Proposal “multi_comm_outreach“ (Closed)Back

Title:Multimedia Community Outreach
Monthly amount: 50 DASH (1347 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (6 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-09-05 / 2017-03-20 (added on 2016-08-27)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 866 Yes / 496 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

Hi, my name is Tao Of Satoshi.

Most of you know me already from the forums and on Twitter, YouTube and Instagram as the Dash Dalmatian. You may remember I submitted a proposal a while back called "Tao - Community Lead". While this proposal was successful from the standpoint that it received more "yes" than "no" votes, it did not pass because it did not meet the required spread between the two. I listened to the feedback given to me by the "no" voters, and I have returned with a less political version of the proposal. In the interim, I have continued to work tirelessly to promote Dash all over the internet, and in person as well (on my vacation to Nova Scotia, Canada).

I am a very friendly person by nature, and have the ability and patience to deal with many different types of people on a regular basis. I have held a job as a Table Games Supervisor in a casino for 20 years, so I have experience dealing with people on a regular basis.

I believe deeply in Dash and in the team which creates and surrounds it. The ride we’ve been on has been incredible, we are on the cutting edge of money and being a part of that has been amazing.It’s what led me to devote nearly 100% of my free time to promoting and explaining Dash. From my MASTERNODE SETUP GUIDE FOR DUMMIES, to my popular Twitter account, to my fledgling YouTube account, to my RebelMouse Dash Nation website, to the troll-slaying BCT Dash Nation Progress Thread, to the new Dash Nation website, to the new frontier on Steemit, my heart bleeds Dash.

So now that I’ve shown you my credentials, I will get to the point of the proposal. I have discussed this with members of the community and Evan, and ask for your support as well:

Proposal: Multimedia Community Outreach

I have taken great pride over the years being a community builder on the grassroots level. I enjoy spreading the knowledge about Dash to anyone who would listen, and I use my unlimited patience and energy to debate Dash's virtues to any trolls who would disparage it. I enjoy on-boarding new people into Dash, and then seeing their contributions as they happen. I support any initiatives to build a healthy, thriving community as these are the group of people who will use Dash, and build the snowball by telling their friends and family.

However, as I spend so much of my time doing this, I would like to know that it is appreciated. This proposal being accepted would signify to me (and my wife :) ) that the Dash investors value the efforts that I have put in, and will continue to put in as we grow, and would motivate me to work even harder to grow this community.

Current and ongoing work:

– Grow the community by reaching out to newbies via my accounts on Twitter, the forums, YouTube, Reddit, and my two personal Dash Nation websites.
– Ensure that the official Dash Twitter is up-to-date.
– Encourage people to visit
– Promote a strong community and reach out to outside talent to develop Dash.
– Work with my team on the Dash Slack Channel to create new and interesting ideas to promote the Dash community online and in person.
– Availability to join the team for conferences and expos to lend my personable disposition to the cause.
– Encourage the creation of Masternodes through my channels and guide.

I will also keep myself up to date about new venues to establish accounts and spread the Dash word and gain community members and involvement, such as Steemit or Synereo. It is important to be a first mover in these venues as it is an opportunity to gain exposure.

As a community builder's work is never done, I am willing to commit to this long term, as I have already. I resolve to do my job efficiently, and in as little time as possible, balancing my family and work life.


To do this job, I am asking for 50 Dash per month. I guarantee you, it will be money well spent. I have done a lot for Dash in two years, and I would like to do even more to propel this project forward. The initial proposal is for 6 months, after which you can re-evaluate my performance.

To progress, optimism and decentralized technology. To Dash.

Thank you for considering my proposal.


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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
1 point,8 years ago
voted yes for now, although i'm not too happy about the multi-period aspect of it. On the other hand update 12.1 does take longer then i anticipated, so that changed my perspective with regards to using multi period in proposals a bit.
0 points,8 years ago
Thanks, qwizzie. I won't let you down.
5 points,8 years ago
A single 300-strong masternode operator pulled his weight to downvote this effort? WTF??

We can crowdfund 50 DASH without a whale swinging his fat ass around. I hereby pledge matching funds DASH for DASH until we reach 50. I will start by seeding with 10 DASH. TaoOfSatoshi, Is this the correct address?
1 point,8 years ago
i wasn't going to vote on this because i did not like the multi month commitment or the price. with a month to month contract and a bit lower price i would fully support it.
it does not now look like it is going to pass but i'm going to vote for it anyway even with my complaints.
i don't use twitter much or visit the dash nation website but we could use someone in the btctalk dash thread posting updates and articles and videos and other news. tungfa (and others) does a lot of that but i haven't seen him much lately. we need someone cross posting all the news that comes out of slack and the dash forum and posting it to btctalk first and to reddit/steemit too.
0 points,8 years ago
I'm actually rallying the Twitter troops as we speak! Got an RT party going with a "leave Dash on Jaxx" tweet..
0 points,8 years ago
I appreciate your offer. What I am doing now is attempting to gain feedback on why this person feels that this proposal is not acceptable at the moment. I really appreciate all of the support I've received from the community through all of this. I will not give up.
0 points,8 years ago
Ah, I see. Only 49 DASH left in the budget. I still think we can pull it off, as long as the funding is month to month. :)
0 points,8 years ago
That is wrong, according to babygiraffe. He specifically left room in the budget so that my proposal would fit. The rounding is off on this site, he said.
0 points,8 years ago
Total budget amount is now shown with 2 decimals.
2 points,8 years ago
Masternode whale should vote yes to be funded.
I voted yes with my masternodes to encourage your activity.
I think some masternode owners are jealous of your popularity .
And don't like increasing masternodes.
3 points,8 years ago
Sorry the bureaucracy screwed you man... sucks big time you deserved this too.
2 points,8 years ago
Voting 'yes' with the hope that you eventually clearly define a role for yourself, so that eventually we can downvote the vague core salary and just pay individuals to do specific tasks. I think you have demonstrated we can do that, as you are already doing a better job (for free) than Tungfa does getting paid.
0 points,8 years ago
Out of curiousity, how do you know how much any other person does?
1 point,8 years ago
Like that Yidakee guy, Kot Tungfa, yourself and so on you mean? All those vague non deliverable gigs you guys got going on?
1 point,8 years ago
I think that is where the budget system should eventually go, with people who perform certain tasks getting voted on by the network. We're still in the early days of this thing! Thank you for your confidence in my job performance, and your vote!
-2 points,8 years ago
Well... This would be simply impossible to deliver and control the work this way. Where in the world happens that shareholders control the work of each member of the company (referring to the example from "the world outside")
This is also one of the worst management methods called micro-management. In the long run this works really bad (despite good intentions of micro-managers).
3 points,8 years ago
Kot, the real world actually works this way. It is called getting paid because you do stuff for your boss. It turns out the boss with Dash is the Masternodes who made decisions and pay you.

You seem to think there needs to be a few layers in between to protect masternodes or protect the proposal owners. I don't understand this. It only appears to be a way to insert "managers" that can get a free ride. The reason we have discussions about projects is because deliverables are not being met and questions are not getting addressed. It isn't because there are not enough managers telling people what to do.

Micromanagement is when you are defining HOW the project owner does his duties. It is not splitting up each persons role so it can be paid and voted in separately.
0 points,8 years ago
Well... I do not know from where the idea about the lawyers came out. Please do not suggest what I think.
In my opinion we have discussions because proposals and deliverables were not defined the right, the same and straight way. It creates a room for interpretation and confusion.
About micromanagement - it is about "what" and "how" - both of it. Just to be clear - I was referring to the sentence: "we can downvote the vague core salary and just pay individuals to do specific tasks" made by n00bkid. It is completely unrealistic to perform this way and it is a micromanagement. It would mean that every month hundreds of proposals for tasks had to be voted by the masternodes. Utopia.
0 points,8 years ago
I'm not sure you are in the right field of work, Dash should be focused on decentralizing further and faster, not centralizing and calling a micro economy "micro manageing", it is absolutely NOT that. We don't need your PM work dude, we just need a micro economy of contractors.
0 points,8 years ago
Who is "we" and what is "micro economy of contractors"? I guess we have different views of the Dash future.
I was thinking that we want Dash to be a global payment system. This is far from the scale called "micro" in economy. I don't want Dash being micro-scale solution I want it to be global and accessible for everyone.
Do you know how many contractors are needed to develop and maintain global payment system? Hundreds or thousands - depends on the system features . How would you see it managed by masternodes voting on their tasks?
This is at least what my experience tells me - it is impossible to have hundreds/thousands of people being directly "managed" by the network of other hundreds of people.
I can be wrong so, if you have any real plan and strategy how to do it better than we do it now - feel free to present it. I am sure that masternodes will approve it immediately if it is valuable for the network.
And I will be more than happy to step-out and learn how it could be managed better and see how my savings are growing without spending days and night working on the project.
2 points,8 years ago
The only reason I'm even a part of this community is because Tao recruited me via Twitter to get into the Slack channel. I think letting him do what he does best even more would be a great idea.
0 points,8 years ago
Thank you for your review, Joel. I am very happy you've become a contributing member of Dash. Getting more people on board will become easier and easier over time, as the qualities of Dash continue to gain awareness.
2 points,8 years ago
+1 Yes. Your work is very much appreciated, without your forum posts I doubt I would have a masternode to vote with. Thanks
1 point,8 years ago
Wow, those sort comments mean the most to me! I'm happy that you joined us. Thanks for your support!
4 points,8 years ago
I think you do a ton of real work, keeping Dash on the top of everyone's mind. You have my full support of getting some financial recognition. I think it's the best way to say "Thank you".
0 points,8 years ago
Thank you for all your kind words, Tante. I am very happy to work so hard for a project I'm so passionate about.
2 points,8 years ago
would we be able to reach out to you for contacting other online communities as well?
0 points,8 years ago
I'm always open to contacting new markets and groups. I'm just a PM away!
2 points,8 years ago
thank you TAO - your guide to setup masternodes helped a lot. Your work is appreciated a lot. But can you please identify yourself just by signing your name "Tao Of Satoshi" with your DASH address XgUJ1vpJN49YTEnBJxZ6dfhTrQmyF4Ecuw
0 points,8 years ago
Took a bit longer, as I was out all day, but here you go:
0 points,8 years ago
if I verify it with Electrum I get this: "Error: wrong signature"
0 points,8 years ago
Works for me in QT, never tried Electrum.
0 points,8 years ago
wow - that is really strange - also for me it works in Qt
but still not in Electrum
you have my vote
0 points,8 years ago
Thank you, sir.
0 points,8 years ago
Certainly. You can expect that to happen within 24 hours.