Proposal “dashpokertourney“ (Completed)Back

Title:First Brick&Mortar Crypto Poker Tourney
One-time payment: 33 DASH (848 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 33 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-01-17 / 2018-02-16 (added on 2018-01-12)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 0 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

Product Description: First Brick and Mortar Crypto Poker Tourney


We will use Dash as the base currency for the first ever crypto poker tournaments held at a brick and mortar poker room.   Once per month for a three-month period, we would run a Dash only buy-in and prize pool Texas Hold’Em tournament.  We would also re-felt all 20 of our poker tables with the Dash logo in the middle of the table.  This will be the exclusive logo on all tables.   We are requesting 28 Dash to run all three poker tournaments with a guaranteed 20% overlay (excess of prize pool over cumulative entry fees), re-felt all 20 poker tables, and provide extra staffing for educating players on downloading Dash wallets, purchasing Dash from our in-house Dash (General Bytes) ATM and buying into the tournament with it. 

Who I am: 

My name is Brian Sarchi.  I have served various roles in the poker industry for over 12 years – initially as a player, but over the last decade owning/managing several different poker rooms in social gaming clubs of Portland, Oregon.  I take pride in running an honest and legitimate business, always doing my best to show my customers how
much I care about my business.  I appreciate the opportunity to propose this mutually beneficial venture to the Dash Treasury.

 I currently own and operate the poker room at Portland Meadows racetrack in Portland, Oregon.  We attract over 1000 players to our room each week and have held single poker tournaments with over 400 players and prize pools over $100,000.  Please visit our Facebook page at   

How this proposal benefits Dash:

Dash will ride the wave of publicity we will receive worldwide from being the first ever live physical poker room to run a poker tournament where entry fees and prizes are exclusively concurrency-denominated.  We will be alerting all the major online poker news websites and forums well in advance of our first Dash tournament.  They should be expected to eat up and hype this story as crypto chatter/investment has taken the poker world by storm during 2017.  We will further promotion of the story by tweeting it to several prominent internationally-known players who are crypto advocates.  It is important to note that online poker players were one of the ground zero audiences that have actually had a use case for crypto (depositing and withdrawing from online poker sites).

Re-felting all 20 of our poker tables with the Dash logo will also provide the ultimate billboard experience.  It is hard to come up with another advertising medium where the target audience is essentially forced to stare at your logo for hours on end.  1000+ customers coming through our room each week will all receive this bombardment.   Combine this visual assault with the crypto enthusiasm that has swept the poker world and our room in particular - then top it off with the General Bytes ATM positioned right at the entrance to our room and an audience that actually has use cases for a low-fee transaction-functional crypto (as opposed to the buy and hodl on Coinbase crowd) and we seemingly have a can’t miss recipe. already accepts Dash deposits for their online poker room.  The current state of BTC transaction fees can only imply more widespread online gaming site adoption in 2018.  
Getting these sites’ customer base’s feet wet with Dash’s superior transaction speed and fees can only accelerate their demands that the sites they play on at home adopt Dash as a currency option.

Finally, even though we want to emphasize use cases for Dash, one simply cannot deny the speculative arena that crypto has recently become.  Nowhere is this truer than with the poker crowd who have a far greater than average risk-tolerance.  Most of these speculators are still using BTC as their “gateway crypto” in order to then swap their BTC on exchanges for their altcoin du jour.  These speculators are still going to speculate, but they will learn quickly that Dash can fulfill that gateway role in a far superior (quicker and cost-effective) manner to BTC and utilize it as their preferred medium of exchange. 


Players will pay an entry fee of roughly 0.075 Dash to enter a No Limit Texas Hold’Em tournament.  Assuming a field of 200 players, that yields an initial prize pool of 15 Dash.  In order to promote and entice players to jump through the initially unconventional hoops, we are requesting Treasury funding to subsidize a 20% overlay in the prize pool (so a 3 Dash subsidy in the example above).  

Players who arrive without Dash will be led through the process of downloading a Core wallet and instructed on how to use our in-house Dash ATM to convert dollars to Dash.  Once they have a wallet with sufficient Dash to enter the tournament, they will be directed to the staff member accepting entries.  This staff member will maintain a wallet to which all entry fees are sent and walk each player through the process of insta-sending Dash from their wallet to his/hers.  Once the entry window is closed, and the total entry fees are known, the staff member’s wallet will be sent the 20% overlay subsidy via the funding provided by the Treasury. 

Typically 10 to 15% of the players in the field receive a payout with first place obviously receiving the most and each successive position receiving less.  The 20% prize pool subsidy will logically be pro-rated among each position so that each prize is 20% greater than it otherwise would have been without the Treasury’s subsidy.  All players who finish “in the money” will have Dash instasend back from the prize pool wallet to their wallet.

To enhance fun (since these are gamblers at heart!) we plan to have the Dash price displayed prominently throughout the tournaments so that the players can enjoy sweating its oscillations. 

Treasury funding will also be utilized to purchase new felt for each table with the Dash logo prominently and exclusively displayed.  New felt with a logo runs at roughly $250 per table but generally lasts roughly a full year before requiring replacement. The bang for the buck on such prolonged exposure simply cannot be matched with any other vehicle. 

Dash payout breakdown: 

Poker table felt:  20 total poker tables - total Dash needed – 5

Poker Tournament Overlays:  3 total tournaments – total Dash needed – 15  *Targeting three tournaments. Turnout for each can obviously not be predicted with certainty.  In the event we have excess Dash after 3 tournaments have been run, we will run additional overlay tournaments until the entire 15 Dash is used.  

Poker Staff and Management:  3 total tournaments – total Dash needed – 8

Dash proposal Fee – 5 Dash

Total Dash needed:  28 + 5 (proposal fee)

GRAND TOTAL: 33 (one time payment)

I will be posting video updates of how the tournaments are going and making myself available for any and all questions/concerns the community may have.  Thank you again for this opportunity.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
A big thank you to Brian for hosting the first Dash Poker Tournament, the Dash Documentary team went along to film the action. You can see how it all went here:
1 point,7 years ago
MNO, Sydney, Australia
YES vote given.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you Criticalinput.
2 points,7 years ago
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you pescobar.
1 point,7 years ago
Great proposal. I think Dash need this at the moment. Wish you good luck.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you Ultimate crypto.
3 points,7 years ago
Excellent! Easy yes and the best of luck!
1 point,7 years ago
Appreciate it GrandMasterDash.
2 points,7 years ago
I am all for people learning about Dash for various groups of people. I think's still a bit expensive but I want to see where this goes, so yes. Snuffle up and deal
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you A_node_to_a_Master
2 points,7 years ago
Will the Dash felt stay on the tables after the tournaments or just for the duration of these tournaments? How long does felt last before tables have to be refelted again?
1 point,7 years ago
The felt will remain on the tables after the duration of the these tournaments. Felt generally last 1 to 1.5 years before needing replacing.
1 point,7 years ago
"New felt with a logo runs at roughly $250 per table but generally lasts roughly a full year before requiring replacement."
3 points,7 years ago
All In ! YES!
3 points,7 years ago
Thank you Wixamlee..
0 points,7 years ago
Absolutely 100% yes!

1 point,7 years ago
Appreciate it walters.
3 points,7 years ago
As a casino worker, I approve.
2 points,7 years ago
Appreciate it Tao.
0 points,7 years ago
great proposal! voted yes!! DASH should sponsor many more poker teams and poker tournaments. this is a new world for our community!
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you tuapoma. Poker world and Dash are a great combo...
5 points,7 years ago
I like it, very creative! Yes votes incoming.
Please be sure to include Dash with "Digital Cash" underneath on the branding logo.
1 point,7 years ago
Exactly the logo I was planning to use. Thank you for the yes Vote.
0 points,7 years ago
Get all those guys into Dash! They'll love it. Voting Yes!
0 points,7 years ago
Will do. Thanks CRServers.
4 points,7 years ago
Poker is an excellent use case for Dash.
This proposal is also very reasonable and well delivered.
Let’s take Dash to the tournaments. Voting yes, good luck!
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you Foxtrot.
1 point,7 years ago
Good breakdown, great opportunity for Dash, great timing. I'm on board.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you hu-man.
2 points,7 years ago
Poker media will devour this story. Love it.

And I've always thought poker felt is a vastly underutilized advertising medium.
0 points,7 years ago
I agree Photosynthesis... Thank you.
1 point,7 years ago
Onsite ATM is epic! Plus giving everyone a buy and spend experience is one step above.
0 points,7 years ago
Appreciate it ampp.