Proposal “dash-marketing-hub-supplemental“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Marketing Hub Supplemental Funding for DashDirect Virtual Card Launch
One-time payment: 100 DASH (2376 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 100 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2022-01-11 / 2022-02-10 (added on 2022-01-15)
Votes: 537 Yes / 60 No / 28 Abstain

Proposal description

UPDATE: Due to MNO demand following the supplemental proposal's failure to pass, we have created a separate donation address. Donated funds will exclusively be used for boosting and running advertisements. The address can be found below, as well as in our Rules document:

This proposal is a request for supplemental funding for the Dash Marketing Hub in order to promote the launch of the DashDirect virtual MasterCard program.

DashDirect is about to launch the virtual MasterCard program, which will allow any user in the US to effectively spend their Dash at virtually any merchant, without going through KYC or giving up custody of their funds. We believe this is a huge opportunity for Dash to differentiate itself from the field as it will be the only cryptocurrency able to be spent almost universally without a bank account, presenting government ID, or relinquishing one’s private keys. We also believe that this window won’t last forever, as other projects may deploy similar solutions, or engage directly with CrayPay to commission their own white label app.

We are already planning to promote the launch, and have engaged with ecosystem partners such as the Newsroom, CrayPay, and the Dash Investment Foudnation in order to maximize the launch. However, after hearing from CrayPay and Dash Core Group on their respective plans for paid marketing outreach, and despite the Marketing Hub accruing reasonable reserves, we feel that these will be insufficient to adequately promote the launch of such a monumental achievement for Dash.

We are hereby requesting 100 Dash in supplemental funding to promote the DashDirect virtual MasterCard launch. This is intended as a one-off request for this specific purpose and should not be viewed as a permanent funding increase request for the Hub. This will supplement the roughly 100 Dash in reserves that we can safely commit to this purpose, and will primarily go towards advertisements, boosted social media posts, sponsorships, and paid placements for media showcasing the virtual card launch and directing users to download and use DashDirect. These efforts will of course supplement, and amplify, earned media and organic reach, but we believe that paid reach will be necessary to achieve a sufficient level of exposure to solidify Dash as far and away more useful as digital cash than any other project.

We believe that our ecosystem partners will be able to secure media placements in major crypto publications, however an area of weakness has been the crypto YouTuber and podcast scene. We will be prioritizing exposure on these platforms in order to maximize our reach as much as possible.

As usual, all funds will be located at the Hub’s transparent address, and all allocations will go through our standard transparent approval process on our Trello board. For more information, please see our main funding proposal, Trello board, and rules document.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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2 points,2 years ago
UPDATE: Due to MNO demand following the supplemental proposal's failure to pass, we have created a separate donation address. Donated funds will exclusively be used for boosting and running advertisements. The address can be found below, as well as in our Rules document:
3 points,2 years ago
There is a community supported gofundme address which will be used to run this proposal anyway once it reaches 100 Dash, so please send Dash to XwxvHLoTVgSV5v9EKvPYqBZYtdGaBYVnjo so we can still run this promotion, Cheers!
1 point,2 years ago
Did this get funded in time?
0 points,2 years ago
No, but see the recent comment, we have a donation address to make up some or all of the requested boosting budget.
0 points,2 years ago
Unfortunately no.
1 point,2 years ago
Jesus, its one thing if MNs decide they don't want to fund something. Its sad when apathy prevents a pay out that pretty much everyone was in agreement on.
0 points,2 years ago
Yes x16. Good to see some marketing and hype.
0 points,2 years ago
Unfortunately the required votes didn't arrive in time and the proposal failed to pass.
5 points,2 years ago
Yes for sure, since DCG marketing used its Dash Direct budget on car toppers, we need some serious follow thru, maybe target locations in your demographics for ads, lots that can be done to help give some follow thru punch, and hopefully some conversions.
2 points,2 years ago
We appreciate all the support Agnew!
2 points,2 years ago
Thanks for the support, we'll put this to good use!
6 points,2 years ago
Don't usually give DMH my vote and in this particular instance I think we needs all hands on deck.
6 points,2 years ago
Thanks very much, we'll do our best!
5 points,2 years ago
An easy Yes for me!
4 points,2 years ago
Thank you kindly!