Proposal “Vendor-Experience“ (Closed)Back

Monthly amount: 729 DASH (19714 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (99 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-02-06 / 2024-04-28 (added on 2016-01-27)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 514 Yes / 690 No / 0 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

mnbudget vote-many 1cfc2525f33d8dee81640f6860fc85751acea552724ec58d6619f7fcee694ea1 yes

We believe the best way to grow Dash is to give users a place to spend their Dash.  Dash has an advantage over any other crypto with InstantX that can enable point of sale purchases without risk.  We plan to utilize this advantage to show projects in the real world. 

The initial project we implemented was the Dash N Drink soda machine.  The key to making this project was to implement InstantX detection and trigger a machine credit.  This has now opened the door for the next phase.  The next projects we will work on will include more sophisticated interfaces that will take engineering and software to connect to properly.  We will be updating mobile wallets so they work quickly and easily. We expect to deploy actual products in actual stores.

The core team members coordinating this project are Camosoul and Solarminer.

We view this proposal as a core requirement for Dash adoption, not something that is for a single merchant application or single product.  If anyone would rather only support this proposal for 1 month/3 months just vote it down when you want.  We plan to deliver and keep pushing the envelope of possibilities so there is no reason to think about ending this project.

The Plan
We plan to initially target easier devices and as we learn get to more complicated infrastructure projects.  This is the plan as we have it
now, but that could change based on vendor participation or types of products available.  We expect to complete each of these projects in about 3 months.

Vending machine with multiple products that uses a custom interface.
  • Upgrade software for Raspberry PI or Odroid-XU4 as needed to make this all work.
  • Design software to communicate with serial interface or more complicated multiple item vending controller
  • Implement multiple product selection within the dash wallet along with a more stable interface.
  • Implement multiple product selection and inventory tracking with QR codes and addresses
Gas pumps
  • Design software and hardware to communicate with the pump controller
  • Implement a wifi captive portal checkout with one product.
  • Enable prepay with return change
\/ Click show full description for more \/

Dash Sky Store Checkout

  • Design a wifi captive portal with multiple products. 
  • Enable shopping cart functionality on phone or portal.
  • Implement the Dash Fast Lane - start wifi cart on entry and pay when you leave without a checkout line
  • Enable phone to store product scanning (skipping the need for registers)

We will be getting assistance from inside and outside the Dash space.  Each application will win press releases and additional status as a
leading crypto similar to how we won publicity with the Dash N Drink.

As for the questions about what happens to the products after we are done, we expect them to be in the hands of a merchant who will actually use them.  This will bring ongoing publicity along with proof of concept for other merchants to adopt and a base for testing.  The valuable part of all these projects is the software, publicity and to gain adoption. The software will be open source as much as possible.  The intent is not to make a business to sell products but to show how products can be used in real world scenarios.

Can we have some more information about the project, the vending machine and how you’re planning
on operating this?

The goal is to create the software and hardware to easily interface with a wide variety of products.  We have outlined a multiple item vending machine to add software features as the initial product.  The vending machine or future devices will be operated by a merchant similar to before our upgrades.  The idea isn't to be in the vending business but to adopt a real product for Dash.

We don’t know what’s happening to the vending machine that was already made(Dash N Drink), who owns this vending machine and what’s the plan for it?
The Dash N Drink is being stored at Camosoul’s.  Anyone is welcome to offer it a home.  We still have some bugs in instantX detection to fix before it can be in an unattended location.  Of course, the reason for building the Dash N Drink was to build a demo to test and use InstantX.  It was a success at the Miami show, which was our primary goal. 

What are you goingto be purchasing with the $3000?

A portion of the funds will go to the developers for coding enhancement to the software and wallets.  There may also be a portion for outside support with gas pump controller software or point of sale devices.  A large amount will go to modifying customer machines or buying hardware to interface with pumps/registers?

Can you give us an itemized breakdown?

We are looking at this as a development project.  We don’t know what the breakdown of expenses will be.  There will be some on-going costs like 4g internet and server space. Otherwise, we are putting the remaining funds into hardware and software.

Can you give us a plan on how you aim to use these funds each month?
The first few months will be sourcing a vending machine along with a merchant that wants to display it.  We may also be able to find a merchant willing to let us convert their machine. We will begin to engineer a way to dispense each product with a specific QR code with coded price or with multiple QR codes.  We will also work on an inventory system based on dash addresses.  Some of these features are possible but we won’t know how effective they will be until we do them.

Would it be possible to come up with milestones for this project? What are you planning on accomplishing? How will it benefit the ecosystem? Setting specific milestones is difficult to nail down aswe will need to work with several groups who are already working on projects.  I would expect every 3 monthswe would finish a product and start work on a new product.  The goal here is to find applications that are similar to a wide family of products. Then another merchant can easily adopt from what we started.  The benefit is to answer this question,“Where can I spend Dash?”  We believe that question is what gives Dash it’s value.

Are you planning on selling vending machines, components of them eventually, or something like this? Who will earn these rewards?

This is not planned to be a profitable undertaking.  We are not planning to sell products.  We expect the final result of any of our builds to be machines that are in use in the real world making money for the merchant. All code will be open sourced as much as possible to enable DASH-specific projects to flourish.

I would assume if the masternode network is funding your operation, it should receive a cut of the profits each quarter paid out as dividends. I would like to also establish some sort of agreement between yourselves and the Darkcoin foundation as well to make that agreement official.

As for profits, we don’t expect any.  If we do get to the point where there are no new projects to develop we will ask for the proposal to be voted down.

I’m curious what the answers are, as that will inform the decision of the masternode network. Funding is starting to get tight on the network so we definitely need to be careful that we’ll have great return on the network’s investment.
We understand that there a lot of other projects that are valuable.  With the success of the Dash N Drink, we can’t help but think this is every bit as valuable as other projects.The key to success of any crypto project is real world adoption.  This kind of development will stimulate that process.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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3 points,8 years ago
I think I would vote Yes for this in another six months or so, but right now I think the higher priority is actually building access to buy Dash easily. I think we should be spending our limited resources on more ATM access and getting access on exchanges. In the meantime, usability should be further along as well. Only then do I think we have a shot at PoS, because without access, consumers would never go through the hassle to figure out how to get and use Dash. I think once those two things are done we should revisit this one. These guys did a great job with the soda machine and they should get a shot at building something robust for PoS. I would like to see the length of time shortened as well, as I think many have expressed here.
0 points,8 years ago
Its difficult enough to buy BTC for non tech user, how to buy dash is a whole new story and i mean to buy dash at a market rate not with extra 5-10% Agree with you, its too soon.
-1 point,8 years ago
This is an irrelevant/fraudulent argument. Most likely a result of being short-sighted and stuck on an echo chamber bubble. It's a vending machine. You got $5? I got 1.2 Dash to send you. Done. Exchanges are an obsession of ponzi trader addicts that real-world people won't, and more importantly, don't need. Forget the exchange, sell some stuff... If you set up your own demo DASH vending machine to explain to people, you'd be the guy they were coming to... Exchanges... Lame.
0 points,8 years ago
Initially, this proposal looked interesting. Then I read the comments from camosoul, and my votes changed to "no" in an instant. His way of bullying others are among the most outrageous I've seen in a while, and definitely not what I expected from a person involved with Dash. To me, this isn't about the proposal anymore, it's about stopping a desctructive force and not giving in to insults.
0 points,8 years ago
Victicrat. I wanted it voted down because no one has the balls to make the play. If getting ripped-off and bullied makes one into a bully, then I wear the label with pride. You missed the whole point because you were too busy looking for a way to be a victim and blame... All my leads walked away when they saw how far up it's own ass this decision-making body has it's head. No business will trust the terminally stupid; so dumb they're a danger to themselves and others. Not to mention the anti-business sentiments. What business wants to get involved with people who want to bankrupt it? Lying about being 'locked in" didn't help either. The only way PoS could work work now is if we get them on board before they google dash and have a look-see at the people running it... No way that'll happen without an instant cash-out option. You instulted yourself, and you are the very destructive force you speak of. Lashing out at the person who dared point it out to members of the mindless, self-absorbed echo chamber is the only "problem" here. I didn't toe the communist line, and that made you mad so call names, whaaa... By all means, vote it down! Like I've been saying all along! I'm not going to help thieves profit even more by subjecting businesses to them. In no way will I ever promote DASH among vendors ever again. You fools can keep squatting in your cave, polishing your precious.
0 points,8 years ago
This man speaks the truth. One day hopefully you will recognize how right Camosoul was... and it will be wayyy to late to fix it at that point. The greedy bagholding trolls are outweighing the actual people investing time an energy into this project and they have injected themselves very deep in this community. Find out what you value in a user and don't forget it. Because they are lying to you and trolling and are only here to get the profits, not for the principles. And no were not talking about Evan & the crew, they are just too naive and good hearted to realize they are being used. I just went through the same experience that drove Camo to give up on the community and its a very eye opening one I might add. Hell i think they came after me harder than they came after Camo and I can see why he flipped out. This place has too many simpletons and children to see the bigger picture of what Dash could be. Hence them wanting SOOO BADLY to have a PR firm just swoop in and make them rich over the weekend. Real smart guys. And here some extra proof as to how STUPID people can be:
2 points,8 years ago
I would like to vote yes, but it will pay until 2024! It seems little bit too long. Maybe cutting the proposal into a few parts so that people can evaluate it better.
-1 point,8 years ago
We consider this an ongoing project, similar to marketing and core. We are taking advantage of what we learned with the Dash N Drink machine, that was big hit, by continuing to develop new products that merchants can use. You have the option to vote no at any time; 1 month, 3 months, etc. Once the votes are less than 10% yes, it drops off. I would suggest anyone voting no on this actually do something new to grow Dash.
0 points,8 years ago
"We consider this an ongoing project, similar to marketing and core." There you have it. MN owners don't agree with that - see votes above. Lots of voices are saying that you can have a shorter running proposal, maybe 3-12 months. But you insist, INSIST, that this should be elevated to the same level as core. You won't take no for an answer - but that's what you'll get 'cause you're unwilling to listen to feedback.

Yes, I can vote no anytime. Like now.
1 point,8 years ago
I'm unwilling to be set up for failure by people who just plain don't get it. You're damn right I'm not going to budge. If the MNs can't comprehend it, then I don't want to be on the hook for it. It should fail. Your arrogant intonations speak to the reasons why. DASH isn't a big deal, and it never will be until it's decision-making body grows up. You can make all the obnoxious, childish demands you like, I'm not going to go along with them because I am a grown fault with experience, who knows that what you ask for is a guaranteed failure.

The root issue is that almost none of the MN operators have ever had an employee. It's an open-ended thing. Very few have ever done anything but go to the store and buy stuff (with their welfare checks). It's an arrangement you just don't understand. As such, I want it to fail. I don't want to be on the hook for people who just plain don't get it.

I'm not going to take on really bad suggestions just because the majority supports/proffers those bad ideas. If you can't understand that, then this proposal has very well served it's purpose!

You have been measured. You have been weighed. You have been found wanting. Go ahead and call me names. You've been called out and even after the fact, you still don't even realize what just happened... You still don't get it. The MNs! have spoken! Yes! And they've proven to the world that they're a majority of damn fools! Your microcosm is broken and no business will take you seriously. You live in a bubble and won't listen to reality because you think you're so great that you don't have to.

Nobody in the real world cares about DASH. You insist upon keeping it that way. By all means, so be it. Everyone learns eventually. Be it the easy way, or the hard way... You learn, or you become extinct. My business is doing better than this entire project, even when I completely ignore it for months on end. So, it won't be me going extinct. Socialists always learnt he hard way... "We voted!" Yeah? Morons always vote to fail...
-1 point,8 years ago
"I would suggest anyone voting no on this actually do something new to grow Dash."

Lols! They'd have to put down the bong and find a Che Guevara shirt that doesn't smell too bad, and then go outside...
-3 points,8 years ago
From the vendor perspective, 1 second or 4 seconds to 100% secured funds is no big deal. Their current systems take 180 days, so... Do you think customers care about the 3 second difference? This is what happens when business-clueless people obsess over the user experience. What if XMR, LTC, DOGE, or BTC fork IX onto their masternode-less systems? And then, you know, actually take action in some form. Masternodes really aren't all that useful when instant transactions are used for mixing, or a different kind of privacy, or none at all. No privacy for node owners. No blinding... MNs are really more of a liability taken as a necessary evil for the current mixing system, that you have to admit, doesn't work well and needs to be replaced anyway. Most people don't care about the features that depend upon masternodes, so that makes those features, and masternodes, expendable... The first coin that can actually be used, wins. You're not going to turn the tide with features no one cares about and doesn't need. That includes a 3 second difference... You're nowhere close to unassailable. BTC refused to develop the features needed to fulfill it's own vision. DASH developed them, but refused to put them to use. 3rd time's the charm? Now I have to start watching ANN threads again; for shame. I hate this shit.
1 point,8 years ago
You start a 3rd time's a charm attempt to give this proposal another go with an insult, calling the community business clueless. Wtg! Have some dignity and take that boat trip.
-2 points,8 years ago
I'm not trying to restart this proposal. I want it to fail. I've wanted it to fail since a few hours after it started, the vendors I had convinced to look at this all walked away when they saw you fools behave as you do. No business wants/trusts an income portal that hates business and can't make obvious decisions. Since you ran them off with your delusions of grandeur and nonsensical "look at me I can jerk people around just because I can" attitudes, there was no further need of the proposal. It doesn't matter what the majority is, or even if it got approved. Such a no-brainer move should have been overwhelming, and the fact that it wasn't is all the grown-ups needed to drop it. No business would get in bed with an organization that is this on the fence about something so obvious. I'm only posting in the hope that you're grow up, not to restart the proposal. Vote it down. The community ruined all chance of it being effective only hours after it was posted, regardless of the vote. You know, businesses owners have Internet Access and know how to use Google, too... You're not the only one.
-2 points,8 years ago
Wow, you didn't even read!? 3rd time's the charm is a reference tot he coin that may be invented that will actually get off it's as and do something. I'm already out. I haven't insulted you, I've told yo what you look like to anyone on the outside of your echo chamber bubble looking in. This is what they think of you.
1 point,8 years ago
How would IX work without masternodes to lock the UTXOs?
-1 point,8 years ago
Same way it works now. You must not know how it works.
1 point,8 years ago
Every crypto-clueless person I've ever spoken to says "But it's worthless if I can't actually spend it anywhere." Lets change that. Not a hard concept.
1 point,8 years ago
I'd just like to add that this whole process is truly fascinating. I've been talking to people on Twitter today about the way the DGBB is run and the way we have to come to a consensus to move forward, all being decentralized with voters from around the world, and let me tell you, they are impressed.

I was skeptical about this initiative at first, but the proposers, (all in their own way, obviously) have convinced me that this is something that we need to explore. What's the use in having lots of fancy wallets, and sending Dash to each other if there is nothing we can do with it. Bitcoin was doing this the opposite way, they got merchant adoption with no one spending.

We have a chance here to grow our userbase, and our merchant base at around the same time. A balance is needed here. I'm not telling anyone how to vote, but I would really like to see what these gentlemen are capable of. It also seems that more of a team is forming, with other community members offering help. This could become an even bigger project with time!
-1 point,8 years ago
i just hope people realise that their votes can in our current situation could have an impact on already established proposals or this proposal could pass but then not funded as the superblock budget for 5th of february 2016 (and the next few months) are already fully allocated.

If it does pass and gets funding it could very well get to deal with irregurarly funded issues as other budget proposals emerge.
-1 point,8 years ago
is this why the satoshi round table was so quickly submited? so now we need to choose between the two or vote down a different budget item or just wait a few months for first payment, crazy!
-2 points,8 years ago
Bingo. We created a 75% increase in the budget space, and someone got mad that his personal piggy bank of blind followers might fund something other than him. Pushed out of the very thing we created. When has anyone else done anything at all that increased the budget value/space? Obviously, we should go do more crap that makes no difference instead... Addicted to a pattern, even if it's a pattern of failure...
-1 point,8 years ago
not one of my better typing sessions i noticed, sorry about that.
3 points,8 years ago
See now that is information I can get behind. I was on the fence before, but you now have my votes. Getting Dash out there, building a merchant infrastructure is key.

You've given me a better idea about the scope and direction of the project, and that is appreciated.
3 points,8 years ago
Same here (well you already had my yes,lol) but now the proposal description is way better. Thanks for the efort solar. Hope this will pass, will not be easy.
To all don't forget you can downvote whenever you want, after a budget in downvote it disapear. Just think how great can be an easier integration for vendors, this can have an huge impact on Dash ecosystem.
Don't forget how great was the soda vending machine.
I vote Yes!
4 points,8 years ago
Voted no due to the time period (99 months) and also voted no to the idea of basicly subsidizing a research & development project, where it is very much the question how things will pan out. Too much uncertainty surrounding this budget proposal.
-1 point,8 years ago
" subsidizing a research & development project, where it is very much the question how things will pan out." Welcome to the real world. There is no guaranteed free lunch.
0 points,8 years ago
You can always vote NO in a month or 2 and the project will die. There is no risk here. Seriously?
0 points,8 years ago
But that is a waste of money, to vote no on half finished project.
-1 point,8 years ago
It's also a waste to burn unused budget money.
1 point,8 years ago
It's not unused. The budget is full.
0 points,8 years ago
Okay, I'm going to get a lot of flack for this, however, this is what I want to see. Now I understand this will likely be a loss leader for quite some time, however....

1. Every quarter, the community should have a broad breakdown of expenses and profits.

2. An undertaking that in the event that this becomes a profitable enterprise, the Dash Foundation will hold a 40% stake in said enterprise.

I'm sorry if that sounds too formal or unduly demanding, but I just don't want to see the dash community pouring money into something and then watching hopelessly from the sidelines as a spin-off venture emerges and takes all the profits. If there's no profits to be made then these rules won't be a concern.
0 points,8 years ago
Lies and Straw Men...
1 point,8 years ago
I voted yes, but it looks like the funding, as it now stands, won't pass. Can the budget be changed to a shorter duration... say 6 months for the initial funding. I'm sure that when people see some results, then future budgets will pass more easily.
5 points,8 years ago
Voted no. Though support the idea.
What are the milestones?
Why 99 months?
Where the money is going to be spent?
Why 3000$ a month or 700DASH ?
Will the technology be given away for free?
Will you guys make a private company and sell the machines and technology?
Would not be better to set a timeline for goals and ask for funding to the first goal, then extending t
0 points,8 years ago
The software that will be developed will be open sourced and given away for anybody to use. No, it is not forming a private company and there will be no profits. Where did that idea come from?
-2 points,8 years ago
Please vote no on this. The community clearly doesn't have the insight or maturity to understand it. It's as if we're debating whether we should breathe Oxygen or Phosphoric Acid. It's not even a conversation... Vote it down. This was a test of the community's capacity to make the big plays, and it can't do it. Not even close. Masternodes are still too cheap to keep the jackasses out. I'm not going to put myself on the line for this foolishness. I will not entrust myself to a group that displays such a desperate need for a maturity injection. Only a damn fool would put himself in these hands. I cannot, in good conscience, recommend DASH to any business with this sort of so-called "leadership." I can't even recommend it to a kid with a lemonade stand.
5 points,8 years ago
it's very hurtful to hear your insults. you are holding a gun to everyones head saying if we don't agree to fund your proposal we are stupid. you can't even recommend Dash to a kid with a lemonade stand but you want Dash to fund your proposal. I am voting no.
-2 points,8 years ago
Be offended by a plain observation? Thank you for your vote.
3 points,8 years ago
I am voting no because of you and not the proposal. You seem unstable and it is not safe to let you handle budget money I think.
-1 point,8 years ago
The irony...
1 point,8 years ago
What exactly is ironic about that?
-2 points,8 years ago
Calling me unstable is the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black... I haven't made up stories about some shadow corporation (snicker) that wants to build a vending empire (giggle, is there such a thing) at the blockchain's expense. I'm not the one that declares money itself should prevent it's users from ever making money. I'm not the one who fails to understand that the unknown is unknown... I can't draw you a map of that which has never been seen. I know you, personally, did not say these things, but you're failing to police your own. Smack the idiots around a bit, make them shape up, so I don't have to do it for you. I can't babysit everyone forever...
2 points,8 years ago
0 points,8 years ago
Thank you for your vote.
9 points,8 years ago

It’s definitely interesting to see how people are using the budget system already although only a few months old. The soda machine was a great project to show off one of the main features of Dash, instant transactions. Now I’m really interested to see where you’re going with this project.

Can we have some more information about the project, the vending machine and how you’re planning on operating this?

Here’s some of our main concerns:

We don’t know what’s happening to the vending machine that was already made, who owns this vending machine and what’s the plan for it?
What are you going to be purchasing with the $3000? Can you give us an itemized breakdown?
Can you give us a plan on how you aim to use these funds each month?
Would it be possible to come up with milestones for this project? What are you planning on accomplishing? How will it benefit the ecosystem?
Are you planning on selling vending machines, components of them eventually, or something like this? Who will earn these rewards?

I would assume if the masternode network is funding your operation, it should receive a cut of the profits each quarter paid out as dividends. I would like to also establish some sort of agreement between yourselves and the Darkcoin foundation as well to make that agreement official.

I’m curious what the answers are, as that will inform the decision of the masternode network. Funding is starting to get tight on the network so we definitely need to be careful that we’ll have great return on the network’s investment.


0 points,8 years ago
"Are you planning on selling vending machines, components of them eventually, or something like this? Who will earn these rewards?" None of this. Was. Ever. Mentioned.

Lets not repeat the lies of trolls, please...

"Funding is starting to get tight on the network so we definitely need to be careful that we’ll have great return on the network’s investment."

No. We need to man up, get the price of dash up higher, so that there's more room in the budget and one good idea doesn't have to cancel out another. Leaving IX to rot on the vine for another 7 months is not the path to making that happen. Something else. Anything else! The worst thing you can do is nothing. And nothing is what is being done.

There is no good way to disrupt a status quo of sitting around doing nothing. Everyone is comfortable with it, so anything I do will make them uncomfortable. I'm already the bad guy, so I'm going to keep on being the bad guy. Because it works.
0 points,8 years ago
Self reply because no edit.

Look at the budget space before Miami.

Look at it after.

We're asking for LESS THAN WE CREATED. Less than our fair share.
0 points,8 years ago
Solarminer has answered all of these questions in the updater proposal above!
0 points,8 years ago
Well, what do people want to do with a soda machine? I mean it's BIG. Obviously, the proposal that paid for the project has done it's job. If the machine is put somewhere for people to see, we can't ask for more. If the guys are willing to drag it to other meetups or something, that'd be awesome, but anyone that expected the machine to belong to the foundation, and get deployed wherever the foundation wants it, is kidding themselves. It's a huge refrigerator! If Camo or Solar can get a 7-11 to put it outside their shop, that'd be really nice, maybe they can take a picture?
0 points,8 years ago
I mean, think about it, these guys put in the time to fix it up, write the code, buy the equipment then finally paid the gas to drive, what was it? 400 miles to deliver it. I think the budget was well spent. Especially since their instinct was very good and it was a major success.
0 points,8 years ago
Hi Evan, speaking of which. Think we could get a detailed report on how the Terpin PR is working so far? What have they done so far and what the future PR plans are.
1 point,8 years ago
Well, as a hint, have you noticed a lot more articles from outside the crypto sphere showing up? But aside from that, there is also a lot of behind the scenes stuff going on. They can't publicly announce stuff until after it's done, this stuff is subtle. In a lot of ways, the Terpin budget is like hiring a lobbyist.
0 points,8 years ago
Keep in mind that there are lots of press release websites that can issue press releases for free. There are hundreds of these around.
2 points,8 years ago
We've used them. Repeatedly. How do I know? Because I've written most of the damn things; the majority of them never show up in any news outlet anywhere. Sorry to say, but nobody cares about press releases anymore unless your organization is already on the radar.
0 points,8 years ago
I doubt how effective it is though. Several projects that have used Terpin are actually PR horror stories. I'm afraid he's using old and outdated ways of reaching out. Why not do paid ad campaign?
0 points,8 years ago
If that project had even a fraction of the results, and a fraction of the disclosure... Oh, wait...
5 points,8 years ago
guys come on - 99 month commitment???!! How about 1 project at a time.. Signing up for a 99 month contract (worth what, $1 million) is asinine
0 points,8 years ago
There is no duration. We make the commitment, the blockchain can bail at any time for any reason, or no reason.
-1 point,8 years ago
It can be downvoted out of existence at any time. Don't you see that?
-2 points,8 years ago
Anyone voting yes is setting themselves up to be robbed. In two years time, a company will appear. It will have plenty of contacts and experience and it will be making a profit... all thanks to thanks to financing from the dash masternodes.
-1 point,8 years ago
Why wait two years? I've been running my company longer than DASH has even existed! Clearly, I've been plotting to steal your precious since before it was made! Making a profit! Oh no! Not that! A business grow out of Dash?! We can't have money that's actually useful to someone, somewhere, ever! Not that!

When life hands you trolls, crush them into troll juice.

Since before there was even a vending machine proposal, I've said I'll help anyone who wants to, set up a vending machine as a dash billboard as long as it is similar in appearance and branding to the one already made. It must also accept payment EXCLUSIVELY via DASH if you want the benefit of me/my team helping you out at no cost.

Sadly, there have been none to step forward. As soon as they realize there's actual work involved, all done.

Find machine. Strip existing paint. Prime. Repaint. Have decals and plastics printed. Install them. Replace/repair defective vending mechanisms. Replace/repair defective cooling system. Invent IX Detector. Install it on a computer. Install computer in vending machine. Have it trigger a credit relay. Reliably. Find a retailer interested in crypto willing to host this box. Show them you're not competing with the products they sell by offering them all the profit, and selling their own products in it. Proof that all you want is exposure for dash and they keep the change. Repeat this statement for months, only to be lied about and slandered anyway. Find out about all the secret guvtraps in the checkerboard of obnoxious overlapping jurisdictions, unpublished, secret laws and rules. Make sure you don't break any of them. Pay taxes. Register a corporation, if required. Buy a "license." Submit to inspections. Post your personal address and phone number publicly, when required. Get audited. A lot. Because guv hates crypto. Handle all this so the retailer doesn't get turned off by the liability. Do it all for free, because if you manage a single red cent of profit from it, you're scamming DASH! Have losers spit in your face because you're part of the 1% now! Why aren't you rolling on dough? You must be incompetent! Lets pull your funding! You're a failure! You can't get anything done!

I totally dig it! When do I start? You want me to do a job several orders of magnitude larger than that, for free, and if it drives the price of DASH up, I need to give it all back to you instead of getting a raise?

Fuck you. I don't exist to be driven like a slave and robbed of the fruits of my labors. I don't work for free. Solar is afraid to say it because he lets communists beat him down. But I'm not. We deserve to be paid, at least minimum wage, for this monumental task. You vote for a $16/hr minimum wage, but you say that the 3 of us aren't even worth $8/hr?

Only the incompetent work for peanuts. If you can do better, put up your own proposal, loser.
6 points,8 years ago
I support the hell out of these guys, but 3k/mo until 2024?
0 points,8 years ago
That's if price of Dash stays the same which is unlikely to happen. Price of Dash will most likely shoot up against the Dollar.
4 points,8 years ago
I voted no, but I actually support this line of thinking. I just don't think that this proposal is detailed enough as to where you want to spend the funds. If you submit another one with more detail as to what you are actually going to do, I will most likely vote yes, because you guys have done great work so far!
1 point,8 years ago
1 point,8 years ago
I agree completely with this sentiment.
1 point,8 years ago
What's the best way to achieve DASH adoption? By getting merchants to use it. They can save 3-5% in bank fees, avoid chargebacks, and save time and effort and the checkout. The only way this can happen is if somebody makes it happen.

1 point,8 years ago
We view this proposal as a core requirement for Dash adoption, not something that is for a single merchant application or single product. If anyone would rather only support this proposal for 1 month/3 months just vote it out when you want. We plan to deliver and keep pushing the envelope of possibilities.

We plan to initially target easier devices and as we learn get to more complicated infrastructure projects. This is the plan as we have it now, but that could change based on vendor participation or types of products available.

Vending machine with multiple products that uses a custom interface.
- Design software to communicate with interface, implement multiple product selection within the dash wallet.

Gas pumps
- Design software to communicate with the pump controller, implement a wifi captive portal checkout with one product.

Dash Sky Store Checkout
- Design a wifi captive portal with multiple products. Implement the Dash Fast Lane - no register checkout.

We will be getting assistance from inside and outside the Dash space. Each application will win press releases and additional status as a leading crypto similar to how we won publicity with the Dash N Drink.

As for the questions about what happens to the products after we are done, we expect them to be in the hands of a merchant who will actually use them. This will bring ongoing publicity along with proof of concept for other merchants to adopt and a base for testing. The valuable part of all these projects is the software, publicity and to gain adoption. The software will be open source as much as possible. The intent is not to make a business to sell products but to show how products can be used in real world scenarios.
1 point,8 years ago
It will also likely require ongoing merchant service support.
0 points,8 years ago
What's the foundation doing? We need a way for vendors to cash out, a real, legal entity to carry that burden... One already exists. IX already exists... What are they doing for each other? Who's picking up that baton and running with it? How long have both of these things existed, but not one shittin' thing has been done for the obvious, needs to be done... Oh I give up...
-1 point,8 years ago
What are the milestones the project? Why 3000$ a month? Its an expensive proposal, you should provide more detail.
1 point,8 years ago
This project will enable real world RETAIL adoption of DASH. Don't you want that?
1 point,8 years ago
Read what camosoul is writing about his own community and how he makes a proposal and then throws shit at everyone and now says to down vote it. Now imagine what he says to Dash customers when he doesn't get what he wants. He needs an intervention, not budget funds.
0 points,8 years ago
Oh yes, I want your peanuts when I make more than the entire dash budget every month doing almost nothing... I'm totally mad about not getting my way, or whatever story you're making up to slander me.

If this proposal doesn't pass, it means I get to buy the boat I've always wanted, and sail away, spending the rest of my life floating between sandy dots in the South Pacific, never to think about this dumbass bickering nerd drama ever again.

I don't even drink, but I'll send you a custom postcard of me sipping rum, beautiful sunset, and a new LBFM every day, while you grumble about my accurate description of losers losing...

Damn, how terrible... I'm desperately in need of this proposal passing so I can put up with idiotic bullshit for the rest of my life instead of what I really want to do. What a tantrum I must be throwing about "not getting my proposal through..." Such a curse to live out my days giving precisely zero fucks about this dumb noise...

Not everyone lives in their parents' basement. The people capable of doing this job certainly don't.
0 points,8 years ago
Do you know what it sounds to someone who employs people who get paid 5x what you do, how stupid you sound?
0 points,8 years ago
I've always found irony in badly malformed sentences which attempt to cast doubt on someone else's intellect... And such a person sure as hell doesn't employ anyone that makes 5x more money than I do. That's well into 7 digits...
1 point,8 years ago
Some people don't understand that the entire monthly budget of dash is smaller than the cash volume of most retail businesses in one afternoon... They don't realize that the real world is much bigger than some piddly dash budget. I understand the concerns. But, the unknown is exactly that. Some people just can't handle it... That's why people who can have offered to do so. For the squeamish and fearful, the questions will never be answered. They will just have more questions... Nothing will ever be good enough because they're terrified and will never stop being terrified. That's how it is.
1 point,8 years ago
The duration is a concern, but don't forget that any proposal can be voted down at any time if it's not seeing results. I just don't think at this stage we're ready for such long-term commitments. Maybe a shorter time frame?
1 point,8 years ago
There is no duration. We're making a real, indefinite commitment to a job that needs doing and is too open-ended to define well. I realize people have doubts and questions. I realize those not experienced in such endeavors are hesitant. The whole point is that we're volunteering t handle what most are too afraid of. The unknown. I'd love it all to be mapped out in front of me, too. Wait, no I wouldn't. There's no fun in that. I like the unknown and I'm good at it. If I had the answers, I'd give them to you. The point is to explore and find them. That's why fortune favors the bold, and not hand-wringers. This is what we do. We're asking for nothing but a symbolic gesture of support, which can be voted down at any moment. For any reason. No reason. Or completely ridiculous reasons that make no sense. There can be no contractual agreement with Masternodes because they have all the power, so representing it as such is deceptive, at best. That power must be applied judiciously, not in the kindergarten manner thus far seen, so my faith in the system is shaken. It's like a woman that demands "commitment" but never commits herself. In this instance, that's the nature of the thing, not manipulation. Masternodes are never committed to anything, ever. This job has no clear end. There's too much to do, and so much still unknown. Someone has to strike out upon this journey. Why not people used to doing so? Who are already convinced of DASH's value and potential? I can't give you the answers I don't have. I'm not a desperate salesperson willing to blow sunshine up your ass to get what I want. I don't need this. All I can do is offer myself as the guy who will find the answers and make them work.
-2 points,8 years ago
Voted yes simply because I blindly trust those guys, after their terrific soda machine.
(But I'll change my vote to no if something goes wrong…)
0 points,8 years ago
Blind trust is exactly what's gone wrong here. Even if you have it in my interest, I don't support blind trust.
0 points,8 years ago
Why does this end in 2024? Will vote yes if we can get more info and more detailed proposal.
0 points,8 years ago
Monthly budget seems weird. How many months are we talking about here?
0 points,8 years ago
Not enough details. More details please.
-1 point,8 years ago
I totally get what you're trying to do, but I think it's unfortunate that you made it such a long term proposal. I think that will cause people to vote no :( Can you redo this with shorter terms, to be renewed? 3 or 4 months at a time? I think the price is reasonable, but probably not reasonable a year from now, and at that point, either your team will grow enough to be using the cash equivalent, and still require that amount of funding or it'll need to make space in the budget (by being reduced) for other projects. We're all expecting Dash to rise in value by a lot, and this project is likely to be a big part of it's success, so I think we want to vote yes, but the long term scares a lot of people off :)
0 points,8 years ago
It does happen one month at a time... It can be voted down at any moment, yet we still commit ourselves... You're getting one hell of a sweet deal, but still want more? I don't know what more there can be...
1 point,8 years ago
This can be downvoted anytime. If people don't understand that, they shouldn't be owning masternodes.
-1 point,8 years ago
We don't want a situation where all projects are set for 8 years on a rolling basis and then being told we have the free will to vote it out at any time.

If the people doing this work don't have a clear vision and are unable to set milestones, then why ask that of the community?
1 point,8 years ago
We put the proposal at 8 years because we believe this should be a continuous effort to introduce Dash to merchants. It isn't just one project. I have outlined 3 projects, but expect this to be much more than that in the future.

The questions should be, Do you want to use budget funds to make it easier for merchants to accept Dash? Do the project owners have a track record with building something similar already?
-1 point,8 years ago
why such a short voting deadline ? why not put your budget proposal a superblock further ahead so it can be discussed properly ?
1 point,8 years ago
Based on what these guys achieved bringing the soda machine to Miami, I say absolutely vote Yes - give 'em the ball and let them run with it!

Details of their future projects can be provided as they evolve... right now details will only invite endless discussion and nothing will actually ever get done.

If after a month or two we are dissatisfied, the proposal can always be voted out, but for now I am confident this is 700 Dash well invested.
0 points,8 years ago
According to, they are asking for 99 payments, totalling over 72k dash:

Monthly Amount 729.000 DASH (2,954.52 USD) (2,815.11 EUR)
Total Amount 72,171.000 DASH (292,497.56 USD) (278,695.95 EUR)
Total Payments 99
2 points,8 years ago
729 / MONTHLY... which can subsequently be voted out - thereby kill the proposal
1 point,8 years ago
I hate seeing 5 dash wasted :( I wish people would give this voting system more time. Anyway, I'm sure they'll redo it :)