Proposal “bill-payments“ (Closed)Back

Title:Bill Payments and Bank Transfers to 45,000 billers in Australia
One-time payment: 1000 DASH (27082 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 1000 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-10-05 / 2016-11-19 (added on 2016-09-05)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 997 Yes / 32 No / 0 Abstain

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,7 years ago
This is excellent, what a great service! would be great to have something like this in the UK, I'd use it immediately. Thank you!
3 points,7 years ago
Excellent proposal. You may want to phase out the other cryptocurrencies pretty carefully (give plenty of notice, like 90 days) to gauge the reaction from your customers. Personally I'd rather you kept the other currencies side by side with DASH for a period of time, as we don't need to prove we're better than anyone else. Your customers should discover DASH for themselves and not have it shoved in their faces. I think it's fair to say that DASH is an open, welcoming community, and we don't want to be perceived as bullying or kicking out other communities. If the demand for using other currencies drops to near zero (hopefully organically) then it's much easier to remove them.
2 points,7 years ago
I think its interesting that this proposal has so many positive comments, and yet still not able to reach the 10% threshold for funding yet (just 16 votes shy).

This made me take notice of something unusual: If you look at the total number of votes for each current proposal (I did not check past proposals), there are NONE that are between 500-800 total votes. They're all either < 500, or > 800.

This makes me wonder whether many Dash masternodes are concentrated in the hands of just a few people, who have not yet voted on this proposal. I think it will be interesting to see if, 1) this reaches the 10% threshold and if so, 2) whether those whales will veto it, or go with the consensus of the majority of *people* here who, clearly, think this proposal deserves funding..
0 points,7 years ago
This proposal is at 645 votes right now...
3 points,7 years ago
That is exactly whats going on. So if you see 800+ downvotes slam in and some core members trying to say this proposal "isnt' worth it whatever you'll see the bigger picture. But we'll see how they react. They do run the show regardless of what everyone tries to say around here. Dash is yet to be fully decentralized. Maybe one day though. Micro economy built on Dash budget system anyone? Sounds like a winner to me. Not sure about the current "core funding" model so much yet though.
0 points,7 years ago
Buy more Dash and then you can outvote these whales. It works just like the stock market--those with more shares have more votes.
2 points,8 years ago
I eco my comments from the Dash forum.

Great proposal, you have my votes.
2 points,8 years ago
voted yes, this feels like a great opportunity for Dash
1 point,8 years ago
definitely worth the vote
5 points,8 years ago
Extremely well written proposal. It even has a 'Key Deliverables' section - with each deliverable detailed at length! (Are you listening Dash core?) Only suggestions is that you add 'InstantSend' terminology to the proposal and make sure that is part of the message going out to the press too. Well done.
4 points,8 years ago
Wow, this is refreshing. Glad to see people taking a closer look at Dash and what its capable of.... the technology I mean, not the core team.
1 point,8 years ago
3 points,8 years ago
This is fantastic and I appreciate your honesty with how you plan to use the 1000 Dash to setup a masternode. As owner of Living Room of Satoshi, you should be rewarded and have a stake in the network so I don't see it as a problem from my end. Yes votes coming your way.
3 points,8 years ago
Cross posted:
Love your site and cannot wait for you to provide this Dash service to Australians! For other people globally, BPAY is the MAIN payment network in Australia for pretty much all billing from major service providers....electricity, gas, insurance, phones, internet, healthcare etc you name it. Being integrated with Dash straight into this network is MUCH bigger than most people realise!

Please integrate Instant Send as part of this proposal and you have a big yes from me!
1 point,8 years ago
Just a cross post, but can you verify who you are with a known bitcoin address please? Thanks :)
1 point,8 years ago
Hmm I don't think I have a known bitcoin address. I can give you this though: