Proposal “discoverdash“ (Closed)Back

Title:Full Time Dash Video Production with 51% for Facebook and YouTube Ads!
Monthly amount: 215 DASH (5815 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (2 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-03-24 / 2017-05-22 (added on 2017-03-25)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 86 Yes / 543 No / 27 Abstain

Proposal description

Will you fund this proposal essentially to hire me full time to be of service to:
  1. Create new Dash videos at and at
  2. Spend 110 Dash a month equal to 51.6% of this proposal funding on advertising split evenly between Facebook and YouTube.  Every $1 spent on Facebook ads from the last proposal has reached around 500 people.  Each $1 spent on YouTube advertising with Google AdWords for video has averaged about $0.01 per view leading to 11 minutes watched or about 20 hours watched per $1 spent.  This is the only proposal I know of with a clear plan supported by data to advertise Dash on a large scale using the two most powerful advertising platforms in the world.  If you are not able to get these results with ads online yourself, watch my tutorials showing how at at and
  3. Actively participate in Dash forums, slack, and collaboration with others to help me make the best qualify videos.
I made this proposal because I see the need to either go all in with serving you here or stop trying and focus on other projects.  When you consider all of my costs so far, I essentially have done everything including this proposal for free.  Now I am asking for what I am worth while offering to give much more.  If you vote no on this, I have no plans to create any new Dash videos or proposals because I will instead devote all of my time to making music and doing my podcast.

When we vote yes to fund this proposal, our estimated return over the next three months is about 6 million people finding out about Dash for the first time with the videos that perform the best receiving the majority of the ad budget.  Estimates of results are from previous proposals as shown in the investor report at using the current Dash cost.  In summary $1 per thousand on Facebook and $10,000 in Facebook ad budget between the two months equals about 5 million estimated reach on Facebook with around 1 million video views.  On YouTube, $1 for one hundred views equals about 1 million views on a $10,000 ad budget.  Adding those together is 6 million from ads targeted to the entire world on related interests.  If you would like me to focus more in wealthier countries, the amount of people reached would drop some to around 200 per $1 on Facebook and $0.05 per view on YouTube.Will you either vote yes now or watch the video below to see the proposal pitch video?

gobject vote-many c5eda8121a5402c23a4a46c7989746b0d4dc29fc873024b8abd7f0a1a3ad3a0d funding yes

Thank you very much for reading this and I appreciate the chance to be of GREATER service here in our community!

Jerry Banfield

PS: After seeing the high amount of no votes, I was pissed and made an entire rant about it on YouTube for everyone to see including reading the comments from the post and pointing out how crazy it is to vote no when over 5,000 Dash remains unfunded.  I care enough to get upset with the insanity of voting no when there are no other proposals offering to do anything like what I offer here and I am happy to invest my time elsewhere if that is what you think is best!

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,7 years ago
I didn't like those videos, and maybe I am not the target market, but I really think that Amanda is such a talented person and will be hard to replicate. I appreciate the effort, but I don't think is worth that much money tbh. Maybe around 10 dash would be a more reasonable investment.
-1 point,7 years ago
Jerry Banfield does excellent job with his videos promoting
-1 point,7 years ago
Yes it should be funded
-1 point,7 years ago
Can someone tell me why all these NOs?
0 points,7 years ago
Pardon me, just found the video. This is kinda childish; extreme rant and for sure not a "pro".
Downvoting too
0 points,7 years ago
Dash will succeed with or without Jerry Banfield's help. I just think we would be on a faster track to mass awareness with his help. Please reconsider changing your vote to YES. Thankyou.
4 points,7 years ago
Actually I think people like Jerry might have a negative impact on the image of Dash.
Voted no on the first proposal. Voting no on this one.
-2 points,7 years ago
On balance I think the positives would outweigh any negative. Just my opinion, in response to yours.
10 points,7 years ago
"DASH VOTES TO BURN THE CRYPTO MONEY INSTEAD OF HIRING ME" is the title of his new video. Now look, if he was really for Dash and loved it so much, who would make a video titled that already turning your back on it. He even made a video about wanting to sell his dash masternode. And I'd rather burn the money because it's just inflation and we belive that our Dash would be worth less if you used it. This is not like fiat where we use the maximum we can because we can, it all adds inflation. No one likes anyone to create negative feedback about Dash yet you did it to try to receive our vote. After that you will remain a NO vote for every proposal you submit.
0 points,7 years ago
But he ended the video saying he wasn't going to sell. It was a sensational click bait title. He gets a lot of clicks. That's his speciality after all.
0 points,7 years ago
'There's no such thing as bad publicity' is the phrase often used to justify such a video... Seeing an additional 50 no votes appear since his 'click bait video' suggests that the masternode operators disagree on this occasion... FWIW I don't think Masternode operators are letting emotions get in the way of decision making, quite the opposite, MO's simply don't see value in the proposal in its current form. It's not personal, it's business.

8 points,7 years ago
Wow! Hearing about this I am mad I ever voted for this guy. Asks for as much DASH as Amanda even though he has not been around nearly as long and is not nearly as beneficial to the network -- then throws a tantrum on YouTube before the voting is even complete because some MNs vote against him.

And how many times has this guy been advised to make a pre-proposal on the forums before paying the 5 dash fee. If he would have done so then he would have been told straight away to lower the cost.

Between the fiasco surrounding the wallet encryption video, the video about potentially selling his MN, and now this -- yeah, I am not voting for this proposal or any future proposals from Jerry.
0 points,7 years ago
Do not believe everything you hear or read on here. I sense some disinformation going on here, as i'm not seeing anything that points to that specific title that Mizzymax is referring to.
2 points,7 years ago
never mind, on my first search it linked to a totally different YouTube movie so i thought the accusation to be false, but i found the correct link now myself :
1 point,7 years ago
So... I watched... way too much of that video. An hour, on that topic?

Anyway... I think Jerry's video's intention was to talk about "Wow! Can you believe this is happening?" Because it IS a very curious thing.... But it lands with a social thud. I honestly think he is just failing to grok the audience he is reaching out to. He has had a number of "ability to interact with humans" challenges of late. I don't think his intentions were malevolent, but... awkward, and ultimately, they are backfiring.

And oi... comparing himself to Amanda. She is the in the big leagues, at least in the crypto-world and in particular Dash. She earned that spot. Jerry has not earned that spot.

And folks are not voting for things based on remaining budget. They are voting on things that seem worth rewarding at scales that make sense. They will not just fling gobs of cash at "whatever". The lower the amount the more likely people will take a chance with it

So, I mark this up as an example of social tone-deafness.
1 point,7 years ago
This is not exactly what we ought to hire to carry our message to people, even if not malevolent. Pretty weak for a person in the communication business.
0 points,7 years ago
please provide a link to prove you accusation
2 points,7 years ago
Never mind : found it myself -->
1 point,7 years ago
See my long comment above. I think he is suffering from social tone-deafness more than bad intentions. I voted "no" due to the amount asked for and because I am not sold on it in general. He would have gotten more consideration if it were not a 215 Dash one-time payment for someone who is yet unproven to the community.
1 point,7 years ago
Incredible indeed. Voting no.
1 point,7 years ago
Good grief, it's real! Sad, and very misguided. By his logic, mn's have some twisted 'duty' to fund whatever, for however much, just to not burn the money, to the total disregard of the currency debasing impact. Scary.
7 points,7 years ago
I always had a bad feeling about this guy, he always came off as a used car salesman who knew nothing about Dash but wanted to make a quick buck.
2 points,7 years ago
Seems you were right.
0 points,7 years ago
Yeah, went downhill for me when he told his viewers not to encrypt their wallets or use passwords lol!
0 points,7 years ago
Even a weak password recommendation was better than telling people to have none! Unbelievable.
0 points,7 years ago
Although he threw a tantrum in the youtube video. There is one very important thing which I've outlined before. These proposals CAN'T be denominated in Dash. Dash is not a stable currency (yet).
0 points,7 years ago
I'm starting to agree with your point, but denominating in dollars is not great either even if it's more "stable."
-2 points,7 years ago
let me just say that I learned a lot from Jerry when I was researching DASH. I think his offer is fair considering that he'll spend half of the budget on ads. he has millions of Facebook followers/likes. hundreds of thousands of Youtube subscribers. in short, he can reach a lot of people who are not yet familiar with DASH.

note that DASH is still volatile so there is also risk on his part that the value of DASH might dip by the time he gets paid. I'd rather Jerry get compensated well than to burn the unused treasury money. there's time to be frugal but there's time to also be practical.

so Jerry gets my vote.

keep it flowing, Jerry. whatever is the outcome of this proposal, thanks for teaching me and other about DASH! carry on and godspeed!

-2 points,7 years ago
Totally agree. This is an opportunity for someone with a unique and valuable skill set to promote Dash to a much wider audience. I fear that some Masternode owners are allowing their emotions to influence their decision rather than looking at the cold hard facts and the actual upside for Dash as a whole. It is dissapointing, but I guess that's life...
-2 points,7 years ago
P.S. Consider this. Instagram posters with 20,000 followers get paid $100 to $200 *per post* at $5/CPM to $10/CPM. see:

in other words, what Jerry is asking is *reasonable* based on his FB and Youtube reach. heck, maybe Jerry should grow his Instagram network! :)
4 points,7 years ago
Thats one hell of a dramatic way to burn any and all bridges with the Dash community. Nice job Jerry.
2 points,7 years ago
Very foolish of him, but I'd rather those colors come out now.
2 points,7 years ago
I liked your idea, but your childish behavior after seeing some no-votes actually made me change my mind. That youtube video was so unnecessary and made me cringe. Was like watching a kid cry about not getting to eat candy before dinner. With reactions like that I actually think we're better off without you.
0 points,7 years ago
This is a no for me. Feel like you want to squeeze the last out of the Dash contribution that goes. The last video of Dash proposals was not a good advertisement.
3 points,7 years ago
half the people found out about Dash bc of Amanda. You just started, prove ur worth before asking for the same compensation as Amanda. voting no for now, the price is way too high.
2 points,7 years ago
I am the first to agree that it's a shame that 5000 dash remain unfunded but the problem is not here and you seem unable to understand it. Many comments suggested that they would make your proposal pass if you'd ask for less money. However you just didn't change a thing ! Plus you haven't reacted to any point made below !

The 5000 dash remaining are for expanding the network. I wouldn't have any problem to spend it on you if you'd have a team of a hundred person doing hundreds of video !

Anyways, now the fact that you got pissed makes you sound very weird. If you are unable of taking constructive criticism such as the excellents points made in the comments, you definitely are not ready to work for Dash. Before you got upset I was even going to propose that you'd make a new proposal asking for 10 dash refunds as a compensation for that one but now I am definetly unconfortable seeing your reaction
3 points,7 years ago
You're asking for too much money
-4 points,7 years ago
How did I choose the amount of Dash to request? After reviewing the outstanding value and overwhelming amount of yes votes that Amanda B. Johnson's show is receiving and contributing in her latest proposal for 215 Dash for this month and the next, I chose to make this proposal for the same cost. I hope to contribute the same value in a different way including the use of online ads!
0 points,7 years ago
Honestly i think you do great work man I've watched a few of your youtube videos. But One thing you need to start doing is answering questions on those videos. If newbies are asking legitimate questions to problems they're having and you're not answering them, it just looks like you don't care. And that reflects badly on us, Just my 2 cents. Still on the fence on voting yes, but doesn't look like it's going to get funded so I guess I'll just abstain.
1 point,7 years ago
She got her proposal through before this price hike, so im shure she will adjust it when there is a resubmit. And the outstanding Dash is becourse the core proposals have not been submitted yet.
3 points,7 years ago
215 Dash is that a typo? Did you mean 21.5 Dash?
-1 point,7 years ago
Jerry, there's a lot of negativity here for you. It's very unfortunate because I believe you can offer Dash a great service with your advertising experience. Don't completely burn your bridges with Dash. Try to hang on to your masternode (it's a great investment) and come back with a new proposal in the future when Evolution is released. Then this will be the perfect time for your skills and Dash's requirements.
5 points,7 years ago
Sorry - $20,000 USD a month = big no from me. No offence but if I compare yourself to Amanda, she is out there at the major crypto conferences, interviewing key stakeholders and living and breathing Dash.
2 points,7 years ago
i think the Same no go
2 points,7 years ago
Really want to vote yes, but I can't with your pricing. @ $92/Dash minus the advertisement portion you are taking $9660/month. I think you are over-paying yourself especially when you take into account the added revenue you will generate through your channel from the advertising revenue these videos will generate for you. I think a fair pricing is probably $6000/month given the quality of what you do is very good. Nobody else understands social media advertising like you do. So if you asked for 175Dash/month I think you would get this passed. Come back with reduced pricing and it will pass.
-6 points,7 years ago
How did I choose the amount of Dash to request? After reviewing the outstanding value and overwhelming amount of yes votes that Amanda B. Johnson's show is receiving and contributing in her latest proposal for 215 Dash for this month and the next, I chose to make this proposal for the same cost. I hope to contribute the same value in a different way including the use of online ads!
4 points,7 years ago
These copy paste answers are not doing you any favors
4 points,7 years ago
That proposal was created over a month ago when the price of Dash was far less than $92. Amanda did not intend to ask for the amount she received. She benefited from the price increase on this occasion, but it will move against her on other proposals bare in mind. I think if you wanted to ask for what Amanda asked for, look at the amount Dash was worth when she published her proposal. Surely you had to take that into consideration when you were setting the pricing? I don't think it's reasonable for you to ask for more than Amanda, and it's still probably not reasonable to ask for the same for equal work.
0 points,7 years ago
also Masternodes, wont we get the same amount of exposure from just tipping a high volume youtube personality in Dash even 1kusd in Dash and get an episode created or a chat/interview with a high volume youtube personality? no need to have a specialized campaign. about 10-20 high profile personalities across diff fields and tip them 1kUSD in Dash and a shakepay/Dash card showing them how to use/save/spend dash....
0 points,7 years ago
It's a pity that price is such a sticking point. Jerry appears to always over deliver on what he promises, so it's a pity we can't engage him on this occasion. I can understand other voters' reticence to allow such a huge fee (although most of it is going to pay for a massive ad campaign) because it possibly sets a prescident for other proposal owners to justify ramping up their fees too, and then we have spiralling inflation because everyone will start overestimating their value... e.g. "If Jerry got "x" then I should get "y"..." etc. Etc.

The thing is, I honestly don't think we can afford not to engage Jerry to do this work for us.

We want to reach the mass market right?

I do agree the price is on the high side, and another commenter has said " reduce the price and it will pass"

Perhaps this is the best suggestion.
0 points,7 years ago
I meant reluctance, not reticence above *
2 points,7 years ago
I like you Jerry and the videos you make, but I think your focus and justification for budget by simply matching Amanda's budget is really unfair this time round. Amanda added proposal on 19th February when DASH was just $22! Since then the DASH price has increased. Amanda was expecting to receive what 215 DASH were worth at time of proposal submission. However you added your proposal on 25th March when DASH was $96 and still asked for 215 DASH. That's the difference and why people are finding it hard to stomach. It does makes you look greedy as everyone here knows Amanda would of asked for a lot less Dash if the price was $96 when she submitted proposal. I appreciate your work and videos but damn Jerry that's a lot of $$$ per video to pocket even after your advertising expenses and makes me feel very uneasy. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from as I do appreciate what you do.
3 points,7 years ago
Since you/your channel will already profit from the 110 Dash for advertising, another 100 Dash/month for 2 videos per week, sounds very high to me.

But I'm no social media guy, so maybe that's a reasonable price. Waiting for other comments.
2 points,7 years ago
I also think there's a lot of merit in doing 2-3 extremely well-produced Dash introductory promotional videos, making sure they're all approved by the community with flying colors and advertising them all on facebook and youtube afterwords and checking the analytics. It may be that you could do one, Amanda another, Tao another, Stella Belle another etc and we could try different target markets and different approaches to drawing people in etc
2 points,7 years ago
Your making money already on YouTube, do it for free like most others do. I also believe those numbers are falsified. Last time I used ads on Facebook of last year it was around 7 bucks for 1,000 impressions... so I am positive you are not reaching 500 people on a dollar.
0 points,7 years ago
Also something others haven mentioned. You are not very active in the community as a whole besides your video (never saw you in slack or the forums), which makes me think you only do it because of the money. Which don't get me wrong is totally okay but makes me personally less willing to spend high amounts on you.
And as I told you last time do a damn pre-proposal. It's only okay to skip that step if you have a previous proposal with similar content (okay in this case) and at the same/similar price (you aren't even close to your previous price).
-1 point,7 years ago
Thank you each for your feedback so far! I updated the proposal to more accurately communicate what I am offering here!
2 points,7 years ago
Are you planning on doing pre-proposals in the future? Because that's the way to avoid such situations.
Also just because the Dash remains unused doesn't mean we will just pay any amount for something.
0 points,7 years ago
Also you are not making friends with such videos.
-1 point,7 years ago
Im watching the live video right now and it looks like ur crying... dont be so interested in the budget.
0 points,7 years ago
Jerry is not actually asking for the same amount of money as Amanda does for Dash Detailed because he has agreed to spend over half the money he is receiving from the proposal in advertising costs to promote these Dash videos on YouTube and Facebook. At the current Dash price of ~92USD, he is essentially asking for about 1200USD per video which would include all the preparation, editing, and advertising work he would have to do. This is a bit pricey, perhaps Jerry you could lower your price a bit? How many hours do you expect to spend per video Jerry?
0 points,7 years ago
Definite yes from me. The enthusiasm and energy combined with Jerry's online advertising experience cannot be reproduced by ANYONE else in the world. He's asking us to allow him to work for us. Let's pay him. (He's already had more proposals rejected than accepted so he's shown willing to stump up a fair chunk of his own money in proposal fees alone.) This guy can only be good for the mainstream outreach we so desperately need. Let's be done with it and pay him!
0 points,7 years ago
Hey Jerry I'm a big fan. I think your skills with youtube and facebook ads are invaluable and could also greatly help Dash's official youtube channel and Tao's for example if you'd be willing to help them optimize and do ads as well I'd be willing to vote to fund that.

I'm going to vote yes. My only request is that your videos be a bit more structured/planned to achieve a particular goal for the viewer beforehand, and I'd appreciate if you discussed the goals/topics of each video with the community beforehand either in the forum or slack. I like your natural extemporaneous free-flowing delivery format, I'd just like to see you go off on tangents and be distracted from the core message a little less often.
-4 points,7 years ago
How did I choose the amount of Dash to request? After reviewing the outstanding value and overwhelming amount of yes votes that Amanda B. Johnson's show is receiving and contributing in her latest proposal for 215 Dash for this month and the next, I chose to make this proposal for the same cost. I hope to contribute the same value in a different way including the use of online ads!
1 point,7 years ago
Just because ABJ asks for 20k, it doesnt mean you should too. In fact ABJ is asking for too much money to begin with.
3 points,7 years ago
The only reason amanda's proposal is so high is because the Dash price more than double since when it was submitted. I suspect when she resubmits it it will be for less. All of last month's proposal have extra funding due to the price rise. But it could have went the other way and been underfunded and she would have been expected to fulfill her contract and would have. It's the chance we take, win some lose some.
5 points,7 years ago
You arent as good as Amanda. Sometimes some people can get a bit more. I think 20,000 per month is a very high figure for this request. You have something to offer, but I wont pay that figure. I agree with Mizzymax, you already do this for the advertising revenue it generates, which is a LOT less than 20k a month. Have to vote no - even though I like advertising spends of this type.
3 points,7 years ago