Proposal “dashtalk-acquisition“ (Closed)Back

Title:Reimbursements for acquisition and setup of Dashtalk
One-time payment: 1037 DASH (24637 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-04-06 / 2016-05-21 (added on 2016-03-29)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 750 Yes / 263 No / 0 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description has been a valuable resource for the Dash community and contains a great deal of our community's collective history, work, creativity, and ideas. However, Dashtalk was actually started by a community member (like Dashwhale) at their own expense. However, because the core team didn't control this asset, whenever outages, expired certificates, or other issues have occurred, we have been dependent on the owner to fix the issues. If you use the forums as a resource, I'm sure you've noticed the many outages it has experienced lately. As the database continues to grow, the value of Dashtalk to the community - and our dependence on it - only increases, so it was critical for us to control it.

I am pleased to share that the core team has negotiated the purchase of Dashtalk and the forum historical database and is working to transition / import the entire site to Dash control, while upgrading the versions of software it is running on. This is great news for the community that we were able to preserve the site in its entirety for a reasonable cost.

This proposal is a consolidated set of costs to acquire Dashtalk including:
- The purchase of Dashtalk's database and domains
- The purchase of necessary software to permit hosting of the forums ourselves
- XenForo license
- XenCentral
- Design expenses
- Cost of submitting this proposal

Note that there are no costs included except for direct costs incurred by the team. We are only asking for reimbursement, and no costs for labor. Tungfa, moocowmoo, and fernando have been working very hard behind the scenes to make this all happen.

Please vote to reimburse these guys for their costs!

I used an exchange rate of $7.12 / Dash for all expenses (based on the average market price on March 27th, the most recent available). The community members being reimbursed assume all currency volatility risk.


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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,8 years ago
This is a very important move for us, we are fiddling around with props and dashtalk problems for a long time, it is finally time to move to a domaine with this forum. We had many discussions over the years with props (who put a lot of work into this over the last 2,5 years), bottom line, the team needs 'control' over the form and content (there are many things that have to get changed and updated and never were, now is the time)
the price is fair i think, considering the amount of 'important' data and history + with this payoff we are getting an 'easy' (noting is easy it seems) export/import done.
we are talking about this since a long long time, and we are finally at the point where it all makes sense.
dashtalk is/was the lifeline and most important forum for the community (amazing amount of data , history,....), it is time to move and update this !
tx for the hard to work to props, fernando, moocow and others involved in this
0 points,8 years ago
Shouldn't this stay on the domain for links and google search results? Why put it under Just wondering???
0 points,8 years ago
If we setup redirects properly all will go to without problems and it will even help's SEO.
0 points,8 years ago
interesting, thanks for sharing :)
0 points,8 years ago
This thing is gonna need a lot more votes to get paid.... hummmm
My 2 Votes are in - Good Luck
0 points,8 years ago
I do support this, however due to the limited funds available during this budget I have voted no. I would however like to see this proposal either reworked into a multi month reimbursement or resubmitted next payment cycle. Evolution in Marketing needs to be started now. Especially seeing as the Public Awareness fund is no longer being used for Public Awareness. Again, nothing against this, just doesn't fit into the budget properly for this month.
3 points,8 years ago
Please link to a DashTalk thread where you guys can vouch for one another. Babygiraffe, I don't know you by e642367, so I'd feel weird voting here.
1 point,8 years ago
Upon his request, i changed his username to avoid irritation. I also can confirm that this user is babygiraffe from dashtalk forum.
1 point,8 years ago
Whats about "crawling" the old forum instead and switch to an cheaper "new" alternative, and keep the old as an kind of archive?

My personal opinion is this is a kind of unfair extortion from the old forum owner, somehow ... i don't want to hurt anyones feelings with that accusation, but that's my feeling about that price.

He started it for the community and now he changed his mind, and wants money from the community to take it over, not very kind in my eyes!
0 points,8 years ago
We were working on a solution like that, but it was quite imperfect and would have involved lost data. It also would have left two forums operating, no mechanism to forward users to the new forums, no retention of user profiles or private message history, and a host of other problems. It also would have required a lot more work from our volunteers. This was a much cleaner option and provides Propulsion with financial recognition for the 2 years he operated the site without compensation.

At the end of the day, acquiring the site provides a lot of value relative to crawling and copying only the public content, including ownership of the domain name, and retaining the dashtalk user base.
0 points,8 years ago
I am not sure I read this properly. Will the forum stay on domain or will be migrated and integrated with
0 points,8 years ago
it will migrate (away from dashtalk) and be integrated into
0 points,8 years ago
Great, that's by far the best approach. Thanks!
1 point,8 years ago
7163 USD for a forum?? Way to expensive I think and can be spend much better. Also, please release the new website first, before ask for more budget money.
2 points,8 years ago
It's not just for a forum. It's also to compensate the owner for operating the forum free of charge for years. Independent of this point, 7k is a reasonable amount to buy an active forum like dashtalk.
1 point,8 years ago
I agree, this is budget money well spent. I can understand that it feels like a bit of a stick up, but really what can we do about it? No one who owns a growing forum like dashtalk is going to give it away. I wouldn't expect rango to give away this awesome site (also growing like a weed). The budget proposal system exists to help the community get past these logistical (growth) problems.

In a way, propulsion may be a victim of Dash's success. Remember, it was launched in 2014 as darkcointalk. Knowing the internet is littered with dead forums, he probably didn't think much of its future. I mean, what kind of chance did a crypto currency with a name like "Darkcoin" really have? :)
-1 point,8 years ago
Or is this more of a pay me or I won't release the database for DT on propulsions end? He's feeling singled out or what? I see how this community can make people feel as if they are getting kicked out of their own project sometimes, but we should be clear on what this is and not frame it as some polite buyout. First we heard he wasn't available then we hear stuff like we can't migrate the DB... soo whats up here?
1 point,8 years ago
The fact that HinnomTX is describing this as a "stick up" and you are describing it as Propulsion "getting kicked out" means we have probably arrived somewhere in the middle... at a fair, mutually-agreed deal. I assure you all dealings were polite. Propulsion was difficult to reach for a time, which is not inconsistent with eventual engagement with us, at which time a mutually agreeable arrangement was reached.
-1 point,8 years ago
-1 point,8 years ago
Fair enough. I just hope this doesn't set us up for future "stick ups". I would much rather see a community of givers than one of takers.
0 points,8 years ago
That was my first thought too, I setup quite a few forums in my life with custom plugins and all and never charged more than 1k USD...... wtf is this shit?
0 points,8 years ago
Are we not going to look at other options for a forum? I am all for reimbursing the past expenses for But for the future, we should use and look at a few options that might be cheaper or more functional for the new forum.

Why are the expenses not listed here? Look at the other proposals with breakdowns of how much is getting used for each expense. Maybe most of the expense is actually the reimbursement, in which case I would feel better about a combined proposal.

What is going to be the ongoing cost of this forum? Maybe under we can save on domain/hosting.
1 point,8 years ago
We checked other forum options, but then importing the database would have been more difficult or even impossible. Xenforo is a well established platform and decided to stay with it.

There is no ongoing extra cost for the forum. It will be hosted at servers we already have for other things. Of course, those are not free and it will take some space, but this should not be a significant amount.

In fact, we can expect some revenue. Some of us have been contacted in the last year by businesses that wanted to advertise there but were not able to reach Propulsion. He also had adwords that were only visible if you were not logged in, but the revenue of those is probably negligible.
0 points,8 years ago
Good to see the getting purchased by the Dash core-team although for a somewhat hefty price (i guess thats the price we have to pay for having a popular forum).