Proposal “js-dev-and-outreach“ (Closed)Back

Title:JavaScript development & Outreach
One-time payment: 85 DASH (2305 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-02-18 / 2017-03-20 (added on 2017-02-25)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 559 Yes / 298 No / 90 Abstain

Proposal description

Hello Dash fan.  Please see the links below for proposal and discussion details. 

 | Forum | Reddit

Thank you for your time and consideration! I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,7 years ago
I'd love to help out as a JavaScript developer resource if you need it. I have 10+ years experience in front-end dev and application development, focusing lately on reactive and functional architecture to keep it nice and clean.
1 point,7 years ago
I voted yes on this because of the updates you made and the budget still has 500 Dash not given to anyone. I hope it passes!
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for your support, Jerry, regardless of whether it passes.
2 points,7 years ago
2017.03.02 UPDATE (see proposal linked above for links in this update)

Hello MNOs. I’m hoping to change some minds to get this proposal passing. To that end, I’ve taken the following initiatives:

I’ve clarified/refined the scope of work (SOW)
I’ve obtained experienced developer resources to help me accomplish the SOW
Updated SOW

The UI will be patterned after BitPay’s transaction playground. This will be adapted for Dash InstantSend transactions, and tailored to the features requested by core and community developers and users. If I don’t get feedback regarding specific feature requests, then I can choose them based on what I think would be useful for both developers and end users.

New Developer Resources

One of the prominent and influential developers referenced in my original proposal is AJ Oneal. AJ is a long-standing panelist (co-host) for the JavaScript Jabber podcast, which I believe is the most popular JavaScript podcast in the land, approaching 30,000 downloads per episode. AJ has agreed to play an advisor role in the work that I will be doing.

In terms of an actual coding resources, AJ recommended John Storey very highly. John has many years experience with JavaScript as well as the appropriate libraries for the front-end project in the SOW above (Angular and React). John has been following blockchain space for years, and came across Dash when it was still Darkcoin. He has also dabbled with Ethereum (solidity) programming. John will be helping code up the SOW I’ve described.

Both of these developers have enough interest in Dash (and this proposal/vision within Dash) to do some amount of work uncompensated, but both are very busy with projects and full-time jobs of their own, so funding would allow them to explicitly set aside time this month to perform the proposed work.

Price Movement

The price of Dash has risen from 25 to 42 USD/DASH between the time this proposal was originally submitted and now. This rise has allowed me to reach out to these developers with an offer to pay. I foresee them getting at least half of the total funding.
4 points,7 years ago
I also posted this on your reddit thread:
I'm concerned about JS in that it's easy to hide malicious code due to it's flexibility (see Kristov Atlas's video "it's not a bug, it's a back door!" and I feel that with Dash Evolution relying on JS, what we really need are code checkers. People who are meticulous and can screen code for any strange or "off" code segments. Since you are saying you know a lot of JS coders, perhaps you can put together a team for this type of work?
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for the link, Tante. I watched it and I think he makes valid points. Security is definitely trickier with JS, and I will freely admit that I am not an expert on it, though I am aware of the risks. Fortunately this is an open source project and we can all help each other and review all of the code we put out. The project I'll be working on first is mostly dealing with UI on top of the existing libraries that Core has put out. Most of the security risks will be in the libraries themselves. Fortunately for us we are familiar with the authors of these libraries and know them to be 'good actors'. The examples in the video you linked focussed on code that was deliberately written with exploits, and that premise doesn't seem to apply in the case we have with using libraries that were written 'trusted' people (Dash Core, Bitpay, etc). I'll be sure to have more sets of eyes look at code. As you mentioned, there are definitely people more experienced with these things than me, which is exactly why I'd like to bring them into our fold.
0 points,7 years ago
So you're (in the opinion of the core devs who have the expertise here) not currently employable for this post?

I dont see a follow up post on the forum so I guess Andy is still looking for someone for this? Anyone know if thats wrong?
0 points,7 years ago
I didn't formally apply for that position. Although I'm qualified for "Very good cooperation skills" and "Ability to work remotely and deliver without constant supervision", they are looking for 2+ years "experience". I happen to think I have the knowledge skills of 2+ years of JS and GitHub, because I've studied the fundamentals to death, I don't have 2+ years of actual coding "experience".

That alone wouldn't dissuade me from formally applying if it was something I really wanted, but I have relatively little interest in using the Backbone and Marionette. I'm more motivated and effective if I can use the tools I'm familiar with and excited about, which for front-end UI libraries, is React.
0 points,7 years ago
Apologies for the typos. I need to remember that there's no editing here :)
0 points,7 years ago
To my knowledge, you did not fulfill all the promises contained in your first proposal to the network, found here:

Specifically, to my knowledge, you've not yet paid the blog submitters you promised to pay. There may well be other unfulfilled promises that I'm unable to discern, due to the length, density, and vagueness of your prior proposal.

Voting 'no'.
0 points,7 years ago
I'm glad you brought this up, as it's definitely a valid concern, and I've wanted to clear the air about it. You are the first person that's actually bothered to even mention it actually. First off, at this time everyone who joined the dashcommunity Github organization has been paid what I promised, actually more than promised in some cases. However, I was late paying them (according to my schedule) and have yet to fully disburse the discretionary portion set aside for contribution incentives. Specifically there is still 8.498871 Dash to give out. I have been in contact with those who wrote blog posts and they were either paid when they wrote, or were okay with being paid later when I had planned to pay in bulk. The bulk payment I had planned to make was delayed primarily because not may people (less than 10) actually made contributions after joining, which was their end of the deal. That said, I never blamed them for that. I took that as evidence that what I had built wasn't user-friendly enough for people to use (markdown, Github PRs, etc), so I set out to build something better (above the scope of work that I had proposed). Building that blog composing UI was my first project, and it was not easy to do alone, but I wanted to do it on my own so I could learn what was necessary. I eventually got it working which was a breakthrough for me, but it's still not where I'd like it to be from a user point of view. But I'm at the point where I've conquered what I wanted to alone, and am now wanting to collaborate more with other developers, which is part of my motivation for this current project. I think we need more community JS developers involved. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any further concerns or questions.
1 point,7 years ago
Does the Dash Core Team know that you want to work as a developer for Dash?
1 point,7 years ago
Yes, two of them know I am interested. I only spoke with one of them at length, and he wanted to see some more development history before they could evaluate me; he encourage me to either work for free or submit a proposal.
1 point,7 years ago
I'm not sure the question, but wanted to point out that anyone can code for Dash, not just the core team. Though we, as voters, shouldn't waste energy duplicating work :) However, if the network wants to hire someone to do something that integrates with core, core has the moral obligation to help make it work :) As long as it's possible :)
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for this input, Tante. This is exactly how I feel. I want to make sure that what I'm producing is valuable both to the MNOs as well as Core
1 point,7 years ago
I'm well aware that anyone can work for Dash. It is a decentralized project and a DAO, that's one of the main reasons why I am here. I am just curious if the Dash core team was aware of the new potential recruit.
-1 point,7 years ago
Voting no, because I don't know what you will actually be spending your time on (just writing JS doesn't contribute to Dash). What project will you work on in that time?
1 point,7 years ago
From the proposal:

InstantSend Broadcasting
The bitcore-p2p-dash library is now capable of InstantSend transactions as of just over a week ago. This instantsend-broadcast repository implements this at a “proof-of-concept” stage. With some additional work this could begin to be integrated elsewhere. The first thing I’d like to work on is creating a user interface using this library. This would allow users to go to a website, create private keys and public addresses and send transactions using them, including InstantSend transactions.

Community JS Developer Engagement

This is the effort I described in the Vision section above. Essentially this would be adding JS developers to the dashcommunity GitHub repo, and encouraging them to contribute. At first I will focus on simply getting them in the organization and familiar with Dash in general, and the specific projects we’re working on.

Dash Payment Processor

As time allows, I would like to improve and help maintain the Dash Payment Processor repository.
Not being snarky, but what is missing? Not detailed enough? What can I add to help clarify?