Proposal “connectDashwithEUdecisionmakers“ (Completed)Back

Title:Let's connect Dash with the most influential EU decision makers
One-time payment: 200 DASH (5430 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 200 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-08-19 / 2017-09-18 (added on 2017-08-13)
Votes: 844 Yes / 220 No / 44 Abstain

Proposal description

Let’s connect Dash with the most influential EU decision makers and make Dash one of the most important voices of the industry

What and when

#SWITCH! - the largest international ICT and entrepreneurship event in the Baltics.

19 September in the largest indoor arena (Žalgiris arena), Kaunas, Lithuania.

#SWITCH launch to the journalists video


41 speakers from 16 countires: US, UK, Germany, Italy, France, Ireland, Findland, Poland Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Belgium, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg.

Most influential EU decision makers: European Parliament’s blockchain rapporteur Ms. Eva Kailli, Mr. Peter Kerstens, advisor at DG FISMA, EU Commission, EU Commissioner Mr. Vytenis Andriukaitis.

Ministers and national influencers: Minister of Finance Mr. Vilius Sapoka, Minister of Economy M. Sinkevicius, Minister of Defence Mr. R. Karoblis, Bank of Lithuania Board Member M. Jurgilas, Francois Thill, Deputy Executive Advisor, Ministry of Economy of Luxembourg.

Global companies (sponsors): Nasdaq, Google, Neflix, Oath, Swedbank, Tele2, Dell, DXC Technology.

15.000 participants

What we offer

1. Make Dash the voice of the industry

· Key note speech at #SWITCH Professionals part of the event. Target audience 2000 EU high level decision makers, ministers of national governments, global and national business professionals, and startups community. 

· Direct contacts with EU decision makers who are responsible for the EU’s blockchain direction: European Parliament’s blockchain rapporteur Ms. Eva Kailli, Ms. Peter Kerstens, advisor at DG FISMA.

· Direct contacts with Lithuania’s decision makers directly responsible for politics in fintech area: Minister of Economy Mr. Mindaugas Sinkevičius, Minister of Finance Vilius Šapoka, Bank of Lithuania Board Member.

· Direct contacts with the tech students and representatives of their professors.

2. Key note speech at #SWITCH Youth part.

Target audience 10.000 tech enthusiasts and potential Dash users. This part will be live streamed by the national television LRT.

3. Booth at #SWITCH! Tech zone

Possibily to demonstrate Dash user experience for new potential users. Target audience #SWITCH! Professionals and #SWITCH! Youth audience.

4. #SWITCH! Blockchain Hackathon

Possibility for Dash community members to participate at #SWITCH! Hackathon on Blockchain.

5. #SWITCH! Dash workshop

Dedicated venue for Dash workshop to explain to the newusers what’s Dash and demonstrate Dash possibilities.

6. Paid travel and accommodation expenses

#SWITCH! will reimburse travel and accommodation expenses for Dash speakers and Dash community participants at #SWITCH! Hackathon.

7. Personal invitations to the VIP digital networking event

#SWITCH! VIP digital networking event will be attended by the high level speakers, high level representatives from the tech companies and public sector (in total up to 200 participants will be invited).

8. Communication campaign before #SWITCH event:

· Dash logo in LRT TV advertisement (50 clips in 3 weeks, 1,1-1,3 mln reach);

· Press release or Dash chosen topic publication (interview with Dash representative or the topical text prepared by the PR agency and sent out to the tech and business news portals, press, tv and radio channels);

· Dash logo in #SWITCH! website . Banners campaign (news portals, FB, adnet platform) will direct users to Estimated reach of various campaigns: banners for youth audience – 1,9 mln. reach, banners for the professionals audience – 1,1 mln reach. 

· Dash logo in outdoor campaign posters in five cities (58 stations showcases in Vilnius, Kaunas, Šiauliai, Panevėžys, Alytus – 4 weeks);

· Dash logo in monthly business journal IQ ad layout (size A4);

· Mentioning Dash name in on-demand publications and initiation of the interviews for the tech and business press;

· Opinion editorial on the blockchain technology and Dash role in fostering the industry for the European news portal (e.g. New Europe, Politico or other).

· Mentioning Dash in the press release and invitation for the foreign media to the event.

· Mentioning Dash in Facebook event description;

· 2-3 special Facebook posts with your chosen topic in SWITCH Facebook page (8900 followers), ensuring minimum 10 k reach per post; 

· TonyG posts about Dash in his Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin accounts: (105,9 k followers), (67,9 k followers), (4725 connections).

What we ask for

We ask Dash to sponsor SWITCH up to the value of 200 dash. Payment after event.

#SWITCH! results in the years of 2015 and 2016

· Thousands participants from business and among young people: from 6000 participants in the year 2015 to 10 000 participants in the year of 2016. 

· Inspiration, knowledge for business: cybersecurity, EFSI, app economy, drones, e-government, the forth Industrial revolution, e-healthcare, internet of things and many others.

· Strong message to Europe and the whole world about openness to innovations:

# Keynote - Andrus Ansip, Vice-President of the European Commission at the opening panel;

# Uber attended #SWITCH! and 4 weeks after established their office in Vilnius - the fastest office opening of UBER globally!;

# Facebook and its business delegation appearance for the first time in Lithuania by the courtesy of #SWITCH!;

# Reached the Guinness World Record of the biggest programming lesson in the world;

# 170 speakers from 15 countries: Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, King, etc.

· Media coverage: more than 300 positive publications, TV shows supporting the strengthening of innovative technologies sector. 

The organizer

Antanas Guoga (TonyG) is an entrepreneur, Lithuanian member of the European Parliament, philanthropist, public CIO to the Mayor of Vilnius, Remigijus Šimašius. TonyG is entrepreneurship enabler, venture capitalist who invests in start-ups in the digital area. Known an opinion leader for his efforts to promote a better climate for entrepreneurship and improving conditions for business opportunities. He is well-known promoter and advocate of blockchain technology and crypto-currencies

In 2015 TonyG was included in the POLITICO 28 list. The European affairs weekly newspaper chose one person from each of the European Union's 28 member-states who is shaping, shaking and stirring Europe. In 2016 TonyG was included in the POLITICO 40 list as one of the most influential Members of the European Parliament. 

TonyG is a committed philanthropist. He is the only member of the European Parliament and Lithuanian entrepreneur to be included in the TOP 200 list of Philanthropists and Social Entrepreneurs, compiled by the positive content portal Richtopia. He has donated part of his income more than a decade in various countries he worked or lived: Australia (donated 0,5 mln. dollars to the cancer foundation), Russia (donated 250 k dollars for the renovations of the orphanage close to Moscow), Lithuania, and other. One of the main priorities of A. Guoga is to promote youth entrepreneurship. He is constantly motivating young people to create companies and jobs for themselves by entering the digital market. This was one of the main topics of his event on ICT and entrepreneurship #SWTICH! that MEP Guoga has organized three years in a row. The Lithuanian MEP is ambassador for Coder Dojo and entrepreneurship education and e-skills in Lithuania. Thousands of Lithuanian children have already learned the first steps of coding via these projects. #SWTICH! and Mr. Guoga became the holder of the Guinness World Record title for the biggest programming lesson in the world with 712 kids coding in one room in 2016.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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2 points,7 years ago
My congratulations, and thanks to the whole community.

I think this is going to be very positive for Dash network, and cryptocurrencies in Europe.

Thank you very much to all.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you blockchaintech for your support all the way!

I am confident this will be super positive for Dash!
0 points,7 years ago
I would love as many as possible from dash community to visit this event
3 points,7 years ago
TonyG - after this passes, how about a Dash sponsorship on and
2 points,7 years ago
Good idea to allow dash deposits on tonybet. They integrated btc deposits over 2 years ago.
1 point,7 years ago
Instantsend deposits would be very convenient for the customers! Especially with directbet going offline I am sure some folks are looking for a good sportsbook
2 points,7 years ago
Let's get this done
0 points,7 years ago
And Privatesend men! :)
4 points,7 years ago
C'mon people... show some support. This truly deserves to pass and we're really close to the deadline.
4 points,7 years ago
I don't understand why people are so resistant to lobbying. Lobbying is the only way change is made in modern western society. Like it or not we are going to need to put money toward intense lobbying and this is a necessary first step.
2 points,7 years ago
I am a great believer in alternate payments. It's normal that we discuss it at political level too. It's not like politicians should be against Dash. Let's get as many as possible to support us.
4 points,7 years ago
Correct, thank you. Lobbying is a big part of politics in the western world, and EU especially. I don't find it a bad thing at all, sometimes the stakeholders are forgotten in the dialogue, and the people who actually create something need to have a strong say in how it is being regulated!

I would not call my proposal lobbying per se, just an opportunity to promote Dash and create a healthy dialogue with people who make the decisions - an opportunity to show them the amazing benefits of this technology!

3 points,7 years ago

Robert Wiecko a.k.a kot will be delivering his keynote "Dash - Digital Cash" in the professional part of the event at 13:00 GMT +2. I will post livestream links on forums and Slack some time before the event. You can always message me on Slack (tonyg) if you can't find it!

Hoping for a very good keynote and a healthy discussion, please tune in!


1 point,7 years ago
"...200 dash.Payment after event."
What do you mean by that?
0 points,7 years ago
Just added that to ensure people don't think it's a scam. It's all good dash core team is coming. Thanks for support everyone
0 points,7 years ago
Sorry, but I don't quite catch that. Could you be more specific?
I agree that payment after ,or in parts, is better(safer), but how are you planing to achieve that?
0 points,7 years ago
I don't know yet. But I was happy to get it paid after the event is complete
0 points,7 years ago
No disrespect Tony, but in my opinion this proposal could have been prepared better.

1. You give lots of general expenses (100 000 Euro - renting and preparing Arena, 80 000 Euro - communication) but not many details.

2. What is Dash part in all this, and what is the role of other sponsors (Nasdaq, Google, Neflix, Oath, Swedbank, Tele2, Dell, DXC Technology)?
As for now Dash is sponsoring over 30% of all expenses mentioned above.
What do we get in return and for how much?
(The more precise the better.)

3. You seem to not know how proposal system works in terms of payments and escrow?!

Good luck to you, but you could probably get more + votes, with better cowering at least this 3 points.
1 point,7 years ago
Kun none taken, as I stated I am here to answer any questions necessary. Please understand that an event of such scale is a very complex project and most people would just skip the technical details, but I am happy to give an insight if you are interested.

1. In order to host an event of such scale we have only one option in Kaunas - the largest indoor Arena in the Baltics, "Žalgiris Arena" (Please find a video presentation As you can see from the video this is a sports arena, not fully customized for conference/exhibition use, so a lot of proper preparation and temporary remodeling has to be done in order to fully prepare it. With this event we strive for perfection - it is paramount for delivering our message that people talk about the event in a good light. As with everything that's worth while in this world it does not come cheap for us.

As of communication it is as of today covered by our other sponsor companies. With Dash we'll reach the new hights of the reach involving the largest digital news portals. It will have the focus on Dash advertising Roberts keynote. All the other sponsors are visible in the general advertisement campain and have not got exclusive ads campaign. In short we will expand the communication scope so Dash reeks the biggest benefit. Planned minimum reach is 7-8 million, more stated in the proposal.

2. Dash gets the opportunity to promote itself to a wide variety of public (both attending the event and via targeted communication). During the event Dash will be promoted to youth and professionals attendees, and obviously to senior EU decision makers (talk, meet and discuss with them). As I stated previously Dash will have big publicity before, during and after the event, possibility for community members to participate in blockchain hackathon and other details (as stated in the proposal text).

As you understand #SWITCH is a major event. I only stated the prices for venue/preparation/communications as they are the most common and understandable ones, but as always with project of this scale you get lots of other expenses, f.e. transportation, accommodation, catering, security, staff among others. I cannot provide the exact amount for each line as of today, but by our estimation the overall cost of the event is in 400k Eur range.

That is a lot of money and this is where our partners step in. They are also participants of the event and are keen to present their technology or opinions to the public. I am proud to say leading tech companies are sponsors of SWITCH every year and I see Dash as a leading company also. I cannot disclose how much they contribute, just that Dash would be one of the main sponsors by sum, but it would not be 30 % of the event :)

3. I am happy to get money after the event, but core team members I am in contact with didn't offer escrow. I take it as a sign of trust.

0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for quick reply.

-"most people would just skip the technical details"
By making proposal you probably should focus on MN owners, for which technical details, IMHO, are crucial.

- Ad.1. and 2.
I am not denying value of this event for dash.
But with more specific proposals MN owners can better evaluate ROI of the proposal later on. (It is harder to do with less details.)

Here you have example of reasonably pointed expenses, and what is going to happen with remains:

- Ad.3. I still don't understand. I my opinion it is you, who should offer escrow before making a proposal, to justify "Payment after event." words.

Don't take it personally. Similar issues (i.e. lack of specifics) are (unfortunately) still common in proposals.

You are intelligent guy. Have very pleasant way of talking (like politics).
But I have an unpleasant feeling of smooth yet loose, not precise, answers from you.

Hope you use these money for good purpose, if proposal passes.
3 points,7 years ago
I have to laugh at this one...payment after the event is impossible if you own the payout address and the budget is paying out before the event. But I agree with what you said before - I don't think escrow is needed in this particular case.
Looks like this proposal might end up passing after all - thanks for your efforts!
1 point,7 years ago
Hey Troy thanks for the support. Hopefully it will pass.

Anyway we already have some Dash people coming and I am very happy about that.

-2 points,7 years ago

hey tony - what is your comment on this please ?
to be on the board of an ongoing ICO and ask another team / currency for funding does not look good at all ! (specially after you pulled your last proposal towards NEM last time)
3 points,7 years ago
I am in a advisory position with Bankera/Spectrocoin who are huge believers in dash.

My event is the biggest IT event in the region and dash core is coming to speak here ( Robert Wiecko) it's all good
3 points,7 years ago
Bankera ico is not competition to dash it in fact promotes the use of dash even further.
1 point,7 years ago
I agree with TonyG.

(Hey that rhymes.)
2 points,7 years ago
Tungfa, Have a positive vision.

If you look, you will see that in the bankera project, the cryptocoins included are few, and has not included monero, litecoin. (for the moment)

Look at the positive of the proposal for the Dash community.
2 points,7 years ago
Tungfa should also come over and visit this conference. I am hoping many from the dash community will come and visit.
3 points,7 years ago
I really don't get your problem with tony. He doesn't need to be a 100% dash advocate to be useful. You should judge this proposal based on its own merits and not based on what else the guy is doing.
So what if we helps other cryptos with regulatory stuff I don't see the problem, on the contrary, it might help us indirectly if the whole crypto sphere is respected by governments.
0 points,7 years ago
I don't think a decentralized project like DASH should get involved with a very bad centralized and anti-freedom organization called "government" at all.
4 points,7 years ago
What exactly are you concerned about possibly happening as a result of this? No one is endorsing any particular government policy. We are not sending people to work for the government. If we do not speak up for ourselves to promote our solutions and encourage lawmakers to look favorably on them, no one else is going to do that for us. Lawmakers, like many people, are often afraid of what they don't understand and are prone to reacting in really stupid ways sometimes, like creating a commission to investigate how to detect people 'transporting' cryptocurrency across borders. IMO, if there is anything we can do that could help prevent bad laws from happening then we should.
0 points,7 years ago
Absolutely agree.
By having a presence in this event, we have nothing to lose, and if much to gain.

You said it. The phrase is: If there is anything we can do that could help prevent bad laws from happening then we should.

It is a unique opportunity, which can also affect several countries that make up the European Union.
7 points,7 years ago
Hi again guys. Please check my interview with tao from Cash Alternative TV regarding crypto in general, Dash and this proposal among other things!

Hopefully I answered some general questions, but if you have any follow-up ones please don't hesitate to ask. Huge thanks to tao for the interview!


7 points,7 years ago
Big news guys! I just a confirmation that Dash Core Team will be present in SWITCH conference. Robert Wiecko a.k.a kot confirmed that he will personally will be present and give a keynote speech.
1 point,7 years ago
Awesome! Have just seen his confirmation on forum:
2 points,7 years ago
I wish you luck with this, and I'm sorry that I cannot attend. Thank you for the invitation, @TonyG.
0 points,7 years ago
You are most welcome. Hoping to see you there next year!

2 points,7 years ago
Very interesting and informative interview with TonyG by Tao! Loved to see two good people talk!
1 point,7 years ago
So, why isn't this proposal passing yet? What seems to be the problem for those 131 or less people?
2 points,7 years ago
I am confident it will pass. This will be a great event for dash. Will be a start to many good things.
0 points,7 years ago
Personally I am still waiting on the answers to a couple of my questions (below) before I am willing to commit to a vote.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Troy, hope I answered all your questions below. If you have any follow up questions please let me know I will answer ASAP.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you - after your interview and also receiving confirmation of at least one core team member's participation, I have decided to support this proposal. I hope the other MNOs will see the value in this as well --
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks Troy appreciate it. Hope other see the value as well.


4 points,7 years ago
I regret that we missed hiring Tony for the Basketball proposal. Look, Tony is a big believer in Dash from way back. (I.e. He supported Spectrocoin with their Dash integration and debit card way back...)

He is an influential person, and he is a person who makes things happen.

Like many people, I distrust politicians and the deep state in general. However, that said, this is an opportunity to build a bridge between the (Dash) crypto currency community and the established order... and to let them see that we are just regular (and pleasant) people and not terrorists, or drug dealers jut because we like crypto currency.

I'm voting Yes. Please reconsider if you voted the other way.

4 points,7 years ago
I agree.

If this proposal had been made by Core, it would already have near 1000 positive votes.
People are not being objective with their vote, with the opportunity that is being offered.
We are mixing idealistic thoughts, with the opportunity to grow the project, compared to other competing projects.

Another note from the proposal, TonyG said:
3) Travel and accommodation - We will reimburse flight and accommodation expenses to Dash community members who participate in hackathon and Dash speakers.

That implies that of the funds requested, the travel expenses to the members of Core who would be included would be included.
1 point,7 years ago
Appreciate your support. All you say is true, can confirm that for 100%
1 point,7 years ago
Sorry to reply to my own comment.... but I just thought I should ask my fellow Masternode colleagues.... Do we really want to lose this opportunity by allowing NEM to swoop in again and take it from our hands!
-2 points,7 years ago
i really did NOT like how that last proposal of Tony went down - embarrassing to say the least - i hope he does NOT pull the same stunt again !
3 points,7 years ago
I don't get that. We shot down his proposal so he went looking for another partner that's just how business goes. And if we only accept proposals from Dash purists that won't get us far.
3 points,7 years ago
I would have loved for dash to have done the basketball deal. By the way it was the best deal ever. However I have been a supporter of dash and via Spectrocoin coin we hold a masternode and our reserves in dash. Lots of other good things we can do together, starting with the switch conference.
4 points,7 years ago
Agreed, there is much to learn for Dash from a mistake like this. I don't see the point of getting all emotional for no valid reason. I was very disappointed when the basketball team sponsorship was voted down. To me, it looked like a once in a lifetime opportunity. No wonder NEM had the balls to claim it. Even the Mayor of Vilnius (Lithuanian capital city btw) made an announcement about this deal. Who still thinks that it was a bad proposal for Dash? Anyway, it's time to move on and look forward instead of regretting the past.

If Dash is 'better' than NEM, then we need to react fast to good proposals by serious people. It's not enough to be the fastest Digital Cash - quick evaluation & decision making is vital, especially when the train is not waiting...
2 points,7 years ago
Tony's brief response to this question is here:

If you have a specific followup question or concern about it please bring it up ! Best for voting to be as informed as possible
2 points,7 years ago
I'm inclined to vote yes, living in Europe myself i think some sort of lobbying on behalf of Dash to explain its goal and its (optional) privacy technology to EU decision makers could be a good thing for Dash.
2 points,7 years ago
How will the 200 Dash be spent? Could we get a guesstimated itemized summary please.
2 points,7 years ago
Mastermined thank you for the question.

SWITCH is a strictly non-profit event. All the currency will be used to partly cover the following expenses:

1) Venue, technical and logistics (Žalgiris Arena is the biggest and most modern venue in the Baltics, price tag for the rent and technical preparation is nearly 100 000 Euro). There are 7 venues in the event, we are offering Dash keynote slots in Professional and Youth part, Tech zone booth, participation in Blockchain hackathon, Dash workshop and direct contact with local and EU decision makers - all of them paid from the 200 Dash in question.
2) Communication (Our main partner is the national Radio and Television of Lithuania, we are also hiring a PR firm, other means of communication (advertising, both physical and online through banners, media outlets etc.). You can find a more detailed description in the offer itself. The communication budget as of today is nearly 80 000 Euro. Preliminary value of communication we are offering - 25 000 (with our sponsor package);
3) Travel and accommodation - We will reimburse flight and accommodation expenses to Dash community members who participate in hackathon and Dash speakers.

We would also be willing to dedicate part of the budget to hand out free Dash as a promotion to Dash workshop participants in order to encourage them to start using the currency.


4 points,7 years ago
Mastermind and Tony, can you guys fix up an interview on Dash force news so the community can get to see what Tony is like, and realise his commitment to Dash.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank for the idea. I am trying to set up and interview and are willing to do it 100 %. I think communication is the key at this point.

Any help would be appreciated.

3 points,7 years ago
Considering the potential implications of this proposal, I would encourage others to participate in this discussion. It seems that quite a few 'no' votes have been submitted without an apparent explanation so far, and for this reason I am more inclined to vote 'yes'.

If the community is on the fence about wether to proceed with this proposal then let's have a more open discussion as to why that is the case and arrive at an informed majority decision.
0 points,7 years ago
re: No-votes - could it have something to do with distrust of the EU and general, unelected, one-world-government type ambitions of tax-happy authoritarians?
3 points,7 years ago
Precisely why we need someone like Tony to navigate the bureaucracy and lobby on our behalf.
2 points,7 years ago
I am planning to vote Yes, but my votes will be contingent upon feedback from the core team, to make sure this is possible logistically.

Also, you mentioned payment after the event -- does that mean you have already arranged the escrow for this? Who controls the payout address?
0 points,7 years ago
Payout address is mine. Not sure why escrow would be required. From my communication it's clear that core team will be coming. Just booking airline tickets now.
3 points,7 years ago
I'm very curious to hear what is the opinion of Ryan Taylor (and the rest of the core team) on this proposal.

I remember when Darkcoin was rebranded to DASH and the new domain name was purchased - this was the 'AHA!' moment indicating that this crypto is aiming to enter the mainstream (I also decided to get a masternode because of that).

Two years later the core team has an access to the mainstream EU politicians. Nobody knows where this dialogue will bring us. Nevertheless, I believe it's an opportunity, not a thread.

Knowing that TonyG is a progressive supporter of the whole crypto space, I feel very lucky that he is willing to promote DASH to the masses.

Good luck, Antanai, voting YES.
0 points,7 years ago
I wonder what those voting Yes to such a project are really expecting.
To support such a bunch of statist institutional paratises, plus all the moochers and the lobbysts circling around them... Properly disgusting.
And what kind of "entente" you think you will achieve with them ? In the end the statist mobsters will seek complete control. You are loosing your time discussing with them.
Cryptocurrencies, what have you become ? I guess it is the price to be paid for the broadening of the audience.
5 points,7 years ago
I don't see this as "supporting statist institutional parasites". It's simply an acknowledgment of the reality we are in. Pretending that nation states don't exist or that governments are the enemy is not a good way of going about things in my opinion, even if we are ideologically opposed.
2 points,7 years ago
OK, I get your point. All sensible and PC, superficially.

But first, consider, on the level of principles, that opening a dialog with an entity, which cannot continue to exist without exerting violence against you, has no meaning, right from the start. In short, you do not discuss with mobsters. You flee ( which is what people embrassing crypto do in a sense) or you fight back (which would be vain today against the state).

Second, you oddly mention the existing nation-states. But the EU, which is here the main target, is the proper negation of the nation-state, and will have to be more so in the future, only to continue to exist. And even with the nation-states, consider that they are crumbling fast in front of us. And it is their very disappearance which permit a future to our cryptocurrencies. If the nation-states were young, full of energy and with a bright future, Dash or Bitcoin would not have any serious future. Do not have any illusions on that. For the monopoly of money issuance is too important for them to forgo.

So I get your point, and discussing with the states or super-states is a path you are free to go. But it is full of inconsistencies, and essentially means very little but a future inescapable submission.
1 point,7 years ago
I do not think that the inescapable submission you refer to is any more escapable or any more protected against by not engaging. In fact I think governments are even more likely to over-regulate something if they do not understand it.
1 point,7 years ago
So engage if you will. But at least, would it not be better to engage them on your terms and not theirs ?

Would it not be better to put the pressure on them, on their very role in the society, instead of slavishly accepting their framework of analysis ?

Fo where is it established that they have to "regulate" any market, as you implicitly seem to accept ? And what sense is there in regulating any market, if it only biaises and destroys the very function of a market, which is to discover a solution to a complex problem ? Those people only comprehend society through the rule of central command, i.e. rule of violence. They abhor markets, for they do not recognize their societal function. So when they speak of regulating them, it only means to suppress them, to replace them by a central command. How lame and primitive, and sure we can be of their ultimate failure !

But why would you, who can understand better than that, would you accept, right from the start their premices, and their need to "regulate" the cryptocurrencies market ?

Is it meek docility, naivety or the result of years of brainwashing through a cursus of state funded schools ? I just wonder.
0 points,7 years ago
mente371, I share your sympathies. Dash, and Cryptocurrencies in general, were created in opposition to the very clique this proposal is asking us to ingratiate ourselves to. My gut reaction is to say, f**k them, who needs those clowns. Why should we suck up to those self-important power brokers & parasites with their arbitrary laws?

However, my mind steps in. We have no choice than to engage those guys because they could do us real damage if we don't kiss their asses. I just votes yes. Now I need a shower.
0 points,7 years ago
Mouth wash too. Love the comments!!!
1 point,7 years ago
I didn't say anything about what governments "should" do or anything about what I want them to do. I am merely observing what they have done and *will* do one way or the other. This is engaging on our terms. Engaging on their terms would be waiting to deal with the fallout after they start passing ill-informed laws, instead of trying to have a voice earlier to influence those laws.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you Troy for making this very valid point. The main problem is very few people outside crypto users understand what these things are, and as of today people tend to fix on negative thing mostly - financing terrorism, ransom, drugs etc. This is not what cryptocurrencies are, they are a way to make the worlds financial system better, more predictable and less dependent on the legislation that is yet to come. So engaging on our terms is what we must do to lay down the foundation on which we can build upon in the future.

One of the main reasons why cryptos are on such a rapid rise is abundance of legislation, but as with all other popular thing this will not hold for long.

2 points,7 years ago
Governments created terrorism to serve there purposes if you do not know this your either ignored to the truth or part of them
0 points,7 years ago
I agree with your opinion, TroyDASH. We can't suddenly create some sort of utopian decentralized world by ignoring established institutions and governments. However, we can discuss, we can educate, we can do research projects and steer them towards decentralized ways of thinking. The blockchain is the future, but it will take time and effort for legacy systems catch up. We need spaces for healthy exchange between all parties.
0 points,7 years ago
I distrust politicians and the deep state in general. However, that said, this is an opportunity to build a bridge between the (Dash) crypto currency community and the established order... and to let them see that we are just regular (and pleasant) people and not terrorists, or drug dealers jut because we like crypto currency.
0 points,7 years ago
At the London conference last year he attended:

Member of European Parliament

The person who has named Tony important in European decisions, who will attend this event.

That's an opportunity for Ryan, to start a conversation with her, and explain that it's Dash, ** directly to her. **
This reason is sufficient to take advantage of the opportunity that is offered to us.

It is not the same to explain as to interpret.

I expect the following:

What this event, add points in favor to Dash, and do not subtract points in the future European regulation of cryptocurrencies. (I guess you're not European ..)

Do not forget, any state can enact laws so that cryptos with privacy technologies are prohibited.
And maybe the first one we see in India.
1 point,7 years ago
A detail of the proposal:
Payment is requested after the event, Not before the event.
That is a great detail, since it means that the expenses will be paid in advance..

What we ask for
We ask Dash to sponsor SWITCH up to the value of 200 dash. **** Payment after event. *****
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Tony,

Your links take me to a EuroParl website..?

Please fix.

0 points,7 years ago
Not sure why the link reference is pointing to that internal site -- just copy and paste the link text, or use these, they work fine
0 points,7 years ago
Yes votes for me.