Proposal “women_in_dash“ (Closed)Back

Title:“Women In Dash” Project by DashPeople Team
Monthly amount: 38 DASH (1026 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-10-17 / 2019-01-14 (added on 2018-10-07)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 85 Yes / 401 No / 60 Abstain

Proposal description

   Hi Friends!
   Having analysed all discussions around our previous proposals, we agreed that some of our ideas including the DMA project should be postponed until right times come.

   By this proposal, we decided to look at Dash potential users from a gender perspective. Our team selected a consumer niche which is very interesting and beneficial for Dash penetration.
   Moreover, the proposal requires significantly less money and facilities to be implemented.
   So, taking into account the tight Treasury Budget and the Community priorities, we believe that this small-scale project can effectively complement all other current marketing activities carried out by Dash promoters.
   At the same time, it might grow into a big  global movement.
   Our idea
   We’d like to promote Dash with focusing on women as consumers and potential Dash users.
  There is no secret for anybody that men are the main participants in the crypto sphere since IT technology leads to this fact.
  Simultaneously, women take the first position as the most active consumers in the world. Moreover, they are often good promoters of products they like.
  If we talk about Dash as a means of payment we can beneficially use this situation.
  According to various internet sources, for instance, “women drive 70-80% of all consumer purchasing, through a combination of their buying power and influence.
Influence means that even when a woman isn’t paying for something herself, she is often the influence or veto vote behind someone else’s purchase.
   Women have a multiplier effect. They are multiple markets in one. Because women serve as primary caregivers for children and the elderly in virtually every society in the world, women buy on behalf of the people who live in their households, as
well as for extended family (such as older parents and in-laws) and friends”.

Women account for 85% of all consumer purchases including everything from autos to health care:
  91% of New Homes
  66% PCs
  92% Vacations
  80% Healthcare
  65% New Cars
  89% Bank Accounts
  93% Food
  93 % OTC Pharmaceuticals American women spend about $5 trillion annually…
Over half the U.S. GDP
Women represent the majority of the online market
Digital Divas By The Numbers
• 22% shop online at least once a day
• 92% pass along information about deals or finds to others
• 171% average number of contacts in their e-mail or mobile lists
• 76% want to be part of a special or select panel
• 58% would toss a TV if they had to get rid of one digital device (only
11% would ditch their laptops)
• 51% are moms

Source: Mindshare/Ogilvy & Mather
According to Forbes data, the crypto sphere demonstrates a gender proportion:  5-7% women vs 93-95% men.
For instance, as says, by May 2018 the Bitcoin community consisted of  5,27% (women) and 94,73% (men).
Reddit user loveYouEth declares that 96% of Ethereum users are men.
It is noticed that many communities oriented on women awareness in crypto started appearing in the market.
The list is huge.
Some of them:,,,, etc.
At the same time, there is enough space for Dash to take action on the activity and follow the trend.
   Market targeting

We prefer to start with the US and the Russian markets.
Our audience in the US market is Russian-speaking women.
Some Statistics
There are about 3,5 millions of Russian residents in the US.
The largest communities:
1,6 millions of Russian people – in New York and New Jersey;
600 000 of Russian people – in Los Angeles;
70 000 of Russian people – in San Diego;
75 000 of Russian people  –in San-Francisco;
250 000 of Russian people – in Miami.
   The promotion format

   We’re going to promote Dash among women and female communities via training marathons. Today this is a popular method to advertise a product or service and even a lifestyle. For example, health marathons that are held by individuals or appropriate companies.
   Messengers (Telegram,WhatsApp, Discord, Viber) and Zoom webinar platform will be involved as channels to perform the activity.
   Each marathon duration is 21 days. It will be consists of three parts:
a)    Consultations;
b)    Practicing/ tasks requiring to be completed;
c)     Discussions of results and rewarding of winners.
   The participation is considered to be free.
   Attracting the female audience

   Our team will use Social nets and influencers who already have a female audiences or communities in the financial sphere.
   We’re also going to use our good relationship with educational institutions such as Saint-Petersburg State University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), International Banking Institute (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) and University of California /UCLA (Los Angeles, USA).
   How doesit benefit Dash?

1.     Dash will obtain a new perspective promotion channel.It will diverse the Dash marketing program and tools.
2.     Dash will involve women-professionals who might bring contribution to the Dash Community and Dash development as well.
3.     Dash will get new users and transactions. Of course, it won’t  be compared with the Venezuelan effect but women as Dash followers might be effective promoters via their social and professional networking.
   What results we expect
  In the limit of the budget, we consider 30-70 participants per marathon will be a very good result.
  Our Proposal is applied for 3-month funding. If we carry out 3 marathons, Dash might get around 100-150 new users. Maybe more.
  By making video news and comments on how marathons goes on, we are going to attract new viewers of our YouTube channel. The exact number of them is currently impossible to state. We predict - around 1000/per month.
   We also hope that DashNationand DashForceNews colleagues will be ready to help us with highlighting our events.
   Reports will be delivered to DashWatch Team as usual.

Total monthly amount : 38 Dash/7500 USD
Our DashPeople team is of 3 members now.
Team earning - 13 Dash (2500USD)/monthly.
Payment to influencers for announcement on their forums and chats – 25 Dash (5000USD)/monthly. We’re a going to act within this money limit and work with partners who will be loyal to us and not expensive.
Dear Dash members,
We hope you’ll find our Proposal interesting to execute.
We’re looking forward to getting your comments.
Thank you!

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,5 years ago
I really do not understand the hostile reactions for this proposal. To believe that this proposal is about feminism / Marxism is quite prejudiced imo and some of the knee-jerk reactions are completely out of order. Makes me a sad puppy.

However, as others have mentioned 1st world public is a tough crowd to sell the use case of Dash to. I think efforts made in countries where Dash actually can make a difference in day-to-day lives, will have a bigger reward.
0 points,5 years ago
I see. Thank you.
0 points,5 years ago
I fully believe that feminists should be shot on sight or dropped in the nearest ocean from helicopters.

I lost access to my kids in family court.

Look at Amanda. Did she talk about having a vagina? Not to my knowledge. She just WORKED.

There are no barriers to women or ANYONE in crypto.

Eff off with your vagina Marxism.
1 point,5 years ago
Sure! By using the nickname 3d1408ae, you can say all this bravely.
I see, your life is not easy, dude. Good luck!
1 point,5 years ago
Elena, current "3rd wave feminism" and what many refer to as 'cultural Marxism' is successfully tearing apart western societies as planned, IMHO. Western countries are dying, IMHO. Free speech principles are being eroded away gradually, IMHO. Anti-discrimination law here in NSW, Australia is already being bypassed in favour of paying women more for the exact same job as men.

3d1409ae is correct: Amanda is the perfect example of someone who just worked without the feminist baggage being thrust forth (to my knowledge). Something I applaud, and I trust you do too (thus I back you Elena thus far).
I did not realise you had not researched the links you provided us in this proposal! I would suggest you don't do that again BTW.

When many people in the west see 'feminist' riddled materials we are now repulsed. Like many, I am for egalitarian principles and one merit alone, for the most part, whilst contemporary "3rd wave feminism" is not, in too many cases.
1 point,5 years ago
Yes from me, good luck.
1 point,5 years ago
Oh, thank you ))
1 point,5 years ago
Decentralised cryptocurrencies offer zero barrier to women as always. Cryptocurrency does not care about you chromosomes, preferences and anatomical features.
In very general terms (not all): Just as men were the main pioneers of the internet, men are the main pioneers of cryptocurrency technology (not all). There is nothing wrong with this and women are certainly not to blame for not taking as much as interest (not all). Clearly, women in general tend to different interests (not all).

I have been involved in the precious metal community for over a decade. There is surely a small percentage of women vs men who are interested in gold and silver bullion/coins. Generally (not all): You will find women are much more interested in finished products such as gold and silver jewellery (which also adorns the human form/ women (not all) take more interest in jewellery).

As Dash matures and becomes more of a finished user friendly product, then more women will surely adopt the technology (not all).

Women generally (not all) dominate people facing and child rearing jobs such as psychology, nursing, medical/health, midwifery, human resources, air hostess, convention planners, social work, child care and teaching children/young adults ...etc (not all...not all..not all)
Are feminists in particular largely concerned about the gender imbalance among childcare workers, rubbish collectors or coal minors?
Modern feminism is selectively concerned with "gender imbalances". Examples to follow.

Elena gives examples of women participating:

"It is noticed that many communities oriented on women awareness in crypto started appearing in the market.
The list is huge.
Some of them:,,,, etc."

I had a quick look at these links Elena provides:
'Women in Cryptocurrency and Blockchain' is the main 'women's article' it seems. The article starts out as follows:

"It’s important that women’s participation in cryptocurrency business and blockchain tech happens quickly. Early adopters who develop blockchains and invest in cryptocurrencies before they go mainstream get the lion’s share of its wealth and influence." - The main reason for the article is laid out right away - "women........get the lion’s share of its wealth and influence".

Here in Australia we now have major bank ANZ paying extra superannuation to various women whom perform the same job as male colleagues. .The 1977 anti-discrimination act requiring equal pay between women and men for the exact same job has been put to side in favour of paying various women more in the case of ANZ. This is the result of modern day feminism. One of Australia's two main political parties now pledges to pay women more in superannuation than men, thus the old anti-discrimantion acts are presumably ripe for completely discarded!

I am all for various egalitarian causes which give equal opportunities to both sexes, but now regrettably regard that 'feminism is cancer' largely struggling towards a utopian "equality of outcome" only when it suits feminists.

On looking at this website, the first article I found is written by Rachel McIntosh:
Here are three article excerpts:

"These discussions and efforts seem to have been effective, at least on the level of awareness – the New York Times covered the culture of women in the crypto industry in a piece entitled “Women in Cryptocurrencies Push Back Against ‘Blockchain Bros’” this February."

"This is a problem for several reasons. From a humanitarian standpoint, women deserve the financial empowerment that cryptocurrency brings just as much as men do. If you’re not interested in the feminist point of view, it’s simply a numbers game. Femme-identified people comprise approximately 50 percent of the population."

Tweet in article by McIntosh: "Women, consider crypto. Otherwise the men are going to get all the wealth, again"

The forum does not look very active on cryptomoms, I don't see a vibrant thriving female community taking the opportunity to get away from those men and discuss cryptocurrencies:
Where are all the tens of thousands of women busy learning and discussing how to challenge modern banking structures with lower fees potential internet "safe spaces" such as ??
The YT video linked from the cryptomoms 'Start Here' page has only 1413 view since 2014!
I notice the video is narrated by a man! Isn't that confronting in some way to women? I dunno smh!

4) !!!!!

Quite the original name!.....where an actual coin is termed a 'women'. So you can literally buy and sell 'women' for a fraction of a cent (theoretically) smh!!!
Here is womencoin on Coinmarketcap ranked 1651 with ZERO trading volume over the last 24 hours smh!! (looks dead).
(Prof) Christine Bamford is author of the womenscoin white paper.

(Prof) Christine Bamford is an ardent feminist as per here Twitter and a person I view as a 'cultural Marxist'. Example:

Final remarks: This is the 21st century and we have far too many "women and minorities" tearing up in every direction when they don't get everything handed to them on a plate despite all the hard work others provide and equal opportunity provided.
Personally, I am all for everyone participating in Dash and other decentralised crypto related ventures. I realise this can mean targeting demographic groups. But I am not stomaching any more feminist propaganda.
I have certainly praised Elena many times over on YT for her interviews. My level of respect has currently lowered considerably unfortunately.

In conclusion: My vote is NO WAY.
1 point,5 years ago
Criticalinput, thank you for you detailed comment! I would like to tell you and all MNOs.
Guys!!! I HAVN’T EVEN THOUGHT to dig the issue so deeply as you’ve done. By our Proposal, we just wanted to say that we would like to organize several consultations via online marathon for women. That’s it!!!!!! WITHOUT ANY FEMINISTIC ASPECTS!!!!!!!! I haven’t even had any intention to raise the questions of gender equality !!!!!!!! Can you hear me???
We’re discussing here the Proposal for a little money to make interesting promotion among women. Just that’s it!!!! But it all looks like we discuss a $100 000 -budget campaign. Of course, I am glad that you care of our ideas and give so emotional comments. I see my proposals course more discussions than huge-budget DCG’s ones do.
I’m sad you are so critical of me! Besides, some Dash members think they can express their opinions in an insult format. You all can see my real name and my real avatar. My social accounts are opened. At the same time, most of people in The Dash Community are anonymous! I AM TOTALLY HONEST WITH YOU WITH TELLING MY PLANS AND IDEAS! And if I say that this Proposal is just a kind of consultation focused on women it means that there are NO STONES UNER WATER!!!
2 points,5 years ago
"I’m sad you are so critical of me!" & "I HAVN’T EVEN THOUGHT to dig the issue so deeply as you’ve done."

You come across via video as a very kind genuine good looking woman who truly loves cryptocurrency, and importantly, asks intelligent questions. I truly don't mean to offend you personally. This is very unfortunate.

I realise I am perhaps being too tough...if you don't realise what you are linking to in this proposal.

I live in Australia where decades old egalitarian anti-discrimination laws are being bypassed in favour of current radical feminist goals that are already bringing back workplace discrimination!
It is sad to see western societies go backwards.
I don't take kindly to being given links leading to various feminist articles arguably mainly concerned with 'women's financial power via wealth' more than the many fundamentals of decentralised currencies that brought genuine cryptocurrency lovers here!
Womenscoin which does not seem to have any substantial wider community support from hundreds, let alone thousands of women (or men). Does the womenscoin even function?

From memory, your past projects have had my YES vote.
1 point,5 years ago
Criticalinput, I've heard you. And thank you for your support of my previous proposals.
3 points,5 years ago
Elena, getting woman or men to utilise Dash for purchases in 1st world countries is not going to be easy. IMHO, you generally would need to have some passion for cryptocurrencies first (because the current CC and cash system is easy enough to use). I can see why others are sceptical about this proposal.

The libertarian communities are surely by far the most receptive (as the Dash fundamentals are already much appreciated). Yes, I know we must promote beyond this community.

I am going to change my vote YES though. Your reply informs me that you were not really aware what you were providing via the "The list is huge." links. You do appear to be a someone who is genuinely on board with the greater Dash project.
1 point,5 years ago
If you previously downvoted this budget proposal in the general budget section (section where all budget proposals are stated) , due to your initial intention to vote NO on this budget proposal , you may need to revert that downvote in the general budget section as well, since you changed your mind and are voting YES now.
1 point,5 years ago
Thank you, Criticalinput.
-1 point,5 years ago
Additional: To quote (Prof) Christine Bamford from the womenscoin white paper: "Many men hold the same
values of women in respect to ethical purchasing." - What is she saying here?
3 points,5 years ago
Hello Elena & Amanda
I would like to suggest a different marketing project for you to consider. One that would assist Venezuela and would be relevant to our push for mass adoption of DASH there. However it would need to be undertaken in the USA and would require an understanding of the US market. This marketing project would require a team that understand the US market but also be able to liaise with Alejandro and his team at Dash Help to co-ordinate the marketing in the US with the teams in Venezuela.

Currently Alejandro and Dash Help Venezuela is working on a proposal to make remittances to Venezuela. The exact numbers are hard to find but it is now around 4 million people that have left the country. These people need to make remittances back to Venezuela to their family members. Currently there are currency controls which means they cannot make remittances or if they can it is limited with very high fees. Dash remittances could be an important solution to this problem it would enable people to send funds back home securely. Currently there are reports of Venezuelans smuggling USD in which is dangerous and they could lose everything. The Venezuelan government has also set an official currency rate that makes it not practical for people to send money home without losing most of their money in the exchange. In effect Venezuelan's living outside of their country have no low cost secure, easy and safe means to remit money home.

The other problem the remittances solves is that currently there is not sufficient DASH in Venezuela for people to spend at those merchants. We need DASH to flow into the country so people have DASH to spend at the merchants we are signing up. The other problem with exchanges there are that these are tightly regulated by the government which limits the number of them, and for your average granny exchanges are too complicated to use.

From the research that I did at the end of 2016 the international countries (outside of South America) that the Venezuelan's were going to in order:

1. USA
2. Spain
3. Italy

A useful reference about this is on the Wiki site:

USA being the top international destination. There will of course be many more Venezuelans escaping to more local countries in South America such as Colombia and Argentina etc but the countries were they would be travelling internationally to USA is no.1. Note: This information may have changed since I undertook this research but clearly USA is a top destination for Venezuelans.

In addition to Venezuelans moving to the USA there are also already Venezuelans who are established and already living full time in the USA. These people may not be aware that DASH could be used as a secure low cost solution to sending funds to family in Venezuela. They need to know all that is happening and they need to know how to make those remittances. This could be a focused valuable marketing project to raise awareness of how DASH can be used to make remittances to Venezuela from the US.

I know that AlejandroE at Dash Help and Dash Merchants have a funding proposal planned for the Venezuela remittance market however I think it would be a good idea to perhaps touch base with Alejandro to see if the DMA might be able to assist his team in the Marketing of the Dash Remittance solution he is building. You could possibly assist with marketing the remittance solution in the USA in an association with Dash Help Venezuela.

Here is Alejandro's pre proposal:

I would not post a new proposal however until you have spoken with Alejandro to ensure to co-ordinate the association and of course the funding proposals so there is no conflict of interests. Alejandro's team are working on guides to help Venezuelan's make remittances but there will also be English speaking Venezuelans that are naturalized in the USA that would also need to hear this message. That is where I think the DMA might be able to assist in a worthwhile project to help mass adoption in Venezuela.

You will see that this marketing project actually answers the questions I posed to you in my original post in this funding proposal. DASH offers a significant advantage over normal fiat currency for making remittances to Venezuela.

This marketing project would require close communications with Alejandro at Dash Help and could help significantly their project for making remittances. I briefly spoke with Alejandro about this marketing idea and he was open to hearing what your team could offer to support his plan for remittances to Venezuela.

Perhaps support for remittances to Venezuela from the USA could be a marketing proposal that would fit well with the network's current needs and is sufficiently focused to be a interesting marketing project for consideration by your team.
2 points,5 years ago
DeepBlue, tank you for your offer! We find it very interesting. Give us, please, a little time to discuss the project among our team and see how better we can collaborate.
1 point,5 years ago
Hello Amanda and Elena, I have talked with DeepBlue about this idea and I definetely think we can do something together in terms of marketing for promote remittances to Venezuela using Dash. We also have a plan to integrate Dash Text into this project.

Looking forward to your opinion and think how we can do things together. You can email me at

Thanks a lot
0 points,5 years ago
Hi AlejandroE! Okey. I’ll write you soon.
0 points,5 years ago
With respect, the time for big Marketing dreams was 2017 in the bull market. Dash can not afford this at this time.
1 point,5 years ago
Guys! Some members address us special questions. We feel it’s necessary to clarify something.
1. By this proposal we DON’T MEAN to produce any specific educational materials adapted for women! We DON’T MEAN to deliver them consultations in a “light version” since somebody might say that women perceive information differently than men do. This is not true.
So, we intend to use the same materials and sources which Dash usually does.
2. Some of Dash colleagues suggest us to focus on Venezuela. Well. It’s okey! But why? We as the Dash Community have already excellent teams in Venezuela who do great work in the region, for instance, such as Eugenia Alcala with her people. Moreover, Venezuelans can promote Dash in their country definitely better than anybody else since they live there and face economic crisis personally. It’s obviously.
Africa is the same.
3.Because Dash hasn’t got any unified marketing strategy so far we think our Community should use different tools and interact with diverse target groups of potential users. It’s even more important in the case of limited funds.
If Dash concentrates all its efforts only in Venezuela or certain business field (like medicine/ cannabis or gambling) this is wrong. For instance, the situation in Venezuela might be changed immediately due to governmental actions towards crypto.
In our opinion, by funding little money to such kind of proposals like “Women In Dash”, our Community should successfully try other directions of promotion.
In Conclusion:
4.Because we’ve lived with Dash for more than one year and worked for Dash as well ( since February’18) we as you feel Dash needs perfectly.
So, we’re convinced this little project can be successful if we all are less critical of each other.
Okey, guys. This is what I wanted to clarify. And we’ll be really glad to get your support and participation. Thank you!
0 points,5 years ago
@Elena_Besedina I would like to address some of your points you've raised above. On point 3. I understand your concerns about focusing our efforts and with the issue with the Venezuelan government. This is a valid concern and we need to look at those concerns and way them up against the benefits if we succeed.

If you consider that the Venezuelan government have pro-actively legalised the use of cryptocurrency and they are now actively encouraging the people to use it if they were to change that law to banning crypto it would not make much sense in my opinion. If Cryptocurrency is creating hope and prosperity to the people I think the government would be committing suicide to stop that when the people are suffering so much. I don't think the people would accept that once they see their lives improving.

Secondly, from my own experience in business I know that focus is crucial for success. Yes, there is are risks that we are putting all our efforts into a small number of projects however we hugely increase the success of those projects being successful. For Venezuela I would choose the huge increase in success over the risk that it might not work. Ironically the more we focus on smaller number of projects the greater chance we have of making them work i.e. we actually lower the risks of failure.

When Steve Jobs came back to struggling Apple the first thing he did was to cut the product line by 70% and the company then focused all their efforts on just those products. This is when the company started to turn around.

The chances of success hugely increase when there is greater focus, more resources, creativity and efforts are focused on to a few strategic projects. We need to fairly assess risks and make the decision to take that risk if we believe we can make it work. And if it does not work we need to also accept the consequences.

I feel if the whole DASH community focused and worked together we can make it work in Venezuela. I feel there are too many diverse projects that are not getting results. In my opinion we need to take the risk and we need to focus.

There is no problem we cannot solve when a group of determined focused passionate individuals put their minds to making a project work.

If we are successful and establish DASH in Venezuela then other South American countries will follow suite including Colombia, Brazil and Argentina. Think for a moment what would be the World media response if DASH can achieve that. It would be huge and the DASH brand would go global making adoption in other countries much more likely because we would have established our reputation.

I feel that we should strategically focus our efforts to get DASH established in Venezuela, then South America then we can work on the rest of the world. Our best shot is Venezuela. If the entire DASH community rallied around and supported Venezuela we could make it happen.

The Venezuela teams are localized. They are doing a great job in Venezuela but I feel they need support from outside Venezuela for because they do not fully understand how things work in the US. That requires local knowledge. That is were DMA would come in.

The US remittance project is a small, focused project that could have a big impact. If the DMA can prove to make this project work you would start building your reputation as a go to DASH marketing DAO for other projects.

I feel the DMA need to get a successful project under your belt to prove you can deliver. This project is small, focused, in demand and would be supporting the No.1 DASH interest project at the moment - Mass adoption of DASH in Venezuela.
0 points,5 years ago
Hi Elena, I am voting no because I don't believe the Dash network should be funding modern feminism. Woman share the same access to the cryptosphere as Men however the majority of Woman choose not to show interest, as reflected by your research study.

I believe you are likely trying to push Woman to adopt Dash as a feminist activist working to further Woman than supporting Dash growth.

The cryptosphere has many high profile Woman involved, and all are well received based on merit, not gender.
0 points,5 years ago
casino, you’re digging too deep. I didn’t even think about the feminist idea as you’re describing here.
5 points,5 years ago
The idea of involving women in promoting the Dash ideology (so not just to use Dash) is very interesting, as they usually have more interpersonal contacts and they are more socially active, socially oriented, ...
It’s another thing that I саn’t yet see a clear, obvious targeting and a drafted plan of action in this field.
Attract the desired 100-150 new ordinary users, spending on it 7500 * 3 = 22500 USD - this turns out 150-225 USD for 1 attracted ordinary user... :(
It looks as an extremely inefficient approach.

It seems to me that the best efficiency can be found in the area of supporting certain natural processes that go on their own and only need just an inexpensive organisational support from the already existing desires and intentions of women - such as striving for economical self-education, improving work efficiency from home, implementing Dash payments in local small societies, crowdfunding for local moms projects (Dash as payment method for co-financing of common mom's children activities), etc
2 points,5 years ago
Elena, don't get me wrong.
I completely support your desire to participate into Dash promotion activity. I just don't agree with chosen methods in this particular case... It looks to me like there are lots of space for improvements to find more effective and viral approaches to implement women's unique potential into Dash ecosystem (hve a look at Venezuela - the whole movement there started by the single bright woman, with about no budgets behind her, at that moment).

I hope that you won't give up in your efforts to find an effective way and finally will get similar results in other locations.
3 points,5 years ago
It's clear you want to work for Dash, and you want to do something big and global.

I suggest rethinking your strategy and do something local. It will be slow, difficult work at first, but you can still have something big at the end.

Follow Venezuela's example. Set up a Dash Support Russia with a toll-free phone number, get some small conferences going, then set up a Dash Merchant Russia. I really don't think the MNOs would vote against that.

But first you may want to do some small meetups to sharpen your Dash-specific presentation skills, and perfect your Dash Q&A. It may seem quite small, but clearly you have energy and passion, and Russia could be yours for the taking as far as the MNOs are concerned.
I would love to see Russia become a major destination for Dash!
0 points,5 years ago
Hi Unstoppable! 1.This proposal is already small-scaled and local. We focus on Russian-speaking audience. Why is the promotion not only in Russia? Because the country hasn’t crypto regulators yet. We’ve been still waiting for them. Absence of a legal base is the obstacle to promote Dash in the Russian territory free and quickly. Why were Russian-American women targeted by us? This is due to our good networking which has been created for years. 2. Before posting this proposal, we had already done great work in the Dash Community since February 2018. The significant part of our activities had been funded by our own funds. And we keep contributing to Dash for free. We know what is that. Regarding past Spring-Summer work we made many interviews with well-respected and key Dash Core members since a lot of people were interested in seeing and listening to Dash Core in person. You can watch video materials on our DashPeople YouTube channel. We personally met with Ryan Taylor, Bradley Zastrow, Robert Wiecko, Alex Werner... We made several interviews with some of them. We also made Skype video with Fernando. We asked all this persons actual questions that were interesting for Dash users and investors to know. Besides we trevaled and followed Dash Core team to highlight its performances on conferences carried out in different countries. We personally carried out two Dash Conferences in International Banking Institute in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. We have already experience of Dash presentation. I don’t even talk about my previous work experience as a speaker on many meetups, mass media, TV and conferences in Russia before Dash. So, all our Dash activity you can see in DashWatch reports. And our Dash sport achievements are there as well. Therefore, we’re not new-comers with an uncertain idea in Dash! We created this proposal with basing on our deep concern and involvement in Dash and understanding how to bring benefits to Dash in current Treasury constructions.
0 points,5 years ago
1.This proposal is already small-scaled and local. We focus on Russian-speaking audience. Why is the promotion not only in Russia? Because the country hasn’t crypto regulators yet. We’ve been still waiting for them. Absence of a legal base is the obstacle to promote Dash in the Russian territory free and quickly. Why were Russian-American women targeted by us? This is due to our good networking which has been created for years. 2. Before posting this proposal, we had already done great work in the Dash Community since February 2018. The significant part of our activities had been funded by our own funds. And we keep contributing to Dash for free. We know what is that. Regarding past Spring-Summer work we made many interviews with well-respected and key Dash Core members since a lot of people were interested in seeing and listening to Dash Core in person. You can watch video materials on our DashPeople YouTube channel. We personally met with Ryan Taylor, Bradley Zastrow, Robert Wiecko, Alex Werner... We made several interviews with some of them. We also made Skype video with Fernando. We asked all this persons actual questions that were interesting for Dash users and investors to know. Besides we trevaled and followed Dash Core team to highlight its performances on conferences carried out in different countries. We personally carried out two Dash Conferences in International Banking Institute in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. We have already experience of Dash presentation. I don’t even talk about my previous work experience as a speaker on many meetups, mass media, TV and conferences in Russia before Dash. So, all our Dash activity you can see in DashWatch reports. And our Dash sport achievements are there as well. Therefore, we’re not new-comers with an uncertain idea in Dash! We created this proposal with basing on our deep concern and involvement in Dash and understanding how to bring benefits to Dash in current Treasury constructions.
3 points,5 years ago

Can you please explain why the women of the world especially the regions you mention which shows stats primarily for USA, would want to purchase dash to convert it to fiat again to purchase say tampons?

Imo your target audience could careless since USD is working fine.

I fail to see the value proposition in your proposal, i look forward to your response

Thank you
-1 point,5 years ago
Realmrhack, in the Proposal we didn’t say even a word that women will definitely prefer Dash to fiat. Moreover, it would be actually weird if anybody stated that. We say that we can interact with women as a potential users or investors and provide consultations to them in a format of online financial marathons with the focus on Dash. Quite often, female communities are favorable environment to perceive new ideas and innovations. By the way, for example, DACH -Embassy operates in the prosperous German-speaking market. They have their target audience mostly to deliver consultations. As they state, to increase awareness. And the Dash Community seems to feel good with it. So, why do we as Dash Community ignore other prosperous countries? If we talk only about Germany-Austria as the certain European region to promote Dash, it means somebody might have vested interests in seeing namely DACH-Embassy succeeded. But what about other countries who don’t speak German?!
Additionally to my position pointed out above, I would like to mention that Dash attracted many people due to its impartiality and democracy. Dash stood out of other crypto currencies by its diversities of ideas and promotion approach. Now the situation seem to be different. However, we offer Dash to think widely and more creative.
0 points,5 years ago
Elena you failed to answer my question in a meaningful way.

All i got was bunch of banter about why is dach focusing on german countries and why others cant follow suit.
4 points,5 years ago
Dash needs to focus on Identifying a problem and then solving it. Rather than identifying a consumer and trying to convince them to use Dash.
0 points,5 years ago
What is Dash problem you think?
1 point,5 years ago
FIAT problems;
hyperinflation. unbanked-ness. cross border payments are probably the 3 biggest.
For libertarians there is also the problem of using immoral currency but that is for a very small portion of the population.
2 points,5 years ago
I agree women are the primary consumers. I would like to ask a few questions related to this:

1. What can women consumers purchase in the USA, Canada and in Europe with DASH that they can't purchase with USD and Euros?

2. What are the advantages for a consumer paying with DASH as opposed to Euro or USD in the Western world?

3. The volatility and uncertainty of crypto currency price at the moment means that consumers do not know how much their hard earned money would be worth after a short period of time. What incentive do purchases have to use DASH when the price has only being going down for the last 6 months?

My view is that we should not be marketing to consumers in USA, Canada at this stage of Dash's development. There is very little that DASH offers that Euro and USD already do better in these regions.

Unless you can give convincing answers to the above questions my view is the place to spend our DASH promotional efforts at this stage of Dash's development are in Venezuela and South America. We need to focus the great majority of our time, energy, money and resources on Venezuela. If we can't convert Venezuela to using Dash we really can't convert anywhere. Please refer to my post here that explains the reasons why we need to focus on Venezuela for consumer based promotions.

We have limited funds. My opinion is if we focus our efforts we have much greater chance of success. If the entire Dash Network focused all its resources, time and creativity on converting Venezuela and then South America we have much greater chances of worldwide adoption later on in USA, Canada and Europe.
0 points,5 years ago
DeepBlue, thank you for your questions. You’re one of the most active MNOs. I often read your comments regarding other proposals with great interest as well since you always highlight actual issues.
1. I understand what you’re talking about, but we see the situation differently. With engaging in the Venezuelan market Dash should not forget about the rest part of the world. It’s important to keep promoting Dash in other countries. At least, somebody must tell non Venezuelans about the successful Venezuelan experience. What about DACH-Embassy-Dash?
2.There are many people in Western world who support the Blockchain technology and new money. They also understand benefits of using digital cash and want obtain them. We can and must help the people. I don’t think, we should promote Dash exclusively as a solution for countries that experience hard economic times.
3. DeepBlue, we talked about much within previous voting circles. I agree, there’s no reason for users to store Dash because of high volatility.
By this proposal we just pursue the aim to attract women to Dash and help them to enter the crypto world in a whole via Dash. Many women have great interest to the crypto sphere, but it’s too hard for them to find the right conductor.
4. DeepBlue, I appreciate your Venezuelan-oriented position, but I believe that we NEED MARKET TO CONSUMERS IN USA, CANADA AND EUROPE AND EVEN RUSSIA as well !!! Venezuelans won’t promote DASH beyond the country . They just can’t do this in current times because they have to survive and think about their families.
We personally got through the same economic situation in Russia at least 2 times. I know what I’m talking about. I also have friends in Venezuela. I understand Venezuelan people very well.
0 points,5 years ago
If this is the fundamental issue with geographical targeting we can carry out the marathon in Venezuela too. In this case, we would happy to get Eugenia’s help. But I don’t know yet if it’s interesting for her.
0 points,5 years ago
*would be happy
-2 points,5 years ago
Elena, forget women, we must focus on MEN.

Women are making up only 6% of crypto users, while men are making up 94% of crypto users.
And from the business partnerships that could benefit Dash, most decision-makers are also men,
because it can be estimated at least 80% business owners / CEO's etc. are in fact men, not women.
You are focusing on the wrong gender here.
0 points,5 years ago
: ) Thanks for data. We don’t want to change the crypto world. We just want to attract more women here.
6 points,5 years ago
Could you share what you actually plan to deliver?
I only found 3 lines in the whole description about this:
a) Consultations;
b) Practicing/ tasks requiring to be completed;
c) Discussions of results and rewarding of winners.
and it's not really clear to me what that means.
-4 points,5 years ago
She wants money because vagina. Classic Marxist feminist.

Do as you like, but I voted no 12 times.
-3 points,5 years ago
Yes. Sure. The discription will be available soon.