Proposal “WachsmannPR“ (Closed)Back

Title:PSA: Wachsmann PR
One-time payment: 5 DASH (135 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-03-19 / 2018-04-18 (added on 2018-03-20)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 104 Yes / 593 No / 58 Abstain

Proposal description

-Wachsmann is unbiased at sending press releases
-There's no conflict of interest with their other customers
-We know how much Core has paid and is paying them
-They get Ryan on CNBC like Charlie Lee and big sites like coindesk 
-@Dashpay is focused on getting traffic directed to and not random sites
(to improve retention rate and wallet downloads from click-throughs)

All of this has been answered below in the comments!

Thanks for your time.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,6 years ago
Voted no - mainly because I just don't understand the proposal. Not all the MNOs follow all the details. I would need a couple of paragraphs in the proposal description that tell me what you are doing.
0 points,6 years ago
Looking at the (now changed) proposal description, i think its safe to say this "personal announcement" has ran its course.
Feedback has been processed it seems and we can all move on again.
0 points,6 years ago
is this another 'investigative journalism' attempt from DFN ?
i really hope NOT !!
this is turning into a kindergraden with outside people pushing agendas here - and i REALLY hope DFN has nothing to do with this and stays clear as far as they can
i do not understand why KarmaFund is burning his reputation with this
(double checked on all sides if people get their press releases in time = they all DO !)
1 point,6 years ago
Its look like DFN became more a problem than a solution to Dash in time.
4 points,6 years ago
DFN had nothing to do with creating this proposal.
9 points,6 years ago
The characterization of this announcement is completely inaccurate, and I would be shocked if the team at Dash Force News agreed with its contents, as we have received no recent complaints and any issues have long been resolved. The Dash Core Group and Wachsman have been working together closely over the past 18 months to promote Dash and its role as the top digital currency for payments. As part of our partnership with Wachsman, we’ve made every attempt to prioritize Dash Force News as a primary and early recipient of Dash related news news and announcements. The facts simply do not support these accusations.

In 2018, thus far there have been nine press releases sent on behalf of Dash, (for partnership / integration / new hire announcements), all of which were sent to Dash Force News. Dash Force News's two designated recipients are usually the first emails sent. Only one release in 2018 was sent late to Dash Force News, and then only by a couple of hours. On that day, January 8, 2018, Wachsman widely distributed a press release regarding the integration of Dash and BitINKA. On that day, Wachsman conducted a “manual send,” or specific, targeted distribution of the news with custom email content for each recipient and inadvertently distributed the press release late in the process to Dash Force News. Subsequent to the initial distribution, a senior executive from Wachsman was notified by a reporter at Dash Force News that they had been missed on this particular distribution and an action plan was implemented immediately. Since that time, Dash Force News is the first publication to receive any Dash-related material on standard distributions. Said another way, both of the Dash Force News main reporters now receive Dash related press releases as the first recipients upon any wider media distribution.

In 2017, a total of four press releases were not sent to Dash Force News on time as a result of human error. As stated earlier, this issue was rectified as per direct correspondence between Wachsman executives and Dash Force News when we became aware of the multiple missed distributions out of a much larger number. We believe Wachsman has fully rectified this situation, incorporating procedures that ensure that all relevant press releases are sent to Dash Force News first. Since then, there have been zero instances in the past three months in which Dash Force News was left off of a distribution list.

In some rare instances, where the news is of significant merit, Wachsman may offer exclusives or embargoed announcements to top-tier news outlets, where the benefit of mainstream news coverage may outweigh the benefit of coverage in lower-traffic publications. This technique is conducted rarely, and only where Wachsman and Dash Core mutually agree that this is the best approach for maximum benefit to Dash.

While we and Wachsman PR regret the instances where Dash Force News was missed or late in the announcement distribution, we have already worked together to ensure that this doesn’t happen again and we are confident that this won’t be a recurring issue in the future. Wachsman has proven to be a strong partner to the DCG and Dash broadly since we hired them in late 2016, and they are invested in the long-term success of the project. From the steady stream of trade and mainstream news coverage they generate for Dash, to their timely advice and expert support, Wachsman has been valuable across our long term engagement. Other PR firms have been hired by the DAO, including quite recently, and Wachsman has consistently performed well in comparison gaining exposure for Dash. The allegations outlined in this proposal are entirely unfounded, grossly exaggerated, or patently false. It is apparent that the author does not have direct knowledge of the facts or that the issues were already rectified to Dash Force News' satisfaction. The proposal also cites “conflict of interest” and “sending press releases to paid customers,” which are completely inaccurate statements. Wachsman is in the business of earned media only, and not “pay for play” opportunities for Dash, which is not a strategy we would condone. If anything, Dash Force News is now afforded preferential treatment relative to other news outlets.
2 points,6 years ago
Since this is all already out there--*sigh*--it seems there are some discrepancies as to what Wachsman PR is saying that they're doing and how DFN has perceived Wachsman's efforts to keep them in touch, at least from what I've been reading here and in other venues. I wish we could have handled this through other channels, but here it is.

That being said, whether due to misunderstanding, miscommunication, or malice, things are not adding up between these accounts, and it is certainly something that needs to be reconciled, since we're funding all of these projects. I suppose it falls to us to mediate conflict--if there is indeed actually conflict and not misunderstanding on the part of one or more parties.

One thing I will bring up, since you're here, is that it's difficult due to the decentralized nature of the proposals we fund, to keep track of all the different projects that are out there, because beyond what we as MNOs do and fund, Core also has all of their own projects they're either funding or coordinating, and increasing quality and frequency of communication has been a big theme of the MNO/Core discourse lately.

So we need to ensure that what you seem to genuinely believe is the case squares with how DFN perceives it.

Do you or the rest of Core have any thoughts on how we might go about reconciling this apparent conflict?
5 points,6 years ago
If the leadership team at Dash Force News is still experiencing issues with these distributions, I am not aware that is occurring. No one from Dash Force News has expressed any concerns since the episode in January. I have been assured that the CFO announcement that went out this morning was emailed to DFN first.

I suspect this proposal was either a well-meaning public service announcement that was based on stale information / rumors from months ago that are still circulating, or possibly old-fashioned FUD. What I can say for certain is that as far as I am aware, reconciliation of this issue occurred months ago when a member of Dash Force News brought it to our attention. If there are still issues occurring, members of DFN have not contacted me to express so. If any issues are being experienced by their team, I and the rest of the DCG leadership team stand ready to respond.

Given this complaint is coming from a third party seemingly without direct knowledge of the situation and not from DFN leadership, my best guess is that the information is simply incorrect. But if Mark or Joel would like further changes made because they still feel errors are occurring, they are welcome to (and should) contact Fernando or myself so that we can look into it properly as we did in January and take corrective action. Mistakes can and do occur, but we definitely are looking to help improve the process if there are opportunities to do so.
4 points,6 years ago
In short... the best way for any apparent conflict to be resolved is through communication between the two parties involved. I believe this has already been done and this post was unnecessary.
6 points,6 years ago
First I want to say I had no idea about this proposal. I usually refrain from commenting on Dash Central as I'm not a masternode owner, I try to only comment on proposals I'm directly involved in.

This proposal took me by surprise especially After ‘feel good’ Friday where we had the evolution demo 1 video release and defensive patent announcement. I didn’t expect this as I would have thought everyone's attention would be purely focussed on the new logo/s reveal and vote this week.

As Dash Force News is at the very heart of this and has come in to question. I feel I have no option but to comment and provide some input for sake of clarity for the masternode network.

For this part I only want to deal in facts and let others decide. For transparency regarding yesterdays press release "Dash Core Group Announces Glenn Austin As New Chief Financial Officer".

According to RSS feed the article 'Dash Core Group Announces Glenn Austin As New Chief Financial Officer' was published 20 Mar 2018 14:13:01

For clarity I received an email with CFO press release 20 Mar 2018 14:04
(email blanked out as it’s my personal address)

To corroborate Ryan’s message. I did receive an apology from Wachsman PR.

On 8th January 2018 - Jesse Platz Wachsman PR - sent a release distribution apology email and promised Dash Force would now be moved to the very top of our media list so that we would always get the Dash Press Releases at the very start of each distribution.

Wachsman PR Memory Lane for Masternode Owners:

This would not have been my forum of choice to bring up this matter. However Dash Core and Dash Force are both Dash Funded Organisations from the Dash DAO treasury. We are contractors to the Masternode Network and as our employers we are accountable to them. Is Wachsman PR accountable to the masternode network though? I think that’s the root of the problem here.

I do appreciate that this situation is perhaps awkward as it’s my understanding that Ryan and David Wachsman were friends prior to agreement. I’m sure that was already made public on Wachsman PR announcement. So if you didn’t know that please don’t shoot the messenger.

As Amanda has pointed out before with her previous proposal ( Wachsman PR are good at focussing on financial/banking publications. I think Amanda was right to state that although it may float Ryan’s boat as a former Wall-Street financial guy, a more strategical audience for mass adoption is needed as well and is not currently being targeted. My point being that it has already been established and voted on by the masternode network that there is a direct need to focus on ‘non-financial’ people to quote Amanda’s video in terms of publications and media outlets.

Now this part is my opinion which has been formed over time on the basis of masternodes asking me questions about Wachsman PR in public, in private and my personal experience. I’ve heard opinions on both sides of the fence so to speak including Core members as well as strategic partners.

IF there was a well connected established PR solution that came to the table that put forward or even better a multi-pronged strategy approach covering all angles with multiple PR firms to get more Dash coverage on:
Tech publications like (The Verge, Engadget, TechCrunch, Wired, Gizmodo etc.)
Major News Tabloids (Huffington Post, The New York Times, & other international press etc.)
Worldwide Guest TV Appearances (RT, BBC, Fox, CNN, CNBC, Fox, etc.)

I would give my full support, scream “Yahoo” take my Dash t-shirt off and swing it above my head in victory. Or a typical Friday night for me. Lol.

I’ve been asked what my opinions on Wachsman PR from masternodes for a long time now as many feel Dash isn’t getting the full attention and coverage it deserves. As publications like banklesstimes, cryptoninjas, valuewalk, chipin that are currently being used are very niche to put it politely.

Although the timing for this conversation could have been better I personally believe this was inevitably going to happen at some point. So I feel these are the real issues that need exploring. It’s up to masternodes to express how they feel. Please let me know if you agree or disagree.

1. Wachmans PR is not accountable to Masternode Network. (Unable to vote in or out)
2. Masternodes want more Dash PR and outreach with more main-stream coverage in tech/tabloid publications and TV Network appearances. They are not happy with status-quo where press releases are currently shared.
3. Masternodes have no metrics or information about work conducted by Wachsman PR to be able to make an informed decision. Well actually they can’t make a decision as they are not able to vote on them. Even still, as Dash Core is using treasury funds to pay them, masternode owners should have the right to know how that Dash is being spent.
4. Monthly updates focus on on generic Dash terms and search trends reports and not any actual work they have performed themselves.
5. I have personally found it a bit odd that Core team members have used Wachsman PR as a personal secretary service and also managing their calendars (I won’t mention names but you know who you are). Also using an external 3rd party (Wachsman PR) that represent other blockchain clients to internally communicate from Dash Core to Dash Force is probably not the wisest decision. (Sorry but it’s true)

How many times has Wachsman PR tweeted about Dash? How many clients did they have when Dash was added as a client and how many do they have now? I don’t need to answer because I know masternodes are already aware. Understandably masternodes don’t won’t to rock the boat with Core. Neither do I, I don't want the drama. However with the Evolution release fast approaching masternode sentiment for marketing, advertising is at an all time high. Now we are faced with a crypto advertising ban trend on social networks Facebook, Google and now Twitter. PR is now an instrumental and vital component in getting the Dash message out there. So from this proposal I’m sensing frustration as at this stage perhaps masternodes feel we should be doing better than we currently are and most importantly should be fully utilizing our treasury first mover advantage to really put Dash on the map. #DashCanAffordThis

Secrets and lies kill relationships. No matter how careful you are, you will get caught. The truth always comes out one way or another. So instead of skipping around the issues hoping no one will see them or question them, lets face them head on and tackle them.

We shouldn’t be scared of asking hard questions even if they are uncomfortable if it is for the betterment of Dash. We have the gift of governance we should embrace it not shy away from it.

Or as Fernando says “I like messy”. We shouldn’t be scared to say how we really feel.

The only circle of trust I truly care about is the masternode network.

My allegiance is the network, to decentralization.

We're all replaceable including Dash Core, Dash Force but the DAO my friends, the DAO is constant.

Once again I will state that I did not have any prior knowledge of this proposal. I’m only commenting as Dash Force has come in to question. However with that being said If I can’t be honest with the masternode network about my experience and how things really work behind the scenes. I would suggest that you’re focussing on the wrong issue and not the problem being raised.

I don’t want to make enemies, upset people or start counter-productive rifts. I just want Dash to succeed.

Angry Skype Call from Ryan incoming in 3,2,1.... (♫Skype Ringtone♫ ) Help! ;-)
5 points,6 years ago
It has come to my attention that my comment that alluded to Ryan and David Wachsman being friends prior to agreement is false information and I would like to publicly apologize to both Ryan and David.

I've just had a Skype call with Ryan Taylor to discuss a number of issues raised on both sides. I don't want the masternode network to worry, everything is absolutely fine between Dash Core and Dash Force. We've got a big week ahead with the logo rebranding and lots of exciting upcoming news.
3 points,6 years ago
This is all interesting, but you're taking this to a different direction. The question of whether or not WachsmannPR is good at what they do, or whether they are covering the audiences we would like them to cover, is entirely different from the concern being raised by the proposal owner, which is focused on DFN being treated unfairly, and allegations of there being a conflict of interest / corruption. If the latter issue has already been resolved since early January, then it completely negates the premise of this proposal.
0 points,6 years ago
The facts part of your reply was more then sufficient for this discussion, as it confirms a promise from Wachsman PR that Dash Force News would now be moved to the very top of their media list so that they would always get the Dash Press Releases at the very start of each distribution.

I have to say these kind of budget proposals which are not attended to seek funding or seek polling of the network but are purely created out of frustration of people really test my patience as masternode owner. There are more then enough budget proposals to read, analyse and vote upon this month without these kind of budget proposals getting thrown in the mix.
0 points,6 years ago
attended --> intended
6 points,6 years ago
@Instakarmafund - I don't believe this is the appropriate venue to discuss these largely internal matters. We have a MNO-only channel on Discord in which I know you participate. You could have brought up the issue there, but you didn't. Several of us have implored you to reconsider your behavior and conduct even recently due to your own apparent conflicts of interest as both a MNO and a Proposal Owner. How else can we tell you that you're going the wrong way? Learn some impulse control. Your behavior affects all of us.
1 point,6 years ago
You do realize that most of DFN aren't even MNOs, right, let alone the reps of Wachsman. How are they supposed to contribute to this when only one of them--as far as I know--is a MNO? So irresponsible.
5 points,6 years ago
Voted no:
* DashCentral is not for PSAs
* If Dash Force News was really unhappy with the situation they could raise the issue themselves.
* Your poll is ambiguous: a Yes might mean "give back the proposal fee" or it might mean "I agree that this is a problem and the parties mentioned should take the specific actions you mentioned".
* Ultimately the voting system is for distributing, or ceasing to distribute, funds. It's much too blunt a tool for anything but the most basic polling (should we increase the blocksize, should we decrease masternode collateral, lower the proposal fee, etc)

Please interpret the loss of your proposal fee as a harsh "don't do that" from the rest of the network.
2 points,6 years ago
I feel like this polling of the network by a third party is just used to bring up an internal matter, which could have been (and frankly should have been) resolved through more appriopriate communication channels. Since i suspect budget proposal owner already got what he/she wanted (highlighting this issue to the Dash community and receiving feedback from Dash Core-Team), i consider this matter closed with regards to this month budget funding allocation.

I will vote NO to free up the 5 Dash for other budget proposals as there seem to be a whole lot of budget proposals this month, that will most likely end up fighting each other over funding. Also budget proposal owner already stated this is not about the fee.
5 points,6 years ago
Interesting. I can only give my personal experience....
I started the Dash Force news website and pay the bill every month but have never gotten one press release from Wachsmann even after requesting to be added several times.
I think Joel and/or Mark have recently started getting press releases regularly but usually only after other news outlets have published them first.
0 points,6 years ago

When you say pay the bill, do you mean that DFN is a client of Wachsman PR?
1 point,6 years ago
Hi Ancestor, Mastermined can correct me if I am wrong. However, to my knowledge, Mastermined is the administrator and founder of DashForceNews, he handles the finances and that kind of stuff. I am not sure to what extent he deals with the articles, Joel or Mark are the key players in that game.
Hopefully that helped!
0 points,6 years ago
Between Dashforcenews, Core, Wachsman and Dash, I was losing track of who reports to whom, hence the question. Thanks for your reply Pasta
1 point,6 years ago
Wow, a lot of frustration and much ball dropping occuring here. InstantKarmaFund putting 5 dash on the line to try and set things right as he sees them, a pretty big statement on its own.

People need to get their act together now, we have Evolution coming out sometime this year and we all need to be heading in the same direction.....together!

Voting yes to try and get the proposers 5 dash back.
3 points,6 years ago
The budget will very full this month.

I’d rather an additional proposal be funded than vote to give back the Dash — especially as this might have been solved by simply getting Core, DFN, and the PR firm on a conference call and not airing dirty laundry in front of the masternodes.
2 points,6 years ago
I think the essence of your argument is that the quality of PR coming out of Wachsman is not good. You may have a point there. Unfortunately they have no obligation to the network or DFN, only to Core. So I dont think its right calling them out on their professionalism?

Next time we can vote down proposals involving Wachsman.
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the PSA.

This isn't surprising or unbelievable. Core/Ryan is sadly incapable of running marketing:

-Fernando as CMO (too slow for Facebook, too slow for Google, too slow for crypto)

-Ogilvy (honestly, do they even exist?)

Very thankfully more than half a dozen independent marketing teams are now picking up the slack. Thanks to Feedbands, Dashmaximalist, Strike Social, Scott Farnsworth, Algodon/Venezuela, etc. for filling in this hole.

This is decentralization at work. Give Core development and conferences, ignore them on marketing.
2 points,6 years ago
And DFN, obviously, who is there day in and day out.
0 points,6 years ago
Really? Did you forget the strife caused advertising campaigns a year ago (and still do). Core wanted to do a proper professional re-brand (assisted by Ogilvy) that would be compatible worldwide. And then core would start considering advertising after that. And if you are paying any attention Fernando said that the only delays were primarily because another well known branding guy jumped in & the whole fact that this is a huge change and Dash will have to live with these changes for years to come. With all do respect, to say core is incapable of marketing right before the campaigns start is stupid. Who cares about google anyway.. we have more workarounds than most crypto's to that. I'm glad core waited because it allowed more work in other areas.
2 points,6 years ago
Mate, Core has done ZERO advertising. Ogilvy straight ran off with the money and Fernando has been asleep at the wheel while one ad publisher after another bans crypto.
1 point,6 years ago
Personally I think this is a non-issue. Nothing you have said here is shocking or seems unfair. If DFN is salty about not getting the scoop first that isn't the concern of the MNOs.

Could you elaborate on other instances of these "repeated and incessant unfair practices"?

I think one of our weaknesses is we congregate around DFN instead of spreading around to other sites and having influence on those sites as well. But that is neither here nor there.
5 points,6 years ago
It's not about "being salty" or "getting the scoop first" - it's about being professional.

I'll ask DFN to see if I can get a document together to show time stamps.

I think one of our weaknesses is that we don't have exposure on major news sites and nobody knows how awesome Dash is. If we are aiming for mass adoption, we should at least have a place on the grand stage to attract developers to Evolution Platform. That is a direct result of the PR firm.