Proposal “crdev-docwiki-201608“ (Closed)Back

Title:Core Development - Technical Writer For Core Documentation (Downvote)
One-time payment: 483 DASH (12440 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-08-05 / 2016-09-20 (added on 2016-07-29)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 608 Yes / 510 No / 0 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

UPDATE: The core team is no longer seeking funding for this proposal. I have already communicated to the core team to vote against and it is no longer passing, so no need to take any action, but please don't vote for this proposal.

The original intent was to use the funds that were unallocated at the time to pre-fund this expense. Since it was submitted, a couple of community proposals have garnered additional support, so we risked trampling some quality community proposals with this non-urgent need. We will seek funding for this proposal, therefore, in a future period.

Now that things appear settled on the funding for the month, I plan to submit a smaller proposal to the network today to put the remaining funds to good use based on the new rankings.

This is a cross-post from Dash Forum

Overview of the proposal:

As the project continues to mature, we are seeking to operate in an increasingly professional manner. One critical aspect of a technology-centric project like Dash is offering professionally written software documentation. This proposal seeks funding to hire part-time contracted technical writers to properly document our core software and ensure our documentation is up-to-date throughout the development of 12.2 DashDrive (which extends from August to March).

By contracting highly competent technical writers throughout the process, we can both offload these responsibilities from programmers (thus accelerating development) and ensure high quality documentation for new developer onboarding, reference material for business partners seeking to integrate Dash, and assurance to investors that demand a high-quality project.

This proposal is a one-time expense for the duration of 12.2 development. The estimated cost totals $4,400.00 for the entire period. This one-time request approach will allow us to hire technical writers as needed over the project period without submitting multiple related proposals.

EDIT: Removed references to "wiki" because it was causing confusion... some were inferring incorrectly that this was simply updating our existing wiki as opposed to creating programmer reference material. Apologies for the confusion.

Requested funding is as follows for the August 5th budget cycle:
Total: 482.59 Dash

Note: Any unused funds from this core development budget will be directed toward other core development expenses.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,8 years ago
You know, I logged in just now to vote 'yes' on this proposal. But @babygiraffe, buddy -- you haven't answered any of the questions below. That's "cray", so to speak. People who don't answer questions about their budget proposals don't get my 'yes' votes.
0 points,8 years ago
I believe this will be helpful, will it act as a ground for less technical wiki?
1 point,8 years ago
This type of activity is perfect for the community to help with a much smaller budget if any is needed at all. Why would we pay "Technical Writers" for something that only the community that is reading about Dash everyday would even comprehend?

Has the community even been asked to help on the wiki? There are many people that contribute to Dashpaymagazine and Dashnation that are writing for peanuts if anything. It just seems disrespectful to pay "Technical Writers" without considering the valuable talent we have with this outstanding community.
0 points,8 years ago
This is for technical documentation for development. Meaning to produce the tech documentation that new developers require to work with the Dash codebase. Andy can explain better but I just wanted to clarify that this is not about blogging or writing community descriptions.
1 point,8 years ago
just because people write for blogs doesn't mean they cant do technical writing. Assumptions get you no where. Have you guys engaged the community to see if there are any skilled technical writers who would do this for a fraction of the cost?
0 points,8 years ago
That would be nice to be cleared up in the actual proposal. I was confused on that as well.
0 points,8 years ago
Just mt 2 cents, a good technical writer can make a product feel amateur or professional.
0 points,8 years ago
I assume this proposal was created so late because you wanted to give the budget system time for possible allocation of community proposals ? please confirm this or state why exactly this budget proposal was entered so late.

May i also suggest if budget propsals in the future are entered late, the reason for the delay be provided in the budget proposal itself, this will avoid questions afterwards.

The endresult however is still the same, we end up with a very short period of time (in this case only 6 days)
to discuss and vote on it. However a discussion thread on the Dash Forum was created, so hopefully it will get the discussion going there and here.
0 points,8 years ago
Hi qwizzie, this is just part of the process we are following. Every month budget space is left open for community proposals to be on funded status. If one week prior to the budget closing this space is still open then proposals that are waiting get posted. There is a project plan we are not improvising.