Proposal “masternodeio“ (Closed)Back
One-time payment: 109 DASH (2954 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-02-17 / 2018-03-19 (added on 2018-02-20)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 285 Yes / 267 No / 49 Abstain

Proposal description


We aim to introduce a new and improved open source proposal system for the DASH community. By doing so the community will be able to compete, modify and host any number of proposal systems at the benefit of the DASH ecosystem.

GreenCandle’s escrow service will be used to guarantee a return on the community’s investment.

Landing Page Mockup
Proposal Mockup


  • Introduce an open sourced system to empower any community member with the tools required to operate a proposal service for the DASH ecosystem.
  • Develop a variety of features that can be used to prevent or eliminate the threat of malicious actors. 
  • Create an improved proposal experience to alleviate some of the pain points involved with current solutions. 
Proposed Solution

  • Rebuild the functionality of DASHCentral with some desired community improvements including: 
  • Ability for Masternodes to hide comments that were not created by other verified Masternodes.
  • Replace the project description section of proposals with the ability to embed a PDF ( see proposal screenshot ). Alleviating the pain associated with creating a proposal through the WYSIWYG editor.
  • Develop a modern fully responsive frontend. 
Value to the Community

Developing this service and open sourcing it will lower the barrier of entry associated with running a proposal system for the DASH community encouraging competition which in turn will drive
Proposal Breakdown

The application will be built using a LAMP backend with a fully responsive frontend ensuring the service will be made available on any device or browser.

  • Landing Page - screenshot
    Latest DASH stats, changelog, FAQ, and a list of active proposals

  • User System
    Login, logout, registration, and forgot password
    Ability to verify/register Masternodes

  • List All Proposals
    Includes all past and present proposals

  • Proposal - screenshot
    Includes title, owner, escrow provider, budget requested, deadline, embedded PDF, vote spread, Masternode voting instructions, and comments

  • Proposal Generator
    Creation of the proposal on the DASH blockchain including the burn of 5 DASH

  • Contact Us Form
    Connect directly with the owners of the proposal service to report bugs or other issues found with the service.

  • FAQ
    Outline how to create a proposal, register a Masternode, etc.

  • Site Terms

Proposal Timeline

Week 1

Development of the responsive frontend will take place. Once complete I will post a screenshot of each page within the DASH forum to receive and apply feedback provided by the community. Developing the frontend will allow us to finalize the data displayed on each page and make final adjustments before beginning the backend development.

Week 2

Development of the LAMP backend will take place including the creation of the Database architecture through phpMyadmin. The underlying logic required to run this service and interact with the DASH blockchain will also be completed during this time.

Week 3

Testing! We will focus on testing the application using the DASH testnet to ensure everything from the creation of proposals to commenting functions properly. Once complete the application will be open sourced in order to receive the final payment from the GreenCandle escrow service.
Total Timeline: 1 Month
Sub-Total: 100.00DASH
Proposal Fee: 5.01 DASH
Escrow Fee:4 DASH
Total: 109.01DASH

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
MNO Australia.
Voting YES.
Dash Central could be improved and modded for sure. But that is not happening.
0 points,6 years ago
If you ever do get this done, may I ask you if it would be possible to build it with Evolution in mind? I think the future is to have all this information (threads on each proposal) in the dash drive where anyone can "pull it up" using the DAPI either in an app or website of their choosing. If a MNO posts something, the rest of the world can see what they post, but only proposal owners and MNOs are allowed to post. If you could build this with the vision of setting it into the Dash Drive so it can be decentralized with a centralized functionality, that would be awesome. It would also be protected there as the site will never go down or disappear and nobody will have to maintain a site/domain name, etc...
0 points,6 years ago
Another caveat is that the information would be archived forever. :)
0 points,6 years ago
I want to see this happen - IMO the current site is poor
0 points,6 years ago
Voting NO for now. This is something that could be developed first then put in the proposal after it's up and running. If its a good site we will want to use it and fund it. Not only that you could put in regular 3-6 month proposals for support and updates.
3 points,6 years ago
Why all the "no" votes, folks? Explain yourselves, what use are you to the network when you vote but don't explain why? Sometimes proposal owners can give further clarification or make changes based on your criticisms and reach amenable outcomes. If you're going to participate, then *participate.*
2 points,6 years ago
We need good governance tools.
Schedule seems aggressive. Take the time it needs to make it watertight.
Voting yes.
3 points,6 years ago
Voting yes. Some ideas for the new platform:

I'd like to be able to hide all proposals I've voted on (with a check box); or move all proposals I've already voted on to the bottom of the list so I don't need to scroll through them all the time.

It would be nice to be able to sort proposals by net votes, by yes votes, by no votes.

After I place a vote, pop up a comment box so I can add a comment without having to move to a different area on the screen. This could make voters more likely to comment.
2 points,6 years ago
A thousand times yes.
2 points,6 years ago
I greatly appreciate everything Dash Central and Rango have done, but yeah, I agree, as things progress we need a better platform and some of these additional features we've all discussed would be great and it's clear that Rango just doesn't have the time to do what we as MNOs want/need to have done. Most important to this is open source development so that eventually the DAO actually owns its own platform. That's essential. If we're going to be taking on multi-million dollar proposals and actually owning equity in the future, we need a platform that reflects and facilitates that kind of responsibility, so the sooner we can get that taken care of the better.
3 points,6 years ago
Agreed we need to own our platform.
2 points,6 years ago
This is very much needed. More options of sites to be able to vote and discuss the better. In the end the best sites with the best features will rise to popularity.
3 points,6 years ago
Voting yes. The lack of action on openly abusive and nasty shill comments with the intention to spread FUD has forced my hand. If Rango will not do his job well, the community will not hesitate to look for other options..
3 points,6 years ago
I'm voting yes on this. I think the timescale is rather optimistic(!), it'll more likely take twice that minimum but that shouldn't take away from the purpose of the proposal.. We've outgrown Dashcentral and I really don't like that it's under individual ownership.

As masternode operators we need to take ownership of the tools and resources we use to collaborate and contribute to our network. The first stage of that is creating one or more DFO's that we control via funding proposals such as this, then they build out the infrastructure we require.

MNO's who want to hold out for a completely decentralised "evo" solution are living in a dreamworld if they think that's coming any time soon. We're years away from this kind of solution in reality.. In the meantime we have real business to attend too...

Think about it.. As Mark Mason would say.

6 points,6 years ago
Voting yes. DashCentral has become problematic. Concerns about the lack of moderation and trolling go back at least to last July/August. I sympathize that Rango has a lot on his plate....but.....we have to do something soon.

DashCentral has played a huge role in the development of Dash, but it is a central point of failure. An open source, redundant site would be a good thing. It doesn't mean DashCentral can't be improved as well.

4 points,6 years ago
voted yes, id like to see some competition
2 points,6 years ago
There are good reasons for and against this. I'll vote yes in the spirit of competition.

For both this proposal and for rango, I would like to see the following features implemented:

1. Set comments to MNOs only
2. New proposal header field: Proposal Owner Identitiy Verified? field (green yes check or red no X)
3. Escrowed? field (green yes check or red no X)
4. Escrow Provider: text
5. Escrow address verified? field: (green yes check or red no X)
5 points,6 years ago
Why is DashBoost being discussed by some commenters???

DashBoost = a micro-proposal system where small opportunities can be voted on by the community (non-MNOs as well, AFAIK). Approved proposals would then receive the funds from DashBoost. = an open-source, improved version of this site — with tools to prevent trolling (this is starting to become a real problem here), a better front end, PDFs for the proposal descriptions, etc.

I fail to see any overlap with DashBoost...

Also, escrow is being handled by GC, that’s it. If MNOs have issues with GC that should be discussed in the comment section of that (currently live) proposal. From a purely escrow point of view GC is doing their job as I have not heard any reports of proposal owners that deal with GC not being paid.
4 points,6 years ago
As there seems to be some "anti" green candle players on here....I'm hoping to have the green candle report on all the projects that green candle has handled and complete trail of all the funds so that we can stop the silly fudding going on here. I will be putting my MN votes behind this project for sure.
3 points,6 years ago
@bigrcanada thank you very much for your comment. I just posted exactly what you were after on my proposal. I hope MNOs will find time to read through the details. For those that did not yet see it:
1 point,6 years ago
You have my support on this. Voting yes, best of luck..
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you
1 point,6 years ago
I'd really like to see a breakdown of the cost and also how you plan to support the site in the future. During the discussion in discord, we had quite a few ideas about things we would like to have on such a site.
2 points,6 years ago
My response to @quantumexplorer should cover your concerns/questions.
0 points,6 years ago
First of all i have no problem with having a new open-source proposal system, after all competition is healthy and can force interesting and needed changes.

But at the same time i think we need to discuss any new budget proposal system a bit further, specifically with regards to the implemention of moderators, comment filters and splitting the masternode owner group from the rest.

It is not clear to me how the masternode owners feel about that : do we want moderators that will be actively viewing and judging comments ? Or do we want to introduce comment filters ? Or do we want a system, that only let masternode owners discuss budget proposals ?
3 points,6 years ago
Regardless of the masternodes decisions around moderators and or moderation under this proposal the MNO's would have power to just clone the repo and launch a new proposal domain/service. See my response to @quantumexplorer for more information.
-1 point,6 years ago
Essentially fracturing the already sparse conversation that exists on dash central
4 points,6 years ago
Not necessarily, all it would take is listing comments from other proposal systems using the API's I mentioned in my response to @quantumexplorer. From there we could include a small badge so the community know's where the comment originated from, by clicking on the badge you would be able to continue the conversation through that domain if necessary. For example

This would also allow MNO's to filter comments even further, let's say there is a domain created using the software to troll proposals, filter or ban the domain from being included in the comment section and this problem is solved.
-1 point,6 years ago
Voting no too, I agree with quantumexplorer.
2 points,6 years ago
I replied to his inquiry if you wanted more information.
0 points,6 years ago
Are you going to host the new proposal system yourself? Or are you only going to develop it and thats it?
4 points,6 years ago
We will be hosting on and open sourcing the final product including any feature we continue to develop for so this would be more of a long term value add to Dash.

See my response to @quantumexplorer for a bit more information around our thought process about the proposal and open sourcing all features, etc.
2 points,6 years ago
Sounds great, voting yes!
0 points,6 years ago
Appreciate your effort but will vote no, Dashcentral is pretty central to the dash budgeting system currently, any other website would just fracture the discussion. The next update to this process should be a decentralized version on top of evo, not another website imo. Also if you think you will be done in 3 weeks you are kidding yourself. But let's assume 3 weeks. Let's say you are going to use 10k for 3 years of hosting, so 62k for 3 weeks of work. I sometimes wonder if people submitting proposals like this one assume MNOs won't question the fine print.
4 points,6 years ago
@quantumexplorer JGCMiner has the right idea, there have been many MNO's who have expressed concern with DashCentral acting as the only budgeting system. We are developing an alternative that will be hosted on while also open sourcing the entire service including ALL new features we develop for

Our goal is to eliminate the centralization of a budgeting system and we believe this problem can be solved under one of the following ways:

#1) Run this software on -
#2) Create a page on that pulls the title + url of each proposal from Dash sentinel and provide direct links to each proposal ( think DashVoteTracker )
#3) Take option #1 or #2 a bit further by aggregating the data from each budgeting system's API to display everything in one location - ( DashCentral already provides this, we will as well! )

Dash already offers a decentralized proposal system, the only pieces that need to be correctly implemented surround the features DashCentral offers and other addons requested by the community. Once the software is open sourced the community will
have the ability to use the proposal system they enjoy the most, while keeping everything connected through API's.

It will become as easy as forking the repo, rebranding, upgrading if need be, and hosting on xyz domain. New competitors within the space will immediately be shared on ( if we go with option #2 listed above ) making this entire process nearly automatic.

To briefly touch on the budget this isn't a for profit business. Once complete there is no ongoing fee we can or will implement to charge for the service. We will run the budgeting system on while upgrading over time based on the communities feedback. Long term we will accept donations similar to DashCentral but they will not be required. Either way we intend to continue open sourcing ALL new features we build into the service.

The decision around the budget came down to the following choices:

#1) Create 1 proposal to lay the infrastructure required for all of this while open sourcing everything along the way ( including new features )
#2) Create a new proposal for new feature requests while burning 5 Dash every time and creating 1 month development dead zones between each proposal.

Under option #1 the budget is slightly higher
3 points,6 years ago
Could you please decompose the requested budget for us?
1 point,6 years ago
but will allow us to operate without constant funding from the treasury, while also avoiding the month long dead zones mentioned in option #2. A small portion of the budget will be spent on hosting for but the vast majority will be spent laying the ground work + ongoing development costs for new features.
4 points,6 years ago
I think the point is not to have an additional site, but rather to move away from DashCentral.

As you just stated, this website is very central to the budgeting system and thus has started to be a target for trolling attacks. I am not sure how much time you spend here, but there have been a lot of vicious and vile posts by obvious trolls that took days to get deleted because there is no active moderation and anybody can sign up and comment. Plus, Rango is only one guy and cannot be expected to police the website by himself especially in the face of a persistent troll attack.

As an organization we don’t want potential contractors to post proposals here only to get berated with these types of comments. It is unprofessional and might cause bigger names to just stay away from us. That’s not good for Dash and why an alternative site is being built.

As for the costs, I hope the proposal owner will answer that portion of your comment.
-1 point,6 years ago
I don't see there being a big need for this currently unless adjustments are not made with Dash Central to prevent trolls trying to steer direction of discussion. If adjustments are not made with Dash Central, I will give you support next cycle.

Voting NO for now.
3 points,6 years ago
We believe there is room for improvement in many areas outside of just managing trolling. embedding a pdf in the proposal page to replace the WYSIWYG editor when creating a proposal is just one of the many features we will be adding.

Unfortunately if this proposal fails it will take some time to repurchase the 5 Dash required to create a proposal, it's quite expensive. Regardless thank you for the feedback.
0 points,6 years ago
I think there is a fundamental problem with us not owning dashcentral. So unless rango sells us the domain and code I will vote for an alternative.
-1 point,6 years ago
3 weeks of site development? Why not 3days? Unrealistic goals, and the price is too damn high
3 points,6 years ago
3-4 weeks of development is very realistic when laying the ground work with the features mentioned above. The proposal is discussed a bit further in my response to @quantumexplorer if you would like to read our thought process around all of this.
-1 point,6 years ago
I would rather have dash spent improving DashCentral and making it troll proof than start another website where possibly the same issues may occur.
Alas it has come time for Dashcentral to only allow masternode owners to make comments.
3 points,6 years ago
That's the problem though.. Rango won't make this change.

0 points,6 years ago
@KiwiCodger walters expresses the concerns shared by a lot of MNO's at least from what we have been able to see/read.
-5 points,6 years ago
Further.. as per my conversation by telephone with techsquad the proposal owner of dash boost he had agreed to open source it.

We could build upon that
0 points,6 years ago
Dear Realmrhack,

Upon your request for clarification I can confirm that was agreed and captured in the commentary under our proposal at the following link.


The commentary being as follows;

"This is a community project that will be funded by the community and will be 100% for the community.  If there is ever a requirement for the DashBoost infrastructure and codebase to be made available to other regions and sub communities then it will be made available.

The main point that I’m making here is that the community will always decide what happens in this domain.  If someone creates a proposal and references our codebase as a key component then pending that proposal being passed we will supply the code as per the request of the community."

Respectfully Yours,
-7 points,6 years ago
@jgcminer because some features are near identical and they could borrow the codebase and deliver at a lower cost if at all

Secondly as MNOs have had issue with GC escrows and have voiced their concerns on another proposal. Im sure they will also cross post here.
4 points,6 years ago
Which features are the same? The projects have two entirely different goals. I must be missing something...

Also, I don’t see the point of bringing GC’s issues here. If Core was escrowing this proposal it would still have the exact same value (or lack thereoff) to the network. Unless you think GC won’t relay the funds...
-8 points,6 years ago
This will be obsolete once evoloution drops.
2 points,6 years ago
Not strictly true... Evo is a process that will take years. There's not a chance that Evo V1 will have a built in platform that will replace DashCentral. Unless you've heard otherwise?

-10 points,6 years ago
Another proposal by GC?

1) last minute submission 9 days
2) redundant effort, evo will make it obsolete.
3) not known user
4) no pre proposal discussion
5) hallmarks of GC.
6) essentially an extension of dash boost.. one could argue even similar code base.
7) the network essentially pays for twice the effort

I would urge all MNO to seriously consider this and vote NO.
9 points,6 years ago
I will be urging that we completely omit ALL non MNO's from any new proposal site that gets built...if I have to pay for it myself. The site will need to be moderated so we don't have to deal with non stake holders comments
3 points,6 years ago
I agree with having non MNO's removed from budget proposal discussions from any new proposal site. This means doing more then just putting up comment filters, that can then be optionally set to exclude non MNO comments (i'm afraid this budget proposal is going that direction).

What i'm against though is putting power in the hands of a select few moderators, we have seen the side-effects of that in the past.
So in my view we should have a place / several places, where only masternode owners can discuss budget proposals.

Dash Central or this new proposal site does not necessarily have to be that place alone, specially not if other budget proposal sites can share API's and make the whole thing less centralized.
2 points,6 years ago
Totally agree. Managing a treasury of the size of Dash is a serious business, we can't have serious discussions about how we fund the development of the network with all the 'noise' that comes on the current DashCentral platform. It's an unwelcome distraction if you ask me.

0 points,6 years ago
Agreed. But disagree on building a new site we could convince rango to update... By paying him dash
0 points,6 years ago
That offer has been made, more than once, and declined, more than once.