Proposal “jackfest-sponsorship“ (Closed)Back

Title:Dash to Sponsor the Fifth Annual Jackalope Freedom Festival
One-time payment: 350 DASH (8319 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 350 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-08-05 / 2016-09-20 (added on 2016-07-23)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 881 Yes / 328 No / 0 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

Hello Dash Network,
I am Alma Sommer, founding mother of the Jackalope Freedom Festival, and mother of the Undocumented Human Neo. The fifth annual Jackalope Freedom Festival is Aug 1-8th 2016. Where spontaneous order happens naturally, without any force, coercion or aggression. Jackalope is free to camp, vend and attend. There is no group or organization in charge of Jackalope. Individuals bring and
support their idea of a market, which continues to grow and change every year. Many of the attendees accept alternative currencies, gold,
silver, Bitcoin, Dash, and others as well. Although there is no registration or census report, we are preparing for near 500 Jackalopes to attend this year. We assume these numbers from last years portapotty
"contributions". This is a family friendly non-event and there is a Jackalope Hunt for the kids, the winner gets a real rabbit!

I would love to promote Dash at Jackalope in the right way, so here is my proposal.

Dash to sponsor Jackalope Freedom Festival 2016.

I have put together a detailed Cost Analysis, showing what Dash or other individual would pay to receive these services. I'm sure some will be seen as subjective. I have also shown an approx. Value based on cost and marketing reach. After costs are paid, my compensation for this work will be approx. $500. Hope this breakdown helps.

1. Dash gets to name the stage, includes backdrop behind speaker area with Dash Logo.
Cost:$200 Value:$500
2. Dash Portapotties. Includes Dash Advertisement hung outside 3 Porta potties. Jackalope Portapotties are paid for with donations each year. The majority of attendees use the johns, they are a high traffic area, and ads will be placed and dispersed accordingly to each john location. Ad can have QR code linking to website, or link to download app.
Cost:$225 Value:$500
3. Dash banner ad on
One year of advertisement Cost:$1200 Value:$1200
4. Dash ATV. We will brand our ATV with Dash logos. Dash ATV will be driven around Jackalope.
Cost:$50 Value:$100
5. Hand out literature. Dash literature to be available from the Agorist Marketplace table at Jackalope.
Cost$50 Value:$200
6. John Bush and other Crypto experts to host a Dash workshop at Jackalope. Will be recorded and put on the Undocumented Human YouTube channel.
Cost:$100-$200 Value:$400
7. The Dash Mobile. We will brand the Winnebago the Dash Mobile. Includes logos of Dash choice on sides/windows/front/back. Outside paint one color.
Includes branding for upcoming Crypto Caravan. We will make the Branding and tour announcement at Jackalope. 
Cost:$500-800 Value:Limitless ($1000) At the least. 

Total Cost:$2525


Bonus: At Jackalope we will be giving .25+ dash to the first 50+ people who install a dash wallet on their smartphone etc. $200 Value.

In 2012 I created It is a place where individuals and businesses that accept alternative currencies can connect with each other at no cost. While attending Porcfest in 2011 the same year I learned about crypto currencies, I came up with the idea for Jackalope. The very next year Jackalope manifested, and has become a great environment for people to exchange goods and services with alternative currencies. I spoke about crypto currencies at the Texas Bitcoin Conference and the Bitcoin Summit in Phoenix, on our last Undocumented Human Bitcoin tour. We are currently on an Undocumented Human Crypto Tour that ends at Jackalope. We plan to continue touring with the crypto caravan that is already in the works. Our son Neo is unbanked and was born without government documents. We value privacy and liberty.  We are determined to create a more free society for the next generation, by using crypto currencies. 

Through this proposal, our goal is to educate the people of Jackalope about Dash and its unique opportunities it offers the individual.

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
1 point,8 years ago
also listen to then end
0 points,8 years ago
sounds good.
1 point,8 years ago
0 points,8 years ago
This is the Dash banner for the stage:
0 points,8 years ago
PR is yes
0 points,8 years ago
Yes, I've been trying on bitcointalk, but if someone could hit other medias, like twitter, facebook, wherever MN owners are hiding these days, that'd be awesome. We don't have much time left!
0 points,8 years ago
Where are they hiding? Do you have any hashtag suggestions besides the obvious ones? #dash #dashwhale #cryptocurrencies
0 points,8 years ago
Also on but I voted yes early with this interesting proposal.
0 points,8 years ago
In order to achieve this proposal, I am going ahead with getting the banner created. This is required in order to have the banner made ahead of time. If the proposal is not approved, this banner will hang at the Agorist Marketplace table at Jackalope. I truly believe the majority of Jackalopes will adopt Dash after they are exposed to the marketing. If only I had been accepting Bitcoin in 2011 at Porcfest. This year at Jackalope, Dash will be accepted for all goods and services offered by Agorist Marketplace. I understand the impact we can have on freeing individuals. I hope that you can see this too. Thanks.
1 point,8 years ago
Hey gang, I think this event will be great exposure for Dash as all of the attendees are way in to privacy and sovereignty. Alma is a great advocate for crypto and freedom and is jazzed up about Dash right now. Giving away Dash and encouraging people to use it with festival vendors will be a great opportunity for the new users to see how slick Dash is in action. Early on in the festival Alma and I will personally talk to each of the vendors and help them to setup a wallet with the expectation that there will be lots of Dash at the event. We will be using Dash to buy food for our family.

Having a Dash banner behind the stage will ensure exposure to a targeted market through speech videos.

I think Alma will deliver for Dash and the community will not regret it.
1 point,8 years ago
Could you please post this in BitcoinTalk? I keep trying to get people to vote for this, but if I'm the only voice......... well???
0 points,8 years ago
I have posted this on the forum.
1 point,8 years ago
Updated the proposal to add a $200 Bonus. Includes first 50 people that download the Dash wallet get .25 in Dash. This will encourage mass adoption. Keep in mind that this year or next year the festival may break Porcfests number, with only more potential to grow, due to the size of the forest, and no organization being in charge.
1 point,8 years ago
awesome, thanks!
-1 point,8 years ago
give aways for free have never worked out in this field - what is the intention - motivate someone to learn that the value of DASH is zero?
0 points,8 years ago
"give aways for free have never worked out in this field"
do you have an example?
isn't that the whole idea of faucets that every coin has?

"what is the intention"
for btc people to see how much better dash's instantsend is from btc's 60 minute confirmation time. it's one thing to read about it but when you actually use instantsend it's pretty amazing, every time i use it i'm still amazed after years of using slow btc.
and to onboard new non crypto users to DASH before btc. why would anybody use btc if they used dash first? with shapeshift there is absolutely no reason. with further merchant adoption the choice is even clearer.

"motivate someone to learn that the value of DASH is zero?"
like UH said they will be able to use it at the event and judge the value of it and instantsend for themselves.
-1 point,8 years ago
Faucets are not give aways. The receiver has to do something to gain the profit. there is old wisdom: "If it's free, it can't be any good"

I voted 'yes' but strongly disagree with free give aways
0 points,8 years ago
faucets are giveaways, you click a button and get coins. what else do you have to do?
companies give away free products all the time to get people to use them or try the new taco or whatever they just released etc etc etc.
they do it to gain customers who will come back and buy more. just like with this proposal it's usually a limited supply to the first so many number of people or while supplies last etc. it's marketing 101 and everyone does it for a reason.

to get dash you will have "to do something to gain the profit" and that is download and install the mobile wallet. also, there will be someone right there to help if you have problems.
if you have any example of giveaways never working in this field then share it.

i would rather give dash to people who set up a wallet then give swag which is another giveaway that companies do all the time.

you may not have been around but this is the same type thing (give away dash) we did for the dash and drink soda machine at the miami btc conference and it was a big hit with no complaints.

lastly, the free giveaways in this proposal are literally free as the money will be cut from somewhere else. it's a win win.
1 point,8 years ago
This marketing idea was suggested by another Dash member. I agree that this will be successful in the Jackalope market situation, since some Agorists already accept dash. The Agorist Marketplace will be accepting Dash. So anyone that downloads the wallet will be able to buy something of value right away if they want, or they can keep it.
3 points,8 years ago
Hi, all.

I think this proposal is a good idea. It may be a bit on the spendy side, but I've seen much more ridiculously expensive proposals get passed with flying colors.

Here is why I think it is a good idea: agorist-slanting libertarians have been *major* first movers in cryptocurrency -- major drivers of adoption. I experienced this first-hand when I lived in New Hampshire, where the Bitcoin adoption among "Free Staters" I knew was almost too high to be believed.

It was in that same crowd that I first met Alma. I invited her to speak on Bitcoin with me (about 2 years ago) at a New Hampshire's Liberty Forum. She fell ill and was not able to attend, but I was able to spend time with her and come to know that she is legit. I even wrote about her unbanked baby Neo for CoinTelegraph about a year later.

The branding of the van, which they may well take to other events, is a fantastic idea -- and unlike John Bush's proposal (which passed), it won't be a van with Dash AND Bitcoin AND Ethereum on it. It will be just Dash.

And also like Alma says, Dash's logo will be in the background for all the speeches by "celebertarians" filmed on the stage. These will continue to get views on YouTube well after the festival has ended.

So many libertarians thought Bitcoin had come to save them forever, and now they're a bit confused and wandering with its problems coming to light (or worse, they don't even know about its problems because they're just keeping their BTC in cold storage for "retirement savings"). Pointing them in a new and better direction -- the direction they *thought* Bitcoin was going to go -- will likely be profitable for us.

I'd encourage y'all to vote yes on this proposal. Thanks.

(cross-post from Dash forum, which includes video and article links to events discussed above:
0 points,8 years ago
Interesting points you make there, i will re-evaluate my vote as i think i may have voted too hastly.
0 points,8 years ago
Thanks Amanda your words are very kind. Amanda herself inspired me to do the Dash proposal through the daily decrypt.
0 points,8 years ago
great idea but too expensive. resubmit it for about half or a bit more and it has my votes!
1 point,8 years ago
I have updated with cost Analysis.
1 point,8 years ago
thanks, i still think it's a bit pricey but yeah ok i'm in!
i think adoption is one of our main problems and this should help.

"3. Dash banner ad on
One year of advertisement Cost:$1200 Value:$1200"
it would be cool if this (or something) could be cut down too $1000 and give/instantsend .25+ dash to the first 50+ people who install a dash wallet on their smartphone etc.
1 point,8 years ago
This is a great idea! I will add it to the proposal!
2 points,8 years ago
Hi, I voted yes for now... But can you put a donate Dash QR code next to the donate Bitcoin QR code on your website please? This would give Dash a similar level of prominence to btc in the mind of your visitors. Thanks, and good luck with the meet up.
0 points,8 years ago
I have made this update.
0 points,8 years ago
0 points,8 years ago
Yes DashRedWhale,
This is a great idea!
1 point,8 years ago
I have made this update to the website.
1 point,8 years ago
Hey, that's great! You put Dash upfront. That's cool.

C'mon fellow Whales, these guys have good intent. Please vote YES