Proposal “Venezuela-1st-Dash-Nation“ (Closed)Back

One-time payment: 198 DASH (5363 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-06-18 / 2018-07-18 (added on 2018-06-20)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 578 Yes / 149 No / 8 Abstain

Proposal description


Countrywide massive adoption strategy

Dash Caracas was the first Dash Community in Venezuela, and since its foundation the Dash phenomenon in our country has been huge and without precedents. That is why we founded Dash Venezuela, an organization that works without a rest to make of Venezuela the 1st Dash Nation, helping all of the leaders of Dash Communities and projects in Venezuela to work in a collaborative environment, and making of Dash the most popular cryptocurrency in Venezuela.

You can find all about DASH Caracas’ events here:

You can find everything about DASH Venezuela here:


It will take place on saturday July 28th in Teatro Santa Rosa de Lima.
Here you can see our detailed budget:


After 7 months of work, our team has grown considerably, and for our meetings and for the training sessions we organize to the team members and the entrepreneurs, we used to rent different venues for the day. Because of the increased volume of the work, now it is cheaper to rent an entire office for the whole month than the individual rents. Here you can see our detailed budget:

Here you can see the summary budget and total request for this proposal:

Dear MNOs, please read and vote for this proposal. Thank you very much!

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,6 years ago
Why would we not just vote to approve this one?
0 points,6 years ago
Would it be funded if it passed? It was a past proposal that passed last month but wasn't funded because of budget constraints.

Besides that point, I think Dash Venezuela has a new proposal for this month. They actually received 148 Dash in crowdfunding for the proposal that wasn't funded last month.

If anything Eugenia is wanting to submit a new proposal and wants this voted down, because of honesty on her part. I have noticed that she hasn't been as active in Dash online channels and from my own research around Venezuela, I can assure you it is because she is working more than full time for Dash.
0 points,6 years ago
It would not be funded if passed. The end_epoch, which is basically the time which the proposal is deleted, is for Wednesday, July 18, 2018 5:57:36 AM, which is before the next superblock, so this proposal has no chance of getting funded and as such should (likely) be voted down to remove confusion.
1 point,6 years ago
I would like to propose a concept for the MNOs to consider on how we could establish DASH in Venezuela and in return have the DASH price increase dramatically.

If the DASH treasury represents 10% of all DASH and that is 6176.72 DASH per month then since the MNOs have 45% of the block reward all MNOs receive around 27,792 DASH per month. At today´s price that is equal to 6,948,000 Million USD. Look what has been achieved with very little DASH invested in Venezuela. Imagine what this sort of money could achieve. We could really start achieving some things in Venezuela with this amount of DASH injection.

This DASH could be held by a trusted party perhaps someone like Evan Duffield or Ryan Taylor? We would then have a fighting chance of establishing DASH in Venezuela with this amount of money to fund a Venezuela DAO.

If we keep doing half measures we are only going to half measures. I don´t know about the other MNOS but I´ve had enough of the DASH price decreasing each month. It is time to make it increase in price and the only way we are going to do that is with massive investment funds.

Here are some approximate financial calculations on the ROI if Venezuela converts to DASH.

The country´s Gross domestic product is 349 Billion USD in 2017 bear in mind this is including when the currency has completely crashed. Also bear in mind that Venezuela has more oil reserves than any country in the world but cannot invest in its infrastructure at the moment due to the currency issues and therefore cannot tap into that wealth.

Let is just make a conservative assumption that only 25% of the 349 Billion USD could be in DASH within the next two years. That would give a DASH market cap of around 89 Billion. There are 8.1 million DASH coins that would give a DASH price of $10,987 USD per coin. That would make each masternode worth around $109,870,000 USD

Bear in mind that if Venezuela adopted DASH as a parallel currency that this would create a world wide media sensation and many more millions of investors would pile in to invest in DASH. Venezuela would have a currency that was open source, decentralized uncensorable and trustworthy and credible. The people would not only benefit but also the Government of Venezuela because they would have access to a digital money that is trusted world wide and could not be blocked or sanctioned. Unfortunately at the moment no matter what solution the Venezuelan government put forward it is not going to work due to the sanctions against Venezuelan government but DASH could provide a solution not only to the people but also to the Government. The government just need to realise this. They are doing the best they can but they will not be successful to bypass the sanctions with their own cryptocurrency.

My question is would it be a good return on investment for MNOs to take the chance to donate just 1 month’s worth of earnings to have the very real chance of each masternode being worth around 109 Million in a few years? What if we were asked if we would be willing to donated an entire year´s worth of DASH earnings to Venezuela? Would it be worth it if a Masternode went up to 109 Million?

If we donated that volume of money I think the conversion of Venezuela would be inevitable and it would happen very fast because then we would have unlimited financial resources.

What Im proposing here is that we start with just 1 month´s worth of DASH rewards and then assess after one month to see if we need more funds or not.

The other option is we keep limping along hoarding our DASH rewards each month hoping that something spectacular is going to happen to the DASH price on its own. It is not going to happen fokes. We need to do something. Our DASH price is decreasing each month. We have to take action. We can´t keep relying on core. Their role is software development. Our role is to make solid business decisions to boost the value of DASH.

I say let us consider taking a calculated investment. Let us MAKE IT HAPPEN instead of sitting around on our backsides hoping things are going to happen. I´ve learn the only way in life to have success is the following

a) have the right idea at the right time (we have this)
b) have the right product at the right time (we have this)
c) have the customers who want the service (we have this, there is a currency crisis in Venezuela)
d) have the right people ( we have this with the Venezuela teams who are working their hearts out. I encourage you to watch the video above with Eugenia and Rodrigo)
e) work your butt off to make it happen. (we have this attitude with the Venezuela teams. Their livelyhood depends on it.
f) financial investment. This is our role. We have the DASH tokens. What are we going to do with them. Sit on them or invest them to make it happen in Venezuela?

The above is the formula that has proven to work time and time again. We have everything in place. The timing is the most important thing of all with the right management. The funds are the easy part.

If we knew for certain the other MNOs would do the same and that we had a solid Venezuela DAO run by MNOs that could ensure that the money was distributed correctly. We would need to ensure it was distrbuted to worthwhile projects that were cost effective. We could assess these projects just in the same way we assess the other projects.

I would be willing to do this but only if the other MNOs would also be willing to do the same. Donating on my own, or with only a small number of MNOs would have very little impact on its own. But if I knew all MNOs or a good number would also do the same as me I would think it would be an extermly good return on investment for the potential return on investment.

We have the power to make it happen. All we have now are token rewards each month that are going down in price. Let us convert those tokens into labour, sweat and hard work to convert Venezuela to using DASH. We can do it if we take a chance to trust each other, to trust the Venezuela teams and believe in our product to make real change.

I would be prepared to donate my months´DASH earnings if the other MNOs would also vote to do the same. So the question now remains. What do the other MNOs think about this idea and what are you prepared to do?
0 points,6 years ago
very well written. I'm in as well.
0 points,6 years ago
im in. we should make a voting page for this somewhere and count n of masternodes assigned and do some calculations
2 points,6 years ago
Hello, everyone...

I want to thank the community and all of the MNOs who voted for our proposal. We got 11% positive votes!!!

Unfortunately, there was no budget left, so we are not going to get funded.

A lot of people have showed a lot of support, and ask us to provide an address so they can donate. So, officially, we begin our crowdfunding for July 2018.

Here you can watch a video I recorded explaining the situation.

And here you can find the address for donations:


1 point,6 years ago
thanks for pushing forward with your work

Sent some Dash !
1 point,6 years ago
There was also significant chatter on the MasterNode channel to post a donation address to keep you alive until the next Treasury cycle. Please post a donation address here and on the forums for convenience. This is not over.

0 points,6 years ago
Thanks a lot... in the comment above you can find the information for donations!
1 point,6 years ago
With 15 minutes left in the voting, it appears that your proposal has enough votes to "pass", but there is not enough Dash left in this Treasury cycle to actually fund it. But the sense I get is that the Masternodes are determined to continue your project. I also would strongly encourage you to submit again in the next budget cycle. I believe there are at least two multi-month projects that end this month, thus making some room in next month's budget.

We will get through this.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you very much... yes, we feel the same way, and we are not giving up. We are very much thankful for the MNOs and all of the community's support
4 points,6 years ago
Hello, everyone.

Please watch this interview Rodrigo (founder of Dash Brazil) did to me at the end of his 1 week visit to our country.
1 point,6 years ago
2 points,6 years ago
Por favor hacen falta unos pocos votos, para seguir con el camino a la nación dash
1 point,6 years ago
Thank You MN Community, this is probably the most important Dash Project today and Venezuela is a key strategic asset to the Dash Network in order to implement Dash Nationwide.
5 points,6 years ago
If this proposal doesn't pass please come back and resubmit for the next cycle. The only reason it may not pass is because of funding constraints this month due to management of Dash Core Inc finances for tax purposes.

4 points,6 years ago
Agreed, please resubmit, we want to fund this!
1 point,6 years ago
Falta poco
2 points,6 years ago
At least 2 multi term proposals are going to end next month and even more so the next 2 or 3 months.
2 points,6 years ago
I do agree.
2 points,6 years ago
From the Valencia Community we support, all the Events of Dash Venezuela to lead us to a great adoption of Dash in all Venezuela
5 points,6 years ago
Eugenia, the Dash Maracay team congratulates you for the 9th Conference held this month, an event developed with great effort.

Your spirit and tenacity tell us the ability you have to achieve the objectives set. That is why you are an inspiration and motivation for us.

We wish you the best on this proposal.

You can count on the Dash Maracay team ...!
6 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch has prepared a writeup for the Dash Caracas/Dash Venezuela series of proposals. Additionally, we have prepared a report on Dash Caracas/Dash Venezuela operations for the month of June, which can be found at the end of the document.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you!!! Everyone, please read if you need to clarify any doubts about our work...
6 points,6 years ago
Si. Que viva la Nacion Dash!
4 points,6 years ago
voted yes, great work, keep it up.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for your support :-)
-2 points,6 years ago
9 points,6 years ago
The very fact that this proposal has been submitted at this stage demonstrates the tremendous commitment DASH Venezuela teams have to establishing DASH in Venezuela and the importance. Time cannot be lost at this stage establishing DASH in Venezuela we need to move quickly.

We have supported DASH Venezuela projects and in return they have worked tirelessly to establish DASH in all parts of Venezuela.

The success of our commitment and the work the team have done is becoming evident in the figures. Venezuela has 32 Million people but has more DASH merchants and users than the entire USA of 325 Million and the country where DASH started. That shows what huge progress we are making in Venezuela and we need to keep that momentum going until it reaches the tipping point.

If you win the funding for this conference could you ensure to invite a greater variety of Merchants at the DASH City event. I have seen some of the same merchants at previous events on your videos. You could perhaps speak to Alejandro at DASH Merchants Venezuela to invite a greater mix of merchant types. The more variety of merchants the more people will learn that DASH is now being accepted by many diverse organizations. In addition the new merchants will have new customers which will increase further the commitment to DASH. If you could have a large enough venue for DASH City you could invite all the merchants in Caracas to attend. That would be quite something as people see that they can buy almost anything in DASH including real estate from REMAX in Caracas.

You have my full support for this proposal.


1 point,6 years ago
We have some momentum in Venezuela, we need to use or lose !
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you, DeepBlue.

We are actually working with the founders of Dash Merchant to build a better and stronger alliance, I am sure this will bring faster and more spectacular results of Dash massive adoption in Venezuela.
9 points,6 years ago
Hi Everyone, I just got back from Venezuela after a week shooting interviews and a Mini Documentary about Dash Venezuela and it blow my mind how organized Dash Venezuela is and how they manage to implement Dash everywhere with this Budget, The Dash Cryptocurrency revolution already started in Venezuela duo to this Proposal and its leadership. I'll be posting all content I've create in the next week once I finish editing over 50 hours of Material. Dash Venezuela is an example of a well Organized Community with the Best success ratio base o its cost.
5 points,6 years ago
I love the photos of you and Eugenia posted in and twitter! I am convinced that Eugenia's proposals have been one of the best investments that the Dash DAO has made. I voted YES on this one, and I hope others will do the same.
4 points,6 years ago
Dear Rodrigo! Me and my team are forever grateful for your visit, all the great advice you gave us and all of the material you recorded from your 1 week visit. We hope you come back soon!
2 points,6 years ago
Budget was adjusted and looks more reasonable. Voting yes.

Keep continue doing the great job but taking care about the budget (expenses).
2 points,6 years ago
Thanks: lesson learned :-)
2 points,6 years ago
Easy Yes
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you very much!
2 points,6 years ago
It's a tight month. Still voting yes. We'll have to see where everything shakes out.
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you very much. I think we can make it still :-)
2 points,6 years ago
Voting YES. I support Eugenia and her team and I hope you will too.
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you very much, dear Edward!
1 point,6 years ago
While i would really like to fund this, there is no room in the budget this month.
2 points,6 years ago
All it takes is for this project to have a positive ratio of +34 to pass, and then it would and kuvacash or another project would not. While I'm not saying one project is better than the other, tough choices have to be made. I'd recommend just voting on the merits of each proposal.
2 points,6 years ago
Well said, quantumexplorer. Easy yes votes from me.
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you! We appreciate a great deal your support in votes and in words! We work very hard every single day and really believe in this project as a win-win situation for Dash and for Venezuela.
2 points,6 years ago
Dash Venezuela has actual footage of ground work being done and they only promote Dash, not some other project name. The answer should be easy.
-2 points,6 years ago
Guys stop waisting 5 Dash when the budget is spoken for already.
5 points,6 years ago
It's actually still open. If Wachsman PR doesn't pass this could go through.

The two proposals are priced almost the same.

I hope we can fund this and keep our momentum building in Venezuela.
3 points,6 years ago
Agree. Funding is still open. Eugenia and her great team have a project that is a force to be reckoned with and shouldn't be dismissed because other projects are filling up the budget. We should vote for what think is bringing more adoption to Dash. As it stands right now Caracas Venezuela has more merchants accepting Dash than any other city in the world.
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you guys... I think we have great value to offer and hope the community and MNOs do too!