Proposal “Wifi-Portal“ (Completed)Back

Title:Wifi-Portal for Retail Instore Purchasing
One-time payment: 200 DASH (5140 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 200 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-02-06 / 2016-03-22 (added on 2016-02-02)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 1203 Yes / 115 No / 0 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

I have heard a lot of requests to keep working on something for vendor adoption.  Well, now that there are some open budget funds, I would rather get started on the first building block.

One of the ideas with the Vendor Experience was to create a wifi portal to order products. A web portal is a device that you can connect to with a wifi device(a phone for example).  When you connect to the portal it forces you to go to a single webpage.  Technically, this is called a Captive Web Portal.  This is the webpage we will use for ordering.

The web portal will run on a single board computer for our testing.  I have picked an Odroid-XU4.  I envision this as the first step to the final product which is being able to pay with Dash via the wifi portal at a retail store or even a vending machine directly with a mobile phone.

I have negotiated with a web developer that has a good track record of making websites to help create a website for this project.  I expect this to look like a professional ordering website tailored to mobile phone ordering.

The funds will be used for:
  • Odroid-XU4, antenna, relay board(future projects), and shifter board to convert the Odroid-XU4 outputs to be relay compatible.
  • Paying for web design services
  • Engineering required to put all this together.

The result and what will be delivered to the community is:
  • Step by step guide to build the portal
  • Website and it's content
  • An overview of what it does and how it works

This project completes the first building block.  The next phases will implement paying with Dash and interfacing with the mobile wallets to send payments.  The final goal will be to use in a retail store with phone UPC scanning and checkout via the Dash Fast Lane.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,8 years ago
Project complete. See the summary here:
0 points,9 years ago
Not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but doesn't it seem like a wallet app with a "vendor mode" that involves a pub bip-32 chain makes more sense? It could be a company device, or the existing device of the employee... Doesn't matter. This is why more leeway... The idea that seems good at first may not seem like such a good idea as you go along... This is why "deliverables" in a dynamic unknown environment don't work out... You just hire somebody to deal with it, because you don't even know what "it" is yet. Continue to follow through on a thing when you've realized it's not the right path, just because you have to deliverable for the people who don't get it? No reflection on Solarminer, I know he's only doing what you asked of him... But this is exactly what... Oh, nevermind... Why do I even try...
0 points,9 years ago
Interesting budget proposal, i have no problems voting yes for this one.
1 point,9 years ago
I like this proposal, its better than previous, concise, clear goals, clear outcome, and significantly cheaper! Well done!
1 point,9 years ago
This is good for a start of an ambitious project. One step at a time!
1 point,9 years ago
Vendor will receive payment with their choice of Dash or fiat. The exchange rate on the day of the single payment will be used for any conversion equivalent to the coinbase $/btc X shapeshift btc/Dash.
1 point,9 years ago
Will the vendor receive Dash or fiat?