Proposal “ifaam-investment-roadshow-2017“ (Completed)Back

Title:DASH @ IfAAM Investment Roadshow 2017
One-time payment: 80 DASH (2055 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 80 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-08-19 / 2017-09-18 (added on 2017-08-25)
Votes: 605 Yes / 10 No / 37 Abstain

Proposal description

Follow all steps of the project on:

Dear Masternodes,

my name is Jan Heinrich Meyer, aka essra in Dash Nation Slack. I'm a member of the Dash Force DE Team. As I'm german my english may not be as good as good as yours, so please „pardon my english“ 😉

For further information about me and my activities in cryptoverse please visit my latest steemit article:

What this proposal is about:

I'm reaching out to you because Steffen Krug, founder of the IfAAM - Institute for Austrian Asset Management - asked Fabio Bossi (aka macno – you may know him from his last proposal and me for a Dash Partnership at the IfAAM Investment Roadshow 2017.

What the IfAAM (Institute for Austrian Assetmanagement) is about:

The Institute for Austrian Asset Management (IfAAM) was founded in 2009 and is the pioneer for Austrian Investing Strategies in the german speaking world. Hundreds of Libertarians and friends of the Austrian School from Germany, Switzerland and Austria are following the investment advices, conferences and seminars of the IfAAM Institute.

For further information please have a look at:

What will happen at the IfAAM Investment Roadshow:

In 2010 the first IfAAM Investmentroadshow took place inHamburg, Munich and Vienna. Economists and investment advisors were presenting the latest research and innovative ideas in the field of monetary theory, Austrian School of economics as well as value investing and investing solutions. The IfAAM Investment Roadshow 2017 will take place in Munich, Hamburg and Berlin with the following speakers and topics:


  • 20th of October, 2017 in Munich – 3pm to 8pm
  • 27th of October, 2017 in Hamburg – 3pm to 8pm
  • 28th of October, 2017 in Berlin – 3pm to 8pm


The Venues aren´t confirmed yet, but will be updated as soonas possible.


At least 200 Austrian Economics, Libeterians and ValueInvestors from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

What's in for Dash?

  • 1h slot for presentation of Dash at each event (linkedto sponsoring-fee)
  • Dash integration in event advertising in„Eigentümlich frei“ (german print-magazine with 12.000 subscribers + onlineannouncement on
  • Dash integration in event advertising in „SmartInvestor“ (german print-magazine with 7.000 subscribers + online announcement on
  • Dash integration in event email-newsletter via „IFAAM Institute“ (1.000 subscribers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland)
  • Dash-Infoflyer on every seat of the Venue
  • Dash-Lanyards for attendee badges

What we need to do this (budget):

12,495€ - IfAAM sponsoring-fee (3,500€/event + 19% taxes)
750€ - travelling and hotel-costs for macno (MUC -> HAM-> BER -> MUC)
450€ - flyer and lanyards
3,500€ - project management

17,195€ total
+ 5 DASH proposal-fee

>> 80 DASH in total (based on 230€ per DASH)

Fabio and me would be very happy to show this incompareableaffine audience what Dash is about and explain why they should think about investing in Dash instead of any other cryptocurrency.

We hope for confirmation.



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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,7 years ago
you can find all pictures and videos right here:
0 points,7 years ago
resulting interview of the presentation in hamburg with thorsten schulte:
0 points,7 years ago
@macno at the first stop in munich:
0 points,7 years ago
#3 Update - Status Quo with Steffen Krug:
1 point,7 years ago
#2 Update - the advertising for printmagazines is created:!Au-03Au1QTEArGQNmBfwQFw1CSrs
1 point,7 years ago
#1 Update - the official Roadshow Website is online:
0 points,7 years ago
Seeing as the Dash value is already ~6000€ over your budget, what do you intend to do with the extra funds?
1 point,7 years ago
Hello nutomic, we have two options.

1. people ask for a video documentation, so we will organize and pay a video guy.

2. Because most of the attendees are not into crypto yet, I think we will "invest" in a "Dash Starter Wallet". So everyone who installs a wallet during the event can receive a small amount of DASH to have a first guided experience.

We will decide once the proposal gets approved depending on the current Dash price.
3 points,7 years ago
Good proposal for Germany / Europe, you have my support. good luck and thank you for your time.
0 points,7 years ago
thanks a lot and hey, you are welcome :-)
5 points,7 years ago
Is there any possibility of event coverage? I mean having someone shoot video of you guys presenting and then upload to Youtube for example?
3 points,7 years ago
We are working on it! There will be Video!
0 points,7 years ago
hi ichigo13, for now there is no video documentation in preperation, maybe steffen will add one in hamburg, but of course we will documentate the event with photography
0 points,7 years ago
oh - and like steffen krug said smartinvestor and ef will each visit at least one event to write articles for reporting
1 point,7 years ago
you two got my support, good luck with this proposal.
3 points,7 years ago
good initiative for DASH in Germany
1 point,7 years ago
thank you dworf, that´s why we are doing this
1 point,7 years ago
yes, why not? voted yes! please do not forget to documentate the event with videos and photography. Do you have a twitter profile? please show us!
0 points,7 years ago
I don´t got no private twitter account, but I´m on facobook... so if you want to get friends, here you go: - documentation will be done
0 points,7 years ago
ok very good
1 point,7 years ago
There seems to be an error with ssl in the IfAAM and in the smartinvestor link. I´m not able to change the url in the description. Please try this and this
0 points,7 years ago
Is it just me or is this proposal a bit late for this budget cycle? I hope you get the support you need in the remaining few days - I voted yes.
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks voluntary and yes, it´s a little late. I was thinking about publishing it in september, but this would have been to late for the IfAAM Institute, so I hope we can do it in 5 days.
0 points,7 years ago
You have my Votes! Let's introduce the hidden Blue Chip of Crypto to a broader audience!