go into a deficit mode again and will submit a new proposal after the end of this 2 month period.

More info:

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,4 years ago
In a big bear market, you put a 2nd and then 3rd proposal to top up your personal compensation to $10,000 per month while everyone else takes a huge paycut.

Also, I noticed that downloads for your wallet have been slipping badly. Hardly 90 in a month. Is there a reason for this?
0 points,4 years ago
Dash Watch November 2019 Report on
Dash Electrum Support and Development Oct 2019 by akhavr
0 points,4 years ago
Hello akhavr , In Jul 2019 proposal I asked you:

About the new proposal, I would like to know if you could enter BIP-47 Bitcoin so that a user can use this feature very easily.

About BIP-47: Reusable payment codes:

Payment codes are a technique for creating permanent addresses that can be reused and publicly associated with a real-life identity without creating a loss of financial privacy.

I consider it ->>very important<<-, since it allows NGOs and other institutions to publish a unique donation address with Dash, with a degree of privacy without using privatesend. Thank you.

You told me that you would study it. Since it is not difficult to implement it.

akhavr (proposal owner): Thanks, we will definitely check it.
In what situation is the development?
Will it be possible to see it soon in Dash Electrum?

Thank You
3 points,4 years ago
Dash Watch October 2019 Report on
Dash Electrum 2019 by akhavr
2 points,4 years ago
Yes from me.
0 points,4 years ago
Could you please update the version on f-droid to the new 3.3.8?

0 points,4 years ago
Submitted to merge month ago, it's up to F-Droid maintainer to do it. You can ask him here
-1 point,4 years ago
Not sure why people are downvoting. Yes x13!
-2 points,4 years ago
3 points,4 years ago
You have two cycles of funding left in your extended funding and you are calling this for Oct 2019 funding, but it runs for two cycles, I am voting no.
-1 point,4 years ago
Ext Funding + This proposal makes $10k monthly budget that is mentioned in every proposal. Previous "regular" proposal ended last month, this proposal syncs. That's why it's for 2 months instead of 3.

Underfunding will slow down the development.
0 points,4 years ago
The fact that you are working specifically on PrivateSend makes this proposal especially valuable IMHO. I am voting yes.

BTW, I have a couple of ideas for improving PS so that it is more secure and efficient. I would like to discuss them with you on the discord at some point.
0 points,4 years ago
Can you PM me on discord then?