Proposal “Cannabis_Genomic_Blockchain_Phase2“ (Closed)Back

Title:Cannabis Genomic Blockchain on DASH: Phase2
Monthly amount: 42 DASH (1135 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (5 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-04-18 / 2018-09-14 (added on 2018-04-16)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 689 Yes / 211 No / 45 Abstain

Proposal description

Cannabis Genomic Blockchain on DASH: Phase II

Phase II: Sequence the cannabis genome to the fullest extent possible, perform a crypto-bounty peer review and place the Cannabis genome public on DASH Drive.!/v/lariat/ayn19kmt

42 DASH for 5 months. 210 DASH total
35 DASH for 5 months. 173 DASH
We have since been offered additional discounts for this project of $18K. If awarded we are organizing a refund address to Greg Austin. As the popularity for the project mounts, we may find additional discounts. 
*THIS MAKES THIS AN $82K* project instead of the $99.7K listed above. 

This is the second part of a previously funded and very popular DASH project:

This project has a 1005:102 Yes:No Masternode vote and has been delivering successfully on all goals.

Medicinal Genomics was the first entity to sequence the cannabis genome in 2011 with worldwide news coverage. The technology in 2011 left 100,000 holes in the genome and 7 years later technology has finally advanced to improve the contiguity of the reference sequence 100 fold. This is a significant scientific advancement in the Cannabis field. This will also inform the field regarding recently issued and controversial cannabis patents that are believed to be excessively broad in claim scope and affect affordable access to any plants that produce both CBD and THC.

Cultural movement marketing
As Twitter, YouTube, Google and Facebook ban crypto advertisement, one needs to consider alternative and more strategic marketing mechanisms to crack the cannabis market. This proposal enables DASH to be the centerpiece of one of the most important scientific achievements in the Cannabis field. It will catapult DASH as a leader in the field as opposed to a nascent novel entrant to the field. Building the ultimate cannabis genome sequence and hosting this on the DASH drive network will drive DASH awareness amongst the well-funded and most advanced cannabis companies.

II)This novel approach to genomic funding and crypto-peer review will gain the attention of the rapidly growing $20B genomics market and $25B scientific publishing markets.

III)The implications for intellectual property on ephemerally prohibited plants will also be impacted by this proposal. This is a topic of increasing concern in the cannabis field as described by GQ magazine and many news outlets.

For more on Cultural Marketing see

What is a crypto bounty peer review? 
This is a response to the broken peer review system where Publishers have been running a racket for many decades. This racket has the researches hand over copyright of their discoveries to a Publisher who then charges the researchers $3000 per article to publish and charges readers to $50 per article to read the scientific work. Neither the researcher nor the reviewer is compensated for their efforts in the process. This creates a broken incentive model and as a result we have high scientific retraction rates and low reproducibility rates for published papers. By using crypto-incentivized peer review, the process can disintermediate a $25B publishing industry, and deliver faster and more reliable results. These were first experimented with on the Kratom Genome Project and more can be seen at or

Why perform a crypto bounty peer review?
This benefits DASH as it highlights DASH not only bringing truth to ledgers but truth in scientific publishing. This differentiates DASH from other cannabis scam-coins.

Our last proposal organized and incentivized to enable DASH blockchain notarization that we currently use at Strains are now being notarized on DASH instead of Bitcoin. This proposal will expand on this and notarize the new genome reference but also all communication in the crypto-peer review process.

Why disrupt 4 overly broad Cannabis patents? No matter where you stand on IP, most people agree that overly broad patent claims stifle the growth of markets. The first issued cannabis patents awarded are excessively broad due to the USPTOs lack of knowledge of the prior art space in a black market. These patents make claims to all CBD+/THC+ plants. By providing a public sequence for growers to compare their pre-patent (2013) strains to, we can build a resource to help substantiate prior art and reduce the scope of these patents.

As a result this project aims to sequence a CBD+/THC+ strain that these patents claim but cannot enforce until federal prohibition ends. The patents don't claim DNA. They claim plants so we are not violating patents by sequencing DNA but we are challenging the ones that exist by making this resource public and enabling growers to challenge these patents with any strains they have that match this sequence and predate the patent dates. This is a freedom play that the cannabis field will cheer on and support.

A few videos on the impact of the recent Cannabis Patents

Make data available with Creative Commons DASH/NEB/Medicinal Genomics attribution license that captures an email for use of the data. We believe in open source but to prevent spam or excessive download costs, capturing an email can limit spam and enrich for true users of the data. These emails will be very enriched for the most advanced and well funded players in the cannabis industry. This is a more targeted way to capture market/mindshare with Twitter, Google, Youtube and Facebook all banning crypto ads.

Accept further Donations in DASH to annotate the Genome. Once the genome is complete, further annotation and display of the data could be crowd sourced with DASH transactions.

Why Should DASH care? DASH is spending millions to crack into the cannabis industry by sponsoring conferences. For fractions of that sponsorship money, DASH could crack the hardest problem in the cannabis field and be speaking about this at those conferences as opposed to having just a booth.

DASH would be shown to not only solve the monetary issues in the field but also the research funding issues, the peer review and publication issues and the scientific challenges that will be key to seed to sale tracking and the seed verification tools being built around genetics.

This greatly differentiates DASH from potcoin, hempcoin, and a dozen other alt-coins pushing into the cannabis market as DASH would be money, peer review, science, and a publication platform.

DASH is a sponsor of CannMed 2018 (I started this conference at Harvard Med School 2 years ago). This 1500 person conference is the premier scientific conference in the field and we could have this project complete for presentation at that October timeframe.

How are we going to do it? 
We have organized this project with various parties that have "Skin in the Game". NEB is donating sequencing. Dovetail genomics has offered discounts. Medicinal Genomics is not charging any management or overhead fee for organizing and spearheading such a sizeable project.

Proposal sweeteners
We trimmed $22K from our previous pitch by asking vendors for deeper discounts, shopping around for better prices and reducing the scope from 6 months to 5 months of work. We also believe crypto funding of work like this is so unique that DASH deserves front and center attention for this project . The landing page for the genome project will have a very large DASH logo. If funded, we have 3 scientific presentations and multiple podcasts confirmed in the next 5 months which would highlight this story. Once funded we expect the demand for presentations and podcasts will double delivering DASH exposure at multiple scientific outlets in a short period of time.

The Broad Institute/MIT, May 18th -
This is one of the premier Biomedical research institutions in the world and was the epicenter for The Human Genome Project.
The Society for In Vitro Biology, June 2nd -
CannMed 2018, Oct 22-
Premier Cannabinoid and genomics conference. DASH is a sponsor.
The FutureTech Podcast
The Tatiana Show

The Technical deep dive with Budget:!pdBAxbTT!-GiIh4QHBfyjOB3jy8ECpEbiD5ZIFrjZPjZ7SRcI1-I

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
-1 point,6 years ago
Ha! We ended up with 419 Votes! Where is the 420 love?
1 point,6 years ago
I really hope we can decide to pass this eventually.
1 point,6 years ago
It took quite a bit of reading, researching and thinking before I understood what this proposal is about.
This project is very significant and deserves our support.
Big pharma is more and more developing into a curse and a liability to our health.
This project is an effective counter-measure since cannabis is indeed a very potent substance with a broad range of health benefits.
I vote yes - not just for me, but for my kids and grandkids.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for all of the effort. I realize this is complex and a lot of work for MNO. It is somewhat ironic that we are proposing to incentive peer review on a platform that doesn’t pay the MNOs for their review of the proposals. Arguably the 1000 DASH should go up in value but many MNOs may just Free ride off the other more diligent MNO reviewers.

I hear EOS is incentivizing the voting process? I love the concept of DAOs but it would be a more compelling sales pitch for the architecture if the voting participation was higher than our fake democracy in the US.
0 points,6 years ago
There is still time, and there is still room for this proposal. I have seen miracles happen at the eleventh hour.

0 points,6 years ago
What should one interpret when they see a high Abstain rate? What does that usually signify?
0 points,6 years ago
There is only 35 DASH left. Unless we see another defunding event like we saw yesterday, I think this one is toast.
2 points,6 years ago
This is the most bang for the least Dash on the menu this month. Mr. McKernan can throw a significant wrench into Monsanto/Bayer/big-Ag's plan to get a bunch of very broad patents on cannabis. It is critically important that medical cannabis remain available and inexpensive to regular folks. That is not the goal of big pharma and big-ag.

Dash can make a meaningful difference, and Dash will get many many times the cost back in good will and marketing and Public Relations that you just can't buy for any amount of money.

Let's make it personal. Very very personal. If you make it to 65, you have a 1 in 10 chance of getting Alzheimers. If you make it to 75, the chances zoom up to almost 1 in 3. Do you want effective medication available to you from medical cannabis at the local dispensary for 40 bucks? Or do you want Big Pharma and your insurance company to dictate whether or not you might get access to the expensive, patented, designer, watered down, FDA approved medication that was once upon a time, cannabis?

Epilepsy? Cancer/chemo/nausea? Opioid pain killers? PTSD? I could do this all day.

You have the power to help prevent this tragedy, which could very easily become your own personal or family tragedy.

0 points,6 years ago
Kyle Turley, Staci Gruber and Dustin Sulak are all highlighted in CNNs Weed4.

These are all former and future CannMed Speakers.
We are making a difference and DASH brings a key piece to this story.
0 points,6 years ago
Another long discussion about DASH on The Cannabis Connection Radio KSCO with Chris Carr-
0 points,6 years ago
Friday- April 27th show
0 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch's April 27th 2018 Report on
Cannabis Genomic Blockchain on DASH and CannMed 2018 Partnership by KevinMcKernan
1 point,6 years ago
Have to say that I strongly hope this passes.
1 point,6 years ago
Looks like some of the treasury just opened up so all is not lost.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for the support!
I am painfully considering tossing it back in 1st of next month with the Oxford Nanopore and Illumina costs eliminated. Just run a PacBio and DoveTail assembly first and see if the Illumina and Nanopore data are needed before assuming they are. This may not make a 50-100X better assembly but it is more of a de-risked incremental approach that might be more appealing when the treasury is tight. It should make the reference 10X-20X better which may be the best bang for DASH. I need to wait and see how much of the treasury is pre-consumed and if I can stomach eating another 5 DASH. While I can probably find ~$75K in the cannabis industry to do this, it will have so much more impact being done with DASH/DAO. Would have been nice to get done on 420month /DNA day but we will have to see how the votes roll in.
1 point,6 years ago
Down to the wire. Only 180 DASH left in the treasury and we are trending competitively to those proposals that are left but Im going to bet our discount sighted below might be the make or break event. The failure to have this in the submitted proposal may make this one get bumped. Vote now if you can. Thank you for all of the support and feedback.
1 point,6 years ago
Was just on The Cannabis Connection Radio again- They wanted to go deep on crypto so it turned into a DASH conversation pretty quickly.
1 point,6 years ago
Some DASH shout outs in this PodCast-
1 point,6 years ago
This is a positive project along the lines of Cannabis usage...Alt36 industry link. Not a huge budget outlay. I'm voting YES
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for your critical input:) We will make the most of it.
3 points,6 years ago
What does this part mean? I understand every word, but I dont understand what is being said. There are multiple examples throughout the proposal like this. Is it just me?

"Make data available with Creative Commons DASH/NEB/Medicinal Genomics attribution license that captures an email for use of the data. We believe in open source but to prevent spam or excessive download costs, capturing an email can limit spam and enrich for true users of the data. These emails will be very enriched for the most advanced and well funded players in the cannabis industry."
1 point,6 years ago
A previous version of this proposal, a MNO asked for more DASH credit to be on the results. We agreed that when this data is put public that a Creative Commons with Attribution license be attached to the data. This attribution would include all parties that participated in the project in order of their monetary contributions. DASH would be at the front of that authorship list.
Other parties that have donated efforts/Funds are New England Biolabs (NEB) and Medicinal Genomics (MGC). University of Florida will qualify if they deliver the discounts mentioned below. I would encourage we allow additional attribution if more parties come to the table with discounts as I'm finding once people read the impact of this proposal they want in on the project. I suspect additional discounts will snowball once this gets rolling hence the interest in having a means to refund the DASH community if more donors come to the table.

A MNO also asked if we could monetize the data. This was against our goals to make this open source and a prior art tool. We compromised on collecting an email for anyone who wants to download large sums of the data as this has a monetary cost and we can't have large sums of data hosted for free without spam risk.
We can still make compressed versions of the data public (zipped Fasta, fingerprints, or hashes of the raw data) that assist in prior art defense but do not cary the download burden of the raw data. Raw data could exceed 100Gb. Zipped Fasta files of the final reference assembly should be under 200Mb. We have to strike the right balance of having enough data public to act as a proof of prior use and prior art defense while preventing excessive downloads of the data from spam accounts. We are open to ideas here.
1 point,6 years ago
I am not the proposal owner, so Kevin may give you a better and more detailed answer. But my understanding is, 1. The results are open source and free. Anybody that wants to use it can have it for free. 2. You have to leave a functional email address to get the free data. This prevents spam. 3. This list of email addresses will become a valuable mailing list for the big players in the cannabis industry, so it becomes a resource down the line.

1 point,6 years ago
Some coverage by DASH Force News
Thank you for covering this important topic.
0 points,6 years ago
Dear KevinMcKernan,
I come back to you with my support on your proposal.
The effort put on the optimization of the cost, but also the possibilities of adoptions in a sector that goes further and is complementary to other project.
I invite you to continue your work on the netsuit ERP, hoping that the community will give you all the necessary support on this point. Because there is the key, adoption as a more efficient means of payment.
The second point is the creation of the database, which after the release of evolution to create a new type of application and use case for Dash.

Good luck with your proposal.
That's a yes.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you JoL. We will continue to look for efficiencies. We want any genomics scientist to be able to look at this and say they did it the most affordable way possible with the knowledge they had at the time. The transparency here is new to scientific endeavors. We will also push ahead with ERP integration as the payment side of Cannabis has gotten worse since Sessions has been beating his drum over the Cole Memo. Trump claims to denounce it but the banks can't bank on his tweets. We've seen several operations get their banking pulled in 2018. We hope people can help us with the Netsuite integration as its a very popular ERP and worth the investment. We do have DASH allocated for this but are chosing who we contract with carefully.
3 points,6 years ago
Some great 420 news. We just got off the phone with some colleagues at University of Florida core lab. They have seen our proposal and they believe they can reduce our project costs 18%. This would entail just migrating the AWS side of the budget to U of F where the data is actually being generated. It will save us transferring larges sums of data to AWS and save on costs. In return for this, they would like co-authorship on any manuscript that is derived from this work. They agree to all the creative commons attribution language we already have in place so this would only be adding attribution to the current project. I would recommend we take this offer as it saves close to $18K. I have used the U of F Core group before and they are very competent. I am speaking with various core members (@GlennAustin, @babygiraffe) on the mechanics of refunding DASH the discounts we find.

*THIS MAKES THIS AN $82K* project instead of the $99.7K listed above.

Happy 420 everyone.
1 point,6 years ago
Wonderful news, I hope other MNOs take note how much you're continually working to make this worthwhile and more affordable for Dash!
1 point,6 years ago
It's awesome that you pay attention to controlling costs to make the deal sweeter for the Dash community. I still think it was cheap before all the cost cutting...

Also awesome that it's already generating positive press and it's not even a done deal yet.

2 points,6 years ago
2 points,6 years ago
PC Magazine Coverage-
2 points,6 years ago
After listening to this (from about min 40 it's about DASH), I voted yes:

The Tatiana Show - Kevin McKernan & Lyn Ulbricht
3 points,6 years ago
Thank you! We 100% support DASH in the community decision either way. To watch this type of rapid and public review happen is amazing.
1 point,6 years ago
Another way to think about this is, the pharmaceutical potential for cannabis is enormous. There is legitimate science to suggest that pot that can be grown cheaply, and processed cheaply to treat many things. But, there is also evidence to suggest that big pharma (monsanto/bayer) and big-ag are spending a lot of money to try to take over the medical marijuana market by the patent process.

This proposal would make it far far harder for them to do that.

Details: These are the known potential uses for medical cannabis, especially the CBD variety: epileptic seizures, Parkinsons, pain control (Multiple Sclerosis, arthritis, chronic pain, diabetic nerve pain, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis), muscle relaxant (Parkinsons, physical therapy/rehab), PTSD, opiate addiction, nausea, weight loss, glaucoma, Wasting Syndrome in HIV, Crohn’s disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and very likely many others.

If you do nothing else, go watch these three videos to see for yourself what is possible. They're all short:

Charlotte and Zaki, both with severe forms of epilepsy that were completely unresponsive to every possible pharmaceutical available:

2018 update:

Former police officer Larry Smith tries CBD oil for the first time to try to control his severe Parkinson’s symptoms. If you know somebody with Parkinsons, you need to show them this today:

Do not allow Monsanto and Bayer and the Food and Drug Administration to stop this low cost revolution. I don't know exactly how the ROI will settle out, but Dash will do fine if we are involved in a piece of this. For what it could accomplish, this proposal is dirt cheap. And by the way, yes, I am a doctor for whatever that is worth.

1 point,6 years ago
One of my nephews has a neurological condition that creates seizures, and specialized CBD oil reduced them by 85%, so this touches the lives of many, many people.
1 point,6 years ago
Charlottes Web or CW Hemp is a sponsor for CannMed along side DASH. I have met Paige Figi and her story is amazing. Raphael Mechoulam is on the SAB for the conference and will likely attend.
0 points,6 years ago
This may be important work but I fail to see why Dash needs to fund this or what Dash has to do with this.
1 point,6 years ago
Well Masternube, how many people suffer from all those diseases? How many of them would benefit from cheap effective cannabis based treatments? Why are those treatments largely unavailable right now? Because of big ag/big pharma. Dash, by offering this alternative to the peer review train wreck that science has become, can break the strangle hold and help make these very low cost alternatives more available to everyday people.

This is the kind of David vs Goliath contest that marketing people salivate over. All of those people affected by those conditions, and all of their friends and families and co-workers, would be highly motivated to check out Dash and feel a certain devotion to the people who helped make this possible. Millions and millions of them. And, in the near future (in key states), they will likely use an Alt-36/Dash point of sale system at the dispensary.

Does that illustrate the potential for the millions and millions of dollars worth of marketing we can get from this effort? Plus, helping all those people, that's a nice feel-good bonus.

-1 point,6 years ago
> All of those people affected by those conditions, and all of their friends and families and co-workers, would be highly motivated to check out Dash and feel a certain devotion to the people who helped make this possible.

I don't buy this, but even if it's true, it still doesn't explain why Dash. Anyone or any company could give money to this to buy the sympathy and motivation of those people. It has nothing to do with Dash.
1 point,6 years ago
I think Macno has hit on it. 40 mins in on The Tatiana Show - Kevin McKernan & Lyn Ulbricht

DASH is about driving consensus and truth and we should extend this from Truth in Media to Truth in Science. I also think this can vastly expand DASH transaction if Crypto Bountied peer reviews find a home on our network. Some numbers in the below threads on this.
-1 point,6 years ago
> DASH is about driving consensus and truth

This sounds like empty nonsense to me.
I believe Dash is about being better money for everybody. And I don't see what this proposal has to do with any of that.
0 points,6 years ago
Voting yes.

I cannot over emphasize how significant this proposal is. In theory, good science is based on the peer review and study replication model. In its current state, it is utterly broken. This negatively affects every person on the planet because it make the entire science endeavor inefficient and slow with poorly aligned incentives. ONE specific instance of this inefficiency is the pharmaceutical industry.

Worldwide, that is a 1.05 Trillion dollar industry. The US and Canada accounts for about half of that, or ~500 Billion dollars per year. And the system is being gamed, top to bottom, largely because the peer review and patent system are broken. Cannabis is small but significant piece of that giant problem. If we can demonstrate a solution to this in the cannabis industry, we can literally change the world.

Ok, what? Dash could make a meaningful if not startling improvement to this system. And we could do it for peanuts (42 Dash x 5 months). Kevin does a good job of describing how the censorship resistant, un-alterable truth telling qualities of the Dash blockchain can do this. It is profoundly important that somebody take this on. Dash can do this.

Analyzing the Return On Investment is unavoidably complex. Welcome to doing things nobody else has ever done before. However, the marketing value alone, to the decision makers in the cannabis, pharmaceutical, and science/peer review industries should be worth 5x the investment. That is my SWAG (Scientific Wild Assed Guess). If it is moderately successful, change that to 50x.

1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for the kind words. Just think about how long the truth about the science surrounding Cannabis has been distorted since 1937. This is a reflection of the broken peer review process, the broken patent process and the centralized and expensive FDA. No company in their right mind will approach the FDA process without a patent.

It is more difficult to get patents on cannabis but they are now issuing which will lead to some simplified/purified cannabis products like those at GW pharma and others getting through the FDA. This process will deliver cannabis at 10-50X the price, less effective than whole plant medicines, with limited added safety benefit other than maybe dose consistency on a drug with a therapeutic index (TI= ratio of effective to lethal dose) of over 1000. The FDA approves drugs where the TI is 10. Coffee and alcohol are a TI of 10.

This FDA/Patent cost will then get defrayed onto Medicaid and other broken socializations of the healthcare space. They wont reimburse dispensary cannabis the this 10X cheaper. Much of this is a result of chronic government/industry censorship over what constitutes science and medicine.

You can also see this in the science behind the food pyramid. It was ultimately found to be an industry funded distortion that lasted decades and delivered an obesity epidemics.

Similar cracks are emerging in the controversial vaccine field as we find genetic predispositions to vaccine injury in SCN1A patients. Many vaccines work and it is a false dichotomy to discuss this topic as Anti or Pro Vax. Which vaccine applied to which patients is the more scientific discussion. Precision medicine is now their talking point yet the herd medicine mentality of the vaccine field devours the people on the long tail of adverse events with vaccine courts and liability shields for manufacturers of vaccines. Anything mandated should never have the manufacturer with zero liability. This science is getting censored due to centralization in how it is funded, published and magnified in the press. DASH has the capacity to neutralize all of this.

This one proposal won't do it all. It is just a demonstration that it can be done and hopefully a rallying cry to drain other brains into the DASH community. In my opinion, there is no better form of activism for 420 than building a free future.
2 points,6 years ago
Dear KevinMcKernan,
In prehenbule, only the use of dash, its circulation interests me with regard to your project, compared to the load of storage and transaction that will have to support the network.

I cannot find answers to the following questions:

1) - Is there a charge for publishing on the Dash network?
2) - If yes how many per publication? 1D, 0.1D, 0.001D?
3) - What is the volume of data per publication?
4) - Does the retention of data in dash involve a regular payment to Dash or is this storage free for life? 1d/month per publication, 0.1D/month per publication, 0D/month per publication?
5) - To view this data must a user pay in Dash? 1D, 0.01D, 0.001D or 0D?
6) Do you have a precise table of the number of publications to date with, what has Dash brought to each publication in background movement, be it Dash movements for deposits and Dash movements for consultations, as well as the cost that Dash network supports for each of these publications. Example : genom1 - Volume = 200 Ko - gain for the publication Dash network = 0.01D - Storage gain = 0.01D/month - Consultation gain = 0.01D
7) I understand that this already exists on ETH. If so, on ETH who pays for such registration/storage/consultation? the ETH network or end users (publications/consultations)?
8) can you provide Dash addresses and transactions for publications already made.
9) You give figures from scientific publications, "There are 2.5M scientific publications per year", how many are related to the cannabis genome?

To understand my questions, I want to know that I want to calculate the cost per transaction, when the subsidies given to you will be repaid and if one day we will have a return on investment. Furthermore, it will be necessary to calculate the latent cost per MN in storage and traffic that this activity will generate. And if it is not more likely at the time of adoption to unnecessarily clog the network without any gain.

I assume that you already have these calculations to ensure that this market is a winner/winner in terms of transaction.

As far as possible notoriety gains are concerned, this is very subjective and speculative. And can only be considered if at least the cost to the Dash network in terms of transaction is at least nule.

thank you
0 points,6 years ago
I understand now how you win money.
0 points,6 years ago
About question 7 - "I understand that this already exists on ETH. If so, on ETH who pays for such registration/storage/consultation? the ETH network or end users (publications/consultations)?"
I find the answers on the links :
I understand now the viable economical modele on ETH
0 points,6 years ago
I dont know what Prehenbule means but assuming 'Preamble' and I think I understand your ROI thinking here.
These are really good questions regarding ROI and sharpened Business models for MNOs. While this is a proof of principle pilot project, we have been thinking about this monetization problem and how it can drive transaction volume and better DASH valuations.

1)At the moment we are notarizing scientific content on DASH with for minimal transactions costs. I think this a minor part of the transaction volume and only recently came on line in Jan.

2)The only other example of a Crypto Bounty Peer review is the one I organized for the Kratom Genome Project for 0.1 BTC per reviewer ($1000). Journals charge $3K for this service (2-3 reviewers) which could be converted to DASH incentives and dis-intermediate the journals. At current rates this is closer to 8 DASH per publication. Our participation here would not guarantee others would follow. A lot is unknown about DASH Drive for that to be answered today.

3)There are two answers to this. The manuscript sizes are usually under 50Mb with figures and images. The raw data is often put on slower and cheaper drives but can be 1000X bigger.
This single publication could be 50Mb of manuscript data and 50Gb of raw data. Genomic publications are larger than normal. It is difficult to build a model for DASH without a price/Gb on DASH Drive but lets assume storage costs have a market rate and these rates could be paid in DASH at the time of submission. They could be paid for 5 years upfront and you would make a significant contribution to the field as current data repositories age.

The market norm is not good. 17% data extinction per year despite government databases offering free but very cumbersome storage. To submit data to a gov database often requires a PhD day.

There are publications that demonstrate Query size and frequency for something like PubMed to give you a sense of download rates.

4)There should be a price signal for data storage over time and potential downloads over time. Without this, DASH becomes a commons and an abused drive. This cannot happen on a MNO drive system. Its imperative the data on DASH Drive has monetary incentives to exist. We have placed a hosting fee in the budget to address this and we are agnostic if the bulky raw data is hosted on or DASH drive but feel the notarizations of such data needs to be on a blockchain. How this manifests in future projects will likely be more in tune with actual DASH Drive pricing once it is live.

5)At the moment, we did not build in the concept of micropayment for access to data. We proposed to collect an email to limit spam downloads and provide DASH intelligence to the Cannabis market. Micropayments could be done in the future as many peer reviewed papers are behind a $50 paywall.

All current participants in the project are going creative commons with attribution on this genome. Others have already invested time and money in this and their requests must be honored as they are already vested in the project. We will sadly turn down any DASH for this project which is not congruent with creative commons with Attribution but believe DASH should have the centerpiece of the PR as this is novel way to solve hard scientific problems.

6)There have not been any scientific publications enabled by DASH yet (AFAIK) so I don't think I can offer you better precision on the future here. There are publications about DASH like Evans work and others to discuss the privacy functions but these were not published or notarized on DASH.

7)Im not certain I follow the ETH analogy?

8) has DASH transactions for genomes submitted but we just converted to DASH in the last month. These were some of the first strains Hashed on DASH.

We have 56 microbiome notarizations in Cue from last week.
F28-1YM_After_S36.extendedFrags trimmed.fastq.gz
F28-2TAC_After_S7.extendedFrags trimmed.fastq.gz
F28-2YMAfter_S37.extendedFrags trimmed.fastq.gz
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I understand that you want a direct ROI in terms of DASH transactions and I think that can only be modeled today given the information regarding the financial size of the scientific publishing space. I do not know enough about DASH drive to build the next "SciFilecoin" in this proposal. What we can do, is demonstrate that DASH can be a monetized store for delivery of scientific veracity. Without the pricing signal on storage, it will fill with cat pictures and we need this for data of value. With DASH large investment in Truth in Media, Truth in Science is worth exploring in my opinion.

To be honest and concrete, this is a proof of concept project that we slashed 22%. We cannot build the decentralized BioRXIV with this proof of principle project. I'm reluctant to give actuary like projections on #s of transaction that will be guaranteed as a result of this.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for those informative and honest answers. ( and for making the effort to read my poor English)
The use of Dash as a payment tool must clearly be disregarded in this proposal.

As for the possible future use of Dashdrive to store publications, I have a doubt about the feasibility. It seems to me that Dashdrive is not destined to become a "google drive like". With the notion of Daps, it will indeed be possible to monetized access to information. But we are not there yet.

Your customers pay you for the genome service in Dash?
Could your company sign a contract with the DAO to guarantee an excusivity of crypto payment in Dash ?

As you may know, I do not believe in RIO due to a notoriety exhibition.
In your case you also expose the commercial activity of your company, which I think in speaking time the words Dash will be minority with regard to the explanations of your company. And I have no problem with that, if it is accompanied by a minimum use of Dash as payment in your business.
could you receive payments in Dash for your services with a special discount?
Can you put more emphasis(exposure) on Dash on your website?

0 points,6 years ago
This site has "Powered by DASH" on every page with a logo larger than our own. I will see what we can do to make it more prominent on the MedicinalGenomics page. It is also featured on our CannMed site.

We are in the process of getting a DASH payment option integrated with our Netsuite ERP. I wish we could take DASH exclusively however, If we took DASH exclusively today we wouldn't survive the length of this proposal. There are not enough people in the cannabis space using DASH. This proposal is plan to change that and to encourage the cannabis industry to trust DASH.

I hope you understand that small companies exclusively taking DASH after the last 3 months of price volatility would never get past a BOD vote. It would be suicidal and irresponsible for a business to exclusively run on DASH in the cannabis industry today as DASH does not yet have an install base in this sector. I wish I could I give you a different answer but that is the state of the market today.

Once our DASH store is online, we plan to have a discount that reflects the increase cost of banking in this industry (usually 5-10%).

I do not believe our companies efforts will overshadow DASH in this proposal as the story here is enabled and unique because of DASH. The cannabis industry has traditionally required acts of congress to fund research. This is an act of a MNO vote and we would be hired experts in the process. DASH also has access to over 3 media outlets now (Ben Swann, Free Thought project, We are Change, Amanda B Johnson, 3 Amigos etc.). The success of this project can be more easily amplified in DASHs favor than ours and we fully encourage that and I hope you can see from the podcast I just posted that I am true to that story. It is truly a revolutionary way to fund scientific research and publication. The story here is more about the "How" than the "What".

I don't believe in Notoriety ROI either. I do believe DASH would benefit from turning the computation intensive genomics and scientific community onto what our DASH community is about. When they see some of the most controversial genome projects find a funding and a publication platform that is faster than their current approach, it will drain brains to DASH. To buoy DASH, we need to be thinking about attracting neurons in addition to more transactions IMHO.

I very much appreciate your sobering fiscal advice. Scrutiny over the treasury is good for every DASH holder. I got involved in DASH in August 2016 after hearing about it on the CryptoShow. I believe this project will encourage many more like me to get involved.
0 points,6 years ago
"Powered by DASH" is in the botum of all page of kannapedia, just discover it with a scroll down. you can certainly find a way to have it at the top.

"We are in the process of getting a DASH payment option integrated with our Netsuite ERP" what what im ready to vote for.

"take DASH exclusively", Bad spealing from me, exclusivity as crypto. In France for exemple is illegal to dont accept Euro as payement in 1st place. my point is : Fiat = X price, Dash = X-Y% price.
Can you understand my surprise than an company alreal receved subvention from Dash dont can be payed in Dash yet.
I realy can understand than you are focus on your company, as me im focus on Dash adoption, and that kind of detail must became a standard. "You ask Dash subvention for your private company, 1st accept Dash as a payment with discount".

My main question is, how can we help you with our financial tool, you give me the best answer ever. 10% low cost. Then a win to win is 5% for you custome 5% for you. 5% more for you without doing anyting other than use it. With the 5% you win you certainy can finance conference, and all you ask us.

I dont want to force you to use Dash, i want you use Dash because hes beter, and let it know to veryone by using it. And it more eficient win to win for you and for use.

About media financed by Dash today, a cant share you point of view, most are the less eficiant way of promoted a payment tool.

About funding scientific research and publication, im in, as a payment tools we already put money on our sector. We cant fixe every thing in the world, but we can provide the best financial tools to help every one who want to fixe this world problems. Focus on financial are already a big deal not yet solved. Every time we focus on something else than what is Dash for, we dont give to the world the best we can.

If we help you to win 5% with or financial tool, we help you to fix the problem than you are focus on.

Win to win.

at this time its a no for this proposal, without Dash payement implementation with discount solved. And its a hard no to gine.

Tank you for the time you take to read and answer.
0 points,6 years ago
DASH celebrations here-
0 points,6 years ago
Was just on the Tatiana Show with Joshua Scigala and Lyn Ulbricht discussing this topic. A long discussion on the benefits of DASH!
4 points,6 years ago
MNOs, keep in mind this isn't just about Cannabis in particular, but is setting up the foundation for the decentralization of peer review and scientific documentation. This is a much bigger deal than it seems at first glance. Do take the time to at least understand *why* Kevin is undertaking this project, even if the science if what he's doing in particular with cannabis genomes goes over your head.

As I said in your pre-proposal, I think this is a very cool project and adds a lot to our Alt36 partnership as well. Both are serving hugely unmet needs in the burgeoning Cannabis industry and in your case especially, will be all the more facilitated by Evolution with features like DashDrive, etc. The academic journal "industry" is a crapshoot, so whatever we can do to encourage decentralization, fairness, openness, and minimize profiteering and gatekeeping by the establishment by still encouraging and maintaining academic rigor and incentivizing researchers to participate and do solid work instead of having to jump through hoops for funding, the better.
0 points,6 years ago
I would also encourage other MNOs to take a serious look at the "Proposal Sweeteners" section, getting these other partners and research teams on board could generate a whole new, untapped market for actual use of the Dash blockchain.
1 point,6 years ago
Kevin, due to language barriers, one of the other MNOs wanted me to ask you about how these efforts to sequence and store the data on the blockchain would turn out in terms of cost of transactions and number of transactions? We've been talking about ways of getting people to actually use Dash instead of holding on to it and increasing transaction throughput, so on average, how many transactions would it take to store the data you intend to migrate, and how much Dash would these transactions cost?

I argued that if we normalized this as a means of publishing and storing and protecting this valuable data, and we got more researchers involved, that would turn in to a sizeable throughput of transactions, but some people want some actual projections. Do you have any ballpark ideas?
0 points,6 years ago
Thats a very good and quantitative question.
There are a few ways to estimate that.

Bottom up-
This project alone will likely hash and stash 100 data files with Some of this will be raw data, others will be more mature manuscripts, figures and communications with reviewers. Given the idea gets traction with places like PLOS and BioRXIV, a much more viral usage could take off.

Here is the growth of Pre-Print servers in the last few years (1200 submissions per month and growing).

In my opinion, all of these submissions should be hashed and stashed to ensure tamper evident submissions. Each submission on average has 5-10 figures and a main text to be hashed. This could deliver 6,000 - 12,000 notarizations per month. This does not include the peer review. Pre-Print submissions are like Pre-Proposals on DASH. Anything can be posted, comments collected, people can tweet about it and share but its not deemed peer reviewed at this point.

The peer review process usually has 2-3 reviewers whose communication needs to be documented as well as a few adjustments to the manuscript. This process will likely double to triple the document Hashing (12K-24K txn/month).

It is important to underscore that this proposal is to prove we can do it. Getting BioRXiV and PLoS to adopt such an approach is much more likely to happen if we demonstrate it can be done.

Top Down-
The Scientific publishing field is estimated to be a $25B annual market. Each journal submission costs the researcher $2,000-$3000 for publication. There are 2.5M scientific publications per year. This is doubling every 9 years. $7B/$25B is Journal fees while the remaining is likely advertisement and subscription fees the journals collect.

If these publication fees get converted to Crypto-Bounties in paid in DASH to 2-3 reviewers, this alone could triple the 8K transaction/day volume of DASH.
2.5M publications / (350 days/year) = 7,142 publications/day * 2-3 reviewers to be bountied in DASH delivers an estimated $5-7B in velocity of DASH.

This doesn't include the scientific notarizations for the review process.
Keep in mind these are Total Available Market numbers and it may take time for DASH to capture just 10% of this.

The genome data itself will likely also create a lot of traffic.
The draft version of the cannabis genome from 2011 has had 114,698 article downloads and is cited in 142 other peer reviewed journal articles. There are benefits to the torrent-like architecture in the Master Node system. Most researchers are placing their cannabis genetics into centralized government databases which go offline with every budget crisis. Download speeds are always better in decentralized architectures. I published on this topic back in 2015 and it has become cited as one of the earliest genomic blockchain suggestions.

Companies like Nebula genomics, LunaDNA, EncrypGen, Zenome have since formed to tokenize genomic information on blockchains and attempt to monetize it to pharmaceutical companies. Much of this demand is related to a government artifact known as HIPAA that is only relevant to Human data. Sharing human genomic data can breach HIPAA, induce large HIPAA fines and thus blockchains and homomorphic encryption are being used to share hashes of the data on public ledgers. Sharing cannabis genetics doesn't have this exact regulatory burden but I still don't believe we should be storing it in Jeff Sessions database.

While all of these new genomic blockchain companies are exciting, they appear to be lacking the data storage backbone seen with DASH. Some of them are ERC20 tokens which implies ETH smart contract based transaction speeds. Maybe Casper improves this scalability but it doesn't look well fit for the growing use of genomic data. Not all data needs to be on a high speed blockchain which is why I'm attracted to the Dash Drive concept. Financial transactions can get priority with instasend and large data objects can be monetized differently.

I can't underscore enough how important it is to have decentralized review of science. Centralized Politics distorts everything it touches. Here is another example of where this has led.

Anything else I can expand on?
1 point,6 years ago
No, I think you covered it thoroughly. Those are some pretty impressive numbers, a demonstrably greater boon to the Dash Network in terms of market indicators than even direct advertising. I hope other MNOs will take the time to understand what you're trying to accomplish here, very very exciting!
0 points,6 years ago
An important project. I really hope it gets funded this time, this is some genuine good we can do in the world while simultaneously promoting Dash.
1 point,6 years ago
Looks good, Dash can afford this. Please keep us updated with what is happening. Do y'all have a short video presentation about what all has been done and what you are planning to do? The Dtube one is not working for me.
0 points,6 years ago
Looks like more than one video didn't port from the pre-proposal. Let me fix that.
0 points,6 years ago
The dTube is the same as the YouTube version of it just below it in the proposal.
I will make a lower resolution version and post it.

Thank you!