Proposal “kalakoda“ (Closed)Back

Title:First Mover Advantage for DASH into Africa on the continent’s fastest growing broadcast platform Kwesé TV.
Monthly amount: 133 DASH (3598 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-04-18 / 2018-07-17 (added on 2018-04-06)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 243 Yes / 144 No / 47 Abstain

Proposal description

The Opportunity:

This Title sponsorship offers an unprecedented opportunity to market DASH on Pan Africa’s fastest growing broadcast platform, strategically positioning DASH as the digital currency of choice across the continent. Africa is the fastest growing mobile money market in the world, so much so that smartphone penetration across the continent is expected to double in just the next four years.

Africa is the next digital frontier and Cryptocurrency is the great African opportunity, let’s ensure that DASH takes pole position in this strategic emerging market. 

The Platform:

ESPN KWESÉ Sport and Kalakoda Promotions have teamed up to launch Friday Fight Nights, a Pan African championship boxing series with a reach of over 180 Million viewers across 32 African countries*. The Friday Fight Night events are staged on the last Friday of every month at venues across African cities showcasing the cream of African boxing talent over a 3-hour live broadcast. This opportunity immediately plugs the DASH brand into the fast growing sports platform in Africa - Kwesé, along with the world largest sports network - ESPN, through ESPN Kwesé partnership across Africa.

The Facts:

· 180 Million Broadcast reach*

· 32 Countries

· 3-Hour Broadcast

· Performance Bonuses paid to fighters in DASH

· Fan Prizes paid to winning fans in DASH

· Africa is the fastest growing mobile money market in the world

· Smartphone penetration in Africa is set to double in the next 4 years

· DASH to enjoy primary branding across all event marketing and media


The Approach:

Each event is promoted through a 3-week multi-channel marketing blitz with the full force of the entire ESPN KWESÉ TV platforms’ media machinery harnessing a unique 360 sponsorship opportunity.

These events are a fusion African music, pop culture and sport, they provide a dynamic platform to activate the DASH brand in Africa with main stream visibility across multiple marketing touch points in the lead up to each event: - Digital, PR, TV Commercials, Live Events, Brand Activations, Crypto Education, Corporate Social Responsibility, Integration of DASH into event eco system - (ticketing, food & bev, competitions), Customer Engagement, Sponsorship, Co Branding etc

Each event will be structured as a campaign to drive new DASH users and DASH Wallets sign ups - everything will be geared towards DASH adoption and new user education. Performance bonuses will be awarded to the fighters, paid to them in DASH on live TV through a voting pole mechanic driven by the fans.

Fight fans can also win DASH through live competitions with the entry criteria being DASH wallets sign up. This delivers direct fan engagement, with DASH becoming an integral part of the show format and pushed continually by the commentary team as well as “on screen media” and live call to action graphics across the 3-hour live broadcast window.

This engagement will extend with fighters being given financial and Cryptocurrency workshops through a structured program educating how to both invest DASH winnings and trade DASH. This initiative will be documented as great content and incorporated into the marketing narrative. Once fully adept and with a thorough grasp, athletes will formally become DASH brand ambassadors communicating and advocating as “influencers” to fans, promoting the DASH brand and new DASH wallet sign ups as part of marketing mix and communication strategy.

We will also like to integrate DASH across our event eco-system with eventual DASH POS systems used for ticketing, food & beverage and merchandise. We want fans both sitting at home or at the fights to engage with the brand on a practical and direct level. As a standard to each event we will have a dedicated pop up DASH brand activation kiosks where fans can get to find out about DASH, get assisted to get signed up with incentives and “DASH Exclusives” on offer.

“DASH Exclusives” will be marketed where ticketing access for certain high profile events taking place in large arenas or stadiums, will ONLY be available through DASH at dramatically reduced pricing or free which will drive demand and periodic spikes in DASH wallet sign ups on a stadium scale.

To further galvanize DASH’s acceptance across the continent we will draw in our broadcast partner ESPN KWESÉ and the ECONET Group stable of companies directly, as well as seek out other strategic partnerships with retailers, gateways and vendors so as to amplify and extend our partnership for DASH’s African expansion. In this way DASH can piggyback on existing networks and established roll out campaigns, giving more targeted visibility, connecting to more potential customers, more often.

Along with these events and the wrap around marketing, our Future Champs Project provides a "plug and play" grass roots Corporate Social Investment project for DASH. Future Champs build community gyms made from upcycled and fully (DASH) branded shipping containers and we support them as social enterprises and community assets. These facilities are set up in the most vulnerable communities and literally change the urban landscape as points of convergence and youth hubs. Providing internet access and the (DASH) branding of these gyms as well as running Crypto education workshops with youth from as young as 10 years old can be included into our sylabus for DASH's benefit. This can provide a powerful footprint for DASH across the continent where in a very visible DASH will be engaging youth and first adopters from the ground up.

[size=100]Read more on this great Initiative [/size]

The Benefit to DASH:

We believe this platform and DASH creates a perfect fit, a launch pad into Africa - high impact, high visibility events and a means to parachute into a key global market achieving both customer acquisition and direct engagement, positioning DASH as a trusted household name and entrenching DASH as part of the African brand landscape. These high profile events broadcast throughout the continent also serve as a powerful way to galvanize and umbrella existing DASH Projects/Partnerships in Africa with through the line brand visibility on a continent scale.

The Title sponsorship of the Friday Fight Nights platform is a branding goldmine:

·  DASH Prime time TV Commercial spots 

· DASH Opening and Closing billboards

· DASH Live “Call to Action” motion graphics

· DASH Incidental branding at the Official weigh in & Press Conferences

· DASH Primary branding within the boxing ring real estate & DASH Activations within the venue

· DASH Primary branding across all event marketing and digital content

This presents some of the most powerful forms of marketing in professional sport, equating to an almost 8:1 ROI. The Friday Fight Night platform can deliver:

1. DASH Brand Awareness,

2. DASH Customer Engagement 

3. DASH Purchase Consideration & Adoption 

The Friday Fight Night events and the backing of ESPN KWESÉ can connect DASH to a focused target audience on a Pan African scale. DASH can essentially “own” an entire sporting code across the continent, using high profile internationally broadcast boxing events as a strategic marketing vehicle to penetrate the African market. Where the best African boxers, perform in the big title fights all against the backdrop of the DASH brand, winning the hearts and minds of its people and embedding the brand with a knock-out blow.

The Cost:

The Title sponsorship package has been structured at a total of 133 DASH per show (reduced cost). The 133 DASH budget is broken down into a 117 DASH contribution that goes toward the staging of the live event and related hard costs to running the show. The remaining 16 DASH balance is ring-fenced and split as 8 DASH for fighter performance bonuses and 8 DASH for fan prizes. The latter contribution(s) thus stimulates immediate DASH recirculation. These performance bonuses will be controlled and decided by fan voting and a mechanic will be devised to stimulate direct customer engagement, the "JUMBO" DASH cheques will be handed to wining athletes in the ring on LIVE TV to millions of viewers. The Fan prizes will also be announce on live TV and social media channels becoming an integral part of the marketing mix and central to the show format.

Our proposal is for DASH to formally come on board for the next 3 events equating to a total sponsorship contribution of 399 DASH (133 DASH x 3 Events) 

Sponsorship Collateral Matrix, Viewership Stats, Digital Stats 

The Way Forward:

We have kick started this process with a “whisper campaign” across the last 3 events : on the 23rd of February in Johannesburg South Africa, all fighters entered the ring with DASH T-shirts and DASH Caps, we also included DASH branding centre on the centre of the canvas and throughout the boxing ring branding, furthermore DASH branding was visible at the official weigh in, press conference and across the print and digital media collateral. 

Following this show we extended this “whisper campaign” to 16th of March in Vienna, Austria with our exciting format Africa vs Europe, where we ramped up the DASH branding even further with custom DASH Team Africa merchandise for the touring Pan Africa fighters as well as more visibility in the ring and across all marketing collateral.

We then provided further free DASH branding on a third event on the 30th of March in Cape Town, South Africa where DASH took centre of the ring once again and was pushed across all marketing collateral and channels. This exercise provided real world, tangible examples of how the DASH brand can be activated through this platform which we provided in good faith at our own expense.

These three DASH (FREE) branded events have provided DASH massive brand exposure across the continent with visibility into 56 million households and viewership reach of just under 180 Million people. 

This trial sets the basis for a formal and official DASH title sponsorship of Friday Fight Nights events. Our proposal is for DASH to formally come on board for the next 3 events equating to a total sponsorship contribution of 399 DASH (133 DASH x 3 Events) setting up a "3 for 3" scenario.

After the formally sponsored 3 events we then propose a thorough assessment and considered ROI analysis is undertaken in order to motivate for more long term partnership at the increased price of 180 DASH per event.

Key Personal:

Steve Kalakoda: 40 years experience in professional boxing, K1 and MMA at the highest level. Former African representative for K1 Japan, Vale Tudo and 2017 nominee for African Promoter of the year.

Jeremy Bean: 16 years in the marketing, advertising, live broadcast events and TV production space, invaluable experience in developing communications for top brands across print, broadcast, mobile, web and live event activations.

Please see pre proposal link:

Pre Proposal 

Many thanks for the opportunity to present this proposal.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,6 years ago
Hey Kalakoda,
I am not a fan of any "kick ass" proposals but this one looks like a good opportunity for a very broad amount of viewers. Wish you luck!
2 points,6 years ago
Thanks splawik21 - yes the boxing side is incidental this is about the DASH barnd accessing 50 Million Africa households a month - a combined reach of 180 million - this can fast track DASH's presence and brand acceptance across Africa on a continent scale - galvanizing existing DASH projects and initiatives with mainstream multi channel brand visibility. We are eager to work your other DASH partners on the ground, further more we have adoption strategies and 1st to market tactics outlined in the proposal submission which can provide a full circle for DASH and tangible ROI.
0 points,6 years ago
These events are a fusion African music, pop culture and sport, they provide a dynamic platform to activate the DASH brand in Africa with main stream visibility across multiple marketing touch points in the lead up to each event: - Digital, PR, TV Commercials, Live Events, Brand Activations, Crypto Education, Corporate Social Responsibility, Integration of DASH into event eco system - (ticketing, food & bev, competitions), Customer Engagement, Sponsorship, Co Branding etc

Along with these events and the wrap around marketing, our Future Champs Project provides a "plug and play" grass roots Corporate Social Investment project for DASH. Future Champs which has Richard Branson as our patron build community gyms made from upcycled and fully (DASH) branded shipping containers and we support them as social enterprises and community assets.

please see video:

These facilities are set up in the most vulnerable communities and literally change the urban landscape as points of convergence and youth hubs. Providing internet access and the (DASH) branding of these gyms as well as running Crypto education workshops with youth from as young as 10 years old can be included into our sylabus for DASH's benefit. This can provide a powerful footprint for DASH across the continent where in a very visible DASH will be engaging youth and first adopters from the ground up.
0 points,6 years ago
I am pleased to confirm that the address: XdJZWcgTmxXvbEhpF2yEoiENsXmTyQ4Fut is controlled by Green Candle and we have agreed to provide escrow services for this proposal.
1 point,6 years ago
I'm honestly surprised this isn't getting more attention with our palpable (albeit second to Latin America) push in to Africa. You folks have clearly put a lot of work and a lot of your own funds in to setting up this proposal, the price isn't unreasonable for what we're getting, and this could really prime the pump for our other African partners, normalizing the presence and use of Dash. This is easily worth it, I hope you succeed!
1 point,6 years ago
Absolutely Arthyron - this is an awesome opportunity all round and rightly put can galvanize the various efforts and DASH projects across Africa with a cohesive overarching marketing and continual through the line brand visibility.
0 points,6 years ago
Greetings DASH Nation – as the proposal owner, wanted to touch base and provide a brief synopsis as to how we got to this point and reach out for any comments, questions and engagement – please feel free to engage this is a new process for me and am keen to get the dialogue going.

To demonstrate the value with practical, real world examples, we provided DASH in excess of 150 000 USD value in free tier 1 brand exposure across the last 3 live broadcast events (February in Johannesburg, March in Vienna and again at the end of March in Cape Town) – televised across the African continent to 50 million homes and a combined total reach of 180 million people.

This exercise provided tangible examples of the proposed DASH sponsorship in action and an insight into this colossal opportunity, this trial formed the precursor to the formalized proposal submission.

I believed this process of providing free branding and thus creating the visual content and metrics was critical, as it has shown that we as Kalakoda Promotions and Kwesé Sport are serious and prepared to lay the foundation for a powerful, yet super strategic partnership in promoting DASH into the key global market of Africa.

The response from all stakeholders related to these events has been overwhelming – people want to know more and get involved with DASH – we have “poked the bear” so to speak.

These live broadcast events literally parachute the DASH brand into the hearts and minds of the African continent with instant broadcast visibility on a continent scale; a formalized sponsorship will immediately allow things to be racked up on a whole new level, with the adoption strategies outlined as well as dovetailing and enhancing efforts of existing DASH projects in Africa by pulling together and providing a galvanizing function from which all that are pushing the DASH brand and adoption will benefit.

Some exciting things on the immediate horizon:
Our event on the 25 of May in Johannesburg will be attended by newly inaugurated President Cyril Ramphosa of South African as the guest of honor – another example of how we can expose the DASH brand to the leader of the 2nd largest economy in Africa and provide that level of direct brand engagement.

In addition, on the 3rd of August our event in Swakopmund Namibia will be attended by the Honorable President Hage Geingob as the guest of honor, on both these occasion we would like to present these heads of states ceremonial DASH Branded Championship belts, this level of brand engagement is priceless and can catalyze high level discussion where possibilities are endless.

Such is the power of sport as a strategic marketing tool, as a platform it has the ability to access the full strata of society on every level. Let’s build the platform to create the next generation of Africa Sporting Super Stars all against the back drop of the DASH brand.

I leave you with 2 of my favorite quotes:

“Sports have the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sports can create hope, where there was once only despair. It is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers. It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination. Sports is the game of lovers.”

Nelson Mandela

“Boxing is egalitarian.  In the ring, rank, age, color, and wealth are irrelevant”

Nelson Mandela 

I welcome any questions or comments – lets engage
1 point,6 years ago
Dash needs to be branded 'Dash - Digital Cash' or you are wasting everyones time IMHO.
The new T&C Dash logo needs to be used, as I'm sure you are aware.
voting YES. I particularly like that you integrate DASH transactions into this project.

Side note: Nelson Mandela RIP was surely a Marxist sympathiser though with favourable quotes on communism. I fear Marxists within the ANC and further political parties for that matter will take SA down in an economy shattering and very murderous path in the coming decades. The murder of Boer farmers has been happening for years and picking up steam, and I fear future conflict between the Xhosa and Zulu over land and resources as things surely tighten.