Proposal “bitplus“ (Closed)Back

Title:BitPlus: Expanding Merchant Adoption
One-time payment: 1008 DASH (27304 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-01-17 / 2018-02-16 (added on 2018-01-16)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 544 Yes / 339 No / 71 Abstain

Proposal description

BitPlus: Expanding Merchant Adoption

TL;DR GreenCandle is proud to present this unique and groundbreaking opportunity to the Masternode owners. Through the first phase of this partnership with the BitPlus Network, we intend to bring 165 new businesses to Dash Nation. These businesses will be onboarded with a fully functional Point-of-Sale system, Acadia POS, which will be exclusively integrated with Dash.

  • BitPlus Network will sign up 158 brick and mortar businesses in the US and 20 in Ghana, all of who will be provided with sponsored hardware from the Dash community. The hardware the merchants will receive will be branded with Dash decal and merchants will be provided with “We Accept Dash” window decal stickers.
  • The POS systems received by these merchants will be pre-programmed to exclusively accept Dash for the next 3 years and merchants will receive technical support with their Dash transactions.
  • Merchants will receive a micro-loan, software support and advertising.
  • Acadia POS will provide merchants with the support they need to process Dash transactions.
  • All customers who shop with these merchants and pay with Dash will receive 15% off.
  • Funds will be escrowed through GreenCandle. An upfront capital injection will be made from GC to BitPlus to allow for the launch of the Dash MVP platform. After this is ready to launch GC and BitPlus will meet monthly and for each new business on boarded with a signed contract funds will be dispensed to BitPlus.
  • Customers can still process old fashioned Visa/MC/Cash transactions with the platform

1000 Dash - Onboard 165 new Dash accepting businesses & Dash plugin development/integration

950 Dash - United States & Canada
Total # of merchants on-boarded: 158
Each merchant would receive an average of $6000:

  • $1500 (~1870 CAD) for Hardware
  • $1500 (~1870 CAD) for Advertising : Merchants advertise their business and Dash via media outlets
  • $1500 (~1870 CAD) for Support : Includes set-up, technical support
  • $1500 (~1870 CAD) for Micro-loan 

40 Dash - Ghana
Total # of merchants on-boarded: 20
Each merchant would receive an average of $2000 (9,026 GHS):

  • $500 (~2,256 GHS) for Hardware
  • $500 (~2,256 GHS) for Advertising : Merchants advertise their business and Dash via media outlets
  • $500 (~2,256 GHS) for Support : Includes set-up, technical support, etc.
  • $500 (~2,256 GHS) for Micro-loan : Working capital, business expansion, etc.
10 Dash - Development & Integration of Dash plugin for Acadia POS

1000 Dash - Merchant Adoption Program through BitPlus
5.01 Dash - Proposal Fee
3 Dash - Escrow Fee
1008.01 Dash Total Ask

Why BitPlus Network?
BitPlus Network’s platform provides multiple solutions for merchants to manage their business operations, the two major being an interaction management system and a Point-of-Sale system. Acadia POS system includes features such as general checkout, report generation, inventory management/forecasting, employee tracking, customer data management and much more.

Acadia POS’ modular platform allows for their developers to build in custom solutions for their clients and the industry at large. This includes the development of plugins to accept cryptocurrency as payment. In partnership with Dash, Acadia POS will serve as :

1) Point-of sale system allowing merchants to accept Dash as a form of payment
2) A terminal that allows individuals to buy and sell Dash.

Who benefits from this Proposal?
Both the Dash Nation and the BitPlus Network benefit from this proposal. Adoption of Dash will naturally increase as businesses now have a platform in which they can implement Dash. Merchants using Acadia POS will able to adopt Dash without feeling discouraged about learning a new technology or having to take time away from managing their own businesses. With an increase of merchants onboarding Acadia POS, the BitPlus Network benefits, as their goal of increasing merchant adoption of cryptocurrency will continue to be fulfilled.

What’s in it for the Dash Network?
Like any other form of currency, a cryptocurrency needs adoption in order to become more successful (and in turn more valuable). By integrating into the BitPlus POS system, Dash will be able to achieve more mainstream adoption by providing a platform for businesses to accept Dash as a form of payment, in addition to facilitating P2P Dash transactions.
Today, the biggest barrier to mainstream retailer adoption of crypto is the difficulty in integrating support into their POS systems. Acadia POS is built from the ground up as a cryptocurrency friendly platform, allowing the network to provide merchants with the support they need to learn and understand how to engage in Dash transactions. The more support merchants receive in their adoption of Dash, the more incentivized they become to use and evangelize about Dash.  

It is our goal to make sure that all four of the pillars of a successful GreenCandle proposal are touched in this offering. This means the proposal owner needs to win, Dash Nation needs to win, the Customer needs to win, and the Masternode Owners.

Dash needs merchants and increased adoption. BitPlus Network knows how to get those customers with their Acadia POS product and aggressive sales strategy. Together, BitPlus and Dash can create an ecosystem of Dash merchants, while developing plugins and gathering important data, which can later be used to provide advanced services beyond retail point-of-sale.

In closing we need to give our sincere thanks for Cryptolib and all his hard work down in Ghana. It was Cryptolib who brought this lead to the Dash Network and without him we wouldn't have had the opportunity to get this proposal curated and into the budget system for voting. From everyone at GreenCandle thank you Cryptolib for being a great ambassador for Dash and leading the efforts on the ground!

Pre-proposal Thread:

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
9 points,6 years ago
Wow, when money is involved, everyone comes crawling out of the dirt to besmirch the people who have been here since the beginning and who are the first to find solutions to accountability. Really? I can say I know who has done what for this community, and that I will not be voting for any proposals I find are being launched by some of the people below, anonymous, etc.... I have years of knowing Coingun/Green Candle, and that accounts for a lot. We can ask for his "books" and reports, sure, and he should get them ready for us, but at the same time, he is hustling to get good projects through for us to vote on.

Idon't see it as any more a "conflict of interest" as I did when Core stepped forward to escrow other projects in order that they pass. There are growing pains going on right now, and getting "reports" done for us is probably the least exciting and most dogged job GC has to complete. But true it has to be done. Still, they should be given time to put this together. How long have they been escrowing? 2 months? And most of that was to get projects off the ground.

And yet, these are the kind of projects that are being condemned. But throwing out money for youtube and facebook ads, THAT nobody minds! Really? I smell competition trying to get their foot in the door by using a dagger in the back. That's bull shit and calling GC or Coingun's integrity into question is just where I draw the line at being silent.
1 point,6 years ago
Well said Tante, I couldn't put it better myself..

1 point,6 years ago
Completely agree, we can't expect immediate results when we request information, and it is no reason to throw away a good opportunity like this. I will just say I hope that Bitplus comes back with a revised proposal rather than giving up, as they would make a great partner for Dash.
2 points,6 years ago
I agree with you , GC needs time to show the books and this project shouldnt be jeopardized for that reason anyway ......
1 point,6 years ago
And I'm really sorry I'm too late.
0 points,6 years ago
For what it's worth, just saw this by accident (my bad) and just reading your comment was enough to vote YES.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks very much @Macno for voting yes, @dashmaximalist, @TanteStefana and everyone we appreciate your support and for seeing the goodness in this project. I hope others look beyond whatever issues and put DASH first. It for Dash we are all here and this proposal have what it takes to get Dash where we all want it. Thanks once again and it is not too late yet to turn things around and get this passing.
1 point,6 years ago
What's the essence of a currency that can't be spent?
I am very shocked that this project has 335 "NOs".

should we be concerned about an over priced budget or be happy that our Merchants finally


for Just 1000Dash is very Ok. Common!

Just as coingun said in the video, Not just Marketing alone. Let's do Applications

There are alot of benefits this project brings.
Since it's established that these guys can deliver the work, Why are we hesitant?
0 points,6 years ago
And I think i need to address this FOOLISH SCUMBAG called @Realmr[FUCKING]hack. I have had enough of your shitty arrogance witnessed all through the community forums.


Never supportive! Always Controversial. You are Damned and the reason why some proposals haven't gone through.

OK, you have a badge? So fucking WHAT BITCH?
Does that badge give you a license to talk down on people, obstruct progress or actually facilitate one.

You need to consider a new place to dispense you LOW SELF ESTEEM, (always want to be noticed).



This ain't over! I will hunt you on discord, Telegram, everywhere. I will take you down. You will hate the day you were born! You will hate social media!
1 point,6 years ago
I can understand your grouse but it is improper to use this kind of language against anyone. This forums exists to debate issues and there is a fair voting process. No one person can decide... This project doesnt meet the value expectations of the community and so it failed; many others have passed. Using abusive words lowers the level of discourse and should be avoided..
0 points,6 years ago
Undash63, Fuck yourself again! was i talking to the community? Didn't you see my other comment soliciting for other MNOs to vote like it did?

do You also think i haven't noticed that its the same LOSER ( MR[DumbAss]Hack ) commenting here?

I think you've got cow poop up in your brain... Creating two accounts?... You're not smart enough!
Just Watch!!!
-1 point,6 years ago
Go fuck yourself dumb piece of shit.
-1 point,6 years ago
@spartarcom clearly your a dumb piece of shit if you truly believe ive got 335 MN.

And lets say I do.. im entitled to vote how i please.. so maybe you should do some actual research. On how the treasury works.
0 points,6 years ago
You're just a big show off. Wanting to be noticed. such a big loser looking for attention.

You don't know what i have planned for you. let me get a report that you contributed shit again on anyone's proposal.

Please, Just try it once. Just ONCE!
5 points,6 years ago
Hi everyone, till this far I say thank you to everyone who has passed through this proposal either with a YES or NO vote.

I will like you all to consider the importance of this proposal and what it will add to Dash value creation process (Adoption and Usage). Imagine talking to an audience about Dash and referring them to buy Bitcoin before they can hold Dash and have the Dash converted back to Bitcoin before they can spend (this is true of the Ghana case with Dash). Being a loyal Dash advocate and lead head of this proposal, i have learned a lot from this proposal comments. Nevertheless, I encourage everyone to see this project as an intervention to keep Dash outstanding in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The current ongoing Dash Business Adoption proposal has promised major businesses of this POS to aid them integrate Dash successfully in their businesses. In as much as we want to add value to the community, we have to protect our credibility, we may not have a second chance with these businesses if we fail them which will be a fail for Dash in the region as well. I think some considerable promotional works has been done, people have build interest and better understand of Dash now but the challenge remains: how do they buy and sell Dash?

We are also concern with prove of work going forward and with this proposal, we can tell which businesses really accepts and trade in Dash and what volume. We should all get interested in this as we need to measure performance going forward to getting Dash take lead in the crypto world.

I look forward to your support (inputs, comments and YES votes) to get us going. For those who shared insights, Your thoughts/concerns are taken and we hope we have addressed them appropriately otherwise we promise to do well with all of it going forward. Cheers.....

And thanks once more.
5 points,6 years ago
I’ve personally spoken with Benjamin, of Acadia POS, on the phone during his pre-proposal phase. I found him very receptive to input, and very forthcoming with information regarding as to how his company approaches merchant acquisitions. My personal opinion is that I’d be excited to start seeing “Dash accepted here” in the businesses I frequent. It seems to me that BitPlus has the potential to help adoption not only in North American markets, but also developing markets that are ripe for the taking. I’ve seen Cryptolib’s dedication to his home country of Ghana, and have no doubt that he is able, and will make the most of the opportunity presented in this proposal.
7 points,6 years ago
Hello Everyone,

We want to thank the community for the time they took to read and learn more about our proposal. Our team is made up of cryptocurrency enthusiasts and when we were approached by the community to help solve the issue of merchant adoption, we were very excited. We have always been enthusiasts about Dash and and never really had a chance become a part of the community because we have been so busy over the last year with our software and merchant acquisition. Regardless of the outcome of this proposal (which was not easy process), we are happy that we have had a chance to engage the Dash community and educate members about our product and the possibilities that would result from a big collaboration like this.

If the concern is our ability to deliver, we’d like to ensure you that our goal is to underpromise and over deliver. Currently we are traveling to one of the biggest trade shows in the merchant processing industry and we already have merchants in the Northeast waiting in queue.

THE BULK OF CUSTOMERS BEING ACQUIRED IN THE US WILL BE COMING FROM NEW ENGLAND, DUE TO THE STRONG PRESENCE OF DASH USERS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE AND THE GREATER NEW ENGLAND AREA. In terms of the development, we have already had a chance to do testing and the path forward is very clear.

94% of our project is completely dedicated to the US & Canada markets and we are excited to start evangelizing about Dash, their ecosystem and the many individuals who keep adoption a priority.

Thank you again.
4 points,6 years ago
Really hope things turn around and you get the votes you need.
7 points,6 years ago
146 votes more to go and we have a day left. Let's not undermine the impacts this project will make in Canada and the USA as well as Ghana. We might be giving out a lot of the treasury funds to it but I assure you it will worth it (with the escrow).
-1 point,6 years ago
I hope you try and resubmit again next cycle in some capacity. Shame it is not going to pass.
2 points,6 years ago
Yes from me. This is how we do it with boots on the ground!
3 points,6 years ago
We have excess money left voting yes
3 points,6 years ago
Thanks very much @dashmaximalist I think this proposal should be given a chance: let's see how we can get people to spend their Dash and to easily buy and sell. Also with this project we can track Dash usage in regions the POS are served meaning we can monitor progress and measure success.
2 points,6 years ago
Agreed @dashmaximalist
-1 point,6 years ago
It is easy for you to say that lets fund anything and everything that comes up if budget remains but damaging to the brand. Something is better than nothing is not how brands should be built. This is a very weak argument to fund something.

Only projects that offer good value to the network should be approved without worrying about what happens to the funds.

If you start giving away money without proper controls and start getting ripped off, the whole ecosystem gets devalued and people lose confidence in the system. This confidence is worth a lot more than a few projects being funded or rejected. My 0.02...

I supported this project initially but after reading concerns raised by other I have reversed my votes like some others.. I would also like to the see the greencandle statement of accounts as requested by others..
-1 point,6 years ago
-2 points,6 years ago
@dashmaximalist just because we have a budget doesnt mean it needs to be abused.
4 points,6 years ago
I love this proposal. It shows that the Dash community can think outside of the box with regards to adoption and stimulating Dash-only economies. Essentially, it is a small business starter kit for Africa with exclusivity for Dash. This will make huge waves in Africa and create an infrastructure that can't be matched by other projects.

Not to mention, it has the hardest working, most trustworthy people in the community backing it up.

Only Dash could pull something like this off. If we are to gain any sort of network effect from our Treasury, we have to be willing to trust the most active community members and give them to tools to do big things.

YES from me.
4 points,6 years ago
@Cryptolib, thank you for continuing to move the discussion forward and in a positive light. We fully support the work you are doing and we see the value in opening up Dash to new markets with people we can trust.

I see @Realmrhack's request to see a financial statement. I am pleased to say that we have nearly concluded our project with the G.A.P. and will be releasing a detailed budget soon. It will be transparent and we will make ourselves available if there are any questions or comments. Assuming things to go plan, it will be available in the next couple weeks. I hope the community will give us the benefit of the doubt until then given that we have repeatedly preformed well in the past.

I will be first to say that we (GC) must improve our communication and we are working hard at it everyday. We will also do our part to keep these discussions focused on the issues and away from personal attacks.

I am hopeful that the MNOs will see the value in this proposal and the hard work that many people have already put into it (Thank you @AcadiaPOS). This is about setting up businesses for long term success with Dash. We believe in it and we will continue to invest our time and effort to see it through.
3 points,6 years ago
That sounds great greencandle
-3 points,6 years ago
Instead of releasing this general statement, why dont you release full financial statements so we can scrutinize them. Financial statements are an absolute must and should be available real-time. Going after people asking these questions instead of releasing the accounts only creates more uncertainty.

We havent seen any financial statements to judge the performance and have to take your word for it. I want to ensure if all the rewards from full and mn shares have been credited to the community funds and what sort of control has been exercised on contractors. Asking mns to look at the public blockchain is not the equivalent of a financial statement..

The escrow manages huge funds and there needs to be full transparency...

Also, the mns controlled by the escrow should abstain from voting and escrow should remain neutral, as a trustee of the community. It seems though that the escrow isnt neutral as far as this proposal is concerned and is openly supporting the proposal owners..
-2 points,6 years ago
Yup conflict of interest for sure
2 points,6 years ago
Seriously, how is this different from proposals submitted on behalf of others in the past? Proposals that core supports and "helps" in this way?
2 points,6 years ago
Contrary to what is being said, nowhere do we state that we are giving funds to “anyone who walks through the door”. We clearly say that we have underwriting which means that we look at all types of factors including credit, cash flow, etc. Those with experience in the industry know how underwriting works. We also do not know why or how anyone came to the conclusion that every single merchant we sign up will be sponsored by Dash.

Not all companies charge directly for the cost of support, instead they build it into the cost of the product (a simple google search will confirm this). That $100 includes the cost of replacing hardware, sending onsite agents out, new training for Dash interface, support etc. Costs will go down with time, as many of this is a one time implementation expense. We are only talking about 178 merchants here who will be receiving a SPONSORSHIP. When this is over and we have proven ourselves, we can discuss further collaboration. The support cost was added in here to make sure that because if we are spending so much time doing an implementation, small issues won’t reflect poorly on Dash. We intend to do case studies on these merchants and gather data for the Dash community.

We have consistently provided answers to your questions and what you are doing is posting FUD. The analogies to a dentist make no sense because everyone on our team except our Front End Designer has decades of experience in merchant processing. We don’t understand where these conclusions are drawn from. Our sales agents are all seasoned in the industry and we have two of our sales agents listed on our website. You can check out an interview with Diane.

As far as our merchants, we already have some merchants featured on our website.

We can’t emphasize enough that we need you to read our pre proposal and discussions on Discord, visit our websites, etc before slandering us. We ALREADY discussed that we were approached BY the community, not the other way around. We haven’t put all the costs on Dash because if the merchant doesn’t agree to take Dash, this means that Dash will not be sponsoring that customer. Again, in our pre proposal we allocated a lot more money to merchant acquisition and it was the community that suggested a lower amount of merchants and more features to incubate them.

It also sounds that you are continuing to imply that Africans are desperate and should behave desperately. When you see the fact that they are not desperate, it doesn’t fit your idea of what Africans should be like. Cryptolib is already a well respected member of the community and we do not condone these consistent insults. The community loses good people when behavior like this persists.

You had 9 days to contact us through our website, through Discord, through many channels and not once did we hear from anyone. Adam, you mention that you help people pro bono and when we extended an offer for you to come visit, you completely ignored it. Then we went to look for you on Discord and were unable to find you. This is concerning, as many of your criticisms are attacks on our reputation, rather than requests to clarify. It’s easy to tout experience as an anonymous member of a forum and it’s another thing to do things in the real world, which we have done and are consistently doing.

Also, It’s easy to say “use your own funds” but we don’t exactly see that happening below. In fact, our suggestion to find solutions in the community have been deflected by saying that you have so much wealth and you’re not hungry to go out and solve problems. That is a wonderful problem to have.

Lastly, we see that you have commented on greencandle's other posts, so it appears this is related to an issue with greencandle, which should not be reflected on us. Greencandle was very professional with us and asked MANY questions and every user we encounter had nothing but good things to say about greencandle, so it’s no wonder they are very trusted in the community. We appreciate the 2 questions in the 6 replies, but if you are trying to convince us that you are serious and are Dash First, please be more constructive.
-3 points,6 years ago
@acadiapos please post your underwriting process. and sure. Tell me where your located and ill make my way there or send you funds to come to me in Toronto.

And no where in my comments the last few did i infer anything about Africa. Period.

And its not FUD. Its probability please see a dictionary for definition of possibility vs probability

And if your unable to find me on discord then my friend your not ready to underwriting if you cant do a basic search or ask around in the community you should not be in a position to handle nearly 1 million usd.

And i did not say im not working on solving these problems as i said before its always been about delivering a low cost high value proposal that actually BENEFITS the community.

You where approached by who in the community?

Secondly i dont see you commenting on all the african users posting here with their poor english reiterating the same set of information "massive adoption" "will be good for africa" et al

Why on earth would anyone with cash and reputation rush to deliver a half ass proposal maybe you would but definitly not me.

Unlike you i even flew to prague to bring for the general bytes proposal which green candle benefited from.

Not once in the community did i brag or ask for these funds back

And if you would like you can confirm this info with karl ceo of GB
0 points,6 years ago
Bring forward*
5 points,6 years ago
Sounds Great. The team is meeting in Montreal the 1st to 15th. We’ll pay for your ticket. We searched for you by your username and did not find you. We do not have time to decifer who you are on Discord, so if you could contact us that would be great. We are not going to give you our trade secrets after you’ve already disclosed that you are intending to do your own version of this. Which is fine, and we are not against that, but you must understand where we are coming from. If you want to talk about the underwriting, we’d be happy to do that with you in person. Message us directly and we can even set up a voice call.
1 point,6 years ago
Sure send me an email with your phone number and well get in touch i look forward to meeting you.. ill be back from uae feb 2
-3 points,6 years ago
@acadiapos unless your going to pay for me and my team to come. Which compromises of 4 people which we usually charter flights when they are domestic from spectrum airways.

Let me know my email is i expect the cost for two flight + hotel to be around 10k

Otherwise im still willing to come on my own dime.
5 points,6 years ago
Why would it cost $10K for a domestic flight? So you’re saying that you’re interested in bringing low cost high value projects to the community, yet you are simultaneously suggesting we spend $10K to fly your whole team out even though our interest is only speaking with you? You still didn’t provide your Discord contact and now you are saying your email is the same as your dashcentral username. Even if this true, at this point you have taken us in many circles and have just made an attempt to discourage us from trying to meet with you by again bringing up your wealth. Someone who is truly concerned with budgeting and prioritizing funds is not dropping $10K to meet people. That same money should be spent on acquiring merchants. Thank you for your time.
5 points,6 years ago
Also why did you just ask for equity in a company you are telling everyone brings no value to the community?
-3 points,6 years ago
Did you read what i wrote in its entirety i said if it brings value to the network keyword IF.

If your from mtl i understand your not a native english speaker its understandable why your not reading my sentences in complete form.
-6 points,6 years ago
@acadiapos how i fly my team and myself is my business not yours.

1) you offered to pay and ive told you the cost for chartered flight + hotel if you cant afford it thats fine, because i can np.
2) i still have not even factored in a driver and vehicle.
3) i did not ask you or the network to pay... You have offered to pay. Now put your money where your mouth is.
4) i would still charter the flight with or without your funds thats how i travel first class or private via spectrum airways for domestic and netjets for international.
4) maybe your company doesnt have that sort of budget but mine does.
5) ive got significsnt vc backing for my projects via vcs that manage billions in toronto.
6) if i told you legal costs per lawyer you would probably have a heart attack
7) i urge you to go check blakes rates prer hour they start at 2000$ cdn.
8) play big or go home.
4 points,6 years ago
Enough. You continue to use this proposal as a platform to troll and make very odd statements about your wealth, which we urge the community to take note of and not ignore, as these posts are permanent. No where do we say “You are poor” and nowhere do we demand you tell us about your finances. We have asked you many times to stop making this personal and unfortunately our requests have not been heard.

We cannot find your username ON DISCORD and will gladly send screenshots to anyone who needs the proof. This may be a result of your privacy settings. However, this is not AT ALL related to project we have proposed, so we still do not understand why you are dragging this dialogue. You have occupied over 20 of the 100 comments in this thread, in which only a handful of valid points/questions are presented and the rest of the characters were used to insult, shame, boast and display unprofessionalism. Other people have stated their opinions/questions clearly in this thread and we have happily responded to them all.

From our budget breakdown, it is very clear that funds are going straight to the merchant. We would 100% provide the Dash community with a list of those acquired merchants, as they are sponsored by Dash and the community has a right to know who they are supporting.

In your last numbered statement you encouraged us to “play big or go home”. Which one is it?

In your reply, we ask that you stick to the project so that other users can learn more about this opportunity and that you cease talking about yourself. We have no quarrel with you and do not believe you need to continue to defend your honor. Despite our back and forth, we still really do appreciate your consideration and the questions you have asked.
-6 points,6 years ago
@acadiapos as ill say now and ive said before your clearly very low on the intellectual branch with your feeble mind if you cannot find me enough said.. if you need to reach me you have my email. Since your feeble mind cant find me on discord feel free to look at the messages in #dash-talk where i have been active all day today
-4 points,6 years ago
I do not need your trade secrets.. just clarification on few peices of information. To better assess the proposal as long as it brings value to the network i can do the following;

I will transfer you 1000 dash from my own wallet on the spot, if you would consider angel investors. Im an accredited investor and i can have my law firm.. Blake's in Toronto arrange a contract swiftly.

Otherwise i would be more than happy to endorse you before the dash network.
-4 points,6 years ago
Cryptolib is a well-respected member of this community who posted identical proposals on smartcash through proxy and dash, so he can get paid twice for the same work. Yeah, right..
5 points,6 years ago
False. Cryptolib had nothing to do with that proposal. In fact, we are against smartcash and are pro Dash and more specifically the Dash governance model.
4 points,6 years ago
Hey, the proposal you are referring to is here, you may refer to it for arguments concerning this allegation you are raising on me. I had myself cleared and had no hand in the said proposal, it was assessed by the community/MNOs and voted for. See here:

And please in order not to hold personal issues against you and @Realmrhack for the attacks on me/my personality and origin, I am convinced not to respond to any of you at least not here. If you care about my personality a lot, kindly have me privately on Discord. And for the record, yes I am respected for my works, I dire for Dash and had it not been for my sake, Dash will not be mentioned in the West African region. And all guys I personally introduced as my guys are doing very well with projects that adds value to the network. And for my honesty I am trusted, i don't just support anyone because of relations of whatsoever, I support what brings value and criticizes objectively what I think don't help the network much. You commended my comments somewhere here in DC and turn around that I am fake? My apologies to you for whatever reason you hold this hate, I will appreciate you remain more objective on this proposal than me. I am not sure where you are from unlike Realmrhack who is Adam and from Toronto and me Salam from Ghana, I am guessing that you are an European and tempted to think you will support anything European that's if you are not already voicing here because someone ask you to. These are what you think of me but then 'As he thinketh, so he is". Thanks and have a nice time.
0 points,6 years ago
I previously mentioned my support for this proposal however I read comments by Realmrhack, Undash63 and dashmaximalist I cant help but feel that this proposal is overpriced on more scrutiny..

100 USD per support ticket is ripping the network off and I dont agree that such a price should be charged to us. 200k USD is a lot of money for support and there is definitely room to reduce the price. Greencandle should have negotiated prices..

I will be changing my votes and voting no unless there is a justification to this.
0 points,6 years ago
We clarified the expenses in our most recent comment. Merchants won’t be charged $100 simply every time they pick up the phone and call for support. The $100 includes the costs of the features listed above. We believe that this support is important because 3 years down the line the merchant can be confident that they will continue to receive the support they need to use Dash features. They won’t be stuck with a Dash branded system that has features that are not fully supported.
-1 point,6 years ago
What are your plans in respect to the loans how will they be paid back and what will you do with the funds once paid back keep it?
-1 point,6 years ago
Cryptolib : "You should also understand what a loan is and let us know if your interest is to know how the loan will be repaid and stop shouting."
-3 points,6 years ago
0 points,6 years ago
At this point, judging by writing style, coincidental “experience” in this industry, and very quick responses to one another, it is safe to assume several of the non-MNO accounts on this thread are that of the same individual(s).

Regardless, once again, here is a breakdown:

- Hardware. By providing them sponsored hardware they will be incentivized to learn about and use Dash. To be competitive, we are providing better hardware and therefore a better merchant experience. The US market is more competitive than Ghana, which is why more funds are allocated towards the US. Single location US retail/restaurant merchants spend anywhere between $1500 to $2500 on new, modern POS hardware/terminals (Tablets/computers, EMV/NFC readers, Receipt & Label Printers, Kitchen Printers, Barcode Scanners, Cash Drawers, Scales, etc).

- Advertising. Radio advertisements, commercials and other marketing channels are almost always out of reach for small merchants who don’t have budgets for this. These advertisements will allow them to promote their company AND DASH AT THE SAME TIME. It is a win/win because both benefit from the advertising. The cost of producing a commercial (not including the cost of running the commercial) on average costs about $1,000.

- Support. Can you imagine the cost of providing human support for non-technical merchants for something as NEW as cryptocurrency? One of our products Interactify (interaction management system) is already built and actively used by our merchants. Through our platform we will be able to provide Dash technical support. POS companies typically charge $100+ per support call/email. With cryptocurrency being as new as it is, we anticipate many of these calls per merchant and $1500 will give merchants 15 hours of support credit.

- Microloan. It is no trade secret that traditional processing companies also offer working capital and other products to their merchants. The Dash community responded well to the idea of working capital because this is something that is proven and we were encouraged to include that in our proposal. We have our own risk models that we have developed over the years. We are also already providing working capital to our own customers without Dash’s involvement. During the underwriting process, we determine what they want the funds for and we structured the product so that the repayment process won’t hurt the cash flow of their business.

- Clients. We haven’t done any official marketing and are signing up merchants everyday. We are not depending on Dash to provide us with customers. The responsibility of hiring sales people, building a team, scouting merchants, training, etc all falls on upon the POS vendor. No, we will not disclose all of our customers. If you have experience in this industry you would know that big or small POS companies would NEVER disclose their clients on a public online forum. When our merchants sign up with us, they are trusting us to protect their privacy and their personal information.

- Metrics. If your concern is with metrics, you need to step up or create a fully functioning system to measure productivity. Be productive, contribute, and fill in the gaps that you find yourself concerned about. The market is big enough to have many different solutions for Dash.

-# of Merchants. The typo above resulted from us finding a way to bring more merchants to the Dash network. Initially we had 165, but were able to find a way to bring on an addition 13 merchants. So the total is 178 merchants.

With all this said, we do not condone targeting members who are consistently scouting new talent for the Dash network. Insults are not conducive to achieving new milestones for Dash, and as already mentioned no one is stopping anyone from finding ways to help the Dash community. Suggesting that countries are too poor to adopt new technology is offensive and shows a lack of understanding of the developing world and the role cryptocurrency can and will play in bringing financial inclusion to spaces and people who would not otherwise have that privilege. No one should be pressured into not implementing solutions in African countries because it’s somehow comical to want to spread Dash in new regions, regardless of difficulty or national identity? We are talking about human beings. If you want to solve problems in Kenya and have decades of experience, come up with a solution for Kenya.

A very small portion of this proposal is related to Ghana and that's because of the wonderful work cryptolib has done in bringing Dash awareness and adoption to that region. Also, as much as we know and understand the US market, developing markets are much more interesting. We appreciate your consideration.
-2 points,6 years ago

1) you are engaging in finger pointing and your beliefs that im not an MNO
2) i could careless if you think im an MNO or not. Several other well known members from when i joined dash back in2014 are clearly knowledgeable on how many MNs i control.
3) regardless your here asking MNOs for money.. and we have a right to question you full stop.
4) dont like it?, Go fund it yourself dont ask the treasury for funds.
5) i am not going to ruin my reputation to bring a proposal forth until i am 100% satisfied that i can deliver to the network at lowest cost possible.
6) go research thr company i was involved with here
7) unlike you i have my own funds to do projects.
8) Ryan Taylor has personally had telephone calls with me.
9) feel free to reach out to Ryan and confirm my name is Adam.
10) unlike you my goal wouldnt be to profit from my proposal as discussed with Ryan on phone it would be to establish a trust of some sort and give MNO(s) equity into the funded business and revenue which would be converted to dash and distributed to MNOs equally therefore increasing total ROI for MNO.

With that model mentioned above and the fact i have alot of crypto already i dont need to engage in naked profiteering. As mentioned by undash63
3 points,6 years ago
Adam, we appreciate your resume. However, we have consistently provided real answers to questions and breakdowns of all elements of our proposal. We don’t understand your (and others) jokes about working in Africa and your stance on this proposal sounds more personal than constructive. We are not challenging the amount of wealth you have nor the industry experience. In fact we encouraged you to find solutions for the issues you believe exist in this world. If you have more questions about our proposal, we welcome them.
-1 point,6 years ago
Its not what it sounded like few hours ago when you were inferring that im operating more than one user account here..

And coupled with the fact that you implied i did not have any experience with payment processing industry.

Clearly that was a personal attack.

In any event easy way to tell next time without accusing others is simply go check discord / telegram to see if those users have a presence

Any legitimate individual that cares about dash will be active on one.

FYI @quantumexplorer recently did the very same thing and once he realized i wasn't some random made up user we had a productive conversation where i even offered help probono. Including visiting them in thailand on my own funds to help them with everything and anything I can.
2 points,6 years ago
Adam, you are still making this personal. You are not the only person commenting below and nowhere was your experience challenged. Again, we welcome questions about our project. We’d be happy for you to travel and come check us out. Thank you for your time.
-2 points,6 years ago
It seems like the proposal owners feel that they are here to judge the network instead of asking for funds. Why come around asking for money at all.. You should fund this project yourself and with your own money in case you find questions about the high cost, inconvenient.. Nobody owes you anything here.

The fact is that this project is overpriced and you have built in a fat profit for yourself. There is no way that it costs $6000 to setup a pos system and all the other freebies you are doling out at our cost. $1500 for marketing, $1500 for loan, this is nothing but a bribe and I have serious doubts that will be any sort of accountability and how will this money be spent. Do you have a plan to recover this loan and return it to the network?. I dont see a list of merchants or any sort of expected turnover.

There is heavy gold plating in this project and it is plain for everyone too see.. If it costed $6000 to setup one POS, businesses like Visa and Mastercard would have gone bankrupt many times over, setting up millions of systems..

Instead of questioning the motives you should answer the questions.. However when you have no answers or nowhere to hide, then deflecting the questions and creating FUD becomes pretty much your only defense..

I haved voted no and would encourage others to do the same unless the costs are rationalized and you provide us with a list of merchants, their current turnover and expected dash volume in the next year. With $6000 spent, I would expect that atleast a $100000 is transacted and till you are able to convince us that this is likely, I would consider this project expensive to support..

You have conveniently also apportioned all the costs to us while keeping all the revenue.. This is plain wrong.
3 points,6 years ago
It interest me you have not even gone through the proposal very well so you can comfortably say it cost $6000 per POS. Thanks for refusing to see and coming clear it is the cost you have issues with. Stay away from painting countries or individuals (claiming we are blatantly profiting). And since you have made this a perpetual concern, I am glad to let you know that YES it is written by people and is to be executed by people and those people have to be paid (support). You should also understand what a loan is and let us know if your interest is to know how the loan will be repaid and stop shouting. And HEY this is POS for Dash, a cryptocurrency (new to most people) and not some bank or visa/mc services. Think between the lines with your cost analysis. Also, I crossed checked you two days ago on Telegram and Discord and you never existed (this username) so I will be glad you identify yourself and possibly where you are writing from, I am very interested and will like to chat you privately on any of the two platforms mentioned above for all answers you want to avoid arguing with you here over what has been answered repeatedly. And please with all due respect, stay away from attacking this proposal owners in whatever manner........I look forward to someday when you shall also bringup something valuable for the community to discuss. We (proposal owners) are concern people of the community with brains that think good that is why we have this idea trending here. Go think my brother and have some good rest. MNOs also can see what you see, think and reason. Stop using "we". I am not sure you know what someone else want, learn to talk for yourself and stick to your business. Until then, this conversation is over, we respect your time, we (proposal owners) have exhausted ours and can't have you again. Good luck....
-6 points,6 years ago
@acadiapos im wuite intrigued by your stupidity as i have the same username on telegram and discord. Clearly you have demonstrated your ability to due dillegence at a miniscule level.

My vote remains NO
-3 points,6 years ago
MNO(s) i want to provide some clarity for you guys with little to no experience with MSP business model

Contrary to @acadiapos and @greencandles comments

1) merchant in USA are given loans when they sign up with a new processor based on 6 months of merchant account statements NOT JUST anyone who walks in the door contrary to what @acadiapos would like you to believe
2) contrary to @acadiapos statement no MSP( merchant services provider) will charge you 100$ per support ticket this is a blatent way to get half a million dollars worth of cash in advance
3) we need to stop voting based on who submitted the proposal jeff and jeremy from greencandle both have no personal experience with MSP business.
4) thats akin to me reviewing a dentist proposal with no official background in that industry

Clearly based on those few pieces of information you can deduce greencandle is not necessarily looking for our best interest but rather their revenues.

It may also be very possible greencandle is receiving some sort of kickbacks clearly they may also deny this too.

Ask yourself this would you go to a surgeon that has no experience doing surgeries for any medical issues?

Ever heard the expression jack of all trades master of none

Clearly greencandle believes they are well equipped to assess any proposal when they clearly are not.

Guys i suggest you MNO do some due dilligence or else where all just wasting time

I understand most have no connection to dao funds and since its not in our wallets we dont feel the loss

But once we start treating the dao funds as ours we will have more efficient and enhanced proposals while weeding out the bad actors.
-3 points,6 years ago
Seriously everyone needs to take a moment and realise whats going on here is not so simple.

Why arr you not answering questions where is your merchant list i could tell you im btinging 3000 business to dash... But where id the proof..

Must be a reason why your avoiding answering these questions

My vote NO
-2 points,6 years ago
These people are making a fat profit so they are trying to ram this proposal down our throats. The kind of language being used by acadia and cryptolib shows how desperate they are.

I agree with the point that without a merchant list, paying out 1008 dash to these people is daylight robbery and they should release it. If they cant release this list, then they should not ask for the money..
0 points,6 years ago
im pretty sure greencandle brought us "Rory for the belt" that was amazing. they have my support
-3 points,6 years ago
@avadiapos i also find it rather interesting your not even mentioning the african users here making positive comments to attract votes which may likely be the same individual look at their english and writing style..

Comparative linguistics. Is your cue.
3 points,6 years ago
@Realmrhack, it is actually my first time hearing people (including you) thinking someone could create a dual account to comment on a proposal for more votes. I am the African here mentioned in this proposal, and if you watched the video well, you will realize who is the originator of this idea. This proposal went through pre-proposal stage, a lot of discussions went around this idea on Discord even before a pre-proposal was created. Masternodes and users on these platforms suggested an escrow of the proposal which is done. I will be happy you concentrate of substantive issues you have regarding this proposal since you control most MNOs as you stated and not attacks on personalities, countries/continents or corporate bodies. You have stated somewhere you require a financial statement from Green Candle, a list of merchants from Bitplus; people have done their assessments of GC and Bitplus before trusting them and if you need a company's statement, I am not sure this is how you u should ask for it. The community can hold GC responsible if Bitplus fails and GC can't refund resources so what is the hustle? Concerning cost, I guess you could have made this input earlier yet it has been addressed and you are free to state your position on that.

I am however worried that you came in between regions, saying Ghana don't deserve this compared to Kenya looks ridiculous on the bases of average income. That is not purely a determinant of what people decide to spend on. I have worked in this community for sometime now consistently putting my credibility first and ideas that adds value to the community, you stating earlier that I comment on this proposal because I want some money from it was beyond my expectations of you which sounded a direct attack and now you say Africans are commenting with different usernames base on linguistic judgement all in the name of defending this proposal? With all your experience, I expect that you have dealt with many people in your life and should have been more justice than you sounded, we are all human and it doesn't matter where one comes from. I am pretty sure if you own and control Dash, it will never have been mentioned in Africa. I thought I could learn from you but you never proved a good teacher by preaching racism. "Because few people from africa are engaging in registering random users and downvoting it.

Because anything in their view that has the word africa in it is a good proposal regardless of the actual outcome" this is purely uncalled for. I hope you and @Undash63 realizes the weight of your statements here, I have successfully won two proposals here and never harassed MNOs as Undash63 claimed. Africa/Africans are beyond what you guys think of it, in most cases different from what you read about it........cheers and yes u may pull this proposal down if you can but Hey you u can never pull me down as an African I am a proud one with dignity, principles and values far beyond a mere troll or someone seeking to make "money" without value. And remember nobody attacked a poor and useless man, it us heros and strong men people attack.

Before I forget, let me remind you that you might contact the Satoshi Center from Kenya about me, Alakani knows my works and what I do for cryptocurrency (Dash) in Africa. I have personally tried funding them to hold meetups in Kenya for Dash, however I got an unrealistic budget from them which made me stopped. I like how you fight things you don't like and how you want every other person to believe in you. Good profile anyway and YES I still look forward to learning from you.
3 points,6 years ago
Voted yes, good luck.
0 points,6 years ago
Greencandle should also immediately publish a complete statement of account on the Dash Forum/ Discord.
0 points,6 years ago
Why is this particular comment getting hit by a shill of downvotes? Is there a problem with releasing this information?
1 point,6 years ago
Because few people from africa are engaging in registering random users and downvoting it.

Because anything in their view that has the word africa in it is a good proposal regardless of the actual outcome
-1 point,6 years ago
You are right.. The africa meetups proposal is turning out into a "vote or I'll harass you to death".. how dare you not vote for africa..
-2 points,6 years ago
This proposal has the kind of gold-plating and margins that would put illegal arms dealers to shame.

$1500 each for hardware, "marketing", "support" and "loan (read grant)".. I have worked with POS before, these numbers have no basis in fact..

I can see naked profiteering going on and a few lambos are on order..

Maybe I am a cynic but a loan is supposed to be repaid, I dont see a cent coming back. Giving away so much money without heavy scrutiny will make us look like fools..
-1 point,6 years ago
agree with you
-1 point,6 years ago
Bitplus makes all the revenue and ontop of that they get 237k usd for "support". Is anyone noticing this?
-1 point,6 years ago
Also could anyone kindly explain why us/cad merchants are getting more hardware funds then those in ghana.

Also 1500 * 237000 as loans for what purpose.. are we now in the bank business of loaning money.
-1 point,6 years ago

1) the price is way too high they have clearly stated that other merchants paid 1500$ why are they asking for 6k
2) green candle is A FOR PROFIT company they don't make money unless they bring proposals and that too super high value proposals
3) you are trying to defend them simply to make an earning on this project
4) they have not provided any merchant list as requested
5) people in ghana barely use crypto compared to kenya which is a crucial market no one is focusing on ( with actual hard data )

6) i have exhaustive experience with pos integerations i used to be a partner in a payment processing company
7) i have several full time salaried developers with a combined 60+ years experience on payroll
8) how much experience do you have with integerations or the cost aspect of development
9) how much experience do you personally have running a business?
10) what is the average salary in ghana?

11) show me one proposal green candle has done where we can accurately measure the metrics NONE... Because they would get made pretty quickly
12) i am willing to spend personal funds to do a independent audit on green candle..

13) how long have you been involved with dash?

14) clearly kenya has money to spend on bitcoins especially since they hold quite a bit already

I would argue kenyians actually have money to spend on dash and are able to actually contribute to the dash economy by buying/using/selling dash
0 points,6 years ago
wov ,some real sharp questions and hard truths , if this passes i have to think hard about Dash MNOs and their intentions in supporting genuine proposals
3 points,6 years ago
Merchant adoption should be the main goal this year. Voting yes
0 points,6 years ago
at what cost , this is a crazy proposal without any serious due diligence
4 points,6 years ago
We could not agree with this more. Thank you for the support!
2 points,6 years ago
Please read the proposal and pre proposal as the majority of these questions have already been answered. In our pre proposal we discussed funds solely for hardware. The other features were suggested by the Dash community, and we agree with them as we will be providing a much greater merchant experience by quite literally giving them the tools they need. Therefore this is not just simply a basic integration.

Our team will be using our own money to acquire these merchants and merchants who sign a contract to exclusively accept Dash will receive sponsored hardware. We can ensure that they are Dash exclusive because we will not be integrating any other cryptocurrencies into the platform. For many of these “idea” projects a timeline is more of an issue because they have to build the software from scratch AFTER receiving funding from the Dash community. Acadia POS already has customers, and their customers DID pay $1500 for the hardware, because it does provide that much value. Therefore, we will not be using Dash funds to pay staff or pay for trips or travel or all of those things other projects need before they start producing results.

Before, during and still to this day, we are consistently looking at our competition, to make sure that our offerings are the best and most competitive. Because our target market is NOT cannabis, not once did we run into the company mentioned in the comments. Not once. I’m unsure about why users are suggesting that we shouldn’t do this project with Dash because someone else is doing something similar. I’d imagine the Dash community doesn’t want to limit their merchant adoption to the merchants that one small group can acquire. That’s like Levis saying you can only buy their jeans on There are over 27 million businesses in the US alone and there is no reason why the Dash community would be against expanding.

Again, please read the proposal, the pre proposal and the discussions before asking questions that have already been answered. This will allow us to take the time to provide new answers to those who are genuinely interested.
-2 points,6 years ago
So ive researched a bit more and im sorry to say but this proposal is extremely overpriced I would urge all MNO to do your research before voting at the very least
2 points,6 years ago
Does this mean your previous comments were baseless? I am happy you have now done some research but HEY:
1. Can you declare yourself as someone who has Done POS integration for a single merchant before?
2. If the above point is true of you, I think you had/have the opportunity to have submitted a counter per/proposal offering MNOs what you deem a better option. And nobody denies you that.
3. You have constantly followed this proposal with 'one line comments' which I am sure you have no experience in the Bitplus business (POS integration) which is unfortunate and does not really communicate what you need.
4. Just to reference, and to let everyone know, this proposal is open to whatever ideas/opinions anyone have however like Acadia stated, come clear with your concern and not just trolling. This solution is needed in all parts of the world as far as Dash and its adoption and usage is concern. Have you ever spoken to an Audience about Dash before? And if yes you did, what was your answer to them after they ask where they can buy Dash and where they can spend it? We are looking at creating value driving projects for the community and not just pleasing an individual as to what we do for the entire community. Imagine a region like west Africa where we spend not the dollar neither do we have credit cards, how do you expect someone to buy Dash via an exchange with his/her cedi, naira etc? Until we have an exchange that fully integrates these countries and even after that, this remain a better solution because people need to spend their Dash. And if you care to know, I am equally working on an exchange integration of Ghana and Nigeria specifically and very soon all those who care shall know. If you have personal issues with this proposal, I urge you to come clear, until then, cheers..
-1 point,6 years ago
No it is clearly stated i did further research!

Alot of people dive in deeper once conversation has started.
-2 points,6 years ago
agree with you , its overpriced and very last minute
0 points,6 years ago
Voting no for several reasons in addition to what others have said:

1) Microloans - it's Christmas every day with DASH! Seriously, why is this needed? Are we at the point where we want to bribe merchants to use DASH?

2) Their POS system looks like a website hosted in a tablet judging by the screenshots. Hardly worth $1500..

3) BitPlus looks like a small start up, would be nice to see a list of EXISTING merchants using their POS
-5 points,6 years ago
OMG , your bang on, i dont get why people would vote for this proposal ....
2 points,6 years ago
I have several concerns not only with this current proposal, but also the overall business model of GreenCandle, Inc. Here are the concerns the network should be aware of:  

First, GreenCandle is incentivized to sponsor the projects they endorse because they use the escrow funds to host masternodes and profit from the MN rewards.  They stated this in their first update:  You can also see the investments in MN's with escrow funds here:

This also gives GreenCandle the ability to influence each project by voting on the projects they sponsor which goes against the DAO fundamentals...  Essentially you can now get voting rights by having a proposal approved?  

Also, GreenCandle also profits from the appreciation in the price of the currency, whereas, any additional funds held in escrow by the Dash Core team goes into business development to improve the overall value of the network.  

The proposals being submitted are then trolled by GreenCandles/BitPlus team to encourage the approval of the proposal.  BitPlus has not provided answers to many legitimate questions posed by the community.  If these questions went unanswered in any other proposal, there would have been HUGE concern for the project.  

Lastly, the BitPlus proposal is requesting to fund a $1 million basic integration with should be no more than $50k, at most.  

The network should really evaluate the business model of GreenCandle and thoroughly vent each of the proposals sponsored by GreenCandle.
-1 point,6 years ago
I fully agree with your points and very much appreciate the concerns raised , i wish people pay attention to these important points
2 points,6 years ago
What stores will Bitplus integrate into? Can we see the actual list? Integrations are great but seriously nobody is going to pay in Dash for things in Ghana. Not necessarily a total pipedream but this proposal might be a year or two early. We can thank butcoin for showing us that there's no fruit in small scale brick and mortar integrations.
2 points,6 years ago
Guys, i would recommend we vote NO and have greencandle do a pre proposal so we can have some discussion
-1 point,6 years ago
Yes you are right
3 points,6 years ago
I'm pretty sure there is a preproposal link at the bottom of this proposal. Also, I'm finding it incredibly suspicious that you are consistently monitoring this proposal. Not calling you a troll, but I just reread the proposal and it clearly states that BitPlus will be using their own money and will be reimbursed via escrow by greencandle for provable acquired merchants who sign a contract to accept Dash. Or did you miss that completely?
3 points,6 years ago
@Enthusiast You are absolutely correct and thank you for the support. We only submit proposals after we have consulted with the community through all the channels we have available to us. Please refer to the link at the bottom of the description to view that thread.
1 point,6 years ago
@dashmaximalist please refer to: Pre-proposal Thread:
0 points,6 years ago
Expensive proposal. Seems more like a cash give away what.. seems to me like greencandle is not verifying any numbers, aslong as someone with an interesting enough proposal greencandle will put their name behind it.
-3 points,6 years ago
Agreed. Greencandle has their heart in the right place but this is sloppy.
-3 points,6 years ago
I think Africa needs this more. It will easy buying and selling of Dash and eradicate the fear of scam or fraud as a trusted reliable source is available. Go get it. You have my YES vote
2 points,6 years ago
Interesting, but how could the BitPlus Network be "Dash Exclusive" when it operates off its own ERC20 based token?
0 points,6 years ago
The token is cancelled to remain dedicated (ensure exclusivity) for Dash.
1 point,6 years ago
And will be use (the token) for merchant rewards only on Dash Blockchain.
-2 points,6 years ago
You mentioned alt 36 in your video being in the cannabis industry, from what I read they are also in industries outside of this one. Will BitPlus be using their solution to accept DASH? I'm not sure I understand why you would require almost $900K for this initiative.
2 points,6 years ago
Yes, Bitplus solution allows for Dash payments for goods and services and for people to buy and sell Dash through it. That's what makes it a great solution. Most of the funds goes into dev, advertising etc. Advertising here is more important because these merchants need to be heard and known to boost usage of the systems....
0 points,6 years ago
I'm not sure my message was clear. I meant will Bitplus be using the alt 36 platform to facilitate DASH via the point of sale. Alt 36 was funded $496,000 to build an extensive platform to enable merchants to accept DASH at the point of sale. It's a struggle to understand why you require almost $900K for this proposal. It sounds like you will be giving each merchant $2,000 - $6,000 depending on their location to process DASH through Bitplus, what is the return on the investment here?

Here are some questions that are not being asked and should be:
1. What is your timeline on this proposal?
2. What type of merchants are you targeting?
3. What are the clear milestones within this timeline?
4. How much volume does Bitplus currently process for each one of these merchants currently?
5. What development deliverables are being completed?
6. How can you ensure these merchants will be DASH exclusive?
7. Why are you building a real Dash merchant ecosystem, when this has already been funded and built by alt 36?
8. If this is different than what has already been built, please explain...

It seems like the amount requested in this proposal is taking advantage of the Dash treasury and would like clarification if this is incorrect.
-1 point,6 years ago
These guys can't answer simple questions which means they haven't invested the effort to even consider them themselves. Voting NO.
5 points,6 years ago
Only MNO's get to vote.
1 point,6 years ago
For someone smart enough to "like Dash," your comment is pretty fucking stupid. Oh and get an MNO badge like me; a certified troll.
2 points,6 years ago
I don’t understand how I am stupid or how my questions are stupid? Are my questions answered somewhere that I’m not seeing? All proposals of this magnitude should have to provide this type of verification.
0 points,6 years ago
I just checked the Alt36 website. The organization looks like it's run by little girls.
0 points,6 years ago
This comment doesn’t defend this proposal or bring value. This is a lot of money to fund with little explanation on details that should be asked. These types of comments being posted really aren’t necessary, let’s stay focused on this proposal and keep it professional.
1 point,6 years ago
I'm not trying to defend this proposal. Wondering why you would mention an unsuccessful project ? How does anyone even signup for Alt36? Do they have any real customers or revenue?
-3 points,6 years ago
I’ve been reading their updates and recently saw the announcement at btc miami conference which would lead me to believe they are in fact a successful project. Maybe you should reach out to them and do some research on their progress. From what I read it seems pretty detailed.
3 points,6 years ago
I second davedash, the websites empty. If I were a merchant and looked at the Alt36 next to the Acadia I probably wouldn't choose a company that still has "coming soon" pages. Also, the more I read all these comments the more confused I get. Doesn't alt36 clearly target cannabis merchants in their dash proposal? I don't see that mentioned at all in this proposal so I don't exactly get the comparison. I think the little girls comment is pretty relevant (though immature) as it seems like fans have conveniently migrated to this proposal who aren't masternodes to influence actual decision makers. Has anyone bothered to check out these websites before commenting on this thread? Did anyone take the time to read the proposal or preprosal?
-3 points,6 years ago
It seems my comments have influenced some negative replies that is distracting attention away from this proposal. That is not my intent.

The reason for bringing up Alt36 at all is because it's referenced in the video posted on this proposal, and it appears to be a similar offering regardless of target industry. It still doesn't change that the questions I posted previously should be answered. If I was so lucky to be a Masternode owner, I would be asking these questions prior to voting. As far as I know, from reviewing the updates and project proposals, Alt36 is not a point of sale like Acadia, but companies like Acadia would connect to Alt36 for DASH transactions.

My questions on this proposal were also prompted because these important details are lacking from the proposal. This is a very large sum of money. It's surprising that the proposal owner has not replied yet. Whether the proposal owner wants to disclose this information or not, these questions should have been answered on their end prior to submitting as a part of good business practice. I know these proposals getting approved are different than a typical investor environment, but if this group was asking for $900k of your money, wouldn't you want to know these answers before handing over the funds?

If the details are there, why not share with the network or at the very least confirm you have done this due-diligence prior to submitting.

I'm not trying to influence a no vote vs. a yes vote from my comments. What I would really like to see is the network demand more detail on these proposals being submitted whether you are a; Masternode owner, owner of some DASH or a supporter of the Dash network.
0 points,6 years ago
Your questions are indeed valid. Voting No until they are answered.
9 points,6 years ago
We need to stop worrying about: "Could be more." And then vote no so that we get nothing instead. One step at a time, building piece by piece, walking before running etc. This is a step in the right direction and we can afford it with the current budget!
6 points,6 years ago
Expensive but if it ends doing what it says, it will be a plus. Voting YES.
5 points,6 years ago
4 points,6 years ago
I like the idea.
3 points,6 years ago
158 + 20 does not equal 165.

I like the overall idea of the proposal, but I have to say, I like the version BitPlus posted on the forum more than this new version. Spending 1000 dash for 165 (178?) businesses is not that great of a deal. That being said if Bitplus can follow this up in the future with a lower cost per acquisition then this would be an easy stepping stone.
-2 points,6 years ago
I don't think we should fund this. As other guys already said - too expensive for signing up less than 200 businesses.
-1 point,6 years ago
The cost per conversion is about $4000 -5000 USD per customer. The price just seems exhorbitant.
3 points,6 years ago
In these early days we kind of have to take what we can get.
3 points,6 years ago
Viamontelan, I'm guessing you have never had to do installation and support for a novel technology like this Point Of Sale system. The majority of the funds go for support and promotion after the installation. There is a very limited talent pool who would even know how to do this. This is not the cheap hired help. Those costs will almost certainly come down as adoption goes up to meaningful levels.

Initially, it costs what it costs to get your foot in the door.

Voting yes,

4 points,6 years ago
@stillcantstop that is absolutely correct and thank you for the support.

We anticipate costs to on board new businesses will lower over time. Our immediate intention is to help create a functioning system that has a real shot at long term success. This is why we have insisted on a minimum 3 year commitment to Dash from the merchants and it is a key aspect that makes this proposal unique.

We believe in supporting projects with a lasting impact and we see no better way then to start with a solid foundation. Building for the future means creating relationships with those we want to work with today. These merchants will have full support and will want to promote Dash as a means of transacting with their customers. By laying the groundwork now, we will be ready to handle the onslaught of new businesses waiting to get in line. Simply put, we clearly see this as a win/win/win and we are grateful for everyone that views it the same way.
2 points,6 years ago
@solarguy @dashmaximalist - I respect your opinions and trust your judgment and reasonableness, changing my vote to YES
-2 points,6 years ago
I meant this is way too expensive on a per business basis .. million dollar proposals should do better in terms of detailed research
0 points,6 years ago
Ah, I see. Misconstrued your comment initially.
-2 points,6 years ago
-2 points,6 years ago
250 business for 1000 dash sounds pretty less , can't we get bitpay to work with us
4 points,6 years ago
The 1000 Dash entails more than just integration. Merchants are given the tools they need to succeed (microloan, support, advertising) and Dash will be consequently be associated with those resources. BitPay has been available with Ingenico terminals for a long time, yet merchants are still not using it and do not have a compelling reason to do so.

By putting Dash at the forefront, we are actively promoting the usage. We are building a real Dash merchant ecosystem, where cryptocurrency adoption is within reach for individuals (in this case business owners) who do not have the time to learn about cryptocurrency. Giving merchants the things they need and care about today (a modern POS platform, updated POS hardware, funding, marketing materials and business promotion), new types of people with instantly be attracted to Dash. We are ready to implement InstantSend right away and actively promote it.
-3 points,6 years ago
we can't be a bank and start dishing out loans at this stage , why not give this money to the people in the locations you are targeting and every merchant will be happy to start accepting it in a blink of eye

having said , its way too much for the numbers you are targeting