Proposal “serbian-pole-sport-championship-2017“ (Closed)Back

Title:Serbian Pole Sport Championship 2017 Sponsorship
One-time payment: 60 DASH (1621 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-06-19 / 2017-07-19 (added on 2017-06-06)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 273 Yes / 276 No / 72 Abstain

Proposal description

Serbian Pole Sport Championship 2017

Pre-proposal forum thread link
Proposal forum thread link

Our proposal

We are proposing for the Dash community to become the Golden sponsor of the Serbian Pole Sport Championship 2017 held on the 1st of July in Belgrade, Serbia.

We are looking for 40 Dash for sponsorship + 10 Dash for winner and runnerup prizes + 5 Dash for Dash promo material cost and paperwallets for event attendants + 5 Dash for the proposal application fee, making a total of 60 Dash in one payment cycle (July).

Our competition is endorsed and recognized by the International Pole Sport and Art Federation (IPSAF) and is the National championship for the Republic of Serbia. The Serbian Pole Sport Championship 2017 is also a qualifying championship for Serbian and international athletes for the World Pole Sport Championship held in Orlando, USA in December 2017.

We offer Dash as our Golden sponsor the following visibility at our event:

The Dash logo would be displayed on the intro of every pole dance video of competitors made as the first and golden sponsor. Dash would be shown onstage on banners, and would have the most prominent position on all competition videos/banners/etc. Dash would be listed as a Golden sponsor on our competitions official website and social media. Our stage staff that will be visible on the majority of the event video recordings, streams or photos would wear Dash branded shirts. All category winners and runnerups will receive a prize in Dash, and all event attendants will receive a paperwallet for a fixed amount with their event ticket. We would arrange for a Dash info booth at the venue so that our visitors can get informed about Dash and its advantages. The booth would be staffed by Dandy, a Masternode owner and a member of our event team. The booth would feature Dash promo material and Dash cupcakes that the event attendants will be able to buy after a short demo on how to use the Dash mobile wallet and how to import the paperwallet to their new mobile Dash wallet. Dandy introduced us to Dash, its instant transaction and budgeting features, as well as the regular investing by the Dash governing group. This would make Dash the first cryptocurrency ever to sponsor a Pole Dance competition and would give Dash the opportunity to enter into the Pole community.

Event background

As you may or may not know, Pole Sport is becoming a major sport, and we are working towards getting the status of an Olympics Sport (ongoing application with the Sport Accord for official sport recognition). We have an international organization named IPSAF – International Pole Sports and Arts Federation. IPSAF was created to unite, regulate, organize, lead and develop the practice and competition of Pole Sports and Art around the world. With sports recognition as its goal, IPSAF supports, represents and defends all affiliated country federations and has standardized competitions. Every country part of the federation can host National Pole Sport championships recognized and standardized by IPSAF and the Code of Points and is a qualifying championship for entering the World Pole Sport Championship.

The Serbian Pole Sport Championship is the only championship in our region endorsed and recognized by IPSAF, and is the qualifying championship for all Serbian and international athletes for entering the World stage and representing their countries. It is at the same time the National Pole Sport Championship of Serbia. This makes our event very important in the region and our sport.

Our championship will be held on the 1st of July in a renowned theater and culture institution in Belgrade – the Vuk Karadzic Cultural Institution. We have 40 competitors that have applied in various categories – amateur women, men and doubles, professional women, men and doubles, and an international open category.  We have six judges on our panel, and all are internationally certified and very famous in the Pole Sport world as one of them is the President of IPSAF, and 3 of them are former world pole sport champions.  We expect a large audience, as usual with this type of events, as Pole Sports is gaining extreme popularity in the last few years.

If you would like too see what pole dance is, here is our promo video from 2016 World Pole Sport Championship (unfortunately we cannot link Facebook videos on dashcentra.orgl, but you can see this clip on our forum post. You can see more videos from the World Pole Sport championship on our Federations official youtube page)

This is a video of one of our judges that will come to the Serbian Pole Sport Championship. She was the World Champion 2013, among other titles:

About me

My name is Nataša Belić, and I am the organizer of the Serbian Pole Sport Championship 2017, among other Pole related events. I am also a pole sport studio owner in Belgrade, an award winning international champion, and I have represented Serbia on the World Pole Sport Championship 2016 in London and placed 27th in the World. I also work in the IPSAF federation, as I am the vice president of the ethics committee of IPSAF and an international judge.  I am very well connected with the entire Pole Sport community, and I travel at least two times per month to judge during the competition season.

By profession I am also a theoretical physicist and I have worked at the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade as a project manager for EU funded projects.


The Dash logo would be visible on every video of the competition, promo videos, and videos of the competitors. The Dash logo would be put first, before all our other sponsors, as Dash will have the status of our Golden Sponsor. These videos go up on our YouTube channel, as well as the channel of the IPSAF - International Pole Sport and Art Federation, so they would have international visibility. Competition images, promotion videos and images as well as contestant videos will also be shared on our social media network which has a large audience and will be shared by other partners and affiliate accounts as well. The Dash logo will also be visible in the form of a banner on the main event stage in a prominent location. Also, as the poles need to be cleaned before each competitor gets on stage, our stage staff would wear shirts with the Dash logo. We would arrange for a Dash info booth at the venue so that our visitors can get informed about Dash and its advantages. The booth would feature Dash promo material and Dash cupcakes that the event attendants will be able to buy after a short demo on how to use the Dash mobile wallet and how to import a paperwallet to their new mobile Dash wallet The booth would be staffed by [USER=10687]@Dandy[/USER], a Masternode owner and a member of our event team. 10 Dash would be assigned as prizes across all categories to category winners and runnerups, but based on category attendance. Dash will be the only sponsor with a booth at the event.

Why sponsor a pole event?

I think this competition would be a good opportunity for Dash to enter an entirely new niche. All Pole Sport events are linked in a way as all key organizers in the pole world are working together, so by sponsoring this event Dash would be entering the Pole Sports competition scene.

The Pole Sport community is a culturally powerful network of first adopters, as we are open minded and don’t care about stigmas in society and preconceptions people usually have. We are used to new ideas and checking them out by ourselves and not listening to the common opinion.  Our community is open to all kinds of new and creative ideas and adaptation of technology is commonplace.

Also, as our sport is young, the collective is still very positive and sharing, so ideas spread fast in our community. Our sport is multicultural, and we usually travel a lot around the world on events, workshops, showcases and so on, so there is a big problem with different currencies and exchange rates. Dash would be a breakthrough in the Pole community as it would solve the primitive ways we are now paying for applications fees for competitions for example, or pay our workshops attendance fees in advance. It would also be a great option for the IPSAF federation to use, as our judges travel all over the world on competitions. Dash could easily become the new currency in our community if it enters it the right way.

Why Belgrade?

Belgrade is the capital city of Serbia, and is also one of the biggest cities on the Balkan peninsula. We have a population of about 2 million people. Our currency (Serbian dinar, roughly 124 RSD =‎ ‎€1) is oscillating way too fast and is unstable, so a majority of the population has their savings converted to euros or other currencies. Young people here are mostly programmers, who work in outsourcing or freelance. They are crippled by bureaucracy and various fees for receiving payment from abroad, and switching to a stable digital currency would make receiving payment much simpler.  Raising awareness of Dash as digital currency and a viable alternative in such an environment can be very fruitful for the Dash community.

Project expenses

Estimated at €12000 for the following:
  • €2500 venue - rental
  • €1500 trussing system - rental
  • €1000 dance floor pavement - rental
  • €1500 competition poles
  • €1200 airplane transfer for 6 judges
  • €1800 living expenses for judges 30.6-2.7.2017 (accommodation, transportation, fees, dining)
  • €500 professional photographer, video maker and making of the promo video of the event, and videos of all competitors
  • €500 all printed materials, banners and posters
  • €1000 event staff
  • €500 marketing campaigns
  • €500 various
With local sponsors and sponsors from the pole sport world, we already have a financial basis for our competition. From the above we can see that the requested Dash funding would be covering about 40% of our expenses.

Please note: Dash will be visible as our Golden sponsor on our website sponsors page and we will start preparing all the Dash promo material as soon as the sponsorship proposal turns green (passes).

Thank you for taking the time to go through and vote on our proposal. We are looking forward to your feedback, You can see the test batch of the Dash cupcakes in our imgur album.

Update by our master node owner, Dandy, regarding the ongoing preparations for the Dash promo material:

Let me post an update on this proposal because I'm organising the Dash part of it.

The preparations are going forward as planned. I'm funding the promotional materials and I'm going to provide Dash that is going to be distributed to the audience at the event.
So whether the proposal passes or not, Dash will be present at the event. The only difference is that if the proposal doesn't pass, Dash will not be listed as the sponsor, it won't be as visible and it won't be given to the winners as a prize.

Dash T-shirts are ready and I made a first draft of the paper wallet with the Dash introduction text, that will be given out to the audience.

I'll keep posting them when there is anything new to report, including the event itself, which is going to happen on July 1st.
Banners are here and also the girls from the Pole studio wanted to say hi to Dash community


Now, onto some more serious stuff.

I'll say again, for those that maybe didn't read this in the preproposal thread:
Dash sponsorship of this event was my idea. Also, I'm the one that donated 5 Dash for the proposal fee and I'm financing the marketing materials.
I'm a masternode owner and believer in Dash. I put a big part of my savings into Dash.
I really want to raise awareness about Dash in Serbia, where I live. I will continue to talk about Dash and get as many people into it as I can, no matter what happens to this proposal.

Now, why I think sponsoring this event is a good investment for the Dash budget?
I agree with some of the commenters on the proposal page that it's too early for mainstream adoption (we'll have to wait for Evolution for this), so it's better to invest in development than in marketing right now, but I think it's never too early to start informing people about Dash.
Those that hear about Dash for the first time at this event will start thinking about it and then when it becomes ready for mainstream adoption eventually, they will already have some idea about what it is and what are its benefits.
Also, I think there are already enough use cases for Dash, that people in Pole community may start considering it for transactions among themselves because it would save them a lot of money in exchange fees and transfers between different fiat currencies. Also, some of the Pole community members are from countries that don't really have stable economies, so using Dash for a savings account might be a very interesting alternative for them.

Another thing... if our budget was completely full, I would be the first to say that we need to cut down on marketing in favour of programming, getting on exchanges and similar stuff, but we have more than enough unused budget right now and the amount of Dash that is asked for this proposal is relatively small.

Now, as the fate of this proposal is still hanging in balance and the event will happen before the voting deadline, let me tell you what will happen if the event passes and if doesn't pass.

If the proposal passes:
- We will have Dash listed as the main sponsor of the event.
- Dash logo would be clearly visible on the stage and the girls that clean the stage between acts will all wear Dash t-shirts.
- Dash will also be listed on the web page as the main sponsor of the event and in all the video recordings of the competition that are going to be shared on social media, Dash will be clearly visible.
- We will give out a small amount of Dash to the audience in form of a paper wallet with the instructions on what Dash is, how to install a Dash Wallet app, how to import Dash from the paper wallet and how to make a Dash payment.
- We will have a Dash stand in front of the hall where the competition is going to be held. There will be a person there that will talk to people about Dash (probably me most of the time) and people will have an option to buy Dash branded cupcakes with the Dash that they received, so they can experience the process.
- The competition winners and runner ups will receive Dash rewards (10 Dash cumulatively)
- As the value of Dash has risen since the proposal was made, after we calculate in the 5000 euro that is intended for the sponsorship, 10 Dash for prizes, 5 Dash for the proposal fee and about 5 Dash for marketing expenses and to be given out to the audience, the rest will be saved for some future Dash promotion in Serbia. All expenses will be reported here, together with the detailed description of the event itself, with pictures and video.

If the proposal doesn't pass:

- Dash will not be listed as a sponsor of the event and it will not be visible on the stage.
- Dash will not be given out as prizes to the competition winners.
- But, there will be a Dash stand with Dash banners and Dash branded cupcakes and we will give out Dash paper wallets to the audience, with the description of what Dash is and how to use it (I'll finance this myself).

So, even if the proposal doesn't pass, I'll do my best to teach anyone at this event about Dash and to make them see the value that it brings.
I would just very much like if you could help me and vote for this proposal, so I could do an even better job and maybe do some more and even better promotions and Dash educations in the future.

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
3 points,7 years ago
I also am mystified as to the number of no votes.

It will publicize Dash, it's very inexpensive.

Good luck with the competition. We are still rooting for you.

solarguy on the forums
0 points,7 years ago
We really don't understand it. Too bad we didn't get feedback, this way we don't know what people don't like about it :(

Thank you so much! It means a lot to us :))))
2 points,7 years ago
Here is the video that talks about the proposal and what they do!
1 point,7 years ago
We've made an update to the description, please see a new youtube video interview at the very beginning of the proposal, and also a new chapter titled Update at the very end of the proposal. The video is a short presentation of our proposal, with Natasa Belic, the main organizer and owner of the Aerial Arts studio, our polerinas and competitors Kristina and Milica, as well as Dandy, a Masternode Owner and one of the competition sponsors and our main Dash person.

The new Update title also contains link to an imgur album with pics of the promo material and Dash banners we've prepared for the event, that will be present no matter if the proposal is funded or not.
1 point,7 years ago
My daughter is a pole dancer. :) Not kidding. She really is. And she has performed in competitions and other major events in various countries. It is her life.
Anyway, I am thinking about this one. I thought your website was DOWN but it is just that you say https in the URL above and it appears that it is only http, which is fine. I don't know if you can fix the URL in the description. I will be thinking about this a lot over the next day or two, then I will vote. Thanks.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for your consideration, and thanks for the url tip. For some reason the editor automatically changes all http links to https, had to remove the protocol.

Awesome that your daughter is also into our sport! You have a better insight then who we are and what we do 🙂
Looking forward to your vote!
2 points,7 years ago
I voted yes.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for your vote! :))
0 points,7 years ago
voted yes.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you!

It would be great to understand why people gave this much no though...

The event is big, Dash would be golden sponsor and we asked for a really small amount in comparison with other projects..

Thank you so much! :)
2 points,7 years ago
To be honest, I would vote yes to be the primary sponsor of any event for only 60 DASH. Great bang for your buck publicity.

Voting yes, and hopefully we will see a lot more of these small sponsorships of all sorts of events.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you very much for your support :)
1 point,7 years ago
I think event's like this are no more than a sign of good will from DASH. Dash is quite unknow and will not improve as right now, people need to do much effort, until evolution arrives.

From the looks of the campaign's Amanda and the south African team showing the dash commercials have a much much larger affect.

Maybe in the future when dash needs to create more buzz, and good will sponsorship deals such as this will be nice thing to do from time to time. That being said the DASH airplane does seem to be fair value as a sponsorship deal.
1 point,7 years ago
First a circus, and now this? Can someone tell me what I am missing? How will this help Dash grow on a significant scale? Even if this will reach thousands, I still think we shouldn't advertise to the general public until Evolution is out.
0 points,7 years ago
This would raise the awareness about Dash and also educate the Pole community on how to use it. It is actually a demographic that is more likely to use Dash for internal value exchange than the general public because they are closely connected and have an actual use for it (there are always people that buy and sell Pole clothes and accessories at these events). Maybe it would even influence some of the bigger Pole equipment companies to add Dash as an option for on-line buying.
Also, haven't you heard about the network effect and six degrees of separation? Every person there has a lot of friends and acquaintances. If they mention it to just a few of them, the Dash circle grows. Also, people will see Dash as a sponsor in pictures and videos of the event and start to investigate for themselves what Dash is (that's actually similar to how I found out about Dash and look at me now, I'm a masternode owner).
Most importantly, I think we have more than enough treasury to fund marketing on events like these. Isn't it better to reach some new people, than to just waste that part of the treasury?
1 point,7 years ago
This one is good, Hope you will get the fund.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for your comment :) Hopefully the Dash community will think as you do as well x)
3 points,7 years ago
Natasha, I'm really sorry for myself as well as for some posters here. Pole dance is a beautiful art with a very hard work within. I wish you good luck with your proposal and the event.
0 points,7 years ago
Semarg, thank you very much, your words mean the world to me now. I am very dissapointed about the attention span and general behavior of some of the people here. Very, very sad.
Only if they took the time to actually watch the videos... you need to be very simple not to see the work and art of it.
Thank you very much for your support!!! :)
0 points,7 years ago
I like this one but with all due respect I frequent alot of clubs and the clientele I see probably aren't the dash type. I don't think any of them have money and what they do have they spend it all on tips.
Still liking the idea tho.
1 point,7 years ago
As I already answered once before, we have NO association whatsoever with exotic dancers and the clubs.
We are doing pole sports, which is very similar to gymnastics, with a code of points of about 200 pages. On the competition we have internationally certified judges and world champions. We train for years diligently almost every day to be able to execute the moves such as straight flags. We are athletes.

So, with all due respect, your sexist remark just shows you haven't paid attention at all to the proposal and are just trolling. This kind of prejudice is primitive.

We would never, ever, dance in nightclubs. I am a theoretical physicist and a renown international athlete and judge that competed on the world championship last year. So I would really ask that you either take a look at the videos we posted or that you take your narrow-mindedness elsewhere. Thank you.
0 points,7 years ago
I voted yes but have reservations. I want to know how, if at all, you plan on quantifying the effect this sponsorship will have. I see this more as a case study. Please think on how you can demonstrate a positive impact of this funding, supposing you are to receive it.
0 points,7 years ago
Hm... your comment got me thinking, but as much as I would like to know the impact of any marketing type proposal funding too, how do you suggest it would be measured?
As far as I can see, the only thing that could be done is to provide photo/video proof of people's engagement at the event itself. Any other more comprehensive study of the long-term impact would require far more resources than this event even costs.
2 points,7 years ago
I think be the golden sponsor of the Pole Sport Championship is a realy good thing for promoting Dash.
Just have a look at the history of Red Bull.
Also Pole Sport get more and more popular, is athletic and have sex-appeal.
Voting "yes"
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for your vote! :)
2 points,7 years ago
You are asking funding for a reasonable amount and i see benefits for both Dash and to those that seek funding.
So you got my yes votes.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for your vote! :)
-7 points,7 years ago
will the dancers be totally naked or just topless
1 point,7 years ago
I find your comment really distasteful and primitive. We have to put up with this kind of stuff all the time. This is a pole sport championship, and we have no affiliation with exotic pole dancing. Our sport takes creativity as well as
lots of effort, discipline, dedication and hard work, and having all that degraded with such comments is really unkind. Please take a look at the videos we posted and see for yourself what we are and how much effort and work we put into our choreography. Otherwise please take your sexist comments and narrow-mindedness elsewhere. Thanks.
3 points,7 years ago
I must support aerial_arts here. There is a huge difference between Table Dance and Pole Sports! Contenders even may get disqualified from championships in case they show too much skin or dress too sexy. I'm not very educated in the history of Pole Sports, but I'd assume statements like the one made by peon are the reason for such strict handling and rules.
0 points,7 years ago
We do our best to represent our sport for what it is - gymnastics on a vertical requisite with elements of modern ballet and other dances such as latino and contemporary.
Exactly because of the universal stygma and prejudice we have very strict rules of conduct, much more than mainstream gymnastics for example.
In any case, thank you very much codablock for your support! :)
-1 point,7 years ago
"Release the hounds!" (c)
1 point,7 years ago
How many tickets did you sell in the last edition of the Championship?
0 points,7 years ago
Belgrade has had several pole events in the past, but all were of a local nature and were not endorsed by an international federation. These events had from 200 to 500 attendants, mostly friends and family of the contestants and pole studio members that were not competing. However, seeing as our championship is the first of its kind in Serbia, is a qualifying championship for Worlds, is sponsored by, among others, X-pole, a world famous pole manufacturer that is offering their poles as rewards, and has an international open category, we are expecting all competitive studios to be represented, as well as several competitors from the region. With all this in mind we are expecting at least double the attendance than with previous pole events in Belgrade.
0 points,7 years ago
I know someone who is professionally doing Pole Sport, including championships. She was recently on the German championship and from what I hear, only people who are REALLY interested in Pole Sport (and doing it by themself) are visiting these championships. This is not like football, where all types of people are coming. I honestly don't believe such an event would include enough people interested in Dash to be worth being sponsored.

I'd vote no if I had a masternode.
0 points,7 years ago
I'll vote for you :-P
-2 points,7 years ago
0 points,7 years ago
I'm sad to hear that and hope that, as we answer more proposal questions, we'll make you change your mind and convince you this sponsorship would be beneficial for Dash. In any case, thanks for your consideration and your vote.
2 points,7 years ago
I have seen a lot of people on these Pole events that have small businesses which make Pole clothes and other accessories. Exposing them to Dash would be very beneficial, considering that they often sell their merchandise internationally. If they integrate Dash payments, it would save them and their customers a lot of expenses. I think this is more valuable than random event attendees.
1 point,7 years ago
Hello there 🙂

As I said in the proposal, I am a professional athlete, I compete every year and run a big school, judge internationally and organize competitions. So I would know something about competitions, pole dancers and the general crowd attending events.

Also, why would you think that people who are interested in pole sports would not be interested in Dash?
All types of people train pole, for example in my school we have scientists with PhDs, politicians, freelancers and lots of programmers. Besides, the participants will also invite their family and friends to watch them compete and cheer them on, which then increases the audience from "just people REALLY interested in pole sport".

So I would ask you to please look further than your prejudices toward the people in our sport and the crowd that attends our event 🙂
0 points,7 years ago
What you say is valid for every single event that could be sponsored by Dash. Of course there are all kind of different people in Pole Sport, being interested in all kind of things, but that's true for every sports/event types.

I simply believe that there are other types of events which fit much better then a Pole Sport championship (or any other sports event to be honest). Dash (and any other cryptocurrency) is far away from mainstream and thus it's not the right time to advertise on mainstream events, the time will come, but it's not now IMHO.
3 points,7 years ago
Codablock, I appreciate your opinion and I agree that it's too early for mainstream adoption (we'll have to wait for Evolution for this), but it's never too early to start raising awareness.
People that hear about Dash for the first time at this event will start thinking about it and then when it becomes ready for mainstream adoption eventually, they will already have some idea about what it is and what are its benefits.
Also, I don't agree that it isn't usable already. The number of shops and services that accept it is raising steadily. The biggest reason that Dash is gaining in value and we have such a big budget to spend is exactly because there are more and more people believing in Dash.

Full disclosure. I'm the person which will be educating people about Dash on this event if this proposal passes.
I'm a masternode owner and believer in Dash. I put a big part of my savings into Dash.

I donated 5 Dash for the proposal and I'm not sorry even if I don't get them back. I really think this can be good for Dash adoption in the long run.
I'm ready to finance the printing of Dash promo materials myself in advance, as the event will be before the payout in this cycle. I don't expect any compensation for my work (raising value of Dash will take care of that) and all Dash from the proposal would be put towards the event itself. At best, I will break even in the end.
So please, give me the opportunity to do some good for the Dash community and vote for this proposal. The amount that is asked for is about 0.9% of the whole budget and I really think that its benefits far outweigh the cost.
0 points,7 years ago
Cover your poles with DASH logos an my votes are all yours!! |-D
1 point,7 years ago
Unfortunately this is not technically possible, as any stickers or paint on the poles can affect the contestants grip on the pole and so affect their performance. But like we mentioned, we will have Dash banners on the stage, our stage staff will wear Dash shirts and a Dash booth will be present at the event, so Dash will have very good visibility on the event as well as any event photos and videos. But thanks for your suggestion! 🙂
0 points,7 years ago
Oh, I'm sorry, was just kidding, may be it wasn't the best joke. I have already voted yes.
0 points,7 years ago
No problem, we're here to clarify any questions that may come up.
Thanks for your vote! :)