Proposal “internet-ads-phase-2“ (Closed)Back

Monthly amount: 768 DASH (20802 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-01-17 / 2018-04-17 (added on 2018-01-10)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 58 Yes / 493 No / 24 Abstain

Proposal description

Full Proposal and Pilot Results Here
Forum Thread Here
  • Please vote this proposal down.
  • We are working with Fernando at Dash Core to escrow this project and fully harmonize our marketing efforts with his. 
  • Payouts will be pegged to USD and ad spend will be legally binding. 
  • At the request of the community, we are scaling the ad spend down to $10k/day or $300k/month to continue proving what we can deliver
***Language Translation Update - Translations In Progress!***

After posting our PDF results/proposal doc, many people started reaching out to me on Discord to help with translation.

The site is now actively being translated by members of the community into the following languages:
  • Spanish
  • Japanese
  • Polish
  • Dutch
  • French
All translators are being paid in Dash and also advising on the easiest ways to buy Dash in their country so that info can also automatically display for them. Once the translations are complete, the site will automatically load in these languages when folks visit (from an ad click, for example) from a country that speaks one of these languages predominantly. 

The Dash Discord is an incredible global community. I'll keep you posted as the languages become deployed to their respective countries. 

If you would like to assist with a translation for your language/country please reach out to @feedbands on Discord. 

And, in the meantime, Country-Specific info has also been deployed to the Dominican, so now we have India, New York State, and Dominican Republic seeing info specific to their country on how to buy Dash, also thanks to the Discord community as we move through proof of concept and test our gear:

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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2 points,6 years ago
Honestly, I am having weird emotions with this proposal, especially because you are posting some screenshots from Discord chat... of people saying how good you are or showcasing your results, that seems very amateur. Not to mention that once we said you need an escrow service, you wrote something like "LARGE PROPOSALS: YOU NEED ESCROW SERVICE!!!", no sh*t Sherlock. Yes, you are doing a great job and you are a valuable member of this community, but is it really worth trusting you with $1.8 million? Everyone saw Ben Swann get a few million, and now all of a sudden everyone is ambitious with million dollar proposals. How about being reasonable and starting with $300,000 given that we already know you? We can invest $1000 and some people will see ads popping up on Reddit. Moreover, taking $1.8 million for marketing and charging a "10% agency fee" is a lot of money that can be used to hire agencies that work with clients like Microsoft and Google. If Dash price scales, you will be making a lot of money, almost two Masternodes worth of it. Escrow or not, I think that you should start with a much smaller proposal and show us a plan with creative marketing strategies that will actually convert users. Most people on pages like Reddit already know about Dash, there is not point in advertising it to them or similar people in general.
1 point,6 years ago
Also, speaking to the agency fee, there are over 200 countries that we are wanting to provide translation to and specific information for. The size of our agency fee simply governs how fast we can accomplish this. All told, to translate into 100 languages will take 200 people as we are hiring two translators for each translation.
0 points,6 years ago
Also you are not trusting me with 1.8 million dollars, Dash Core is legally binding me to spend 1.8m on targeted ads.
0 points,6 years ago
Yes, they are legally binding you to spend $1,8 million, but why should we legally bind you to spend that money if we do not even know what kind of results you will get with $300,000. Nonetheless, Dash Core is not able to control the quality of your work, they are not legally binding you to deliver quality, only to spend the money we are giving you. Anyone in this community can spend $1.8 million and drive traffic. Escrow should be mandatory for anyone, regardless of trust or reputation - this might be an decentralized community, but with the results we want to achieve long term and budget we have, we need to act as professionals. 10% that you are charging is a lot of money, you can hire reputable people you listed for a quarter of that budget on Upwork. Start with a small budget, for example, $300,000, ask for additional 10 Dash for proposals, and then submit another proposal in two months. Once you have two proposals like that behind you, feel free to come with a presentation of your results (not just traffic graphs) and ask for a million. You have my support, but I am personally asking you to be more professional and reasonable.
1 point,6 years ago
Also I do hope you know that I am not just blindly dumping money into these campaigns. If you read my proposal doc you will see that we take great care to measure all of our goals and constantly optimize for them to arrive at an acceptable cost per result. Only an inexperienced internet marketer would dump money into a campaign with no goals regarding conversion rate or cost. Hopefully I have demonstrated that everything we do with regards to internet advertising we do with the highest level of quality and skill.
0 points,6 years ago
You also bring up an excellent question. What types of results do people want to see quantified from marketing campaigns. Wallet downloads? Proposal submissions? Ranking? I am genuinely curious what folks would consider a successful campaign.
0 points,6 years ago
I totally hear this and am certainly open to a monthly budget of 300k. I'd like to hear from more members of the community how much budget they would like deployed. We have already lowered the monthly spend from 750 to 600 and would be more than happy to lower to 300k if that's what the community voices support for. That would be a 15k daily spend and our campaigns have already scaled beyond that so that budget would involve scaling down. We'd like to keep our campaigns at least at the level they've already scaled to since they are performing so well but again we are totally open to this.

10% is a completely standard fee for this type of service. I do believe that I am bringing talent into the equation. No, the translators and the researchers do not take up this whole budget, but when you add all the engineering work, the design work, the increasing fees from hosting and other service providers and every waking moment of my day for the next three months, I do think it is fair.
0 points,6 years ago
correction, 300k would be a $10k daily spend and a reduction of 50% in scale from what we have already ramped up to.
0 points,6 years ago
1. I posted the screenshots which were all public comments on discord and chat to evidence the support I have in the community. People seem to think that I am posting this proposal out of no where with no support when the fact is that I have been *urged* to do so by many people in the community. Lots of people aren't on the Discord chat and wouldn't know that.

2. Look, there are problems with escrow any way you slice it. This has been a long standing debate. If the community trusts someone, then escrow is unnecessary. For this campaign, the escrow situation is slightly scary. We are proposing to ramp our spend to 100k every four days. If the escrow didn't come through for any reason, we would suddenly owe hundreds of thousands of dollars to Google. This is why we did not want to escrow.

3. I'm fine with starting at a lower budget. 300k, 600k these are all very powerful budgets. I'd like to hear from the community how much they would like to deploy. So far I've only heard from people saying they want 10% of the budget allocated for this kind of advertising.

4. If Dash price scales, we get the exact same payout. Payouts are being pegged in USD by Dash Core. We will get paid the exact amount in USD worth of Dash with each payout from Core.

5. We have many creative strategies and ongoing optimizations planned. The important part is getting enough budget that we do not need to turn the ads off and can continue running them.

6. People in the Dash community have literally demanded reddit ads. I am trying to service that request and I do feel it is valuable.

7. The agency fee is to cover a team of translators, our engineers, research assistants to continually create country-specific and regionally-specific information on how to buy Dash, as well as translate the content of our page into languages so that we can reach countries with non-english speaking populations.
5 points,6 years ago
The quality of the page you made is below average- just stale old content.

Doesnt look like you have any marketing experience. There is no clear call to action on your page.. On one hand you are talking about dash treasury proposal and on the other you are talking about dash wallet. Who are you actually targeting? This is not to way to promote a concept..Putting out every bit of information out there..

If you pay for advertising, you will get link clicks but what the point of it..
Most of the data you have put out is from free softwares, it means little because you cant track wallet installs.

And what is the tearing hurry to try and get a third proposal approved in 30 days, when you already have other paid out proposals. I agree with Muhammed that you should deliver on the previous proposal first before coming back to ask more money..

Do you have so much time on your hands that you can multitask between a 550 dash and a 2300 dash proposal?

Escrow or no escrow- I am completely against giving so much money to one person with other projects running already without delivery of previous work.. Voting NO...
-1 point,6 years ago
I hear your concerns, but to answer them:
1. We would argue that the page clearly and succinctly communicates the core values and features of Dash. It was built on a budget of 1 dash and has not even been touched yet by our high level designer. Wait until you see it after it is.

2. I have a great deal of marketing experience and have personally spent nearly a million dollars advertising Google / Facebook / Reddit and optimzing over the last decade. See my original proposal for proof.

3. The point is to increase awareness of Dash. What is the point of any proposal submitted to the treasury?

4. While there are excellent free services available from google, mailchimp and mouseflow aren't free. Mouseflow alone costs $400 per month at this tier.

5. We would argue that this data means a great deal.

6. The hurry is that I have been repeatedly urged by people on the forum and Discord to get this going and scale this up.

7. At this point I am not doing much other than working on this campaign and working on Feedbands. I'm hooked. Feedbands has hired an assistant to handle all of the travel / lodging / flights / etc. with the artists. A professional event production company High Beam is being paid nearly a hundred thousand dollars to handle every aspect of the event aside from us plugging in the artists. There is a ton of work to do. I am pretty much giving my soul to Dash this year.
4 points,6 years ago
Voting no, this is over 10% of the budget going to an approach I don't agree on. A lot of people don't take Dash seriously after seeing the types of ads you would normally only see for ICOs blasted on web sites. I don't want to attract dumb money to our project.
-1 point,6 years ago
We are certainly not trying to attract dumb money to the project. What we are trying to do is communicate to the world the the features of Dash. You'll notice that no where on our landing page do we once even mention the price of Dash.
0 points,6 years ago
We will also adjust the budget down as per your request.
0 points,6 years ago
As per the community's request, we are officially revising the budget down to $10k per day / $300k per month in legally binding ad spend.

When Dash Core submits the new escrowed proposal, it will reflect the new budget.

Thanks you for everyone's input. We're excited to get this going.
0 points,6 years ago
Also I'd like to make it clear that since we are scaling down our ad spend by 50% per day, we can target a much more aggressive cost per result and hope to come in well under $10.
3 points,6 years ago
I think that you should deliver on your last proposal first, which was large in terms of funding requirements, and where a lot of us voted "Yes" and gave you large funds that you can use to promote Dash and contribute to its development. Once that happens, come back with this proposal organized in a few milestones and an escrow service where you submit a report prior to every payment milestone, and based on the results, receive further payments. Also, there is no need in rushing things, serious marketing campaigns take time and they are usually slow, but they are efficient, as they are organized well and have all the media connections ready for publishing. I love all the work that you are doing, no pun intended, I am just being honest. Nonetheless, if you get an escrow for this proposal and other people vote "Yes", you will have my support as well.
-2 points,6 years ago
we are resubmitting with escrow. And we did deliver on our previous ad campaign proposal. We started small and proved we could scale rapidly.

As for the feedbands proposal, beta site integration is hitting today/tomorrow!
1 point,6 years ago
I think pushing escrow is just dumb. Have some trust in people guys! Do not just trust multi millions in the hands of 1 escrow holder... that only has 2 handlers of the funds.
-1 point,6 years ago
Hopefully I have established my trust by this point. But I also want to respect the wishes of masternodes who believe in the importance of the escrow model.
-1 point,6 years ago
Will vote YES -- thanks for the work, feedbands
-1 point,6 years ago
Thanks for your confidence Troy.
-1 point,6 years ago
Hey everyone so Greencandle has informed us they are unavailable to escrow this cycle, so we will plan on resubmitting with them next month. Or, you can vote this up if you want to see it happen this month.
-1 point,6 years ago
Greencandle has informed us they are unavailable to escrow this project this cycle.
0 points,6 years ago
I also want to point out that we did not request any escrow from Ben Swann, which is not fair towards other community members as there is no real value of decentralization if you are going to judge people and their intentions by their media "reputation" in a centralized world. Escrow should be mandatory for anyone asking more than 250 Dash.
-2 points,6 years ago
Voting NO! As per your request. But I am poised to vote YES! when you resubmit. Liked the first round, ready for the second (much bigger round).

Carry on, have fun, WIN!
-2 points,6 years ago
sorry about this , waiting for the new one !!
-2 points,6 years ago
Looks good. You have clearly delivered. However, I must still vote no without escrow.
-2 points,6 years ago
-3 points,6 years ago
How exactly would the escrow work? We are going to be spending $100,000 every four days. We need liquidity immediately. The entire amount would be liquidated upon successful funding and held to fund the massive spend.
1 point,6 years ago
It works by: once you deliver 1st stage you get funding for next, etc. For this amount, escrow is more than required.
-2 points,6 years ago
Also if there were any issues at all with the escrow coming through we would be totally screwed as the charges hit.

The way escrow would need to work is to give us full liquidity on the first of each month, which is exactly how the treasury already works.
-3 points,6 years ago
Good stuff on the results , can i get a job :) ??
-3 points,6 years ago
Everyone please vote down this proposal. We are going to resubmit with escrow.
-3 points,6 years ago
I'm getting a 500 server error every time I try to save the rest of the proposal. To see the full proposal, go here: