Proposal “coreteamcomp0518“ (Closed)Back

Title:Core Team Compensation (May)
One-time payment: 1107 DASH (24001 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 1107 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-04-18 / 2018-05-18 (added on 2018-04-07)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 24 Yes / 5 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

This proposal is cross-posted at

This proposal funds the Dash Core Group's ongoing compensation costs - including all developers, administrative, and support staff - at market rates for base pay, excluding benefits or bonuses.

The team has ~60 paid team members, and we have open positions that will further expand this over the coming several months to ~70. The current run-rate is ~$325,000 monthly. This is an average of ~$5,400 / month / contributor.

As of Mid-March, the breakdown of the number of staff we have working in each department is as follows:

- Marketing / International Outreach - 9 staff - plans to expand to 11
- Development - 27 staff - plans to expand to 33
- Project Management - 3 staff - plans to expand to 4
- Infrastructure - 3 staff - plans to expand to 4
- Support - 1 staff - plans to expand to 2
- Quality Assurance - 4 staff - plans to expand to 6
- Leadership and Admin - 10 staff - plans to expand to 11
- Strategy - 3 staff - plans to expand to 4
- Human Resources - 1 staff
- Business Development - 2 staff - plans to expand to 5

If you have any questions, please direct them to @glennaustin in this Dash Forum post to ensure we are notified of your request.

Requested funding is as follows for the May 3rd budget cycle:
  • 1,101.80 Dash for core team compensation ($325,000 USD @ $294.97 per Dash)
  • 5.00 Dash proposal reimbursement
Total: 1,106.80 Dash

Note: Should any funding remain, we will apply it toward future compensation expenses.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,6 years ago
Newsflash: The 75 votes weren't an accident.

Dash's fiat price, #coin rank, and evolution/core release deadlines matter. These no votes are a wakeup call to get things in gear a bit faster. We're not bitcoin in 2011. We have a million competitors.
-1 point,6 years ago
Core decided to pay T&C without consoling the MNOs. Apparently Core has more than enough money. So voting NO.
-1 point,6 years ago
0 points,6 years ago
Dear glennaustin,
The idea of an 1000 Dash/month for 6 months, is totaly resonable from my point of view.
You are our main and most efficient part today.
Not perfect, but who can claim to be.

0 points,6 years ago
voting YES. ...and it would be a good idea for Core to have a buffer of funds (acquired when the value Dash rises significantly.
1 point,6 years ago
Yes, a number of people have mentioned the idea of creating a buffer. We are running some analysis now and will share our thoughts with all of you in the next 2 weeks.
5 points,6 years ago
Can the 72 no votes please explain why they voted such?
-1 point,6 years ago
Core decided to pay T&C without consulting the MNOs. Apparently Core has more than enough money. So voting NO.
0 points,6 years ago
The entire staff of Dash was not involved nor aware of this decision. Doesn't seem fair to punish the whole team that is focused on design, code, and delivery for what seems a reasonable marketing decision.
0 points,6 years ago
If Dash has so much money they can just throw around 88,000 Euro without a vote, I'm sure the rest of the team will be fine.
1 point,6 years ago
We regularly get upwards of 100 "No" votes on many proposals without explanation historically. We're pretty certain that there are trolls/enemies of Dash with some nodes, we just don't know how many.
0 points,6 years ago
Agreed, its worrying, given the margin the yes votes have to win by. Can we really have that many people working to shut down the core dev?
1 point,6 years ago
It's much more likely they simply don't recognize the proposal owner and think it's an imposter. Never had this many no-votes until the new CFO started making proposals.
0 points,6 years ago
Could it be these are non English speakers who are experiencing a language barrier?
3 points,6 years ago
Does Dash Core have a contingency if the Dash price were to fall to, say $100?

Not that I want this too happen or even think it very likely to, but it never hurts to do some planning around possible setbacks.
2 points,6 years ago
What the quickest way to confirm that this really Glennaustin ? (ps this should be build into the platform)
8 points,6 years ago
I confirm that this account belongs to the real Glenn Austin. I was physically present when he posted the proposal. In addition, you can verify two of last month's proposals were posted by the same account (the two visual identity proposals).
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you Ryan for the confirmation.
4 points,6 years ago
Welcome to the team Glenn
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you!
0 points,6 years ago
I would like to suggest next time their is a bull-run like the one up to 1500, require an extra budget or 2, for some extra buffers.
It will give some xtra room in the budget, in months than their are lots of other proposals, and This budget alone is already enough for more than 1/6 of the budget, assuming the team will grow and the paychecks will increase. This will further increase in size. Seeing MNO can vote to fire people, holding a larger USD buffer should proof no longer an issue.
2 points,6 years ago
That is a good suggestion. We are looking into the implications of holding an extra buffer right now. As with most decisions, there are some pros and cons associated with the decision. We will provide an update regarding this once we are done with our analysis.
0 points,6 years ago
Please be sure, to have at the very least put it up for discussion on the pre-proposals sub-form. To me the advantages are quit clear and understood. But MNO's want to kept and in loop, and want to be part of the decision making process. I am certain it will create a more positive reaction. I am certain as you are an expert in the field, that you should be able to explain, why such a course of action will add to the continuity of this project.

You probably did not have to hear such a suggestion, as it you know allot more about it than me, but I wanted to show my (pre)-support to this way of running Dash Core Group finances.

At any-rate best of luck in your new job at Dash.
8 points,6 years ago
Just some info for some people who might otherwise be shocked that this proposal is coming from glennaustin and not babygiraffe: Glenn Austin is the new CFO for Dash Core and will be making these proposals from now on.
3 points,6 years ago
Good post.

Hopefully, this is not getting NO votes because of this confusion.
1 point,6 years ago
Costa Rica supporting Core. Voting Yes
2 points,6 years ago
Welcome Glenn! Glad to have you onboard.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you, I appreciate the warm welcome.