Proposal “soda-reimbursement“ (Completed)Back

Title:Reimbursement Proposal for the Dash N Drink Instantx Miami Demo
Monthly amount: 100 DASH (2704 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 300 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-02-06 / 2016-05-22 (added on 2016-01-31)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 1886 Yes / 227 No / 0 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

Reimbursement Proposal for the Dash N Drink Instantx Miami Demo.The team Put in an original proposal to cover the
costs of this project.  We later resubmitted for a lower amount to
expedite payment.  There were significant costs associated with
designing, building, transporting, and demonstrating this piece of
awesomeness.  You have to admit, it was a hit!

Below are the itemized expenses which will appear on our TPS report.
Extra show charge for electricity and additional space.  $750
Additional expenses for soda machine compressor.  $200
Additional expenses for paint, paint gun, and thinner.  $200
Parking expenses for vehicle and trailer. $150
Mobile Data Used   $100
5 PIs and other parts destroyed during testing.  $320
Several burnt up power supplies.  $100
Hotel Expenses $430

As you can see, the amount requested does not begin to cover actual expenses.  We are fine with this.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,8 years ago
The terpin proposal and this one are neck and neck! #Democracy!
0 points,8 years ago
The only problem with Democracy is that it's so easy to fake and insulates tyrants because there's always some nutter out there that blindly supports whatever a tyrant wants, and they can just point and say "I was only doing what my voters asked me to do" even if it's a powerful/vocal minority. They always escape consequences...
0 points,8 years ago
Voted no as i feel this could have started at a later date and then would not have jeopardized the already established budget proposals.
0 points,8 years ago
It's only over allocated because MN voters keep choosing useless things that don't impact value over the one thing that ever did...

BTW, this is just for Oaxaca. Solar and I were not willing to keep paying for the "extra" stuff that kept coming up at the last minute as a result of the scam artists in Miami. We were going to walk away, and the only reason we went to Miami was because of Oaxaca dumping his money on it. He's the only one you're snubbing by making an emotional, childish "no" vote.

The vendors you want to have adopting your system are capable of looking at this stuff, too, you know... It's the reason why I wanted the other proposal voted down; you ran them all off by being anti-business brats. There was nothing to do with that money anymore since you killed your own interest. Who wants a payment portal run by the very people who want to bankrupt them? They're not so small-minded that they can't see that zero fees here might look nice, but with higher taxes, more welfare, $16/hr minimum wage coming from these same people on the back side of it, they'd rather pay the 3% and risk the chargebacks. It's a better deal!
1 point,8 years ago
Camo, you are mostly correct. Let me clear up my position (which no one is asking for).

When we got the blackmail note from the conference asking for blood money or they would kill the project we had a choice to make. I took it on myself to pay out of my own pocket to keep the dream alive. I saw the tremendous benefit of having a real world physical Instantx demo at the show. At that point future projects and reimbursement for not only me, but all the other members was never discussed. Nobody even considered trying to get the sunk costs back from the community. That included me.

This funding proposal is not about the 100 DASH to be split up between everybody. It's a small amount and makes no difference. This proposal is about whether the community is willing to support independent projects that people dreamup that will benefit the DASH ecosystem. It's about whether, as a community we are committed to individual initiative or whether we want to just sit back and let somebody else do it. Are we going to show our support for these kinds of people or are we going to just sit back and collect our "interest"?
-1 point,8 years ago
Wow. Something just clicked... It was obvious someone was trying to stop us from showing up at the last minute... And that person didn't have a lot of clout, and Moe was being very wimpy in his no-explanation protests... Maybe that's because the person trying to keep us out wasn't a BitCloner? The evidence we've seen since then all adds up now. The shoe fits, we have our man. Being someone who's neuro-typical, the body language didn't make sense to me at the time, but it does now... Wow. I never would have expected that.
-1 point,8 years ago
A person who showed up here repeating the troll's lies mixed in with silly demands for information he already had...
1 point,8 years ago
I hope you're keeping a diary or journal. This is an epic story in the making.
-1 point,8 years ago
So glad i get to be part of this piece of history.
1 point,8 years ago
I dont get it, this proposal has a start date of 5th of february 2016 for 3 months, while we all know by now the superblock allocation is full for the next three months. There just is not enough budget available currently, so why is this proposal still starting 5th of february ?
0 points,8 years ago
The budget allocation will not fund this proposal the coming cycle, but it will be funded the cycle after that. Unfortunately, the proposals chosen BlockEnd will prevent it from being funded after that. see: and
0 points,8 years ago
I posted this below, but my script calc'd the future cycles incorrectly. Fixed now. This proposal will get two of the requested three funding cycles.
0 points,8 years ago
You can't assume that. Lot's of things can happen in the next 4 days, and then in the next 4 weeks. Please vote YES!
1 point,8 years ago
This cycle is overallocated. Therefore when the block is born, the highest vote getters will be funded. It remains to be seen which proposals that will be. In theory any of them could be funded or not funded.
1 point,8 years ago
The voting process could end up like eBay bidding. Last minute 'snipe votes' come in to change the final budget allocation...
-1 point,8 years ago
Looks like the no votes are pouring in now... someone doesn't this to pass it seems. Hmm.
-1 point,8 years ago
Just enough to make sure he gets his way for his buddies, and hurts the people who helped him the most.
-1 point,8 years ago
Wierd, literally 200 no votes poured in, within an hour. Thats some crazy stuff.
-1 point,8 years ago
260* I didn't add right. Dayum Sally.
-1 point,8 years ago
People wanted to know how much DASH as in the "premine," lols... This only makes it worse...
-1 point,8 years ago
is the next cycle not also already full ? See :
Will these established proposals not all return again with the next cycle ? (somewhere in March i assume?)
0 points,8 years ago
Yes, but because there are insufficient dash to fully fund transform-pr, it will be skipped and there will be 549 dash available to other proposals. Funding is an all-or-nothing operation. Best I can tell (it's new code) is accurate.
0 points,8 years ago
must be due to the yearly block reward cut of 7% that is giving the superblock a smaller budget amount to work with...
1 point,8 years ago
so every year we will 'lose' 7% ? or does that vary due to hash rate or whatnot ?
0 points,8 years ago
0 points,8 years ago
(with next cycle i mean the cycle after the 5th of february superblock)
1 point,8 years ago
moocowmoo : i checked you attachment, can you pls explain why you think the Transform-PR does not get funding after the next superblock ? it still has more yes-no votes ?
0 points,8 years ago
funding is all or nothing. see: -- If there is not enough dash to fulfill the requested budget, it is not disbursed. Other lower-value proposals get a chance to get funded in this case. -- Also, I fixed a bug in my script. Soda will get *two* payments at current vote counts:
0 points,8 years ago
Were they NEVER reimbursed? Total BS if so. Vote yes.
0 points,8 years ago
We were just going to let it slide if you hired us, which seemed kinda like a no-brainer. But that didn't happen. Oaxaca is owed way more than this, as am I and Solarminer. But, I'm just calling it the price of a lesson learned and moving on.
1 point,8 years ago
Yah, and who could have foreseen that the convention people would charge $750 to use the space, another $100 (really?) for internet access, and the parking, etc.... How would these guys have known? It also cost them a lot more than they planned originally. But they did a great job, and aren't asking for labor, that's given. So I say we don't leave people who are willing to do wonderful things out in the cold, but support them the best we can. I've voted yes.
1 point,8 years ago
they originally asked for 650 Dash but there was only 590 left in the superblock back then so Evan made a proposal that got them 590 Dash. Appearently there were additional costs and this will be the final proposal to cover that.
0 points,8 years ago
There was an initial proposal which was rebmitted for a lower amount, and then resubmitted for yet a lower amount again. This covered the initial expenses, but was a far cry from covering all. This gets us close enough.
0 points,8 years ago
That was the quote from Slack.