Proposal “digitalmarketingru2“ (Closed)Back

Title:Advertising Dash on Russian internet. New advertising channels, PR efforts, new promo-content. 96+ million views of Dash ads in May-June.
One-time payment: 294 DASH (7949 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 294 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-04-18 / 2018-05-18 (added on 2018-04-06)
Votes: 605 Yes / 108 No / 27 Abstain

Proposal description

Hello Dash,

We are currently working on digital marketing campaigns for Dash. Have a look at our new proposal which is aimed at ramping up our marketing efforts on the Russian-speaking internet.

Initial pre-proposal forum thread:
Dash forum thread with proposal news and updates:
Telegram-channel with proposal news and updates:
The description of March’s cycle proposal: 

Key results of the first month
Period 6-31 March
48,555,209 views of Dash ads on 8 advertising platforms on the Russian-speaking internet
153,766 clicks on Dash banners and redirects to and
70,000+ users collected in pixel audiences for further retargeting on 7 advertising platforms
2267 emails collected for further email-marketing efforts
44 Dash (26,000$) total spend

The fact that the actual figures are the same as those stated is verified by Alex_ru from Dash core. We provided him with a guest access to all advertising campaigns. Our position is that public access to advertising accounts can harm the community as the information can be used by Dash's competitors. However, If needed, we are ready to open a private guest access to any other member of the team to reconfirm the veracity of our reports.

Short overview of the results
  • We parsed the audience of Russian-speaking investors, crypto-investors and crypto-enthusiasts and identified several segments to target with Dash ads.
  • We created and tested 3 landing pages:
  • We started collecting the  website audience using pixels and counters of major advertising platforms available in Russia: Vk, Twitter, Google Adwords, Yandex.Direct, DoubleClick, MyTarget, Facebook.
  • We developed several creative approaches: total amount of tested banners is more than 50. Creatives showing thebest results are attached here:  
  • Major advertising platforms tested: Vk, Twitter, Google Adwords, Yandex.Direct, DoubleClick, MyTarget, Facebook
Detailed report
We prepared a 16 page-long report with details on conducted campaigns, which contains:
  • description of 3 tested marketing approaches
  • overview of banners used
  • description of performed AB-tests
  • day-by-day statistics
  • overview of how the following factors affect performance: age, gender, geo, long-term interests, devices, advertising channels, operating systems.​
We were advised by Alex_ru (Dash core member) NOT to publish this report because the results can be used by Dash's competitors. However, feel free to request this report by email or Telegram: @maxjaja, and I will share it with you personally. We also shared it with Dash core team. We hope that some of the insights there can be used in developing a worldwide marketing strategy. If you think that such precautionary measures are excessive and the report can be public, feel free to share your opinion below in this topic.

What goals can Dash reach using digital marketing
  1. Digital marketing allows us to increase Dash’s brand awareness and come out of the shadow of Bitcoin.
  2. We can reach each potential investor several times using banners and native content on various advertising platforms, which will finally place Dash on top of their initial-consideration set among other cryptocurrencies.
  3. Using native content with opinion leaders, promo landing pages and email subscriptions we can convey Dash’s main benefits and convince potential investors that Dash is number one option on the crypto market in terms of long-term investing.     

Why Russia
Russia is the biggest internet market in Europe. Russian is considered the second most used language on the web. Russian speakers are spread all over the world, but at the same time many Russians have a poor level of English and prefer Russian-specific sources of information and mediums of communication. Additionally, you all know that Russia has a HUGE crypto-community which has to be addressed by Dash.  

Also, it’s worth mentioning that the landscape of Russian internet is very tough to be understood by foreign marketers as it has its own dominating search engines (Yandex and, own social networks ( and dominating social space and many more specific Russian networks and marketing tools. Thus Russia needs a separate from other markets approach.
Why we (about us)
My name is Max Popov. I am a part of MGCom (, one of the top digital marketing agencies in Russia (ranking by Tagline with 300+ in-house digital marketing specialists. We specialize in performance marketing (SEO, PPC search, PPC social, programmatic). Among our clients are largest international players, such as Google, BBDO, AliExpress, Samsung, Volkswagen, Pfizer, Citroen, KIA, L’Oreal, OBI, Peugeot, ROLF, MediaMarkt, Rive Gauche and many more.

As part of MGCom, I lead a team which specializes in digital-marketing for blockchain-projects. Also, I am the holder of Dash masternode, which gives me personal engagement in the success of this proposal.

Max Popov – project manager, MNO
Dmitriy Boshenyatov – SEM marketer, mobile networks marketer
Dmitriy Zukhba – SEM marketer
Elizaveta Gromova – project manager (DoubleClick)
Mikhail Evdokimov – DoubleClick specialist
Artem Sapogin – social-media marketer
Masha Dremlyuk – SEM marketer
Sergey Mikhalev – designer
Alexander Sydorenko – front-end developer
Vit Muzurov – editor/proofreader
Vladislav Fedoseev – strategic adviser

Goals of the 2nd cycle
Further strategy
Having tested 3 different strategies, we now stick to the following approach:
  1. Showing Dash-brand banners to crypto-audience – increasing brand awareness
  2. Click on these banners leads them to – discovery of benefits and getting Dash into an initial-consideration set.
  3. During several weeks after the first visit, while users’ memory is fresh, we show them banners with links to official Dash resources and social networks to draw them into Dash’s ecosystem – engagement and conversion into investor / involved member of community.

Key numbers of the 2nd cycle
How is it possible that we scale x3,3 in terms of budget and get x30 scale in terms of Dash resources redirects? The reason is that during the second month we will concentrate on the most effective instruments of the first month and rule out everything ineffective. x30 synopsis is based on the results of the last week of our March’s campaign when we had the best figures.   Here is the media plan for May:

Short overview of the scope of work in May
  • Continue CPC campaigns on MyTarget, VK, Google Adwords, DoubleClick, Twitter, Startapp
  • Rule out Facebook and Yandex.Direct
  • Rule out ineffective targetings and audience segments   
  • Add CPC-campaigns on mobile networks
  • Launch campaigns on, one of biggest advertising networks in Russia, which specialises in advertising in Russian internet media (e.g.,, and many others, where the audience is highly relevant for Dash).   
  • Add  PR-efforts in Russian internet media, Telegram-channels and YouTube-channels.
  • Launch email-marketing campaigns
  • Refine and
  • Partnership with speakers, bloggers, experts and journalists in terms of creating native content for Dash’s advertising, which we think is the most important point in the whole strategy.    
Feel free to ask any questions in the comments below.   

Thank you everyone for your support!
Looking forward to making Dash top-1! 

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch April 22nd 2018 Report on
Digital marketing campaigns for Dash in Russian-speaking internet by Maxaja
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you!
0 points,6 years ago
voting YES. Russian speakers are an important part of the ecosystem.
0 points,6 years ago
thank you, Criticalinput!
0 points,6 years ago
The blockage of Telegram in Russia

Telegram is one of the most important platforms in Russia, which audience is payable, advanced, turned to global trends and very loyal to the content inside Telegram chennels. Telegram gathered together all active groups: entrepreneurs, investors, tech-savvys, youth, both political establishment and opposition.

Despite the fact that Telegram has been blocked in Russia by authorities several days ago, it’s still available to the majority of its users even without VPN, thanks to the efforts of Telegram’s team. Also, it’s worth mentioning that the latest events consolidated Telegram’s audience in some form of a protest and increased its engagement into content inside Telegram.

Thus, we decided not to cancel or resplit planned PR efforts for Dash in Telegram despite the fact of its blockage.
1 point,6 years ago
Hi maxjaja,

Do you have data on how effective this campaign has been on converting merchants and individuals into everyday dash users? Is there a list?

0 points,6 years ago
Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for your question.

During the first campaign our focus audiences were investors and crypto-enthusiasts (not merchants and end-users), goal actions which we were urging users to do were: wallet downloads, subscription on Dash info-resources and redirects on official Dash resources.

I agree that merchants and end-users are highly important, but our logic for now is following: Evolution is not ready, the final product is still in the process of its development. It means that we don’t have much to attract end users right now, but what we can do is expanding core audience of Dash’s enthusiasts, involving them into Dash’s eco-system, convincing them that Dash’s governance and funding model are the strongest in crypto-world, and that Dash has the highest potential among all cryptocurrencies. I guess it’s the best thing we can do right now in terms of marketing.

Doing that we increase Dash’s brand awareness and collect users into remarketing lists to address them with important Dash’s updates (e.g. when Evolution is out).

In terms of exact numbers feel free to check day-by-day statistics of March’s campaign:

Key takeaway:
48,555,209 views of Dash ads on 8 advertising platforms on the Russian-speaking internet
153,766 clicks on Dash banners and redirects to and
70,000+ users collected in pixel audiences for further retargeting on 7 advertising platforms
2267 emails collected for further email-marketing efforts
44 Dash (26,000$) total spend

Statistics could be better as it was the first month and we were testing various kinds of instruments and approaches. Some of them gave better results, some of them performed worse. The best results were reached during the last 4 days of campaign. This first month brought us a lot of information in terms of what is effective and what is not. Our media plan for May-June is much more optimistic – CPA will be much lower and we are planning to get 30x times more redirects to Dash’s resources than in March while budget is scaled less than 10 times.

Yes, I understand that it would be great to report exactly how many users became Dash holders and everyday users, and we are trying to accomplish that, but we have some technical obstacles yet. We negotiate Dash core and other teams to install tracking instruments on,, iOs Dash app, Android Dash app, dashnation etc, what would allow us to report exact surges in numbers from Russian audience (e.g. we could report how many users installed Dash wallet through our channels, how many users became regular dashforce readers etc.), however, we are facing concerns from our colleagues in terms of safety and anonymity of data, which makes sense. It's hard to guarantee that developers of tracking tools (such as Google Analytics or AppsFlyer) will not use the data in their own interest. Anyway, I hope we will find solution satisfying all parties and we will be able to install tools for more deep reporting.

Even if the process completely fails and no analytical tools will be installed on big Dash resources we are still left with decent number of ways to measure the effectiveness:
1. views / clicks / goal conversions (these metrics give general understanding of impact on brand awareness and direct interest in
2. Number of views and reactions in articles about Dash published by us in internet-media resources.
3. Dynamics of popularity of dash in google trends and
4. Polls and surveys (yes, that is kind of old-fashioned, but that’s what major brands are using these days to measure impact of ads campaign)
we haven’t used 3 and 4 for Dash yet, as it’s too early, but we will get back to these tools in future if the campaign will be continued.

I hope I answered the question, if not, it’s my pleasure to continue the discussion.
1 point,6 years ago
It's great that in the Russian-speaking community DASH appeared professionals in contextual advertising, promotion and PR. Good luck, Maxim!
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks a lot!)
0 points,6 years ago
Hi everyone,

Because of long downward trend we were planning Dash’s price around 300$, but as you can see Dash recovers. it means that in case of budget approval we will have some extra funds apart from those planned in this proposal. To use this extra funds efficiently we will extend advertising period a couple of weeks longer (6 May – 13 June instead of 6-31 may).
0 points,6 years ago
Proposal owner gave us interview during Moscow Blockchain Conference this week.
2 points,6 years ago
Great level of professionalism. Well done man, I hope you'll get funds and continue.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you, Dima!
2 points,6 years ago
I've met with Max to discuss his report about results of their previous budget proposal - and yes - he sounds very professional. I do support their approaches.
Russian speaking people are widely scattered over a huge territory - that's why Internet marketing should becoming the main channel of work with a mass audience for us here.
Good luck with your new initiative, Max.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you, Alex!)
2 points,6 years ago
I'd like to focus your attention specifically on news of ban crypto-related ads in Google, Facebook and Yandex.

Google, Twitter, DoubleClick are available for crypto-marketing until June (can be used in this cycle). Facebook and Yandex are already banning everything crypto-related and already are not available.

Digital CPC crypto-marketing field is shrinking, but we still have decent number of advertising platforms such as: MyTarget, VK, SMI2, countless number of mobile networks, native content in Telegram and YouTube-channels, potential partnership with huge email-lists owners and, of course, PR.

Despite the fact of ban on such major platforms as Google, Yandex, Twitter, Facebook, we still are potentially able to cover nearly 95% of Russian audience. Only two platforms MyTarget and VK give more than 90% of coverage in Russia.