Proposal “gc-dash-aerosports“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Aerosports - Promoting Dash to 200,000 People
One-time payment: 1366 DASH (32462 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 1366 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-11-18 / 2017-12-18 (added on 2017-11-24)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 0 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

Dash Aerosports - Promoting Dash to 200,000 People

Hi, I’m Scott Farnsworth. AKA DashRacer. I am a Dash masternode Owner. If you read my proposal 6 months ago, you know I made Dash Nation a rather outrageous promise that if I got funded, I’d slap my airplane's nose to tail with Dash branding… exhibit, fly, and race them at airshows all across the globe… and put Dash in front of millions of people in a very exciting way.

1186 masternode owners voted yes
395 masternode owners voted no
25 masternode owners voted abstain

The proposal was approved and in the 6 months, I’ve worked my tail off to over deliver on my original promise.

Photo Library of some of my favorites...

Two planes
DASH Branded 40 foot motorhome
DASH 20 foot trailer
My entire crew (10 people) got wrapped with DASH branding and put on a show of force at the Reno Air Race (250,000 spectators)… Oshkosh Air Show (the world’s largest air show with 850,000 spectators)… the Rome, Georgia airshow (176,000 spectators) among other events.

A quick note from Dash’s UI/UX Technical LEAD developer Chuck Williams:

Hey MNO's I've had several opportunities to spend time w/ [USER=13046]@DashRacer[/USER] & personally, and professionally, and I have to say that his passion and drive for Dash and mine align on many levels. I've seen the effect that his Team and his equipment had on Max Keiser, Stephen Baldwin, and his film crew. Everyone walked away with an unforgettable experience - and I think that's how he presents Dash  for hundreds of thousands of people around the world. It's really impressive to witness the emotional effects that your "decentralized" colleagues have on celebrities. Keep up the good work, [USER=13046]@DashRacer[/USER] - and good luck on your next proposal. May they enlighten and impress the masses.

~ P.S. I am NOT being paid for this endorsement!

A few masternodes attended these events and some others have been watching our work closely. They had some very positive things to say about our relationship with DASH:

Joshua -
In all seriousness, holy crap this team is amazing. Chuck and I got to have some drinks with them that evening... Scott gets it. He sees the potential, and he understands mass marketing the people that encounter him or his team end up understanding what Dash is in a way that relates to them and their problems and needs his ability to convert merchants also just blows me away

Stillcantstop -
You and your team are clearly getting the job done, and in fact, taking it to new places already. Can't wait for the TV coverage. You have my massive 2 vote block in the yes column.

TaoOfSatoshi -
I just finished an interview with Scott for Cash Alternative TV. I withheld my vote until I got a chance to meet him in person. Now that I have, I can say that he is confident, meticulous, proud of his image and committed to Dash. My votes are Yes. Watch for the video to be released soon.

jmmon -
This seems like pretty cheap advertising for Dash considering the exposure it will bring. Voting yes because I think this is a great deal even if Dash appreciates a lot over the next 6 months!

If you’ve attended one of our events, you know how and why we believe in DASH. We believe Blockchain and DASH are as important as they invention of the microprocessor!

But this is just the very visible TIP of the iceberg…

Because beneath the surface I went above and beyond the scope of the original proposal and worked hard to get vendors, major businesses and consumers to take notice of Dash… and more importantly… start using it in their day to day transactions.

Of course, that will not happen overnight but there is nothing more important to Dash’s long-term success.

Which is why I am asking all masternodes to vote YES and continue funding our relationship. If you think this is just about a “flying Dash billboard” you are missing the point. This is about leveraging the attention generating power of my race and stunt planes… and… using them to START the conversation about Dash with QUALIFIED prospects. The businesses that participate at airshows, that generate and spend multiple millions per year. That would benefit GREATLY from using… but would otherwise not know Dash existed without my presence there: Method7, BestTugs, De Motu, My Go Flight

Currently we are pursuing relationships with Garmin Electronics, Jetblue Airways, MultiGP Drones, Reno Air Race Association and more.

The people that attend airshows, that make more, spend more, and are better educated than the average person.

Like I said in my original proposal…

Are the people who attend air shows a good fit for Dash Nation?

I believe so based on information gathered by the International Council of Air Shows through their Event Organizer Survey.

They say:

◦ Air shows attract a well-educated and affluent audience
◦ Close to 70% has some college education
◦ More than 54% report a yearly income of $50,000 or more
◦ And 61.1% of the spectators range in age from 26-49 (because of cryptocurrency inherent privacy, it’s hard to find data on exactly what age bracket uses cryptocurrency the most… but anecdotal reports suggest most people fall in this 26-49 age range).

Furthermore, 87.6% of attendees report recognizing sponsors… and… MORE IMPORTANTLY, 65.3% of attendees report they are likely to try a sponsor’s product or service.

My goal is to get MORE of people like this using Dash. I believe getting QUALIFIED prospects like these is critical for Dash to become accepted in the mainstream.

And in a moment, I’ll explain exactly how I am doing so.

But first, let’s talk money.

Right now, Dash is giving me too much money. In my first proposal I requested 287 Dash. At the time that was worth roughly $30,000 USD.

That may sound like a lot, but - as I pointed out in my first proposal - my two planes alone cost more than a million bucks. And the maintenance costs of two planes, a 10 person team, and entrance fees for the events aren’t cheap either.

Well, Dash has appreciated considerably since then.
Right now that 287 Dash is worth roughly $160,000 USD.

I don’t need that much.

So, going forward, here is what I am requesting. $96,050 USD per month… This breaks down to my cost of operations + 20% profit margin + 10% contingency fee. The funds are being requested in a single payment totalling the whole ask but will only be disbursed based on the following formula:

(Proposal monthly fiat cost) / (30 day moving average of dash) = (# of dash paid out)

So let’s talk totals:

My monthly costs: $96,050 USD
Green Candle Escrow costs: $5,000 USD
Total Monthly cost: $101,050 USD

I have requested a 4 month payout cycle which means the total value of the ask is $404,200 USD divided by the 30 day moving average of Dash 297 USD = 1361 Dash + 5 Dash Fee = 1366 Dash

I will be signing an MOU with Green Candle that will outline the following:

Payment schedule for the release of my monthly requested funds based off the pegged fiat value of my operational costs ($96,050 per month) for four months. After our monthly update call and completion of milestones Green Candle will release the funds based on the 30 day moving average of Dash during the month I’m going to being paid. This will address the issue of the moving price of Dash causing my business operations any issues.

As for the Dash left over. Any Dash left over that is held in escrow by Green Candle will be used to fund future months of my 4 month proposal cycle. For example if after the four months have transpired (paying out Dash at the fiat pegged value) Dash still exists in this budget, it will continue to be paid out against the monthly pegged value until it is drawn down. Then another single request will be made to start the 4 month cycle again.

This is different than the per month payout I requested in my first proposal. I’m requesting this for 2 reasons:
  1. First and foremost, I believe Dash is going to skyrocket over the next couple of months. During my first proposal my monthly 287 Dash varied anywhere from $30,000 USD per month to $160,000 USD per month.
  2. Cryptocurrencies are inherently volatile but I don’t want anyone thinking I’m getting more than I deserve simply because of appreciation.

By the way, I didn’t pocket the extra money. I put it to good use.

For example, at the Reno show I purchased as much content time on NBC as I could get my hands on. Specifically, I created and bought “Dash to the Finish-line”, a highlight spot focusing complete attention to Dash brand during the 6 episodes (according to Neilsen estimates, NBC Sports reaches 81 million televisions in the U.S.)

Second, I need the lump sum for budgeting purposes.

These air-shows cost a ton to register, attend, and perform at… and many of the fees need to be paid for in advance. Bluntly, it’s just easier for me to budget if I don’t have to guess if one Dash is going to be worth $150 one day or $500 the next.

So what am I going to do with the money?

In a nutshell, I’ve worked out a deal that will force around 100 business to use Dash… and… incentive 250,000 people to do so as well. (The 3 amigos podcast 100 business in 100 days made the challenge. I thought about how to exceed that challenge and do it in a week!)

Let me explain…

If you’ve been following my sponsorship you know my Reno event was a huge success for Dash.

We got a NBC sports “pilot interview” with Dash branding aired on National TV. And NBC broadcast footage from inside my jet with Dash branding too.

Well, next year, the Reno Air Association wants to take our relationship one step further. The plan is to make Dash integral in every transaction that takes place at the event.

First, there will be an option for to buy tickets online using Dash. Much like you can now pay with paypal many places online… Dash will be present in the payment drop-down menu alongside VISA and MASTERCARD.

This will extend to gate tickets as well. Even better, there will be a 10% discount for using Dash. Tickets for these events generally run around $35. So a family of four could save $14 by paying with Dash. Not a paltry amount.

But that’s just for starters…There will be Dash ATM’s inside and outside of the event where users can instantly convert dollars to Dash. Now, that wouldn’t matter much if they couldn’t spend it. But part of the deal requires EVERY vendor inside to accept Dash as payment.

Vendors like:
Beer tents, food stands,souvenirs
STIHL, Garmin, Tesla, etc will be present.

All vendors accepting payment will be required to accept Credit Card, cash and exclusively Dash (Dash incentive with 10% discount)

So a person at the airshow could:
Buy a ticket to the airshow with Dash
Buy a beer inside with Dash
Buy a t-shirt from a vendor with Dash
And save money with each transaction.

In short, as far as I know, this will be the first event ever where attendees could leave their wallet at home and buy anything and everything they want with Dash. Please remember, these are multi-million dollar businesses who would otherwise not be exposed to Dash much less forced to use it.

There’s more, much more, but I think you get the point.

They key to getting widespread adoption of Dash is getting key prospects to USE Dash so they can see the benefit and that’s exactly what will happen at the Reno event.

My fellow masternodes, remember, the Dash branding on the airplanes is just the tip of the iceberg.

You’re not sponsoring a flying billboard. You’re sponsoring the opportunities the flying billboard opens up for Dash. Opportunities I and my team have proven to work tirelessly to exploit.

You’ve seen what I’ve executed over the past six months. You’ve heard the positive reviews from your other masternodes. I’ve laid out a clear plan of action for reaching more qualified prospects moving forward.

Please vote yes on this Dash proposal.

Your yes vote and support will continue to strengthen the ties between the fastest digital currency and the fastest sport on the planet.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Scott Farnsworth

P.S. Any Dash left over that is held in escrow by Green Candle will be used to fund future months of my 4 month proposal cycle. For example if after the four months have transpired (paying out Dash at the fiat pegged value) Dash still exists in this budget, it will continue to be paid out against the monthly pegged value until it is drawn down. Then another single request will be made to start the 4 month cycle again.

P.P.S. If you have any questions please post them in the forum below.

P.P.S.S: This proposal originally started in this thread but it was decided to post a fresh thread for discussion.

P.P.P.S.S.S: Proposal Interview on Cash Alternative TV[center][/center]

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,6 years ago
One of the best Dash proposals I´ve ever read. Congrats my friend!
3 points,6 years ago
Congrats on winning the biggest proposal in the history of dash treasury !! Now the hard work begins :) , all the best !
1 point,6 years ago
7 points,6 years ago
I spoke with Scott today, and he shared with me an email that he received from some guys who are pitching a project towards the history channel about air racing. He asked me to share this info on here.

I sincerely hope the Dash UX issues are solved in time so we can capitalise on this opportunity.

I have a feeling he will do his best for Dash regardless of which way the vote goes on this proposal. Good luck Scott and the DashAerosports team.
3 points,6 years ago
P.S. He asked me to view the email and post this for him as I am a 'no' voter on this proposal and therefore somewhat independent. If you are interested in reading my reasons for voting 'no' on this proposal, just scroll down this page.

I hope this proposal doesn't divide the community. I know we will get unique value out of Scott's activities on some level, and you can't put a price on that.
4 points,6 years ago
Thank you for being an amazing individual. Great conversation and you showed me a huge hole in our explanation of our approach. We will adapt and utilize what we discussed.
2 points,6 years ago
This proposal will not divide the community. We are stronger than that. I touch on the reasons in the newest CATV, coming out tomorrow.
2 points,6 years ago
Respect to all Dash MNOs - this was a huge leap in voting maturity and really shows that we can come to a consensus in a respectful fashion. Kudos to those who kept it professional! - very proud to part of this community. @Scott - good luck, I am sure you will deliver above and beyond for dash!!!
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you. We will
1 point,6 years ago
Does DASH have a press-release on this yet? Or, is somebody getting the attention of media-outlets? etc etc..... People will definately look at this in AWE!!

We just need a Super-Bowl ad now :-D .... and get DASH Aerosports in the shot somewhere.
0 points,6 years ago
...side project - - >> Let's get DASH Aerosports to race DASH Instant Send - WOOT!!!!
0 points,6 years ago
We would love to race and obviously lose to DASH Instant Send. "Even if you're the fastest Race pilot on the Planet... DASH Still Wins!... Effortlessly" for more information... scrolling DASH Banner fading to Black. Great things are coming to Dash Nation!
9 points,6 years ago
I'd say today is a great example of how price movement changes all plans in a minute. This is why we pegged ourselves in USD and the excess comes back into the MNO voting system.
12 points,6 years ago
It is really disappointing to see that some MNO's on here think that it's totally acceptable to address our potential contractors and partners as "cowboys" and "flying clowns", in addition to other derogatory remarks. There is absolutely no need for personal attacks and ad-hominems, it's unsavory, unprofessional and completely unnecessary. The network has voted, the majority have decided, if the minority do not agree with the majority they've got to learn to accept it for what it is.. As Mick Jagger says:

-8 points,6 years ago
You are such a hypocrite. Funny how you only see the personal attacks on one side.
11 points,6 years ago
No. I am of the same mind set as you, I don't think this is a good use of funds, but you were incredibly insulting and unprofessional to Farnsworth and his team.
4 points,6 years ago
Agreed, this type of debate style has no place in Dash Nation.
3 points,6 years ago
Thanks to Triptolemoose and to quantumexplorer for their objetive and polite comments and contributions.

I had voted NO since I had some doubts regarding this proposal. I was not against to this proposal, but I had wished it to be submitted next month for all MNOs to have more time to review it and receive more explanation. After see all your comments and contributions, I changed my votes to yes. I believe this project and Dashracer could benefit DASH.

Good luck to all of us.
1 point,6 years ago

Thank you very much for providing me the opportunity to make a difference. I hope you know that I completely realize the obligation and responsibility I have to our DAO.

Thank you for supporting Dash Aero
0 points,6 years ago
3 points,6 years ago
will this pass or wont it pass ... biting my nails :)
20 points,7 years ago
I think it'll be a real shame if DashRacer doesn't get funding. Scott and his team are doing a remarkable job promoting Dash, if this doesn't pass it makes you wonder how the network will agree to get anything done with any consistancy as we scale up... I'm all for high standards and keeping our contractors honest, but not renewing a contract for one of the few teams that has demonstrably delivered on everything they said they would, will send the wrong message to all other contractors (and potential new contractors). Us MNOs need to start thinking like true business owners.. Great businesses are run by owners who build great long term relationships, partnerships and arrangements which mutually benefit everybody in the long run. Cutting the legs off sub DAOs that are gaining traction and have delivered (even if they've made a few mistakes that need fixing, as we've seen with some contractors) is short sighted and harmful to the long term success of the Dash network.
11 points,7 years ago
My low-ball estimate of the value of 6 hours of coverage on NBC came in to a tidy 1.2 million dollars. Even if I'm wildly overestimating by double, that's still a $600.000 return on $340,000 investment. All the math and references are down below for those who wish to double check the estimates and assumptions. solarguy
-6 points,6 years ago
Solarguy, can you refute any of the following?

This proposal is on the verge of passing Despite obvious inconsistencies like

a) Scott himself making $18000 a month for himself, over and above EVERYTHING else. Plus $9000 a month extra for Contingencies(Maybe the sticker falls off in the desert)

He is more valuable than Ryan and the Core team somehow who get paid less.

b) Using a low-ball number for calculating 30 day moving average ($297) instead of the actual number $370(Please verify real number on 11/24). Extra $155000.

c) No clear output from previous 1722 Dash.

d) Not a single trackable metric for the future.

e) No proper Pre-Proposal with costs open for discussion

f) Bringing proposal right at the end .

g) Making one proposal for the whole amount instead of diving it in multi-month installments. 4 Months minimum and another 4 potentially.

If it was ANY OTHER PROPOSAL with similar features, the owner would have been mowed down, thrashed around and would fail to go above 0, forget getting +450.

This shows that DIFFERENT rules apply to different people and how NEPOTISM has won out in the end.

P.S See the TAO interview to figure out how NEPOTISM works. The next time Tao conducts an interview with SCOTT, he should do it wearing a CHEERLEADER uniform to be more appropriately dressed for the work he is performing, instead of journalism.

2 points,6 years ago
I see you still have not answered my questions, but I will respond to all of yours anyway.

""Solarguy, can you refute any of the following? ""

Why yes, yes I can.

""This proposal is on the verge of passing Despite obvious inconsistencies like

a) Scott himself making $18000 a month for himself, over and above EVERYTHING else. Plus $9000 a month extra for Contingencies(Maybe the sticker falls off in the desert)""

Scott is not the one who determined the total amount. He just reported his expenses to the folks at GreenCandle, our new escrow service. The guys at GreenCandle, being very successful serial entrepreneurs, added a reasonable profit margin, and some extra for unanticipated problems, expenses and so on. Although I have not asked Scott about this, I’m sure a substantial part of that goes into a retained earnings account.

You make a hard dividing line between Scott, and Scott’s team, and Scott’s mission to accomplish great things for Dash. Scott doesn’t see it that way. Excess funds just get plowed into additional value for Dash. He has demonstrated that repeatedly. I will give you four examples from the first proposal.

1. Even though this was never part of his stated deliverables, he tricked out the huge bus in Dash promotional images and did a did a Dash tour with the bus while it was trucking around the country headed to air races.

2. He ordered a bunch of Dash ATM’s in Dash colors (not Bitcoin gold…) and set one up at every Air Show. He personally doubled the number of Dash ATM’s. How many proposals did we see for many thousands of dollars to buy and install just ONE ATM?

3. He has a high end, immersive Virtual Reality experience for people who want to know what it’s like to fly in a jet with Scott. Now, every person who goes through the VR machine also gets a Dash intro. Thousands of them…..

4. He flew to Hong Kong to have a face to face meeting with Julian Hosp at Ten-X to get a better handle on what was going on with the Dash backed debit card.

""He is more valuable than Ryan and the Core team somehow who get paid less"".

No, he isn’t. How much money somebody gets paid is a terrible metric for how valuable they are. For example, there are tons of people who have made amazing contributions to the Dash ecosystem, and did it for free. By your grossly oversimplified metric, you would say those people are….worth nothing. ?? Obviously, that’s not true.

I would totally agree that our Core Team (and Amanda B. Johnson while we’re at it) should have the highest pay in the industry. And I have lobbied for more pay and better perks too. So even if your simplistic comparison were true, it would be comparing Scott’s numbers to artificially low numbers.

""b) Using a low-ball number for calculating 30 day moving average ($297) instead of the actual number $370(Please verify real number on 11/24). Extra $155000.""

I’m not sure if you have noticed, but Dash is kind of volatile. Thankfully, it’s been mostly volatile up. But there are no guarantees of that as I’m sure you are keenly aware. Since some people have to pay rent and mortgages and so on in fiat, it is reasonable to choose a moving average number instead of the price at this instant. In fact, that’s how the Dash Core Team does it too, and for exactly the same reasons. Do you feel that the Dash Core Team is scamming us too?

""c) No clear output from previous 1722 Dash. ""

What is the most important metric in the Dash ecosystem? I would argue it’s the price of Dash. There have been numerous claims about how terrible, and how damaging and risky and how egregious our relationship with Dash Aerosports is. It turns out, we have actually done this experiment. What did the price of Dash do in the last 6 months while terrible, egregious damaging Scott has been working for us? Pretty damn good right? If this is what damaging looks like, sign me up for another helping. Seems totally clear to me.

But perhaps you want things that are more specific than just kicking all the other cryptocurrency’s ass. Sure, we can do that too.

Scott said he would expose 100’s of 1,000’s of people from an ideal demographic to the Dash brand. Did he do that? Check.

Scott said he would promote us through all their digital/social media channels. Oh yeah, did he ever: Check.

Scott said that once or twice a month, he would participate in an air show with > 200,000 people, flaunting and promoting Dash with the plane, the bus, and face to face promotions on the biggest, most noticeable area on the pavillion. Check.

Scott said Dash would get top billing in all his radio and tv interviews. Did he do that? Check. That seems pretty black and white to me.

""d) Not a single trackable metric for the future.""

How about 6 hours of prime time exposure on NBC? That seems pretty trackable to me, and pretty awesome too.

""e) No proper Pre-Proposal with costs open for discussion
f) Bringing proposal right at the end .""

Scott already gave us an explanation that was reasonable and legitimate. There were critical details still being finalized that would affect the proposal. I could get you a copy of that explanation if you missed it.

""g) Making one proposal for the whole amount instead of diving (sic) it in multi-month installments. 4 Months minimum and another 4 potentially.""

Technically, not correct. GreenCandle, our new escrow service, is the one that owns the proposal. Not Scott. And no, Scott doesn’t get the whole amount in a lump sum. And no, Scott doesn't get a million dollars either. Scott gets monthly installments of $96,000, exactly as described in the contract.

One of the problems with the current treasury system is that it’s difficult to fund a long term project because of the potential volatility in the price of Dash.

Dash Aerosports and GreenCandle came up with a system so that we would be able to take on bigger and longer projects that otherwise would never work with Dash. GreenCandle takes the lump sum and manages the volatility, while guaranteeing the contractor that they will get a certain and fixed amount in dollar value per month over the life of the contract. This is a feature, not a drawback.

I am still patiently and respectfully waiting for you to answer my questions.

3 points,6 years ago
I'll answer yours if you answer mine. That only seems fair.

2 points,6 years ago
I would be happy to respond to your points if you answer the questions I asked you earlier, to which you never replied. Solarguy
1 point,6 years ago
And just to give you a little teaser, the answer is yes, I can refute a bunch of that. Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I got busy at work. solarguy
-6 points,6 years ago
That's ridiculous solarguy. Would you vote to spend $340,000 on TV ads? Of course not, we don't have a product for masses, so why would you think spending $340,000 is a good investment with Acrobatics-Man?

Is he paying you for these lame comments?
3 points,6 years ago
Speak for yourself Mr. DashCentral. I'm taking it to the masses. Zimbabwe alone could triple and quadruple our market cap, and they are desperate for a better currency. What is your opinion of the Zimbabwe project? Oh yeah, are you the person that owns, runs or operates the website DashCentral? Several people asked about that.
0 points,6 years ago
What does Zimbabwe have anything to do with this proposal? We still need 44 votes to prevent this proposal from passing, so if you feel like talking nonsense please it in the forum.
6 points,6 years ago
We actually do have a stage-1 mass product I would say. Better get on with spreading the word. Are we ahead of every other coin at the moment? Then what are we waiting for?
2 points,6 years ago
And since I'm feeling chatty after work, do have any relationship to RGXDK over on the forum?
0 points,6 years ago
1 point,6 years ago
And no, Scott is not paying me anything. solarguy
1 point,6 years ago
fully agree with this
0 points,7 years ago
I agree. Seeing some of the comments from other MNOs here, it's the first time I got worried about the future of the network.
-7 points,6 years ago
We need 44 more NO votes to prevent this proposal from passing. Please scroll down to read the comments of us voting NO because they are being pushed all the way the bottom of this discussion.

We want what's best for Dash, so let's be respectful towards our developers and our Core Team by not giving Acrobatics-Man more than we pay Core, or allow him to profit monthly 2-3x more than our developers make. This proposal is disrespectful to everyone who receives a salary from the Dash network
1 point,6 years ago
I'm all about the respectful discourse and respecting people regardless of anything. Will you stop calling people stupid and various other personal attacks? Would you like me to hunt down every disrespectful comment you made in this thread alone? Let me quote one of your other "respectful" comments with regard to your attitude towards all the outreach programs in Africa,

"Africa, where the the average IQ is 70" and

"The average IQ in Africa is way lower than the average IQ in east Asia."

Do you still stand by those statements?

-3 points,6 years ago
Those of us voting NO are not denying finds to him, we just think this particular proposal is bad (inconsistencies, no goals, no metrics, overvalued, etc). I would vote no on a bad proposal from the Core Team or Amanda, and it obviously doesn't mean I would deny funding to them permanently.

Please consider changing your votes to NO so we can submit a better proposal next month.
1 point,6 years ago
This should be for 100 Dash/Month for three month tops, renewable, if you factor in everything, instead of 1366 in one big FAT HEIST.
9 points,7 years ago
Switching my votes to yes, nothing better to fund this month left. I don't really like the calculation that green candle made, I don't really like how expensive this is after the price went up for us. However it is truly better to get this out of the way, as Scott and is team are really an asset to us. If it didn't pass this month next month it probably would under better fee structure most likely, however we don't know if there won't be better budget items next month so just better for everyone getting this out of the way in my opinion and less divisive.
0 points,6 years ago
3 points,6 years ago
I agree with everything quantum said above. I am also changing my votes to yes.

Keep up the great work Scott. I'm continuously impressed by your drive and commitment.
2 points,6 years ago

I'm taking in the data for sure. We tried something very different to try and store value within the MN system and benefit the network. Maybe we aimed a little high in our desires to benefit the network... but I do set very high goals. It's my nature. Learning lessons or failing can sometimes be a result of trying something out of the norm.

On a personal note: Know that our intentions and execution will make sure you don't regret placing a "Yes" on our proposal. I'll personally make sure of that.

Your tone and civil nature were a true "calming" to this thread. Thank you for participating in the discussion.

-3 points,6 years ago
>> but I do set very high goals.

Your proposal does not have any goals. It does not have trackable metrics. Almost 400 MNO disagree with you and if you had any character you wouldn't be desperate as you are and would be in favor of postponing this for the next budget, so we can all discuss it in the forums.
0 points,6 years ago
also, I think Green Candle can burn the extra funds, right?
-1 point,6 years ago
Please consider switching your votes to NO. There is no emergency whatsoever and he can submit a better proposal next month again. We won't be denying funds to him permanently, we are just rejecting this particular proposal this month because we can all agree it can be improved and needs to be discussed further.

Please do it in respect of the 341 NO and 46 Abstain Masternode owners who are really not comfortable with this proposal.
6 points,6 years ago
This is a silly argument. Why should the 800 MNs change their vote to respect the 341 MNs who voted no, and not the 341 MNs change their vote to respect the 800?
We should all respect everybody and vote however we feel is best for the network.
Voting YES.
-5 points,6 years ago
Because NO doens't mean never, we can re-word and discuss this for an entire month. What exactly is the emergency in passing this huge and highly contested proposal this month?
2 points,6 years ago
Actually, this proposal isn't particularly "highly contested"; in fact, there have been core-based proposals in the past which had a higher no vote to yes vote ratio than this one. Heck, even Evan has had proposals with a higher ratio than this one. Amanda's first request for funding for the Daily Decrypt had a higher ratio.

Calling it "highly contested" is just a way to try to undermine the will of the majority. Fortunately, all that matters is the final vote, not incessant comments on DashCentral.
6 points,6 years ago
No one said it was an emergency. My 'yes' vote is simply what I think is best for the network. I would rather see this settled now than later, but it's not like it would be the end of the world if it dragged out either. I think you've already made your points very clear and I understand them, but I disagree. I don't think that adding an extra month of rehashing the same points will help.
-2 points,6 years ago
I am 100% sure we could come up with a better proposal that would address the concerns of everyone that voted NO. By voting YES you deny everyone that chance.
2 points,6 years ago
Think of it this way : what happens if next month we really need the proposal money for more "essential" proposals, this will not pass, I would not vote yes on it if I saw other proposals that I thought were more essential and I'm sure others would do the same, and the many people who support this will have a bitter taste in their mouth. It's better to get it out of the way in my opinion.

By voting yes we aren't denying anyone their chance. We had a lot of time to think about this proposal, I don't feel anyone was left in the dark. This is actually one of the most debated proposals that has ever passed. I think this is actually only the second time I ever switched my votes from no to yes, and I even went through abstaining.

We have to understand that this proposal doesn't define who we are, so if you are very much against it, I hope you don't see it passing as a discredit to dash. A lot of people were informed when voting and just made their decision.

I actually vote NO on close to half of all proposals, a lot of those pass. I get over it because I understand that that's our current meritocratic/democratic system. We are strong not because we have 1 voice, but because we have many.
-2 points,6 years ago
If I point out issues in your logic and offer persuasive arguments, would you consider changing your vote to no?
2 points,6 years ago
I've had to explain that dashcentral does not actually the operator of dashcentral to others. Was I wrong to state this? Just want to know so that I can correct myself if you are indeed dashcentral's owner?

1 point,6 years ago
Interesting how your tone changes when addressing quantum.

You are very well versed in what you are doing. Almost like following a script...
0 points,6 years ago
He is a person that I respect, unlike you, and I agree to disagree with many other fellow MNO.

If you had discussed this extensively with the MNO before, if you didn't ask for 4 months in advance, if you weren't pocketing almost $20k/month, if you didn't put this proposal 5 days before the deadline etc, I would have the same respect for you.
1 point,6 years ago
I've always exceeded our proposals scope. You can plan on seeing that to continue.

I could have "pocketed" the overage from our last proposal. Instead, I bought up as much NBC Sports coverage I could afford.

My fortune and yours are intertwined. Regardless of your respect for me... I will make your share of Dash rise. Not just me, but the group that consists of all the individuals making up this community. Decentralized, but together we will harness the strength of our community and accomplish the stories worthy of the new Dash Documentary now funded.

Time has come for mass adoption. Let us not look at where we are, but where we need to be.

I offer you my help.

Scott (Not your enemy)
-1 point,6 years ago
Then cancel this proposal and submit another one next month. Don't ask for 4 months payment at once, use the current or similar market price, set clear goals with trackable metrics, reduce your unnecessary expenses, be responsible with our budget, incorporate all feedback you've received and we all move forward in harmony.

Trying to have this passed as is will hurt Dash tremendously, because the standard your proposal sets is way too low and it's value is the highest one ever seen. As stated before by someone else, the only thing that is saving it is your reputation. What would developers think of this once they realize you made 3-4 times more per month than they do?

I'm also not your enemy, I've already said many times that I would support you, Scott (not acrobatics-man), working for Dash for $6-12k a month easily. Having said that, I love Dash and I will fight to protect it. I don't care if you are a bad actor or a good person with good intentions: if your actions are going to hurt Dash I will oppose you. It is unnecessary for me to measure my words or try to be politically correct. I will try to persuade as many people as I can in the direction that I think is best for Dash.

2 points,6 years ago
I don't doubt your intentions.

I do have an issue that once you've been heard and all of your peers obviously have disagreed with you... you stand to scream that they must only listen to you. You only come to the conclusion that they must not be thinking and you need to enlighten them. I'm sure you don't intend to condescend your entire community... but you are.

Your personal attacks on me... I'm ok with that. However, your actions over the last couple of days demonstrate a centralized order, that all have to adhere to your vision. We all have a vote. We all can think for ourselves.

Honestly, I think you've been very deceptive in your tactics. You've adhered to and followed a well-established script to divide an obviously strong community.

I knew RGXDX was you as well as other usernames within this page. Your sentence structure and wording theme gave it away.

I don't say this to be confrontational. I'm just explaining how others are seeing you and messaging me about your post. The use of Dashcentral as a username on Dashcentral... come on? It's deceptive and misleading.


PS I'm fully aware that my proposal can be wiped out anytime and I would have this honest exchange regardless of the vote count.
-4 points,6 years ago
You're accusing me of what exactly you flying clown? I signed up with this user name months ago, ask the admins, and I didn't register any other. As soon as the username thing was brought up I immediately owned it.

Now I'm not the one pocketing $20k/month, submitting million dollar proposals 5 days before the budget and wasting community funds on expensive hobbies.

Your proposal represents everything I dislike: irresponsible overspending, no goals, no tracking, unprofessional, unfocused and no respect for our budget. A clown with a cowboy hat in the sky doing acrobatics is the last thing a cryptocurrency needs. I would much prefer that we give the $850k to our developers, project managers and admins, or that we offered this money to list Dash on Coinbase, or that we just show some appreciation and responsibility and don't spend it.

Dash is a decentralized network and 400 other MN voted with me. Claiming a MNO is attempting to divide Dash because he disagrees with your proposal is plain stupid, but not surprising coming from you.

You better make good use of this money and prove everyone that voted no wrong.
5 points,6 years ago
<"Alinsky Method" (which was derived from a procedure named as "The Delphi Technique.") This method of manipulating people is based on the fact that people in groups tend to share a common knowledge base and display certain identifiable characteristics known as "group dynamics."

In this process, one as "Change Agent" or "Facilitator" appear to be acting as organizers, "allowing" each person in the group to express their concerns about some program or policy under consideration. While this process is going on, people are urged to make lists or form into task forces.

At a certain point, the previously friendly Change Agent begins to act as "devil’s advocate," becoming an agitator. The process involves playing one part of the group against another, the "divide and conquer" technique. Anyone who is not clearly in accord with the Facilitator’s agenda is made to appear ridiculous, inarticulate, ignorant or dogmatic. The idea is to make these members of the group angry thus escalating tensions. The end object being to shut opposition voices out of the group.

There are three steps to defeating this process. They are simple to learn, if not always easy to put into practice since the Facilitators are well trained in agitation techniques.>
-5 points,6 years ago
Are you sure you want to play the accusations game? With copy and paste text from wikipedia?
1 point,6 years ago
Just give it a rest Icey
-1 point,6 years ago
I've voted no on this proposal, as I don't think we should be spending 1 Million USD on a marketing proposal. I would much rather see this money spent on development, paying for listing on Coinbase, paying for integration at Amazon etc.
4 points,6 years ago
There's nothing wrong with being opposed to this proposal, but note that none of those other options you mention are being proposed this month. So either this proposal receives the funds or the funds are not created. Voting for this proposal doesn't have any impact on those other (very good) ideas you mention.
2 points,6 years ago
It's my intention to either build or free more funds for the work he discusses. Without the Devs producing the product, we have nothing to market. We believe Dev should take priority too. However, there is no project in this cycle and these excess funds to supply for the future projects will not be created.
2 points,6 years ago
We can do all of that, this proposal does not affect doing all of those things too.
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your input.

Just to be sure you know:

My team is locked to $96K per month. Dash MNO's control the excess funds after 4 months.

Should be a MN voting system Store of value... I dont own these funds... MNO voting does

5 points,6 years ago
Following our previous proposal's example. We have gone into the green for funding.

With that we are now "In action":

We have secured our Media team from NYC to join us in Florida to begin filming
"Dash Into the Wild" spots for social media advertising starting December. I am arranging to join the Great American Pilgrimage in Las Vegas during the 1st week of December for additional filming.

Dash Into the Wild:
We will be following TenX style, but of course, adding both Dash and Dash AeroSports to the storyline.

I will personally be slowing down my posting as I now have work to complete for Dash.

Cody, my #2 will be monitoring the page to keep me aware of any pressing responses that need to be addressed directly.

Thank you is not enough of a word to express my gratitude. I'm humbled by the responsibility.

4 points,6 years ago
Voted yes. I prefer to make mistakes, in case this turns "bad" as a lot of people seem to be shouting, and then learn from them instead of not making them and learning nothing.
-3 points,6 years ago
We don't make mistakes with $1 million dollars, that's just being irresponsible. Vote no for this proposal and submit a better one next month addressing all the concerns that were discussed here.
3 points,7 years ago
Needs 1 more vote OMG!
4 points,7 years ago
Gave 12 yes votes. I really hope it passes. We need stuff like this and superbowl ads.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you very much.
-7 points,6 years ago
Please consider changing your votes to NO out of respect to the other 341 Masternode Owners who are not comfortable with this. Let's discuss it for another month and put it up for vote in the next cycle.
3 points,6 years ago
what a silly remark
-3 points,6 years ago
What exactly is silly about it?
3 points,6 years ago
Sorry, its just too silly to even go into it. Please do try to make better arguments next time.
18 points,7 years ago
First if Scott capped the money he personally earns from this proposal to about 10k USD/month I would vote yes immediately. However it seems like he personally will be getting about 18k USD/month. That's more than any core team member, most who contribute more to the project.

A lot of people are shouting doom and gloom if this proposal passes. I trust a lot of people who voted yes on this proposal, and I trust a few people who voted no on this proposal.

I can easily see both sides of the argument. Exposure vs it costing half a million dollars (the rest of the money going to future endeavors). It seems like DashAerosports is a valuable asset to the Dash community but again they are asking for a lot of money that might not bring the ROI that we expect.

Let's stay civil guys, some things will pass that you don't agree with and you just have to understand that that's how this system works. I don't think these guys are scammers, I was a lot more negative about Charlie Shrem for example, and many other proposals where I can smell the scam.

I'm personally leaning towards now abstaining on this project after being against this proposal initially. But that was just initially a personal belief on how funds should really be allocated and nothing against this team.

At this stage I believe much more money should go to constructive development and much less to marketing. However most dev proposals that I see are sadly ill informed or offer absolutely so spending this money on this team would probably come out even, very hard to tell. Right now I will be abstaining but closely following people I trust in the community.

Once again, guys try to stay civil, while we are a strong and passionate community, people who vote a certain way shouldn't be accused of nepotism, If you look how people voted on this, most people actually support this. There aren't 1 or 2 whales who are pushing this through as far as I can tell.
10 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the comment quantumexplorer please allow us to try and address the pieces that we had a decision in. Hopefully it will help you understand the train of thought that lead to how this proposal was presented to the community.

Our current observations of the governance system:

1) During the GAP proposal we got a lot of feedback that future proposals should be evaluated in a fiat value.
2) After watching other multi-month proposal’s during this year it also became apparent that longer multi-month proposals had issues addressing price slippage (30k - 160k range for Scott’s previous 6 month proposal)
3) The current proposal system only allows for 1,3,6,12 month proposals some which have worked great some which haven’t.
4) No current mechanism existed for a contractor to get their funds out of the budget system and then have them dispersed via a milestone system

Ok so these are all observations we have made about the current system and are hoping to address with the delivery of this new proposal. We are attempting to develop a formula that can then be applied to future business opportunities.

So let’s talk about this formula. Since we have determined we need to value these proposal’s in fiat it was our request that we start with the “Base business cost” to get a floor for proposal expenses. In our opinion for a business to grow and expand in today’s world it needs to maintain a 20% profit margin on it’s offerings. Our directors both have extensive business experience and beyond maintaining a 20% profit margin they have also developed a contingency planning strategy which involved saving 10% a month of operational costs towards unforeseen future expenses.

So taking all this into account we now have the numerator of our new formula. The denominator isn’t overly complex as we decided on the 30 day moving average of Dash as there was sufficient prior art to support using this evaluation.

So just to recap. We believe at Green Candle that for a proposal partner to be successful it needs to cover its cost of operations, maintain a 20% profit margin and save for the future by keeping 10% for contingency. We are not by any means saying this is the be all end all formula but this will suffice for this first run and we could not think of a more trustworthy party to work on this with.

Ok so onto costs. The only number that Scott provided to us was his base cost of operations. From there we applied the above discussed formula to come up with the actual ask from the network.

This proposal isn’t for 1 million dollars, it isn’t for $800,000, it isn’t for $750,000. It isn’t even for $500,000 it is for $404,200 USD and that is broken down as follows:

$72,765 (Basic business cost)
$14,553 (20% profit on above)
$87,318 (After cost and profit)
$8,732 (10% contingency)
$96,050 (Total monthly ask for DA)
$5,000 (Total monthly ask for GC)
$101,050 * 4 months = $404,200

$404,200 / $297 USD per Dash = 1360.94276
1361 Dash + 5 Dash Fee = 1366 Dash

This is the formula and the amount of Dash requested was simply a result of this formula being applied. Is this a lot of money? OMG Yes. $404,200 is an insane amount of money for a lot of things but when you involve the words “fighter jet”, “10 person crew”, “RV and Trailer”, “national tv”, and a few other things money gets eaten up quite quickly. Remember it isn’t 1 million dollars, or half a million dollars, it’s $72,765 with 20% profit a month. We think this has been lost in translation.

This proposal got very good support in the pre-proposal thread and the biggest take-away from that discussion was the network needed a way to ensure that it wasn’t taken advantage of by the proposal contractors. This formula was designed to do exactly that eliminate Scott’s ability to personally gain beyond the 20% profit margin. Scott is only provided funds after the monthly discussions and only after he has satisfied Green Candle’s requirements. This means our proposal system can now allow for any number of month proposals and isn’t just limited to 1,3,6, and 12 months.
4 points,7 years ago
I like what you guys are trying to do with our governance system. Our current system is definitely not perfect, it will however be improved drastically as time goes by. I wish I had time to follow your work more closely but until this proposal I didn't even know that green candle existed.

I already understood the numbers, I knew you weren't asking for 1 million dollars. Prices fluctuate. I have ideas on how to fix this, but that's for Gov v4, and we still need to release v2 (evo) and v3.

I don't really agree on the 20% profit on basic business costs for this proposal though, you mention about growth of the business, but I don't really see how this business could or should grow. We're talking about a fighter jet with a pilot. There's only 1 pilot and 1 fighter jet, no real room for growth there since the cardinality is pretty much set forever as far as I can tell. I guess the 20% is a one size fit all approach. It's just a little difficult here, as this business is individually owned by Scott as far as I can tell.

Here Scott is doing exactly what he loves to do, flying and promoting DASH, getting all his expenses paid for (which I'm happy about), but also personally making more than anyone in dash core/Amanda/actually anyone I know who hasn't "scammed" the network. It's the only reason why I'm abstaining at this point. I deeply care about how our governance system is viewed.

In the end what I care about is really just a sense of fairness among the people working hard for DASH to succeed. This will take time implement I guess, and some will take higher payouts than others in these early days.
2 points,6 years ago
I disagree about Scott not taking profit. Profit is used to invest. Scott has plans to invest in a faster jet to be more competitive and be able to challenge for the win going forward. Going fast and winning is important for the optics of this relationship, especially if we wish to be perceived as "the fastest" cryptocurrency.
3 points,7 years ago
Quantumexplorer is making a lot of sense.

We have to consider that the same money could pay for 60-100 more dash-core/Amanda's!

For sure Scott and his team added value to Dash on some level, but are we making the best decision here?

There is a time for thinking with your heart and a time for thinking with your head.

Where could this money be better spent moving forward?

3 points,7 years ago
If we are comparing this to Amanda, yes we pay her $6k/mo but are people really saying that Amanda has only brought $6k/month in value to the network? She's been with us a couple years now, you're saying that without Amanda our marketcap would only be $150,000 less? That's ridiculous... the value those proposals bring vastly outstrip the market rates for what she gets paid, it's not even close. It's all part of the nature of a project like this. Same goes for the core team, and the same goes for Dash Aerosports.
3 points,6 years ago
Not sure what you are saying here? I'm not saying anything of the sort.

Are Dash Aerosports and Scott an huge asset to the dash network? Yes they are.

What I'm saying is would 30-50 marketing professionals and 30-50 more dash core staff be able to bring higher (more bang for our buck) returns to the Dash network than another round with Scott? Yes, I believe they definitely would.

If we need to compare apples and apples. Dogecoin sponsored and wrapped a Nascar in 2014 for $55,000 and got far more coverage and exposure than we did with Scott.

The stunt Jet is awesome, not denying it, but concerned MNOs are talking about metrics here. It's hard to value this kind of spending when no real metrics have a chance of being provided.

When we are talking about spending this kind of money, let's consider where the same kind of money could possibly (for e.g.) pay Coinbase to add Dash.
0 points,6 years ago
You are right, other things would bring more bang for the buck, but we are hiring as fast as we can. It takes time to find the right mindset people.

FYI: I dislike Coinbase as they have terrible customer support, and them not adding DASH is not about how much money we can offer them.
1 point,6 years ago
Coinbase customer support may suck (IDK), (and who knows if they are still hostile towards Dash now that Charlie Lee has left...) but checking their stats, they are onboarding 100,000 people a day for the last week. Having an option for these users to buy Dash via Coinbase is a no-brainer, and spending big money to make that happen should be worth a crack.

To contrast with the experience. Every new user that I've sent there who wants to buy Dash, ends up scratching their head after somehow signing up for an account with Atlassian. I don't see the point of a big spend to drive mainstream users to until the UX is tidied up. But if the MNOs feel like flushing real money into a bottomless pit so be it.

Again, Scott is awesome, but we would be letting him down from the user experience side launching into this without a proper onboarding process for new users.

Has anyone read the circus city feedback re: wallets. Go have a read and please vote responsibly.
0 points,6 years ago
Fixed link to UX feedback:
-3 points,6 years ago
Triptolemoose made some excellent points.
2 points,7 years ago
If we compared every proposal to how many more dash core/Amanda's we could fund we would barely fund anything.
3 points,6 years ago
It is up to MNO recognise that they have a responsibility to keep the network and community happy and healthy.

This includes spending our budget responsibly, and in a way that brings the best returns for our spends.

Back during the dotcom boom, a pile of these new startup entrepreneurs (flushed with cash), dropped millions on flashy superbowl ads and the such. It was precisely that kind of spending that caused those very same companies to fold and shareholders to lose their investment.

An honest assessment of the current state of the Dash network and infrastructure tells me we should be carefully assessing where to spend our precious marketing dollars. We owe that to all Dash investors and MNO alike.

Thanks to Scott and the team for providing us the opportunity to work with him. If this passes I'm sure he will do a good job as a Dash ambassador. If it doesn't pass, then I hope he will still continue his mission of bringing Dash to the people.

I can't help imagining that I am sitting in the board room of a new startup thinking about the shareholders, while one of the directors asks for a pile of money to buy a $400k Lambo with a Dash logo printed on the side that he will drive around the country for advertising purposes. 70% of the directors high-five each other and vote yes, and I'm sitting there looking at the books thinking metrics where the same money could be spent in the age of highly targeted (direct to crypto enthusiasts - Google, FB, YoutTube) advertising which is scientifically guaranteed to get massive results.

1 point,6 years ago
I hear what you're saying, but if no one is proposing the option that might net 10000x ROI, I'm still willing to go with the option that might only have 3x or 10x or 100x. I honestly think that Scott and the Dash Aerosports team will bring in way more than $400k of investment in the Dash ecosystem for the work they are doing in the 4 month period, and with no competing proposals that are even better than that, I have to vote Yes.
3 points,6 years ago
Scott is a true hero in my eyes, and this deal is actually priceless. I know he has the best intentions.

But we can't ignore the fact that Circus City gave us piles of feedback on how terrible the UX is for new users.

Go ahead, invite someone to buy some dash on and watch over their shoulder without guiding them. Please record the raw footage on your phone and share it with the dash core team.

We simply aren't ready. And knowing that we aren't ready... must we really choose to vote for Lambos right now? Simply because 'no other competing proposals'...

Once we are ready, by all means, flush some money. Jets, Nascar, Superbowl ads, and we can all feel proud. But right now, lets not be hasty and burn money needlessly.
2 points,6 years ago
Is your point, then, directed at any marketing at all, where we should not be trying to drive traffic to and have people download and use the dash wallets? The argument you are making sounds like the same reasoning could apply to a lot of other proposals, from meetups, ads, conferences, airdrops, alt36, kuvacash, Amanda's marketing, and the Circus City one that provided the wallet feedback in the first place. If we are not ready for end users to be using our product then why are we pursuing any of these?

I would like to have a more friendly UX, but I don't think this should stop us from leveraging what I think is our biggest competitive advantage. Even though we may not be able to win over grandma just yet, the network effects and other business opportunities that inevitably come about from expanding the size of our ecosystem are worth it, IMO.
2 points,6 years ago
No, my point isn't directed at all typed of marketing, only the broad super bowl, dashracer jet, ads on airplane style of mainstream marketing.

Let's have a look at those other types of proposals that you mention.

Meetups - Hand holding guidance and introductions between other like-minded people. Great!

Ads (online) - If targeted to specific types of people these are great. Google ads and FB, they know how to use big data and deliver your ad to people who may actually be interested in digital currencies. Fantastic and value for money! It's almost impossible to compete with AI when it comes to ROI on your ad dollars.

Conferences - Good networking opportunity. People build relationships and do business with people that they meet face to face. Can be expensive, and not necessarily value for money, only worth it if very specific and targeted to crypto and payments industry IMO. Take Dash to CEBIT or CES and you are almost certainly wasting money.

Airdrops - Super targeted. Crypto traders/users only. I don't agree with giving significant amounts away. I believe people value Dash more if they worked for it, or paid to buy it. Giving away a dollar here or there is ok, as long as there is some way to test the platform immediately (E.G. the Dash vending machine).

Alt36 - Specific industry. Alt-36 is making sure to create the best UX for people involved in the cannabis industry. Worth it!

Kuvacash - Creating their own custom Dash wallet and UX for the people of Zim. Worth it!

Amanda - No one can say she doesn't bring value to the network for the cost. Creating content such as Dash School for newbies and targeted content for crypto users. 100% worth it!

Circus City - Read the report. Was it worth funding? Only if we learnt something from it.

Yes, projects which expand the size of our ecosystem are definitely worth it. This is a big spend and premature IMO, as the general UX is a real drag when a user hits

You don't need to trust me on this, just ask any regular person off the street to visit and buy some dash.

Let's spend an extra $400k fixing the dash website and wallet issues before we spend it on grandiose marketing to send people there to have a bad experience.
0 points,6 years ago
That last paragraph... we need more people like you in Dash. Thanks for getting involved.
1 point,7 years ago
No better proposals this month though. I'm going to vote yes, but only because I think this money will benefit us more than not giving it out.
-2 points,6 years ago
Consider the consequences and the precedence you're setting for the future if we approve a bad proposal just because there aren't any other good ones.

Please vote NO so we can discuss it further and put it up for vote next month.
4 points,6 years ago
I have considered it a lot, I'm not voting yes lightly, I'm fully aware of the risks on how such a proposal might be seen if it gets outside publicity, even though my votes definitely won't sway the end tally.

I just really think it's better for the network for this to pass so we can get it out of the way on a low budget cycle. Scott has a lot of influential to me people backing him. I trust their judgement. I can see he has masternode(s). I don't think he's doing this for the money, I think he really loves flying, and I think he loves DASH. I don't think he is at all trying to scam the network.

So even if we end up making a small mistake, it will be nothing really bad for us.

I do hope green candle learns from this on next proposals though and realizes that they will face more and more scrutiny on the way they do calculations. While they most likely had the best of intentions, it's still not great the way it came out.
2 points,6 years ago

"I don't think he's doing this for the money, I think he really loves flying, and I think he loves DASH. I don't think he is at all trying to scam the network"

Correct on all accounts.

We can't predict what the future might bring. However, I do believe Dash is the most important project I will have the privilege to serve in my lifetime.

I will act accordingly.

-1 point,6 years ago
>> Here Scott is doing exactly what he loves to do, flying and promoting DASH, getting all his expenses paid for (which I'm happy about), but also personally making more than anyone in dash core/Amanda/actually anyone I know who hasn't "scammed" the network. It's the only reason why I'm abstaining at this point. I deeply care about how our governance system is viewed.

We all want DASH to succeed and what quantumexplorer said above is a great point. Please consider voting NO so we can discuss this further in the forums and put it up for vote next month.
-9 points,7 years ago
We don't support giving you $101,050 a month. Dash doesn't need a "fighter jet", “10 person crew”, “RV and Trailer” and any other of your expensive hobbies. If you want to bring businesses do it without all those gadgets for a reasonable amount like $6k/month, just like Amanda B Johnson.
6 points,7 years ago

Thank you very much for your civil post. It's is a great example of communitication tone within posts. I've contacted greencandle to respond to your inquiry. I've revealed that I presented my proposal to greencandle void of any "ask" numbers.

I've tried to remove myself from the payout discussion. I'm the type that digs out from a hole because of the challenge, but I've been advised a non-sustainable proposal cycle benefits neither side.

We should have GreenCandles input shortly.

7 points,7 years ago
Hey Scott,

From everything I can tell you are doing a great service to DASH and did everything well making this proposal, I'm only currently abstaining from this proposal because I disagree with the logic behind the payout set by Green Candle. Maybe I'll come around though as I understand that not everything can be perfect and don't see any other proposals that this would take money from that I like more. Having the support of a lot of people I greatly respect also pushes the needle a lot in your favor.

I came up with the Digital Cash/Dash name a long time ago and it's now being flown on planes, things don't get much cooler than that right?

-6 points,7 years ago
If you're leaning towards abstaining, at least please vote NO so we can have a chance to discuss this further.
-8 points,7 years ago
Agreed. When you also consider wonderful Amanda B. Johnson working for $6k/month, Acrobatics-Man’s proposal looks way more absurd than it already is.
0 points,6 years ago
so you are iCEBREAKER .. interesting. A small piece of advice : it is not smart to use the word "Acrobatics-Man", both here and on the bitcointalk forum under your iCEBREAKER account. It is not exactly the first time this happened, so i do hope you learn something from it.
3 points,7 years ago
Reno is willing to work closely and adopt an unproven payment system... thank you Reno! While we work with Reno, I will be attending events throughout the year and be discussing the COOL payment system Reno is going to adopt. "BTW, your event should also use Dash next year, after we prove to you at Reno how great it works!"
6 points,7 years ago
Not to jump to conspiracies here but this post is at 194 comments, 35 comments dashcentral (MNO) not related to dash central in any way and Wixamlee(not a MNO) has who 22 comments, all very negative. It is actually quite difficult to find any other MNO with negative comments. That is by design, to give a impression that a large number of MNO's are against this. Currently there is no proof here of that. However any MNO's trying to make a quick decision would assume it is a faulty proposal and unintentionally follow herd so to speak.
3 points,6 years ago
dashcentral is actually our all known troll buddy iCEBREAKER from the Bitcointalkforum. He just gave himself away here when he used the word "Acrobatics-Man" both here on Dash CEntral and on Bitcointalk with his iCEBREAKER account (
-3 points,6 years ago
I don't have an account on Just because someone else used the same term doesn't mean we are the same person you dumb idiot
1 point,6 years ago
there is the Icey i know :) dont worry Icey this will be "our" little secret (with "our" i mean of course just you, me and our warm friendly little Dash community)
2 points,6 years ago
Wixamlee looks a bit suspicious i agree, with that many comments mixed with an unwillingness to verify he is indeed a masternode owner.
I urge all masternode owners to have at least 1 of their masternodes verified so budget proposal discussions do not get derailed.
-3 points,7 years ago
I'm another MNO with negative comments. Should we spam this thread with more comments about comments or discuss this egregious proposal that amounts to jets flying so fast you can't see the logos painted on them?
4 points,7 years ago
People keep saying this proposal is so bad for Dash. Sets dangerous precedent...egregious....

We have actually done the experiment. Dash Aerosports and Scott Farnsworth have actually worked for the Dash community for a substantial amount of time. How has Dash done during that time with this egregious, dangerous bad contractor?

I'd say we have done spectacularly well. So the baseline fundamental evidence suggests that, if anything, Dash Aerosports has been highly effective. Please damage me some more.
1 point,7 years ago
Yes Sir! LOL! Damage inbound ;)
3 points,7 years ago
Thank you for your input.

I have verified with NBC Sports that the Logos are indeed visible from there cameras regardless of the speed.

The interview with me standing in front of the jet, discussing how I left my home and evacuated my family from Florida during a Cat5 hurricane so that I could honor my obligations to race for my sponsor seemed to be a pretty good storyline for their upcoming episodes.

That would be 6 episodes of NBC sports.

I also used my excess funds to purchase add spots in all episodes. "DASH for the Finish Line" high-light replays are all from my funds.
(Outside of the original proposal requirements)
2 points,7 years ago
Thanks for showing up, when i posted 30% of the comments were by two users.
2 points,7 years ago
For those that are still undecided, let's look at the cold hard math for ROI on DashAerosport's primary deliverable--6 hours of exciting prime time exposure on NBC. Dash will be visible and noticeable and promoted. Scott made certain that the footage used from his cameras (which will be used as a significant part of the end product) will have the Dash logo visible at all times.

Also, there will be specific interest stories that feature DashAerosports and Dash. Scott has mentioned several of those.

Here are real numbers. A 30 second commercial on a 3rd rate show like 'Jane the Virgin' costs $25,000. On a middle of the road show like Dancing with the Stars, it's $115,000. Better shows like Big Bang Theory, $348,000.

Let's be very conservative and pick way down toward the bottom of the pack, 50 grand for a 30 second spot. But we're not just buying short little 30 second spots. We are an integral part of the program. Again, we will pick a very conservative number to calculate a reasonable ROI. Assume our exposure will be at least as good as (4) 30 second spots per hour.

4 spots x 6 hours x 50 grand per spot = 1,200,000. 1.2 million dollars return on $384,000. And that's using very conservative estimates. Let's say I'm still being wildly optimistic, and I'm overestimating by double. That's still a $600,000 return on an investment of $384,000.

And in all fairness, we shouldn't really ignore all the value from the personal interactions at the events, all the immersive Virtual Reality experiences that have Dash intros, all the vendors that are taking and will take Dash, the ATM experiments, the resultant internet/Youtube commercials that feature the InsantSend Jet with more than 300,000 views already:

The rolling billboard that is the Dash bus. Etc, etc, etc.

That's just the cold hard math. If I have made any unrealistic assumptions, please present alternative data.

Carry on, have fun, win!

0 points,6 years ago
I would respectfully like to say the following:

MNOs please be reasonable and wait to the next month to approve this proposal since it is expensive, no clear breakdown and no clear goal are showed.

I believe it has to be submitted next month again with a reasonable budget and just for 4 months and no 8 months as it is right now.

It is a shame how MNOs are so divided in this case. We should be aware of this situation since it could damage the network and the DASH.
0 points,6 years ago
It is not for 8 months, it is for 4 months
Why is it a shame for people to have opinions and vote? I think everyone is aware of this situation already as it has been extensively discussed. This is not a good reason to vote one way or the other.
0 points,6 years ago
"Why is it a shame for people to have opinions and vote?"
Do not tergiverse. Be objective. I did not say what you are asking. I clearly say: It is a shame how MNOs are so divided in this case. We should be aware on that.

A good reason to vote one way or another is to have facts and proves but nor opinions. I see no facts, no goals, no satisfactory breakdowns and numbers have been showed.

Besides 4 months worth $404,200 USD, but the proposal costs 848,542 USD (more than 8 months). So, I suggest it is submitted again for just 4 months. Why be so hurry?

I´m not against to this proposal, but I am NOT agree to be hurry and to vote without clarity and for more than it should be deserved.
1 point,7 years ago
This FRAUD is well and truly upon us.

This proposal is on the verge of passing Despite obvious inconsistencies like

a) Scott himself making $18000 a month for himself, over and above EVERYTHING else. Plus $9000 a month extra for Contingencies(Maybe the sticker falls off)

He is more valuable than Ryan and the Core team somehow who get paid less.

b) Using a low-ball number for calculating 30 day moving average ($297) instead of the actual number $370(Please verify real number on 11/24). Extra $155000.

c) No clear output from previous 1722 Dash

d) Not a single trackable metric for the future.

e) No proper Pre-Proposal with costs open for discussion

f) Bringing proposal right at the end .

g) Making one proposal for the whole amount instead of diving it in multi-month installments. 4 Months minimum and another 4 potentially.

If it was ANY OTHER PROPOSAL with similar features, the owner would have been mowed down, thrashed around and would fail to go above 0, forget getting +450.

This shows that DIFFERENT rules apply to different people and how NEPOTISM has won out in the end.
2 points,6 years ago
you are not a masternode owner, are you ? And yet you seem very quick at labeling this budget proposal a fraud.
Makes me very suspicious your motives.... i'm just glad we can see who are actual masternode owners here and who are .. not.
-1 point,6 years ago
I dont like giving out my keys. Using node 40 for voting...
1 point,6 years ago
you will only need to verify one of your masternodes through Dash Central by adding its masternode privkeys. The masternode privkey that you add gets encrypted and only holds voting rights .. the masternode privkey does not hold any funds. I think you should reconsider.
-1 point,6 years ago
I agree 100% with these statements. I'd add we are not denying funds to him permanently, we are just not comfortable with the proposal itself.
-4 points,6 years ago
I have received threats against my safety and will be leaving this community for good. I'd like to address a few points before I say goodbye.

1. I am user RGXDK on forum. I registered the username dashcentral many months ago because I couldn't come up with another one at the time and this one was available. I already owned it in the forum.

2. I registered RGXDK on's forum in 2017 but I have been in the Dash community since 2015. I started to be more vocal after noticing the increasing irresponsibility with our budget's funds.

3. I suggested we need a Masternode Only forum:
This topic on Dash Central is a real example of why we need it. A network of decentralized masternodes needs a proper media to make decisions, and this forum obviously isn't it. #MNO-ONLY chat on Discord isn't too.

4. I am strongly opposed to this proposal for the many reasons listed. You guys voting YES are doing it not because this is a good proposal, I don't think anyone here agrees it is, you're doing it because you know and respect Scott, or because you prefer not to burn the Dash. I see the proposal, you see Scott. I prefer to burn the Dash and not dilute the currency, you see it as missed opportunity. We agree to disagree. If you expect a decentralised network of masternodes to allocate $1 million dollars of everyone's money without heated discussions you're just being delusional. A bad proposal is still a bad proposal even if Evan Duffield is the one posting it.

I am sad to say goodbye. My personal safety isn't worth the money and I never expected it to reach this point. I was naive to think there wouldn't be any consequences for me to oppose when there's so much money involved.

To whoever threatened me: I am out for good, you have my word 100% that this is my last interaction with the Dash community. I will not sign up with another username again too. There is no need to continue.
2 points,6 years ago
The chances of these "threats" being true approaches zero.
2 points,6 years ago
Who threatened you? We are a community that won't stand for such things, please email me and I will try to get to the bottom of it. As I said we are stronger when we disagree. You really shouldn't have been derogatory in your comments as we are here to disagree. Some of your points make sense to me, but you have become way too emotional about them.

Sad to see you leave, but if you balk when things get tough you probably wouldn't make it very long anyways. There are going to be many contentious proposals in the future.

There were 3 proposals that passed this month that I was opposed to, you don't hear me bashing people about them. Look at who supported this proposal, basically everyone who has ever interacted with Scott. While things aren't perfect, we live in an imperfect world.
2 points,6 years ago
Dashcentral, RGXDK or ICEMAN, ) <Whichever screen name you prefer>

Still sticking to the script I see....

You have been threatened with violence you say? I won't make light of that simply because there "might" be a slight chance that you could be telling the truth. (But, if you were sticking to your script... you know that already)

It is extremely easy to get in contact with me. Please send this information to me directly so that I or we can address it and attempt to make sure MNOs or anyone else as far as I'm concerned can speak in a decentralized and respectful voice.


2 points,7 years ago
All it takes is one High Net Worth at one of these airshows been so impressed with the movement that's going on in Dash to buy $1mm worth and the networks made it’s money back (and then some at current prices). I won’t even account for the indirect domino affect it could have via that HNW excitedly telling his HNW friends about this exciting investment opportunity. On the flipside, out of the 200,000 people that go to a single show if each of them bought $5 you'd have the same effect. It is rational to think that some will buy a lot more worth than $5 and some will buy none. To suggest it will not attract a single buyer of Dash would be an outrageously pessimistic stretch of the imagination.

This is not even including the thousands to millions of viewers that will be watching Scott racing on NBC Sports. It's very difficult to build an argument that this doesn't deliver amazing value to the Dash network. We should not lose sight of the bigger picture here arguing about cents when there is many many millions on the table. This proposal has my full support.
-2 points,6 years ago
Almost 1 MIllion for this.. NO from me..
1 point,7 years ago
got my yes votes in!
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the support!
4 points,7 years ago
Unedited CATV video with Scott Farnsworth:
3 points,7 years ago
Great interview, very informative. I had totally forgot about that veteran flight video. DashAerosports needs a website to publicise all that stuff. Is there a website I missed?

I understand why people say the 10% discount for smaller purchases would not be enough for them to get interested but i think you could get massive buy in at a 15% or 20% discount, I would vote for it, but would need to know the cost difference to determine which was most cost effective.
If you are buy a 10k tug and getting a 10% discount and save 1k I think that is enough of an incentive. Not many people need a 10k tug but everyone will need tickets and most will buy drinks, snacks and souvenirs etc.
0 points,7 years ago
Hey Mastermined, I understand what you saying regarding the scale of discount. We had time to work with Reno to discuss the discount and level. It's not set in stone. Hopefully, we have a chance to continue the discussion. I told Mark Mason we were pointing our page to Dash Force News 6 months ago to try and drive airshow spectators to the DFN because of all the content.

I would like to have a subpage on DFN if that is possible? Videos, schedule, pilot, jet information, etc.
-1 point,6 years ago
We need 44 more NO votes to prevent this proposal from passing. Please scroll down to read the comments of us voting NO because they are being pushed all the way the bottom of this discussion.

We want what's best for Dash, so let's be respectful towards our developers and our Core Team by not giving Acrobatics-Man more than we pay Core, or allow him to profit monthly 2-3x more than our developers make. This proposal is disrespectful to everyone who receives a salary from the Dash network
0 points,6 years ago
Well done, looks like your budget proposal is passing.
2 points,7 years ago
PSA: I will be releasing the CATV interview with Scott Farnsworth later on this evening, if anyone needs more information to make a decision.
3 points,7 years ago
stillcantstop MNO wrote in regards to continued request:

You keep requesting everyone to reconsider your position. Yet you refuse to answer my polite and respectful questions. They are straightforward questions. Let's boil it down to just one question:

True or False, as written under the current proposal, will Scott Farnsworth receive exactly a US dollar value of $96,000 per month, for four months? Since you have yet to respond to any of my polite, respectful, straightforward questions, I doubt you will respond now.

But let's examine the two possible answers. If you say true, then that figure you keep throwing around of $850,000 is now and ever has been an inflammatory distraction that was never true.

If you say false, it appears you have not read the proposal. Here are the relevant two paragraphs. It could not be more clear.

"Payment schedule for the release of my monthly requested funds based off the pegged fiat value of my operational costs ($96,050 per month) for four months. After our monthly update call and completion of milestones Green Candle will release the funds based on the 30 day moving average of Dash during the month I’m going to being paid. This will address the issue of the moving price of Dash causing my business operations any issues.

As for the Dash left over. Any Dash left over that is held in escrow by Green Candle will be used to fund future months of my 4 month proposal cycle. For example if after the four months have transpired (paying out Dash at the fiat pegged value) Dash still exists in this budget, it will continue to be paid out against the monthly pegged value until it is drawn down. Then another single request will be made to start the 4 month cycle again."

And again, respectfully, if you fail to answer my very specific and straightforward question, just one little question, then I have to conclude that you are not really interested in a discussion where integrity and reason and facts are the foundation.

If you are not interested in a respectful and substantive discussion to determine the best possible path forward for Dash, what is your goal?

Carry on, have fun, win!

4 points,7 years ago
<"Alinsky Method" (which was derived from a procedure named as "The Delphi Technique.") This method of manipulating people is based on the fact that people in groups tend to share a common knowledge base and display certain identifiable characteristics known as "group dynamics."

In this process, one as "Change Agent" or "Facilitator" appear to be acting as organizers, "allowing" each person in the group to express their concerns about some program or policy under consideration. While this process is going on, people are urged to make lists or form into task forces.

At a certain point, the previously friendly Change Agent begins to act as "devil’s advocate," becoming an agitator. The process involves playing one part of the group against another, the "divide and conquer" technique. Anyone who is not clearly in accord with the Facilitator’s agenda is made to appear ridiculous, inarticulate, ignorant or dogmatic. The idea is to make these members of the group angry thus escalating tensions. The end object being to shut opposition voices out of the group.

There are three steps to defeating this process. They are simple to learn, if not always easy to put into practice since the Facilitators are well trained in agitation techniques.>
-1 point,6 years ago
Please consider switching your votes to NO in respect of the 387 other Masternode Owners who didn't vote YES. We are not denying funds to him permanently, we are just voting NO on this particular proposal.

Let's discuss this further and put it up for vote next month.
1 point,6 years ago
Look, I respect your opinion but not your tactics. Stop spamming the same copy&paste content multiple times. We can all see your posts and have been responding to them. If the MNs vote against your position then you will just need to accept it and move on.
1 point,6 years ago
My posts and all the posts of those who are against this proposal get pushed down the list because of the negative votes. If the post order was preserved I would stop posting in the top comments.
0 points,6 years ago
2 points,7 years ago
Thank you for the logical detailed explanation for your support!

To be clear and not misleading. This is a quote from content provided within a rather large amount of support we have earned:

jmmon MNO wrote:

>>Let's also debunk every single argument "Acrobatics Man" is using to get $1 Million Dollars from our budget:

>>We are not spammers Scott, we are just responsible Masternode Owners.

That was not the argument. The argument was "You'll notice that everyone that has ACTUALLY interacted with our team supports us. You'll see that we start with a budget to sustain our operation and search out additional network benefits at every turn."

>>It doesn't matter, the proposal still costs us $1 Million Dollars.

This has nothing to do with the argument.

>>Read this again. It doesn't matter, the proposal still costs us $1 Million Dollars.

This also doesn't have anything to do with the argument. Perhaps you could gather information on how much it costs to do a number of airshows and get back to us on how much the proposal should cost.

>>If you throw $1 Million Dollars at most problems they tent to solve themselves. You asked for $60k last time and that was already too much, you cannot be trusted to allocate $1 Million Dollars.

This... you guessed it... has nothing to do with the argument. You then claim Scott cannot be trusted with $1 million dollars. Well, you'll be happy to hear Scott didn't ask for $1 million dollars - he asked for 1366 Dash to be escrowed and released at a rate of $96,000 per month. Also, what untrustworthy thing has he done in the past? Did he not fulfill part of his last proposal? I'd be interested to see specific examples.

>Hey "Acrobatics Man"... your arrogance is mind-blowing. You're asking for more money than the DASH CORE TEAM or Alt36 has received. If you wish to contribute to the network do it in small steps.

What does this have to do with what Scott said?

In your attempt to "debunk every single argument" in Scott's comment, you failed to debunk any part of what Scott said. Instead, you repeat this will "cost us $1 million dollars" even though this number never comes up in the proposal. Again, if you have specific information on how Scott has not fulfilled his last proposal, or specific reasons as to why he should not be funded, I want to do whatever's in the best interest of my investment. From the information I have available, a yes vote is in the best interest of my investment.
-3 points,7 years ago
# Acrobatics-Man's proposal is for $847,965 USD. You can read it right at the top.

# Acrobatics-Man does not bring $847,965 USD to the Network. He also doesn't bring $96,000USD / month. If he wants to contribute he needs to stop being being a clown in the sky with an expensive hobby and work as Scott... for $6k/month... just like Amanda.

# He put his proposal 5 days before the budget and never discussed this in the forum... isn't that weird?

# This is the LARGEST PROPOSAL to ever in the Dash Budget. It's larger than Alt36, larger than the Dash Conference, larger than any Core Team budget....

Here's what Acrobatics-Man should do for the next budget:

1. submit the proposal ONE MONTH AT A TIME, like EVERYONE ELSE.
2. work for Dash for $6k/month like Amanda. Not $96,000/month.
3. drop the Acrobatics-Man clown show and work as Scott. To be honest you can keep the Acrobatics-Man thing as long as you work for $6k/month.
4. never again try to submit a huge proposal 5 days before the vote and without discussing it with the Network in the forums.

Thank you to all 269 who voted NO.
0 points,7 years ago
So far my vote is no. I just don't see the connection between jets and currency being that important.
1 point,7 years ago
From a Marketing standpoint: The fastest payment system on the planet, supporting the team trying to become the faster race pilot on the planet.

Aviation centered: Aviation industry has a history of being early adopters of new technology. Aviation industry recognizes that early adopters gain a competitive advantage will taking a calculated risk. Our aviation based merchants have embraced Dash and will be instrumental in Dash's success.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Scott,

Not sure if i’m understanding how the escrow works. If i am correct then I have a few questions. Using round numbers for simplicity let's say that it takes you $100,000 a month to operate. You get paid by GC the 30 day moving average in Dash which you or they are estimating to be around $300. But when you get the Dash it will be worth around $600+ per Dash which means you will get a total of $200,000+. Is that basically correct or am I screwing something up somewhere? If correct what happens to that extra $100,000 since you have already paid all your bills?

Do you keep it and spend it on whatever you want to help Dash? Or do you consider it yours?

How does it get accounted for? Will GC account for 100% of that extra funds or will you keep any part of it?

How did it work with your last proposal with the extra funds each month? Did any of the extra funds go to you? Did you consider extra funds were yours for your increased marketing efforts to promote Dash?

Thank you for all you have done for Dash. Stay Safe up there!

P.S. Under that same pricing scenario above i guess greencandle gets the same deal and gets around $10,000 instead of $5000 for their fee due to the rise in the Dash price, is that right green candle ? Is there any way we can get the fee lower than $5000 to begin with? You are a trusted member already so I think you should just skip escrow all together.
4 points,7 years ago
For what Scott has already done, including getting a number of businesses to accept Dash, getting Dash airtime on NBC, explaining and showing us his method of getting local businesses to accept Dash, and giving us tips on how to get people we interact with to have interest in Dash; not to mention his meeting with TenX and discussing a Dash Aerosports debit card, his Dash airplane wrap with DashForceNews and BitCart on it, his Dash-branded bus, his meeting with Max and Stephen for the GAP show, and more that I missed;

Scott Farnsworth has proven himself to be a great asset to the Dash community, least for the attention and media he brings to Dash, and most for his devotion to doing all he can, and then some, to bringing Dash to the top. Scott has some fantastic plans for this coming year. Absolute yes!
3 points,7 years ago
jmmon, Thank you for taking the time to write this. The time and effort that the MN community has taken to correct and battle the spam on my proposal are amazing. Spam from 1 individual using multiple names. Thank you again and thank you to the community for the support.

0 points,7 years ago
I vote No.
3 points,7 years ago
The honest question is why? I only ask so that we can gather the communities feelings and adjust accordingly.

I know it's an open question. Hopefully, you don't get spammed out before you have a chance to respond.
-4 points,7 years ago
Scott has a massive unapologetic ego and this hubris clearly is a turnoff to many.Personally I don't care about this. I only look from a business perspective. his initial proposal had some merit and was funded. did we get a good ROI from that proposal? it's hard to say but It caused no harm, I doubt any hedge funds pulled out $100M from the market cap.
the Reno show is The Super Bowl for the airshow industry, should we fund a $100K a month for lesser shows? how many long term retailers will be gained by such an exorbitant monthly expenditure? I doubt the number exceeds a handful per show. personally I think recurrent funding on a project like this is wasteful.
the$ 6K a month point made by others rings true with me. many smaller projects will probably yield more long term interest rather than expensive one time events.
Scott is a promoter with a certain skill set but what is that worth?
The community is getting wiser with time. I think proposals like this will go the way of dial-up internet. submitting a late proposal as this was doesn't sit well with me. we have a process don't attempt to alter it for personal gain.
13 points,7 years ago
I will be having Scott on CATV early next week to discuss his past contributions and future plans.
3 points,7 years ago
I just finished a wonderful interview. TaoOfSatoshi of CATV invited me on and sat me down to discuss all aspects of our proposal, team and why we believe the escrow is critical to maximizing the MN voting control over the funds. Not only ours but also other proposal owners too.

I also discuss my belief in why I made sure to become a MN and not only having skin in the game but also my body, if not my entire life.

I'm looking forward to posting a link once Tao posts the interview.
-4 points,7 years ago
@TAO: Given that you have already supported his project with multiple comments, how objective and neutral can we expect this interview to be?

I would hope that you ask him real questions about what he has delivered and future metrics instead of just cheerleading him on.
-6 points,7 years ago
I request everyone to SWITCH their votes to NO so we can stop this SCAM being foisted on us, through PR stunts like this interview. This money is coming out of your pockets through inflation.

The rush of YES votes here is to try and influence YOU to vote without applying your mind. $850,000 of your money is being used to fly around a plane aimlessly in the middle of the desert, on Vegas trips and for a guy to get dressed up like Ronald McDonald.

There is no hurry to get this passed and this kind of money should never be spent without first questioning where 1722 were spent. Even if you support this, This can pass next month for a FRACTION of the amount, once we have an accurate BREAKDOWN of costs, which scott is running away from giving.

4 points,7 years ago
You keep requesting everyone to reconsider your position. Yet you refuse to answer my polite and respectful questions. They are straightforward questions. Let's boil it down to just one question:

True or False, as written under the current proposal, will Scott Farnsworth receive exactly a US dollar value of $96,000 per month, for four months? Since you have yet to respond to any of my polite, respectful, straightforward questions, I doubt you will respond now.

But let's examine the two possible answers. If you say true, then that figure you keep throwing around of $850,000 is now and ever has been an inflammatory distraction that was never true.

If you say false, it appears you have not read the proposal. Here are the relevant two paragraphs. It could not be more clear.

"Payment schedule for the release of my monthly requested funds based off the pegged fiat value of my operational costs ($96,050 per month) for four months. After our monthly update call and completion of milestones Green Candle will release the funds based on the 30 day moving average of Dash during the month I’m going to being paid. This will address the issue of the moving price of Dash causing my business operations any issues.

As for the Dash left over. Any Dash left over that is held in escrow by Green Candle will be used to fund future months of my 4 month proposal cycle. For example if after the four months have transpired (paying out Dash at the fiat pegged value) Dash still exists in this budget, it will continue to be paid out against the monthly pegged value until it is drawn down. Then another single request will be made to start the 4 month cycle again."

And again, respectfully, if you fail to answer my very specific and straightforward question, just one little question, then I have to conclude that you are not really interested in a discussion where integrity and reason and facts are the foundation.

If you are not interested in a respectful and substantive discussion to determine the best possible path forward for Dash, what is your goal?

Carry on, have fun, win!

2 points,7 years ago
1722 dash ??? what do you mean , Dashaerosports never took that kind of money if i am not wrong
1 point,7 years ago
The previous contract was worth 1722 Dash.

For this amount, he hasnt provided us with a report, metrics or a list of businesses he has brought on. Just a 'you know it was great, boys" and a video link to him aimlessly flying his plane around.

Instead of spending money on getting users across developing countries, which should be top priority, or devs, we are just paying for him to have a great time.. Without any breakdown of costs, deliverables or anything.

Instead of questioning him, or putting this money to work in other place, we are just going to give him more money.
1 point,7 years ago

You are right it would be great if could spend, 3/4 of milion dollars in a meaning full way in Afrika. But this must be done in a mean-full way. The Kuva-cash proposal is hands down a great proposol to be voting for. If we could have Kuva-cash like projects all over Africa, that would be great.

But if the quality in proposals is not there yet, we can still spend money on other meaningfull projects. How much those this project net Dash ? Does it at atleast 1milion invested by people into Dash ? Without doing any calucalation what so ever I am certain it does.

Will we in time have beter proposals ? and will something take DashAerosports place ? How know's but for now it definitively add another milion invested into this coin
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for your consideration, A_node_to_a_master.

I think if we invest our money in fluff, it would send out the wrong message . It would tell them that they need friends like tao to get things approved here. This would be the end of merit as we know it. People will take us for FOOLS.

At current prices, this SCAM is going to be prepaid for, for 8 months.. Not increasing the coin supply would be better than funding this BS. This money can probably be brought back to life for evo with a vote.

When there is such serious doubt, Why not discuss this again in a pre-proposal, set deliverables and bring it back? Why so much hurry, It is a big amount. We can reduce it to a fraction if we do this correctly by asking for a breakdown and picking parts we like, instead of getting robbed by SCOTT.

I know you wont change your vote, but Would you atleast concede that this is a poor quality proposal? Are you happy paying $850k here?
0 points,7 years ago
I really spend allot of time on different forums, but I see a very limited amount of people being against spending this money on this project. I only hear a few vocal mno speak out about this. If this changes I will chance my votes to spending way less, on any proposals (I already think people should bring there own money, luckily lots of masternode voters feel the same.

Maybe you will not win this battle, but your input is appreciated, do you started of on the wrong foot with your initial post
-1 point,7 years ago
Posting here as well so discussion can continue:
1 point,7 years ago
I just finished a wonderful interview. TaoOfSatoshi of CATV invited me on and sat me down to discuss all aspects of our proposal, team and why we believe the escrow is critical to maximizing the MN voting control over the funds. Not only ours but also other proposal owners too.

I also discuss my belief in why I made sure to become a MN and not only having skin in the game but also my body, if not my entire life.

I'm looking forward to posting a link once Tao posts the interview.
11 points,7 years ago
Scott has gotten us airtime on NBC, a channel that every one of over 300 million Americans can view. Oh, and have you heard of the GAP with Max Keiser, which is now airing on RT (over 700 million viewers) — Scott makes an appearance on there with his plane and pumps Dash.

I could go on...

So no, the argument that we are just giving him money “because we like him” is completely FALSE. In fact, once the NBC spot airs, he will be the first and only DAO contracter to get us national airtime in the US, afaik.

But somehow he is not returning value and completely not worth it to retain...
-6 points,7 years ago
For a minute, let us assume I agree with you JGCminer. How would you respond to the following.

Scott is claiming he is getting 90k for 4 months which totals 360k(90X4) but the amount being taken from us is $850k. 1366 DASH (852425 USD).
This is for everyone to verify.

THERE IS A 500K DIFFERENCE. $500,000 is a huge amount. Do you think this money should sit with Greencandle unaccounted for, out of our control?

Scott is claiming he will use that money to extend his contract. Dont you think he should come back with results and let the community vote after 4 months instead of getting an extra $500k out of us already?

Even Amanda will be putting in a proposal once a month. Surely, once is four months isnt that hard? What is the hurry to get this EXTRA money out already?

Only if you agree with me about the extra 500k, would you to SWITCH YOUR VOTE TO NO till the amount being taken away from us is at least somewhat equal to what he is asking for.

If he submits another proposal for 600 Dash,($370K) At the very least, we would not be paying 500k more than what he is asking for.
3 points,7 years ago
Ok Wixamlee, here is a respectful response to your concerns:

"Scott is claiming he is getting 90k for 4 months which totals 360k(90X4) but the amount being taken from us is $850k. 1366 DASH (852425 USD). This is for everyone to verify. "

The exact figure is $96,000 per month I believe. Whatever the total amount is, it is not being "taken" from us, we are awarding a contract. Scott submitted the proposal using the 30 day moving average price for Dash. That's the same method the Dash Core Team uses. Do you think the Dash core team is abusing us as well? If the price of Dash goes up (which is a good thing) that will cause exactly the kind of price mismatch you are so concerned about.

To me, that means the Core Team, and the MasterNodes, and the Dash community and Scott Farnsworth are killing it out there. This is what winning looks like.

"THERE IS A 500K DIFFERENCE. $500,000 is a huge amount. Do you think this money should sit with Greencandle unaccounted for, out of our control? "

Sometimes you claim Scott is getting the extra value, and sometimes you claim GreenCandle will retain the extra value.
It can't be both.

And again, we have that disparity because we're winning. It's a feature, not a drawback. DashRacer and GreenCandle have worked out a clever method for dealing the additional value in the event Dash goes up. Whatever excess value there is stays with the escrow service (GreenCandle, Jeff Smith, AKA CoinGun). You realize that Jeff Smith/GreenCandle is also a trusted member of the Dash Core Team, right?

Then GreenCandle can use the additional value to fund further operation by Dash Aerosports, or be directed by the Masternodes to use it in some other fashion if they wish. It's an escrow service. It is the antithesis of "unaccounted for". Also, how would that extra value/money/Dash be "out of our control?" It's with a trusted member of the Core Team, in an escrow, and being totally transparent about it.

"Scott is claiming he will use that money to extend his contract. Dont you think he should come back with results and let the community vote after 4 months instead of getting an extra $500k out of us already? "

That is -exactly- and -precisely- what Scott is proposing. Any excess value stays with the GreenCandle escrow service, not Scott. Then, in 4 months, just as you are suggesting, he can put in another proposal, and IF approved, GreenCandle can then release those extra funds to Scott.

"Even Amanda will be putting in a proposal once a month. Surely, once is four months isnt that hard? What is the hurry to get this EXTRA money out already?"

This comment is ambiguous, but I think you are suggesting that Scott should put in a proposal every month like Amanda B. Johnson. Isn't it cool that Scott and GreenCandle have figured out a way to provide more consistent, less volatile payouts for projects that need a longer timeline? And if it works as intended, and I believe that it will, I would recommend that Amanda sign a longer contract next time around as well.

"Only if you agree with me about the extra 500k, would you to SWITCH YOUR VOTE TO NO till the amount being taken away from us is at least somewhat equal to what he is asking for."

The money is not being "taken away from us", we are awarding it as a contract, willingly. And the amount that Scott gets will be -exactly- what he is asking for, and any excess value will stay with GreenCandle under the MasterNodes supervision and control. That's one of the significant features of this new arrangement.

-6 points,7 years ago
Acrobatics Man is not returning value, otherwise this would be justified with real tangible things and not with "oh he appeared on TV".
5 points,7 years ago
Appearing on TV is a real tangible thing...
2 points,7 years ago
"Acrobatics Man is not returning value, otherwise this would be justified with real tangible things and not with "oh he appeared on TV"."

What value would you assign to Dash Aerosports representing Dash on prime time NBC for 6 hours?
-1 point,7 years ago
So you want to give Acrobatics Man $1 million dollars of our money because he appeared on TV? Come on I expect way more from you.

This proposal is a complete FRAUD. I cannot believe you're going for it, it is going to hurt Dash PERMANENTLY because it is setting the wrong tone going forward.
4 points,7 years ago
Dash Aerosports is not getting a million dollars. It was never under any circumstance going to be a million dollars. You keep using that figure. Dash Aerosports proposal was always for $96,000 dollar a month for 4 months. And that is exactly what Scott will receive, not more, not less. If there is additional value because Dash zoomed up (which is a feature, not a problem as you suggest) that extra value stays with the escrow service GreenCandle. Since you have been unwilling to answer my polite and respectful questions, I have to think you are not really interested in a reasonable and respectful conversation based on the facts at hand.

5 points,7 years ago
Trying not to respond to your trolling.

But really?

Anyone that has been around me, knows me, worked with me or done business with me, knows that my Name and my Word is more important to me than any value in any account. Just happens that Dash AeroSports and GreenCandle also have a legal binding contract too.

I've been called a scammer and now a fraud. Please keep away from the personal attacks. This is no different than being harassed elsewhere. Maybe you just need to have your comments brought to your attention?

Our last proposal exceeded every scope of its requirements. This is not a hobby, we are professionals.


PS, But you know this: we are asking $96K per month for 4 months. Dash AeroSports does not "own" the funds following the 4 months. The remaining escrow balance is at the discretion of the MN proposal voting process. But you knew that. So does the MN community... clearly.
-2 points,7 years ago
No Acrobatics-Man, you are not asking for $96k, you are asking for nearly $1 million... 5 days before the budget cycle. Why haven't you discussed this in the forum before? This is a fraud and you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to play the network like this.
0 points,7 years ago
You keep changing your story?
8 points,7 years ago
Hey Scott,
From all what I can see and read you are a great asset to our community.
You are passionate, bold and you are delivering.
A good investment and luckily our budget has grown big enough so we can afford top acts like you.
5 points,7 years ago
Thank you for sifting through the spam and supporting our team.
-1 point,7 years ago
Valid criticism and asking for a report from previous work that cost us 1722 dash is 'spam'? Where is the list of wallet installs from the previous campaign?
5 points,7 years ago
IMO, asking for a list of wallet installs is not a reasonable request for this proposal. What would you have him do, have everybody sign a paper to tally everyone up when they visit the booth? Tallying wallet installs was never part of the scope and even if he did, it would not even encompass the return on this, as not everyone who ultimately buys dash will necessarily install one of the mobile apps. Why are you not asking this question for any other proposals?
-6 points,7 years ago
Is there something that should be asked of him in return for the money or do we give him a total free pass because MNOs are best buds with him? I dont see any output for 1722 dash.
2 points,7 years ago
Dear Mr. Wixamlee,

I see you failed to answer any of my questions below. I responded politely and respectfully to all of your questions. Why will you not respond to mine?

-5 points,7 years ago
This proposal is going to hurst dash PERMANENTLY if passes. This will set the wrong precedence and any Masternode Owner voting in favor is being completely irresponsible.

# - It's grossly, ridiculously overvalued
# - It's goals are vague and imprecise
# - Acrobatics Man went from trying to get $60,000 to $1 Million in 5 months.
# - ROI is unmeasurable, undefined
# - We spent $45,000 on a Dash Debit Card that was never delivered, and we went crazy. Will we really give Acrobatics Man $1 million dollars?
# - Escrow fees are ridiculously high
# - Acrobatics Man is only getting support because he is best buddies with a couple of Masternode Owners.
# - This proposal was sent near the end of the budget cycle.... what a coincidence!!

Let's vote NO so it can be fixed to a 1/10th of it's value, with real and tangible goals, and measurable ROI.

Let's vote NO and discuss how to make it better, because again if it passes like this it will hurst Dash permanently and no one wants that.
-7 points,7 years ago
This project is a TOTAL SCAM and drips in NEPOTISM. He has contacts with the powers that be. If this passes, the DAO dream is dead basically as it is being controlled by a small active group for the benefit of their buddies like Scott.

The work he has done or is promising to do is laughable. A plane flying around in the middle of a desert with a sticker on it. + Some BS public relation exercise that makes no sense..

1/10 of this value is still too much cost for what we are getting.

This is turning to be no different from other companies that basically rob and cheat their minority investors by favoring vested interests.
0 points,7 years ago
stillcantstop MNO wrote;

Dash Aerosports is not getting a million dollars. It was never under any circumstance going to be a million dollars. You keep using that figure. Dash Aerosports proposal was always for $96,000 dollar a month for 4 months. And that is exactly what Scott will receive, not more, not less. If there is additional value because Dash zoomed up (which is a feature, not a problem as you suggest) that extra value stays with the escrow service GreenCandle. Since you have been unwilling to answer my polite and respectful questions, I have to think you are not really interested in a reasonable and respectful conversation based on the facts at hand.

2 points,7 years ago
On another note: Great American Pilgrimage episode is awesome! Dash AeroSports was honored to fly with Max while shooting for the GAP show in Boston. Gap has invited me to Las Vegas first week of December too. I have no details other than to bring Max's flightsuit which he wore during the flight and me to bring my Dash Racing suit pictured above. Two guys in a casino with Dash flight suits... hmmm, sounds fun! Looking forward to working closely with GAP and maximize the amazing coverage.

Direct link:
-7 points,7 years ago
>> Two guys in a casino with Dash flight suits... hmmm, sounds fun!

I'm glad you're having such a good time with our money.

You have convinced a few naive masternode owners that while you spend hundreds of thousands of our money in your hobbies wearing Dash branded clothes you somehow increase the value of our network.
10 points,7 years ago

YES, PLEASE READ ALL MNO comments below the spam. You'll notice that everyone that has ACTUALLY interacted with our team supports us. You'll see that we start with a budget to sustain our operation and search out additional network benefits at every turn.

Dash AeroSports does not "own" these funds. They will be escrowed.

We disclosed our cost to Greencandle. We then presented the proposal to Greencandle with the funding numbers X'd out. Greencandle applied all numbers from there.

This proposal was designed to ensure success. If Dash climbs to new levels we will be limited to the USD value of our payment. The leftover dash increased value will either sustain future Dash AeroSports proposals to be voted on by the MNOs or be held in reserve with Greencandle to assist Dash where the MN community might determine.

Any Dash left over that is held in escrow by Green Candle will be used to fund future months of my 4 month proposal cycle. For example if after the four months have transpired (paying out Dash at the fiat pegged value) Dash still exists in this budget, it will continue to be paid out against the monthly pegged value until it is drawn down. Then another single request will be made to start the 4 month cycle again.

-3 points,7 years ago
Let's also debunk every single argument "Acrobatics Man" is using to get $1 Million Dollars from our budget:

>> YES, PLEASE READ ALL MNO comments below the spam. You'll notice that everyone that has ACTUALLY interacted with our team supports us. You'll see that we start with a budget to sustain our operation and search out additional network benefits at every turn.

We are not spammers Scott, we are just responsible Masternode Owners.

>> Dash AeroSports does not "own" these funds. They will be escrowed.

It doesn't matter, the proposal still costs us $1 Million Dollars.

>> We disclosed our cost to Greencandle. We then presented the proposal to Greencandle with the funding numbers X'd out. Greencandle applied all numbers from there.

Read this again. It doesn't matter, the proposal still costs us $1 Million Dollars.

>> This proposal was designed to ensure success. If Dash climbs to new levels we will be limited to the USD value of our payment. The leftover dash increased value will either sustain future Dash AeroSports proposals to be voted on by the MNOs or be held in reserve with Greencandle to assist Dash where the MN community might determine.

If you throw $1 Million Dollars at most problems they tent to solve themselves. You asked for $60k last time and that was already too much, you cannot be trusted to allocate $1 Million Dollars.

>> Any Dash left over that is held in escrow by Green Candle will be used to fund future months of my 4 month proposal cycle. For example if after the four months have transpired (paying out Dash at the fiat pegged value) Dash still exists in this budget, it will continue to be paid out against the monthly pegged value until it is drawn down. Then another single request will be made to start the 4 month cycle again.

Hey "Acrobatics Man"... your arrogance is mind-blowing. You're asking for more money than the DASH CORE TEAM or Alt36 has received. If you wish to contribute to the network do it in small steps.

Thanks to all the 140 MNO who VOTED NO on this!
0 points,7 years ago
>>Let's also debunk every single argument "Acrobatics Man" is using to get $1 Million Dollars from our budget:

>>We are not spammers Scott, we are just responsible Masternode Owners.

That was not the argument. The argument was "You'll notice that everyone that has ACTUALLY interacted with our team supports us. You'll see that we start with a budget to sustain our operation and search out additional network benefits at every turn."

>>It doesn't matter, the proposal still costs us $1 Million Dollars.

This has nothing to do with the argument.

>>Read this again. It doesn't matter, the proposal still costs us $1 Million Dollars.

This also doesn't have anything to do with the argument. Perhaps you could gather information on how much it costs to do a number of airshows and get back to us on how much the proposal should cost.

>>If you throw $1 Million Dollars at most problems they tent to solve themselves. You asked for $60k last time and that was already too much, you cannot be trusted to allocate $1 Million Dollars.

This... you guessed it... has nothing to do with the argument. You then claim Scott cannot be trusted with $1 million dollars. Well, you'll be happy to hear Scott didn't ask for $1 million dollars - he asked for 1366 Dash to be escrowed and released at a rate of $96,000 per month. Also, what untrustworthy thing has he done in the past? Did he not fulfill part of his last proposal? I'd be interested to see specific examples.

>Hey "Acrobatics Man"... your arrogance is mind-blowing. You're asking for more money than the DASH CORE TEAM or Alt36 has received. If you wish to contribute to the network do it in small steps.

What does this have to do with what Scott said?

In your attempt to "debunk every single argument" in Scott's comment, you failed to debunk any part of what Scott said. Instead, you repeat this will "cost us $1 million dollars" even though this number never comes up in the proposal. Again, if you have specific information on how Scott has not fulfilled his last proposal, or specific reasons as to why he should not be funded, I want to do whatever's in the best interest of my investment. From the information I have available, a yes vote is in the best interest of my investment.
-6 points,7 years ago
Keep voting NO on the "Acrobatics Man" proposal. Thanks to all the 139 Masternode Owners who already voted NO on this. Last time he asked for $60k, now he is asking for $1 million and claiming that everyone who disagrees with this irresponsibility is a spammer. He is asking for more money than the DASH CORE TEAM or Alt36 have received.

Keep voting NO to show we are a responsible network and we won't throw money at irresponsible ventures.
4 points,7 years ago
I don’t think you will fool anybody by continuing to spam responses counting NO votes.
-6 points,7 years ago
Replying to comments with content you disagree with is spam now? I thought you're better than this.
5 points,7 years ago
Repeating similar messages is spam. I will leave it at that.
8 points,7 years ago
resubmitting comment with badge:

I will be voting yes with my nodes:

To the naysayers that are posting:
1. I have personally seen scott bring in hundreds, if not thousands of new users to DASH. (when I say bring in, I mean actually use dash to purshase things.)
2. Scott is bringing in merchants that accept DASH left, right and center
3. We already have a top notch development team that is paid well.
4. The numbers submitted were NOT from Scott, but from GreenCandle's assessment of the costs for X number of shows.
5. On top of actuall new users, the Brand recognition from all the new eyeballs seeing the brand is alone worth the cost of proposal.
6. Scott's enthusiasm and integrity are above reproach IMHO.
-2 points,7 years ago
NO. We are tired of seeing our money spend on frivolously + irresponsibly and we do NOT trust you with $1 million dollars out of nowhere.

This is more than DASH CORE or Alt36 has received. KEEP VOTING NO.
5 points,7 years ago
You say this, and then when someone responds, you turn around and say this has nothing to do with Dash Core.
0 points,7 years ago
I never said it has nothing to do with Dash Core. Are you imagining I did?
5 points,7 years ago
Yes, you did, when you just stated that this is more than Dash Core receives, as if that is an argument against. When someone responded that dash core is already paid well, you said it has nothing to do with Dash Core.
-1 point,7 years ago
The fact that Core is paid well doesn't negate that this proposal will give acrobatics man more than Core is paid. And yes, that is an argument against it.
6 points,7 years ago
dashcentral thank you for your passion. Can't take that away from you.

You quote $1 million continuously. $90K a month for 4 months isn't half that number? You state that is your argument, yet you are basing your argument on false or misleading information?

You did the same on our last proposal. That proposal exceeded all scope of the proposal and hopefully helped propel Dash from $74 at the time to now $650 per dash.

Yes, we gave ourselves a pay cut this proposal.

Also, I specialize in Air Racing. I love aerobatics, but can I please be called "AirRace Guy"?

Thank you for your consideration.

***in a mass event like an airshow we encounter individuals that want to shout above all others and scream their viewpoint. We have experience on how to handle those situations professionally and productively. We also protect our Brands represented from engaging in name-calling or getting caught up in the passionate verbiage.
-4 points,7 years ago
>> You quote $1 million continuously. $90K a month for 4 months isn't half that number? You state that is your argument, yet you are basing your argument on false or misleading information?

It says right there on the top... One-time payment: 1366 DASH (868004 USD). Your proposal is not for $90k a month, it's for $868,004 USD. Who is misleading people now?

Also notice how Acrobatics Man or of his supporters cannot bring any verifiable evidence on why we should give him $1million dollars.
1 point,7 years ago
Let's have one more attempt. It's not a million dollars to DashAerosports over the 4 month period. It was never a million. There is no circumstance where it would be a million in 4 months. Scott will get exactly $96,000 worth of Dash every month, for 4 months, exactly as specified.

If the value of Dash goes up, such that there is more value in the GreenCandle escrow service, the additional value stays with the GreenCandle escrow service, not DashAerosports.

And we have presented lots of evidence why we believe Scott Farnsworth easily brings that much value to the Dash ecosystem. You have repeatedly ignored my patient, reasonable, and respectful question.

What value do you place on 6 hours of prime time NBC coverage where Dash will get prominent face time with the camera?

What value do you place on 6 hours of prime time NBC coverage where Dash will get prominent face time with the camera?

What value do you place on 6 hours of prime time NBC coverage where Dash will get prominent face time with the camera?

What value do you place on 6 hours of prime time NBC coverage where Dash will get prominent face time with the camera?

I ask, politely but firmly, one more time, so that you can't possibly ignore it:

What value do you place on 6 hours of prime time NBC coverage where Dash will get prominent face time with the camera?

And the NBC prime time is just one aspect of Scott's proposal. I'll wait here while you go look up what NBC wants for an hour of prime time.

Cue the Jeopardy music.........................................

Carry on, have!

-3 points,7 years ago
Allow me to debunk every single argument you brought up as a justification to give the "Acrobatics Man" $1 million dollars of our budget:

>> 1. I have personally seen scott bring in hundreds, if not thousands of new users to DASH.

That is a lie. In what scenario could you ever have witnessed thousands of people using dash to buy things? Even at Walmart you can only witness a few dozen people at a time.

>>2. Scott is bringing in merchants that accept DASH left, right and center

I don't see any merchants and $1 Million Dollars is way too much. Who is he bringing, COINBASE?

>> 3. We already have a top notch development team that is paid well.

Dash Core team has nothing to do with this proposal, stop trying to fool us.

>> 4. The numbers submitted were NOT from Scott, but from GreenCandle's assessment of the costs for X number of shows.

NO, this proposal is for $1 million dollars, it doesn't matter if it came from Scott the "Acrobatics Man" or not.

>> 5. On top of actuall new users, the Brand recognition from all the new eyeballs seeing the brand is alone worth the cost of proposal.

There is no brand recognition in flying a jet around in a few minutes in the middle of nowhere with a Dash logo. IT IS NOT WORTH $1 MILLION DOLLARS.

>> 6. Scott's enthusiasm and integrity are above reproach IMHO.

That's great, invite him for your family BBQ but do not vote to give him $1MILLION DOLLARS of our money because he is enthusiastic.
3 points,7 years ago
The brand recognition comes from more than the time in the air. It's the time on the ground as well. Stop repeating that line about "few minutes flying in the middle of nowhere" when it's obviously false.
-2 points,7 years ago
Stop repeating "brand recognition" as if it's a valid reason to spend $1 million dollars on this.
3 points,7 years ago
This is a straw man. The proposal cannot be simplified as "brand recognition". There are some very specific details in this proposal that you are ignoring entirely.
Additionally, the cost is $100k/month. This is *less than* what the core team pays to subcontractors, if you read the core team's income statement. Not that this has anything to do with it. You think we spend less than 100k/mo to pay the dozens of people in the core team?
-4 points,7 years ago
You're a fast learner. I am voting no on this proposal as a whole. If you are in favor of it due to specifics then the specific should be really obvious... and they aren't. That's why this is getting so many NO votes and you should consider changing yours too.
6 points,7 years ago
dashcentral thank you for your passion. Can't take that away from you.

You quote $1 million continuously. $90K a month for 4 months isn't half that number? You state that is your argument, yet you are basing your argument on false or misleading information?

You did the same on our last proposal. That proposal exceeded all scope of the proposal and hopefully helped propel Dash from $74 at the time to now $650 per dash.

Yes, we gave ourselves a pay cut this proposal.

Also, I specialize in Air Racing. I love aerobatics, but can I please be called "AirRace Guy"?

Thank you for your consideration.

***in a mass event like an airshow we encounter individuals that want to shout above all others and scream their viewpoint. We have experience on how to handle those situations professionally and productively. We also protect our Brands represented from engaging in name-calling or getting caught up in the passionate verbiage.
-5 points,7 years ago
>> You quote $1 million continuously. $90K a month for 4 months isn't half that number? You state that is your argument, yet you are basing your argument on false or misleading information?

It says right there on the top... One-time payment: 1366 DASH (868004 USD). Your proposal is not for $90k a month, it's for $868k USD. Who is misleading people now?

Also notice how Acrobatics Man or of his supporters cannot bring any verifiable evidence on why we should give him $1million dollars.
6 points,7 years ago
Read the proposal. Do you not acknowledge that he will receive only 96k/month?

"I will be signing an MOU with Green Candle that will outline the following:

Payment schedule for the release of my monthly requested funds based off the pegged fiat value of my operational costs ($96,050 per month) for four months. After our monthly update call and completion of milestones Green Candle will release the funds based on the 30 day moving average of Dash during the month I’m going to being paid. This will address the issue of the moving price of Dash causing my business operations any issues.

As for the Dash left over. Any Dash left over that is held in escrow by Green Candle will be used to fund future months of my 4 month proposal cycle. For example if after the four months have transpired (paying out Dash at the fiat pegged value) Dash still exists in this budget, it will continue to be paid out against the monthly pegged value until it is drawn down. Then another single request will be made to start the 4 month cycle again."
-1 point,7 years ago
I do not support giving Acrobatics Man $96,000 per month. He doesn't bring $96,000 per month of value, not even close. This money was higher than the whole Dash budget a year ago.

You guys are making an irresponsible decision for supporting this.
3 points,7 years ago
A lot of things have changed in a year. The fact that it is higher than the Dash budget WAS a year ago is entirely irrelevant. This is not a year ago.
1 point,7 years ago
Hey, we're getting somewhere! Do you finally admit that Scott will receive $96,000 a month, exactly as specified by his legally binding contract with GreenCandle?

If, in fact, that $96,000 per month figure is accurate and true, then do you admit that all of your arguments that referenced a million dollars were just wrong?

Comparing anything today to what was going on in crypto or Dash a year ago is not relevant.

What value would you place on getting Scott Farnsworth to represent Dash for 6 hours of prime time NBC?

You claim we are acting in an irresponsible manner. Have you looked at the price of Dash lately? Is that what irresponsible governance looks like? And if there is a large apparent disparity, it is because the price of Dash shot up dramatically. You describe this as a problem. I see this as the precise expected outcome of the Dash community killing it out there, in no small part due to DashRacer.

1 point,7 years ago
The proposal is for $1 million and not for $96k. If he wants $96k (which I am still voting no for), he should make another proposal.

>> What value would you place on getting Scott Farnsworth to represent Dash for 6 hours of prime time NBC?

Acrobatics-Man does not represent Dash. Amanda B Johnson does, and she does it for $6k/month.
-3 points,7 years ago
Dashcentral is being antagonistic but he is right. We are essentially giving away money to this guy because we like him. He is not bringing proportional value to the network at all.
3 points,7 years ago
Sponsorships like this do have value, otherwise companies wouldn't pay even more than we do for things like this, all the time. This particular sponsorship seems to be even better than a typical one because of just how atypically far Scott goes for his sponsors.
0 points,7 years ago
ctafti said **proportional** value. Acrobatics Man certain doesn't bring $96,000 per month of value, sorry, not even close.
4 points,7 years ago
"ctafti said **proportional** value. Acrobatics Man certain doesn't bring $96,000 per month of value, sorry, not even close."

Yes, you are correct, Scott and his team do not bring $96,000 of value per month.. They bring substantially more value, by orders of magnitude. For every $1 spent on this sponsorship the Dash network receives far more than $1 of value in return. It's a clear yes vote, their track record speaks for itself.

1 point,7 years ago
How so? Maybe I am uneducated on what exactly he has done for the network, but nothing I have seen in this proposal or outside it would justify this cost.
0 points,7 years ago
Don't expect a reply my friend... empty arguments is all they have
2 points,7 years ago
$100,000 divided by the $4.9bil marketcap of Dash = 0.00002. If this causes even a 0.002% increase in the value of Dash per month then it is worth it. Or to put it another way, it would need to generate a net of at least $100,000 worth of dash purchases in a month from people who would not have otherwise purchased Dash. If you don't think that is achievable with this proposal, then I am just going to have to disagree.
0 points,7 years ago
I think the key word here is "causes". Please tell me how this will cause a 0.002% increase in the value of Dash per month. Are quality investors attracted to jets? Please explain.
-3 points,7 years ago
Troydash, I have a lot of respect for your views on the forums, however I am dumbfounded as to why you would not see the obvious.

Could you go and check the amount we are paying in USD and on the date of the proposal. There is a $80 gap in the sma too.

You say $400k(100k/mo) I see 850k. Are we seeing two different numbers?

You should join me in asking him to re submit his proposal, asking only the amount needed. If you support this then, at least it would be for the amount asked and not a $500k handout.
1 point,7 years ago
This question has already been answered.
4 points,7 years ago
Just for reference at current prices, this proposal is around 2.5% of the monthly budget. With the current price increase he will be funded for much longer than a 4 months.
-5 points,7 years ago
1.1366/6654 is more than 20% of the monthly budget or $857000 at current prices. This whole money goes out forever..

2. Given the fact that there is not a single report of his work and the abysmally poor quality of proposal and zero benefit to dash, why should he be funded at all, let alone funding him for 8 months. Just read his proposal, it is laughable.

3. Once this money goes out, it never comes back, irrespective of what results are generated(ZERO). He gets the whole cash eventually over whatever months to aimlessly fly his plane around the desert.

4. Why dont you ask him for a list of all the wallet addresses that he helped open up. Nothing. Zero. Just talk.
-2 points,7 years ago
Thank you for your responsible vote and opinion.
-4 points,7 years ago
Acrobatics man is conning the community here.

This proposal is for 1366 DASH (862910 USD).
4 months at 90k = 360k.

He is ASKING FOR AN EXTRA 500k. What part of it is not obvious?

Why not resubmit a proposal asking for 600 Dash instead if he only wants the funding to last 4 months and come back with results and ask for more?

Also, Where are the reports of all the wallets he helped open? Where is the report? Where is the list of businesses he signed up and are active ?

No answers.
6 points,7 years ago
As noted by TroyDash, Mr. Farnsworth is using the 30 day moving average of Dash in his proposal. This is the same method the Core Team uses. This completely explains the difference you are so fixated on. Do you believe the Core Team is scamming us too?

So, in fact, you have received several answers.

Also, you appear to ignore the fact that DashRacer and GreenCandle are working on a novel method of delivering a less volatile payment amount over a longer period of time. Some projects will need the longer time horizon. How would you solve that problem?

-2 points,7 years ago
Even if we take this calculation, The 30 day moving average number is $368. He has taken Almost 71 Dollars less. This makes a difference of 260 dash and about $155000 in real money.

Are you okay with gifting it away to Scott? $155k, at best because he cant calculate and really because he doesnt want to.

This is the degree to which this proposal is flawed.
2 points,7 years ago
If you would read the proposal please.
"I have requested a 4 month payout cycle which means the total value of the ask is $404,200 USD divided by the 30 day moving average of Dash 297 USD = 1361 Dash + 5 Dash Fee = 1366 Dash"

The 30 day moving average of Dash is what the Core team always uses in their proposals and is what other proposal owners are doing as well.
-2 points,7 years ago
Even if we take this calculation, The 30 day moving average number is $368. He has taken Almost 71 Dollars less. This makes a difference of 260 dash and about $155000 in real money.

Are you okay with gifting it away to Scott? $155k, at best because he cant calculate and really because he doesnt want to.

This is the degree to which this proposal is flawed.
1 point,7 years ago
The 30 day moving average was not $368 at the time this proposal was submitted. It was about 71 dollars less. The core team does not resubmit their proposals again whenever the price goes up between when they submit and the end of the cycle. Anything else?
-1 point,7 years ago
The 30 day moving average is exactly $370.51. You can check this by averaging these numbers. Please cross check facts before posting.

Now could you explain the discrepency. It is almost $155k, so not a small sum. Or maybe scrutiny is not required here.
0 points,7 years ago
Sorry, the numbers align more closely with when Scott put the proposal up for discussion on the Dash forum, not the date of the submission as I had stated. The original forum post is here:

I would hazard to guess that the arrangement with greencandle was made closer to that date, but I would defer to Scott or greencandle since I do not know.
6 points,7 years ago
I will be voting yes with my nodes:

To the naysayers that are posting:
1. I have personally seen scott bring in hundreds, if not thousands of new users to DASH. (when I say bring in, I mean actually use dash to purshase things.)
2. Scott is bringing in merchants that accept DASH left, right and center
3. We already have a top notch development team that is paid well.
4. The numbers submitted were NOT from Scott, but from GreenCandle's assessment of the costs for X number of shows.
5. On top of actuall new users, the Brand recognition from all the new eyeballs seeing the brand is alone worth the cost of proposal.
6. Scott's enthusiasm and integrity are above reproach IMHO.
0 points,7 years ago
I have personally seen what an engineering team worth 800k per year can do. Let's put the money toward giving the engineers a raise this year instead. Maybe a little more motivation to get evolution out the door?
-5 points,7 years ago
Allow me to debunk every single argument you brought up as a justification to give the "Acrobatics Man" $1 million dollars of our budget:

>> 1. I have personally seen scott bring in hundreds, if not thousands of new users to DASH.

That is a lie. In what scenario could you ever have witnessed thousands of people using dash to buy things? Even at Walmart you can only witness a few dozen people at a time.

>>2. Scott is bringing in merchants that accept DASH left, right and center

I don't see any merchants and $1 Million Dollars is way too much. Who is he bringing, COINBASE?

>> 3. We already have a top notch development team that is paid well.

Dash Core team has nothing to do with this proposal, stop trying to fool us.

>> 4. The numbers submitted were NOT from Scott, but from GreenCandle's assessment of the costs for X number of shows.

NO, this proposal is for $1 million dollars, it doesn't matter if it came from Scott the "Acrobatics Man" or not.

>> 5. On top of actuall new users, the Brand recognition from all the new eyeballs seeing the brand is alone worth the cost of proposal.

There is no brand recognition in flying a jet around in a few minutes in the middle of nowhere with a Dash logo. IT IS NOT WORTH $1 MILLION DOLLARS.

>> 6. Scott's enthusiasm and integrity are above reproach IMHO.

That's great, invite him for your family BBQ but do not vote to give him $1MILLION DOLLARS of our money because he is enthusiastic.
5 points,7 years ago
I think it's allot of money.

But when I think about all the factors:
It's not a flying billboard (it's much more, do masternode voters really think it just that !?!? that really short sighted).
I remember a time that using paypal was something new a cool. Dash will probably enter in a fase that using it is a hip thing to do.
But in order to do that Dash needs proper branding. Seeing Dash is digital cash, and digital cash is meant for the majority of purchase one does, branding should be quit broad.

Money is only money once people believe its money. Branding Dash is I believe a keypart of (rapid) adoption by the mainstream users.

Have that said is having a Dash airplane part of that equation ? Personally I think so, other parts of the plan currently are: Amanda B Johnson, Dashforcenews, Dash core, Dash labs, many other proposals, such as sponsoring for schooling people about dash and crypto in general, user adoption in Africa, and may more things. In time the dash airplane will be replaced by something else, but for now, it added a kick/push you Dash it's brand.

* I welcome any counterpoints to argue otherwise.
3 points,7 years ago
I don't see that 100k a month is a ridiculous amount or money to be an active sponsor for you and your crew. Although, depending on the price of DASH the pay outs could go well beyond 4 months. Do you have an off-season or extended time-of for you and your crew? If so, when and how long is it?
4 points,7 years ago
Nerdmoney (awesome name),

We maintain and actively pursue a full year.

However, this is a 4 month proposal at $90k USD per month. The remaining funds allocated within the proposal provide the masternodes full control of the overage. Dash AeroSports will present another proposal to the Masternodes for a new proposal following this one. (most likely following a 2-3 week family vacation-time off). If approved, our future contract will be paid by the remaining funds within this proposal. If we are not approved by the MN's, the escrowed Dash is not ours. Greencandle will then approach the proposal system to decide how the MN's decide the unused Dash is allocated. This could enhance future budget cycles that require additional funds. This budget cycle has the potential as a store of value for future endeavors. Those endeavors remain to be directed by the MN's.

Again, Dash AeroSports does not have any rights to any Dash past 4 months. However, the Dash MN's remain in control of the Dash through Greencandle.

Greencandle and Dash AeroSports worked together to ensure this proposal provides maximum benefit to the network.

We hope to be an example
3 points,7 years ago
Thank you for addressing my concerns. You have my vote.)
-2 points,7 years ago
You are lying blatantly here.

This proposal is for 1366 DASH (862910 USD).
4 months at 90k = 360k.

You are ASKING FOR AN EXTRA 500k. What part of it is not obvious?

Why not resubmit a proposal asking for 600 Dash instead if you only want the funding to last 4 months and come back with results and ask for more.

I will tell you why: Because it is easier to pull wool over everyones eyes.

This proposal means you are getting trying to procure more than 8 months of funding at $100k/month without any accountability or responsibility whatsoever. Verbal promises of coming back for a vote mean nothing for decentralized trust systems.

Stop claiming you want 360k because that is not the truth. You are trying to grab 860k.

Also, Where are the reports of all the wallets you helped open? Where is the report? Where is the list of businesses you signed up ? No answers.
-4 points,7 years ago
Comments critiquing this proposal are being voted down by non-MNO's. Check ALL comments below. I'm reposting a comment that was crushed to the bottom, alongside notices of similar type
(Repost) -
Any critique of this proposal is hit by a shill of downvotes in MINUTES, without discussion. For any MNO's voting, please read all comments below, including the buried critiques. This proposal is NOT good value for Dash, and the down-voting of comments critical to this proposal is tantamount to censorship. Misuse of the 'anti-spam' comment voting to down-vote legitimate criticism is unacceptable.

-4 points,7 years ago
Welcome to this to elaborate FRAUD.
0 points,7 years ago
5 grand a month escrow fee. What is green candle doing? I mean ur budget of 90 k a month. Thier fee per month for escrow sounds like a bank. That is 5.5% that is a lot i comparison to your month draw.
2 points,7 years ago
Greencandle set their and my budget for this proposal. I'll let them respond.

However, I will say Greencandle and Dash AeroSports are engaged in a legally binding contract for our monthly payment in USD. GC is taking on risk exposure if Dash drops dramatically. Dash in my last proposal cycle dropped 50% value several times.

Besides my budget, this proposal format is GC and my team trying to find funding solutions for projects that require longer time horizons. Protection of the network and contractor. The network provides funding, but with controls and the contractor who utilizes large capital asset resources can spread his compensation over a longer timeframe than 1 month.

GC's fee would include the requirement of engaging the MN proposal voting system should our next proposal not pass. Their fee would cover the work required to get the Dash back into a productive and valuable purpose for the MNO's to vote on.

Thank you for the question and providing me a chance to type out or belief and desire to provide an example for future large asset proposals.
-1 point,7 years ago
With the fee they list. I can not vote yes as I believe the value they bring isn’t equal to the fee the wish to charge. Which allowing that kind of wasteful spending isn’t being a good steward of the network funds.

Also what did green candle do with the extra gap funds?
0 points,7 years ago

Please watch the interview with Tao. I explain the way greencandle is handling the funds for GAP. Their stewardship convinced me to work with greencandle.

I hope you reconsider. This proposal escrow relationship is meant to provide security and control of the Dash funds even after they are released.

Even though the network has acknowledged that Dash AeroSports has gained the trust to stand alone, we intend to show an example to the new larger projects.

-4 points,7 years ago
Hi Ftoole, this is a total scam being foisted upon us by Scott.

Since he is friends with the 'right' folks, he is getting away without arrogantly answering even basic questions.

Scott is claiming he wants 90k for 4 months which totals 360k(90X4) but the amount being taken from us is $850k.

1366 DASH = 852425 USD. This is for everyone to verify.

THERE IS A $500K DIFFERENCE, not 10-20k. $500,000 is going to sit with Greencandle now, unaccounted for till Scott is ready to extend his contract. This is scandalous : These are Enron style business practices.

He had taken out 1722 dash before and has nothing to show for it except videos of aimlessly taking his plane for a spin and a bunch of guys in dash t-shirts.. There isnt even a report with dash installs and a list of businesses he has brought on.

I would request you to consider voting NO till at least they are only getting what they are asking for(360k not 850k), even if you think that this is what we need.
2 points,7 years ago
Scott, I love what you do and I think the value you bring exceeds the expense. I am voting YES. I want two things from you: 1. I want to see the second plane in photos and videos. 2. I want you to share clips from the Reno air races with me to be included on my channel, as previously promised. Thanks.
2 points,7 years ago
I will email Mike with the NBC sports production company. I will ask for an update and request for verification that we can release our content without jeopardizing our current agreement for Dash exposure. 6 episodes of NBC Sports exposure has also trumped our releases. You will see the unedited response to that email. Its benefits Dash AeroSports greatly to have your channel stocked with our content. Thank you for hosting our content.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you DashAerosports. I am very proud to have edited and created videos with your content, and my own content about you. I look forward to creating more videos about you! When is the Brazil event?
-3 points,7 years ago
>> Scott, I love what you do and I think the value you bring exceeds the expense.

"Acrobatics Man" is asking for $1 MILLION DOLLARS... it's more money than the DASH CORE TEAM gets. Does he bring more value than all the developers combined?
2 points,7 years ago
Sorry Scott, I appreciate all the effort and the results you bring, but I still can't support war-machines spraying kerosene :(
5 points,7 years ago
I completely respect your stance. Out of respect for differing views, I won't try to convince you otherwise.

Respect for others goes deeper than Yes votes. Thank you for your appreciation of our efforts. I understand the vote direction cast related to our equipment used.

Someone once said, "They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks".

My promise to you is... The sword I fly will be used to harvest Dash mass adoption. It will be used to better society and remove as many as possible from the corruption of established financial systems.

5 points,7 years ago
Yes of course I do Scott, I am not discussing ROI. 1St class campaign! Can't wait to see Max. Please have a safe flight!
Regards, Paul
2 points,7 years ago
I did also mean to address the environmental issues, of course..
4 points,7 years ago
Outside of our voting, drop me a private message on discord. I'd like you to see what we are doing regarding environmental. I think you'll like what we are doing. I'll keep that off this forum as it's not directly related to our Dash projects.

I truly appreciate your positions. I think you and I agree on more than you might know. :)
0 points,7 years ago
Good to hear this concerns you too. Also my compliments for keeping track of 138..9 comments!
1 point,7 years ago
Communication: It's what we do ;)
Even when we seem to be this popular!

come on 200 comments in 3 days! Proving that Dash AeroSports exudes great emotions and interaction where ever we go ;)
-3 points,7 years ago
Thank you for being one of the 139 MNOs who voted NO for the "Acrobatics Man" proposal.
0 points,7 years ago
We do not need a marketing director for $ 250 000 per year, we need an airshow for $ 900 000. «NO»
0 points,7 years ago
"We do not need a marketing director for $ 250 000 per year, we need an airshow for $ 900 000. «NO»"

First of all, this is a false equivalency. This is not an either/or decision. If we need a marketing director, we'll get one. Scott's proposal has no affect or relationship with that decision.

Second, we are not paying $900,000 for an airshow. We were never paying $900,000. We are paying -exactly- $96,000 per month, -exactly- as specified by the legally binding contract between Dash Aerosports and GreenCandle. If the Dash is worth more than that due to the increase in Dash price, the excess will be used for future Dash Aerosports activities, or can be used at the discretion of the MasterNodes through GreenCandle.

0 points,7 years ago
One-time payment: 1366 DASH (846650 USD)
1 point,7 years ago
No. No. No. Nearly 1M USD in Dash for a quirky campaign to make MNO's feel cool, a huge amount of money for a low-impact niche campaign which is not needed at this stage. This is real business now guys, and a massive waste of resources. The evidence of 'success' is pictures/vids of a couple few guys installing a Dash wallet...cmon everyone.
-1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for your wise vote
5 points,7 years ago
Just read these comments! Is there a single Masternode that believes I would EVER let this community down!? Would I ever ruin this amazing support and relationship with my community!? This just inspires me more!

I will continue to reach into every corner and find every angle to further Dash's growth and utilization. I've stated it before, our successes are surrounded by quiet failures. I only bring to the community projects that I can hang my name on for success. The others that didn't go our way were fought for and we only surrendered following a great fight.

I'm humbled by this support. Thank you,

4 points,7 years ago
We disclosed our cost to Greencandle. We then presented the proposal to Greencandle with the funding numbers X'd out. Greencandle applied all numbers from there.

This proposal was designed to ensure success. If Dash climbs to new levels we will be limited to the USD value of our payment. The leftover dash increased value will either sustain future Dash AeroSports proposals to be voted on by the MNOs or be held in reserve with Greencandle to assist Dash where the MN community might determine.

Any Dash left over that is held in escrow by Green Candle will be used to fund future months of my 4 month proposal cycle. For example if after the four months have transpired (paying out Dash at the fiat pegged value) Dash still exists in this budget, it will continue to be paid out against the monthly pegged value until it is drawn down. Then another single request will be made to start the 4 month cycle again.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Scott

Trust you are doing good. A few questions about this project.

1. You are requesting for $100,000 to be paid every month where is the outgo is $200,000 a month on current prices. This is an extra $400,000. Could you have at least factored in a part of the current dash price considering you just put in the proposal?

Even the 30 day moving average was $80 higher than your number and $300 higher as on date.

Shouldn't future payments be left for a later date?

2.Could you give us an breakdown of the $100,000($200k) a month you are requesting. I see nothing here except :

"This breaks down to my cost of operations + 20% profit margin + 10% contingency fee."

For a project of this magnitude, one would expect that a full breakdown would be included.

3.Could Greencandle confirm if escrow costs are $5000 Per month as stated?

4. In a nutshell, I’ve worked out a deal that will force around 100 business to use Dash - Are these just pop-up vendors at an airshow or permanent stores?

5. "All vendors accepting payment will be required to accept Credit Card, cash and exclusively Dash (Dash incentive with 10% discount)." If vendors are accepting other payment methods, where is the exclusivity then? 10% wont motivate more than a few people to make such effort.

Thank you for your proposal.

2 points,7 years ago
1) The point of this proposal is a one time ask for funds that will then be drawn down month by month against the fiat requested price. The 30-day moving average quoted by Amanda_B_Johnson was what determined the price selected for this month only. The new 30-day moving average will continue to be calculated each time a payment is to be made. The value this current proposal has inside of it could very well pay for Dash Aerosports entire 12 month yearly budget. We simply don't know but we won't request any more funding for Dash Aerosports until this entire budget has been drawn down.

2) Scott has disclosed the breakdown of his costs to Green Candle and due to his need to keep a competitive advantage it was determined that we wouldn't disclose the entire breakdown publicly. That be said we are comfortable that the expenses disclosed are appropriate and that was why it was suggested to add the 20% profit margin.

3) We can confirm that at this point we have chosen to use $5,000 as a monthly fee on this proposal. We are still actively exploring the fee structure for the escrow so this shouldn't be considered anything final but we felt comfortable with this minimal fee because of the professionalism and the lengths Scott is willing to go for the Dash network.

We will let Scott answer 4 and 5.
1 point,7 years ago
5k a month is 5.5% of monthly draw which most fiat escrows only charge 1-2% how can you justify this fee?
1 point,7 years ago
4. vendors are permanent businesses and stores attending they event utilizing temporary pop-up chalets during the 2 week set up, airshow and tear-down timeframe. Ford motors, Verizon, Garmin, STHIL are examples of attending business. However, Joe the hotdog guy and Mary the Tshirt lady will also be attending. (Joe and Mary are fictional names to represent actual individuals)

5. You got me... poorly worded description. Cash, Credit Card and DASH will be the exclusive Digital Currency allowed to be utilized. (Dash incentive with 10% discount)

Wixam you wrote, "10% won't motivate more than a few people to make such effort."

I disagree. Maybe I'm cheap, but if I could save $60-90 bucks utilizing dash. I'll download a free app. For those that make $15 per hour at work, my efforts are saving them 4-6 hours worth of earned income per purchaser. I'll hang my name to benefitting another human like that any day of the week.

Thank you for the questions. Honestly, writing out what I just have motivates me so much. Your question inspires me. I get to benefit dash, but given the example... I will help allow unknown families attend a great event that they might not have been able to because of cost. Maybe a father or mother will see they can take their kids to an event which was outside of their financial ability. They were financially blocked until some crazy air race pilot tried to change their families' weekend plan. Simply downloading and utilizing Dash opens the gates to them. Maybe some young person who attends because of this proposal will be inspired by attending our event and pursue his or her passion. Maybe I'll make a difference. Maybe I'll never know that difference, but I'll know that I provided the opportunity.

But back to the term "few". All vendors are under contract with the Reno Air Races. To gain access to the event, they are required to comply with Reno's requested payment systems to include daily procedures. All vendors serving 250,000 spectators might qualify outside of the term "few"?

Thanks again for the "Exclusivity" question. I admit it was a poorly written description. I hope I have clarified?

Thank you again,

Scott (That crazy Air Race Pilot)
-1 point,7 years ago
1. You can swallowing 857000 in funds but are still spreading lies about it being $100,000 for 4 months. At current prices it is for 8 MONTHS and counting. This money isnt coming back, that is for sure.

2. So now Greencandle wants to decide what to disclose and what not to? You desperately want the 857000 to be blindly paid without any breakdown?

3. $5000 a month for escrow. Seriously?

4. Are you confirming that Ford motors will start accepting dash? If not, why mention it. Basically some random pop up shops will accept dash and eventually forget about it after(during) the event.

5. There is no exclusivity. There is going to be near zero usage of dash and you know it very well. You just want no strings attached money to fly your plane around.
7 points,7 years ago
Hello @DashRacer
Scott, great to see you in action and focusing on the next achievements to make DASH #1!!!
Great vision and Top quality as always!
The opportunities which stand behind this proposal are enormous but you need to have it planned already in mind and you with your team have it seeded and done long time ago.
The link to Dash Forum:
4 points,7 years ago
Thank you! Tao and you were instrumental in helping me get started down our path. Thank you for your support!
11 points,7 years ago
YES votes from me as well. This is way way bigger than a “sticker on a plane”. Scott does much more for Dash and is far too valuable to lose. Plus the funds are going to be escrowed with Green Candle.

As a side note, it is interesting that the negative comments here so far are not from masternode owners... but this is not the place to get into that issue further.
-2 points,7 years ago
There are more than 140 Masternode Owners voting NO on this. We are NOT spammers, we are just being responsible with our budget.

Acrobatics Man is not to be trusted with $1 million dollars, it's more than the Dash Core Team receives. Is he worth more than all our developers, project managers, testers and CEO?
7 points,7 years ago
Dash has spent a lot of money on ambitious proposals that don’t produce results. You get results! Great job! Yes, from me!
5 points,7 years ago
Yes votes from, keep doing the good job you are already doing. Good luck.
6 points,7 years ago
It's a yes from me. I had the pleasure of enjoying a beer with him at the London Conference in September, and I was really impressed with the calibre of the guy. He's a fantastic ambassador for the Dash network and I have no doubt that the relationship is generating - and will continue to generate - a lot of value.

0 points,7 years ago
When are the Brazil Air Races? In what city? - Thanks!
0 points,7 years ago
San Paulo and Rio. The Air Race Championships from Europe are holding the races. They are discussing times. Dates are shifting as negotiations continue. ARC reached out to me for logistics for 2 races in 2 separate months. I suggested an ARC "Tour" of Brazil marketing angle. In condensed travel and logistics. This concurrent schedule should yield meaningful savings for ARC while increasing local participation. Instead of cargo shipping the planes from city to city, I suggested a mass formation along the coast to reposition the entire fleet of participant aircraft between the two cities. The term "tour" insinuates that the event is tempory and might not happen again. This provides the "call to arms or action required" within the marketing. <Better go this time, because you don't know if you'll get to ever see them again.> The Mass formation will draw headlines. The back to back weeks cuts the lodging and travel expenses. Storage cost is eliminated with a continuation from one week to another.

Clarification: These are propeller aircraft races and not jet class. RedBull style.

Full discloser: They might not listen to me. But if the event is 2 weeks in a row, it's my idea ;)

ARC is discussing 2019 in NYC as well. This should not be considered in this proposal as it's very far off and it's a long shot at the best possible odds.


3 points,7 years ago
Voting yes - because I love the idea and the spectacle is great and everyone will be excited.... etc. But... really I am a techy and I want to spend our money on programmers and QA people and stuff that means working all night and getting in a pizza. I want the hard core programmers to ask for my vote some more (apologies for this post)
4 points,7 years ago
I must admit I was sceptical the first time you posted a proposal, but you proved yourself many times in the meantime.
Yes, of course :)
2 points,7 years ago
My favorite is when our skeptics can review and follow our work. We try to let our execution speak for itself. You don't have to worry about convincing when given the opportunity to SHOW what we do ;)

Dash MNOs took a chance on my team and I work every day knowing that it was a crazy pitch with high goals. Reading these post on DC about our performance motivates and confirms our efforts are not lost.
8 points,7 years ago
Scott is an exceptional man that I had the pleasure of meeting and having many discussions with at Dash Conference in London. He is very personable, smart, sharp and funny. He represents the Dash brand with the utmost integrity and professionalism. While it's true that we haven't yet been able to witness all the hard work that he has put into the NBC Sports show and the Great American Pilgrimage with Max Keiser, he has more than held up his side of the bargain and given Dash great exposure. That stuff is like icing on the cake. You don't often get guys like Scott on your side, and when you do, in my opinion, you shouldn't let them go.

Plus he has great ideas about rolling hard on BTC Miami and a superbowl ad that will end the internet.

Voting Yes!
4 points,7 years ago
good stuff , what you are offering for dash is salivating ... Voting yes ... just to keep everyone happy , collect as much data as you can, from the ATM machines,vendors and so on

I think this whole ATM plus 10% discount is killer idea ,we should capitalize more on that ..
1 point,7 years ago
5 points,7 years ago
I like the plan to show up to conferences, and setting up a outdoor exhibit with booth/rv. No other crypto can do that and Scott is now positioned to do this.
5 points,7 years ago
Getting Dash used in closed ecosystems such as this is the icing on the cake for me. Scott, you are like Dash's bulldog, you won't stop until Dash is number one. The things you have been able to accomplish thus far is nothing short of amazing. I can see that the splash you are making in corporate America using your influence will continue to pay off in the long term. So glad you are on our side. Bringing as many people into Dash Nation as possible will always find support from me, so my votes are yours as well. #1, baby!
4 points,7 years ago
I love Scott and the work that he has done up to now. I have two questions:
1. It appears this proposal is cut off on this page. Is there a link to the full text?
2. If I remember in the last proposal, we were promised two planes, and I remember Scott speaking about the other plane in Reno. Yet, I have never seen a picture of the second plane. Comments?
Thank you.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you so much for your help and support. Hopefully, I have answered this question below?
0 points,7 years ago
I plan on voting yes for this one, but I'd know the status of the previous proposal. Is it complete or is a second plane wrap still pending?
2 points,7 years ago
Original proposal dash price dictated that we focus on Propeller race plane at shows and follow with the Jet during the Reno Air Races. As Dash went through the roof, we switched to having the jet represent all events. Jet cost compared to prop plane is a 1200% increase in operating cost. However, we noticed not only the spectators... but also the attending event businesses became drastically more receptive to Dash when represented by the L39 fighter jet.

When others would make the statement, "it (Dash) is not real. There is nothing in cyberspace and no true value".

I would point at the L39 Jet and say... cool right? Yep, Dash bought that jet and pays for all aspects of its operation. That is the very definition of Dash being valuable. I exchange Dash for goods and services every day to operate that jet.

I have never had a rebuttal to that simple statement. It's undeniable.

BUT! We do have 2 planes. Prop is returning from Germany following aerodynamic and engine increases. This is in preparation for Brazil air races.

We have also disclosed to MN jimbit about our plans to utilize both planes in a very dramatic presentation. I hold back telling more details publicly. We have to be approved by the FAA to utilize both aircraft in the manner planned. If it's ok, I would like to post an explanation in the MNO-Only Discord channel.

To operate both planes together we will be requesting 2nd level sponsors' increase their support.
4 points,7 years ago
Certainly a yes from me!
4 points,7 years ago
Easy Yes Scott showed his Marketing skills over and over again and its well worth it
3 points,7 years ago
Simply put, yes.
5 points,7 years ago
Wow, yes!
1 point,7 years ago
How do you measure the effectiveness of something like this?
0 points,7 years ago
How does any big company measure the success of TV ads like coke or pepsi?
-2 points,7 years ago
Keep voting NO. Let's stop this $750,000 irresponsibility with Dash's budget. Thanks to all the 139 Masternodes Owners who voted against this.
2 points,7 years ago
(MNO via Node40) I have watched you interviews and further material. Your media interface is extremely important. The more interviews, images and exposure the better. Great that Max K could link up with you. You have my vote Scott. cheers from Australia.

Critique: A while back I went to Google Images to find photos of the plane for a video edit and there was one poor one as I recall (and i was thinking WTF!!). But things have changed now, and I see many images on Google Images.
0 points,7 years ago
Hey DashRacer....How many people have gone through the immersive VR experience? What do they all say when they come out? If you want even more highly effective promo materials, film the people when they pop out of the VR experience. Their expressions and comments will be priceless I'm sure...

The per month cost is very reasonable for what we are getting, and the dollar cost averaging tool/trick with GreenCandle may prove useful for other projects that are sensitive to price drops/big increases.

4 points,7 years ago
voting yes, great job scott!
3 points,7 years ago
The Dash Nation Bulldog...
3 points,7 years ago
Great accomplishments so far. I dont doubt you will deliver. I like the fact that this payment will probably pay for far more than 4 months. Voting yes.
-4 points,7 years ago
Still no, no, no.

Furthermore, any critique of this proposal is hit by a shill of downvotes in MINUTES, without discussion. For any MNO's voting, please read all comments below, including the buried critiques. This proposal is NOT good value for Dash, and the down-voting of comments critical to this proposal is tantamount to censorship. Misuse of the 'anti-spam' comment voting to down-vote legitimate criticism is unacceptable.

5 points,7 years ago
I believe MasterNodes are making sure that MasterNode comments are presented in their correct placement... at the top. MasterNodes determine the direction of the network.
3 points,7 years ago
No comments have been removed. This has nothing to do with censorship. Comments otherwise are just FUD.

It is simple, non-MNOs comments are not valued highly because it is impossible to determine the posters true motivations. You will see that negative comments from MNOs have been mostly responded to rather than simply ignored and downvoted.

If you (or anyone else) are actually a MNO who has not verified on this site — I recommend doing so if you want your comments to carry weight.
-5 points,7 years ago
There is a drive to censor valid criticism of a million-dollar gimmick and perpetuate this to eternity.

Instead of hiring top end Devs or spending it on getting the billions unbanked on Dash, we are burning through this money on fluff

There is not a single report or analysis of what 1700 dash spent brought back in return. Where is the output of the campaign? How many wallets were opened, Where is the list? Nothing. Plane videos are dime a dozen on youtube, sorry, thats not output.

For output there is Just a general, 'you know it was great, right'?

I havent seen a single document and it doesnt seem like there will be one in the future. Even Lemonade stands have more accountability than this.

The proposal quality is so poor and unprofessional that it doesn't even have a basic breakdown of costs which are being mercilessly asked of sub 50 Dash proposals.

This is what we have for output:

"This is about leveraging the attention generating power of my race and stunt planes… and… using them to START the conversation about Dash with QUALIFIED prospects.

-Where is the data. Where is the evidence? Who are these QUALIFIED prospects. Nothing, silence..

This is what we have for budgeting $400,000

-These air-shows cost a ton to register, attend, and perform.
-Operating Costs + 10% contingency +20% profit.

There is no account for the other $400,000..

I thought people in the know would ask really tough, searching questions given the amount.

I wish there was serious scrutiny here but the prospect of that looks dim atm.
2 points,7 years ago
'No' comments still getting crushed below. Will repost - this has nothing to do with 'Masternodes wanting to see top comments above' - there appear to be shill accounts and this is a money grab. Am reposting again.
-2 points,7 years ago
It's almost $1 MILLION DOLLARS. I'm glad at least 98 other MNO are voting NO for this irresponsible and unfocused waste of money. NO NO NO NO NO.
-4 points,7 years ago
Notice how the NO votes are being censored here and pushed all the way down. This proposal is pure B.S., $750,000 can be much better used somewhere else. VOTE NO.
6 points,7 years ago
Is that you RGXDK ?

A waste of money is when the benefits brought by a proposal is lower than the benefits in value brought by less Dash supply. So please show me how possibly could that be a waste of money ?

Besides, you should take into account the cost of opportunity that "not spending" the money will never get you. Scott is a great assets. He asks for sponsoring, which he does and, plus, he converts businesses. Not spending money would never get you that.

Finally, let me point out that first businesses are the most valuable to a network so every conversion might be priceless in the end as they are the first one making possible any network effect.

You talk about using the money elsewhere. Please enlight us where they are because wishing they would be more proposals don't make it happen...
2 points,7 years ago
(Edit : My bad, I was supposed to post that reply to another comment of dashcentral, not that one - "the waste of money" talk will make more sense :))
2 points,7 years ago
There is no censoring you are just in the minority.
-1 point,7 years ago
I was surprised to find that this proposal had yes votes 10 minutes before the text even came up for discussion. There is an effort by to get this through without any serious discussion.

The project itself is so poorly drafted that it borders on the hilarious. If someone actually read through this proposal a critical eye, they would realize where they are spending $800k.

Check out some of the things that are actually written here:
1) Precise Costing: " I need the lump sum for budgeting purposes. These air-shows cost a ton to register, attend, and perform at… and many of the fees need to be paid for in advance."

2) Key Performance Indicators: "There’s more, much more, but I think you get the point"

3) 'DASH EXCLUSIVITY': "All vendors accepting payment will be required to accept Credit Card, cash and exclusively Dash (Dash incentive with 10% discount)" - What does exclusivity mean?

4) Project Summary: You’re not sponsoring a flying billboard. You’re sponsoring the opportunities the flying billboard opens up for Dash.

I expect this proposal to pass though, because Scott is friends with the right people. He definitely knows how to get votes and I dont blame

People are saying things like he is a great guy, funny witty, I had a beer with him etc.. Is this a popularity contest awarding 800k to the winner or a hungry organization trying to use its meager resources to become global( meager by the enormity of task at hand). Though strict and unforgiving promotion of merit and merit alone.

While the conclusion is foregone, I repeat, this money should be used on marketing Dash to Users and Businesses in Latin America, Africa and Asia. On hiring top notch developers. Nobody seems to care much about that.

For $800,000 we are helping a guy to purse an aimless hobby without furthering the cause of dash. The joke is on us.

3 points,7 years ago
I would have to agree that the proposal could be written better but if you have been paying attention to what he has accomplished so far you would know that we will get our money's worth.
-3 points,7 years ago
I recommend to get rid of green candle as escrow. You’ve proven yourself as trustworthy. On top of it I don’t believe in escrowing any groups funds for now, to large of a risk having green candle hold everyone’s money
2 points,7 years ago
Thank you very much for the personal compliment!

I recognized the potential for a low budget cycle which would produce unused or wasted opportunity for the funds. The escrow removes our "ownership" of the funds. We'll get paid our agreed upon USD amount and hopefully, Dash will rise in value leaving an additional balance. The Dash allocated within this single proposal could fund several future proposals voted on by MNOs. Essentially making Dash AeroSports free to Dash after this single vote. We would still submit a proposal with a 0 to XXX needed amount in the future. If our proposal or repeated proposal does not pass, greencandle will approach the MN network and zero out the remaining dash based on the proposal system. This structure puts complete control within the MNO's voting structure.

Thank you again for your trust. I can't tell you how much that compliment means to me. However, I believe it is critical that we explore these types of business agreements. Greencandle will be paying my parent company based on a legal binding contract. We have to venture down this path and I think Dash AeroSports and Greencandle can show the path and work out the details.

Bluntly, I believe if I submitted the proposal under my ownership, Dash AeroSports has proven to execute our objectives. I don't exactly like to give up any control related to my operation. This escrow is me putting my team right into the middle of a crucial element of business development. These processes, procedures and knowledge base need to be explored.

Dash AeroSports is very excited to work with Greencandle. The two entities will help demonstrate the legal and binding process for proposal owners.

-1 point,7 years ago
No offense intended, but I think this would be a massive waste of money. Maybe you just haven't done the best job of communicating your accomplishments, but I don't really see how you have added value to the network.
-3 points,7 years ago
I see you're getting downvoted for being logical and reasonable. I completely agree with you. Thanks for voting NO.
2 points,7 years ago
"I see you're getting downvoted [ctafti] for being logical and reasonable. I completely agree with you. Thanks for voting NO."

I'm a MasterNode, and I'm downvoting dtafti and dashcentral because I believe, like the majority of the Masternodes, that DashRacer is bringing substantial marketing and branding value to Dash. Plus, you guys keep saying things like "a million dollars" when it has been demonstrated repeatedly that DashRacer will get -exactly- $96,000 dollars per month for 4 months, -exactly- as described in the contract with GreenCandle.

Just because you hold the minority opinion does not mean you are being censored. That's not how this works.

-7 points,7 years ago
Spending $750,000 on sponsoring a plane with a sticker is complete and sheer insanity. These are the kind of excesses that gave corporate America a bad name..

There is only a make believe return on investment on this project to those who think businesses are going to start accepting dash because they read it off a plane or some general pr. Airshows are not the place to promote dash.

Projects like these are one time gimmicks. To sink in such huge amounts to do this on a long term basis is quite another. Every marginal dollar spent on this beyond the photo-op gets nothing in return.

Scott is a great advocate for dash and a great guy, I dont doubt that. I am also sure he has made a lot of friends with the Dash Community along the way who like him and will ensure that this passes. However friendships is not what governance is about. This should be about objectively measuring ROI with a critical eye.

Dash is a global company and should invest reasonable amounts to increase usage everywhere. We should be spending on hiring top end developers and marketing to the masses in Europe, Asia and Africa, who are completely unaware about dash. Digital is way to go for that.

Spending it on helping someone pursue a hobby and funding him because you think planes are cool is not the way to go about this.
0 points,6 years ago
You are right in some things but don´t forget what this man already did in the past with Dash community, he showed us what it capable of
0 points,7 years ago
I agree. Spending Super Bowl commercial budgets on stuff like this is wrong. Airtime on NBC? I don't own a TV because I don't believe in that nonsense. If you want my support then you have to show how you are going to teach investors what Dash is. People who are interested in jets flying around are not necessarily interested in money. It's cool to the nerdy but it's not going to benefit Dash in any meaningful way.
3 points,7 years ago
A hobby....that's funny. Did you miss the part about the substantial air time we're going to get on NBC? Or the docu-drama they're working on? Go price an hour of prime time on NBC and come back here and tell me about hobbies. Or the immersive VR experience that features Dash in the intro and the outro? Let's ask Scott if he has some numbers on that too...

Anyway, more yes votes from me.

10 points,7 years ago
"Spending $750,000 on sponsoring a plane with a sticker is complete and sheer insanity. These are the kind of excesses that gave corporate America a bad name.."

Did you even read the proposal?
6 points,7 years ago
Obviously not.
-5 points,7 years ago
I see you're getting downvoted for being logical and reasonable. I completely agree with you. Thanks for voting NO.