Proposal “renew-dash-detailed“ (Completed)Back

Title:Renew DASH: Detailed for 6 Months
Monthly amount: 123 DASH (3342 USD)
Completed payments: 5 totaling in 615 DASH (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-10-05 / 2017-04-20 (added on 2016-09-08)
Votes: 881 Yes / 50 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

We the production team of DASH: Detailed – Amanda B. Johnson andPete Eyre – are seeking a six-month agreement renewal for our weekly video series.

To review, in the preceding three months of production we have:

  - Published one video per week      

     -What Stands Between Digital Currency & 'Mass Adoption'?
     -How Does Dash's DAO Work?
     - Masternode Setup, Buying Shares, and ‘Interest-Bearing Accounts’ of the Future
     - Ethereum’s Fork & Bitcoin’s Block Size: Different Dramas, Same Cause
     - Do You Make These 4 Mistakes When Explaining Cryptocurrency to Newcomers?
     - Hard ‘n’ Fast vs. Deliberate ‘n’ Slow: How to Reach ‘Cryptocurrency 3.0’?
     - EVERYTHING You Need to Know About Dash in Under 3 Minutes!
     - Hashrate, Security, & the ‘Tax’ of Inflation: Dash’s Ryan Taylor Gets Unconventional
     - Dash Team Interview: Evan, Daniel, Robert, Ryan, & Holger Answer Your Questions
     - Is There a Maximum Coin Supply in Dash?
     - Anyone Can Apply for Dash Treasury Funds: A 3-Step Tutorial
     - Why Dash is the Most Sybil Attack-Resistant Cryptocurrency – By Far
     - Apple. We're Digital Currency Experts Now.

  - Published two bonus videos  

     - Anthony Di Iorio on Jaxx’s Business Model & Imminent Dash Integration
     - Crypto Investors Should Look Closer at Dash: The Atlanta Blockchain Hosts Evan & Amanda

We have also created and shared monthly investor reports to keep everyone in the loop.

Additionally, in an effort to inform different audiences about Dash, Amanda has been a guest on a number of media outlets: Liberty Entrepreneurs, NeoCash Radio, Bitcoin Uncensored, Fort Galt TV, and The Crypto Show.

While it is impossible to quantify the precise effect our work has had on Dash’s market cap, some available metrics can act as a gauge:

  - YouTube subscriptions have increased from 140 to 3,000+
  - Contact list of grassroots Dash supporters has grown from 0 to 284 email addresses (and growing), all    contacted weekly
  - Slack membership has increased from ~400 to 700+. Bill Cassidy has noted that most newcomers cited    ï»¿DASH: Detailed as their reason for stopping by
  - Subreddit numbers have increased – subscribership has gone from the high 1000s to the near-mid                 2000s and the average number of people in our subreddit has more than doubled from ~6 to ~14
  - DASH: Detailed Twitter account has grown from 0 to 500+ thus far
  - We’ve shipped DASH: Detailed business cards to dozens of people all over the world for free, on request

Though DASH: Detailed is not solely responsible, we like to think that our efforts have been part of the forward movement that has seen the Dash price (the most important metric of all) increase from ~$8/Dash to ~$11.50/Dash

GOING FORWARD: We intend to grow the numbers cited above. In an effort to do so, we’ve commissioned a marketing analysis report from an individual who works in that field (and paid her in Dash). We
eagerly await her report.

Specifically, our deliverables on behalf of DASH: Detailed for the next six months, then, are:

  1 – We publish new, high-caliber, entertaining, informative material every Wednesday
  2 – Amanda continues her availability for media appearances
  3 – We acquire strategic marketing guidance & begin implementation of said guidance
  4 – The Dash price increases further

We hope to receive your ‘yes’ vote and answer any questions you may have below. Thank you.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,7 years ago
Amanda and a few people on the team know I am newer to a lot of this crypto stuff but when I blogged about DASH on Steemit -- not once but a few times and the posts gained some traction -- Amanda engaged me as a new person, as did others on the team and other channels.

I felt valued and have included her videos and info on a few posts now, she is a big reason why DASH has so much traction I think -- she is everywhere, as a brand ambassador in my humble opinion.

I don;t have a lot to offer other than I am a pretty regular person, not an IT or crypto expert and I am the type of person crypto needs to onboard and maintain, for mass adoption.

Amanda (and by extension Pete) - have done that with me and provided me a LOT of resources.
0 points,7 years ago
off course!
0 points,7 years ago
I like the figure (123) :) and I love Amanda's videos. One of the few proposals I can endorse.
0 points,7 years ago
I love your show! Worth every Duff!
0 points,7 years ago
Great job Amanda. You personally converted me from owning a few DASH to setting up a masternode within a week of meeting you. Keep it up!
0 points,7 years ago
she is the best. i do wish she said Heaven heaven as a greeting tho.
2 points,7 years ago
I commited to setting up a masternode just two weeks ago partly on the back of Amanda's videos - 85% of my crypto is now in Dash because of this. Without Amanda's videos I would have been less likely to take the risk.
0 points,7 years ago
Her power is the ability of expressing logic and reason in a pure way that doesn't require much trust and I didn't feel manipulated into participating.
2 points,7 years ago
6 months is too long... we've seen what can happen to Dash's price in 6 months time. Please shorten the time frame. This is one of the reasons why the core team submits budgets every month. To adjust for price changes.
3 points,7 years ago
The core team submits *additional* budgets every month. Their *salary* budget is the longest payout on the docket -- 100 months. I'd say 6 months is pretty paltry in comparison.

And as Dworf pointed out, the risk goes both ways -- I'm also risking that Dash nosedives and I have to keep working for half what I agreed to work for.
0 points,7 years ago
Can yes votes be changed to no votes (if the price changes so much that the amount becomes inappropriate)?
2 points,7 years ago
true - maybe Amanda has not thought about this aspect. but the risk is on both sides. I hope it will turn out positive for her
0 points,7 years ago
Great job Amanda, I wonder if we can get some marketing numbers just to show the impact of the show on the 'consumer awareness' of DASH news and information.
0 points,7 years ago
What do you mean by "marketing numbers," specifically?
0 points,7 years ago
Not sure she has been keeping track of much but twitter followers, views and whatever YouTube gives you... she would need more marketing support to figure out the larger scale of her impact beyond views and what not.
3 points,7 years ago
Something like 70% of the people that come to the Dash Slack mention that they found us because of Amanda's videos. This proposal represents huge value. Would be awesome if we could 'clone' Amanda to multiply her efforts. lol
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for pointing out that stat. :)
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Amanda, thanks for your show, "Masternode Setup,..." was *the* video that got me to buy into Dash. It could be my aging memory or I may have been missing out on the "monthly investor reports" you mentioned. How does one download or subscribe to those?
0 points,7 years ago
I've just been publishing them once a month on the forum (in the "general discussion" section), as well as on our subreddit at
0 points,7 years ago
Ah, I really need to participate in the forum, thanks!
2 points,7 years ago
Lovely! Glad to see you expanding the horizons and adding more marketing to the project, the growth rate is sure to grow much faster now! Good stuff Amanda! I would even go as far to say you are still selling yourself short as far as the price is concerned. (Looking @ Lawyers/Tigo/Website/Domain Name proposals of 8-80k) You do good work.
2 points,7 years ago
I wish I were the first to vote yes, but at least I am ONE OF the first. Best money we spend by far. Thank you Amanda!
1 point,7 years ago
Fo sho.
1 point,7 years ago
Genuine pleasure to have you as a guest last night Amanda. The Crypto Show masternode serves up a very solid yes vote for you and Pete!
0 points,7 years ago
1 point,7 years ago
oh, and Pete too of course!
0 points,7 years ago
Of course. :)