Proposal “bsdev-general-fund“ (Closed)Back

Title:Business Development Support And Integration
One-time payment: 743 DASH (20396 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 743 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-07-06 / 2016-08-20 (added on 2016-06-20)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 894 Yes / 18 No / 0 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

This is a cross-post from Dash Forum

Why is this proposal important?

Business Development is a critical component of our 2016 roadmap. In the past, the lack of a surrounding ecosystem of service providers ranging from highly-regarded exchanges to merchant service providers was a significant hindrance to Dash’s adoption. As many foundational elements of our surrounding ecosystem (thanks to the Lamassu and fiat gateways projects) have launched or are near completion – including Coinapult integration, market-making services, brokering, and ATM integration – new business opportunities are opening up to the team, requiring various levels of technical support.

We now have several discussions in the pipeline at various stages with well-known service providers in the crypto-currency space. We are targeting high-use services across the spectrum from popular wallets, exchanges, consumer services, merchant services, and more. We are especially excited about opportunities that will highlight the unique features of Dash. We aren’t simply seeking to implement Dash like every other coin.

What is funding needed for?

Technical support will be required to support our business partners’ integrations with Dash, especially given our unique feature set and capabilities. You may have seen the proposal that is supporting an upcoming flagship client. Given its size, we felt that particular effort warranted its own budget. Fortunately, that is not the only client in the pipeline. Many other support efforts or work-scoping exercises will be needed over the coming weeks.

We therefore seek general support and integration funding for business development across this set of substantial opportunities. The need for these funds is already imminent. More information will be released within the next week or two on one of these opportunities. We will share the name of the vendor at that time through a joint press release. For now, we can say only it is one of the most popular and fastest-growing Bitcoin wallet providers with hundreds of thousands of users.

We anticipate the need for business development funding to be ongoing as we ramp up business partner onboarding efforts. This proposal is for one month only due to the upcoming release of 12.1, which will reset all budget items in the system. We are currently planning for a budget of $6,000 per month.

Requested funding is as follows for the July 6th budget cycle:
Total: 742.92 Dash

Note: Funding from this proposal will be reserved for business development purposes.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,8 years ago
Who is going to do this job? Who is this royal 'we'?
0 points,8 years ago
The royal 'we' is the contractor known as the 'core team'. They might outsource some work, or whatever, but they're required, like any other contractor, to fulfill the contract if we (as in Dash voters) agree to pay them :)
0 points,8 years ago
I think it moved when I heard you say "For now, we can say only it is one of the most popular and fastest-growing Bitcoin wallet providers with hundreds of thousands of users."
0 points,8 years ago
Who does this proposal pay?
Just a few people to call and email prospective merchants?
Code writers?
Or are funds used to bribe merchants?
0 points,8 years ago
The proposal does not fund calling and emailing prospects (merchants or otherwise). Cold calling would be an ineffective way to grow our ecosystem.

As the proposal states, these funds will be used for technical support and integration activities. So yes, "writing code" as you put it, but also designing the solution, developing technical specifications, project management (if needed), testing, security reviews... whatever is needed to ensure Dash can be integrated.

By "bribe merchants", I assume you mean "pay a listing fee" or "pay an integration fee" to the client. It is quite common for service providers to request an offset for their legal, regulatory, security assessment, and integration costs to integrate with a new partner (not just coins, but also other services). I would say that is not outside the realm of possibility in the future, though this particular month's budget would not be used for that purpose. If Coinbase or Circle wanted to charge us a $10 listing fee, I assume we would gladly pay it and benefit enormously from the integration. On the other hand if we were asked to pay $100,000 as a listing fee on a crappy third-tier exchange, we would obviously turn that down (not only because this budget wouldn't cover that, but also because it would be an incredible waste of funds). So those need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

If you have a philosophical objection to making these types of investments, then you should vote against the ongoing business development proposals starting in July, if not this one.
0 points,8 years ago
Thanks for the information, will convert to "yes".
0 points,8 years ago
I also miss information what actual things/products/services will be bought for this money.