Proposal “mnowatch-hosting-2025“ (Active)Back

Monthly amount: 1 DASH (35 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (12 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2024-12-28 / 2026-01-01 (added on 2024-12-03)
Votes: 594 Yes / 26 No / 5 Abstain
Will be funded: Yes
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Proposal description

This proposal is the continuation of the previous proposal to help pay for the hosting of our current run rate is about $50 per month.  This proposal requests 1 Dash/cycle for 12 cycles (months) starting from January 2025.

About MNOwatch
MNOwatch is a community run website which aims to provide information and services about and for the Dash network. We can be contacted on the forum and subreddit . Our current git repo is available for review and PRs, it has the code for the main reports on the home page, however, the rest of the site is yet to be added to a public repo. Also, much of the code that runs MNOwatch is available at this repo.

2024 was an exciting year with the release of Dash Platform - Evolution, we scrambled to put together a no nonsense page that gives the community a lot of information about the Evonode network at a glance. The page shows a chart of the number of Evonodes over time since the start of the network, the expected rate of return for an Evonode together with a regular node, the percentage of the network that is an Evonode.  We also generate a tenderdash validator key on each refresh of the page to make it easier for people setting up an Evonode.  We add a withdrawal queue, which shows in real-time the pending Platform withdrawals and recently completed withdrawals.  We also have a chart tracking the credit pool and reported Platform balance to help detect any credit leaks in Platform and the page also has a massive table with all the relevant statistics of an evonode to help owners diagnose their nodes, including a port check and balance report and number of proposed blocks (in this epoch), this one page gives the community a huge insight into the health of the network at a glance.

Another new and exciting service that we now provide and are building out is the amazing site!  This new domain is currently our only glance into Dash's secondary DAO where we see how MNOs (both regular and Evo) vote on name allocations!  There are big plans for this site in the future as more governance is moved to Platform and the eventual retirement of governance on the L1 P2P network.  Our plans are to make the site 100% client side when a good SDK is available.  To allow (e)MNOs to import their keys and vote directly from their browsers and finally, well down the track, a discussion forum will be built there to allow everyone to collaborate and discuss the topics up for vote in a permissionless, self-moderating way.

How it works
MNOwatch runs  on a single high performance server with embedded dashd for access to the blockchain and a webserver and PHP and cron jobs. The
server costs about $50/month to run.

The Dash raised from this proposal will be spent only when the value of it meets or exceeds our monthly costs.  If the price should fall under this rate, we will save it until such time as it can be sold for a fair price.  Today, we were able to sell 12 Dash at a rate of $55, covering the several months of this year where I personally funded the site since the price of Dash was too low to sell.   The costs of MNOwatch are likely to increase slightly in the future, our main choke point right now is storage, we hold a lot of hot data online and disks are filling, we may need to add extra storage, which would increase costs to about $60/month, but nothing is planned at this stage.

P.S. We created this proposal with the help of Mnowatch proposal generator.


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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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3 points,1 month ago
Top cunt
3 points,1 month ago
2 points,1 month ago
A strong YES from me, obvioulsy.

Below you can see who votes what, regarding mnowatch2025.

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2 points,1 month ago
You have my yes.
2 points,1 month ago
Thanks Agnew, appreciate it !