Proposal “YouTubeTVShowAboutDashinPortugueseforthe“ (Completed)Back

Title:YouTube TV Show About Dash in Portuguese for the Brazilian Market
One-time payment: 45 DASH (1223 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 45 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-07-19 / 2017-08-17 (added on 2017-07-11)
Votes: 529 Yes / 10 No / 45 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

Proposal Description 

YouTube TV Show About Dash in Portuguese for the Brazilian Market.

This Funds request is for the continuation of the already-existing channel.  


  • 5 Dash submission cost: sponsored by Dash Brasil website -  ï»¿
  • 40 Dash (1 payment only) for 2 months ( 20 Dash August & 20 Dash September ) covering all 16 Episodes and the Social Media Engagement and Research. (not including the 5 Dash Proposal fee) 
  • Cycle starting: August 2017 and I am committed to turning this project into a long-term career with Dash. 
 ObjectiveDevelop, create and execute a series of 8 Videos in Portuguese ( 1 per week ) introducing Dash for this specific market. Also create 8 video Interviews in Portuguese Via Skype with current users, early adopters and other members involved in Dash and the  Crypto World.As cryptocurrency market in Brazil is very much behind compared to the US / EU market, there is much to be covered. 

Explain and promote Dash to the Brazilian market in Portuguese in order to expand the use of Dash and motivate this specific market to adopt Dash, both as users and as merchants. I believe that the Dash project has seen an increase in adoption, investment and awareness by funding past TV shows and Youtube Channels in English and I am committed to expanding this to another language. I was born and raised in Brazil and moved to the US in 2000. I speak fluently Portuguese and Spanish. 

When you vote yes, I agree to:
  • Make 8 videos about Dash all with a common theme ( see Themes list below ) averaging 10 minutes each in length. Every Tuesday
  • Skype Interview 8 guests to talk about how they got into Crypto Currency and what are the comparison and benefits of Dash. averaging 20 minutes each in length. Every Friday
Social Media Strategy The plan to get more views and followers:After developing a professional looking high Standard TV show in order to impress any other YouTuber and several crypto businesses online, I'm reaching out to every single YouTuber with a small or small medium youtube channel related to the topic of cryptocurrency, and I am inviting then to talk about crypto in a formal professional TV standard interview. From there after they see the video and how professional it looks plus the content and conversation being very up to date, they automatically share the video Interview in their own pages and social media. All videos are posted in the Dash Dinheiro Digital youtube page only, doing so their immediate friends and followers will be curious to see the video interview and automatically land in the Dash Dinheiro Digital Page on YouTube. From there we will reach out to Mid / Large You-tubers and Businesses Channel This is a simple convince and convert technic. Also, all videos have the proper SEO tags, names, options and tips to bring more viewers via Google search analytics organic grown. The Dash Brasil Community is fully behind this project,  already supported me by placing me in contact with key people and with that I manage already to create a hand full of very successful interviews and videos. 

- I’ll conduct a 1-hour daily research for 2 months including weekend about the Brazilian Market cryptocurrency development and engage with key players that are talking about it and manage to cultivate a relationship in order to create opportunities to promote Dash and share this information on social media. 

Communication Strategy
Viewers numbers and reports will be created on a weekly basis in order to re-evaluate the social media strategy and new possible directions based on the results. I am part of over 50 cryptocurrency groups both on Facebook and Telegram where I've been posting those videos and in the 1st week of the channel released we've got over 100 followers and over 1300 views on the channel. 

 My Personal Social Media Numbers and Groups that I am engaged. They are my first target audience.                                                       
  • Instagram - 2803 followers 
  • LinkedIn - 1050 followers
  • Facebook - 2097 followers
  • Twitter - 406 :( followers
  • WhatsApp - 12 Different Groups total of 250 members 
  • Telegram - Dash Brasil Group 950 Members 
  • Telegram - Bitcoin Brasil Group 2250 Members 
  • Facebook Groups 
  • Dash Brasil - 103 members 
  • DASH Brasil 104 members
  • Crypto-Moedas Renda Extra - 9,446 Members
  • Oportunidades de ganhar dinheiro com bitcoins crypto moedas - 160 Members 
  • Bitcoin Brasil - 47,300 Members 
  • Blockchain Brasil - 881 Members
In order to target this specific audience, create a social media force with all platforms to distribute the video content via personalized Dash brand. 

  • Opened  a Youtube Channel “ Dash Dinheiro Digital “ DDD in Portuguese (
  • Opened  a Gmail account in Portuguese (
  • Opened  a Twitter account in Portuguese (
  • Opened an Instagram account in Portuguese
  • Opened a Skype account in Portuguese - dash.dinheiro
  • Opened a WhatsApp Account ( extremely popular in Brazil ) in Portuguese
  • Opened a Facebook Page in Portuguese. (
  • In the beginning, I’ll be reposting those videos on my personal Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn wall in order to maximize the exposure and also I’ll reach out to a few friends and close communities to do so.
  • Created YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook Personalized Page banners. 
 Episode Themes: ( Open to suggestions and order of appearance also working with the Dash Brazil Telegram Community for new themes) 
  • What is Dash
  • The beginning of bitcoin and the decentralized Cryptocurrency Idea and how we compare it to Dash
  • Is there a Maximum Coin Supply in Dash
  • How to Open a Dash Wallet?
  • Difficulties of Buying Dash and other Digital Coins in Brazil.
  • How to use Shapeshift and other Exchange Market tools with Dash
  • Explanation about instant, Private and secure Dash Network
  • Where to Buy Dash?
  • How to start mining Dash.
  • Dash website explanation also Forum and Central
  • How to become a merchant and its benefits
  • Team, Development and Project Information
  • Skype Interview with Davis Dos Santos / MMA Fighter to talk about the impact of Dash Sponsorship in his career ( in Portuguese)
  • Interview with Daniel Diaz (or any other member from ( Portuguese / Spanish ) to talk about his recent visit to Brazil during the 2nd Bitcoin Summit at CoinBR and the direction the Brazilian Market and Latin American Market are going.

I’ll provide the following equipment to record the show. 
  • Laptop - MacBook Pro 17”
  • Laptop - MacBook Pro 15”
  • Laptop – Macbook Air 15”
  • 3 21” Lenovo monitors
  • 1 29” TV with HDMI output
  • Video Encoder using Wirecast
  • Camera - Sony Alpha
  • Webcam Logitech HD1080
  • Mic - USB Badaax
  • Editing Suite - Avid Media Composer
  • Studio – Chroma Key Kit and lights
  • You May Ask what experience do I already have for making Dash videos on YouTube?
  • I’ve been working with Television as a Broadcast Technician for over 10 years and also as a TV / Game Show and Shows host for over 5 years.
  • I’ve made 5 min video resume in 2003 when YouTube was not even a reality. 
  • Just Search on YouTube for Video Curriculum Vitae - Rodrigo Di Paula Ambrissi
  • Also, check my LinkedIn page for my work experience.

Pre-Proposal Links at DASH Forum Dash Treasury  Thank YouRodrigo Ambrissi. - 


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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,6 years ago
I recommend you to put some updates on the forums, and here as well so we learn your achievements and keep us connected to the project.
0 points,7 years ago
You got my support
0 points,7 years ago
hi There, thank You for your Support, the TV Channel is already up and running and in just 3 weeks I've got over 5.500 views, over 340 followers and a huge positive response from the community.
1 point,7 years ago
0 points,7 years ago
You Got it. :)
2 points,7 years ago
Hi MNO's, I just want to say Thank You very much for this opportunity, I am looking forward to having a long term career at Dash with the renewal of this proposal and other projects I have in mind.
0 points,7 years ago
Muito legal Rodrigo, aprovado!
0 points,7 years ago
Obrigado Amigo, voce e Brasileiro ? esta envolvido em algum projeto da Dash ? estou procurando pessas que falam portugues pra criar conteudo para
0 points,7 years ago
Morei 15 anos em SP. Te mando meu contato. []
0 points,7 years ago
In case any MNO is wondering, Brazil is a huge market for cryptocurrencies. Not only because of the size of the population, but also because of historical (and current) national currency instability, strict capital controls and high financial transaction taxation. For instance, you cannot do an international bank transfer from a Brazilian bank account unless the recipient is either yourself or a first degree relative living abroad, otherwise there is a 25% tax and lots of bureaucracy. There is also a 6,38% tax on international purchases made with credit or debit cards. So there is great incentive for using cryptocurrencies to send money abroad. The daily volume in Brazilian bitcoin exchanges is around 700 BTC. So promoting Dash to the Brazilian audience makes a lot of sense. They have my yes vote.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi shadwoknight, Thank You so much for your vote, also I am impress with your knowledge about Brazilian economyand history, and you are right, the Fiat Currency manipulation has been going on in Brazil for the past 70 years, every now and then the government, after printing money with no control, cuts zeros and devalue fiat money and also change the name of the currency, I've already made a videos about this on YouTube, it is in Portuguese but take a look how many names and different paper bills we had in the past 40 years.

I am committed to lead the Dash Digital Cash system to Brazil and to have a long-term career at Dash, I am also developing a plan to present another proposal similar to Amanda B. Johnson, My first Wallet as well.

Thanks again.
1 point,7 years ago
@rodrigo you got my 100% support . i'm impressed with your work ~!!! you deserve this contract to pass , thanks for this great proposal
0 points,7 years ago
Hi @studioz, Thank You for your vote, I appreciate your support, I am committed to developing an even bigger project for Brazil very soon.
1 point,7 years ago
@rambrissi I manually set you as the proposal owner. So you are free to enter the information here.
0 points,7 years ago
If @rambrissi does not own the address where the proposal funds are being sent, is @rambrissi really the owner of the proposal? I'm concerned that this is misleading.
1 point,7 years ago
See this thread:
0 points,7 years ago
top @rango ~!
0 points,7 years ago
Good Day @rango, Thanks for assisting with this, it got me worried over night...I appreciate your help.
1 point,7 years ago
Hi Everyone,

This Proposal was submitted via Dash Treasury, Please see the details in the link above at the Description.

My apologies for the inconvenience to have to click on another page.

Thank You.
1 point,7 years ago
Please figure out how to post your proposal here.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi, IronVape, I am working on it, I was not aware that posting Proposals via Dash Treasury website would not be here as well, at the moment I am getting a message saying that the Private Key for the signature is not available.
1 point,7 years ago
just copy and paste it
0 points,7 years ago
Yea that actually makes sense. Since it wasn't you that created the Proposal but Dash Treasury they have to sign the message.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi @thesingleton, yes I was not aware of that either, Thanks for your patience.
1 point,7 years ago
yes, why not? that is a great youtube tv show! i wish you good luck for the continuation of your work
1 point,7 years ago
Thank You tuapoma for your support, I've tried to make this look as professional as possible to enter a new market in a different language. I really appreciate your support.
0 points,7 years ago
I'm not going to search info about your proposal on other websites. If you wanna get funded, please, provide all information here. Thank you.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Dima, Please take a look at the description of my proposal, it is available now, Dash Treasury just made me the owner of the proposal and this allowed me to make the necessary changes, I am looking forward to your support.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi, Dima, I am working on it, I was not aware that posting Proposals via Dash Treasury website would not be here as well, at the moment I am getting a message saying that the Private Key for the signature is not available.
-1 point,7 years ago
Could you please make a post in the Forums. Also, it's generally not a good idea to submit an official proposal before doing a pre-proposal to see if there is even any interest.
2 points,7 years ago
Hi there, I did submit a pre-proposal both at the Forum and at the Treasury last month and all comments and requests to change a few things were made accordingly, I even submitted my proposal via the Biltongs's PEC for review. I've been in contact with a few key players whom also had similar Proposals in the past in the US and got approved, and they also review my proposal and requested changes that were done. The Market in Brazil just got some big news after the website started selling Dash Via Bank Deposit a few weeks ago.
You can check out his interview in English a few days ago to Dash Force News, There is a big momentum building up in that market and this proposal is key for it's expansion.
2 points,7 years ago
Well if you have a pre-proposal please link to it.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi thesingleton, Thanks for your input, I did add both links of my pre-proposal to the proposal... Thanks
0 points,7 years ago
Nice. Voting yes. If you could also post your proposal here on DashCentral that would be great.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank You for your vote, I am working with Dash Treasury in making sure my proposal is also displayed here. Thanks
1 point,7 years ago
3 points,7 years ago
Hi, I know it's a pain, but you should cut and paste your proposal into the description, along with any links to other forums where it's being discussed. It may seem like a lot of work for you, but if MN owners have to search this info out, each one, it's 1000x the work you'd have to do ;P Also, the link above will soon be buried when other comments come in.

Don't forget, this is your project, you want to sell it to voters. You have to make it easy and appealing and get the voter's attention. If you lose them to a blank page, well, you've thrown away your 5 dash, no?
0 points,7 years ago
Hi TanteStefana, Please take a look at the description of my proposal, it is available now, Dash Treasury just made me the owner of the proposal and this allowed me to make the necessary changes, I am looking forward to your support.
-1 point,7 years ago
Hi TanteStefana

Thanks for your input, I just added both links from my pre-proposal at the Dash Forum and Dash Treasury, Also I did submit the Formal Proposal via Treasury webpage, but for some reason, the title here is not appearing, see below the link for the formal proposal at the Dash Treasury web page. Thank You