Proposal “dash-latam-colombia-201905“ (Completed)Back

Title:Latam: Dash Colombia, Bizdev, 50 Transactions per Day, 750 Active Merchants, Ambassadorship +
Monthly amount: 199 DASH (4729 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 597 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2019-05-17 / 2019-08-14 (added on 2019-05-11)
Votes: 789 Yes / 222 No / 27 Abstain

Proposal description

The 11-person Dash Colombia team (now Dash Latam) serves the largest community of active Dash merchants in one city — 442 in Medellín, Colombia — with more than 1,700 active Android wallet installs and the #1 verifiable average of 9.5 Dash transactions per day via POS and printed QR code. Over the next 3 months, we are (a) amping up consumer adoption to 50 transactions per day, (b) expanding into bizdev and ambassadorship and (c) increasing local Dash liquidity.
Watch "Meet Dash Latam"

[Download Proposal in PDF]

Our Value
  • Real Adoption: Dash Latam builds real Dash adoption from the ground up with transparent, verifiable, Dash-Watch-reported metrics.
  • Constant Growth: Dash Latam does the hard work no one else is doing, with Dash representatives in the field daily onboarding new consumers, new merchants, new remittance senders, new allies and more.
  • Business Pioneers: Dash Latam are global pioneers in cryptocurrency adoption, marketing, business development, generation of new software projects and more. We are the future of Dash business development.

Who We Are
We are Dash Colombia, now Dash Latam, founded by George Donnelly in 2018:
  1. Sebastian Montes: sales, finances, expansion, support
  2. Valentina Lopez: marketing, communications, consumer adoption
  3. Angel Hermoso: sales and support Medellín
  4. Mario Silva: sales and support Medellín
  5. Ernesto Rodriguez: sales and support Cúcuta
  6. Said Mora: sales and support Cúcuta
  7. Luisa Restrepo: events, merchant verifications, administration
  8. Juan Pablo Quintana: marketing, events and consumer adoption
  9. Michelle Palencia: marketing
  10. Daniela Gonzalez: marketing
  11. George Donnelly: coordination, everything

[Download Proposal in PDF]

What Dash Gets
  1. 50 Transactions/Day. 50 transactions per day via Dash Retail point of sale app (POS) or printed QR code (hablador), visible at
  2. 750 Merchants. 750 total active, supported and POS-equipped merchants in Colombia, with ongoing education, marketing assistance and more.
  3. 4,000 Wallets. 4,000 total active Dash Android wallet installs (Hash Engineering or better).
  4. BizDev. Colombia bizdev with small retail chains, manufacturing companies and more to generate higher-profile Dash use.
  5. Ambassadorship. Latam ambassadorship via conference presences both crypto and non-crypto and via 2 Dash-exclusive educational events aimed at industry, journalists and government, with the aim of positioning Dash within the power structure of Colombian society.
  6. LocalDash. Implementation of one or multiple already-working allied P2P exchange solutions as our “LocalBitcoin” but for Dash to provide liquidity and get more people buying Dash more easily.
  7. Dash Retail pilot of the DAO-funded project to make every Dash merchant a fiat on-/off-ramp and remittance point of sale.
  8. First 100 “rompecalle” metal Dash signs deployed to Dash merchants to increase Dash brand visibility.
  9. Ongoing Dash buyback program and support for merchants and consumers both online and face-to-face in order to keep the Dash economy growing in Colombia.
  10. Ongoing 5% discounted Dash sales, financed by Colombia’s cheap bitcoin.
  11. 25 active merchants in Lima, Peru and the first consumer adoption event there.
  12. Ongoing efforts to get started in Mexico City, Santiago de Chile, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo and other large Latin American cities.

Results to Date
  1. Merchants: 500+ active and supported Dash merchants in Colombia.
  2. Wallets: 1,700+ active Dash Android wallet installs.
  3. Transactions: 9.5 verifiable average daily transactions via POS or printed QR code, #1 among Dash adoption projects.
  4. Transparency: Dash Watch concluded that we evidenced how we spent 99% of DAO funds in a recent financial review.
  5. Marketing: Hundreds of innovative video and graphic arts assets demonstrating real Dash adoption and marketing Dash to Spanish-language markets that exceeds what is done in English.
  6. First transaction tracker for a mass adoption project (
  7. Dozens of bug reports and feedback events for the Dash Core wallets team.
  8. The birth of the Dash Retail project.
  9. The birth of the Dash Venezuela Remittances project.

[Download Proposal in PDF]

Let's Talk
Phone/Signal/WhatsApp: +573218423668
Twitter: @georgedonnelly @PagaConDash
Discord: George Donnelly#6938
YouTube: Dash Latam


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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,5 years ago
July Dash Latam MNO Report now available (with a private look into our Slack!):

15 purchases with Dash in 5 cities across 3 Latam nations showing real people (vlog playlist):

Dash Growth in Latam Measured by Active Android Wallets (real Google Play Store data):
0 points,5 years ago
And here is a new Dash Watch report:
0 points,5 years ago
I just got word a supermarket on the Venezuela-Colombia border spontaneously added Dash to its weekly flyers!
1 point,5 years ago
Making it happen. Great job. Great person.
1 point,5 years ago
Thanks Blake.
0 points,5 years ago
Dash Watch May 26th 2019 Report on
Dash Colombia by georgedonnelly
1 point,5 years ago
I urge everyone to vote yes for this proposal. George has proven his dedication to Dash and getting Dash adopted in particular. He's very open about how he runs his project, he's continually developing and brainstorming new strategies, he has put more foot-time on the ground than just about anyone, and he's getting great results. In case anyone forgot, George and his team have single-handedly pushed Colombia into second place in Dash adoption, and he's doing it in an economy that doesn't have the economic desperation that Venezuela has. Lastly, when George set his goals, they were the first goals he set, he had no history to pull from. The important question isn't whether he met these best-guess goals, but whether he made substantial progress, which he clearly did. The longer he works, the more accurate his goals will be. The direct adoption in Colombia, and maybe even more importantly, the remittance channel from Colombia to Venezuela, are too important to let slide. Please vote yes.
1 point,5 years ago
Thank you.
1 point,5 years ago
I have taken it upon myself to visit as many merchants as possible this month to buy goods and services and verify that they actually accept Dash. There are two new merchants right here in Sabaneta, walking distance from my home. All of the merchants that I have visited thus far this month are new to me. So far, the experience has been excellent as every merchant has accepted Dash. I encourage MNOs to review my twitter feed for a long list of photos of my visits:

Congratulations to the Dash Latam team in Colombia for a job well done!
1 point,5 years ago
Thank you, Edward, your active use of Dash to buy needed products and services at the Dash merchants in Medellín is a great help to our efforts, not to mention an example of putting your money where your mouth is. Kudos!
2 points,5 years ago
Couple of questions:

- What has been learned from the failure of the latam team to achieve the stated targets last time around of 25 transactions per day, 2500 wallet installs and 650 active merchants? All 3 KPI targets have been missed by a substantial margin.

- What is being done differently going forwards to ensure these new KPI targets of 50 transactions per day, 4000 wallet installs and 750 active merchants have a realistic chance of being achieved?


1 point,5 years ago
Thanks for your questions.

The goals of 25 transactions per day, 650 active merchants and 2500 active Android wallet installs are for 31 May 2019.

The period for which we set those goals has not ended. I do not assume that we are going to fail, as you suggest. Instead, I continue to work hard every day to give the DAO the best results I can. I am not going to interrupt that work to buy into anyone's premature failure narrative.

Right now, is showing about 13 transactions per day. This does not count wallet-to-wallet transactions. Similar projects, some better funded over longer periods of time, at best evidence half of that, last time I checked.

Our current merchant total is about 610. This does not include merchants in process or pending submission to CRM. Active wallets is probably nearing 2,000.

If we fall short of our goals, which is always a possibility, I will be happy to take public responsibility for such a failure and publish my analysis and corrective actions. You are welcome to schedule an appointment for 8AM 1 Jun 2019 to rake us over the coals via videocall or even live YouTube broadcast.

But until then, we are not taking our eyes off the goals.
2 points,5 years ago
Another yes from me, we need to tie all these loose ends that are already partially funded and in progress together. This team has demonstrated that they can deliver on promise.
1 point,5 years ago
Thanks for your support!
3 points,5 years ago
Yes from me.
1 point,5 years ago
Thanks for your support!