Proposal “dashred“ (Completed)Back
Monthly amount: 32 DASH (815 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 95 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-08-18 / 2017-11-13 (added on 2017-08-20)
Votes: 892 Yes / 86 No / 40 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

Hello Masternode owners! It is me, ec1warc1! I am proud to present you with my first proposal for the website is dedicated to promoting dash. The website is now available for you to visit. We are proudly creating this project from our home in Medellin, Colombia. We refers to: Edward Stoever, Paula Stoever, Juan Sebastian Valencia, Sergio Ordonez, Gilles Migliori, and the entire team of game builders at Code This Lab.

The primary objective of is a gaming website in which members can play games to win small quantities of dash for free.
Secondary objectives:
  • Provide a list of blog entries that explain how to use Dash Wallets in English, Spanish and Portuguese
  • Regular Blog entries in Spanish with a focus on education about the Dash blockchain.
  • Create YouTube videos to promote dash. We have been doing this for months now, but with financial support, we will be able to publish videos on a more regular schedule and featuring more personalities. Videos will be in Spanish and English. Future videos will not be monetized.
  • Create promotions that will pay users dash for achieving goals, like retweeting or creating videos. The website will make these kinds of viral marketing easy to manage. The website can do most of the work because it is a database-driven engine for Dash promotions and payments.
  • Create a game in which players who watch our videos will have an advantage to win larger prizes – with support, we can probably release such a game by June 2018.
  • Promote Dash by visiting people in all parts of the world and introducing them to the community through videos and written blog posts.
  • Create meetups in Colombia and other countries in Latin America.
  • Attend the meetups of others
The success of funding for will allow us to continue to the secondary objectives which will be our focus after the first 90 days of the website being live.
What the proposal will ask for:
  • We will request 30 dash per month for three months (plus 5 dash reimbursment, 31.666 dash per month).
Goals we will accomplish in these 90 days with this financial support:
  • Give dash to winners on the website. We will start with payouts with a cap of 250,000 dashies (aka duffs), and regulate it so that 12 half-hour visits to the website will allow for a withdrawal of the minimum amount of 120,000.
  • Grow traffic to the site.
  • Generate detailed reports for Masternode owners to review for further funding after the first 3 months.
  • improve website security and stability
  • create promotions that demonstrate how we can use the website to give dash to people who participate in viral, social media marketing
  • Six written blog posts, in Spanish, regarding how to use, receive and send Dash
  • Create one video per week for the channel that promotes Dash Digital Cash in Spanish
  • Host our first meetup in Medellin, Colombia in November 2017. It will be in a style similar to Bitcuners – we will refund visitor's purchases for coffee and cake with Dash.
  • Roll out our custom captcha game which allows us to interrupt other games to show messages of interest to our users and verify they are human.
  • Visit Reno, NV in September to create YouTube videos and blog posts to promote Scott Farnsworth, the DashRacer, at the Reno Air Show.
Benefits to the Dash community.
  • Cryptocurrncy in Latin America is almost completely unknown and the few people who learn about it have no way of getting even a small amount to spend, to save, or to use for learning. The main purpose of the website is to offer anyone the opportunity to try Dash Digital Cash, and we intend to make Dash their first and best cryptocurrency experience.
  • As a gaming website, has an appeal to younger users, and we think this is a good thing. A person who learns about Dash at an early age will be more inclined to include Dash as part of his/her life.
  • For a very low cost to the Dash Community, the website will permit us to become trusted advocates for Dash and to provide economic opportunities to others throughout the world.
  • Lower the average transaction amount and median transaction amounts on the Dash network. Currently, the very large size of the average and median transactions would indicate that Dash is still being used much more as an investment vehicle than as a form of cash. Please visit for current numbers.
  • Increase the overall number of transactions on the Dash network (currently 200 per hour)
  • Get people accustomed to thinking in dashies (100,000,000 dashies = 1 dash, 1 dashie = 1 duff)
Please visit the website and join. This will be the best way for you to understand what it can do.

Thank you,

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,7 years ago
4 Times in a row i'm messaged that i have to wait 24 hours before i can withdraw, which totals 96 hours instead of 24.
This makes me very much doubt, Dash.Red is legit
0 points,7 years ago
The project is going gangbusters! We are completing about 600 micro-transactions a day after one month! If anyone needs to contact me, use the contact us form on the website ( homepage, scroll down). Thanks! ec1warc1
0 points,7 years ago
I WON 2100 duffies!

Loved the whole plan for growing micro transaction volume.

Will recommend to friends.
1 point,7 years ago
Very affordable, yes
0 points,7 years ago
Voted yes, good luck.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you qwizzie!
0 points,7 years ago
Our first meetup will help us to improve our presenting skills. It will be September 7 in Medellin, Colombia. Details here: - Dash Sponsored Event!!!!
0 points,7 years ago
I am going to create a weekly video report to inform the Dash community how we are progressing. Here is the first video:
Thank you for vote of confidence!
1 point,7 years ago
A quick update: I added a widget in the footer that shows the most recent 3 transactions completed by the website. :)
1 point,7 years ago
Yesterday, someone withdrew 120238 dashies (duffs) from the website. The first transaction! Wow! That was fast!
0 points,7 years ago
voted yes! good luck Edward! i wish success to your project. please do not forget your youtube channel, the is the pioneer in spanish language
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you tuapoma! Muchos saludos desde Medellin!
2 points,7 years ago
Will vote yes, but the secondary objectives appeal to me way more than the primary objective.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you TroyDash! The secondary objectives are important, but will take time. We will get there!
0 points,7 years ago
I tried to sign up with three different email addresses but none of it worked - never got a reply
0 points,7 years ago
I have disabled caching on the login page. This might just fix it. Please clear your browser cache and try again. I thank you for your patience and your help!
0 points,7 years ago
Hello Dworf. Can you please indicate which operating system and browser you are using? I have detected an issue with iPhone for some people, it could be a browser issue, because I can sign up with Google Chrome on iPhone. Let me know, it will be helpful. Thanks!
2 points,7 years ago
Your proposal sounds good. But one thing I noticed about the website is that people have to sign up before they can do anything. That will probably put off many people. Would it be possible to let users play games without signing up? Then after the user wins a game, you can show a message like: "You won, sign up now to claim x dash (x dollars)".
0 points,7 years ago
This was something that I worked very hard on at the beginning. At first, I started by creating an account automatically for the user and allowing him to edit it to his liking afterwards. Doing so presented other problems, the biggest of which was that on all Mac OS systems, the account was created, but the browser never connected properly. So, it became impossible to manage. What I ended up with was the ability for the user to create his account by indicating only a username and password. No email is necessary. Just by indicating username and password, the user is logged in and can play. I don't think I can make it any easier. Thanks for the question!
3 points,7 years ago
I love the creativity and focus on increasing transactions.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you dashdisciple!
1 point,7 years ago
Voted yes. Very worthy project, aimed at a very compatible market for Dash. Buena suerte!
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you Tao!
0 points,7 years ago
Intriguing idea. Would you have a link so I could see some your YouTube content? Thanks,

solarguy on the forums
0 points,7 years ago
Yes, of course!
And, just to be clear, the website in question is at
Thank you!
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks! Love the enthusiasm. voted yes.
0 points,7 years ago
What's the significance of 'red' in
0 points,7 years ago
It is just a color and makes for a nice domain name, I think. I hope you like it! I hope you like our logo too!
0 points,7 years ago
Saludos, interesante propuesta! luego deberíamos hablar sobre la promoción de Dash. (wilflakes)
0 points,7 years ago
Claro que si! Gracias y saludos!
0 points,7 years ago
Very entertaining website and I wish this gets approved and funded.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you JZA! Saludos desde Medellin!