Proposal “facebook-ads“ (Completed)Back

Title:Facebook Ads for Dash Tutorials
One-time payment: 39 DASH (1054 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 39 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-02-18 / 2017-03-20 (added on 2017-02-25)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 440 Yes / 186 No / 18 Abstain

Proposal description

Would you help me advertise Dash to 500,000+ people on Facebook by voting yes on this proposal?

gobject vote-many 3dddeef76e5053e7ab57703f62aeacfc771ef843ecfe4f7439e8f84ae49b367c funding yes 

When you fund this, I will spend 34 Dash on Facebook ads featuring the 10 video tutorials funded in my last proposal all of which I made into one complete 2 hour Dash masternode investment tutorial video at which I just published as an updated version with a new encryption tutorial based on the comments below!

What results can we expect?  I have spent about $1,000 advertising the first pinned post on my page at which has reached 786,417 people an average of two times each with 151,000+ people watching the video, 500+ shares, 250+ comments, and an average cost of $0.06 per website visitor.  How much would we all benefit from this level of interest and sharing about Dash?

I just submitted this as an ad to Facebook while writing this proposal with a budget of $10 a day targeted to users interested in Bitcoin.  Will you partner with me to help more people learn about Dash on Facebook by voting yes?

gobject vote-many 3dddeef76e5053e7ab57703f62aeacfc771ef843ecfe4f7439e8f84ae49b367c funding yes 

Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful day today!

Jerry Banfield

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
2 points,7 years ago
The new encryption tutorial is done at and explains the importance of encryption along with showing exactly how to do it and repeatedly mentioning the risks of losing access to the password to motivate the user to take action to make sure they never lose their password. I was defensive about suggesting encryption because I had my own masternode in a wallet that was not encrypted and this motivated me to move it today into one that is encrypted using the same methods to keep the password safe I show in the video. I appreciate your patience with me making this new tutorial and will reupload the entire 2 hour video with the new encryption tutorial instead of the original!
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for your understanding with me being stubborn about editing the videos. I am uploading a new version of the encryption tutorial today and I will change the link in the video above when it is done! If you voted no over the encryption tutorial, would you switch it to yes now because I am making the new video to match the feedback I received on the last!
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for responding to the community's concerns. I've changed my vote to yes.
0 points,7 years ago
Maxpowerzz I am very grateful for you switching your vote and giving me positive feedback on the value of being flexible with the work I create for our community here!
0 points,7 years ago
I think this is a great idea, and will be voting yes when I get home today and can access my Trezor to cast my vote
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you to each of you that changed your no votes to yes so rapidly that the proposal is now approved! The new full length video for advertising on Facebook is live at
-1 point,7 years ago
i just voted no until the other requests are fixed....
0 points,7 years ago
The new encryption tutorial is done at and explains the importance of encryption along with showing exactly how to do it and repeatedly mentioning the risks of losing access to the password to motivate the user to take action to make sure they never lose their password. I was defensive about suggesting encryption because I had my own masternode in a wallet that was not encrypted and this motivated me to move it today into one that is encrypted using the same methods to keep the password safe I show in the video. I appreciate your patience with me making this new tutorial and will reupload the entire 2 hour video with the new encryption tutorial instead of the original!
0 points,7 years ago
Would you change your vote to yes because I am refilming the videos today based on the requested received here!
0 points,7 years ago
0 points,7 years ago
I accept your request to refilm the encryption tutorial to focus on the benefits of encryption and how to do it right with clearly mentioning the risks at the end including sharing the possibility of not using encryption if the user is not 100% certain of keeping their passphrase safe indefinitely. When you vote yes on this proposal and it is funded, I agree to refilm the encryption part, rerender the video, and reupload it to Facebook and YouTube and advertise that instead of the video I created.
0 points,7 years ago
The right thing would have been to take the video down immediately. Even if you take it down now I am unlikely to switch my vote back to yes. Maybe if you prove yourself my continuing to make more good videos about Dash without being payed for it ill reconsider on a future proposal.
1 point,7 years ago
The new encryption tutorial is done at and explains the importance of encryption along with showing exactly how to do it and repeatedly mentioning the risks of losing access to the password to motivate the user to take action to make sure they never lose their password. I was defensive about suggesting encryption because I had my own masternode in a wallet that was not encrypted and this motivated me to move it today into one that is encrypted using the same methods to keep the password safe I show in the video. I appreciate your patience with me making this new tutorial and will reupload the entire 2 hour video with the new encryption tutorial instead of the original!
1 point,7 years ago
The right thing to do is to love and accept others. I fell short on that after seeing the amount of outrage on videos because after all of my enthusiasm filming ten videos before being paid for them, nearly all the feedback was negative and focused on one thing I said in one video that a few people started talking about. After filming two hours of video ON FAITH, I was hurt to see that 5 minutes of it offended people so much as to make the whole project seem worthless. I am here to help and I have loved each of you enough to continue working even when my mind was screaming at me to just drop doing anything for the Dash community. I will keep working to do my best here and am confident the votes will continue to reflect that. I will work on listening a bit better and being more understanding of criticism as I film the new videos today.
0 points,7 years ago
Well, I would suggest to do the pragmatic thing and not do any work before you get paid. Well such an outrage was to be expected we are sponsoring your videos and then you say something as stupid as "don't encrypt your wallet". If you wanted to warn of the dangers of losing your password there would have been a better way.
But I guess you convinced me and ill switch back to yes.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you very much Roman I appreciate you helping me understand how to better serve the community here and for working through my childish behavior in the face of suggestions for improvement!
0 points,7 years ago
So far I have submitted 5 proposals and have not received any Dash so far because the third was voted yes and lost in the 12.1 update with the 4th looking like it will pass and the 5th very close here. I plan to have the videos updated prior to receiving the Dash payments.
0 points,7 years ago
Well, that's mostly your own fault by not posting on the forums and getting some feedback before submitting a proposal. For the Proposal that got eaten by the update, you could have requested a refund for the fee in your next proposal.
0 points,7 years ago
You're right and I am grateful it seems the last two proposals look like they will be funded. Time to work on the next one :)
1 point,7 years ago
just checked the video - the "encrypting the wallet is not a good idea" is still inside. But after watching the video twice and wasting my lifetime with it I must tell you it is a total nonsense from the POV of a security expert. It is the result of somebody without security background listing his own limited life experience. That its very dangerous. It not only can fool people into that non security trap and lose their funds but also snap back on the whole DASH project. And therefor it is unacceptable. I recommend you to remove the whole video - its just 14 min - think about it.

As a consequence I change my 'yes' votes to 'no' for now.
0 points,7 years ago
The new encryption tutorial is done at and explains the importance of encryption along with showing exactly how to do it and repeatedly mentioning the risks of losing access to the password to motivate the user to take action to make sure they never lose their password. I was defensive about suggesting encryption because I had my own masternode in a wallet that was not encrypted and this motivated me to move it today into one that is encrypted using the same methods to keep the password safe I show in the video. I appreciate your patience with me making this new tutorial and will reupload the entire 2 hour video with the new encryption tutorial instead of the original!
0 points,7 years ago
I accept your request to refilm the encryption tutorial to focus on the benefits of encryption and how to do it right with clearly mentioning the risks at the end. When you vote yes on this proposal and it is funded, I agree to refilm the encryption part, rerender the video, and reupload it to Facebook and YouTube and advertise that instead of the video I created.
-1 point,7 years ago
Was going to vote yes, but will wait and see if you edit that encryption bit, there are best practices to consider and it is best to hammer that in from the beginning. I really like to keep my passwords safe, its free +it has a cool name :)
0 points,7 years ago
The new encryption tutorial is done at and explains the importance of encryption along with showing exactly how to do it and repeatedly mentioning the risks of losing access to the password to motivate the user to take action to make sure they never lose their password. I was defensive about suggesting encryption because I had my own masternode in a wallet that was not encrypted and this motivated me to move it today into one that is encrypted using the same methods to keep the password safe I show in the video. I appreciate your patience with me making this new tutorial and will reupload the entire 2 hour video with the new encryption tutorial instead of the original!
0 points,7 years ago
I accept your request to refilm the encryption tutorial to focus on the benefits of encryption and how to do it right with clearly mentioning the risks at the end. When you vote yes on this proposal and it is funded, I agree to refilm the encryption part, rerender the video, and reupload it to Facebook and YouTube and advertise that instead of the video I created.
0 points,7 years ago
Alright, I have faith that you will do that so you got my votes, you could maybe add hardware wallet into that presentation since you will be doing a retake. its always good to get some feedback from community on the forum before making a video. There are a bunch of really smart people there willing to help out. That would most likely prevent situations like this one
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you I went forward on faith by making all the videos before getting any Dash and appreciate the chance to receive the same faith in return. I am planning on editing the videos today.
1 point,7 years ago
But I can tell you right now, most of the Mn owners wont be happy with the blackmail you just posted and wont hesitate to write you off for good for that comment alone, suggest you change that video ASAP.
0 points,7 years ago
There is a easy solution to this, get a hardware wallet, and a safe deposit box at a bank. To be extra safe get 2 boxes and leave the encryption key in one box and the wallet in the other. Just an Idea
6 points,7 years ago
hey jerry
before you move on to the next proposal i suggested edit old videos before advertising them anywhere
"encryption is not a good idea"
PLEASE edit that out - i asked you on multiple threads and still have no answer !
Encryption is 100% supported and encouraged from the Dev Team - safety first - do not spread tech comments like this - please edit that video !
0 points,7 years ago
The new encryption tutorial is done at and explains the importance of encryption along with showing exactly how to do it and repeatedly mentioning the risks of losing access to the password to motivate the user to take action to make sure they never lose their password. I was defensive about suggesting encryption because I had my own masternode in a wallet that was not encrypted and this motivated me to move it today into one that is encrypted using the same methods to keep the password safe I show in the video. I appreciate your patience with me making this new tutorial and will reupload the entire 2 hour video with the new encryption tutorial instead of the original!
0 points,7 years ago
I accept your request to refilm the encryption tutorial to focus on the benefits of encryption and how to do it right with clearly mentioning the risks at the end. When you vote yes on this proposal and it is funded, I agree to refilm the encryption part, rerender the video, and reupload it to Facebook and YouTube and advertise that instead of the video I created.
2 points,7 years ago
yes, always encrypt your Dash wallet.
Please change that ASAP Jerry.
0 points,7 years ago
I accept your request to refilm the encryption tutorial to focus on the benefits of encryption and how to do it right with clearly mentioning the risks at the end. When you vote yes on this proposal and it is funded, I agree to refilm the encryption part, rerender the video, and reupload it to Facebook and YouTube and advertise that instead of the video I created.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for commenting here! Did you see where in the same video I said that I encouraged encrypting a wallet and keeping the passcode safe using multiple methods if the user is confident they can do this? In creating the encryption and security tutorial, I tried to explain both the benefits and disadvantages that come with encryption. If encryption was purely good with no downside, I am sure the wallet would require it. Would you prefer that I introduce new Dash users honestly with both the benefits and risks of encryption or edit out where I mention the risks of losing access to your own wallet with encryption?
1 point,7 years ago
Jerry - you said clearly "do not use encryption"
I honestly do not care about your or my personal views on the matter - the Core Team and everybody in the security world highly suggests encryption and so SHOULD you ! you can not suggest other ways to new users, they HAVE to encrypt !! - bottom line - please change or erase that video - it is giving bad and wrong advice !
0 points,7 years ago
The new encryption tutorial is done at and explains the importance of encryption along with showing exactly how to do it and repeatedly mentioning the risks of losing access to the password to motivate the user to take action to make sure they never lose their password. I was defensive about suggesting encryption because I had my own masternode in a wallet that was not encrypted and this motivated me to move it today into one that is encrypted using the same methods to keep the password safe I show in the video. I appreciate your patience with me making this new tutorial and will reupload the entire 2 hour video with the new encryption tutorial instead of the original!
0 points,7 years ago
I am filming a new video today that I will upload and replace the old video with because I agree!
0 points,7 years ago
I completely agree with Tungfa here. Telling users not to encrypt their wallet is highly irresponsible. Jerry, please edit.
0 points,7 years ago
I accept your request to refilm the encryption tutorial to focus on the benefits of encryption and how to do it right with clearly mentioning the risks at the end. When you vote yes on this proposal and it is funded, I agree to refilm the encryption part, rerender the video, and reupload it to Facebook and YouTube and advertise that instead of the video I created.
1 point,7 years ago
What I hoped to share was advice to the user to use encryption properly by showing the risks first of doing it wrong in losing access to the wallet and then for the second half of the security tutorial providing a comprehensive system for never losing a password for life which then would keep a wallet encrypted without the risk of losing the passphrase.
0 points,7 years ago

answers from Udjin and all other pro's regarding "encryption" !!
0 points,7 years ago
I'll be switching my vote to no until this is fixed.
0 points,7 years ago
I accept your request to refilm the encryption tutorial to focus on the benefits of encryption and how to do it right with clearly mentioning the risks at the end. When you vote yes on this proposal and it is funded, I agree to refilm the encryption part, rerender the video, and reupload it to Facebook and YouTube and advertise that instead of the video I created.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for commenting here! Did you see where in the same video I said that I encouraged encrypting a wallet and keeping the passcode safe using multiple methods if the user is confident they can do this? In creating the encryption and security tutorial, I tried to explain both the benefits and disadvantages that come with encryption. If encryption was purely good with no downside, I am sure the wallet would require it. Would you prefer that I introduce new Dash users honestly with both the benefits and risks of encryption or edit out where I mention the risks of losing access to your own wallet with encryption?
-1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for commenting here! Did you see where in the same video I said that I encouraged encrypting a wallet and keeping the passcode safe using multiple methods if the user is confident they can do this? In creating the encryption and security tutorial, I tried to explain both the benefits and disadvantages that come with encryption. If encryption was purely good with no downside, I am sure the wallet would require it. Would you prefer that I introduce new Dash users honestly with both the benefits and risks of encryption or edit out where I mention the risks of losing access to your own wallet with encryption?
1 point,7 years ago
Jerry, I sincerely hope that you will consider the overwhelming feedback you are receiving on this aspect of the video surrounding encryption, rather than continuing defending the approach that you took... unencrypted wallets are extremely vulnerable and simply unacceptable. All it would take is walking away from your device and a roommate, friend, family member, or household employee can rob the user. This is a far more likely event than a lost password if you warn the user that a lost password = lost funds.
0 points,7 years ago
The new encryption tutorial is done at and explains the importance of encryption along with showing exactly how to do it and repeatedly mentioning the risks of losing access to the password to motivate the user to take action to make sure they never lose their password. I was defensive about suggesting encryption because I had my own masternode in a wallet that was not encrypted and this motivated me to move it today into one that is encrypted using the same methods to keep the password safe I show in the video. I appreciate your patience with me making this new tutorial and will reupload the entire 2 hour video with the new encryption tutorial instead of the original!
0 points,7 years ago
Yes I am uploading a new video today to match the feedback I received! Thank you for commenting here and accepting my initial resistance to change!
1 point,7 years ago
What if a new Dash user encrypts their wallet and keeps their passcode so secret that when they die, their partner and family cannot ever access their wallet? The encryption part of this tutorial explores the risks first because I hope to motivate new users to make a plan for never losing access to their passphrase when they encrypt their wallet instead of carelessly creating a password like it is a new website sign up where a lost password form or a call to customer service can easily be used to get back in. With a 15 minute video on securing the wallet and the first 7 minutes exploring risks to encryption and the next 8 minutes showing a system for using encryption successfully, I understand if only the first few minutes of the video were watched and seemed offensive. I appreciate your patience with this and hope that you will consider the reason I explained this out of love for the user and a hope that they never lose access to their money with the advice to encrypt the wallet properly with more than just writing the password down or to leave it open until they are ready to do it right!
0 points,7 years ago
Jerry, a person really has to encrypt their wallet. Even if you write the password down in a book or something, you're better off because someone would have to break into your house to get the book, etc... In fact, funds shouldn't be transfered into the account until it's encrypted. There is simply too much spyware out there (trojans, keyloggers, etc..) If I were to make a video I would do these steps at a minimum:

1. after running the wallet for the first time, encrypt it, save the password somewhere safe, then shut the wallet down.
2. delete any wallet.dat in the "backup" folder because I'm not sure if the backup is made before the encryption or not??
3. restart the wallet, get the account numbers and fund your wallet.
4. close the wallet, use 7zip to password encrypt and compress the wallet
5. put this compressed file on several USB drives as backup.

Depending on how much you put in your account, you may want to do a paper wallet or buy a trezor. But never take security lightly. several people have been hacked in the past by not encrypting their wallet.
0 points,7 years ago
The new encryption tutorial is done at and explains the importance of encryption along with showing exactly how to do it and repeatedly mentioning the risks of losing access to the password to motivate the user to take action to make sure they never lose their password. I was defensive about suggesting encryption because I had my own masternode in a wallet that was not encrypted and this motivated me to move it today into one that is encrypted using the same methods to keep the password safe I show in the video. I appreciate your patience with me making this new tutorial and will reupload the entire 2 hour video with the new encryption tutorial instead of the original!
0 points,7 years ago
Hmm it seems this just isn't so. A person does not really have to encrypt their wallet, as the software allows it to run unencrypted. A 2-edged sword as Jerry has alluded to. Perhaps there are some other ways to come to a resolution? Perhaps if Jerry explained how one can put funds in an encrypted wallet, into a particular address, and then dump that address' privkey - now you have an encrypted wallet which would satisfy the seemingly dogmatic here who opine that an encoded wallet is a must, and a privkey which can be secured in other means, and imported elsewhere, if needed. Encrypting your wallet may make you safer, but does exposes you to a new risk of losing the key(password) to the wallet.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you jz831 for saying "Encrypting your wallet may make you safer, but does exposes you to a new risk of losing the key(password) to the wallet" because this is the exact point I am making. What is uncomfortable for people is facing the fact that most of us hurt ourselves and mess our life up more than the outside world does.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you each for your feedback about my tutorial videos! I agree that encryption is a good idea most of the time and I shared that in my video assuming that if you were already sold on encryption you would either skip ahead or disagree with it and move on. If I am to provide an honest look at using and investing in Dash, would it be right for me to fully disclose the risk at each step or to hide what I see as the biggest risk of human error in losing the passphrase?
0 points,7 years ago
loosing the wallet even after years with some active keys inside is a very high risk. many people lost their Bitcoin that way. it is also recommended to use passphrase with a length greater than 16 characters:
if someone is not able to keep a passphrase he would also not be able to secure his system. in that case he should leave the crypto space at all
maybe the password question is worth its own video
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for mentioning this because this is what I was hoping to address in the video! Halfway through the tutorial video on security, I explain how to make a very secure passphrase and never lose it for life after hopefully motivating the user to now casually encrypt their wallet like they might sign up for a new website. I personally have had to reset my password on a lot of websites and I realized I could not have that level of carelessness with my Dash wallet. I hoped to share that with the users in the video!
0 points,7 years ago
People can use tools like keepass2 as well.
0 points,7 years ago ; )
0 points,7 years ago
Hello Jerry, I`ve already commented on your youtube channel but will quote myself here as well:
"Jerry you do a good job in general BUT you can`t suggest not to encrypt the wallet. I`ll vote NO for all forward proposals of yours if that will not be changed. Sorry but I`ve seen people loosing coins because of not encrypting it. There are the solutions as well to get access to the coins in a secure way even if the wallet is encrypted and you forget the password, one of them is dumping the privkey. Looking forward on this video to be corrected in a way Dash Dev team suggest you."
0 points,7 years ago
The new encryption tutorial is done at and explains the importance of encryption along with showing exactly how to do it and repeatedly mentioning the risks of losing access to the password to motivate the user to take action to make sure they never lose their password. I was defensive about suggesting encryption because I had my own masternode in a wallet that was not encrypted and this motivated me to move it today into one that is encrypted using the same methods to keep the password safe I show in the video. I appreciate your patience with me making this new tutorial and will reupload the entire 2 hour video with the new encryption tutorial instead of the original!
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you I am editing and uploading a new version today!
0 points,7 years ago
edited the oryginal post on u2ube to be more understandable.
-1 point,7 years ago
Hi Jerry, you made good proposal but I agree with guys, will wote yes after you change the video.
0 points,7 years ago
The new encryption tutorial is done at and explains the importance of encryption along with showing exactly how to do it and repeatedly mentioning the risks of losing access to the password to motivate the user to take action to make sure they never lose their password. I was defensive about suggesting encryption because I had my own masternode in a wallet that was not encrypted and this motivated me to move it today into one that is encrypted using the same methods to keep the password safe I show in the video. I appreciate your patience with me making this new tutorial and will reupload the entire 2 hour video with the new encryption tutorial instead of the original!
0 points,7 years ago
I accept your request to refilm the encryption tutorial to focus on the benefits of encryption and how to do it right with clearly mentioning the risks at the end. When you vote yes on this proposal and it is funded, I agree to refilm the encryption part, rerender the video, and reupload it to Facebook and YouTube and advertise that instead of the video I created.
-1 point,7 years ago
Changing my vote to no based on the latest video saying not to encrypt wallets - Sorry Jerry but I think your lack of experience in the crypto space has been shown and I am not so sure if you are the right person to represent Dash going forward, regardless of your reach.
0 points,7 years ago
I accept your request to refilm the encryption tutorial to focus on the benefits of encryption and how to do it right with clearly mentioning the risks at the end. When you vote yes on this proposal and it is funded, I agree to refilm the encryption part, rerender the video, and reupload it to Facebook and YouTube and advertise that instead of the video I created.
0 points,7 years ago
Voting NO until you remove the terrible suggestion to not encrypt a wallet.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for encouraging me to make sure I consider more of what the Dash community suggests by default in future videos and to mention that first instead of sharing the risks for 7 minutes before explaining the value of encryption! I hoped to help new users see that making their wallet and encrypting it is not like making an account on another website where they can just lose their password and get it back. At 8 minutes in the tutorial on security, I show a system to make great passwords and never lose access to them. Overall I encouraged users to honestly evaluate their ability to not lose a password and then to encrypt the wallet when they had a good system in place! In future videos I will remember what I learned here to try and do it in the opposite order!
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for commenting here! In creating the encryption and security tutorial, I tried to explain both the benefits and disadvantages that come with encryption with the suggestion that users confident in their ability to maintain a password in any situation should go for encryption and users are not confident of keeping access to their passphrase over a long period of time might consider not encrypting the wallet because if they lose access to the passphrase, they are unlikely to get their wallet back. Would you prefer that I introduce new Dash users honestly with both the benefits and risks of encryption or edit out where I mention the risks of losing access to your own wallet with encryption?
1 point,7 years ago
I'll be voting yes.
But can I just say that I really dislike the way you write. It seems so sensationalistic which might work well for you youtube audience and others but I think when writing proposals it makes you seem unprofessional.
It's why I instantly voted no on your first proposal it seemed like a cash grab based on the way you wrote. Though your continued efforts eventually convinced me. I hope you can work on this.
Although maybe I am the only one who thinks that no idea :)
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you Roman for voting yes especially when you dislike the way I write! I love including the excitement in what I do and I hope it brings out the excitement in others! Given the sensationalistic feeling of what I write, I work that much harder to be accurate with any numbers I use.
0 points,7 years ago
At least two people that really dislike his style :). Still voting yes, because our opinion is not representative in any way and Jerry might appeal in some way to a certain kind of audience especially young people on FB. He seems passionate about what he is doing which always a plus.
0 points,7 years ago
I will also be voting yes, mainly because i'm curious if the ads will indeed help you reach more people on Facebook.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you very much!
0 points,7 years ago
I use my website in the ad because Facebook tracks people who land on the page and optimizes the ad to show to people most likely to end up on my website using all of their user data. If I use or another URL outside my website, Facebook only can optimize for clicks on the link which tends to result in Facebook showing the ads to people that just click and do not load the website.
0 points,7 years ago
For proof of my experience advertising on Facebook, would you see this tutorial I made on YouTube? or take my free 13+ hour video class at
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for checking the comments! I tried to keep this proposal short and sweet with then answering any questions you have here instead of trying to stuff them all into the proposal!