Proposal “core-conf-201804“ (Closed)Back

Title:Core Team Conferences
One-time payment: 417 DASH (11279 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 417 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-03-19 / 2018-04-18 (added on 2018-03-22)
Votes: 991 Yes / 53 No / 6 Abstain

Proposal description

This is a cross post from the Dash Forum.

This proposal funds Dash Core Group participation in five conferences between March and June, including Token2049 in Hong Kong, Bitcoin and Blockchain Conference in Moscow, Global Blockchain Summit in Denver, Consensus 2018 in NYC, and MoneyConf in Dublin.

Last month we submitted a proposal for several payments-focused conferences. While fintech conferences will tend to be our focus moving forward, we will continue to participate in a variety of other conferences as well, such as blockchain conferences or in collaboration with Dash-funded partners.

Links with additional details on each of these conferences is included below. In the interest of keeping this content short, we have included basic details, but feel free to explore the websites for more information.

Token 2049
Hong Kong, March 20-21

With our business development team in place and growing presence in Asia, we plan to develop the region more aggressively. Token2049 is a strong opportunity to build connections in the region, especially since we would be attending Money 20/20 in Singapore a few days earlier.

Our platinum sponsorship includes a 2.5 m x 2.5 m booth, logo on stage screens and throughout the venue, our logo displayed as Platinum sponsor on the website and brochure, and four conference passes.

While speaking opportunities are not tied to sponsorships, Bradley Zastrow - our Head of Business Development - secured a speaking slot.

Fee: 20,000 USD
Booth + Merch: 6,000 USD
Extra tickets: 2,400 USD (4 x 600 USD, we got 20% discount)
Travel: 12,000 USD (6 x 2,000 USD)
Total: 40,400 USD

Bitcoin and Blockchain Conference
Moscow, April 17-18

We have an active Russian community and it is a top-five market for Dash. The organizer of this event has successfully executed several other conferences which we have attended (Stockholm and Kiev). We were pleased with the results and are open to continue participating in these well-run events. Our Russian community will be actively working with us in this conference with Alex-ru leading the coordination.

Our general sponsorship includes a speaking opportunity, a 10 sq m booth, branding options around the venue/online and 9 tickets for the conference.

Fee: 18,000 USD
Booth + March: 5,000 USD
Travel: 4,000 USD (2 x 2,000 USD)
Total: 27,000 USD

Global Blockchain Summit
Denver, April 19-20

Global Blockchain Summit is obviously a blockchain focused conference. Chuck Williams, our UX lead was invited to provide a keynote speech. We have several team members located in the Denver area, so we decided to pursue a small sponsorship package to enhance our presence at the event.

Our bronze sponsorship includes a booth and two tickets. A total of four tickets are allocated to the Dash team in recognition of the keynote address.

Fee: 4,000 USD
Booth + March: 4,000 USD
Travel: 4,500 USD (3 x 1,500 USD)
Total: 12,500 USD

Consensus 2018
New York, May 14-16

Consensus is one of the most important blockchain events in the world, organized by Coindesk. We had a minor presence there last year and the contacts made led to many valuable integrations.

Our sponsorship includes two contiguous exhibit spaces (8’x10’ each), branding opportunities throughout the conference, and 5 tickets to the conference.

Fee: 27,000 USD
Booth + Merch: 20,000 USD
Travel: 10,000 USD (5 x 2,000 USD)
Total: 57,000 USD

Dublin, June 11-13

KuvaCash, a Dash DAO funded entity working on Dash adoption in Zimbabwe, asked for Dash Core Group support and collaboration for this conference in anticipation of their commercial launch. MoneyConf is fintech conference, organised by the company that hosts WebSummit, a hugely successful tech event in Lisbon. We view this as a tremendous opportunity to highlight the strength of our DAO structure and the collaboration possibilities of our network.

We have confirmed stage time for Dash and we are exploring speaking opportunities for KuvaCash as well. Dash and KuvaCash will split the booth space and costs (2/3 Dash Core Group, 1/3 KuvaCash).

Our gold sponsorship includes a 4m x 4m booth, branding throughout the event, and 20 tickets for both teams.

Fee: 24,000 USD (price is 36,000 USD, but KuvaCash pays the remainder)
Booth + Conference Swag: 12,000 USD
Travel: 4,500 USD (3 x 1,500 USD)
Total: 40,500 USD


If you have any questions, please direct them to @fernando in this Dash Forum post to ensure we are notified of your request.

Requested funding is as follows for the April 3rd budget cycle:
  • 411.87 Dash for sponsorship and participation in 5 conferences ($177,400 USD @ $430.72 per Dash)
  • 5.00 Dash proposal reimbursement
Total: 416.87 Dash

Note: Should any funding remain, we will apply it toward future conference expenses.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,6 years ago
voting YES....but are we preaching to the choir?

Noting Kuvacash's commercial launch in Dublin! June 11-13th.
2 points,6 years ago
Why do we keep preaching to the choir of crypto conferences?
Dash should have its own Conference and the rest of them can be damned.
Other projects need these funds and can and will generate more ROI.
Voting NO.
5 points,6 years ago
Another huge sum proposal from Core without any advanced notice. If this was a business the CEO would be fired. Since we're not a business however it seems OK to ask for large sums of money with no notice to the DASH community. We had Fernando last month asking for 2X large sums, now this and also the core conference. This a lot of money going out to core with little or no notice and it is damaging our work as MNO's assessing these projects.

Last month we had several important community projects receive enough votes but excluded because core's huge "marketing" budget requests for funds where dropped in - with no notice that I was aware of. No planning. No consideration for the other projects. No notice.

In my opinion those other projects should not have been excluded on the last superblock. They passed with enough votes. I don't believe that core needs all the funds up front in advance and knowingly exclude valid community projects that got enough votes. One of those projects I had invested dozens of hours supporting - DASH Academy. This project got enough votes and was blown out by Core's marketing budget. Why couldn't core reduce it's request by 41 DASH so that project, which can be used on dozens of other projects could have gone through? It seems to me unreasonable. Maybe I don't know all of what is going on from the core side. All I can see is from this side my efforts have been wasted.

The above project should have gone through last month because it got enough votes.

I don't believe that core would need the full 1000+ DASH all in one go at the destruction of the hard work that other MNO like myself have undertaken.

We also keep hearing the same message from Fernando and Ryan that "We are looking into this and we are going to do something." but as yet nothing has been done. Not even a compromise situation. Nothing.

I run a full time business and work on average 10 t o 12 hours per day. Then after work I put in an hour or tow per day to assess DASH proposals especially on the Venezuela and education type projects. Then the weekend I have put in up to 8 hours of work on DASH proposals assessing.

Now I see that one of the proposals I've been supporting and giving feedback on has been blown out by Core huge budget I can say I am not feeling motivated to continue to do this.

You need to sort this out now Ryan / Fernando. If you can't sort this out now then you can at the very least come up with some compromise. MNO's are raising this as an issue over and over each month yet nothing is yet been done.

Until something is actually done I am withdrawing my contributions to these proposals because I feel totally demotivated by a core team leaders that are not considering the work we are doing and not considering the damage you're causing to other projects.

I have always supported core projects every time without thinking twice because I trust and respect your guys.

But if I keep voting "yes" nothing is going to happen until it becomes a situation where core actually *has* to do something because MNO's voted NO.

Therefore in the interests of all the MNO's that I know have had their work blown out by core for the first time I'm going to vote "NO" to all core projects until such time you consider MNO's work and our community projects that we are supporting. I'm voting NO not because I do not support core. I'm voting No so you will sit up an listen and do something.

MNO, we need this sorted out now. I encourage you to consider our small community projects we've worked so hard supporting and have been excluded. We need to think about them and we need core to do something. If they have their funds stopped even for one month let us see how quick something will be done.

Join me and please vote NO. until something is done to safeguard our work and our small community projects

Voting NO

0 points,6 years ago
If this wins, and Core salaries win, and Ben Swan wins.... there is no more budget for anything else. Am I right?
0 points,6 years ago
"Next budget payments will occur in 11 days (voting deadline in 8 days) and will provide 1950.00 DASH of 6176.72 DASH total available budget."

From what I understand that means that 1950 Dash is already spoken for from past projects that passed but didn't have enough Dash in the budget. Which leaves 4226 Dash for funding proposals. Or am I missing something?
0 points,6 years ago
Interesting. I read it in exactly the opposite way. "Will provide 1950 to newly approved proposals" is the way I understand it. The rest of the budget is spoken for by previous multi-month budgets. If I am correct, sending Core Team to conferences would leave nothing else in the budget for small community proposals.

Another interesting thought is that there were 250 Dash burned by people submitting proposals. We cannot even use THAT money for promotions. That is $100,000 USD worth of Dash that went to submitting proposals that don't stand a chance at getting approved. Is what I am saying correct?
0 points,6 years ago
Very relevant comment.
0 points,6 years ago
on board with this
2 points,6 years ago
Yes and THANK YOU guys for attending all these conferences. It's huge.

Conferences are exhausting.