Proposal “bsdev-general-201610“ (Closed)Back

Title:Business Development (October)
One-time payment: 362 DASH (9932 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 362 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-10-05 / 2016-11-19 (added on 2016-09-27)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 1006 Yes / 245 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

This is a cross-post from the Dash Forum

After requesting no funding last month for general Business Development expenses, we will only require a partial month of funding for the October cycle. This is a continuation of the funding for business development costs first proposed during the July budget cycle, adjusted lower for our current funding requirements and a higher Dash exchange rate. The business development funding supports integration work and provides assistance to businesses seeking to integrate Dash. The full original description can be found here:

I have also copied the full description from the original proposal at the end of this post for readers' convenience.

The funding submission for this month is being submitted a few days later than usual due to some last-minute changes to the required support for a yet-unannounced integration. This also represents the final core-team budget proposal for this budget cycle, meaning we have requested funding totaling 75% of the available budget (below the 80% threshold we have self-imposed). This should allow additional budget for the many community proposals put forward over the last few weeks.

Requested funding is as follows for the October 5th budget cycle:
Total: 361.77 Dash

Note: Funding from this proposal will be reserved for business development purposes.

Manually vote YES on this proposal:
dash-cli mnbudget vote-many 38820cf2a78617b3e56a12db6164c878796acb5e2c514c93d581f63d0f28063d yes
OR from the qt console:
mnbudget vote-many 38820cf2a78617b3e56a12db6164c878796acb5e2c514c93d581f63d0f28063d yes

Manually vote NO on this proposal:
dash-cli mnbudget vote-many 38820cf2a78617b3e56a12db6164c878796acb5e2c514c93d581f63d0f28063d no
OR from the qt console:
mnbudget vote-many 38820cf2a78617b3e56a12db6164c878796acb5e2c514c93d581f63d0f28063d no


Why is this proposal important?

Business Development is a critical component of our 2016 roadmap. In the past, the lack of a surrounding ecosystem of service providers ranging from highly-regarded exchanges to merchant service providers was a significant hindrance to Dash’s adoption. As many foundational elements of our surrounding ecosystem (thanks to the Lamassu and fiat gateways projects) have launched or are near completion – including Coinapult integration, market-making services, brokering, and ATM integration – new business opportunities are opening up to the team, requiring various levels of technical support.

We now have several discussions in the pipeline at various stages with well-known service providers in the crypto-currency space. We are targeting high-use services across the spectrum from popular wallets, exchanges, consumer services, merchant services, and more. We are especially excited about opportunities that will highlight the unique features of Dash. We aren’t simply seeking to implement Dash like every other coin.

What is funding needed for?

Technical support will be required to support our business partners’ integrations with Dash, especially given our unique feature set and capabilities. You may have seen the proposal that is supporting an upcoming flagship client. Given its size, we felt that particular effort
warranted its own budget. Fortunately, that is not the only client in the pipeline. Many other support efforts or work-scoping exercises will be needed over the coming weeks.

We therefore seek general support and integration funding for business development across this set of substantial opportunities. The need for these funds is already imminent. More information will be released within the next week or two on one of these opportunities. We will share the name of the vendor at that time through a joint press release. For now, we can say only it is one of the most popular and fastest-growing Bitcoin wallet providers with hundreds of thousands of users.

We anticipate the need for business development funding to be ongoing as we ramp up business partner onboarding efforts. This proposal is for one month only due to the upcoming release of 12.1, which will reset all budget items in the system. We are currently planning for a budget of $6,000 per month.

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,7 years ago
This proposal's text mentions Lamassu integration and fiat gateways -- seriously?

Unless the text is changed to specifically mention funding business integrations which are NOT proven failures (and redundantly funded, I might add), I'll have to vote 'no.'