Proposal “anypay“ (Closed)Back

Title:Zombie Proposal, Please Vote Down
Monthly amount: 219 DASH (5940 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (12 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-04-18 / 2019-04-11 (added on 2018-04-11)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 0 Yes / 51 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

We now understand and fully support the agreement to fix monthly payouts to $65,700 worth of Dash, eliminating needless risk of major financial misallocation.

As Dash investors ourselves, we want all the best proposals funded and would be disappointed if our mission received disproportionate and unnecessary funding at the expense of other worthwhile enterprises.

When we planned the numbers for our expansion, the price of Dash was $300. That is enough for us to provide massive value to the Dash network over the next year and beyond.

Any excess funds will be held by DashForce, our escrow partner, and returned to the network at the end of the contract.

Proposal Description

Finalize the Anypay Dash point of sale system for mass global adoption use and conduct a heavily-incentivized retail merchant adoption starting in New Hampshire growing out from there. This will include incentives such as our powerful cutting-edge Dash-back program, merchant adoption bounties, and subsidized dash point of sale hardware.Benefit To Dash Community

One of the key selling points of Dash over other cryptocurrencies is its usefulness as an everyday currency, and this is already starkly visible in New Hampshire. Even long-time cryptocurrency users have reported with wonder their first meal purchased with Dash, indicating that we are really on to something special here. This was particularly showcased on a recent CNN video showing Dash used as everyday money in Portsmouth. Making a single area where you can spend Dash on just about anything is the single biggest argument-ender for which cryptocurrency is digital cash.


1) Premier Dash Point of Sale System

We built a kick-ass Dash-branded point of sale that already does everything you need to use it now. It’s not going to be something we are waiting on forever. Anypay is already the simplest Dash point of sale for cashiers and business owners, and we consistently receive rave reviews. Anypay is used in dozens of Dash-accepting businesses around New Hampshire, and was recently featured on a CNN International segment highlighting living on Dash in the region. When paired with Uphold or other key exchanges, merchants can easy convert Dash to fiat currency if desired.

Our key product offering will be expanded by offering the following additional functionality:Internationalisation: Now it’s time to expand the Dash point of sale to a global audience by internationalizing the system to support denomination in many fiat currencies, and many spoken languages, which this proposal will allow us to prioritize.Publish quality Dash point of sale system for the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, to bring a high degree of finesse and professionalism to the Dash retail experience.We will also offer a special Dash-branded portal for merchants to set up Anypay, pre-loaded with Dash icons and the ability to accept Dash right away.

2) Open Source Dash Merchant Software

With the support of the Dash investors Anypay will create and release a high-quality open-source build of our core Dash point of sale and payment processing tools. We believe strongly in transparency and decentralization, and cultivate a desire for anyone to be able to accept Dash in their business without relying on trusted third parties. The funds will pay for extracting the core Dash code and tools into a format that anyone can download and run on their own servers.

3) Dash-Back Consumer Spending Incentive

Dash-Back instantly pays consumers and merchants small amounts of Dash after ever brick-and-mortar transaction. It is already live and working for consumers in the New Hampshire economy, and will be expanded and truly put to the test with this proposal.Dash is facing serious competitive pressure competing projects and technologies such as Bitcoin Cash. Dash-back gives Dash a razor-sharp competitive edge over those other coins, and even launches Dash into competing with credit cards. Dash-Back inspires people to use Dash as money, not just a speculative asset.

4) Merchant Adoption Bounty Program

Bounties are placed on specific retail merchants. Ambassadors are rewarded with Dash when they set up merchants. Half of the bounty goes to the retail business owner, the other half is paid to the ambassador. This will be targeted at specific industries and will be retooled to reach lacking sectors. The goal is to create a well-rounded economy of Dash merchants in addition to raw growth numbers.Bounties will include:
  • Gas Stations
  • Grocery Stores
  • Farmers’ Markets
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Rental Properties
  • And More!

Free iPad hardware with Dash point of sale and Dash wallet pre-installed will be given to high-value merchants so all they have to do is connect to their wifi and are set to accept Dash. All new merchants will be listed on mission is to achieve heavy saturation in a key geographic area, the Free State, establishing Dash’s undeniable presence as a real-world currency.Extra Value

A painless on-ramp for merchants, including video and text-based user-guides, online FAQ, and ongoing customer support for Anypay Dash merchants. Relevant guides will be cross-posted to economic data showing and tracking Dash’s use as a currency. No one can answer that question, and now Dash can!
  • How many transactions did Anypay process this month?
  • How much Dash?
  • How much USD?
  • How many businesses?

Engineering Budget Breakdown

Engineering Budget: 110 DASH per month
Operations   19.8
Core Services 22.8
Tools   11.9
Web App   11.9
iOS Native App   21.8
Android Native App   21.8
Growth Engineering   13.5
UX Design   13.5
Escrow and Reporting

Fully-transparent accounting every month is extremely important to earning investor support and trust -- as it should be! We commit to delivering detail specific financial data as well as hard numeric results to the Dash Force escrow every month prior to receiving payments.

The following metrics and financials will be reported every month in order to receive payment from the escrow service:
- Amount Spent on Engineering (broken down by specific components)
- Amount Spent on Support
- Amount Dash-Back Paid (target: 20% proposal budget)
- Amount Spent on Merchant Ambassador Program (Outreach & Bounties)
- Amount Spent on Hardware (iPads)
- Total Number of Transactions that were given Dash-Back
- Statistical Information about Dash-Backi (Daily & Monthly Average, Median, etc)
- Daily and Monthly transaction volume with Dash
- Amount of Funds Remaining that we are unable to utilize

We will use Dash Force as an escrow service. We will provide detailed monthly reports including funds spent and remaining and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Furthermore, we will cooperate with Dash Watch through the lifetime of our proposal. We commit to distributing at least $10,000 in Dash-back per month in the form of small automatic payments to merchants and customers upon completing transactions in Dash. Dash-Back program totals will be reported live to

About Us

Anypay launched the first Dash-specific point of sale system in the summer of 2017, and we are long-time Dash users and investors.Our team is responsible for the major Dash boom in New Hampshire. We are the only major Dash point of sale system. We have accumulated several decades of software development experience, including early-stage development of Ripple and various cryptocurrency projects.Our progress in Dash adoption has been covered by media outlets such as the Beyond Bitcoin Film, CNN International, and of course Dash Force News.Funding Breakdown

  1. Working Global Point of Sale Software – 100 Dash per month
  2. Merchant Bounty Program – 12 Dash per month
  3. Dash-back Program – 100 Dash per month
  4. iPads Point of Sale & “Dash Accepted Here” Stickers – 7 Dash per month


219 Dash per month, 12 months

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
2 points,6 years ago
1. This is not and should not be a Dash exclusive Point of Sale system. Merchants are far far more likely to want it and use it if they can also accept Bitcoin, etc. Bitcoin, or Bitcoin Cash are not my enemy. Fiat is my enemy. There is gobs and plenty of room in the space for many winners.

HOWEVER, Dash is the only one that has a substantial Dash-Back feature that rewards people for using Dash. AnyPay is very much pro-Dash. Making it exclusive to Dash would not be better for Dash.

Do not be mislead by the sunk cost fallacy of "paying for other crypto currencies". It will have a good Return on Investment and it will enable real world use of Dash. That is the only metric that matters.

2. If the prop doesn't make it, which seems likely, I would love to see a similar version right away in the next months budget, but for only 3 months. That was the big sticking point. Right or wrong, Dash has had very bad experiences with long props in the past. Work with us on this. We can get this done.

3 points,6 years ago
This is not a DASH only POS system we are paying for other crypto currency as well !
Come back with a 3 years exclusive deal or something similar and we can be in business
3 points,6 years ago
I urge the Yes voters to think about it, why pay for a free lunch for other coins ! Dash it's DAO is for DASH the DAO is not to to fund other coins !
4 points,6 years ago
If there is an option to pay with BTC or ETH and Dash, consumers are far more likely to pay with those rather than Dash, given current market shares. Cant understand why Dash should pay for all hardware and software costs for a year and fund our own inferior treatment.
0 points,6 years ago
Actually in our experience setting up dozens of real merchants having BTC available actually increases Dash use.

We first built Anypay for Dash only, but many merchants told us they would only accept Dash if they could take Bitcoin too.

Once they have Anypay merchants quickly realize that most customers (80%) prefer to pay in Dash.
0 points,6 years ago
I am sorry I don't understand your reply. But it sounds like your saying that Dash on POS is not enough, because Dash is not used ?!? If so why come here to ask for money from us ?
1 point,6 years ago
My point is that by offering an option to pay with Eth(not a currency) and btc defeats the whole purpose of a dash exclusive pos system.
-2 points,6 years ago
You have my support
1 point,6 years ago
Why do you want to pay for other coins ? to get this POS software for free ?
8 points,6 years ago
Hi anypay,

If the price of dash were to go back up to $1500, $330,000 would be going out of the treasury every month to pay your company $65000. This is the reason why projects rarely get funded beyond 3-4 months.

After paying nearly 2600 dash, there is no exclusivity for dash and equipment purchased on our dime will be used to fund ipads to fund bitcoin growth and other competitors. Projects funded by the treasury should exclusively promote the dash brand.

While the solution is good, it looks like a one sided deal. Could you discuss these points in detail?

Jeremy Scott
3 points,6 years ago
Hey, quick question for the Anypay / DFN escrow team:

Dash informer was contacted via our helpdesk by a guy with a stellar resume and loads of connections across the country in the restaurant industry. A veteran salesman. He offered to sign up thousands of restaurants for us, on commission basis. I had a few phone calls with him and reviewed his resume and he checks out. Also we would only have to pay him when he actually signs up a restaurants.

We didn't know how to move forward because it would require a budget to pay him commission, and a POS to offer the restaurants, and possibly an incentive program like Dashback.

Anypay could be a perfect partner to utilize this resource. I'm wondering if there is room for someone like this to sell the anypay POS to merchants, and if this gentleman's commission could potentially come out of the appreciation in Dash price from the DFN escrow?

Thoughts? Would be a shame to let this resource sit idle as we have someone chomping at the bit to sign up thousands of restaurants who literally cannot move forward because of all the problems that Anypay is actually solving.
1 point,6 years ago
does the Anypay solution currently support Dash's InstantSend feature (for both payment and Dash-back? If not, is there a timeline in place to support it? This would be a good milestone to put in the proposal.
2 points,6 years ago
I think Anypay has made very reasonable provisions to make the one year relationship work. Further, they have been very responsive to questions and concerns, especially with regards to not having a previous proposal with the Dash community. Hey, they went out and made a functional Point Of Sale system all on their own money and initiative. If this new approach to a one year commitment works out, that also opens the way for other long term relationships. That would be a good thing.

Given that they have a functional product with actual merchants using it right now, I vote yes to scale up and get the POS out and available to the world.

5 points,6 years ago
Since when do Masternodes vote yes to fund proposals that have this set of characteristics?
- Closed-source software for a for-profit company
- No Dash exclusivity
- Give out free iPads which merchants will use to accept Bitcoin and other cryptos
- 12 month proposal
- Proposal owner has no previous proposals

Are we that desperate for a POS solution?

The requested funds would be better spent as a bounty payment for an open-source, Dash-exclusive POS system. We need to enable mass competition for the best POS solution, not become dependent by subsidizing a company's closed source, non-exclusive solution, that attracts Dash transactions through heavy, unsustainable subsidies.
0 points,6 years ago
Hi Nuancer, thank you for your feedback.

We too want an open-source Dash point of sale payment processor!! That's why we plan to release an open source build of Anypay that is Dash-exclusive, once we can guar
antee that publishing the source code won't compromise user's money in any way.

In our experience having set up more Dash retail merchants than anyone else, having the option to accept multiple crypto currencies is what convinces the merchant to use Dash in the first place.

An yes, we haven't made a proposal before, because we decided in 2017 to build the world's first (and still best) Dash point of sale system on our own dime. Now we are asking for support to grow the Dash economy and build a Dash-specific set of open source tools.

This IS a bounty for building dash point of sale tools :D
1 point,6 years ago
1)Do you have the exclusivity in a contract ?
2) How long is that exclusivity ?
3) Can we have a in black and white per contract as well that you'll open source the code under certain, measurable criteria ?
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the thoughtful response. While I still have concerns in my other points, I am greatly encouraged to hear that the Anypay system will eventually be replaced open-source to the Dash community. I would love to see this as a defined milestone in the proposal.
2 points,6 years ago
Dash desperately needs a good POS system, and this proposal seems like it will solve this. I was originally very excited about this proposal, but looking into the details, I have some questions and concerns.

Questions/concerns (apologies if some of these were addressed somewhere):

1. The POS line item is 100 DASH. At $300/DASH that would be $30k/mo, $360k/yr. That's 4 full-time developers working for an entire year (making $90k/yr). This seems excessive.
2. Quantumexplorer's comment accounts for 43.6 DASH for iOS and Android. What is the other 56.4 going towards? Will the web app be improved as well? Any other platforms (desktop, etc.)?
3. I don't see any milestones. When is the release target for each of the POS platforms? A full 12 months away?
4. When all is said and done, what will we have, a POS system that equally supports many currencies? What perks does Dash get above the other coins for being the sole funder?
5. What will the transaction fees be for Dash? What about other cryptos?
My tests with the existing web app showed ~5% to Anypay. Will this fee remain?
6. Will the software be available for others in the Dash community to use themselves, independent of Anypay?
2 points,6 years ago
Hi Rion, you pose excellent questions.

1. The POS line item is 100 DASH. At $300/DASH that would be $30k/mo, $360k/yr. That's 4 full-time developers working for an entire year (making $90k/yr). This seems excessive.

Your numbers are correct, We are a small engineering team focussed on designing and building fantastic Dash software. For the past nine months our two developers designed, built, and refined server software, mobile and desktop web applications, merchant administration tools, hosting and server monitoring. All was financed out of our own pockets. Now that we built the platform we aim to grow our team from two to four, and pay for the best as Dash deserves. We are eager to afford specialized professionals who can fully dedicate themselves to perfecting the Dash experience.

2. Quantumexplorer's comment accounts for 43.6 DASH for iOS and Android. What is the other 56.4 going towards? Will the web app be improved as well? Any other platforms (desktop, etc.)?

The mobile application is only half or less of our total engineering operation.

Anypay's back-end provides invoicing, processing, emailing, accounting for merchants, and more. All of which require specialized skills in apis, databases, logging, monitoring, hosting, and security audits.

The administration web app provides merchants with configuration options and financial accounting, and will be vastly improved with dedicated resources.

Dash-Back is a whole back-end software system that instantly pays rebates for shoppers, and we will spend considerable engineering on integrating real-time shopper data to drive more retail Dash commerce. Dash-Back requires server operations, daemon development, and web application for administrators, all specialized skills.

The web app itself will be improved continuously, and we plan to launch a Dash-branded version of the web app with its own Dash landing page and setup guide.

3. I don't see any milestones. When is the release target for each of the POS platforms? A full 12 months away?

Good point, we will revise the proposal to include milestones. Our software is already in real businesses on Android tablets and phones, iPhone, iPad, and desktop computers. We release software quickly and proceed to improve and add to it every month forever. That is why Anypay asks for a twelve month investment, and why we plan to make another proposal in a year.

That said our goal is to release our first Dash-branded native apps to the app store in time for Porcfest in mid June. From there we will proceed as always improving the tools and building newer, faster, better software experiences for shoppers and merchants.

4. When all is said and done, what will we have, a POS system that equally supports many currencies? What perks does Dash get above the other coins for being the sole funder?

To be fair our system is being built with our co-founders' personal funds, and we will continue to do so with or without this proposal. We built Anypay specifically because WE want to use Dash in real life. We want Dash to succeed and we have personally set up more Dash retail merchants than nearly anyone on the planet. We WANT to dedicate more of our time to Dash at the expense of other coins because Dash is our favourite!

Most of all Anypay is driving rapid increase in Dash use in our area with our innovative Dash-Back, and by funding our proposal you are pouring fuel on the Dash brushfire we started by injecting huge incentives for shoppers to choose Dash over credit cards.

5. What will the transaction fees be for Dash? What about other cryptos?

Zero. There are no transaction fees for Dash charged by Anypay. The only fees paid for using Dash with Anypay are miner's fees.

Regarding the discrepancy you observed, it is possible that your wallet and Anypay's servers are looking at the current Dash price from two separate sources. Since the price of Dash fluctuates so rapidly hour to our users sometimes report fiat price discrpancies depending on which wallet they use.

6. Will the software be available for others in the Dash community to use themselves, independent of Anypay?

Yes, eventually. Our goal is to publish and support an open-source version of Anypay that anyone can install and run on their own private server. We will publish the software once we are satisfied there are no security vulnerabilities with publishing the code that might endanger users' Dash. No timeline here but rest assured we are as eager as you to see an open source Dash point of sale tool.
2 points,6 years ago
I just saw your full comment to quantumexplorer, so item 2 above is covered (I still think it's excessive, but you explained it very well).

For reference:

"Engineering Budget: 110 DASH per month
Operations 19.8
Core Services 22.8
Tools 11.9
Web App 11.9
iOS Native App 21.8
Android Native App 21.8
Growth Engineering 13.5
UX Design 13.5"

I recommend adding this (and the full description you gave quantumexplorer) to the proposal body.
2 points,6 years ago
After the agreement in place to limit volatility by adhering to a fiat budget and delivering the excess budget back to the network, I have changed my votes from NO to YES.

I want to reiterate, I like this project and what it wants to accomplish, I just am not prepared to accept 12 month proposals due to the potential of insane volatility during that span. I’m OK with this solution, though.

Good luck on passing!
1 point,6 years ago
@TaoOfSatoshi Thank you! We appreciate tremendously your support.
4 points,6 years ago
Putting this at the top :

From anypay :

"iOS Native App -- 21.8
We probably need to spend a lot more than that to get the best iOS dev. We would prefer to spend at least 32.9 on the iOS App Dev and potentially 40 per month for a really, really good person who we can convince to be the lead on our team for the long run because we are going to grow to dozens of countries in hundreds of cities.

Android Native App -- 21.8
Same deal. This is extremely important to delivering the fastest and best experience and engineering the smoothest possible Dash Merchant solution. "

I would like to let you guys know as head of Dash mobile team that Dash core is working on a iOS library that contains all the DASH blockchain code, and is as easy as a plug and play solution. This should be available my middle May and possibly earlier. Android already has a similar library but we can work on making it more modular and accessible. This means that all you will really need to do is hook up to these libraries and make a UI around them (and as such I hope this lowers your costs).

For right now I have promised myself to never vote yes on a 6+ month proposal as I've seen the problems associated with them. However I see that you are doing your best to fix the amount and have excessive Dash returned to the network. I can tell you want the best for DASH so I'll be voting yes. Just please work closely with Dash core. Contact me on discord and we can exchange information and even have a call.
2 points,6 years ago
this is a very valuable proposal but way too expensive, too risky and too long time frame. Discussion short - I would vote yes on a three month proposoal with less than 50k$ budget in escrow. Other wise you have my full support ...
2 points,6 years ago
Only way were going to get the majority of merchants to wake up is incentives...major ones, to get past the "digital currency is danger" propaganda installed in us by msm and legacy institutions.

Something has to be done. Every effort makes an impact. Eventually merchants will budge-but whose platform will they use!

Let's push for Dash!
2 points,6 years ago
Yes sir! In our trials of Dash-Back, the merchants we spoke with are excited and eager to promote Dash, especially once Dash-Back is fully-funded. They see huge benefits on getting 20% back on every purchase. Consumer use of Dash on our platform doubled the weeks after introducing a small amount of Dash-Back, and we are eager to vastly expand those numbers.
2 points,6 years ago
I'm voting yes. This is a real product with a real team behind it and a substantial plan. They have demonstrated competence. They are on our side. The escrow and milestones take a lot of the risk out of a 12 month relationship.

But I suspect they will have to change the format to a 3 month period, with the assumption of quarterly proposals to get the entire year's worth of funding. Note that, in real life (assuming you hit your milestones) this is every bit as secure as a "1 year" proposal duration that could be voted down at any time.

TL/DR: Love the idea, might have to change the format to get it to pass.

2 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your support, stillcantstop. Together, we think we can convince the rest of the Masternode owners to see why Anypay is worthy of investment for 12 months. We are not going to roll back our ambition; rather we aim to communicate so thoroughly that all formerly dissenting voices are satisfied. What, in your mind, do we need to communicate to people who are not yet on our side?
4 points,6 years ago
The services and reporting offered + Dash Force escrow makes this an easy yes. This is something Dash sorely needs, and the adoption and press coverage that Anypay has already garnered is very impressive. The 12mo vs 3mo argument doesn't make sense to me - proposals can be defunded when that is needed, without forcing solid value providers to jump through extra hoops when they are delivering what they promised.
3 points,6 years ago
Thank you ZedHead. We feel fortunate that we are in a position to provide such useful reports and data about the real Dash economy.
8 points,6 years ago
Hash: SHA1

I live in New Hampshire. I can attest that the anypay app has done outstanding things for acceptance of DASH in Portsmouth.

In the old days I used to go to places just to spend cryptocurrency. Now, I end up paying with DASH without making a special effort.

One thing that is unique is the fact that merchants that use anypay actually are accepting dash. They are not using a payment processor that deposits dollars to their accounts. Merchants sometimes take their DASH and spend it with other merchants. This closes the loop avoiding the need to interact with the dollar economy.

To those who say this proposal is too expensive, please keep in mind the value added by this proposal.

1) Merchants receive the minimal hardware needed.
2) The dash back program makes spending dash competitive with credit cards.
3) The work that has already been put into this project with no funding.

With your support, you will see a DASH Mecca flourish in New Hampshire. This will yield a model that can be copied across the globe.

Full Disclosure: I will benefit from this proposal only as a dash spending customer.

Version: GnuPG v1


Verify the signature with this public key:
13 points,6 years ago
12 months is a long time but Dash Force will be escrowing the funds and if Anypay wants to set a monthly fiat funding amount we can lock in that price now and return any extra to the network at the end of the 12 month contract.
Looks like about 60k per month should work?
0 points,6 years ago
Hey @Mastermined thank you for explaining, we have updated our proposal to include your suggestion.
7 points,6 years ago
If Dash Force agrees to act as a volatility buffer I might change my vote.

But I don't want extra funds flowing back (or God forbid "burnt"). Rather I wanna see them put to good use. Like DashBoost, DashCares, increasing Feedbands ad volume etc. Initiatives the whole network benefits from. If you get that contractually fixated and commit to fully transparent accounting in each monthly report, I'd switch to yes in a hearbeat.
4 points,6 years ago
We hear that fully-transparent accounting every month is extremely important to earning your support as an investor -- as it should be! Given that feedback, we commit to delivering detailed specific financial data as well as hard numeric results to the Dash Force escrow every month prior to receiving payments.

The following metrics and financials will be reported every month in order to receive payment from the escrow service:
- Amount Spent on Engineering (broken down by specific components)
- Amount Spent on Support
- Amount Dash-Back Paid (target: 20% proposal budget)
- Amount Spent on Merchant Ambassador Program (Outreach & Bounties)
- Amount Spent on Hardware (iPads)
- Total Number of Transactions that were given Dash-Back
- Statistical Information about Dash-Back (Average, Median, Max & Min)
- Daily and Monthly transaction volume and Dash
- Amount of Funds Remaining that we were unable to spend

We won't receive one bit of Dash until the investors have this extremely valuable report every month.
2 points,6 years ago
We want to see additional funds put to good use too. That is why if the price increases a lot, we will listen to the master network investors to see if it is too much, and ask them to veto the proposal. However, we believe we will prove to all the investors that our efforts are doing the most good for the whole network, and our spending is precise, calculated, and effective.
3 points,6 years ago
DashBoost was where I was thinking too but we can vote on where the masternodes want the extra to go. It could be split between many successful projects that need the extra help.
4 points,6 years ago
This would completely satisfy one of my objections, and somewhat satisfy the other. I would support this if the proposal owners will.
1 point,6 years ago
@TaoOfSatoshi thank you for working together helping us understand the needs and priorities of the investors.

We now understand and fully support the agreement to fix monthly payouts to $65,700 worth of Dash, eliminating needless risk of major financial misallocation.

As Dash investors ourselves, we want all the best proposals funded and would be disappointed if our mission received disproportionate and unnecessary funding at the expense of other worthwhile enterprises.

When we planned the numbers for our expansion, the price of Dash was $300. That is enough for us to provide massive value to the Dash network over the next year and beyond.

Any excess funds will be held by DashForce, our escrow partner, and returned to the network at the end of the contract.

What do you think? Given a fixed dollar monthly amount, can we count on your support for Anypay's proposal?
1 point,6 years ago
I like the solution, and your willingness to compromise. I have posted my support above.
1 point,6 years ago
Mastermined, yours is a great point. Thank you for bringing it up. It is so important that we are updating our proposal to address it. You’re asking: What if the price of Dash goes up a lot — so much so that our proposal request becomes too much — an unreasonable amount for what we can deliver?

Anypay can utilize a lot of resources to grow and continue building the best Dash Point of Sale system for the whole globe, but if Dash increases in value so much that we can’t even spend it all on expanding the tools or incentivizing consumer spending fast enough with Dash-Back, then we will be honored to return the remaining Dash to the Master Network for additional projects.

We are asking for a modest share of the Dash investment. That’s because we built the #1 Dash economy in the world, and we believe that by investing at least 3% in that largest Dash economy, the Dash investors can increase the value of Dash faster, making more funds available for other projects using the other remaining 97% of the budget.

If our incentives are aligned with investors, Anypay benefits from increasing the Dash price. That allows us to invest more into Dash-Back. More Dash-Back means more people using Dash because Anypay is going to pay them to shop. More people using Dash means more Dash being used in real-world transactions and more value for the Dash investors.

This is unlike any other Dash proposal ever. We have the #1 economic model for increasing Dash commerce: a Point of Sale system that already works and pays people to use it. People are coming from all over — out of state and internationally — to participate in the Dash economy we’ve created in New Hampshire. Our efforts are absolutely the most effective at increasing the real-world Dash economy. And for that, 3% of the budget is extremely modest.
3 points,6 years ago
Great suggestion. Does anypay agree to this?
0 points,6 years ago
Yes, we agree to locking in the dollar price of Dash and returning the rest to the network. The proposal is updated accordingly.
2 points,6 years ago
This is an interesting suggestion.
1 point,6 years ago
Hi guys, I like your idea but it’s too easy to exploit. Just set up merchants for free (on their own hardware) and pay them $1 a day to accept Dash. Make sure to audit them regularly to be sure they are still actively accepting Dash and educated in how to process transactions with Dash.

Bounties and dashback are too easy to exploit. Merchants will just take your money.

Let me know what you think?
3 points,6 years ago
Another idea. If you insist on handing over free ipads, (along with the $1 a day payment mentioned in my comment above) make sure we retain ownership of the ipad, not the merchant and have the iPads be customer facing at the till and play dash promo informational videos (without sound) when idle / not in use processing transactions.

I’m thinking a structure similar to those smileTV screens that you sometimes see high up in restaurants etc which play funny videos etc and ads in exchange for a monthly payment from smileTV promoter.

I hope you like my ideas.
1 point,6 years ago
Hello Triptolemoose thank you for your creative ideas ?
-1 point,6 years ago
That was not meant as a question but the "?" was a typo.
2 points,6 years ago
All good.

If you like the idea and think it could work maybe you can promote it as the Dash 365 merchant programme. $365 per year per merchant.
1000 merchants on-boarded will cost the network $365,000 per year.

Maybe in subsequent years you can mix in some sponsored ads on the iPads (if you still plan on supplying them), just to cover costs. Running ads on an iPad pos terminal sounds odd, but I am guessing they are hardly gonna be used in the stores anyway. We are just buying our way into a city as an alternative universal payment method and building out the infrastructure.

Feel free to share your thoughts. There may be issues with this approach that I’m not aware of.
0 points,6 years ago
Wow cool idea. You're saying merchants could be paid to show Dash ads in their stores. Although our strategy is to pay merchants when they sell goods and services for Dash, your idea has merit.

It is worth a shot! I would personally love to see a Dash promo on a business's iPad and I bet a ton of other Dash enthusiasts would as well.
2 points,6 years ago
The problem I see with any ‘pay merchant and/or consumer when they sell’ strategy, is that is can be exploited by the merchant. Eg. They simply sell the same $1000 TV to their friend over and over and collect $20, $40 $60 $80 a day in dash-back (depending on how greedy they get). They won’t open the books of the business to you, so there is not much you can do, and it will be hard to detect and even enforce as there is no way of telling what kind of turnover a business does usually.

I’ve seen this stuff happen in other businesses and once the exploit catches on your funds will be emptied at an exponential rate.

So what I am saying as an alternative, is to pay a fixed amount, $1 a day per merchant. Audit the stores with mystery shopper visits to make sure they are still actually accepting dash payments.

What they get for our payment of $1 a day,... a customer-facing iPad which runs the dash pos system and plays silent Dash educational info/ads when it is idle.

Note. They don’t get ownership of the iPad and you only pay them the $30 monthly, and they can pull out anytime. At which time you can just collect the iPad and install it at another merchant.
0 points,6 years ago
I like the idea of silent Dash ads running by registers.
1 point,6 years ago
Like this if you know what I mean
1 point,6 years ago
Note. This is coming strictly from a merchant adoption point of view. Tackling the consumer side could be done via direct advertising of Dash to them at point of sale. Once the iPads are out there we can test different approaches to see what appeals to consumers, but will be a tough nut to crack.
1 point,6 years ago
@Triptolemoose You’re having quite the conversation with yourself here... ;-) Good ideas, nonetheless.
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks Tao, I thought so too :D
1 point,6 years ago
I need to understand the costs better, but this type of proposal is what we need. I think it is reasonable on their end to ask for a long term relationship. We just need to negotiate the escrow strategy well.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for your feedback, dashuser33. We updated our proposal with very detailed escrow disbursement requirements. We are glad to see the investors' dedication to transparency and accountability.
7 points,6 years ago
I live in Keene, NH - the other top DASH-accepting-businesses-per-capita city in the world besides Anypay's home of Portsmouth, NH. When BTC's fees were going insane in 2017, Anypay came to the rescue with its merchant point-of-sale - they launched their platform with DASH and BTC acceptance. To my knowledge, (I've looked and looked), no one else had ever done this. All real-life POS sytems were BTC-only until then.

Prior to Anypay's creation, I'd worked with several local merchants to set them up with Bitpay for point-of-sale, real-life, brick-and-mortar acceptance. As soon as Anypay launched, I helped the local BTC-accepting businesses flip over to Anypay and begin accepting DASH:

DASH is real in Keene and Portsmouth, New Hampshire. In Keene, I can go to Corner News and get everything from pipes to drinks to snacks for DASH. I can then cross the street and have lunch at Local Burger for DASH. Or maybe Curry Indian Restaurant, or D's Cafe, or Hot Hogs BBQ or Little Zoe's Pizza. If I need my car repaired, I can pay DASH for that too at award-winning Wilder Automotive. All thanks to Anypay - and the amazing cryptocurrency community here in the Keene area. (We also have a Crypto Vending Machine here in town that sells DASH.) Check out the map at - almost every business there is taking DASH thanks to Anypay.

Now, Anypay has already taken retail DASH acceptance to a new level with its DASH-back concept. This is already happening. Every time I spend DASH around town (and I do it multiple times weekly), I instantly receive DASH back from Anypay (currently around $1 worth of DASH). This isn't some theory. It's real. Buy a drink at D's cafe? DASH-back. Get an oil change at Wilder Automotive? DASH-back. This is important, because it incentivizes people to spend DASH, which is what we want to happen. It helps overcome Gresham's Law.

DASH is supposed to be digital cash. That means it needs to get used in real life. Anypay has made this happen. Please vote yes, as I have done, for this proposal. This proposal allows them to take what they are already doing for DASH, and make it even more amazing.

P.S. Someone said there are other point of sale systems supporting DASH. Really? I've evaluated every usable-in-real-life POS I could find in the last year and didn't find anything that can compete with Bitpay except for Anypay.
-1 point,6 years ago
Normally I'd be vehemently opposed to a 12-month proposal, but with escrow and the ability to unfund proposals, there's much less risk now than before and certainly less than handing over a lump sum. So that's really just not a concern for me. Too many MNOs seem to have fallen in to these patterns of dogmatism about rules and protocols. At the end of the day, it's about what works best. Clearly some things--like escrow--are "best practices," but that doesn't make them absolute. Sometimes there are contexts where some things aren't always necessary or relevant. So this is just not an issue for me.

As for the AnyPay team, I have four issues to bring up:

1. What is being done to address the potential for fraud in the DashBack promotion? As we've seen with other handout or rebate proposals, there is always the potential and desire for abuse. How will say...a merchant selling their own goods to themselves to collect the extra Dash be handled, just as an example?

2. While it seems your PoS System has pretty significant adoption in a few particular areas, what is your team doing to spread adoption beyond these niche areas?

3. Some people I've talked to have had some criticisms of the sophistication of your software engineering and graphic design. I understand you're a small team who has hitherto just worked on making a functional product--and in that you seem to have been very successful--and as I understand it some of these suggestions and criticisms have made their way to you or are in the process of being relayed. Are you doing usability testing of your interfaces, market testing of logos and color schemes and designs, etc?

4. As you know, Evolution is looming on the horizon, and will likely change a lot about how Dash operates and what it can do. Many developers will be building upon the Evolution platform. You have what is effectively a first-mover advantage in being a Dash-exclusive PoS, but some of your features/functionality may face some competition if not by other developers on the platform perhaps even by the Evolution platform itself as it continues to grow and expand. What are you doing to ensure your project doesn't become irrelevant or obsolete just months after it's funded? What kind of projections do you have about continued development, where you want to take AnyPay with all of this funding?
3 points,6 years ago
Arthyron, thank you for your thoughtful comments and questions. We appreciate you asking the hard questions, especially about spreading globally and anticipating the changes brought about by Evolution.

1. The Potential for Fraud:

Our plan is to have increasing levels of verification and trust for the merchants who are getting Dash-Back. We are starting with the several dozen merchants that we personally know and vet and we talk to dozens of different customers who go to these merchants and talk about their experience who are actually using it to make sure they’re not scammy. Secondly we plan on integrating with discover dash and plan on developing software for people to vet businesses, and the more vetted they become, the more Dash-Back they get. So far in our experience, the merchants are most pleased to get more customers and to have more revenue and to have more cool people to come to their shops and are not interested in stealing and defrauding the goose that lays the golden egg.

That said, we keeping the Dash-Back very local, and it is a small fraction of our proposal because the main chunk of funding goes to funding a global merchant platform for Dash.

If a merchant is discovered defrauding the dash investors, we will permanently ban their account from using Anypay. Plus, they have to be vetted anyway, so they’ll never be approved again. Dash-Back doesn’t just go to any account that signs up. Anyone can create an account and use Anypay for free, but you have to be a legitimate verified business to receive Dash-Back. And we have already been able to manually verify dozens of business with respectable owners.

2. Spreading Adoption Beyond Niche Areas:

Our brand is Anypay.Global. Our focus is on building the best merchant tool for the global Dash audience. Yes, we have focussed on our local economy and dedicated all the resources we have available to building the best experience. Now our proposal is asking for the fuel we need to internationalize our software with foreign currencies and foreign languages so that all the other great dash teams can bring the merchant tools to the rest of the world. That’s what this proposal is all about.

3. Sophistication of Software:

Yes, you are absolutely correct we have focussed the last year or nine months on building the most workable user experience and growing the largest network of Dash merchants while not using expensive sophisticated delivery channels so that we can move faster and develop the experience more quickly. Now we are asking for this grant for exactly the reason that we’re going to add a whole new level of sophistication to our delivery process, to the polish, and efficiency of the software. We are releasing official builds in the iOS and android store that people can trust through trusted channels and commissioning and testing logos and designs.

We are constantly doing usability testing with live customers, observing cashiers and customers interactions with the software, fixing bugs, improving the UX, and incorporating feedback from all parties. We as a team collectively use our software dozens of times a week to purchase things in the Dash economy.

4. Incorporating Evolution:

Anypay is starting with the largest customer base for Dash Point of Sale. With this funding our customer base is going to grow exponentially, and we will be overwhelmingly the largest customer base of merchants. When the time comes to roll out awesome Evolution features our team will be able to bring Evolution to more merchants faster than anyone else.

Plus, our mission is to cut out the middleman in financial transactions anyway. So just as we were the first to build a Dash Point of Sale, we will be among the first to build on the Evolution platform. Even then, if Dash Core builds merchant APIs into the Evolution platform, then we will use that in our application. That just makes our job easier to build the best Point of Sale and market it to merchants, which is our strong suit.

We are already using the most cutting edge Dash features and we are going to continue that. With the funding, we are going to draw in more talent, more excitement, and we will be the ones who can build in the Dash Evolution features first. We are extremely excited to turn Anypay into a DApp on the Dash Evolution platform.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your thorough responses. I believe that satisfies my concerns for now. Good luck with the rest of your proposal. If successful I may integrate with my own business!
1 point,6 years ago
Just.... Ask for 4x the funding for only 3 months (or 6x funding for 2 months). Other proposals (like Alt36) have done this and for some reason masternodes are unconcerned. Many MNOs have an *irrational* fear of long proposals.

Makes no sense since it's exactly the same cost to the network, just over a shorter time period. Your escrow service could pay out the money when each milestone is met, just as Alt36 and other proposals had done.

TBH we need to get over our PTSD from past failed proposals. The system is different now. We have Dash Watch, better information and communication, and last month showed many do downvote less-desired proposals. And we should get better.

Long run proposals with a smaller monthly ask are protective of the network as opposed to proposals that ask for a large amount up front. Please think about it.
2 points,6 years ago
I'm not really concerned about the delivery/risk of failed proposal. This is being escrowed by dashforce so that part of it is a non-issue. The downside of a 12 month proposal, imo, is that there is no way the proposal owner could possibly know right now how much dash would be appropriate to ask for 9 months from now. They could say they will scale up with the price, but maybe the MNs may not want them to scale up at the same rate as the price of dash. And on the other hand if they opt instead to have a fixed USD$ paid from escrow, the price volatility over 12 months unnecessarily adds the possibility of the escrow account sitting on a massive pile of extra funds and having to take special consideration what to do with it with the approval of the MNs, instead of just having that extra dash be available in the budget. Going for 12 months adds a substantial amount of unneccessary complexity without any significant benefit, even to the proposal owner, in my opinion. It would be much simpler for the OP to have the flexibility to re-evaluate how much dash they want to request every few months.

All of this being said, although I am frowning hard on the decision to try a 12-month long proposal, I'm not yet decided on my vote on this for this month.
1 point,6 years ago
This is exactly my thinking, too. As long as we have clear delivery milestones, a proper escrow plan for what to do if the price changes. The I am perfectly fine with a 12month.
0 points,6 years ago
Actually, I would be much more against 4x for 3 months.
1 point,6 years ago
I would too - thats my point - it's a worse deal for the network yet many MNOs seem to irrationally prefer it. See other proposals like Alt36 who needed guarantee of funds for a 6 month project - requested and passed a 2 month proposal (with escrow payouts based on milestones).

My sarcastic remark is that "you should have asked for more money for a shorter time period - you'd have a better chance of passing, based on past proposals and the comments here" <--- which makes no sense.
3 points,6 years ago
I don’t think people are saying that... I least I am not.

I think asking for the same monthly budget only for 3 months (and then submitting additional proposals as necessary) has a much better chance of passing.

OR commit to a required USD amount each month and let the escrow fund additional months (or fewer months) in case of large price changes.

Either one of those plans is better for the network than the proposal as currently contructed, IMO.
-2 points,6 years ago
Dear anypay,
A POS for a small region in North America only, for 219 Dash/month for 12 month.
DAO have already use more than 13%Xmonths of budget for North America. Its fair to let some Dash in budget now for others country.
Come back with more realist budget and time and when Dash have more rooms for North America.
Its a no
3 points,6 years ago
JoL, our mission is to empower anyone anywhere to use digital cash without permission. That's what Anypay is all about. Yes, we’re a software development team that’s based in North America, but our software is global -- it's borderless. Anypay will be used in Ghana, in Venezuela, in Buenos Aires, and anywhere there are merchants who want to accept Dash. A small fraction of the proposal is going to grow the New Hampshire economy. The majority of it is going to grow the global merchant adoption platform for Dash. Nothing could benefit the world more (except for maybe more wallet development and more privacy).

This proposal is going to build the tools that can be used by anyone anywhere in the world. The funds are proving the software works in a real setting. We built the global platform for Dash retail commerce, and now we're expanding it for global currencies, international languages, and we are spending a small fraction of that in the testbed economy. We're using it to build the platform that's going to work everywhere in the world. We have merchants here that we need to talk to and get feedback to make the global solution more effective.

A huge reason Anypay has become the easiest, simplest Point of Sale is because we have strong relationships with local merchants and are able to get real-time feedback from customers and merchants across the whole area. We have noted that the more merchants that are using it in our area who we can meet and talk with, the faster we can improve the software for everyone in the world. And for that reason, we are growing the testbed of our software and incentivizing people to use Dash and help us improve the tools that we make. That way, when people Dash ambassadors all over the world are setting up merchants, we will have already encountered every possible pain-point and objection through the local economy that we’re getting feedback from and engineered the software to provide the best possible experience.

Unlike those other commercial Dash proposals that have come and gone, and didn’t amount to much, Anypay has been serving dozens of merchants and hundreds of consumers for almost a year, and we have the privilege and pleasure of bringing to you a proposal to take our software global.
1 point,6 years ago
Dash is only one payement methode to add in a already existing POS solution.
For our community all around the world, specialy poor country, there is alot of free opensource POS solution.
As a professionnal from existing paid POS provider, to survive to the market, you have to implement every new payement system by your own. Dash can help you for that. Not at that price and time.
1 point,6 years ago
1200 Dash for point of Sale System. Could you give a breakdown as to why it would cost that much?
0 points,6 years ago
Yes, excellent question quantumexplorer. This deserves a thorough response and we will return with one in short order.
1 point,6 years ago
Can I get that response soon?

Also who would downvote me asking for a breakdown of costs? I think I've made enemies ><
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you quantumexplorer. Your concern deserves to be upvoted for the importance of having a real plan for engineering. You want to know more about the engineering breakdown. What is this money going to be spent on?

Engineering Budget: 110 DASH per month
Operations 19.8
Core Services 22.8
Tools 11.9
Web App 11.9
iOS Native App 21.8
Android Native App 21.8
Growth Engineering 13.5
UX Design 13.5

The Dash Investors deserve a world-class development team for merchant tools, and we are assembling it. We originally budgeted 110 Dash per month for engineering of the merchant platform. We have broken that down into 6 distinct roles, or talented, valuable people, that we will have to convince to join us and leave what they are doing.

Operations -- 19.8
Currently we have the whole operation and all the servers and everything that needs to be maintained, expanded, and made better and better. That person is really expensive. These numbers are low. We need these numbers to be higher.

Core services -- 22.8
These are the core APIs and messaging that enable the amazing experience with Anypay.

Tools -- 11.9
For Dash-Back and other internal tools that we need to bring this all to the world. We have a junior developer working on that, so they make less. Because we don't have enough to budget for more.

Web App -- 11.9
Our existing web app does not need an extremely talented person to continue on it, or an extremely expensive one, and we can spend less time on it now. The big focus is getting someone really good for iOS to build the best iOS experience.

iOS Native App -- 21.8
We probably need to spend a lot more than that to get the best iOS dev. We would prefer to spend at least 32.9 on the iOS App Dev and potentially 40 per month for a really, really good person who we can convince to be the lead on our team for the long run because we are going to grow to dozens of countries in hundreds of cities.

Android Native App -- 21.8
Same deal. This is extremely important to delivering the fastest and best experience and engineering the smoothest possible Dash Merchant solution.

And that all there is 110 Dash per month. We need to spend more to grow as fast as the dash investors want and expect.

Growth Engineering -- 13.5
This person is in charge of having automated interaction with users and gathering data about how they use the system in order to improve it and grow our network and engineering ways of our users spreading the system viraly so that Dash spreads and spreads.

UX design -- 13.5
We need professionals designing the best possible experiences and testing them: logos, layout of user interface, colors, everything. That is also a relatively inexpensive person where we should be paying more. We need to spend more on that. We can spend double on all of these, and that would help us grow the Dash investors’ vision faster, but this is the breakdown now.

All of these positions work require intelligent, dedicated, hard-working, talented people with specific skill sets. These people are already working on awesome projects, and they have permanent positions. We have to convince these people to leave what they are doing -- some of the most awesome talented people around -- and join our team. And with 3 months of this, it is impossible for us to convince the right people. How could we convince them? How could we do that, and then tell them to leave their job, when we do not even have confidence from the investors for more than 3 months?
0 points,6 years ago
@anypay - You should have led with this explanation for the long-term asking price, makes a lot more sense. If there was only a small amount of development to be done, that would be one thing, but if your goal is to provide a long-term project and attract higher quality developers, then the budget and duration seems more appropriate.
1 point,6 years ago
I’m hearing that Anypay believes in their product, so they deserve a 12 month commitment from Dash. If this is the case, surely they wouldn’t mind letting their performance dictate whether or not they deserve to be renewed? You haven’t built enough Dash Nation Street cred to warrant a full 12 month term right off the hop, IMO. I reiterate, that although it is possible to downvote an ongoing proposal, it is quite difficult to do so. Short term deals protect the network. Will you stand behind your product with a short-term deal? If not, you may not be worth funding...
3 points,6 years ago
I don't think it's that difficult to downvote an ongoing proposal just look at the last cycle various ongoing proposals where downvoted to make space for others. So it seems to me that if necessary Masternodes can and will downvotes ongoing proposals.
1 point,6 years ago
@thesingleton We will make it as simple as possible to downvote our proposal if something goes wrong and return the funds to other valuable projects. If the amount of Dash we receive ever becomes obviously excessive we will insist that the Masternode owners veto our proposal in later months.
-1 point,6 years ago
Anypay, please take note of the number of comments pushing back against the 12 month funding period compared to comments discussing potential issues with your proposal. That should be pretty solid proof that this passes easily if you had submitted it for 3 months.

In general, proposals that target mass adoption have a good track record of funding so it is also likely to pass just as easily 3 months from now provided that you adjust the ask depending on Dash’s price, your performance is good (as you seem to believe it will be), and you communicate with the community.

Full disclosure, I am still on the fence and not a definite NO like some of the others — but please, please take my advice... make this easier (and less stressful) on yourself and resubmit for only 3 months.
0 points,6 years ago
@JGCMiner Do please understand that this twelve-month commitment goes both ways; not only is the DAO committing to supporting the greatest Dash point of sale software, Anypay is also committing ourselves long-term to the Dash economy. And we make long-term commitments in our business. Our customers, the myriad merchants and consumers who spend Dash every day thanks to Anypay, expect us to stand by Dash and our software for the long haul. We would never dedicate anything less, and insist the Dash investors do the same.
1 point,6 years ago
I am just trying to make suggestions designed to help this proposal pass given the history of the DAO. You, however, seem pretty dead set on keeping the terms of this proposal. That of course is your prerogative.

I wish you luck — I will probably vote YES, but please note that if this doesn’t pass it will not be because MNOs don’t like your POS system... it will be because of the requested funding duration.
4 points,6 years ago
Voting yes. very important work being done by Anypay
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you. It is true that Anypay is directly reponsible for growing the largest real-world Dash economy on Earth, and we are eager to blow that up by orders of magnitude when given fuel for our engines.
1 point,6 years ago
I am confused, you already have Dash integrated into your POS system, so what exactly is the 100 Dash per month going to that is labeled as "Working Global Point of Sale Software?

Additionally, as others have noted not being willing to work with the DAO in regards to the length of the proposal is not a great start.

I am still undecided on my vote so I guess we will see how this pans out.
1 point,6 years ago
With a decent budget we can grow the software to be more useful to more people. We will hire more support staff, hire people to create professional grade guides and tutorials on how to accept Dash in their business, hire translators to internationalize the software so it can be used all over the world, and more.

We will be able to dedicate more resources to simplifying the merchant onboard process to Dash, speed up the user experience by engineering more efficient code. Creating great software is an evolutionary process and although Anypay is already the most successful and simplest retail solution for Dash together we can vastly improve the experience and bring in more delighted consumers to the Dash economy.
1 point,6 years ago
I assume: “Our key product offering will be expanded by offering the following additional functionality:Internationalisation: Now it’s time to expand the Dash point of sale to a global audience by internationalizing the system to support denomination in many fiat currencies, and many spoken languages, which this proposal will allow us to prioritize.Publish quality Dash point of sale system for the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, to bring a high degree of finesse and professionalism to the Dash retail experience.We will also offer a special Dash-branded portal for merchants to set up Anypay, pre-loaded with Dash icons and the ability to accept Dash right away.”
0 points,6 years ago
Seems like a lot of money for software

I really wish these guys had put forward a pre-proposal on the forum...
0 points,6 years ago
An average high quality software developer often earns $100k or more per year, and we already have several developers contributing to Anypay for the last nine months. Up until now our development efforts have all been financed personally because we believe strongly in the Dash mission, but excellent software is expensive.
0 points,6 years ago
Dear anypay,

I have to agree with the other MNOs. It's way too long, no pre-proposal and you haven't been listening to well meant advice. Voted NO.
Please return next month with a shorter proposal (3-Months) and open a pre-proposal in the dash forum.

I also have a technical question:
How did you solve the problem of generating a new address for each transaction, without holding the private keys of your customers?
As far as I have seen it, you are asking the merchant for one single address, which is a privacy nightmare.
Do you have a plan to solve this or are your customers not concerned about this?

Best Regards from Germany

3 points,6 years ago
Hello AnCapital, thank you for your feedback.

Technically Anypay generates a new Dash address in our wallet, and then immediately forwards the funds on to the customer. We have also used Blockcypher in the past to achieve the same result. Of course one can always follow the payment along the block chain to the forwarding address by matching amounts and timing.

We also developed support for generating new addresses using xpubkeys, and are testing that feature with existing wallets. In the past we were unable to recommend xpubkeys due to lack of wallet support but that may be improving, at least with official wallets.

Ideally we will use xpubkeys with as many merchants as possible, until the time that Dash develops more sophisticated privacy technology for retail commerce.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for the quick answer.
That's acceptable privacy for now. When Evo drops, this problem will be solved.
Sorry if I sounded harsh, wasn't my intention.
2 points,6 years ago
To be fair the other MNOs are split on the proposal so far, half in favor and half against.
1 point,6 years ago
You could sweeten the deal for us, because I'm kind of on the fence here.

1. Bitcoin has to be banned to the second place. DASH needs to be in the front. On the Website, on marketing material, in sales pitches, simply on everything.
2. DASH will be the standard payment method.
3. Bitcoin (and other crypto) transactions get a penalty of 1% higher fee -> for at least 10 years.

If this and the fiat payout proposed by mastermined is okay for you, I will change my vote to yes.
0 points,6 years ago
@AnCapitol now that we have agreed to fiat payout can we count on your Yes vote?

Regarding your suggestions to sweeten the deal, yes! We built Anypay specifically for Dash, so Bitcoin has always been second place (75% of our volume is Dash already).

With your support we will be building while sites and builds of our software that are Dash-exclusive.

Of course since Anypay doesn't charge any fees to use any coin we don't plan on adding any fees for any coin. We believe Dash will win with positive incentives like Dash-back which give it a huge advantage over competitors.
1 point,6 years ago
If you submitted a three month proposal, it would probably garner close to unanimous support. Please listen to your potential business partners.
2 points,6 years ago
Why can we not have 3 month based proposals, I would rather re-submission every 3 months than try and vote this down. Hardly ANY 12 months proposals would pass unless they are rock solid and have backing from Core, love the idea and will vote yes but not for 12 month block.
2 points,6 years ago
What do we tell our merchant customers who love all the new business and profits from Dash-Back when we have to pull the program right in the middle of the their busiest tourist season?

To lay our brand on the line for Dash for only three months is a major risk on our end. How do we mitigate that risk other than a longer but reasonable timetable?
2 points,6 years ago
Having a 12 month proposal does not eliminate the major risk of having to pull the program in the middle of their busiest tourist season. The funds are not guaranteed to continue from one month to the next. When you deal with the Dash treasury you are running a month to month risk regardless of how many months the proposal is being asked for.
0 points,6 years ago
If you are performing as per your milestones and communicating properly to the MNOs then you dont have anything to worry about in terms of re-submission, funding and approval. Sorry but firm NO on 12 month proposal. Over the years we have experienced many proposals saying "I believe this is the best thing that will ever happen to Dash", look up Charlie Shrem Payza card and Lamassu proposals.
1 point,6 years ago
Yes it is true Stealth923 that hardly ANY twelve month proposals ought to be funded, but Anypay is most worthy of such distinction.

You see our plan is not simply an idea but is already live and growing and we are raising funds to rapidly accelerate our growth.
2 points,6 years ago
I'll be voting yes but with the expectation to downvote this again before the time is up.

Your Dash Watch reports better be good cause not having a pre-proposal is not a good start.
1 point,6 years ago
Yes, if they had a pre-proposal they would have found out that 12 month proposal terms are ludicrous with the insane volatility in crypto. The fact that Joel told them that and they still refused to change may end up costing them their proposal fee. They are doing great things for Dash, but at the end of the day they are not the only POS system out there, and we will definitely do business with one that listens to us.
2 points,6 years ago
What is the other POS that is useful for retail brick-and-mortar environment that is allowing merchants to accept DASH? I believe I have evaluated them all and none of them do this, and I'd like to know if I'm missing one.
2 points,6 years ago
While Anypay may not be the only POS system out there but nobody else is nearly as successful in converting retail businesses or driving real retail payment volume.

Anypay is staking our brand on Dash because we believe the Dash investors will take the bold actions needed to strike big on a global scale. Do please take our nine month investment growing the world's largest Dash economy as a sign of intense dedication and utmost good faith.

We hear the feedback that some are looking to make a smaller investment and ask to consider our dilemna. How can our talented and growing team dedicate ourselves and our brand fully to Dash with such a short operating window? As Dash-Back grows it will take many customers and prospective merchants months to realize the value of Dash-Back and jump on board.
0 points,6 years ago
If you do your job admirably, you will have no problem receiving further support. These short term deals are designed to protect the network.
3 points,6 years ago
This will be getting Yes from me because this proposal is exactly what will get DASH in stores being used.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you casino!
0 points,6 years ago
Sorry, but 12 months is completely unacceptable, no matter how great the proposal (and I DO think it is great). Any Dash veteran knows exactly why. History taught us the hard way that these lengthy proposals are a gate to hell and I refuse to open it again.

You should have listened to the feedback you got, we're not giving it just for shits and giggles...
0 points,6 years ago
@Macrochip now that other dissenters have agreed to fiat-baded funding and changed their votes to Yes can we count on your support?
0 points,6 years ago
I second what Macrochip says about 12 month proposals. We need to learn from our mistakes.
1 point,6 years ago
Macrochip thank you, we respect your feedback and understand the risk in funding a twelve month proposal.

That said we believe strongly in our product and mission and aim for our track record to be recognized with a more rigorous commitment.
2 points,6 years ago
Love the idea, but voting no. I have been watching the discussion on Discord, and have heard the argument that if this proposal passes, it can be voted down if the price of Dash skyrockets in the future. To me, based on history, this is VERY difficult (although not impossible) and there have been precedents (Lamassu) that have gone awry with such a long time frame for funding. I also saw that the proposers were approached about this, and were unwilling to entertain the thought of making a shorter proposal with an easier to manage term, and to me this is not a good way to open negotiations with the DAO. As I said before, I like this idea, it has tremendous value, but a three month term under the framework of the proposal system makes far more sense to the network than a 12 month one, where with Evolution the Dash price could increase by multiples over that span. I would also look for more flexibility from the proposal owners who are requesting this much Dash. To have my votes, a shorter time frame MUST be included, to satisfy both of my objections to it.
2 points,6 years ago
TaoOfSatoshi Totally reasonable that we would want to invest in more projects when the price of Dash increases. Fortunately with Anypay's system as the price of Dash increases there become more funds available to give back as dash-back to merchants and customers.

Anypay is the only live system that is already growing in person retail adoption and since our Dash-Back program launched we have seen those numbers grow and grow.

With Dash-Back more valuable Dash means more retail transactions we can incentivize, directly growing the Dash economy. No other proposal leads so directly to affecting Dash commerce like Anypay's.
1 point,6 years ago
TaoOfSatoshi we absolutely entertained the though of making a shorter proposal, and debating it for some time before concluding we believe we can provide more value faster with a twelve month commitment.
0 points,6 years ago
Can’t support 12 months. It’s a non-starter.
0 points,6 years ago
Exactly. Voting no for the same reason.
0 points,6 years ago
Hello @hbu66 now that TaoOfSatoshi and others have changed their vote to Yes, can we count on your support?
-2 points,6 years ago
so your fear can be summed that they would receive too much funding IF the price goes up. Why is that a bad thing? More money to incentivize its use. Seems like a good thing to me.