Proposal “dash-marketing-hub-integrations-bounty“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Marketing Hub Integrations Bounty
Monthly amount: 50 DASH (1188 USD)
Completed payments: 4 totaling in 200 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2023-06-11 / 2023-10-09 (added on 2023-06-06)
Votes: 608 Yes / 112 No / 11 Abstain

Proposal description

This proposal is for the creation of a separate fund exclusively to pay bounties for successfully integrating Dash into essential services, businesses, apps, etc.

Network effects are a critical element of success as a medium of exchange. We’ve seen Litecoin pull ahead in the digital cash race recently thanks to its near-ubiquitous adoption as a Bitcoin alternative. If Dash hopes to succeed it must similarly be as universally usable for payments as possible, and we need more integrations for that to happen. Additionally, Dash’s best current feature, its instant transactions, is severely under-utilized at the moment, as few services accept Dash payments as instantly final.

Dash Core Group is running on an extremely limited budget and does not have the capacity for sufficient business development activity at the moment. Community members such as BlockChainTech have stepped forward and pursued Dash integrations into key services, as well as negotiated InstantSend/ChainLocks, but without additional resources and incentives we are missing out on potentially many more wins. We believe that a simple bounty system can maximize our capacity here without the funding requirements of additional full- or part-time employees.

We are requesting 50 Dash per month with a cap of 200 Dash total for the fund. We will only put in additional proposals if the fund drops below a 50 Dash balance.

Additionally, we encourage the creation of a Hub/Incubator fork dedicated to integration bounties and business development. If such a project is launched, we would be happy to transfer this fund’s remaining balance to the new DFO.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,1 year ago
Despite the lack of metrics and communication, the whale masterblaster (holding 101 masternodes) voted YES for this proposal, so this proposal will probably pass.
3 points,1 year ago
Here you are, the exact vote of the masterblaster whale.
3 points,1 year ago
This proposal is supported also by the spirit whale, a whale holding 69 votes.
1 point,1 year ago
If this budget proposal fails this month, it is maybe best to create a new budget proposal next budget cycle, as i suspect most Evonode owners did not re-vote on current budget proposals, because they were not alerted to do so. Making a new budget proposal will get their attention.

It is not just this budget proposal, a lot of other budget proposal saw a sharp decline in number of votes (even DCG Compensation budget proposal).
1 point,1 year ago
I guess its a side effect of Evonodes now live on Mainnet.
1 point,1 year ago
Or maybe the MNOs are sun setting this DFO?
3 points,1 year ago
Socrates is 100% right on this one.
We as MNO have to change our voting attitude and become reasonable:

a PO ignoring questions or refusing to answer to an MNO --> automatic NO vote in future
a PO refusing to provide metrics when it is easily available --> automatic NO vote in future
a PO intentionally falsifying and counterfeiting metrics data --> automatic NO vote in future
-3 points,1 year ago
122 days without metrics being provided.

Should be automatic NO vote NOW.
2 points,1 year ago
This is no longer a sustaining proposal, DMH is asking for funding for integrations only, they have folded up their Trello.
0 points,1 year ago
interesting. Where is this communicated? The proposal doesn't seem to reflect this change.

Supposing this is true, how does this proposal work then? Lots of details missing.
2 points,1 year ago
I heard about it in Discord, DMH is no longer seeking sustaining funding and is working on individual projects only, like the Spritz Finance integration.
0 points,1 year ago
Maybe thats the reason masterblaster recently decide to vote YES?

Is masterblaster afraid of losing DMH, despite the lack of metrics and communication?
-2 points,1 year ago
109 days without metrics being provided. You get what you pay for MNOs.
-1 point,1 year ago
102 days without providing metrics to MNOs. Pathetic.
-1 point,1 year ago
For 93 days the dash marketing hub admins, the people getting paid by the dash dao based on the votes of the MNOs, are refusing to provide metrics to measure their performance.

For 93 days the MNOs are being disrespected.

The metrics are provided, for free, easily, by their twitter account (which is where the funding is going). In fact they provided this information in their first ever marketing hub proposal.

Do you MNOs have no self respect? Is there something wrong with you all? What is going on?

Demand the metrics. Then decide if this DFO is worth funding.
2 points,1 year ago
Perhaps if you create another scam proposal that would help?
-1 point,1 year ago
In reference to the fake DMH proposal, it seems that has not helped. MNOs seem to not care.
The same loud mouth apologists make convoluted arguments for why metrics should be hidden against their best interest.

Perhaps if you keep making excuses for why Dash should fund proposal owners that disrespect them and the funding mechanism of the DAO that would help?
0 points,1 year ago
At this Dash market price, the only thing I want DMH to do is reducethe Administrative overhead and push things out more quickly.
-1 point,1 year ago
the dash marketing hub IS administrative overhead - explicitly.

Otherwise the contractors performing marketing tasks can approach the DAO directly.

You are comment is totally incoherent.
2 points,1 year ago
They delievered a great Brave Ad campiagn, I don't want to defund them, except maybe to divert emergency funds to DCG, but the admin overhead needs to go first, with Marine temporarily out of service, still think we need an outisde marketing hub.
1 point,1 year ago
Still 100% behind DMH, do not expect metrics to be produced on such a tiny budget.
0 points,1 year ago
how were they able to produce these EXACT metrics in their first proposal before receiving funding?

Why are you acting as an apologist? Who are you to speak on their behalf?
2 points,1 year ago
Maybe the metrics are disappointing due to the ongoing nuclear winter...
0 points,1 year ago
why are you speculating on the metrics? Demand them first. Good grief!
0 points,1 year ago
the metrics are created automatically by their twitter account. What does budget have to do with this?
Are you being serious?
-1 point,1 year ago
86 days since asking the DMH scammers to reveal their metrics.
-2 points,1 year ago
76 days since a reasonable request for social media metrics.

metrics only the owner of the twitter account can provide.

Ask yourself, why do the proposal owners NOT want the MNOs to see the results of our spend?

How is it only a handful of MNOs that seem to care you're being deprived of basic metrics? What is wrong with you people?
1 point,1 year ago
I think is futile to search answer from the_desert_lynx

Go there, in his upcoming show

and ask you questions.
-1 point,1 year ago
You can also find him in this discord channel
3 points,1 year ago
Why the owner of this proposal does not answer to the questions?
I do not like this, at all...
1 point,1 year ago
1 point,1 year ago
The PO considers the people posting as trolls and would rather their work speak for itself, I can understand that even if I don't agree with it.
2 points,1 year ago
That's it exactly. As I said to Socrates on a previous comment, we aren't responding to him because he's only looking for blood and no matter what we say, he'll use it against us.
-1 point,1 year ago
you feed off the network. How dare you say to a MNO they are trolling for ASKING FOR METRICS.

Look in the mirror Hotez.
0 points,1 year ago
Their snob behavior of the proposal owner certainly caused a lot of NO votes.

But I just discovered that they have a Trello board, where all their work is documented.

Maybe there we can find the answers they refuse to provide here.
3 points,1 year ago
I like to vote yes but i lack details as to what this will result in. I understand the vision but for funding it has to be specific. What is the output?
0 points,1 year ago
Since its you the_desert_lynx i vote yes anyway, you do so much work for Dash so i trust this will go to good cause either way!
1 point,1 year ago
he does work because he is getting paid by the network. Does he do good work. That is the question you are supposed to ask yourself. You aren't being given metrics. Do you think that is because they want to hide their output? Probably.

Try acting in your own self interest perhaps and demand metrics and output. Or not, depends how much you value Joel's "friendship".
3 points,1 year ago
Instead of responding the hub benefeciaries decided to downvote my comments on their other proposal, presumably a childish attempt to hide them?

70 days since asking for dash marketing hub to provide metrics on their social media efforts (the majority of their spend). 70 days without an answer. 70 days where MNOs seemingly can't be bothered to do even the most minimal amount of due diligence.

The Marketing Hub admins have a track record of failure. Where is the benefit of a doubt coming from? Truly bizarre. I would not be surprised in the least if reasonable MNO or prospective MNOs have left/not entered the project seeing how against the interests of the network these yes voters behave. This would be the exact of marketing, anti-marketing.

We are funding an anti-marketing hub.

There is zero desire to learn from past mistakes and get better. It is unclear how Dash can right the ship.
0 points,1 year ago
> 70 days where MNOs seemingly can't be bothered to do even the most minimal amount of due diligence.

If you think the problem is the way the MNOs are voting in whatever proposal, then, instead of shouting in empty spaces, you have better start investigating who these MNOs are and why they are voting the way they do.

The below link may help you on that.
0 points,1 year ago
what is the practical application of this suggestion?

I can know who is voting stupidly but can not reach them.
-2 points,1 year ago
They dont want you to reach them, thats why the dash protocol separated voting with talking.

But on the other hand, the dash protocol wants the government agents to be able to reach them, thats why the reveal their IP addresses.

So you also know their IPs, thus you also have a tiny hope to reach them.
1 point,1 year ago
I'm not a social media expert but I am surrounded by people that live and breathe this stuff. Just my personal observation / guess is that many MNOs are male and quite old with little to no professional experience to target younger and more influential age groups. And I believe many of these older males are moderators.. just media wannabes. As such, I wouldn't be surprised AT ALL if there has been little to no growth and adoption.

Getting those guys out and fresh young minds in is going to take years.
0 points,1 year ago
your analysis doesn't really address the problem. If you don't know something (the MNOs) would you not be incentivized to hire professional marketers that demonstrate they can perform and distant yourself from marketers that do not perform?

I have no idea what is up with the MNOs.

I was upset about it. But as you said, these hub operators are parasites.

This can be viewed as good news. Parasites feed of the living. Dash isn't dead yet.

Everything else about this is bad and obviously bad. I don't know what it will take for MNOs to realize they are harming not helping the network.

My analysis is that these MNOs that vote yet are not doing any due diligence and they are finding friendship from the hub operators and this makes them act against their best interest.
-1 point,1 year ago
The word "parasite" comes to mind.
1 point,1 year ago
1. Without demand, additional integrations are not useful. We've seen this historically many times. - Valkeryie, vaultoro. It is therefore a waste of money.

2. Why should the network pay you to pay other people for their work while taking a cut for yourself? Where's the value add? We have a perfectly functional treasury system that can pay for this without the need for middlemen.
1 point,1 year ago
I disagree! When people see your product everywhere they will be more attracted to it. If you don't see the product you don't exist basically.
1 point,1 year ago
Getting an integration and keeping an integration are two different things. You won't see it everywhere after the integration partners realize there is no demand.

Losing integrations makes it look like you don't exist instead of concentrating the economic activity
0 points,1 year ago
Instead of producing results with your process, you've chosen to replicate your process for an expanded scope.

Will we also be deprived of metrics to hold you accountable for this spending as well?