Proposal “dash-force-q1-2020“ (Closed)Back

Title:DASH FORCE: Q1 2020 - Please downvote
Monthly amount: 350 DASH (8306 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2019-12-15 / 2020-03-13 (added on 2019-12-12)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 637 Yes / 628 No / 56 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

Final update

Please downvote. Even though this proposal is currently passing we have decided to disband Dash Force operations going forward. We are not going anywhere but there will not be a new Dash Force proposal.
Thank you to all the Masternode owners who voted for us over the last 3 years. 


Due to feedback received over the past year we are significantly streamlining our proposal moving forward to double down on what provides the most value to the network while eliminating elements that are of lesser importance and have received significant negative voter feedback. We are updating our monthly burn rate to the new reduced amount, with any surplus funds rolling over to future months and accounted for in our budget breakdown.

First, we will double down on our PR efforts and outreach to media to maximize the effects of both Dash Platform’s Evonet release and recent price movements in order to secure long-term interest in Dash. Previously our opportunities for engagement were limited due to market sentiment and deferring to more explicitly-selected PR teams. Now that we are the only PR entity the network and DFOs directly engage with, we have the opportunity to truly maximize Dash’s exposure ahead of Platform’s mainnet release.

Second, we will focus Dash News content to emphasize quality over quantity, as well as expanding its reach. This will include a combination of reporting relevant Dash news and keeping track of the project’s numerous achievements and innovations, and publishing quality reporting that cryptocurrency fans can’t get anywhere else, drawing new eyes to Dash while avoiding “filler” content. Finally, we will significantly expand and retool YouTube content to grow our following and visibility. We have received significant and often conflicting feedback on this subject and are confident we have found the correct approach to satisfy the most needs possible.

We look forward to continuing to serve the network through thick and thin as we have done for over three years, and welcome any further questions you may have.


Dash Force is the premier media and outreach group working for the Dash DAO. We work to inform the Dash community and the greater public and cryptocurrency community, as well as support Dash’s user base and ecosystem. Our areas of focus include:

News - We run Dash News, the #1 Dash news source, publishing over a dozen articles weekly, which are translated into six additional languages, two of which on dedicated sites. Our content has led to several article placements in other publications as the greater cryptoverse sees us as an authoritative news source on Dash.

Videos - We run the #1 weekly Dash podcast providing invaluable updates to the greater community, conduct video interviews with key figures from the greater cryptocurrency community to bridge the gap between projects and bring new fans to Dash, produce a popular video news recap and weekly videos of purchases at Dash-accepting merchants around the world.

Discover Dash - We created and maintain the world's largest, best, and most complete listing of cryptocurrency-accepting businesses, which now powers a popular mobile app version created by Really Bad Apps.

PR - We work with the Core team and various projects in the Dash ecosystem to craft press releases and newswires, build relationships with journalists, provide crisis management and obtain article placements in many top-tier publications inside and outside the cryptocurrency world.

Public Outreach - We have represented Dash publicly by speaking at dozens of conferences around the world, and by appearing on dozens more shows and podcasts, and have been quoted numerous times in various publications.

Business Development - We initiate and negotiate integration of Dash into businesses and services directly, including handling integration PR, and collaborate with the various business development projects in the ecosystem, including the Core team, for integrations beyond our scope.

Meetups - We fund the organization of Dash meetups around the world which helps cut down on multiple small regional proposals and makes MNO's life easier.

Current Dash Force Operations:

Dash News publishes 1 or more new articles everyday covering the Dash community. There has yet to be a day when something notable was not going on. Fortunately we have a lot of good news to cover. Dash News is also translating articles into 6+ other languages. English, Spanish, French, Russian, German, Portuguese, Korean.
Dash News en Español with Isabel!
Dash News Webmaster Report

Discover Dash currently has 4000+ Dash accepting Merchants.
In an effort to provide the Dash community with the necessary resources to reach mass adoption as quickly as possible we started, a merchant listing and adoption website. This will give new users and businesses all the resources they need to start using Dash, and provide a powerful visual statement of how strong and diverse the Dash economy has become.
The site is actively maintained and strives to be “the” site for Dash business listings. Plans are to continue to grow this and provide easy to use guides for merchant adoption, meetups and more. Live chat has recently been added and 24hr. Live chat support will be available soon. A copy of the Discover Dash database will be shared with the DIF every 3 months.
Dash Core Group, Kriptomobile, Discover Dash Partnership announced!
Discover Dash and Really Bad Apps Launch Global Dash Merchant Directory Mobile App
Isabel Reviews Discover Dash Merchant Directory Mobile App

Dash News YouTube channel currently has 4300+ subscribers and 380,000+ views with 3 or more weekly videos and a new video series coming soon!
The Dash News Podcast is done live and features Mark and Joel of Dash Force. This is an easy going discussion of the weeks topics with special guests and questions from the live chat.
The Dash News Podcast is now broadcasted on The Liberty Radio Network and is also available to listen to on the following platforms: ItunesTuneinStitcherGoogle PlayOvercastPodbean.
There are interviews with Dash related guests like Bitcoin Jesus - Roger Ver along with Evan Duffield, Dash Core Group CEO Ryan Taylor, DCG CTO Bob Carroll and many more.

Dash Force Meetup and Presentation Program
Meetup Programs in Mexico, South Africa, Haiti, Germany, Russia, England, the US and many more. Around 10,000 wallets have been set up during these meetup classes with potentially hundreds of thousands being exposed to Dash through the larger presentations and festival events.
The November 2018 Dash Force meetup program holds the monthly record with almost 1000 Dash wallets setup!
A new streamlined meetup structure has recently been implemented to increase engagement in LATAM and elsewhere. Cross promotion marketing is planned once the Dash price rises and stabilizes.

Active engagement on DiscordRedditTwitterBitcointalkYouTube, Facebook, Telegram and other social media Platforms. Everyday tasks include, article sharing across multiple Social Media Platforms, upvoting/downvoting positive/negative post and countering misinformation.

Dash Force PR
Dash Force has responded to the growing demand for Dash to increase its media presence to reach external media outlets far beyond Dash News and end Dash’s conspicuous media blackout. In our first foray we have managed to get Dash’s incredible success story in Venezuela covered by over 75 publications, including Bitcoin Magazine and the ever-elusive Coindesk. Our goal is to ensure that Dash’s various and continuing achievements receive top-level coverage in all major crypto media outlets, as well as beyond the crypto world.

Dash Force is additionally performing an expanded PR and media outreach role including unprecedented coordination with Dash Core Group addressing negative press as well as crafting a media strategy to improve Dash's visibility for Dash Platform and global adoption. We continue our efforts to help highlight Dash's current competitive advantages over other competing projects in areas such as remittances, exchange arbitrage and cannabis payments.
Joël Valenzuela Media Appearances 2019

Mark Mason Blockchain speech at UK Houses of Parliament for Bahrain Opportunities Forum 2018

Joël Valenzuela on using Dash for everyday purchases - CNN International

September Budget Allocation:
219.78 + 284.613‬ Rollover = 504.393

Dash Force Team Salaries (2 full-time and 15+ part-time) - 300.15
Dash Force Meetup Program - 4.5
Total = 304.65

October Budget Allocation:
219.78 + 199.743 Rollover = 419.523

Dash Force Team Salaries (2 full-time and 15+ part-time) - 345.51
Dash Force Meetup Program - 2
Total = 347.51

November Budget Allocation:
219.78 + 72 Rollover = 291.78

Dash Force Team Salaries (2 full-time and 14+ part-time) - 272.8
Tips - 1.4
Dash Force Meetup Program - 2.76
Total = 276.96

December Budget Allocation:
219.78 + 14.82 Rollover = 234.6

Dash Force Team Salaries (2 full-time and 14+ part-time) - 213.53
Website - 3.1Proposal Fee - 5 Dash Force Meetup Program - 4.6Total = 226.23

January Budget Allocation:
0 + 8.37 Rollover = 8.37

Website - 8.02
Tips -  .35
Total = 0

DashWatch Interview with Mark Mason, Director of Media and PR, Dash Force

Dash Force Core Team:
Brian FreeMan @mastermined - Treasurer, Strategic Adviser and Creative Director of Dash Force, Founder of - Part time
Mark Mason @MarkMason - Dash Force Webmaster, Media Relations and Director of International Outreach, Biz Dev - Full time
Joel Valenzuela @thedesertlynx - Chief Editor and Writer for Dash News, Dash Force Community Ambassador, Biz Dev - Full time

8+ part-time roles:

Isabel - Dash News Venezuela Merchant Reviewer, Dash News en Español
PAX - Dash News Podcast Engineer
Wilmar Toro - Dash News Spanish translator and Community Outreach
Yujin - Dash News Korea translator and Outreach
Roxane - DN French Translator and Outreach
Fabio - DN German Translator and Outreach
Dmitrii Zhludin - DN Russian Translator and Outreach
Rígille - DN Portuguese Translator and Outreach

Thanks again to all the masternode owners who continue to vote for us!
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please post them below.

Current Monthly Burn Rate = $13,000 (Down from $26,000+ last cycle)
Requested funding for the January- March budget cycle:
Total: 349.52 Dash Per Month

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
-4 points,4 years ago
The fact that this proposal did not go through is a valuable and positive experience for the network to learn from. It sends a clear message to proposal owners that if they are not prepared to respond to constructive feedback to improve their standards then their proposals will not get funding.

MNOs should be tempted to centralize a group responsible for marketing in any way for exactly this reason. We need to retain the ability to defund proposals that are not prepared to respond to feedback and therefore improve.

DCG do not respond to the great majority of my, and other MNOs, feedback in their proposals. I've been asking questions for over a year with very few replies. DCG know that, currently at least, we have few options but to vote them through if we want the project to continue without being hampered.

We need to ensure however that teams are held accountable to standards required by the network in order to be support and build the DASH brand. Proposal owners that do not rise to those standards should not receive funding in my opinion.

One concern I have now is that there is some form of attempt at centralizing marketing for DASH. There should be communications between marketing groups but they should definitely not be all funded in one proposal. If we allow that to happen it will mean we will have problems defunding proposal owners that are not rising to the required standards or not responding to feedback from MNOs.

Ryan Taylor and Glenn Austin are unfortunately the worst offenders of not responding to feedback in the DCG proposals. Ryan, has started taking an "Ask me anything" series which is a positive step but that presentation is under his terms. i.e. he chooses the time, place and questions he will answer. Although better than nothing what it not how the treasury system was designed to operate. DCG Ryan Taylor and Glenn Austin need to answer questions as they are asked in their proposals and not cherry pick which questions they will answer and when they will answer them. The time to answer a question is when it is posted in their proposal because that is the time when the answers are required in order to make a decision on the proposal or to provide feedback to help improve the proposal.

My concern now is that DFN, DACH and DCG marketing will attempt to form a single entity for funding purposes. The reasons they will give is that it will offer better co-ordination of the marketing efforts. The reality is there is already co-ordination with marketing groups behind the scenes. DFN and DCG already communicate amongst each other there should be no need for grouping them together under one funding operation. If we did this then there would be a loss of ability to hold proposal owners accountable, just as we have in this proposal. We need to ensure marketing is co-ordinated between the different groups but at the same time these different groups are independently funded so we can hold accountable each group for the quality of their contribution. We don't want another DCG unaccountable situation as we have now where they choose not to answer the majority of challenging questions or feedback posted in their proposals.

MNOs watch out for a centralized funding attempt at marketing. Keep proposal owners accountable as we have done in this proposal and any others were the proposal owners think they not accountability to the people responsible for funding their projects.
0 points,4 years ago
I sincerely hope we find those people who match your standards and are willing to to jump through all the loops we hold. Unfortunately I'm not very optimistic, considering that even die hard Dash fans as the DFN team do not match the standards of a minority of MNOs and are sick of it.
0 points,4 years ago
Typo correction: "MNOs should *not* be tempted to centralize a group responsible for marketing in any way for exactly this reason."
1 point,4 years ago
What a bunch of asshats that arranged to have this propsloal defunded. So idiot's...where is your solution to fill the void?
-3 points,4 years ago
As a codependent* of DashForce bigr, you are part of the problem. Instead of being a true friend and helping them to understand their failings and improve, you're continuing this narrative that they are somehow victims of a CABAL of evildoers.

* Codependency is a behavioral condition in a relationship where one person enables another person's addiction, poor mental health, immaturity, irresponsibility, or under-achievement.
-1 point,4 years ago
If it's so important not to lose, it should have been owned by the DIF like I've been saying for months. There would have been a brief interruption while a new team was brought on, but we could have had others take over and continue as if nothing happened. Instead now we have a defunded team that is either going to leave the DF website and brand out to rot, or will start using it for their own personal use. Nice going, DAO. We need to learn from these mistakes.

In the meantime, bigrcanada, you can literally get every single piece of dash news that you would have gotten from Dash force, by simply following dashpay and Ryan Taylor on twitter.
-2 points,4 years ago
@bigrcanada the people responsible for this proposal being defunded were DFN themselves. I quote Mark Mason in his last message in this proposal:

"Please downvote. Even though this proposal is currently passing we have decided to disband Dash Force operations going forward"

Your comment about asshats should therefore be directed towards DFN themselves since they asked for the down votes when their proposal was actually passing.

DFN were unwilling to take on board the constructive feedback and criticisms. They just selected the down votes to comments made by MNOs that were trying to give feedback.

I thought for a moment Mark Mason was beginning to listen, because he gave a considered and detailed feedback to my final comments. I felt there was some dialogue starting which I felt was encouraging. But when I logged in next I saw they had decided to abandon the project.

A true friend will care enough to give you the feedback you need to improve no matter how hard it is to say. A person that says nothing is someone who does not care.
0 points,4 years ago
@DeepBlue this is wrong. When Mark Mason posted to downvote, the proposal was "passing" but the voting deadline had already passed. The proposal had already failed when Mark posted. There were more votes that came in after the deadline which is why he said that.
-2 points,4 years ago
@DashUnicorn, my understanding is this: DFN proposal had one more month (this month) of funding left. Therefore for this month they had gained enough votes at the beginning of the month to pass at the time that Mark Mason requested a down vote for his proposal. DFN therefore had enough votes for this month funding at the start of the month. If they had continued and actually responded to criticisms and feedback in a constructive manner they could have maintained their votes as we have seen with many other proposals in the past. Instead DFN decided to throw the towel in rather than attempt to continue to respond to the feedback.
-3 points,4 years ago
@DashForce, I've just logged in to see your response of closing down DashForce. This seems to me to be an over reaction and someone unexpected to drop everything due to MNOs giving feedback on how you can improve. I have given feedback many times in proposals because that is my role as an MNO - however when a proposal owner ignores our contributions with no feedback other than a downvote how do you expect us to respond? I had raised the issue previously on asking Mark Mason what formal media training you had an in response you spoke about graphic design, social media etc. This is not what is meant by media training. I mean the specific presentation skills required for video presentations and interviews.

I undertook a search on Youtube for the term and this is what I found. Could you review these so you understand what I mean by "Media and PR training" This channel demonstrates what I mean. The whole channel is devoted to Media Training

In terms of the DASH brand representation I did not mean graphics what I meant is the values of DASH. What is our brand about? We are a Digital Cash and soon we will have Evolution released that makes us a Digital Bank. Banks store people's money therefore the values of trust, reliability, security, and professionalism need to be conveyed as part of these values of the DASH brand. This means being conservative in the approach for the videos and our communications along with other aspects such as choice of clothing and the content itself and how it is presented. A well prepared presentation transmits trust. There is nothing wrong with having the occasional joke on the videos and being relaxed what I was objecting too is childish behaviour such as giant pointing fingers to the moon, Bunny ears etc. In addition planning in what you wanted to say in advance so that it does not take a long time to formulate what you needed to say. Joel, I am sorry to point you out but you were guilty of this more than Mark and sometimes it could take up to a minuet for your to formulate your argument or point of view. This does not come across well on the videos. I had raised this a number of times and was asking about the formal Media Training because they tackle all these types of issues in a typical Media and PR training course. The fact that Mark responded by talking about graphics and social media demonstrates to me you did not know what the term "Media Training" actually means - so do you not think it is a good thing that an MNO raises this so you are aware this type of training exists?

I am disappointed Mark Mason and the team have decided to throw in the towel instead of actually dealing with the feedback given in a responsible manner. Again, to me this appears to be a somewhat childish behaviour.

Part of the problem may be because we are giving written communications only. I am sure if we had a voice call then you can hear in the tonality of voice the sincerity of the communications. It is not intended to be an "attack". It is intended to make you aware of points that we fell need to be addressed. The vital information of tonality does not come across when someone is providing written text.

If Mark and Joel are still open to a call to discuss the feedback I will make time this weekend to do so. I think it would be a loss for you to close this project off in this manner. I also think it would be a great loss not to listen to constructive feedback such as I have given here. I accept that Joel did send an invite to me to discuss. I simply did not have free time. I'm running a business and supporting other projects such as DashMall parking, Dash Retail, and making calls to other members of DASH. I just didn't have the time free. I also have to move countries and I've got a load of other personal issues on my plate at the moment.

I found speaking with other project owners on a voice call in the past resolved misunderstandings e.g. I spoke with DASH watch once and it cleared the air on both sides and I have spoken with MNOs and each time it became clear we are all on the same side and there was no reason to be defensive. However I understand how feedback can be misinterpreted if it is written communications only.

I voted for your project every time until this cycle. The reason I did not this time is your ignored my feedback and just down voted me. By default now if proposal owners do not answer constructive feedback that I've taken the time to think through and provide they do not get my vote because I cannot fulfill my role as MNO. So what is the point of me even contributing. Maybe I should just sell my masternodes and move on - is that the type of response you would expect from an MNO because that seems to be the response you have decided to take in your proposal.

If you guys are still open to talk we can schedule a signal call this weekend. If you're going to leave it should be for the right reasons and not a misunderstanding.

-3 points,4 years ago
I would like to think that the DAO is getter better at holding POs accountable, and by this I mean demanding a certain amount of transparency, honesty, and humility from POs in addition to the services and products they provide. Unfortunately however, I suspect DashForce was simply a victim of the lack of room in the budget this cycle.
3 points,4 years ago
Final update

Please downvote. Even though this proposal is currently passing we have decided to disband Dash Force operations going forward. We are not going anywhere but there will not be a new Dash Force proposal.
Thank you to all the Masternode owners who voted for us over the last 3 years.
5 points,4 years ago
Sorry to hear that. I will change my yes votes to no votes as requested and wish you guys all the best. It is a shame it had to come to this.
-6 points,4 years ago
"we have decided to disband Dash Force operations going forward. We are not going anywhere"
What does this mean please? Will you be transferring any IP to the DAO?

I hope it is clear to MNOs now why some of us are so adamant about the DAO having ownership in the projects it funds. If DF would so kindly transfer all accounts, domains and content to the DAO, then we could find suitable replacements for the DF core team without missing a beat. We need to start planning with the understanding that it's no guarantee that project teams will always get voted in. But MNOs ignored these warnings for a long time and now we are at the mercy of a de-funded team for whether or not they will allow the DAO to take over, or whether they will continue to claim ownership of DF content as their own personal hobby/business that the DAO paid for.

Regardless of what DF chooses to do, I hope you can all see the light on this issue now.
-2 points,4 years ago
I would say that all the DashForce IP can be safely throw away. DiscoverDash is more of a publicity stunt than a useful tool. It's expensive to keep up-to-date, and it will be obsolete once we have Evo-based vendor directories. In any case, it should NEVER have been turned into apps -- big waste of money there. The webapp is fine for its intended use if it has any.

The only thing I would like the DAO to get from them is the Discord, but they see this as a key to power and won't even acknowledge that they own it, and so it may need to be eventually destroyed as well.
-6 points,4 years ago
Sic semper tyrannis
-4 points,4 years ago
Thoughts on a potential marketing team:
5 points,4 years ago
1. There’s more chance of McAfee eating his own dick than getting all the people Tao listed working nicely together! Imo.
2. If an organised marketing team was to be formed outside of DCG then it has to incorporate and be owned by the DAO Trust.
3. The only person I would trust build and to head up such an organisation is Mark Mason.
4. Alternatively, each person Tao listed can just submit their own proposals, and be accountable to the DAO directly for their individual contributions should they wish to work on marketing for the DAO, whilst collaborating with co-working groups (probably the best approach, absent a DAO owned solution).

-3 points,4 years ago
The Dash Trust has four primary roles...

1 - Own the shares of DCG2
2 - As shareholders, reassign the DCG board if the masternodes instruct it to do so
3 - Assign or hire the trustee of the Trust
4 - Hold other passive assets that ultimately belong to the network such as patents or trademarks assigned to it by DCG or other legal entities, and enforce any associated licensing requirements

* * * * *

The DT is not set up to run active companies. I am opposed to burdening the DT with any new responsibilities.

The DT might set up a marketing company and then promptly get sued by one of the prima donnas we have here when things don't work out.
0 points,4 years ago
Using the treasury directly has benefits. We may have less control, but we also have less legal liability. We can defund proposals without being dragged into court.
0 points,4 years ago
What potential legal liability are you referring to? Are you saying someone might have a legal basis to file a suit if we defunded DCG, for example? Please explain or provide a hypothetical example so I can understand what you are saying, thanks.
-1 point,4 years ago
Let's say we create a company for marketing activity and then the marketing company hires contractors or even employees. The contractors/employees can conceivably drag the marketing company into court based upon their employment agreement.
0 points,4 years ago
Sure, but how is this situation any different than what we are already doing with DCG?
Do you mean drag them to court because the funds are not there to pay the employees?

I am not saying that the Trust should necessarily own the marketing company itself. But the marketing company can be a contractor for the network, and as such we can negotiate that the Dash DAO retains ownership of certain assets, since the marketing company is doing work on behalf of the network. Suppose for the sake of argument, that the MNOs want to approve CoinTelegraph to work for Dash and make a DashTelegraph. CoinTelegraph can go to the Trust in advance and set up a contractor agreement, in which the DAO can approve a treasury proposal for them to set up the website and to provide and manage the content, but the Dash DAO retains the DashTelegraph domain and the full rights to all IP and work performed. The Dash DAO does not need to assume risk associated with hiring employees if it is treated as contract work. Owning the whole marketing company could be an option in certain cases, but I am primarily just interested in finding ways for the DAO to protect its interests as much as possible. Proposals will always be coming and going, and it just makes more sense for the DAO to have the ability to pick up the pieces when they go.
1 point,4 years ago
The whole point of forming corporations is to limit liability. Whether the Dash DAO Trust owns shares in 1 or 100 different Dash related companies has no bearing on the overall liability to the Trust, or it’s other investments. Liability is limited to loss of equity in each company.

The only logical reason to create something like a “Dash Marketing Group” type company and house it at the DIF is if it was to be a profit seeking entity.. else if it’s going to be a cost centre like a DCG it really belongs in the Dash DAO Trust imo.

There is no reason not to use the same trust, it saves on resources, costs, and another set of protectors and elections.

By all means if that’s what the network wants then we can create dozens of trusts. It seems like a massive waste of money to me though!

-1 point,4 years ago
"The whole point of forming corporations is to limit liability."

That is true if you are a LEGAL ENTITY like a person or another company, but the DAO is NOT a legal entity, and so can grant funds through the treasury with ZERO liability. This is a real benefit. I would rather the marketing be handled this way so we can quickly shut down any rogue operations (e.g., George Donnelly's disastrous thing).

"Whether the Dash DAO Trust owns shares in 1 or 100 different Dash related companies has no bearing on the overall liability to the Trust, or it’s other investments. Liability is limited to loss of equity in each company."

I'm not so sure. A clever lawyer can go after the parent company AFAIK. Please seek guidance on the this from someone smarter than you (i.e., Ryan Taylor).

"The only logical reason to create something like a “Dash Marketing Group” type company and house it at the DIF is if it was to be a profit seeking entity.."

The DIF is a legal entity that exists for the benefit of the DAO. Some of its investments could conceivably have value to the DAO that is not specifically income generating.

"...if it’s going to be a cost centre like a DCG it really belongs in the Dash DAO Trust imo."

You have to stop "winging it" and get guidance from Ryan. The only person I trust to create a new entity under the Dash Irrevocable Trust is Ryan.
1 point,4 years ago
#1 your first point has some merit if we’re dealing with contractors that don’t generate IP, Assets and collaterals. What we’ve consistently seen over the years is that these contractors turn into organisations of 10-20+ staff with zero legal structure. At that point the benefits of your approach are far outweighed by the negatives of NOT incorporating.
#2 There isn’t a ‘parent company’ in your scenario, it’s a Trust. You are conflating the two.
#3 a shareholder of a company is completely protected from any liability above and beyond their interest as a shareholder. That is a fact, it doesn’t really matter how clever the lawyer is. Directors may be liable and can be “chased” depending on the damages and circumstances, but never an equity shareholder.
#4 organisations/assets/IP can exist under either entity, and there is no ‘set rule’ here. My example is designed to illustrate a common sense approach to this. If you’re not willing to consider such an approach without it being preordained by Ryan then that’s your problem, not mine.
#5 I’m an elected representative of both the trust and the DIF and I have intimate knowledge and understanding of both entities.
#6 I won’t be engaging any further in this discussion.

-1 point,4 years ago
Please be mindful that lack of transparency and arrogance in response to valid MNO concerns is what doomed DashForce.

According the description of the Dash Irrevocable Trust originally presented to the DAO, it was not intended to hold any non-passive assets aside from DCG.
2 points,4 years ago

I wish to draw your attention specifically to p22 of the Trust document above. In particular, the First Schedule articles 1 through 3. It's clearly outlines what the remit and powers of the Trust are, who has the ability to execute those powers, and any restrictions.

Could you point out the bit that specifies legal restrictions whereby the Trust is not intended to hold any assets other than DCG? Or even just find the description that you reference?
-1 point,4 years ago
I'm not talking about the POWERS of the trust, and of course the boilerplate in the legal agreement will naturally and unfortunately allow quite a bit of latitude for the trust protectors to get themselves in all kinds of trouble if they are careless.

I am talking about the INTENDED ROLE of the trust, which can be found here:
2 points,4 years ago
From the link you provided "A different legal structure will be needed to house profit-driven enterprises for the benefit of the Dash network, and a separate project is underway to establish such an entity: Dash Ventures (sic)."

Nowhere does it state that the Trust is NOT intended to hold any other assets, as you claim. The only distinction is between cost centres and profit-driven enterprises, which is exactly what I referenced at the start of this, increasingly pointless and circular, discussion.

It is a misunderstanding on your behalf, and that's OK, it's a complex matter.
0 points,4 years ago
Yikes. Sorry for linking to DC! The original link is here:
-2 points,4 years ago
Would you please indulge me and ask Ryan for his thoughts on this? My reading of his post is that the DIT/DCG relationship is intended to be a self-contained binary arrangement. Note the following passage:

"Can other entities serving the network adopt this structure?

Yes, there is nothing preventing other legal entities, groups, or individual community members from mimicking this structure."

Notice Ryan says "mimicking the structure" and does not suggest that new entities should be thrown into the original DIT at the discretion of the protectors.
2 points,4 years ago

With the greatest of respect to Ryan, it's of no great consequence what his thoughts are on the matter, and I'm sure he's got far more important things to be doing than speculating on relatively trivial governance related matters that are outside of the purview of DCG.

As always, it's up to the network; we could have 100 DAO Trusts to represent 100 distinct cost-centre organisations in the future if that's what the network decides... However, that's 100 elections per year, 600 Trust Protectors to research, and elect (not including researching all applicants),100 Trustees to hire, and then 600 Trust-Protectors for the Trustees to KYC/AML process and appoint. Which, for just for MNOs to manage, I'm sure you'll agree, doesn't scale very well... Or we can just have one, two or a handful at most if we get really large as a network.

That, of course, is for the DAO to decide, as I've repeatedly said, but I know where my preference lies as an MNO, and I'm sure others will agree that it's a waste of resources to duplicate expensive governance machinery for the sake of it. So let's stop myopically clinging on to every word Ryan utters, and just consider the broader implications of what you are seemingly advocating for.

This really is my last post on this matter, I've been very transparent as well as generous with my time on this.

-3 points,4 years ago
Walter, earlier in this thread you wrote:

2. If an organised marketing team was to be formed outside of DCG then it has to incorporate and be owned by the DAO Trust.
3. The only person I would trust build and to head up such an organisation is Mark Mason.

* * *

If your idea is to add a new legal entity to the Dash Trust that is run by a Dash Trust protector, I can assure you, you will be removed faster than you can say, "Conflict of interest."
4 points,4 years ago
Great, I’m glad we’ve settled that discussion - I presume that’s what the switcheroo is about?

I’m entitled to an opinion, there is no conflict of interest in having an opinion. You’re just taking cheap shots now.

I suppose next you’ll say Mark would have a conflict of interest if he goes to work as an employee at DCG too?

In any case, the trust protectors election is just around the corner in March. It happens every 12 months and the network can address any issues it may have during those elections. Although I very much doubt anybody would put themselves forward for election if there was a genuine conflict of interest, moreover be voted in.
-3 points,4 years ago
That is the whole point though. If the marketing organization doesn't work out eventually, then the DAO doesn't lose any IP. Think about this -- we had a media organization branded as "Dash News" that was built up over 3 years on the DAO's dime. If the MNOs are no longer satisfied the the team, the team should go but the DAO should be retaining the assets and IP that it paid for. The Dash Trust should not be operating a media organization, but what it CAN do is retain domain names and keep servers and databases running on minimal operating costs until the DAO can find a new team, or it can shut things down completely if the network does not want to pursue it anymore. Instead, what we have here is a defunded team that has all the rights to everything WE paid for, and it depends on nothing other than their consciences for whether or not they will just say "thank you now we're going to do our own thing with DashNews and DiscoverDash", or whether they'll give the DAO the power to do what it deems most appropriate with those resources. I do see this as something that is within scope of the Trust. It's the same thing with DCG. The Trust is not directly involved in "running" DCG, but if the DAO goes nuclear on DCG then the Trust still retains DCG's assets and has a fiduciary duty to manage those assets in a way that benefits the network. If I am a developer working for a company, I can't just take all my work with me if I get fired, because I signed something preventing this when I agreed to do the work in the first place. Licenses and ownership is always negotiable whenever there is a employer/employee or contractor relationship.
-1 point,4 years ago
My point here is that I would rather the DIF create a marketing company if one needs to be created (and that is a BIG IF). I don't want the DT to take on any potential liability for running a subsidiary company.
1 point,4 years ago
Is the Dash funded company profit seeking or a cost centre?

Profit seeking = should be owned by the DIF
Cost centre = should be owned by the Dash DAO Trust

It really is as simple as that imo.

In either situation liability is limited at the company level for all investments. That’s one of the main purposes of companies.. limited liability.

-7 points,4 years ago
Mark Mason is not suitable to head-up anything. His passivity and aloof attitude in the face of the DashForce implosion is proof of that. He had the power to improve things there and did nothing. He did not even address any of the concerns of the DF critics until it was WAY too late. I'm sure he's doing a wonderful job as Trust Protector however, as this is a position that requires inaction for the most part.
-4 points,4 years ago
Full disclosure:

I WAS able to get DF to improve in two ways. I was able to get them to limit podcasts to one hour (you're welcome!), and I was able to get them to institute an official rules violation policy for DashTalk. Unfortunately, they disregarded their own policy yesterday and expelled me from the DashTalk Discord in a fit of pique.
-3 points,4 years ago
Are you sure he had the power to improve things? It was Joel Valenzuela, Brian Freeman, and him. I am fine with him being aloof in the face of DF implosion. Both he and Dash would be better off if he is not as tied to the rest of DashForce at the hip, and DF no longer existing is unlikely to change much about what he already does for Dash.
-4 points,4 years ago
Joel and Brian should be banned from the treasury for at least a year IMHO. MM might be useful in some capacity, but certainly not in a management role.
5 points,4 years ago
For those concerned with the size of the ask, I am sure they have expenses cairried forward from continuing operations unfunded, and Mastermined carries forward left over balances, I trade almost daily, and I have no idea what the Dash price will be a month from now.
3 points,4 years ago
Or for that matter, what the price will be when the Superblock is issued, we normally see a price drop there.
-3 points,4 years ago
I would like to raise an issue with DFN lack of response to my feedback. I have posted extensive feedback a few times in this proposal and each time Mark Mason has posted a large posting above my posting and not directly responded to my comments. In order to reply to a comment Mark the correct etiquette is to click the Reply *below* the comment. This shows a thread of communication between the MNO that is raising the questions and points and the proposal owner that should be responding to those comments. Since you have not once yet replied to any of my comments but simply tried to push them down the page by posting one of your large comments so that they would get less visibility.

Proposal owners have a responsibility to respond to MNOs posting questions. That means hitting that reply text below the comment Mark and not trying to hide my comments by posting a huge comment above mine.

What I can say is if you do this childish behaviour again I will simply copy and paste my comments again above yours. I highly recommend you answer my comments and requests for information.

MNOs I strongly feel that if proposal owners do not answer questions posted by MNOs then by default we should vote no. When I say answer I also mean in the correct manner. That is you hit the reply below the comments Mark Mason and continue to do so until the thread is completed. If you don't do this you come across as hiding from the questions and trying to push valid points out of view further down the page.

Here is a digest of my previous comment and questions that have not been answered by DFN

I personally want the DASH brand to be presented in a professional manner so that people will have confidence storing their money with us. We take people's money seriously. That is the image I want for the DASH brand to have - not adults acting like school kids pranking around shooting the breeze as they see fit on videos we are paying for. - Thirty Five Thousand Dollars per month. Think about that for a moment. We deserve more for our money than that.

I also suggested the guys get formal media training so that they know what they are doing to represent our brand in the correct light - but they have not done this. You say that Dash news are answering questions OK here are the questions to Mark Mason:

1. What formal PR and Media training have you had?
2. State specifically what certified media training course have you been on to ensure your are presenting our Brand correctly?
3. How long was the course for and who ran it?
4. If you have not received formal PR and Media training why do you feel you don't need it if you are acting as our premier news service?

I am asking Dash Force news Mark Mason and Joel to answer the questions above.

I also would like to know why no reply or even feedback was sent to me after I had taken 2 x Saturday mornings recording detailed videos on how to improve their youtube videos.

We are paying 35,000 USD per month. Think about that for a moment. For that kind of money we should be getting professional broadcast quality video presentations on youtube.

If you do not reply to this (as you have not to all my other comments) or if you just post above it I will just copy and paste this above your comment again until these questions get answered. If you don't answer them then by default I will vote no and continue to do so. I will also continue to post these comments in every proposal you have and make sure they are visible until there is a reply. Thank you.
10 points,4 years ago
Hello DeepBlue,

Thank you for your questions and feedback. First, I would like to address your comments with regard to the amount requested: “Thirty Five Thousand Dollars per month”. The proposal was first submitted when the price of Dash was drastically lower in the December cycle. Ten days ago, the proposal details were updated including a comment on the proposal from Joel, which was also posted in Dash community channels. The update discussed the increase in Dash’s price, our reduced ask and what we will do with the additional funds if the rise in Dash’s price holds.

“We are updating our monthly burn rate to the new reduced amount, with any surplus funds rolling over to future months and accounted for in our budget breakdown.”

*** New monthly burn rate is for 13K USD for 9 employees which also includes dedicated server, domains and software costs etc.***

The Dash price is extremely volatile. Like other proposals, we weren't sure how long lived the Dash price increase would be, so we gave forward guidance on our intentions if the price holds or increases further in order to eliminate any room for confusion or misunderstanding.

I have close to 4 years real-world work experience in public relations, specifically in the blockchain industry as a representative of Dash working directly with external media outlets including publications, TV networks and several PR firms including frequent communications with high-level individuals of key strategic partners.

This includes industry professionals Wachsman PR, BTC Media and more recently Shift, but I have also worked with other firms and made contacts in this space due to partner announcements via the partner’s own internal PR or external PR Firms that the partner used. During those four years, I also worked directly with publications, authors and networked with key industry influencers of interest.

In terms of media training and skills, I have experience in web-design, graphic design, social media management and video editing. I personally believe it is partly due to these skills why I’m the highest followed individual in the Dash eco-system on Twitter. For example, I had over 10 million impressions on Twitter in 2019 alone. Quite often my tweets are enough on their own to create news articles on external publications such as this recent one just this week on Yahoo Finance.

In addition, I'm actively involved with Business Development performing a crucial and fundamental role in communicating as an ambassador for Dash. This involves onboarding and introducing the DCG Biz Dev team to new high-level integration opportunities for the network. This is possible because of my influence, reputation and hard work in this industry to date. I have learned a lot along the way, and I have gained invaluable experience over the years by networking with the key players and influencers in our industry. I am able to perform in high pressure environments where good temperment, communication and social skills are required. For example, I have assisted in crisis management on behalf of Dash directly with PR Firms, media, writers and industry professionals. I have often acted as a "Mr Fix It" for the network performing thankless tasks as much of what I do happens behind the scenes. Whether it's retrieving funds back from Charlie Shrem, which also lead to Tenx returning their funds, playing the middle man to correct FUD on publications or lending my influence and communication skills to onboard new partners with some large integration announcements still yet to come.

I have often been praised and commended for my professionalism for not being drawn into drama or disputes.

Despite not being paid, I still chair and moderate the weekly Biz Dev coworking meeting with DCG and other DFO's lending my experience, history and contacts, giving my time and efforts into helping facilitate onboarding new partners for Dash. Often big partners want something in return for integration and Dash Force plays a key role in the process of onboarding many partners.

I have played a pivotal role in Dash’s outreach over the years from helping Amanda back in the day with social happening sections and updates for Dash Detailed episodes, and I was the brainchild behind the Friday show Dash Detailed Spotlight where Amanda would interview key individuals in the Dash community. Most importantly, which you may not be aware of, I used to reach out and coordinate guest interviews for Amanda including Dan Dicks Press for Truth,Omar Bahm aka Crypt0News, Crush The Street, Jeff Berwick (Dollar Vigilante / Anarchast) which also resulted in an invite for Amanda to be speaker at Anarchapulco. These are just a few examples from the past couple of years.

My PR efforts have achieved Dash news coverage on Forbes, Bitcoin Magazine, Cointelegraph, Business Insider, MarketWatch, ambcrypto, CoinDesk,, NewsBTC,, FXStreet, Yahoo Finance, Hacked, NullTX and many more.

I was personally invited by the Diplomat Business Club and Andrew Rosindell MP, who is a Member of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee of the House of Commons, to give a short speech on Blockchain and Dash at the UK Houses of Parliament. This generated a lot of press and business opportunities for Dash.

I have helped Dash every step of the way in terms of media outreach and public relations and continue to do so with pride. At the Dash Conference in London 2017, I helped facilitate, organize and provided contact details to DCG (employee at the time) Matt Meek to invite YouTubers Boxmining, Jeff Berwick, Omar Bahm aka Crypt0News. to ensure Dash would get external media coverage.

I have gone out of my way to get Ryan Taylor media appearances with invites to Russia Today TV Network on the Keiser Report with Max Keiser. The number one crypto YouTuber DataDash as well as, Omar Bahm and Boxmining, etc. There are too many to mention over the years, but I’m sure those who have been active in community channels are already aware of these efforts even though it was outside the scope of Dash Force but for the betterment of Dash.

I have been told multiple times including from members of Dash Watch, that I'm massively unpaid for the work I do. Those in the know do appreciate my efforts but its clear some are not fully aware of them or the historical role I have played in Dash to date.

I sincerely don’t think you are being very fair with your assessment. I’m afraid what you have said is simply not true unless you have sent me communications that I have not seen or received. We now use domain so perhaps you may have been emailing wrong email address I’m honestly not sure.

With regards to:

“I took 2 x Saturday mornings and recorded detailed video feedback explaining what I felt they needed to do to improve their youtube videos. However I did not get any response from them. Not even a "thank you" or even acknowledgement. I sent a follow up directly to Mark Mason asking did he get the videos - no reply from Mark Mason.”

Please see here where I did thank you and also offered a 1-1 chat when you reached out to me in 2018 which you declined. May I also note that you signed off with the phrase Stay Dashy.

You claim these things didn’t happen but evidently they did. I was also informed by Joel that he offered a 1-1 chat with you more recently due to feedback which apparently you didn't reply to or acknowledge.

Please continue reading part 2 below.
9 points,4 years ago
DeepBlue, in the past you have made some great and constructive comments on proposals but as of late these last few voting cycles you have been way off the mark in my opinion. I’m honestly not sure if you are being disingenuous with intent to harm or if you do genuinely care. If it’s the latter which I hope it is I would kindly appreciate it if you would not misrepresent the facts and don’t unjustly slander me.

I always try my utmost to present and conduct myself in a professional manner. In this industry, reputation and credibility is everything.

Ok, on to the podcast topic which seems to be your main issue of concern as you previously commented on this proposal:

Website content = V. Good (well researched interesting topics)
Heidi updates = V. Good (Reasons: well presented, planned contend and concise)
Community support = V. Good
Podcasts = poor (see below)

I'm afraid to say that a lot of what you have commented on this proposal is just flat out incorrect.

For example, in your first comment about the podcast on this proposal, you suggested we ask questions in advance. Your comment was on the very same day that the Ryan Taylor AMA podcast occured, and I had already given the community one week in the Discord channels to submit questions.

Request for community questions for podcast:

Also, the podcast format has changed recently and improved due to a new broadcasting software upgrade that I made. The podcast is now multi-streamed not just to YouTube but also Periscope via Twitter and Facebook Live. I'm currently setting it up so that we will also have Linkedin in the near future and hopefully Twitch as well which I hope will attract a younger audience. In your comment, I feel that you completely overlooked this, although, I may have misunderstood.

This upgrade was incredibly well received and welcomed by the Dash community with high praise in not only the comment section in the video but also discussed and expressed in Discord. This new change in format has also resulted in more video views and exposure beyond YouTube. For example, this is especially performing well on Twitter.

We have also continued to do the podcast unpaid which I think is an important distinction to make.

As I pointed out early in the proposal comments, the Dash Podcast is extremely popular with audio listeners via platforms such as iTunes, Podbean, Stitcher, Soundcloud, etc.

The total Dash Podcast audio downloads / playback for January 2019 – December 2019 = 228,184 Please see screenshot for numbers -

I do not think we would be able to achieve so many organic audio listeners if the podcast was truly as bad as you are proclaiming. We have actually increased outreach. In some instances, such as in one particular location where our podcast is shared,, our podcast actually performs better than dedicated Bitcoin and Gold podcasts.

Thank you for your feedback regarding our appearance on the podcast. In regard to your comment that we appear "childish" and that we have "embarrassing" behaviour and “act like school kids”, allow me to address these comments with the last podcast on Friday as an example.

Dash Podcast 139 Feat. Michelle O’Connor VP of Communications and Community at Uphold Inc. (currently at 1.9k views on Twitter alone)

During the past few months, we have tried to dress well for the videos, and during the last video we did not wear the Dash glasses as you previously suggested, and we heeded your advice. If there are other aspects that you found childish, we would appreciate your feedback so that we can improve the podcast, as we also want to make sure that the podcast comes across as professional.

However, I must comment that we have many viewers that do enjoy the podcast in its current form, and that over the years, we have found it's impossible to please everyone.

Regarding Dash News being labeled the premier news service for Dash.

Premier means foremost and leading position. As we say in the about section "Dash News is the world’s premier news service covering Dash". Is this not true? We're a dedicated news service for Dash. DCG and other DFO's depend on us to put out news and coverage on partners, announcements and integrations, otherwise they might not get any exposure at all.

I personally don’t see this as a major issue or deal breaker but if others feel strongly about it I’m open to suggestions and hearing from you. We write this because we have the biggest outreach with content in seven different languages.

When it comes to branding guidelines and taglines, I'm in weekly meetings with DCG discussing everything from taglines, new partnerships and integrations including crisis management when necessary reaching out to external entities to help Dash far beyond the scope of Dash Force proposal and my network obligations.

Personally speaking as a trust protector, the intellectual property of Dash including code and branding identity guidelines of Dash is something that is incredibly important to me. I believe I use the style guide more than anyone in the network. This can be seen from my graphic artwork, videos and Dash News itself.

Listen to all, follow none. Dash Force is for the Dash network, so please understand that I have to factor in everyone's opinion. For example, you like Heidi videos but many others have expressed dissatisfaction in Discord, etc. Should I just ignore them and listen to only your opinion over everyone else? No, of course not. Every masternodes vote and opinion matters. You are free and have earned your right to express your opinion and give feedback, but I must also take into consideration that this is a decentralized network. I have to make decisions based on feedback as a collective not just one voter. Please try to understand that it’s extremely difficult to please everyone as a lot of the time feedback is subjective and not objective because it’s based on or influenced by their own personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. I give you my word that I’m trying my best. I have the network’s best interests at heart and wear Dash colors with pride. I truly believe in getting ahead based on the merit of hard work. I tried to give the network the best of me, and my close colleagues in the network know that I have made personal sacrifices over the years in order to build global brand awareness for Dash.

I am deeply saddened and disappointed that you commented that you will vote no based on the full deliverables of our proposal. You had previously commented that you were very happy with the majority of our proposal deliverables so I am taking your decision to vote no very seriously. Would you defund DCG for wearing Dash t-shirts under their blazers at events? I think perhaps not. I do sincerely hope you will reconsider and if needed read or re-read the update in proposal description posted ten days ago about new 13K burn rate and statement acknowledging network feedback and criticism. I do feel you have been unfair in your comments.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

Mark Mason aka Stay Dashy
-7 points,4 years ago
@MarkMason, thank you your reply and sharing your experience. First I need to say my criticisms have been very specific. I have not raised a criticism about your commitment to DASH or the fact that you work hard so I do not see this as valid as listing your other accomplishments. My criticisms have been specifically with two areas which up until now you have not responded to.

1. Childish behaviour, tacky catchphrases and lack of planning on the podcasts.
2. No formal media training or PR training.

I asked some very specific questions in my post above but I notice you did not answer these specific questions - instead you listed your experience working with DASH PR gained on the job. The questions I asked again are here:

1. What formal PR and Media training have you had?
2. State specifically what certified media training course have you been on to ensure your are presenting our Brand correctly?
3. How long was the course for and who ran it?
4. If you have not received formal PR and Media training why do you feel you don't need it if you are acting as our premier news service?

Can you actually answer the specific questions above please.

It appears from your answer you have not received any formal media training can you confirm this by answering the questions specifically asked.

Why is it important you have formal media training? Because it will enable you to be aware of many of the factors which you are currently missing in your youtube presentations. To present the message in broadcast quality professional manner which is what we need now for the DASH brand. It also eliminates the issue where you say who do you listen to. You don't need to listen to anyone when you have been formally trained - you know.

To answers your comments on me using the words "Stay Dashy" in a private message specifically to you on Discord. First this was in a private message specifically only to you and not a public broadcast for mass consumption like your youtube videos. There is a world of difference between saying something in private chat and saying something to all viewers on the internet as a premier news service representing the DASH brand. I have not used that term in any other communications to you that I'm aware of. The only other times I've used that phrase are in criticisms stating that it is childish to use such phrases on a service that claims to be our "premier news service". That is the only time I used such a phrase in that manner and the goal was to build a bridge with you as that was my very first communication with you.

To highlight that one occurrence on my very first communication as me somehow endorsing use of those phrases publicly is taking things way out of context Mark. If you can show everyone recurring cases of me using that phrase in the way you describe feel free to get those screenshots. Otherwise I find you highlighting that one occurrence unrepresentative.

It is not suitable for a professional broadcast premier news service to be using such frivolous terms on a subject that is as important as people's money. "Stay Dashy" "DashTastic" Dash Glasses, giant pointing fingers to the moon, having chalk ears drawn behind your head etc are all very childish behaviour for a supposed professional news organisation that is representing something as important as people's money. I am surprised you just don't seem to understand or even grasp that point but have continued to do these pranks week after week on the podcasts.

I provided a link previously to one of these but there are many many more of these types of pranks.

I want everyone to please take a look at this link on what I mean by childish behaviour. This is one of many examples Mark. It is not an isolated incident: Dash Bunny Ears.

Why can't you see this is childish behaviour? This is just one occurrence of what I am referring to but there are many more such like this Mark on your youtube videos.

You mention above that others in Discord have commented they like your approach presumably you mean fooling around with these catch phrases and what I would call childish behaviour (Chalk ears etc) . Are these people serious investors in DASH meaning masternode owners? If so do they have long term business experience or they were just early in DASH geeks that don't actually know anything about presenting a professional and trustworthy image for a brand associated with storing something as important as people's money? People can say many things Mark. I don't think a professionally trained Media and PR person would agree with them. That is like asking for advice from a complete novice in the area. This is why I am asking specifically about professional media training. You will learn what to do and what to say and how to say it to re-enforce the message about our brand. You don't then need to listen to me or anyone else if you have been formally media trained because you will know what to do.

If you had formal media training you will most likely see why. Go on youtube and type in Media and PR Training and see what I mean. However these are not courses. There are courses which you can do over a period of a few months that will cover all you need to know.

You have also called doubts on me sending you the feedback videos which I recorded and sent to you. You can clearly see in the Discord message that you gave me an email address to send the videos to. That is the address I sent them to. I did not receive any bounce messages to either the messages I sent with the video download links or the follow up message so the messages where delivered - if they would not I would have got a bounce message. I also notice that in your podcast immediately after I sent you the feedback you mentioned you made changes based on feedback received. The people also posted positive comments on how much the video had improved after my feedback. However you went back to your old ways after a time.

I have also mentioned several times in your actual funding proposals, including this one, that I sent you the video feedback but I did not hear anything back from you in any of your proposals when I commented about the video feedback. I invite everyone to please look at my postings below both in this cycle and previous ones where I mentioned the video feedback I sent to Mark. You did not respond to any of my messages in your proposal. The only thing I got was large numbers of downvotes on my messages immediately after posting and leaving no comments below them. Why did you not comment that you did not receive my video feedback when I've mentioned it several times actually in your proposal Mark.

e.g. please search for the following sentence in this proposal as you will see you did not respond to my comment about the video feedback I sent to you. If you claim to not have received the videos you would have asked what I was referring to. But you did not ask. You did not make any comments.

Here again was my note in this proposal:
" I know you don't agree with my feedback because when I recorded it and sent you the video feedback you did not provide any response or feedback to me."

Why did you not respond to the above comment and others previously if you claim you did not receive my video feedback?

I would also like to highlight why I recorded videos instead of accepting a live chat as you and Joel wanted. I am a business owner and as such I have limited time as I explained to you in my discord message. I said I prefer to send you feedback when I get free moments to do so. In addition screen recordings provided actual feedback that could not be replicated in a chat call. The most effective way therefore to provide you the feedback was on the screen video recordings which I did over 2 x Saturdays mornings. Your mail server must have received my emails Mark because I did not receive any bounce messages which is what typically happens when an email is not received. I sent the video links to which is the emails clearly shown in the Discord message you sent to me. I had sent the links within 1 week of receiving that message and that domain was still active then.

I don't use discord and are not familiar with it. I only posted a few messages to you initially there only to get your email.

I would also like to specifically address your beliefs on saying I'm trying to cause damage to your proposal. If someone searches my username in this proposal they will see that you have not responded to the feedback I gave in this proposal. I just had my comments downvoted with no comments. I also raised complaints to @rango about ValenciaDash that was trolling your proposal. If I was out to only cause damage to your proposal then why would I ask Rango to ban ValenciaDASH from posting in your proposal?

There has been a worrying trend in these proposals lately, which started by Ryan Taylor and Glen Austin in the DCG in not answering questions and feedback from MNOs in their proposals. I notice that DFN also started to do this in your proposals because no feedback or comments were made to my feedback. This is the first time Mark you have actually responded to feedback from me in this proposal as far as I can see.

DASH is a store of people's money - like a bank. The DASH brand needs to build trust and confidence in our customers that we take their money seriously. My points are primarily that the image presented in the podcasts is not achieving this objective. The podcasts come across as amateurish.

I would appreciate an answer to the questions on if you have received formal media and PR training. Thank you.
-3 points,4 years ago
Speaking candidly, if the other Dash Force members were as professional as you are Mark then we might not be in this situation. Just saying. You might have a friendship with them but honestly I don't understand why you tolerate the way Joel Valenzuela or Brian Freeman handle themselves as representatives for Dash. It is good that you have a reputation for staying out of drama, but you are not just staying out of it, you are also turning a blind eye to it. Your DF colleagues are dragging you down. I don't know if you actually have any power to change things over there but it appears to me that you have been either unwilling or unable to do so. This is part of why I have been calling for DF to transfer its assets to the DIF or the Dash Trust.
6 points,4 years ago
Thank you DashUnicorn for your comment. May I kindly ask for more detail to help me fully understand your specific concerns in relation to how "Joel Valenzuela or Brian Freeman handle themselves" just so there is no room for misunderstanding on my part. For example is this in relation to drama and personal exchanges when the Dash Talk Discord was created back in August 2018 or is it related to more recent mod duties or comments? I'm honestly not sure, so any extra detail you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Or is it that you just do not like them as individuals and how they conduct themselves in general?

If it's possible to resolve in anyway, I'm all ears. In an ideal world what would you have me do to win your support back? I do appreciate your feedback. With regard to assets please don't worry as a Dash Trust Protector I will ensure that in worst-case scenario the network will have a full website backup of DiscoverDash to safeguard data. I've already been discussing this with a DIF Supervisor. DD doesn't generate any money but I do agree DashUnicorn that it's directory contents are important to protect for the network.

As I indicated in a previous Dash Watch interview when Dash Platform is ready I hope as a network we can decide together and elect a development team to create a dedicated merchant directory DAPP that the network truly deserves where businesses have to create Dashpay usernames that also utilizes Dash Drive functionality with an API so official Dash wallet apps as well as 3rd party apps and developers can easily integrate merchant directory directly. That is the ultimate decentralized goal. A decentralized solution owned by the network powered by the network. Hopefully in a few months (fingers crossed) when Dash Platform launches on Mainnet we can push talks forward as a network. I have already discussed this with DCG and other DFO leaders. We could even use this DAPP for example as a bounty idea for a hackathon. A few suggestions have been made but it's still slightly premature as Dash Platform isn't quite ready yet as I've been told to wait. I want to assure you that I won't rage quit the network or try to harm it. I'm not only invested in Dash I've put my reputation and energy into Dash for years. I still believe in Dash and the financial freedom Dash provides. I'm Stay Dashy after-all and I want to see Dash succeed not hinder it efforts. I hope that is of some comfort and addresses any concerns you have on that front. Thanks.
-6 points,4 years ago
I am not too familiar with the Discord situation right now because when I tried to participate there (it was sometime within the last several months I don't remember) it was a mess. Multiple members of the moderation team made it obvious that not all points of view are welcome, that not everyone is respected, and it was too hostile of an environment to even bother, which is why I don't do discord or reddit. Forgive me if I come off as jaded but it was really that bad an experience. I do know that Joel allowed and participated in a character assassination of Tao, the ramifications of which persist even now, so it does not surprise me to hear of other people complaining of the same problems more recently. Joel is also frequently involved in venomous tweets and posts which can serve to permanently alienate crypto influencers and journalists whenever someone says something that might be incorrect about Dash. For Brian he is not as publicly involved anymore, but the case in point is that despite a hundred comments on this proposal while it was still funded, he only came out to shit on Tao, until the funding situation started getting more dicey.

If you want to solve the Discord problem, a good first step would be to start fresh. Ensure that almost none of the current moderators are ever allowed to continue acting as moderators because moderation is obviously not their strong suit. The true extra mile would be to grant control of the server to an account controlled by the Trust (not a TP's personal account), and have the Trust protectors appoint a community manager. You might even be able to get both discords on board with that. It is confusing for newcomers if there are two discords dominated by different political factions.

I don't have a problem with the merchant directory, except when Dash News reports misleading figures about it. I reviewed extensively the research that was done on the quality of the data, as well as the "rebuttals" without caring about the politics that was supposedly happening around it. I don't see how anyone could look at the data and not come away with an understanding that there is a data quality problem. I don't blame DashForce for this, and I have no interest in paying DashForce to go investigate every entry. My only issue is when you start reporting the raw DD merchant counts which can lead potential investors into a wrong understanding of what the reality is on the ground. A decentralized version of DiscoverDash would be a cool project but would likely not fix that problem.

For how to get my support back, here are some factors I'm looking for
*Report to DashWatch
*Ensure the DIF or Trust at least has a backup (if not ownership) of both DiscoverDash and all DashNews content, as well as the rights to re-publish
*Improve youtube view counts
*Mark Mason should be the only representative of the organization when interacting with MNOs, at least until there is another suitable person
*Joel Valenzuela's role should be modified or replaced. Let him do what he does best which is live interviews, not "moderation", warring trolls or blogging on DashNews.
*Outreach over internal Dash audience
*Focus on quality over quantity, maybe hire different writers or editors (many DFN articles currently read like used car salesman pitches at the end)
*Honesty and transparency over dash-colored glasses. You could draw a lot more attention and have greater control over the narrative if you also report on controversial or negative things in Dash, and leave it open ended without always trying to spin it a certain way at the end.

I can't point to any one set of things to gain my support. I look at the state of the proposal as a whole, and right now I don't see enough here to justify supporting additional funding until some of these things are addressed. I am glad to hear that you are in for the long haul, although I did not doubt this. I hope you are somehow able to take the bull by the horns and take things to the next level that the DAO needs, and it is regrettable that this affects your paycheck if DF is not funded. If I could vote for hiring just you to do what you are already doing, I would.

4 points,4 years ago
The Dash Talk Discord is not a part of Dash Force. Dash Force pays some people to moderate, but that's over many platforms. I, for example, own or moderate Dash groups on Facebook, MeWe, Gab, and Minds, but I'm not a moderator on Discord. Don't conflate your issues with Dash Talk with Dash Force - that's not fair.
-5 points,4 years ago
He asked me about the discord so I shared my experience, that's all. Paid moderation including discord used to be part of the scope of all DF proposals all the way up until, well, this month, so now it has less relevance. It does not bolster confidence for an organization dedicated to media and outreach, however, if all of their core team members are involved in maintaining the kind of disrespectful and intolerant atmosphere that I and many others have experienced at least, paid or not.
-4 points,4 years ago
Honest to God you are my favorite Masternode. I don't always agree with you, but you are always willing to cut through the bullshit and get to what actually matters.
-8 points,4 years ago
Mark Mason's "reply" was stoic. It felt like something penned by an unpopular monarch. There was no acknowledgement whatsoever that many people are clamoring for his head.

(Apologies for the additional comment, but I could not resist.)
-8 points,4 years ago
The amount of money this people are asking for is insane. They should have put up a revised proposal after the price increase. What is wrong with you MNO? Vote No and get a fair proposal next cycle.
5 points,4 years ago
They were also not funded last month.
-7 points,4 years ago
If they did any work this past month, that work was NOT authorized by the DAO and should not be expensed or factored in to any future funding unless Dash Force specifically indicates in the proposal description that some funds from the proposal will be used for back pay. If they are funded this month and they use some of the funds to pay last month's salaries without having notified the DAO of this plan, that would be extremely unethical.
-4 points,4 years ago
-5 points,4 years ago
At the BARE MINIMUM can't we agree to withhold funding until they agree to submit to dashwatch oversight?

We are about to hand them tens of thousands more than they are even asking for with vague promises of what is going to happen to the extra, but we have no way of knowing what is actually happening to the money.

Lets be reasonable please. Force DFN to at least submit to Dashwatch oversight.
-5 points,4 years ago
This will be my last comment here for this budget cycle, and to paraphrase Shakespeare, "I come to bury DashForce, not to praise it." My comments here do not spring from any personal animus, but instead from my concern for this great cryptocurrency project we all love.

DashForce has become a self-serving nerd mafia IMHO. What they do mostly is create drama (e.g., Trolling Tao at every opportunity, trolling Ryan regarding the open house's "production values."). And they are wasting scarce funds that could be used for more important projects.

Mastermined, MM, and TDL need to be transitioned from DashForce to the work force.
5 points,4 years ago
Nobody has worked harder than Dash Force to spread the gospel of Dash to the First World markets. And beyond.
-5 points,4 years ago
working hard means nothing when the numbers indicate they are having no impact whatsoever.
4 points,4 years ago
Every meetup that participated in the Meetup funding program is on their payroll, if you want to know what the + sign after number of employees means, Geert
1 point,4 years ago
Hey everyone,

Voting deadline in 3 days away. I want to express my sincere thanks to those that continue to support our operations and for giving us your Yes votes. I'm truly very grateful and your support is greatly appreciated.

Thank you to those who reached out and sent kind personal direct messages of support after the last voting cycle. Your thoughtful words and praise really meant a lot to me.

I hope as Dash moves forward we can continue to professionalize and work together as a DAO making progress as a network and community in a mature, productive and responsible manner.

The future for Dash is very bright and I wholeheartedly believe that Dash v1.0 release on the horizon and with Dash Platform MainNet launch around the corner in the coming months that we have not only the potential but real utility in the solution we offer to really help separate us from the pack and really excel Dash as an innovative industry blockchain leader on-boarding users pushing mass adoption and real world use.

It's not only Evolution that has been coming it's actually most importantly recognition and I'm sure you all will agree that it's thoroughly well deserved.

I give my thanks to the efforts of Dash Core Group, Dash Funded Organizations and individuals for their continued commitment and dedication. We all play an important role and all the years of hard work are about to bear fruit. Most important of all is the network itself, without community there is no Dash network. Thank you. The bear market has been tough, but we have endured. Dash was created and designed for mainstream adoption and everyday use by everyday people. Free the market, free the people. Dash gives the gift of financial freedom and you can’t put a $ price on that so let's get the message out and keep spreading the good news as there is still a lot to do in terms of education, communication and new exciting upcoming strategic partners business development efforts to report on.

I wish you all well and personal success. Let's make 2020 a prosperous and landmark year for Dash.

Thank you.

Mark Mason
-3 points,4 years ago
-6 points,4 years ago
Excellent analysis. Well-written article. Thank you.
-6 points,4 years ago
I have changed my vote to no. Lack of response to questions and feedback from MNOs by DashNews in this proposal. In addition I noticed that the childish behaviour continues in the Dash Podcast with those stupid DASH glasses and catch phrases. An embarrassment to the DASH project. Voting NO and will continue to do so until the Youtube videos are to standard and you cut you the childish behaviour.

Joel DASH Glasses = NO VOTE!
8 points,4 years ago
The podcast is for the Dash community, not the general public. I don't see any harm in them having a little fun.

And to be honest, for someone who normally puts so much thought into their analysis of the various proposals, it's quite disappointing to see you vote them down over something so trivial. It seems very out of character for you.
7 points,4 years ago
Also, they have not only replied to comments, they also reduced their ask and streamlined their offerings quite significantly, all in response to criticism.
-5 points,4 years ago
@kanuuker, DASH is a store of people's money. That is not a joke or something to be taken frivolously. We need to present a professional serious image to DASH for people to have confidence in DASH. How would you feel if you walked into your bank and saw your banker with bunny ears drawn behind his head saying "why haven't you noticed my bunny ears"? as Mark Mason does here: That is not a joke that is childish behaviour. There is a difference between have a limited joke and being childish. Pointing giant arrows to the moon, unformulated unplanned discussions, shooting the breeze, video game outrows stupid catch phases. I for one have had enough of voting to pay for that. We deserve better for Thirty Five Thousand dollars every month.

People need to feel confident in DASH and the DASH brand and since we are not yet established as a serious currency new customers gauge the youtube videos to build the basis of the confidence.

Dash has no brick and mortar business that people can go into and speak with someone they are relying on the image presented by our PR, currently DASH News, to build their impressions. A businessman with serious money to invest DASH would look at the only news service we currently have i.e. Dash News which is claiming to be our "premier news" and they will see Mark Mason drawing bunny ears and talking about stupid inflatable "Dashy" balloons for marketing I think they will go running. If these are community only videos they should be branded as such and clearly stated that Dash News IS NOT the premier news service for DASH. I don't see that anywhere on their youtube videos. Instead they make frequent reference to being the premier news service.

I have provided this feedback many times but no improvements and I have to say I'm out of patience waiting for the improvements to be made. I personally don't want the DASH brand presented by people acting childish and giving amateur presentations on youtube and then labelling themselves as our premier news service. No. I am now looking for a professional, trustworthy representation of our brand so that people who don't yet know us will feel confident.

There was perhaps a time when we could get away with an amateur presentation but now, especially this year, things are changing. We are going mainstream and we need a highly polished professional PR image to the DASH brand to gain confidence for our new customers. That is my strong belief.

Currently the only way to build confidence is through consistency of image and brand, building people's trust by the professionalism (not childishness) of the presentations, supporting customers through the support centre and taking this seriously.

In terms of DASH News responding to feedback I took 2 x Saturday mornings and recorded detailed video feedback explaining what I felt they needed to do to improve their youtube videos. However I did not get any response from them. Not even a "thank you" or even acknowledgement. I sent a follow up directly to Mark Mason asking did he get the videos - no reply from Mark Mason. I took it from their complete lack of response they did not like the feedback. Whether they like it or not I took time out to give that feedback and at the very least they could have given their views on it.

I have provided consistent feedback in these Dash News proposals and they continue to mess around like they are on a school trip with stupid childish behaviour on the videos. I for one had enough of that behaviour.

I personally want the DASH brand to be presented in a professional manner so that people will have confidence storing their money with us. We take people's money seriously. That is the image I want for the DASH brand to have - not adults acting like school kids pranking around shooting the breeze as they see fit on videos we are paying for. - Thirty Five Thousand Dollars per month. Think about that for a moment. We deserve more for our money than that.

I also suggested the guys get formal media training so that they know what they are doing to represent our brand in the correct light - but they have not done this. You say that Dash news are answering questions OK here are the questions to Mark Mason:

1. What formal PR and Media training have you had?
2. State specifically what certified media training course have you been on to ensure your are presenting our Brand correctly?
3. How long was the course for and who ran it?
4. If you have not received formal PR and Media training why do you feel you don't need it if you are acting as our premier news service?

I am asking Dash Force news Mark Mason and Joel to answer the questions above.

I also would like to know why no reply or even feedback was sent to me after I had taken 2 x Saturday mornings recording detailed videos on how to improve their youtube videos.

We are paying 35,000 USD per month. Think about that for a moment. For that kind of money we should be getting professional broadcast quality video presentations on youtube.

I was willing to wait for the guys to invest in themselves to improve their youtube channel but they have not done it. As far as I can see no improvements have been made and their video podcasts are amateurish.

I have seen Joel in particular taking up to a minute sometimes just to get what he wants to say formulated. This shows there is no planning on these calls about exactly what they are going to say in their presentations. The listener has to bear through that - all time wasted for the viewer and the feeling of amateurishness coming through loud and clear.

You mention that they are a Dash Community news and not for general public. I have two issues with that statement . 1. DASH News themselves have branded their service as the "premier news service for DASH" take a look at their proposal description. I don't want people to watch those Youtube videos and think that these guys fooling around on video is what we think of a "premier service". On my feedback to Mark Mason I specifically stated they should re-brand to COMMUNITY news and NOT premier news. The second point is those youtube videos are not just visible by the community. the videos are visible by everyone.

I had given the feedback multiple times to these guys but they have not taken the feedback on-board and continue to fool around on these youtube videos with childish behaviour and lack of planning. That is most definitely not a professional image in my opinion and it is not what I want people to think what DASH is about.

There needs to be a commitment to excellence in our news and PR. If the guys have not been media trained my question is why not? because they are responsible for presenting DASH in a professional light so how can they do this if they have not been formally media trained?

In my opinion no multi-millionaire business person or infact anyone new to DASH is going to invest in DASH watching these videos the way they are. They simply do not build trust because they are not polished and professional video presentations. They are amateur and by extension DASH comes across as amateur.

I think everyone should take a look at the CoinGeek channel to see the how the presenter Stephanie Tower presents their coin. They have consistent branding, Consistent music, every interview is planned and prepared the lighting, background and sound all professionally presented. They have been media trained. That is what we need for all members of DASH that interact with the public in any way - including DASH news. That is what I mean by a commitment to excellence it is a constant striving to improve the quality of the presentation work.

Dash News look at your votes. You did not get voted last month and this month you are scraping through. MNOs are sending you a message loud and clear. You may not want to hear it. You may not like it and you may even not agree with it but the fact is your loosing votes and I would highly recommend you consider carefully why that is if you want a chance to keep your positions.
-4 points,4 years ago
@DeepBlue This is a great analysis. Even if your efforts are not appreciated by some, there are others in the DAO who do appreciate the effort you have put in on your own time. The DashForce concept worked better when Dash was younger, but it caters to an audience that is diminishing in size relative to Dash's total audience as the project grows. In the earlier days we didn't need a professional, trained media, but now we do, and Valenzuela using DashForceNews as his personal blog isn't going to cut it anymore. This problem is not unique to DashForce. Several projects including even DCG in some ways, are affected by this. I disagree with you about Mark Mason though, he is by far the most professional DashForce employee and his overly enthusiastic personality can absolutely fit in a professional, trained media arm. I would encourage him to part ways with DashForce and start up or join a different media group.
-6 points,4 years ago
@DashUnicorn I really appreciate your comment of support. It's good to know there are some other MNOs that appreciate my contributions.
-7 points,4 years ago
Maybe they can use some of the $35,000 dollars to hire a stylist.
-8 points,4 years ago
@geert well maybe, but better use of the money would be to get PR trained, cut out the childish catch phrases and stupid DASH glasses, pointing fingers to the moon, and do some planning on the call. On some occasions it can take up to a minute just to formulate a question or point of view with ramblings because there is no planning on these calls. I don't want to embarrass these guys further but they are not listening and just continuing to do as they please. They are supposed to be professionally representing the DASH brand. If we are to gain confidence in the market from serious investors we have to present a professional approach. People's money is not a joke. It is not something to be taken lightly. We need a polished professional, trustworthy image presented for DASH. I've made these suggestions several times but with no real improvements. I have asked myself if I want to continue to fund their youtube videos and the answer is no. If you want to see professional presentation of a coin that builds trust with the community see the Coingeek channel with presenter Stephanie Tower That might explain why BitcoinSV was half the price of DASH last year and it is now 3 times the price of DASH. Big investors want to see a professional image presented with the coin. People's money is not a joke.
-4 points,4 years ago
Your expectations are unrealistic DeepBlue. DashForce is a CHEERLEADING SQUAD. This is a not a problem in and of itself. The problem is that they want to be paid like starting quarterbacks.
5 points,4 years ago
Our current monthly burn rate is 13k For 2 full time and 9 part time people. We are one of the leanest if not the leanest team in the DAO.
Almost everything over 13k will go into marketing and whats left will get rolled-over to the next month in case the price goes down.
-5 points,4 years ago
How many masternodes do you control, Brian? I realize there's no way for you to actually give a truthful answer, but iirc a few years you stated it was something like dozens.
-4 points,4 years ago
Considering your operation is not accomplishing anything it doesn't matter how low your burn rate it
-3 points,4 years ago
How will DF expand its reach outside the Dash community? Does the team feel confident it has the capabilities to do so while despite their effort of the last years Dash is the one cryptocurrency with the worst reputation outside of the core of its supporters?

I can't support this proposal without more in-depth information, hope to get a reply before the voting deadline.
8 points,4 years ago
We have made significant progress over the last several years, including spearheading the industry-wide growth in awareness of Dash's progress and presence in Venezuela. That being said, we plan to expand our PR coverage this year now that Shift has stepped aside and we have been exclusively tasked with PR by the network, and additionally have several interviews on outside channels lined up for the rest of this month.

Additionally, we are revamping the Dash News content strategy, both for written and video content, to significantly expand our reach into audiences outside of the Dash bubble.

To answer simply: yes, we are very confident!
-5 points,4 years ago
@ $100/dash, this is $35,000 per month???? DF got de-funded for January and Dash more than doubled in price, so either Dash force provides insignificant value to Dash buyers or it actually has NEGATIVE value. We NEED these funds to help developers integrate and build on Platform.
-7 points,4 years ago
DashForce is kind of a dinosaur. Almost everything they do is focused on increasing their influence within the Dash community. Their influence outside of the Dash community is tiny.

I don't think we need them anymore.
-6 points,4 years ago
Are you willing to split up the proposal in several smaller ones? That way we can finetune instead of doing a binary YES/NO. Some MNO's like the news but not the video's, want the PR but not the Business Development (as there are other proposals for this?).

If you are not willing to do this, why?
9 points,4 years ago
We have evaluated feedback and significantly cut down our offerings to just media and PR at this stage. For such a small team with a pretty straightforward offering, splitting into separate proposals at this point would be quite counterproductive and would put extra burden on MNOs to micromanage that is completely unnecessary.
8 points,4 years ago
Glad to see this proposal back in the green where it belongs. And be vigilant, right up to the wire. Let's not let it get shouted down at the last minute.

6 points,4 years ago
I agree...Its great to see there is positive support for this team. Great work guys...hope this passes.
7 points,4 years ago
Thanks again for your continued support!
3 points,4 years ago
Seems you will be approved. Congrats!
4 points,4 years ago
We will see, but thanks for your support regardless!
10 points,4 years ago

Please review the proposal for all changes.
9 points,4 years ago
Due to feedback received over the past year we are significantly streamlining our proposal moving forward to double down on what provides the most value to the network while eliminating elements that are of lesser importance and have received significant negative voter feedback. We are updating our monthly burn rate to the new reduced amount, with any surplus funds rolling over to future months and accounted for in our budget breakdown.

First, we will double down on our PR efforts and outreach to media to maximize the effects of both Dash Platform’s Evonet release and recent price movements in order to secure long-term interest in Dash. Previously our opportunities for engagement were limited due to market sentiment and deferring to more explicitly-selected PR teams. Now that we are the only PR entity the network and DFOs directly engage with, we have the opportunity to truly maximize Dash’s exposure ahead of Platform’s mainnet release.Second, we will focus Dash News content to emphasize quality over quantity, as well as expanding its reach. This will include a combination of reporting relevant Dash news and keeping track of the project’s numerous achievements and innovations, and publishing quality reporting that cryptocurrency fans can’t get anywhere else, drawing new eyes to Dash while avoiding “filler” content. Finally, we will significantly expand and retool YouTube content to grow our following and visibility. We have received significant and often conflicting feedback on this subject and are confident we have found the correct approach to satisfy the most needs possible.

We look forward to continuing to serve the network through thick and thin as we have done for over three years, and welcome any further questions you may have.
-7 points,4 years ago
You forgot to mention DashForce's role in keeping our excellent DashTalk Discord up and running. I think we should take note of their significant contribution:

MasterMined -- DashTalk Owner, DashTalk Moderator, DashForce Member.
Mark Mason -- DashTalk Moderator, DashForce Member.
TheDesertLynx -- DashTalk Moderator, DashForce Member.
Albert Arellanes -- DashTalk Moderator, DashForce Member.
8 points,4 years ago
This proposal is, and always has been, completely unrelated to the management of any Discord or other social platform. In the past we have compensated various moderators of all public Dash forums, however this is no longer the case. Thanks, and please remember to keep all questions relevant to the proposal.
-6 points,4 years ago
"This is no longer the case". Yes, because you got defunded in the last cycle. Before that, you were paying Discord mods with DF funds.
7 points,4 years ago
We have been paying Discord mods for years, way before The Dash Talk Discord existed. We paid mods to help with all Dash related sites, that was part of the proposal.
At some point we had stopped paying MNO mods, as we felt they had plenty of incentive to help already, they agreed and continued to mod as volunteers.
For years before that we paid a team of people (Mod Squad) to help mod several places including tao's personal DN Slack and later his DN Discord. That was until he decided to remove all of them as mods one day. It was his personal/private discord, so his choice, we were happy to help and would have continued helping if not removed. After that we continued to help moderate the Official Dash forum, the official DashPay Reddit and other social media platforms like the new Dash Talk Discord.
Soon after the Dash Talk Discord launched we pretty much quit paying moderators, almost everyone was volunteering by then.
Agnew (non MNO) was the last Dash Force paid moderator, he was/is Dash’s most active mod and still moderates Dash related sites including the official Dash forum.
As of January 1st we no longer pay him and he is getting by on private donations at this time. Going forward we will no longer help pay for moderation, hopefully agnew is able to continue as he really helped clean up the official Dash forum and stays on top of things over there.
-4 points,4 years ago
That is a lie. DashTalk was built by the DashForce team on the DAO's dime. It is run by DashForce and functions as a kind of neighborhood mafia -- rewarding supporters and punishing critics of DashForce's agenda.

Mastermined is the "capo di capo," and MM and TDL are the capos. Then you have people like macrochip, who are there to break people's knees if they say the wrong thing. Fabio and Kanuuk function as "lookouts," who alert the mods if someone gets out of line.

I am in the process of testing the waters to create a new MNO-only Discord that is unmoderated. Frankly, as long as they abide by the Discord TOS, I don't think MNOs need to be moderated or should be moderated.
-3 points,4 years ago
Would you please explain who owns the various IP you control? Is DashForce incorporated in any way? Thank you.
-6 points,4 years ago
4 points,4 years ago
DF used to pay me when I modded DND, long before Dash Talk was formed, your issue regarding Moderation seems to be a personal one. Now I am no longer even on their staff and I continue to do my Mod duties with no compensation (outside of tips & donations), stop making this about Dash Talk.
-4 points,4 years ago
I am calling on DashForce to acknowledge their paternity of the DashTalk Discord and to resume "child support" payments to the moderators if and when they receive further funding from the DAO.
8 points,4 years ago
Dash Force as a group is working their butts off. Plenty of good value for the money. Last month's failure to pass was (in my opinion) a small group of detractors who took advantage of the low MN participation around the holidays. Ok, that was a clever trick, but it's not going to happen this time or ever again.

Yes for me!
-9 points,4 years ago
So despite the fact DFN has not addressed their lack of engagement with the broader crypto community at all, or really engaged in any type of good faith discussion we are going to throw more money at them?
6 points,4 years ago
I really like your work. Hope you get funded next cycle.
-7 points,4 years ago
The fact is this: DashForce must get bigger and shoulder more marketing responsibility, or it must get smaller and become an unpaid, volunteer effort. We cannot afford to continue to pay for small benefit the DAO receives in services from this organization. DashForce is a "nice-to-have" in relation to other initiatives we are funding.

IMHO, we no longer need a treasury-funded propaganda arm that has little effect on the world outside of the Dash community.
-8 points,4 years ago
I am a supporter of DashForce, but I cannot upvote this proposal unless and until DashForce agrees to divest themselves of the Dash Talk Discord to a DAO-controlled entity.

TDL claims that Dash Talk is a "privately-run volunteer project," but it is owned by a DashForce founder, and the main mod is a DashForce founder. It functions as an arm of DashForce, to the detriment of the larger Dash community.

The Discord rules are Kafkaesque. Once you get a warning, it never expires. This particular rule I had to discover by PMing a mod, because it is not posted anywhere. No information regarding how you might get banned is posted anywhere. Lastly, moderation is selectively applied, and never to DF members, no matter how obnoxious they might be.

My hope is that the DAO can one day have a single, non-partisan Discord.
8 points,4 years ago
Dash Talk is not owned by anybody and you know that from our discussions, you mention that the keys are held by a DF member, but fail to mention that he is also a DIF supervisor, Mark Mason is only holding the keys because Discord won't offer us multi-sig, the mods can always vote for a transfer of keys. Dash Talk is not, nor will it ever be solely a Dash Force chat, quit fudding DF with this Dash Talk nonsense.
-4 points,4 years ago
How much did you get paid by DF for your Discord modding duties until they got defunded?
7 points,4 years ago
And our official rules violation policy, which was drafted by pasta, a DCG member, received a unanimous vote of approval and is live in our rules&schedule channel, please don't say you are going to vote down G now because a DCG member drafted the policy.
4 points,4 years ago
This is exactly how a volunteer consensus model works for drafting our chat policy, I am currently volunteer staff as well.
2 points,4 years ago
Dang keyboard, time for a new one.
-8 points,4 years ago
You asked pasta, a core developer, to interrupt his important work to draft your violation policy. You couldn't figure that out yourselves. You needed a software engineer. SMH.
6 points,4 years ago
Pasta volunteered, mate, nobody asked him to do squat.
-5 points,4 years ago
Is there a list of the "fifteen plus" part-timers available?
3 points,4 years ago
I was drafting a policy too, the consensus preferred pasta's draft.
-10 points,4 years ago
Can you answer a few questions please.

-Why is there no engagement on the dash news channnels? Hardly 200 views a day on youtube and 50 subscribers added a month. Little engagement on reddit as well. These are miserable numbers for even spending $500 a month let alone $20,000. Looks like no one reads your content outside your own discord.

-Discover Dash is full of errors. Why hasnt any effort been made to fix this? You cannot ask others to take responsibly when you are charging the DAO for it.

-Why are people like kanuuker being allowed to abuse other communities, make threats of violence, and abuse women on twitter? This is disgusting behaviour and should such toxic people on the dash payroll. Period.

-Whats with the forked glasses and the childish staydashy talk? Is this the way to promote a serious financial product? How will your reporting improve in quality?

$20,000 is a lot of money and you should justify why this money should be paid instead of just silently hoping for it to pass or deflect attention from your performance with talk about Kuva Cash, Drako, Julio or George.
7 points,4 years ago
-8 points,4 years ago
If he's a troll then answer the questions. I don't know or care if he/she is acting in good faith.

The first two points are undeniably important points that need to be addressed.
6 points,4 years ago
I'm am certain tha this proposal will be funded the next time it comes up. DF news service was a great dash community resource and sorely missed. I and many other small mn holders were caught off guard this last give around. I will be far more vigilant in the future to be sure.
-5 points,4 years ago
I would like to see DashForce transfer ownership of the DashTalk Discord to a DAO controlled entity (preferably the DIF).

DashTalk needs to be in the hands of impartial, hired guns and not partisan hacks. It's a mess right now IMHO. We need a discord that is not an embarrassment. TAO failed. DF failed. We need a new direction.
5 points,4 years ago
Dash Force does not own or control the Dash Talk Discord and it is not funded by this proposal.
The Dash Talk discord is a free decentralized community run Discord that consist of volunteer members of the Dash Core team, Dash Force as well as independent community members.
Please start your own Discord if you think you can do better.
-3 points,4 years ago
"Dash Force does not own or control the Dash Talk Discord"

Mark Mason owns the private keys of the Discord, the Discord is moderated by 4 Dash Force members.

"and it is not funded by this proposal."

Dash Force funds were being used to pay agnewpickens for his mod duties on Discord.

I don't know why you lie about these things.
4 points,4 years ago
We have been paying Discord mods for years, way before The Dash Talk Discord existed. We paid mods to help with all Dash related sites, that was part of the proposal.
At some point we had stopped paying MNO mods, as we felt they had plenty of incentive to help already, they agreed and continued to mod as volunteers.
For years before that we paid a team of people (Mod Squad) to help mod several places including tao's personal DN Slack and later his DN Discord. That was until he decided to remove all of them as mods one day. It was his personal/private discord, so his choice, we were happy to help and would have continued helping if not removed. After that we continued to help moderate the Official Dash forum, the official DashPay Reddit and other social media platforms like the new Dash Talk Discord.
Soon after the Dash Talk Discord launched we pretty much quit paying moderators, almost everyone was volunteering by then.
Agnew (non MNO) was the last Dash Force paid moderator, he was/is Dash’s most active mod and still moderates Dash related sites including the official Dash forum.
As of January 1st we no longer pay him and he is getting by on private donations at this time. Going forward we will no longer help pay for moderation, hopefully agnew is able to continue as he really helped clean up the official Dash forum and stays on top of things over there.
-6 points,4 years ago

I would like Mark Mason to transfer ownership of the DashTalk Discord to a DAO controlled entity (preferably the DIF). The DIF can pay him some agreed upon amount.

The management and mods need to be replaced. They are an embarrassment to the DAO. It's Tao 2.0. Please. This is important.
4 points,4 years ago
I see that scammers like Drako and Julio are alive and well on here. Shame that the DAO can not sue these individuals for defrauding the DAO system. Shame indeed.
-3 points,4 years ago
What do Drako and Julio have to do with this proposal? Why even bring them up? If there is criticism that is unfounded then simply refute it?
-2 points,4 years ago
There ate 336 no votes. Please just accept the fact that there are a significant number of MNOs who disagree with the value of some of these proposals instead of blaming everything on Drako and Julio and George. The D in DAO stands for Decentralized. MNOs aren't all the same, but they do all get the right to vote. If the DAO could sue those people and actually get money then that would be great. But it's got nothing to do with this proposal and you bringing it up is an attempt to distract from the real discussion.
8 points,4 years ago
I hope you guys get funded again soon, your service is instrumental in my eyes.
9 points,4 years ago
Hi Fellow MNO operators. Just a shout out to ask that we look to support support teams like Dash Force in the future. I have personally found having a community news source beneficial and informative as a DASH investor. Certainly there can be improvements and we should be constantly be evolving to meet that challenge. As one of the longest DASH community members here...I support this type of news format and will be voting to support this team into the future.
-5 points,4 years ago
The Dash DAO should own the content it pays for. I'm not voting for Dash Force until they swallow their pride and do the right thing like DCG did, instead of holding MNOs by the balls, making it near impossible to quickly replace the team without losing all our content and branding if we ever needed it. Not responding to a single criticism on the platform designed for that purpose. 326 no votes and even still they are thumbing their nose at us.
7 points,4 years ago
Last time I talk to Mark we agreed to give the DIF a copy of the Discover Dash database. I also suggested giving them an update every 3 months.

As far as the Dash News website, that can only be controlled by one person. They/or anyone is free to copy all the content and save it though.
I personally would not advocate for giving anyone access to that besides the proposal team who is tasked with maintaining it. If said proposal is not funded for 3 months or more then I would say turn it over to them temporarily so they can pay the bills and preserve it until another solution is reached.

One issue could be if the DIF had sole backend control and there was a investigative story about them or one of their members they did not like or a story in general they did not like they could revoke access and kill or edit the story. Therefore it should remain independent and neutral with the proposal owners in control.
-6 points,4 years ago
Oh, a response! I'm flattered. Thank you for at least making some effort to communicate.
Giving the DIF a copy of the Discover Dash database would be a prudent step, that would be much appreciated.
Regarding the Dash News website, you raise a valid point about what happens if there is a story that the DIF does not like. Dash News should be able to post whatever news stories it likes as an independent project as long as it remains funded by the masternodes. My primary concern though is that the Dash News content cannot be held hostage, and cannot be lost in the event that the current Dash Force team is defunded. Therefore, I propose for the DIF to be formally granted the rights to the Dash Force News domain, database, Youtube channel, other official social media accounts...etc on the condition that the Dash Force proposal is defunded for a specified period of time. There are a number of details that would need to be worked out, but this would grant the DAO the security that it deserves in terms of not losing all the existing content in the event that we need to replace the DF team. It would also make for a legitimately positive news story about the resiliency of the DAO and how we've come up with clever solutions for how the DAO ultimately has control of the projects it funds.
I have a number of other criticisms about Dash Force, and I hope you are open to addressing the other things that have been brought up here. But to me this is the most important thing for the DAO to own its own projects, and I would reconsider my opposition to this proposal if you make this a reality.
-6 points,4 years ago
Now that you seem to be responding to people's concerns about your proposals could you comment on why Discover Dash is filled with bad data and what you are doing to fix it?

I would also like some clarification on your Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit analytics. From the public facing data I can it seems these all are ignored by people outside of the Dash community.

Do you have evidence that we are not aware that paints a different picture?
7 points,4 years ago
It's not filled with bad data, stop trolling. Discover Dash is the most accurate crypto map of all the crypto maps. None of the others even come close. Day to day inaccuracies are just the reality of how these things work, not just in our industry but across the board.

We remove bad listing as soon as they are reported and investigated. It is up to the community to check these things in their area and report them.
We don't have time to constantly check every location every day as that is impossible and we've been forced to cut back staff hours to reduce proposal cost, which have almost been cut in half. If you think you can do better then put in a proposal.

Please help out and start contacting these places and report them. If all the people who sit around and complain all day did that there would be nothing to complain about.
-4 points,4 years ago
Some entries which were reported to be faulty by the community (more than a month ago) are still not removed/updated:
4 points,4 years ago
Looks like the first one has been removed. I believe these are the ones submitted by mattjiz? These are all in Thailand and IIRC there was a dispute between him (you?) and the Dash Thailand team that checked and ensured us the places did take Dash. So we have one anonymous guy saying they did not take Dash on that day and a Dash DAO paid team saying they do take Dash.

Since Dash Force was defunded in January Albert no longer works at Discover Dash and I understand there is a very large backlog that has now formed, votes have consequences. We will reevaluate the situation once we are funded or not funded.
-7 points,4 years ago
DashUnicorn seems to be holding you accountable for the Discover Dash aspect to this so I will stick with my main gripe with you guys.

You are still refusing to acknowledge that your YouTube, reddit and Twitter presences do not extend past the dash community.

If you aren't even going to acknowledge the problem how can we do anything about it?
0 points,4 years ago
My point was different from yours. I do NOT think that DashForce should be responsible for vetting all of the DiscoverDash entries. No one has time for that. If we focused on actually getting real usage then businesses would eventually get rated or reported accordingly by actual users instead of by people sitting behind keyboards. My only issue is reporting/hyping the number of entries, which can mislead people. Just because other coin maps might have even less accurate entries is not a good excuse in my opinion. Stick to reporting on data that is verified and not as easy to manipulate. This issue does not affect my vote significantly; I just think it is something that Dash Force News could improve.
-3 points,4 years ago
Thanks for the clarification. That's a fair opinion to have but I don't share it.

If you are going to take credit for maintaining a database then you need to maintain the data within it to a certain standard of accuracy.

As you have pointed out a single motivated masternode was able to verify the validity of over 600 entries without any funding. Now imagine if Dashforce used the money we paid them for the good of Dash instead of just using it all on "salaries" for people who don't seem to be doing anything particularly useful.

But regardless this is a small gripe for me too in the grander scheme they are running.
-2 points,4 years ago
Dash Force shouldn't be required to verify every user-submitted entry. It becomes a problem though when you start creating news articles bragging about the number of DiscoverDash entries without mentioning the inconvenient fact that independent research has shown half or more of the entries as being unverifiable/unreachable. Maybe it's better than other crypto maps, I don't know. But don't create talking points based on misleading numbers. I could create a script to automatically submit 100 bogus entries to DiscoverDash every day, just like I could create a script to generate 10000 more dash blockchain transactions per day. Your writers should stick to meaningful statistics, not ones that are unverified or easily manipulated.
4 points,4 years ago
"fact that independent research has shown half or more of the entries as being unverifiable/unreachable"

FUD not fact.
-2 points,4 years ago

These reports were prepared by a very well established and generally respected member of the Dash community who generously sponsored this research himself, so no there is blaming this on your favorite monero trolls. Well, maybe he is not as respected anymore because some people didn't like his findings.

Mastermined: "Please help out and start contacting these places and report them. If all the people who sit around and complain all day did that there would be nothing to complain about."
(Someone actually contacts 300 merchants and publishes their findings)
DashForce: "FUD not fact"
7 points,4 years ago
"fact that independent research has shown half or more of the entries as being unverifiable/unreachable"

FUD not fact.
300 is not half of 4000, stop trolling and spreading FUD.

Also, a majority of that report was debunked. It was a inaccurate report produced by George Donnelly affiliates during a turf war between multiple competing LATAM proposal groups.
One of the groups even went and recorded several videos of places taking Dash that were claimed in the report not to take Dash.
We immediate investigated and removed the handful of entries that were accurately reported and no longer in business etc.

"Well, maybe he is not as respected anymore because some people didn't like his findings."
It was not that the MNO's did not like his effort but just the underhanded way he went about posting them to try and cause damage to competing LATAM proposals, that and all the inaccuracies. He could have just reported them to us and we would have taken care of them like we always do. But that would have ruined his propaganda stunt to take over LATAM and get funding to start his own crypto map service.

And you wonder why people did not want to stop working last month and waste time responding to you.

Please help out and start contacting these places and report them. If all the people who sit around and complain all day did that there would be nothing to complain about.
-6 points,4 years ago
Do you know how research works? In what world are you living in where it makes logical sense to say "You said 80% of people in the USA disapprove of Congress? That's FUD, you only asked 10,000 people and 8,000 of them disapproved. 8,000 is not 80% of 300,000,000!"

I do not care about your drama politics in Dash with LATAM or whatever. Don't care about the "way he went about posting". Validating the DiscoverDash entries is a separate matter entirely anyway. What I suggested was to not keep publishing articles bragging about the number of DiscoverDash entries as if they are all or mostly valid, when the only research we have indicates otherwise. It feeds ammo to Dash's trolls when we post misleading figures coming out of our own official news organization.
-7 points,4 years ago
Defunding Dash Force feels like a huge burden off the Dash Price.

Years of constant Dash Force abuse, insults, labelling every criticism "Kuvascam" and peddling extreme political beliefs had made dash unpopular among rational investors.

The "staydashy" forked glasses and other childish behaviour from the team was a juvenile way of doing things and made everyone look stupid.

While some of their community are desperately trying to get this project refunded, Dash Force continue to abuse others and sink our reputation. Here is some more kannuuker gold -

-Due to a social attack and some very shortsighted and ignorant MNO's, Dash Force was not funded this month - Kanuuker claims that no voters are short sighted and ignorant.

- Sad to see @Cointelegraph lowering themselves to the level of @coindesk as an establishment gatekeeper - Kanuuker being diplomatic.

- So much bullshit here that it's hilarious. This is what a toxic echo chamber of inbred neck beards looks like. Kanuuker on bch.

Refunding them will only restart this cycle of abuse, extreme political ideas and make investors flee.. Plus, $20,000 a month for low end articles and staydashy immaturity - Really?
-12 points,4 years ago
Since the Dash Governance system has funded Dashnews till now, it should take ownership of all the content, domains etc to avoid the Ben Swann Situation.

Will the DIF step forward and initiate the process of taking charge of all Dash Force Related IPR to ensure community ownership ?
-2 points,4 years ago
What would you have them do? They can't seize DF's property. The only thing they can do is say here's our number, call us if you want to do the right thing. My bet is that DF will just ignore the requests to transfer assets because they think they can get away with not doing a single thing differently next month. But one can always hope.
7 points,4 years ago
As the main discussion site and forum for budget proposals, this site needs to be moderated in the future. Who is the admin for this forum?
7 points,4 years ago
At the very least only people with masternodes should be able to comment. It seems some of the biggest commenters have no masternodes and have been whitelisted for whatever reason
6 points,4 years ago
Very true.. it's usually those with the least at stake (financially) that are the most vocal in this community. Sad but true. The real money votes with it's feet.. but that's another discussion...

6 points,4 years ago
I think we need to have all of us MNO's need to ask that nonMNO posters on here like ValenciaDASH are not a platform to communicate on. It is now our duty to make sure teams like DASH Force do not get defunded and that these parasites like this Valencia( Drako/Julio) types are shut down. I did not vote the last cycle as I was burned out from all the shit the last couple of months, and I feel partially responsible. That will not happen again. I will vote with my mns against these trolls. I am hoping we can rally all the MNO's to step up and take their responsibility seriously...I learned my lesson.
5 points,4 years ago
The sad fact is that I got fired as an altcoins corner writer for Dash News after Mastremined hired me in early 2018. I got sacked. MNO voters asked for Dash News to focus on Dash and now they are making it a big issue.
-1 point,4 years ago
Masternodes are not a monolith.
-4 points,4 years ago
Kanuuker, Dash Force Employee, Threatening violence on Twitter.

Kanuuker : The latest trash from @bitcoinist is beyond words. It's completely devoid of facts and full of outright lies. Complete and utter garbage. Your shit organization needs to burn to the ground.

Amanda B. Johnson : Chris, knock it off. It's one thing to express displeasure. It's another thing to talk violence. Seriously. Knock it off.

This is how Dash Force is Conducting Public Outreach with sensible old timers being forced to reprimand them in public. Shame..
8 points,4 years ago
I see all the usual Dash Force haters smell blood with the down market and overall unhappiness with Dash, and are taking full advantage here.

Even Tao came in to feed the trolls in typical passive aggressive fashion.

Appreciate DeepBlue who always is trying adding value to the network, whether people agree with him/her or not.

I think it'd be more prudent to find an actual replacement for DF before defunding them IF that's what MNOs want (which it appears they don't). Social media, PR, marketing, etc. is a large part of this proposal and we're thinking of defunding DF before the Platform testnet launch. We need all the help we can get.
-1 point,4 years ago
My presence here was only because of my name being brought into the conversation in a negative way by some other participants. I was happy to not get involved, but I can’t allow misinformation to be posted unchallenged. Looks like they passed, though, so business as usual, right? No harm done.
-8 points,4 years ago
Hopefully we will be able to switch enough votes at the last minute.
4 points,4 years ago
^^^ This george donnelly, now trolling the DAO.
-4 points,4 years ago
All I see the supporters of Dash force doing is making character attacks at the people who post criticism.

I have made several long posts raising many issues none of which have been addressed.

Even now all you are doing is shit talking. Why don't you try rebutting the legitimate points that were brought to to justify your support of Dash Force instead?

(if you don't know what points I'm talking about look at my post that is a few down from here, made 14 hours previous to this comment)
3 points,4 years ago
Now who's doing the shit talking? Your views are diminished as Kuvacash supporter, you are marred as bad voter and your performance in the Trust Protectors beauty pageant shows your standing in the community.
-3 points,4 years ago
... Still you my man.

You are still attacking me instead of my positions.
-10 points,4 years ago
Usual dash force haters = Anyone outside of the toxic dash talk discord.

Cedbrown - Typical cult member speak.
-9 points,4 years ago
See what the rest of the dash community thinks of Dash Force News Here. No one has one good thing to say about them.

Bonus : Some more Kanuuker Gold (Paid Dash Force Employee)

- And my "income stream" was miniscule. It was nothing but a simple recognition for the work I do for dash. You're talking out your ass. kanuuker being classy.

- The podcasts aren't intended for outside consumption. Their target audience was for the Dash faithful, that's all. - Kanuuker telling the truth for a change.

Lol, have you seen tao on video? It's pure cringe - Kanuuker being inclusive

You're the one who's delusional if you think they haven't had any results.(Paid employee without revealing conflict of interest)

This is a small list of filthy comments from just one thread. These are the people being paid from this proposal.
-2 points,4 years ago
Not to mention the incessant character attacks and false narratives he's continuing to spin about me... which was my only reason for commenting here in the first place. This guy needs no facts to back up his claims in his narrow world. I truly hope no one falls for his attempts at bamboozlement. If I was Dash Force I would set him loose. He's worse than Julio for dealing with people.
-5 points,4 years ago
Do you think Dash Force is unaware of this? They let this go on every single day on Discord and wherever else.
-3 points,4 years ago
I hope DF realizes that they need to interact here on DC. Even DCG interacts here and answers harsh questions. Coming out here only briefly to make a comment about Tao or about "the regulars" voting no while not responding to a single substantive comment is exactly the kind of Dash Force snobbery and entitlement we could do without. No I am not going to come to your Discord where you control the narrative. You need to come here like every other proposal owner.
-4 points,4 years ago
No luck. They are still calling everyone names.
-4 points,4 years ago
Dash Force nation responses to valid accusations of poor journalism and abusive behaviour

- Tao is a parasite and dash nation is a shithole.
- You are a kuva cash supporter
-You are george donnelly
-What have you done, HUH?
-"We rule, bro"

This abusive organisation needs to be kept defunded. They can run their cult with their own money, not funds from the treasury.
-7 points,4 years ago
If you want to see Dash Force in action and have a big laugh, go to this twitter account -->

This man, chris webb has been non-stop abusing others coins and women in particular for no reason. Check out his tweets.

"Christine Vasileva you're a embarrassment and a disgrace to journalists everywhere. You should never be able to work in this industry again.

"LOL, blocked by yet another idiot whose fragile ego can't handle being wrong. Every statement he made was false and he calls me the dumbass. #okbitcoiner"

He is a paid dash force member and keeps damaging Dash's reputation every time he types. He has been claiming that DFN is the only one working for dash, without mentioning that he is in fact a paid employee.

These are the kind of immature people being supported by this proposal and making a fool of all of us.
4 points,4 years ago
how would Jorge from Dash Valencia Spain know this info^? ( see comments that ValenciaDash is Jorge from Dash Valencia Spain)
7 points,4 years ago
Nobody has any problem with Chris Webb, i have voted for him and will vote for him again in future.
I bet this shittalker isn't holding a freakin SINGLE DASH TOKEN. Probably holds a bag of XMR.
But constantly shouting around his spam.

You have no Dash? F***ING KEEP SILENT IN HERE!
We need to silence EVERYONE in here without a node or longstanding reputation.

Time to work out a new, more robust procedure for whitelisting other users.
---> Whitelisting a user MUST REQUIRE at least 3 other nodes to VOUCH for such a user.
And PUBLICLY here showing which USERNAMES have VOUCHED for such a whitelisted user.
Then at least we know who allows them their voice, which is something we absolutely need to know.

Loudest voices in here not holding a single coin is an UTTER CRAP that needs to be stopped ASAP.
-2 points,4 years ago
I have a problem with him. He comes off as unhinged in many of his posts and Id prefer if the Dash DAO wasn't encouraging him by giving him money.
-5 points,4 years ago
Are you saying that it is okay for Kanuuker to threaten violence and abuse women on our behalf?
-3 points,4 years ago
There are over 300 NO votes on this proposal. Not a single coin my ass. Instead of calling for censorship you need to just come to terms with that YES THERE ARE A LOT OF MASTERNODES WHO DONT AGREE WITH YOU. Stop perpetuating this nonsense about if you don't have the majority opinion then you're trying to divide the community.
3 points,4 years ago
I have no problem with anyone of the 322 No voting nodes to post whatever they want.
But i do have a problem with George who left Dash for Bcash (thank god!) and is now trolling DashCentral.
3 points,4 years ago
I don't think it's George.
1 point,4 years ago
Sure, except it probably isn't George
3 points,4 years ago
People on Dash Talk are not censored, the views of any individual are theirs and theirs alone, Kanuuker is just one member of the team and has every reason to be upset with the result. As for me, I had been getting paid to Moderate Dash Talk and the Dash Forum, with posted hours, my part time salary was much less than minimum wage for the hours I put in.
6 points,4 years ago
This is rich coming from someone who scammed the treasury and whose behavior is putting Julio Dash to shame. You're the one who needs to grow up.
-2 points,4 years ago
"Intellectual" conversation from Kanuuker, Dash Force Employee, Just in the last few hours on Dash Force Discord.

To a detractor : Why don't you go join the ripple community, @Matthijs . You'd fit right in.

There are no words to describe how ignorant and stupid you are.

On criticism that Dash Force Videos get 200 Views : OMG, that's like the smallest part of what they do you fucking tool.

On a detractor The problem is that the community has been infected with cancer like @Matthijs

I'm just fucking sick and tired of assholes who can't contribute anyting positive shitting all over the hard work of others and then patting themselves on the back like they accomplished something. Fucking cancer.

This is the quality and intelligence level of people being supported by this proposal and making a fool out of dash.
5 points,4 years ago
Why aren't you posting any of the very many insults that were hurled at me, George? Is it because you're simply being petty and trying to inflict harm on Dash? Your personal vendetta is transparent. Just do everyone a favor and leave Dash. You'll never be welcome here again and all you're doing is hurting your own reputation even more than you already have.
5 points,4 years ago
Shouldn't be trying to scam the BCH crowd now, George? Why are you still hanging around Dash if it's such a terrible project?
3 points,4 years ago
probably because it isn't even Donnelly.

His posts don't even fit with Donnelly if you think about it for two seconds but you're just eating it up. Does it make you feel better about your position if you can use him as a Donnelly punching bag?
-1 point,4 years ago
Kanuuker keeps digging himself into a bigger hole by repeating rehearsed lines. His comments are for all to see.
2 points,4 years ago
It's too bad no one got video of your abusive behavior toward your staff, shop owners, and other teams. The fact that the normally reserved Ryan Taylor publicly expressed anger toward you should give everyone all the info they need about how toxic you were toward Dash.
7 points,4 years ago
Yes from me.
-4 points,4 years ago
I sincerely hope this defunding is only for a month, with this team more open to supporting the entire community, and not only their own interests. Listen to the legitimate criticisms, adapt accordingly and gain the trust of the community again. We are all Dash Nation, we need to support each other, not just one way.

There is a Cash Alternative TV, there is a Dash Nation Discord, both help to promote Dash as well. Please include them in your future communications, as I promote you in my channels. Thanks.

Good luck to you, and Dash as a whole in the future.
4 points,4 years ago
I also hope that this de-funding does not extend more than one month. Having this channel of information is valuable.
-4 points,4 years ago
Dear MNOs

It should be common knowledge that any marketing spend during a bear market is a waste of resources.
No one advertises their worst performing stock, and no one buys a stock that is consistently dropping month after month.

I believe we shouldn’t be funding Dash Force, they are an ‘independent’ media outlet, they still own all their own assets and ignore requests when asked regarding the possibility to hand over such assets to the community (nothing is owned by the DIF). They should use their assets to generate their own income via advertising and biz partnerships, similar to what TAO is doing with the ads running on his YouTube.

Dash didn’t need them on $26k a month, and we don’t need them on $17k a month.

Their areas of focus are all ineffectual, as has been shown in the last few years with our simplest feedback loop (the Dash price). There has been zero mainstream adoption as a result of their efforts.

They created Dash News articles & Dash Podcasts that no new investors read, watch or believe.

DiscoverDash is full of inaccurate hyped up merchant numbers (the grass roots merchant adoption strategy is not working at all).

Dash Force PR seems more like internal relations and white washing of real issues that arise within Dash.

Public Outreach (Should be renamed internally focussed in-reach, as it is really for existing Dash insiders).

Business Development (where are the business people? Seems for their buddies only).

Meetups (again, tiny meetups for their buddies / DF staff).

Moderation (sometimes excessive, leading to extreme opposition from censored parties. No one can voice a critique without being painted with a Drako/Joel/George/Sock puppet brush).

Not worth 350 Dash a month.

Alarm bells should be ringing, this Dash Force team are soo focused on their own egos, they won’t even post or recognise any of TAO’s weekly contributions or even link or promote the more moderate Dash Nation discord (the largest Dash discord), leading to one-sidedness and increased kookiness in Dash.

Looking around the social media channels these days, you can easily see the result, as most of the level-headed OGs have left and only the Kooks remain.

When the Kooks win, Dash loses.

2 points,4 years ago
Lies, Trip, all lies!
-> There has been zero adoption due to most other proposals, especially Kuvacash which drew over a million dollars out of the DAO absconded with the money delivering precisely ZERO to the network. DASH FORCE deliverables are outreach and presence in social media and that they do very well, without them DASH would have almost zero exposure.
-> They create articles that are then picked up by main stream media sources, it is false to claim their news stories do not make it out the DASH echo chamber.
-> Discover DASH is full of listings of merchants accepting DASH, no hype you moron, if you find an inaccuracy report using the built in tool. If we were to lose this tool, how might we otherwise go and find merchants accepting DASH in our area? Think man!
-> DASH Force PR does what it says on the tin and clean up spills and inaccuracies as they appear from trolls such as yourself and those in the crypto media.
-> Public outreach, neither you nor I have experience with this, you're reaching here.
-> Biz Dev Seems for buddies only? Again reaching you are speculating on what this might be, try sticking to facts.
-> Meetsup, are you excluded? If there is one in your area why not attend, would you rather a meetup with people you don't like or buddies? You criticism is absurd.
-> Moderation! I can't believe you mention this, have you been moderated from DASH TALK Discord? I believe you have from DND. There is next to no moderation that impacted you in the DASH TALK Discord, this is flat out lies!
-4 points,4 years ago
Well written, I hope the owners of this proposal see it fit to grace us with a response to these valid points.
3 points,4 years ago
-7 points,4 years ago
Valid points.
4 points,4 years ago
No valid points at all, lies!
-5 points,4 years ago
Dash Force Mafia defunded. A huge victory for the community who stood up against abuse, childish behaviour and poor quality journalism.
4 points,4 years ago
Name 1 significant thing you've done for the dash community (sorry, trolling doesn't count)
-4 points,4 years ago
I see you pulled that one right out of the playbook.
(Doesn't want to address the issues) "Well...what have YOU done for Dash, HUH???"
Apparently you need to have a dashy resume otherwise your opinion is invalid.
-3 points,4 years ago
Repost since it got buried by downvotes, and I don't feel like my criticism has been in any way addressed:

How can you support a proposal where the proposal owners don't even respond to the comments?

I have raised legitimate points about their lack of engagement on Reddit, Youtube, and Twitter, yet they haven't responded. There are many many free tools (including one native to twitter) they could use to prove me wrong on my claims of the uselessness of their Youtube and Twitter presence, yet they choose to only respond to Tao in an ongoing argument that frankly doesn't matter in any way.

They can't prove my criticism of their Reddit presence wrong because anyone can check it out at

The issue of out of date entries in DiscoverDash is another point that has gone completely unaddressed. It is incredibly unprofessional and considering we are paying these people a ridiculous amount of money they should be taking responsibility for that.

On top of that despite being one of the organizations that has raked in the most money from the DAO they still completely ignore any call to transfer ownership of assets (such as the DashNews domain) to the DAO.

And on top of that anyone has ever read one of their "articles" knows they are bad at their job! They are riddled with grammar and spelling mistakes in addition to just being written as bad propaganda where Dash is constantly killing it (despite the fact we are constantly losing value).

It is this type of propaganda that helps keep masternodes from panicking, but they should be panicking. Our bad decisions have left us in a position where our only solace is a propaganda network that we rely on to keep us from seeing all the poor decisions we have made that have left Dash constantly losing value against both USD and its crypto competitors.

The problem with that propaganda network is that we are literally the only people reading it. No one outside of the Dash community would touch Dash News with a ten foot pole and we al know that to be true.

The only convincing argument I've seen about keeping it is when Macno pointed out one time AA said something nice about Dash and then deleted it. Dashnews wrote a little thing about him saying it so it is there for posterity.

But is that worth all we are paying them for? This very specific edge case that could easily have been a Reddit Post or medium article free of charge?

I mean come on guys. Really think about it.
4 points,4 years ago
Another post from a feeble minded KuvaCash supporter. If you have valid criticisms and requests for information you should not mix them with lies also, to say the articles they write are "riddled" with grammar and spelling mistakes and describe them as propaganda is blatantly false, this discredits your entire post, together with the fact your prior voting history exposes you as non-critical thinker at best, at worst a MNO with an agenda, I think your concerns won’t be addressed.
-7 points,4 years ago
350 dash a month for an abusive, narrow minded college magazine run by "jocks" that no one reads.

Childish articles and props that cause dash's reputation damage and scares off investors.

Outside of the 15 people echo chamber, check out their reach here -

0 engagement outside the cultMost posts have 0-2 comments.
6 points,4 years ago
So much salt on this discussion thread. I’m sure the MNOs will see through it though, like they have previously on many other proposals that have been heavily brigaded like this.
3 points,4 years ago
Typical dismissive response from the echo chamber. Notice: no acknowledgement of any criticisms. no critical thinking. zero contribution to evaluating the proposal.
3 points,4 years ago
The only balanced and constructive commentary I’ve read on this proposal is from DeepBlue. I happen to completely agree with him, for the record.

Dash force needs to take on such feedback and I’m sure they will.

Sadly, valuable posts like that are getting drowned out by noisy minority.
1 point,4 years ago
walters, you don't think that Dash DAO should own the content it pays for? Why does Dash DAO not own the DashForce YouTube, website/content?

If the Dash Trust was an option back when we paid Ben Swann a small fortune, then today we could have Ryan Taylor or Dash Force using a million dollar studio instead of at a desk with a weird lamp. The DAO needs to take ownership/property seriously. We set up these organizations for a reason. It's not just for proposals that we don't trust. If we don't trust a proposal owner then we shouldn't be doing business with them in the first place. It's a critical contingency to protect everything that should be ours when something happens that we don't expect. It's not appropriate for all this content to be officially owned by an individual and not the DAO. How can we expect any other proposal owners to respond when we can't even get our second oldest Dash organization to do it. Do you disagree?
6 points,4 years ago
I’m conflicted.. on the one hand I have the vocal minority on here telling me Dash Force is worthless and we are throwing money away by continuing to fund them..
Then on the other hand the same vocal minority arguing for ownership of their valuable IP, collateral and assets to be brought under DAO Trust/DIF control..

Which one is it?
0 points,4 years ago
I understand why you might think it's conflicting, but it isn't and I'll explain why.
They should turn over their assets regardless of whether or not they have real good value. Why? If the content is valuable, then the DAO gets to secure that value. If it's not valuable, then it can be more easily replaced with something that is, and there is possibility for salvage. For example, if they started going off in a direction that the DAO doesn't approve anymore, there would not be any possibility of "keep funding us, or else we go to smartcash (like swann), or we shut down completely and you lose everything (like dashcrypto or Donnelly). The DAO could simply decide to hire someone else and grant them the privilege of taking over. Or if there's nothing of value at all to salvage (unlikely) then the DAO would at least be able to prevent any additional damage from being done.
It makes sense either way.
0 points,4 years ago
First off you are putting words in his mouth by calling anything that Dashnews own valuable, he never said that and it doesn't need to be valuable in order for their to be an argument that it should be transferred to the DIF.

Thinking its a bad idea to fund something, while simultaneously calling for it to be transferred to the DIF are not at all contradictory.

For instance, I was against funding Ben Swann from day one, but if we had at least forced him to hand ownership of his studio over to the DIF he couldn't have turned around and used it to promote a competitor.
1 point,4 years ago
No, neither of you are making sense. The Treasury, DCG and DIF are all different entities. As are all proposal owners, in fact.

Pulling random, I’ll thought out scenarios out of your ass, doesn’t make you big, or clever.

Let’s take your example of Ben Swann. Sure, he gives us 50% equity in his production company - let’s call it Swann Song Inc - what additional protection does that give the DAO if the DIF owns those shares?

Yes, you got it, it gives us ZERO fucking protection as a shareholder. That’s it. We can’t commandeer the studio, we can’t seize the assets etc. We just have votes as an equity holder of a legal entity.

Your argument is flawed nonsense!
3 points,4 years ago
Your notion of ownership is seriously flawed.
No CEO/Director/Management can go against the will of 50% of the shareholders for a long time.
And it demonstrates that we would need MORE than 50% to be on the safe side and NOT exactly 50%.

Anyway, in such cases it is probably better for us to own the equipment 100% and none of any equity of a worthless shell LTD.
And if we had owned the equipment, i am sure it could not have been used to promote a competitor.
-1 point,4 years ago

* "No, neither of you are making sense. The Treasury, DCG and DIF are all different entities. As are all proposal owners, in fact."

What are you even talking about? Where in the comments that you are responding to did you get the faintest idea that anyone was confusing the Treasury, DCG, and the DIF? Sorry but this is a completely nonsensical response.

* "Pulling random, I’ll thought out scenarios out of your ass, doesn’t make you big, or clever."

By out of our ass, you mean referencing real examples that ACTUALLY HAPPENED to the DAO? And no it doesn't make anyone big or clever. Very good! Can we graduate to the 6th grade now?

* "Let’s take your example of Ben Swann. Sure, he gives us 50% equity in his production company - let’s call it Swann Song Inc - what additional protection does that give the DAO if the DIF owns those shares? Yes, you got it, it gives us ZERO fucking protection as a shareholder. That’s it. We can’t commandeer the studio, we can’t seize the assets etc. We just have votes as an equity holder of a legal entity. Your argument is flawed nonsense!"

How could the DIF or the Trust be used to retain value for the DAO or prevent DAO resources from being spent on a competitor? You're a smart business-minded fellow right? I am sure you can figure this out. There are a couple good comments already with some helpful hints for you.
-3 points,4 years ago
First off that isn't even the argument. We arent calling for shares to be transferred we are calling for assets to be transfered.

Secondly this isn't even the part of the argument that matters. Why dont you respond to the fact that their posts get no traction outside of Dash on any platform?

At the end of the day that is the argument that matters. Does all we are paying actually yield anything of value?
-10 points,4 years ago
Dash force members are using words like Parasite for Tao and calling Dash Nation a shithole. This is just here, much worse words have been used in dash talk.

You should condemn this statement from lysergic if you want to maintain even a pretense of civil conversation.

Or you can just keep on calling everyone kuva or now donnelly and make enemies of half the world.
2 points,4 years ago
ValenciaDash is George Donnelly, disgruntled PO that went renegade and caused issues for DASH by spreading lies after he lost funding which DASH FORCE among others helped to ameliorate and now he is trying to move the merchants we paid for him to adopt DASH to use BCH instead.
-1 point,4 years ago
lol it's not even Donnelly.
GComparetto pulled the accusation out of his ass, and you and your gullible Dash Force friends fell for it hook line and sinker because it's what you want to believe. Stop being sheep
1 point,4 years ago
common sense: that's not sufficient proof it's not George
1 point,4 years ago
No one said it was proof. The burden of proof is actually on the person making the claim that it IS George. Especially considering the individual in question self identified last month as being Jorge from Dash Valencia, Spain ( . How does GComparetto know who is supposedly behind the account now? It sounds to me that GComparetto already thought George was out to destroy proposals (from his statements a couple months ago) and he saw DashValencia's posts and made an association. It's extremely dubious but everyone is assuming it's true.
-6 points,4 years ago
How can you support a proposal where the proposal owners don't even respond to the comments?

I have raised legitimate points about their lack of engagement on Reddit, Youtube, and Twitter, yet they haven't responded. There are many many free tools (including one native to twitter) they could use to prove me wrong on my claims of the uselessness of their Youtube and Twitter presence, yet they choose to only respond to Tao in an ongoing argument that frankly doesn't matter in any way.

They can't prove my criticism of their Reddit presence wrong because anyone can check it out at

The issue of out of date entries in DiscoverDash is another point that has gone completely unaddressed. It is incredibly unprofessional and considering we are paying these people a ridiculous amount of money they should be taking responsibility for that.

On top of that despite being one of the organizations that has raked in the most money from the DAO they still completely ignore any call to transfer ownership of assets (such as the DashNews domain) to the DAO.

And on top of that anyone has ever read one of their "articles" knows they are bad at their job! They are riddled with grammar and spelling mistakes in addition to just being written as bad propaganda where Dash is constantly killing it (despite the fact we are constantly losing value).

It is this type of propaganda that helps keep masternodes from panicking, but they should be panicking. Our bad decisions have left us in a position where our only solace is a propaganda network that we rely on to keep us from seeing all the poor decisions we have made that have left Dash constantly losing value against both USD and its crypto competitors.

The problem with that propaganda network is that we are literally the only people reading it. No one outside of the Dash community would touch Dash News with a ten foot pole and we al know that to be true.

The only convincing argument I've seen about keeping it is when Macno pointed out one time when some bitcoin guy said something nice about Dash and then deleted it. Dashnews wrote a little thing about him saying it so it is there for posterity.

But is that worth all we are paying them for? This very specific edge case that could easily have been a Reddit Post or medium article free of charge?

I mean come on guys. Really think about it.
5 points,4 years ago
It's hard to take your comments seriously when you have such an obvious bias against them, so I understand if the Dash News guys think it's not worth responding. By the way, you can talk to them as much as you want on Discord.
Stuff like "we all know that to be true" turns me down for instance, as I don't know that to be true and I don't know who you are to talk for all of us.
The way you portray my Andreas Antonopoulos example is also perfect. He is not "some bitcoin guy". He made his very positive comments about Dash and chainlocks in a video and it was not deleted. No crypto media outlet reported about it (as usual) and that's precisely why we need Dash News.
-2 points,4 years ago
There are some legit criticisms. . The fact that they think they are too good to defend themselves like other proposals here says alot. I hate discord and so do alot of other people.
0 points,4 years ago
Bias implies my opinion is un-reasoned which you can clearly see it is not. I have numerous reasons for my justified dislike of this proposal as I have stated numerous times throughout these threads.

Address my points, don't just point out that I don't like them, because Yes obviously I don't like them that is why I'm trying to convince other people to not vote for this waste of money. If Dash News believed that my points aren't true they could easily prove it with the free analysis tools available to them.

You can equivocate on whether we all know that it is true that their articles get no traction outside of the Dash community, but you can't point to any evidence that would indicate that they do.

While I can easily point out evidence strengthening my argument (at least in regards to reddit). On youtube I find it hard to believe that their videos with their extremely low view count are watched by anyone outside of the Dash community but I can't prove it.

If they cooperated and showed their twitter network visualization I'm sure it would turn out that is a similarly insular network of influence.

As for the AA thing. If he isn't some bitcoin guy IDK who else I can call some bitcoin guy, he is some guy associated with bitcoin, in what way does that not make him "some bitcoin guy"?

In the thread I link below you literally say the video was deleted and if the video WASN'T deleted that seems to make my point stronger since we could just link to the video if we wanted to share what he said.
3 points,4 years ago
No, I cannot see you are clearly not biased, quite the opposite.
Andreas Antonopoulos is probably THE best known "bitcoin guy", but you preferred to make it sound like it was about some anonymous unknow random guy nobody knows and cares about.
Like "some dash guy dislikes Dash News", for instance.
0 points,4 years ago
Since you aren't responding to my arguments there isn't any point in this thread continuing.
-8 points,4 years ago
5 upvotes in 2 minutes. You are right about this proposal being brigaded.
5 points,4 years ago
A banal response within 10minutes too. 5 upvotes in 2 minutes you say? Lol. I can imagine you sitting there feverishly refreshing your browser and foaming at the mouth. Is that the behaviour of a rational MNO?

Anyway, you’ve kinda proved that you have a serious axe to grind here for, some reason, and none of it that I’ve seen so far is based on any valuable insight and/or constructive critique.
-5 points,4 years ago
Typical Dash Force Mafia Speak. Dont answer the questions, attack anyone who dares to ask questions and assign motives. You should run this cult with your own contributions, keep the treasury out of it.
-1 point,4 years ago
So far have heard no response to transferring ownership to Dash Trust or the DIF. Why does Dash Trust not own the Youtube channel or the website content? All content created that was paid for by the Dash DAO should be the PROPERTY OF DASH DAO not Joel Valenzuela or Brian Freeman or whoever. This is basic stuff people. Time to step the F up and set an example for the rest of the proposals.
"But they're doing a great job and we trust them!" Are you blind? Why the hell did we even set up these entities.
-2 points,4 years ago
Here's an idea, you can transfer full ownership of the DashForce website/content, youtube, twitter and all other official accounts to the Dash DAO, and THEN you have Joel write a cheesy puff piece about how awesome it is that Dash is the only project that can do this. Win-Win.
0 points,4 years ago
I see my name being brought into this discussion and feel that I need to make a statement. There are people who would attempt to make the Dash Nation movement and myself out to be “censors” when in reality nothing could be further from the truth.

Dash Nation on Discord, like the Slack channel before it, has very clear rules on what is and what isn’t acceptable. Among them is not to snuff out opinions that the mod team does not agree with. Any attempt to convince you otherwise is lying. We are not an echo chamber, and all points of view are accepted, within the framework of the rules.

As far as the community split, all was fine in DND until the leaders of Dash Force were made aware (this was always the case, but they weren’t aware) that as leader and representative of the Dash Nation proposal I would have the tie-breaking say in the event of hung juries. They did not like that at all, so they started their own Discord where they could be in control, and foster an air of resentment towards Dash Nation and KuvaCash, even attempting to marry them together, which is clearly not the case since the leader of Kuva is permanently banned from Dash Nation.

As TroyDash pointed out last cycle, Dash News is a network-funded news organization and they never mention the biggest (Dash Nation) Discord in the community for people to join, they use their position of influence to only mention Dash Talk Discord. This I believe to be unprofessional.

As for myself, I’m willing to let bygones be bygones, but I refuse to let my name be dragged through the mud. I’m currently working on something very exciting for Dash, and I’m over these petty arguments. Good luck to Dash Force this cycle.
0 points,4 years ago
reeeeallly??? Chris, YOU kicked me off discord for hurting the feewings of Joel before you two had a falling out after the budget shrunk due to price declines EXACTLY LIKE I SAID IT WOULD. You started fighting over table scraps when your cabal of NEGATIVE value-added proposal owners fell apart. The top driver of price is progress towards Platform, but you guys aren't helping. I predict the price will continue to decline until Platform gets deployed on mainnet because of low value proposals like this one. I saved all my service rewards so when you clowns crashed the price with your incompetence, I could get my second MN on a discount, but I'm selling all service rewards if proposals like this pass until Evo gets deployed. If you aren't "censors", then why am I still banned on Discord? I explained in detail how your rules were NOT clear, and your response was to not allow any further explanations. DashForce's one redeeming value was to help get you de-funded.
3 points,4 years ago
Just a friendly reminder that it's nearly 2020. I joined the Dash Talk Discord in August 2018. Discord isn't anything new and the Dash Force proposal isn't even about Discord!

The comment section of this proposal including others this voting cycle has been monopolized by a few disgruntled haters trying to stir up trouble in the network and those individuals are already well-known to the community.

The silent majority know the reality of the situation. Masternodes are not stupid. The fact that the MNO-Only channel in Dash Nation is a ghost-town and the MNO channel on Dash Talk Discord is very active tells you all you need to know.

Evidently the masternode network clearly feel more at home on the Dash Talk Discord than Dash Nation. So please stop crying about it. Dash Force aren't forcing the masternodes to use Discord, we can opt out if we want to. We have the freedom of choice. I like it that way. The truth is Tao, the masternode network didn't support your regime or authoritarian style.

Your problem and beef is really with the masternode network not Dash Force. You still seem very bitter about it. It's only George Donnelly and Kuva Cash supporters who are making Discord an issue here which is clearly why no-one is engaging with those individuals because we all know better than to waste our time going back and forth with individuals still bitter about certain proposals that got defunded in the past.
3 points,4 years ago
Thank you.
-1 point,4 years ago
BlueMoon: "It's only George Donnelly and Kuva Cash supporters who are making Discord an issue here"

I have never supported George Donnelly (don't even care about him) or Kuva Cash (thought that was a bad idea from the beginning). The sad part about being in an echo chamber is you don't even realize you're part of it. "You don't agree with us? You must be one of THEM"

The only reason I brought up the Discord chan was to point out some hypocrisy and extremely negative behaviour, which is only one of many problems with Dash Force, but these sorts of witch hunts are indicative of the clique mentality.
-6 points,4 years ago
Anybody who doesnt agree with DFN is either Kuva, Tao or Donnelly.

If that is how you view the world, you are going to make a lot of enemies.

Making enemies and calling the rest of the world Kuva or whatever else is fine as long as DFN isnt a treasury funded organization. And such an abrasive organization should not be when we need investors from all walks of life.
-6 points,4 years ago
Dash Talk is run by the Dash Force News Crowd and has zero diversity or tolerance for other opinions or viewpoints. This is why it has zero reach outside its own echo chamber.

Try and speak about how Ben Swann used dash money to promote smartcash on their discord and you will see how fast you are censored. Dash nation is far more tolerant and diverse.

It is extremely damaging to have such a partisan, non-neutral group being given charge of outreach. All you are doing is damaging Dash's reputation everyday and scaring new investors who dont agree with your extreme propaganda.

And to top it all, 350 Dash a month is far too expensive for the quality of your journalism.

Attacking dissenters instead of taking corrective is only showing your group in much worse light.
6 points,4 years ago
"Try and speak about how Ben Swann used dash money to promote smartcash on their discord and you will see how fast you are censored."

That is a total lie as is almost everything you have said all week.

The Dash talk Discord was founded because of censorship issues and centralized authoritarian style moderation. We pride ourselves on being the most free speech oriented Dash platform and because of that the MNO's have chosen to participate more there than other places.
All major decisions are voted on in a decentralized fashion and Dash Force does not control the majority of votes on Discord.
Discord is not funded by this proposal.
1 point,4 years ago
“The Dash talk Discord was founded because of censorship issues and centralized authoritarian style moderation.“

False. Moderation on Dash Nation is done by team, just like it is on yours. Did you notice that the non-DF moderators continue to be a part of the team? I was simply the “speaker vote” if there was equal support for both sides of an argument.


7 nays, Tao yay= Nays have it.

3 nays, 3 yays = Tao becomes the tie-breaker.

I’m not sure how this was a hard concept to understand. Somewhere along the line this translated into “Tao is a dictatorship”. Anyway, like I said, I’m over it, but I can’t allow my name to be dragged through the mud by you guys anymore. My Dash Nation includes everyone, including DF, and I have mentioned you quite a few times on my YT channel. This has never been reciprocated by DF. That’s telling on how DF does not help to foster a complete, thriving community. Still, I wish you luck in your funding, because you do SOME things well.
1 point,4 years ago
"I was simply the “speaker vote” if there was equal support for both sides of an argument."

Not true. Please don't try and rewrite history. You even admitted it to the MNO's and apologized for claiming that. Now you are doing it again.

"7 nays, Tao yay= Nays have it.

3 nays, 3 yays = Tao becomes the tie-breaker."

I understand that is how it may work "now", after a majority of the old mod team quit or was removed.
2 points,4 years ago
Yes, that's a mistake that I owned up to, never made again, and you still insist on posting it at every opportunity like it's what I represent or something. As for the rest of that screenshotted comment of yours, it shows nothing that I don't stand behind. They show disagreements between you and I, nothing more. They don't show vote results and where people stood on the issues, so the ambiguity can be supplemented by narratives. Ask any of the mods that remain, they to a man will state that it's definitely not "my way or the highway", and it never was.

I've said what I wanted to say anyway. I support Dash Force initiatives, regularly retweet Mark Mason and Dash Force tweets, yet I don't receive the same treatment, even though my content is well-liked and serves to help further the cause of Dash. Why is that? You don't support active efforts by community members to further the cause of Dash? Would it kill you to support me from time to time like I support you?

Why are you only showing up when it's time for funding, anyway? Are you sick? Can't do the podcast anymore? Genuinely curious, not trolling.
-6 points,4 years ago

It is a shame you are trying to guilt Tao and he is trying to be nice about it because he is a decent human being.

Frankly there isnt a shred of democracy in Dash talk which is a completely one sided, bigoted cult which should never be funded to do outreach.
-7 points,4 years ago
Brian, every knows how ben swann has scammed the treasury to build his studio and then used it to promote smartcash. You have banned users from dash talk for being "disrespectful" to him under some pretext. Check your logs.

You forced the ben swann scam down our throats so your clique is 100% responsible for all the money wasted on swann and you should apologise to the treasury for this.

You should also immediately apologise to Tao for using and allowing filthy language against him in dash talk and condemn anyone who has been a party to that.

Everyone outside the dash talk community knows what a cliquish community dash talk is and you want people hanging on for invites get into your "afterparties". I am okay with that or you running the Dash Force Cult with your own funds but you should not be given treasury funds to run an abrasive, partisan organization that is causing dash severe reputation damage.

Everyone also knows how fake the 5000 merchant claim was or the disastrous coverage on moocowmoo.

350 dash is a ridiculous sum for the amount of work, one more reason not to fund this.
-7 points,4 years ago
A very dignified response to ongoing abuse and misbehaviour from the Dash Force News Mafia. A lesser person would find it hard to show such restraint.

Lysergic and others should apologise to the whole community for using such poor language against Dash Nation and Tao.

*Only promoting their own discord shows how partisan and unprofessional the DFN mafia is* Shame.
3 points,4 years ago
DASH FORCE serves many important functions. It is great way to catch up on what is happening in DASH located in a readily digestible form that can easily be shared with friends and tweeted out to get wider audience. DASH NEWS engage many community members in the DN Podcast each Friday and give us a chance to get to know, eg Ryan Taylor, ABJ, the DIF folks, etc etc. DASH FORCE does almost all out social outreach, they hit the twitters, reddits, youtubes, etc and this is crucial to the project as those are battle grounds where CryptoCurrencies fight for dominance.

Strong yes from me. We need to keep DASH relevant now more than ever. Unless you are about to do all this work yourself, LOL, you will want to vote hard YES on this too.
5 points,4 years ago
100% agreed.
Think about DFN what you want, but unless there is a better replacement, which obviously there isn't right now, and unless all the No voters are willing and able to do a better job themselves, it is simply suicidal to defund DFN right now during the impending release of Dash Platform.
0 points,4 years ago
Impending release? lol just when do you think Dash platform is going to hit mainnet?

DFN needs to transfer ownership of the website and the rights to all the content, to the Dash Trust. Their refusal to do so is one of their ways of maintaining their grip on the treasury, and it poses a huge risk to Dash if their funding dries up. We've seen what happens when we don't insist on protecting ourselves.
5 points,4 years ago
Sooner than you think. We have already entered the Maximum Solaris cycle.
If DFN is as bad as you say, i suggest you launch your own News and Media outlet and F'ING DO A BETTER JOB THAN THEY DO.
Otherwise think twice.
-4 points,4 years ago
See the language being used by the Dash Force Mafia.

These are the people who are being paid to be in charge of Dash's public outreach.
-2 points,4 years ago
Q3 2020 at the earliest.

Sure, ask people who are not receiving any treasury money to compete with an organization that is. Makes sense...

Do you think the Dash Trust should own DashNews, or not? If not, then you have only yourself to blame when the time comes when we would need it to. Dash is paying for it. Dash should own the website and the IP.
-2 points,4 years ago
This is the dash talk mafia that has a problem with Tao getting paid 25 dash a month but want 350 themselves.

See how their members abuse the rest of the community.
2 points,4 years ago
Paying Tao for arbitrarily censoring? Just thinking about paying Tao sends chills down my spine!
Tao should pay the Treasury, to recompense us having to endure him, and not the other way around.
0 points,4 years ago
Tao wasn't worth the full salary either especially with him maintaining a full time job. But Tao was one of the least egregious offenders in terms of being overpaid. We have had and still have, much much worse.
-2 points,4 years ago
Like Ben Swann for example. We can thank Joel Valenzuela for introducing us to that $1,700,000 money toilet.
0 points,4 years ago
Benn Swan got 1.7 mil? lol
-5 points,4 years ago
Dash Force news advocated and insisted paying Ben Swann millions for *building a studio* which was then used to promote smartcash.

Some of their nodes need to be seized for promoting such a scam on the treasury.
-3 points,4 years ago
It is not the salary, it is the behaviour of the clique and the poor quality of journalism. They push away rational investors.
-5 points,4 years ago
According to lysergic, Tao of Satoshi is a parasite who was paying himself a crazy high compensation of 25 dash month to censor dashnation discord, which in his opinion is a shit hole.

See the language being used against half of the dash community and decide if you want to fund this group and give them 350 dash for reaching out to new users.
5 points,4 years ago
@Rango can someone please look into banning the troll ValenciaDash. We should only have MNOs and current proposal owners posting here and this user has deliberately damaged other projects such as the DashMallParking project asking MNOs to down vote the project. This was deliberate and knowing damage to a proposal.

In the meantime MNOs I recommend we ignore ValenciaDash's comments completely in this and all other proposals.
3 points,4 years ago
Apparently that's George Donnelly who is not "moving on" as much as he claims to do.
3 points,4 years ago
I thought only masternodes could comment anyways. If not, then thats how it should be.
-8 points,4 years ago
Deepblue, looks like you are trying to shut down perfectly valid criticism. If you scroll down, you will see what lysergic has posted.
-8 points,4 years ago
Dash Talk Mafia has spoken.
10 points,4 years ago
Important notice

I have received confirmation from two former teammates of mine, that the Dash Valencia account is managed by George Donelly. So I want to inform the MN community to consider this when reading this account’s comments.

This can also be verified when we consider the DashValencia account appeared only after George was defunded; and if you run any word cloud generator on DashValencia and any of George Donelly comments you will find the language is very much the same.

I do now know exactly the reason for these recent attack on most of Dash proposals, but according to my friends (Who are waiting on George promises to work with BCH) it seems that George wants to get people to fork Dash and create a chain split, or to try to come back later as BCH has not given any funds to him. You can read his own thoughts here

Regardless of his specific motivation, remember George Donelly -now using the DashValencia account- is doing the one thing he did best during his time in Dash: Destroying other team’s reputation.
1 point,4 years ago
gcomparetto: please ask Jorge from Valencia, Spain to post a video of himself on his Twitter indicating what he did with his DashCentral login credentials
6 points,4 years ago
Truly shameful indeed if that is true. George burned all his bridges with Dash and it's about time for him to GTFO.
That being said, don't throw out all the criticism of Dash Force just because this one narcissist is against all the proposals.
-1 point,4 years ago
True I really hope people still think critically about what this proposal is actually doing/ not doing.
2 points,4 years ago
Here you can read what George Donnelly is up to now:
-7 points,4 years ago
GComparetto : Looks like you see Donnelly in everything. I have spoken out against all embassy proposals which includes donnelly's mega scam. He is now sitting with a bowl outside the bch but those guys are not about to waste money on "embassies", "ambassadors" and "mma fighters".

For reasons best know to you, you are trying to deflect genuine criticism from failed ideas that have brought down dash to trashcoin status and $40 in value.
5 points,4 years ago
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck there is a bloody good chance it is a duck!

I recommend all MNOs completely ignore ValenciaDash comments in this and other projects. They are clearly trying to cause damage to proposals. ValenciaDash has also damaged other projects deliberately e.g. the DashMallParking by asking MNOs to down vote the when they knew that would cause damage to the project. They also would not stop even after being asked to stop.

I recommend ValenciaDash's account be locked out. This person is clearly out to cause damage only. I thought only proposal owners and MNOs had access to DashCentral? This person is neither a proposal owner or a MN as far as I can see they should not be in DashCentral.

Just ignore ValenciaDash he's clearly a loser from a last project i.e. a project that did not go through and has now got a grudge.
-3 points,4 years ago
I would like to point out that the people responsible for this proposal aren't even engaging in the discussion.
-4 points,4 years ago
Their cult members are doing what they do best, lash at anyone who doesnt agree with them and abuse them with words like "parasite", "shithole".

DFN can run their cult with their own contributions but not with treasury funds. Also 350 Dash is a ridiculous sum for low end journalism that pushes rational investors away.
4 points,4 years ago
Reposting Fernando's comment from the SHIFT PR proposal on Dash Nexus so more people can see it.

From Dash Core Group CMO Fernando Gutierrez:

Please, downvote [SHIFT PR] proposal so some funds can be freed for other community projects.

We have met with Shift and they have agreed to pause their contract in January. We will re-evaluate the situation on a monthly basis because we would like to continue with them when we approach mainnet release so we can increase the impact of the launch of Dash platform.

This [SHIFT PR] proposal was made at around $70 per Dash. We believe that, at the current price, it is more important to focus all funds on preserving existing community projects. The next few months are less about announcements and more about testing and building the platform until we reach mainnet. We need as many people involved as possible. While we value Shift's media outreach, that is something that we have also been doing internally, and in conjunction with other DFOs like Dash News and, to a lesser extent, Dash Thailand and DACH Embassy. If we increase our joint efforts we believe we can offset the negative effect of not having a dedicated PR firm doing outreach. Losing even more community teams because of lack of funds would, on the other hand, have more permanent and damaging effects.
-4 points,4 years ago
Good to see Core only remains neutral when it suits their interests. Where was Core when we were defunding Kuva or spending millions to build some grifting "journalist" a studio?
5 points,4 years ago
KuvaCash was a bottomless pit that never delivered anything and as I recall you were in support of it right to the end.
-5 points,4 years ago
Indeed, I still believe we would be in a much better place if we had not cut off funding.

Regardless that isn't what is important here. What is important is Core putting its finger on the scale for a proposal when they have repeatedly claimed to remain neutral in funding requests outside of their own.
-3 points,4 years ago
Voted no. I think we need to focus on more converting people in other inferior coins, than preaching to the choir. There is also some drama with Dash news along the way that seems to have divided the community.
-5 points,4 years ago
It might actually be time to pause funding this news channel, to give others a chance to start building something similar.

As DashNews is getting subsidized by the DAO it has an unfair advantage to anyone who is not being subsidized.

A News channel and the website which is ranking very well in Alexa, could easily become self sustainable and more responsible for their work.

The quality of content on has proven to be really inaccurate. The moderators themselves did nearly nothing to verify the accuracy of the merchants that were submitted to their platform.

Actually the Podcast is promoting the brands "Mark Mason" and "Joel Valenzuela" while Joel is giving tons of his opinions instead of doing real journalism.

A news reader usually does not give his opinion to the news and they usually do not interrupt the guest by giving strong opinions on what the guest said.

I believe that Dash News could easily keep going without any funds, as they should have a strong self interest to keep their YouTube channels running.

I wonder why the YouTube channels are not being owned by the DAO if they always get paid for their work, or are they?

There are so many ways they could monetize their work and even simply bringing good content to the community should be in their self interest as they are all heavily invested into DASH.

Not funding Dash News would give an equal chance to another news agency to come up and get sponsored for the next 3 years until not being sponsored anymore.

Why should the DAO keep funding proposals forever? Isnt the treasury much more like a start up booster?

Why is Dash News asking for more and more money instead of at least partially funding their work by creating their own revenue streams?

I would really appreciate getting an answer to these questions by Mark Mason, Joel Valenzuela or Mastermined (this guy is not selling his own brand, I dont even know his name)

Mark Mason, Joel Valenzuela have been creating brands for their own names for many years, sponsored by the DAO.

Especially Joel has been abusing his status inside the community by bashing and hating on community members for expressing their opinion on Reddit and Twitter.

The Dash Force Discord Channel has also been abused to ban, bash and hate on community members that are not obedient enough to Dash Force, they have actually been manipulating the community instead of simply supporting them by staying neutral in all aspects, which should be their job as Dash News representatives.
1 point,4 years ago
Defunding the only team that is actually doing something to promote Dash and publishes news about it because someone could fall from the sky and replace them if they were defunded sounds like a brilliant idea. Not.
0 points,4 years ago
Can you point to any way in which their "promotion" is helping? Who are they promoting to? As far as I can see their reach stops at the borders of the Dash community.

It gains zero traction outside of people who are already involved in Dash.
3 points,4 years ago
One example: the article on Andreas Antonopoulos talking about Chainlocks. Great resource to share. Do I wish it was a Coindesk article? Sure. But we don't have that.
If there was any better news team anywhere willing to do the work they do - including all the translations in various languages (!!!) - fine, I'd consider defund Dash News/Dash Force.
Until then, defunding a team like that genuinely believes in Dash would be a big mistake in my view.
-5 points,4 years ago
Dash news is only for the dash talk clique and has an audience of 0 outside it.

Not having such a outlet is far better than these people pushing away new users with their gloaty and amateurish "news".

Embassy proposals and Dash Force have failed to add any value for dash and sinking more money into them is like flogging a dead horse.
-2 points,4 years ago
Shrill, Amateurish and Fanboyish Reporting by Dash Force News is one of the main reasons why moderate and rational investors stay away from Dash.

DFN mafia behaves like a clique and if you arent with them, you might as well be against them. See how actively they worked to sink the dash nation discord proposal.

Criticism of poor work is responded to with delusional accusations of being linked to "Kuva"

We have funded Dash Force News for a long time and is proving to be a very low ROI item. At 350 Dash, it is a huge chunk of the little remaining budget and very expensive as well.
0 points,4 years ago
Remember this embarrassment?
It is old but another perfect example of what is going on. Dash Force even threw DCG under the bus based on "confidential communications and sensitive documents" because Graham De Barra was in their good graces with his (terrible) Bitcart and Festy proposals, releasing the damning "investigation" before even reaching out to DCG to get their side of the story. It turned out later that Graham was full of shit
2 points,4 years ago
Quote from Ryan Taylor:

"4) Graham appears to have provided one side of the story to the community, leveraging Dash Force News as his outlet, disparaging the core team and accusing us of being unavailable. To the contrary, it is Graham that has been unavailable and unresponsive. In addition, Graham has my direct phone number and Fernando's direct phone number, yet neither of us have been contacted or received a voice message from Graham over the past month.
5) Shortly after the Dash Force News article was released, BitCart posted this proposal, which is over 8x the cost of the next phase of work."

Read more:

Dash Force (specifically Joel Valenzuela) coordinated with Graham to try and railroad Graham's treasury proposal though at the last minute at the end of a budget cycle, at the expense of DCG's reputation. This is what corruption and cronyism looks like. Joel should have been shown the door when he did this, but Brian or whoever is running Dash Force decided to keep him on.
0 points,4 years ago
Thank you for being rationale and pointing out all the harm these guys are doing.
1 point,4 years ago
Not to mention they allowed the relentless character assassination of Tao on their discord channel for months, while heavily moderating anyone with criticisms of Dash Force, Evan, or whoever else is on their favored list. It is not a healthy and fair environment.
5 points,4 years ago
This is utter bullshit, Tao's moderation of the DND is tantamount to censorship and its purpose is to shape the narrative into his small and narrow minded view of the world. There was no assassination of Tao, if anything he just stopped giving a shit after his DN DFO that was paying himself 25 of the 35 DASH to moderate that shit hole while working a full time job was lost. In that context Tao was little more than a parasite and I exposed him for the world to see.
-3 points,4 years ago
lol, "shape the narrative into his small and narrow minded view of the world", says the person supporting Dash Force News. I hope you're happy with Joel Valenzuela controlling the narrative.
You are a perfect example of a DFN toxic cult member, just can't help lashing out at people who don't conform to your clique
-1 point,4 years ago
@dashunicorn : You could not have put this better. DFN should be free to run their cult but not with funding from the treasury.
-5 points,4 years ago
Having an openly biased news outlet that endorses polarising figures like Ben Swann instantly turns off more than half of the new potential userbase. Such bias is horrible for bring new investment and thus dash price.

According to the DFN mafia, everything must be viewed through the prism of partisan american politics. Guys, the world is a lot bigger than your propaganda leads you to think.

Also 350 is a humungous ask for amateurish low quality articles. Not one article is a well thought out piece that gets new users. Most of them scream "Dash is the best", "We rule" turning away even existing users.

We have been funding them for a long time and how has it helped?

DFN could be self funded through donations from sympathizers and they have a right to say what they want but no funds should go from the treasury . Treasury should welcome all viewpoints equally.
2 points,4 years ago
Are you a speaker of the Dash team in Valencia, Venezuela?
Easy on the "mafia" accusation please.
What's your ask for a professional article that has all the unbiased and non-propagandistic views expressed in it?
Show me what you got and I might donate.
Meanwhile I vote YES on the team that has done more to get Dash some attention while being ignored or smeared by the rest of the crypto media universe than any other.
-3 points,4 years ago
Once again I have to ask how have they done positive things for Dash? Their articles are ignored, their twitter and YouTube presence is them retweeting each other or having circular conversations for the entertainment of people within Dash.

They have no reach outside of Dash, other than to get us laughed at for being suckers for funding these people.

At best they do nothing, more likely they hurt our standing further.
0 points,4 years ago
Guys come on.

Please for the love of god can we not blindly vote yes for Dash News for once?

All these people do is repackage information that is already available from other sources and keep it in one place (IE they function as a subreddit with a fancy UI that has shitty writing).

Ryan Taylor tweeted? Looks like they have their content today as they take 3 tweets and repeat them until its 4 paragraphs long and they post their "article" to reddit.

On top of that they consistently hurt Dash's reputation among the broader crypto community because WE ARE LITERALLY PAYING FOR PROPAGANDA. (propaganda that only people who are already involved in Dash read I might add). On top of that remember the MooCow incident? Half the comments on that thread in r/crypto where talking about dumb shit that Joel has said and done.

Take a look at what all this is accomplishing:

That is the account that posts their content to reddit. Notice how it as zero upvotes on literally every post except the ones going to the Dash subreddit where we like to be fed propaganda.

These people are grifters in the truest sense of the word and a big part of the reason no one takes Dash seriously.
1 point,4 years ago
Great post!
2 points,4 years ago
Hey everyone.

I hope you liked the new video format of the Dash Podcast broadcasted and multistreamed to several platforms live. The feedback so far has been really positive.

I also want to thank the community for submitting questions for Ryan's AMA in Dash Talk Discord for last Friday's podcast with (Proof of Emoji).

Having the podcast streamed to platforms like Twitter via periscope and Facebook Live etc. in addition to YouTube has already helped increase impressions and awareness etc.

Don't miss this Friday's Xmas Special of the Dash Podcast with Amanda B. Johnson.

Thank you masternodes for your continued support.
4 points,4 years ago
DFN, is an important part of our community, and they will continue to get my votes until someone else steps up and does a better job. I can't stress this last point enough to everyone complaining. If an alternative group can match them in terms of quality and quantity of output, maybe I'd reconsider, but I don't see anyone else doing anything close to them at this point.

What they do is not easy, and they have important industry contacts. Easy yes.
4 points,4 years ago
9 points,4 years ago
I'm a little bit surprised by so many No votes on this proposal.
To all the No voters:
Please reconsider if it really is a good idea to defund DashForce and DashNews right before and during the impending release of Dash Platform. In my opinion, defunding them is a suicidal move and doesn't benefit Dash and us MNO's at all.
When Dash Platform is finally being released in early 2020 we need to get the word out about it, rather than silencing and sabotaging one of our most important News publishers.
I understand that some MNO may not be happy with some aspects of how DashForce and DashNews are run.
But please keep in mind, condemning and criticizing is much easier than doing a better job than they do.
Are the No voters in here able and willing to do a better job than DashForce and DashNews does?
And perhaps even asking for (much) less money?
Then, please, come forward and introduce yourselves and what you can and are willing to contribute.
Please let me know who is able to deliver a better job than they do, and who is willing to do it.

If not, please reconsider your No vote, and whether early 2020 is the best time to defund DashForce and DashNews.
And if you really want to defund them, then please, for the sake of Dash, don't defund them in the first half of 2020.
8 points,4 years ago
There is a MNO with 48 votes that it appears voted down every single proposal including DCG, pretty sure I know who it is and they have proven time and time again they can not be reasoned with.
The other no votes are probably just the regulars that vote no, we usually get around 200.
-1 point,4 years ago
Do ypu know who have these 48 vote power ?
3 points,4 years ago
Please consider neutralizing their 48 No votes using your own votes.
Thank you very much
-3 points,4 years ago
Dash News is sometimes a good resource but is sickeningly biased. DFN content is not all bad, there is some good information there. But every article about an altcoin ends with some cheesy hook about how Dash is better, or repeats some bogus statistic like the 5000 Venezuelan merchants. It is hard to take seriously.

The only way I would vote for Dash Force would be if Joel Valenzuela, Brian Freeman, and Justin Szilard are replaced, and all Dash Force intellectual property moved into an organization directly owned by the Dash trust.

Here's a good example.

Reality: Investors were trying to withdraw from moocowmoo's service since April, and even back then there was a long trail of complaints from investors experiencing insanely slow service. Moo was still listed on as an advisor up through July of this year. People waiting for months would have lost as much as 60% of the value of their Dash while waiting for a completely unresponsive moocowmoo. Having this situation involving the business of a well respected core developer, and him having been associated with DCG on their website, is a huge PR problem and is obviously newsworthy.

Dash Force News: Nothing to see here! moocowmoo has been long since removed from the dash website! (I mean four months ago, and it's not like exit scammers ever try to disassociate themselves after they have cut and run or anything.) Every journalist reporting on this is a biased hateful troll and I'm going to call out your writers on twitter! Look, don't worry that no one can withdraw. People are still getting payouts, this proves it's not a scam. (says every pyramid scheme ever.) Plus the person who raised the alarm about this issue is a known troll, so there!

Reality: The headlines and negative press are the only reason somebody was finally able to get moocowmoo to come out of his coma and send investors their Dash back. After months and months of community and core team not being able to do a damn thing.

Dash Force: Told you it wasn't a scam. #FakeNews And you know what else is wrong with the crypto media today?.............

It is like we are still in high school.
-2 points,4 years ago
Great post, thanks!
-3 points,4 years ago
I will be voting No and would urge other MNOs to do the same to say the least

Dash force has been highly partisan, and only cares to publish only those pieces which serve their best interests (those who have ingratiated towards them )

I.e their recent discord dilemma and trying to fragment the community inter alia

Thank you
5 points,4 years ago
"highly partisan" against who exactly?
-2 points,4 years ago
Any project in the ecosystem they have a personal grudge against
1 point,4 years ago
This not an answer, can't fact check this.
5 points,4 years ago
I'm happy to report that the Dash Podcast is extremely popular with audio listeners via platforms such as itunes, podbean, sticher, soundcloud etc.

The total Dash Podcast audio downloads / playback for January 2019 – December 2019 = 228,184

Please see screenshot for numbers -

These numbers are taken from which is a dedicated service we use to syndicate our audio podcast to numerous platforms and track analytics.
0 points,4 years ago
@MarkMason I am going to vote yes for your proposal due to the quality of your news website and the significant contributions you provide to the community. If I had the opportunity however I would not vote for you youtube videos in their current format.
-3 points,4 years ago
@markMason, The videos podcasts on youtube are simply not good quality and I, for one don't watch them any more. I do however, read your news site and that is good content in my opinion. I know you don't agree with my feedback because when I recorded it and sent you the video feedback you did not provide any response or feedback to me. The youtube videos that gain trust from investors are those made by coin's like BitcoinSV . If we considering how unpopular Craig Wright is in the crypto community yet the BSV project has gone from half the price of DASH to double the price of DASH. Why is that? Investors in crypto watch the coin's videos and are strongly influenced by them. Yet Bitcoin SV does not offer any of the innovations that DASH offers. It is not about innovations. It is about confidence and trust in a project and a big part of that is how the DASH youtube videos are presented.
-2 points,4 years ago
Website content = V. Good (well researched interesting topics)
Heidi updates = V. Good (Reasons: well presented, planned contend and concise)
Community support = V. Good
Podcasts = poor (see below)

The reasons I feel the podcasts are poor are 1. Amateur presentation. No apparent planning to the podcasts. Questions or statements made can take a long time to formulate because they have not been thought out in advance 2. Juvenal behaviour e.g. "Stay Dash" , "Dashtastic", Dash Glasses, Pointing arrows to indicate "going to the moon" this is definitely NOT what a serious investor wants to see on a podcast that is representing DASH. Think about it guys. For someone that knows nothing about DASH would you feel confident about putting 100 to 200K or a few million down in DASH investment when the DASH premier news guys are acting in a Juvenal manner? It simply is NOT the way to garner trust with a topic as important as as people's money and investments. Please can you stop that.

It comes across as if there is no preparation in your podcasts. The backgrounds are busy and like you're working out of a broom cupboard. In one of the podcasts Mark Mason had chalk drawn ears behind him on a blackboard. WTF! Can you not see that this childish behaviour is simply not going to build trust with serious investors who would be looking at your videos to gauge the professionalism of DASH as a solid investment. Guys please, either invest in getting some media training so you know what you're doing on the podcasts or if you don't want to do that then I suggest you drop the podcasts entirely and focus on what you're good at which is Website content and supporting the community.

In my opinion Immediate improvements could be made to the podcasts by:
1. Drop all childish behaviour. i.e. Dash Glasses, Dash catch phrases, "stay Dash" cut out giant pointing fingers going to the moon etc.
2. Invest time to learn about correct lighting and setting a neutral background to your videos. Seeing backgrounds of someone's bedroom look amateur and by extension DASH is amateur, and therefore something not to be trusted.
3. Get some media training guys. You clearly have not had any training in how to present such video content. Learn how to present these videos in a professional manner which garners trust, not takes trust away.
4. Plan, in advance your questions so that you have some structure to the podcasts before you start.
5. Cut out ramblings about what you've been doing. Viewers don't have the time and won't watch the videos.

In summary the podcasts are unstructured, unplanned, amateur lighting and background, too long, too juvenile. If you could improve on these and also coach the guest speakers to meet a minimum standard of presentation e.g. lighting and setting a neutral background with pre-planned questions for people to have time to prepare.

I also recommend that you consider expanding your subject beyond DASH e.g. broader subjects. This would then attract in visitors who may be searching for a particular subject on crypto. You then educate them on that subject which will gain their confidence and trust. Then ensure there is also some DASH content. e.g. show people how hard wallets work and why it is important to use a hard wallet etc. It also makes it much simpler for you guys to make these podcasts because it is real challenge to find new subjects to come up with every week.

6. Perhaps consider some podcasts on educating viewers rather than just news. e.g. how can a business accept online payments with DASH? I have no idea how this can be done. Such videos would help educate businesses on how to start accepting DASH in their businesses. How can we expect businesses to know what the benefits are of using DASH for accepting payments if they have not been educated on the benefits and how to set it up?

Summary: Please improve the podcasts or consider dropping them.

I sincerely do not mean to cause offence to you guys. Your news service is essential and it is clear you are devoted, hardworking and dedicated DASH community members. But honestly the podcasts are need SERIOUS improvements and honestly I would prefer you drop them if you are not prepared to do what is necessary to improve them.