Proposal “WeAreChange-Phase2“ (Closed)Back

Monthly amount: 127 DASH (3487 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-04-18 / 2018-07-17 (added on 2018-04-19)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 316 Yes / 108 No / 85 Abstain

Proposal description


As one of the biggest independent media organizations out there, we decided to start slowly with the DASH community to prove ourselves, and thankfully we received our 50 DASH for one month after we put in a proposal.

We are happy that less than two weeks into our DASH Sponsorship we have already achieved over 1,000,000 web impressions of media with the DASH logo prominently displayed, including over 750,000 Facebook video views, and over 450,000 YouTube views. These numbers so far dwarf our competitors who were sponsored by far more DASH.

We have also implemented our plan of getting people involved in DASH, and creating their own wallets, by giving out a total of $1,000 in DASH via our live streams while explaining how to use DASH. We are encouraging our viewers to please begin using this cryptocurrency, as by supporting it, they are in turn supporting us. A document with both a detailed account and the list of DASH recipients will be posted at the bottom.

As we grow this brand and continue to do weekly giveaways during live broadcasts, we are about to announce our first contest getting our community involved by giving $1000 in DASH to one of our viewers who comes up with the best use for it. In a very small amount of time we have not only incorporated DASH into our original media but emersed our audience in its usefulness. Luke Rudkowski has also been around the world speaking at events regarding the power of DASH and will continue to speak about DASH at such big conferences as Llibertopia, Freedomfest, the Free and Equal conference, and many others.


Expanding has been no small task as our operation is running on two people the majority of the time with minimal equipment and resources. Our hope is to be able to hire a full-time writer as well as a full-time correspondent that can travel in the light of breaking news. We would also like to hire someone from the DASH discord to help us spearhead projects that promote innovation and the adaptation of DASH. This would also involve our $1000 DASH giveaways to members of our community that are attempting to make a difference.

On the equipment side, we plan on buying a new workstation capable of more live streaming features that will allow us to multicast up to 4 locations simultaneously raising our visibility. We also plan on getting a standard desktop, a new DSLR camera, and audio equipment including microphones to be more effective at our job.

Upon securing these things we should be able to increase our output and reach even further, this is why we are humbly asking for 150 DASH over the next 3 months to not only continue to promote DASH but expand the use of DASH, content relating to it and the number of people that utilize it.

Detailed Account of content -

List of giveaway recipients -

We thank you for supporting our work and hopefully, we can do more for you in the future.
Peace and Respect,

Luke Rudkowski

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,6 years ago
Confused that there isn't a video explaining the proposal.
0 points,6 years ago
Yes from me.
3 points,6 years ago
Hi lukewearechange, I enjoy your work especially, stuff like confronting people like member from Rothschild.

But I can not see myself voting yes for this, unlike yourself putting yourself out there in a hardcore way, I have not seeing your viewers lining up to support you by buying Dash and or defending/promoting/learning about/teaching Dash.

They don't just have to complain now, they can be part of building a better world now by supporting you by buying and using Dash, with the added benefit that Dash may very well be worth more, I call that a win, win.

If you can get the ball rolling on that, this proposal would an easy yes, and otherwise it just charity while Dash has plenty of other proposal that support the network in a more meaning full way.

At any rate best of luck to you, in all your endeavors
1 point,6 years ago
Voting yes for now in the hope your viewers will understand it's a 2 way street.
2 points,6 years ago
i totally agree and what ive been saying to our community with this new proposal we will hire a full time guy just working on that
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you, I will look forward to seeing who your it's going to progress.

Personally I came to bitcoin, because I wanted to invest, and I said after uncovering the truth, I have had some battles myself with banks and police, due to the fact that I trading with people directly. Having does experiences first hand I felt very unmotivated when I became confronted that most people simply not caring about standing there ground for crypto, even do I explained to them what it was freedom from "the money as debt" slavery system we live under.

I truly hope you have more success bringing in some more soldiers !
1 point,6 years ago
Hey Luke, glad to have you aboard.

Can you do a line item breakdown of how much Dash is allocated to different things each month.

1. Graphic on the WAC videos with sponsorship acknowledgement shoutout = x-amount Dash

2. Weekly Crypto news show with same sponsorship package, banners/graphic and shoutout. = x-amount Dash

3. How much for giveaways/contest = x-amount Dash

4. Salaries = x-amount Dash

5. Widgets, Equipment, ETC = x-amount Dash

Is there a Dash exclusivity agreement? Would you agree to one like Ben Swann has?
-1 point,6 years ago
yes and yes, most of that information is already in this pitch, we could create another one with all of the items you requested and yeah i would def sign an exclusivity agreement.
0 points,6 years ago
Please do, I would like to see a estimated monthly breakdown of cost for this current proposal.
2 points,6 years ago
Well I like this just not sure if it will fit this month.
3 points,6 years ago
Your videos are good but we have had very mixed results with converting sponsorships and views views into dash use. Apart from the give aways, do you have any plans to get people to start using dash?
0 points,6 years ago
yeah dash only products content,

plus a contest with the best idea to the use of $1,000 worth of DASH that we will giveaway

as well as hiring someone from the dash discord to work on that very idea of expanding dash use.
1 point,6 years ago
With a small budget left, a plan to increase use for dash might be good to think about as sponsorships alone dont always lead to product use. Best wishes, Jeremy.
1 point,6 years ago
Love your work Luke. That said, I keep questioning the ROI here. Voting YES.
1 point,6 years ago
Great website and very informative. But I don't believe it is the purpose of Dash network to be full time supporting media outlets other than our own Dash Force. The budget is tight and projects that specifically develop and promote Dash should be our focus. This is asking for $55,000 a month for the next 3 months. I can understand small donations, maybe voted through Dashboost.
0 points,6 years ago
Voted yes luke
-2 points,6 years ago
I love this and voting yes right now!
1 point,6 years ago
Love seeing your comment interaction and wallet setups. That does so much for Dash!
1 point,6 years ago
thanks, we will continue to do that, plus looking for more ways to spread adoption of DASH
-1 point,6 years ago
Big fat Yes.
-1 point,6 years ago
Yes from me.
2 points,6 years ago
thank you so much