Proposal “digitalmarketingru“ (Completed)Back

Title:Digital marketing campaigns for Dash in Russian-speaking internet
One-time payment: 49 DASH (1324 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 49 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-02-17 / 2018-03-18 (added on 2018-02-12)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 0 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

Hello, Dash community!

Pre-proposal topic is here
The proposal
We propose to launch digital marketing campaigns for Dash in Russian-speaking internet in March 2018. The goal of these campaigns is to get wide exposure of Dash in Russia among crypto enthusiasts, crypto traders, crypto investors and traditional investors.
Why Russia
Russia is the biggest internet market in Europe. Russian is considered to be the second most used language on the web. Russian-speakers are spread all around the world, but in the same time most of Russians have poor level of English and prefer specific Russian sources of information and mediums of communication. Additionally, you all know that Russia has HUGE crypto-community which has to be addressed by us.
Also, it’s worth to mention that the landscape of Russian internet is very tough to be understood by foreign marketers as it has it’s own dominating search engines (Yandex and, own social networks ( and dominating social space and many more specific Russian networks and marketing tools.
Why we (about us)
My name is Max Popov. I am a part of MGCom (, one of the top digital marketing agencies in Russia (ranking by Tagline with 300+ in-house digital marketing specialists. We specialize on performance-marketing (SEO, PPC search, PPC social, programmatic). Among our clients are huge international players such as: Google, BBDO, AliExpress, Samsung, Volkswagen, Pfizer, Citroen, KIA, L’Oreal, OBI, Peugeot, ROLF, MediaMarkt, Rive Gauche and many more.
I lead the team in the agency which specialisation is digital-marketing for blockchain-projects. Also, I am the holder of Dash master-node which gives me personal engagement in the success of this proposal.
Why Digital marketing campaigns
Each year marketing budgets shift from traditional mediums to digital ones, more specifically, to digital performance marketing channels such as paid search, paid social, programmatic and SEO. These sources are more attractive to modern
business as they allow marketers to track ad spend and profits transparently and to tailor their approach effectively and efficiently according to tracking results.
What ad platforms we are going to use
To get wide exposure of Dash in Russian market we are planning to launch campaigns among following ad platforms (including specific Russian ones):
1. Yandex.Direct (Yandex is top-1 search engine in Russia having more than 50% of market share)
2. Ads (marketing platform of top-1 social network in Russia)
3. MyTarget (marketing platform which has the hugest coverage in Russia and incorporates top-2 social network in Russia, services and wide partners network)
4. Google Adwords (which has about 40% of search engine market in Russia)
5. Facebook/Instagram Ads (Instagram is top-3 social network in Russia and Facebook is the fastest growing social network in Russia)
What landing-pages we are going to use
In terms of LPs we are going to A/B test several marketing approaches among which are:
1. Driving traffic to Russian version of landing-page. Feedbands kindly agreed to provide us a
possibility to translate this landing-page in Russian. Here is the first version of it
2. Driving traffic to our own version of landing-page which is in the phase of design.
3. Driving traffic to alternative version of our LP which is less straightforward way of addressing the topic. First, users sign-up to get report called "Most perspective crypto-assets or best crypto-currency to invest in 2018". This report contains brief analysis of crypto-market and unobtrusively emphasises benefits of Dash above competitors. The bottom-line of the book is that the author himself heavily invests in Dash. It’s available here:
Our hypothesis is that the way of addressing the topic from investor's point of view (third approach) will return in more result than LPs with straightforward marketing messages.
KPI of campaigns
Our goal is to define KPIs as exact as possible. We will try to collaborate with Dash developers to make it possible to track it through until actual acquired funds by users brought by us, which may a be long process (resolvable though).
During this first March launch we are going to track views, clicks and number of users directed to official Dash resources (from and, brochure downloads (on These key metrics will allow us to get a general picture of users’ engagement level and will let us develop our campaigns, LPs and KPIs further. 
What we have tested
We made a test launch using our own advertising budget and had results based on which we prepared a media-plan for an actual launch.
Media-plan is here:
Some numbers from there:
- 28,740,000 views by Russian-speakers around the world, which may greatly increase level of Dash’s brand awareness.
- 64600 clicks
- 4000 conversions
40 Dash - marketing budget on 5-channel split
4 Dash - services fee for specialists' work
5 Dash - proposal fee reimbursement
Total: 49 Dash
Besides direct benefits community will get tangential, but still valuable, benefit which is remarketing/retargeting pixels’ audience and extra email subscribers. This loyal audience will be constantly ready for further retargeting (e.g. when evolution wallet comes out and so on).
Legal situation
Last year we had many rumours that crypto-currencies were going to be banned in Russia, but it didn’t happen. Additionally, now we have news that government is preparing laws for regulation of crypto-currencies, mining and ICOs in Russia. Thus our marketing efforts will not violate Russian legislation.
Situation with Facebook and Yandex
Recently Yandex and Facebook banned the ads related to blockchain, crypto-currencies, ICO, mining, binary options and some other topics. It made the moderation of the ads process much more complicated, but still possible. Because of this ban of straightforward blockchain ads our third approach (described several passages above) is the easiest way to pass the moderation on Yandex and Facebook.
Further plans
After this first March launch we plan to refine and scale our campaigns, create more content, further A/B-test LPs and creative approach, elaborate KPIs and goal-tracking to give the community better results. Also, among our plans is the execution of campaigns for wider list of markets (German, French, Spanish, English). Approaches to these markets will be described separately.  

We created a small Telegram-channel for MNO where you can follow updates of this proposal. We will publish more details about marketing approach which we offer. Also, we cross-post in Russian there.
Channel is available here. After budget approval (if it happens) this channel will be used for reporting.
Thank you for paying attention to this long-read.
P.S. Looking forward to get Dash back in top-3!
P.P.S. Sorry for my English) 

Update 2018-02-14

Having read the comments in other marketing related proposals I saw several comments in which the authors of proposals were advised to collaborate with CMO. 

The first thing which I did long before starting a pre-proposal was exactly emailing the in-house team. The answer which I had was following:  

"internal marketing team is focusing on the DASH business relationships to grow the acceptance of DASH from a strategic initiative at a global scale. You would need to go through the standard proposal process for your marketing initiatives".  

Thus we came up with this proposal. 

Update 2018-02-16 – Verification of reported metrics

Our goal is to provide transparent reporting on metrics of our marketing campaigns (ad spend, clicks, conversions and some other parameters) split by channels. The roadblock which we see is how to ensure that the amount of spent budget is true. It's crucially important because an agency can falsify a report and withold part of a budget what will harm the community.

Providing open access to accounts is not an option because marketing campaign settings are intellectual property of Dash (we are planning to grant ownership to the community) and it would be shortsighted to do so because this information could be used by Dash's competitors. Screenshots of admin panel also is not an option because they can be faked. 

Nevertheless, it is necessary to confirm veracity of reporting. 

We suggest to give access to reliable member from Dash Core to check reliability of our metrics. This procedure will take 10 minutes a month, but will ensure that all figures are true. This controlling member has to be randomly changed once a month to avoid that anyone has any interest in this. 

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
Hi Max! Guess we could collaborate in our projects! We are launching FinTech radio in Saint-Petersburg with support of DASH - Digital cash.

Our passed proposal:

News and updates in Russian and English:

Contact our PR in Telegram: @katsupi

Let’s cooperate and drive DASH tothemoon together!))
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you, we contacted you in Telegram.
0 points,6 years ago
Hello, Dash!

Thank you for your trust and support during the voting. We started. Soon we will publish the roadmap of our activity in March and then will provide regular updates on how it's going.

Some links:
Proposal topic on Dash forum:
Telegram-channel for MNOs with reports and updates:

Looking forward to get Dash on top!
0 points,6 years ago
MNO Australia.
Voting YES. Budget seems reasonable. Russia is an important market.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for an easy "yes" proposal! You are set up for success :)
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for support)
0 points,6 years ago
Proposal starts in March and will last for 4 weeks. Do I understand that correctly?
0 points,6 years ago
Yes, that is correct.
0 points,6 years ago
Great proposal - it is good value for money and I trust you to deliver. Nice one.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you, Kevmate)
-5 points,6 years ago
I will give you all my D-trash to fuck a pig.
0 points,6 years ago
I think this is a pretty clear "yes" vote for me.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you, Arthyron!
0 points,6 years ago
Voting yes
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you, CRServers!
1 point,6 years ago
Hello, Dash!

We created a small Telegram-channel for MNO where you can follow updates of this proposal. We will publish more details about marketing approach which we offer. Also, we cross-post in Russian there. Channel is available here:

After budget approval (if it happens) this channel will be used for reporting.
1 point,6 years ago
Hey guys,
Usually I don't support any proposals of Ru-people whom I haven't met in person (you know - potential scammers and so on...)

But I will support this proposal, and this is why:
1. As we can see on Dash forum's label - This guy is a "verified MN owner" - so obviously he is more interested in good results for his investment than any tipical "freelancer". And this interest is more strong than profit from potential cheating us.
2. As a MN owner he should know how to position and promote Dash very well - even better than any external marketing experts.
3. Russian market is unique in fact, Goole+Facebook are not leaders here as in most of other countries. To be effective - you have to use lots of local "tricks" here. That is why even reputable Global agencies don't work on it directly, but attract subcontract guys like Max to do the actual work (but they don't forget to consume the biggest part of the client's budget as payment "for management" :) ).
4. This proposal is not "instead" of planned Fernando's global activity but as "addition" - such a promo activity is always a matter of testing - and this guy looks like a good expert in this field (having a Masternode is a good confirmation of it, also :) )

Good luck, Max - Please don't publish valuable results of your testing for everybody (so don't let our competitors to use them for free) - but share them only with Dash Teams (Dash Core, DashForceNews and so on...)
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for this insight. Voting YES.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your support and trust, Alex!

I agree, MN status gives an advantage in building vision on how to address the topic from investor's perspective. Our strategy is not only to attract users to LPs once, but to convince them that Dash is the best crypto-currency from investor's point of view and retain them by subscribing to email lists and Dash's social pages.

Of course, just random LP and views+clicks as KPIs will not be such effective. Our mission here is to build a complete funnel which will convert visitors into loyal Dash's users.

We will not share any information with competitors. Also, we will grant rights to all developed pages, materials, email lists and pixels to DAO.
0 points,6 years ago
Dash Informer set up a Russian mirror for Max to test as one possible landing page in his campaign. We have no doubt he will deliver a data driven approach based on measurable ROI and yield insights we all can benefit from.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you, feedbands for support and collaboration!
1 point,6 years ago
Great proposal thank you for taking the time to put together something conclusive. You have my support!
0 points,6 years ago
Hi Maxjaja,

thank you for your proposal.

I remember talking to a Russian tourist in 2013 about getting into Bitcoin. He was scared like hell and said jokingly "I don't want to get picked up by the KGB".
Fast forward to 2018 and Russia is on the brink of legalizing everything crypto.

I really like the idea of marketing to Russian people, your proposal pricing seems reasonable and we have real KPIs to validate your success.
Voting Yes.

Best Regards from Germany and Good Luck

0 points,6 years ago
Thank you, AnCapitol)

Modern Russia is much more democratised than it seems, but sometimes we have this feeling of KGB ghost walking around)).

In 2017 everyone chatted about crypto and bitcoin in Russia including government and Putin, but few people really understand anything and literally no one knows Dash. Vocabulary is limited by three words: bitcoin, blockchain and crypto). Dash is not even on the radar.

Because of this we are also planning to offer the community some PR efforts in Russia in next proposal. We have to make Dash recognisable.
0 points,6 years ago
I totally agree that Russian market requires special approach and it's great that the work will be done by a famous agency – not by an unknown freelancer.

'Yes' from me and good luck. Let's see how it goes.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you!
0 points,6 years ago
Expanding the knowledge of Dash in Russia is good.
We hope to see good metrics in the future report.
You have my support.
Thanks for the proposal
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you, blockchaintech!
We will do our best.
0 points,6 years ago
You should link your pre-proposal:

Having read the pre-proposal this seems like a good proposal voting yes.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you, I will add the link into the description.
-1 point,6 years ago
How is there no description, no link, nothing? Am I supposed to vote just on a name? How can I vote Yes if I have no clue where the money goes?

And if proposal owner can't be bothered to put a modicum of effort even in his/her funding request, how much effort will he/she put into spending the funds responsibly for the maximum benefit of the Dash network?

Voting No.
3 points,6 years ago
I've lost count how many times the first commenter on a proposal says this lol. Always give the proposal owner at least a few hours to a day after the submission to the network, to put in the description. Dashcentral has all kinds of issues with formatting as well, so sometimes it takes a while to get it in correctly.
0 points,6 years ago
Yes it's another 'quirk' / PITA about using DC for pretty much all proposal discussion - one of many imo ?
0 points,6 years ago
Totally agree, Troy and thanks for your help with resolving our problem with submitting).
0 points,6 years ago
Hello, MasterNoodle)

Yes, you are definitely right, but there was a technical issue with this proposal. After submission it just didn't appear and we started a ticket with support team. It was resolved when it was midnight in my timezone. In the morning the first thing I did was to add the title and the description.