Proposal “Tuapoma-Maintenance-Support“ (Closed)Back

Title:Tuapoma Classifieds Maintenance and Support
One-time payment: 33 DASH (895 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-06-19 / 2017-07-19 (added on 2017-06-20)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 86 Yes / 339 No / 64 Abstain

Proposal description

This proposal will be to fund the Maintenance and Support for the Tuapoma International Classifieds for the month of July 2017. The project intends to finance Taupoma for longer than a month, therefore this proposal may be renewed for the next months.

Beneficiary: "Tuapoma – advantage for discerning traders"
Time: one payment
Cost: 33 Dash
Goal: to cover initial expenses and to reach people who don't know about DASH Digital Cash.

The budget for the first month: (the distribution of costs over the project life can be changed in the coming months, furthermore the web hosting cost may increase if we increase the number of views in the near future)

1 - Proposal cost: 5.00 Dash (per month)
2 - Web hosting: 2.00 Dash (per month)
3 - Apps update cost: 4.00 Dash (per year)
4 - Graphic design costs: 2.00 Dash (one payment)
5 - Admins salaries: 5.00 Dash (per month)
6 - Twitter campaign to increase
the number of followers on Twitter:
3.00 Dash (per month)
7 - Translators and
proofreaders for six languages:
12.00 Dash (per month)

Total: 33.00 Dash

Tuapoma is an online classifieds system written in six languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German and Italian. With particular emphasis on English, Portuguese and Spanish. The German, French and Italian versions are still in beta, but already fully functional. On tuapoma you can advertise vehicles, toys, electronics, memorabilia, books, kitchenware, services, and more! Please see our categories. In addition we have a list of rigid rules and regulations: ads for drugs, porn and weapons cannot be placed in Tuapoma, our content policies are in accordance with the content policies of Google Adsense program, as example.

More details on Dash Forum:

This is the first time that Tuapoma sends a budget proposal to the Dashcentral, but the Tuapoma Admin has been participating in the DASH community since 2015 (you can track the tuapoma posts on the Dash Forum since Aug. 7, 2015). Tuapoma also participates in the "Dash Knights 2.0" group on Telegram; and also active participation in Facebook ( and Twitter ( to share Dash news and events.

Interview with the CEO and Founder of at

Here's a good example of what the Tuapoma can do, Venezuelan dealer trading cars worldwide for Dash Digital Cash at "Tuapoma en Español":

The venezuelan dealer profile at "Tuapoma en Español", Joubert Lopez:

***Note that we have a new advertiser today, June-29-2017:

At the moment the Tuapoma Classifieds accept PayPal, DASH and Bitcoin by the GoUrl plugin, but if this budget is approved by the Dash Masternodes community, we will only accept DASH as payment in the coming months; and more, we will only display DASH logos, we will no longer display PayPal or Bitcoin logos.

For now we have approximately 500 registered users (contributors) from different countries, and approximately 1000 ads (published) on six languages. For more details, please access the page and take a look at the sidebar entitled "Top 10 Ads Today"; with equivalent system in our other languages. Better viewing at close to 23:50 (GMT 0) because our time zone is Greenwich, London. To see the timezone, simply, just go to the footer page of tuapoma.

Please help us to advertise Dash on Tuapoma to 1000+ potential Dash users a day, for 30 days! At the moment the future of this project is determined by you, Masternode; if you like the tuapoma project, please vote, we will be grateful for your vote.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,7 years ago
hello masternodes, from the first day i posted a link, on my proposal description, with many screenshots; including google analytics and addthis analytics! a link to dash forum:
0 points,7 years ago
I think you should have shown some samples of your work. Like, a screenshot of how your site is improving as well as show your Google Analytics of your traffic. I think this might not be the best design so improving this should be easy but I dont think you need the MN dash for that, hiring a designer for a quick mockup and putting this on the proposal will probably set an target.
0 points,7 years ago
mr. JZA, on june 10, 2017 i published a thread on dash forum 'Pre + Budget Proposal Discussions' with screenshots, including the google analytics. on june 20 i posted the link here, on my proposal description. why didn't you see it coming? please see now, click on "show full description"
0 points,7 years ago
from the first day i posted a link, on my proposal description, with many screenshots; including google analytics and addthis analytics! a link to dash forum:
0 points,7 years ago
Note that we have a new advertiser today, June-29-2017:
0 points,7 years ago
0 points,7 years ago
May God Bless the Venezuelan people!
0 points,7 years ago
Here's a good example of what the Tuapoma can do, Venezuelan dealer trading cars worldwide for Dash Digital Cash at "Tuapoma en Español":
0 points,7 years ago
hello masternode, if you believe in the power of small business to grow and strengthen the dash community, please vote for tuapoma!
0 points,7 years ago
Hello Masternodes! What is the target customer of the Dash Digital Cash? In my opinion, the small business should be considered the top priority of the Dash's marketing strategy.
0 points,7 years ago
Interview with the CEO & Founder of
1 point,7 years ago
Proposal Evaluation Committee
Link to Categorized and Prioritized List of Proposals here:
0 points,7 years ago
many thanks
-1 point,7 years ago
hello masternodes, please leave your questions here, you will not be able to vote correctly without knowing more about the tuapoma; it is very difficult to judge a proposal without asking questions
-1 point,7 years ago
if this proposal becomes victorious, tuapoma will renew the proposal for a period of three months and beyond; our purpose is to send new proposals every three months, but the whole project depends on the victory of this first proposal
1 point,7 years ago
I'm not convinced - sorry
0 points,7 years ago
kevmate, sign up and post an ad, it only takes a few minutes and it is easy to do! please do not forget the small business, dash is the best cryptocurrency to small business, tuapoma is a classifieds ads made for small business, making a perfect marriage between two devices
0 points,7 years ago
Lot of nice cars on your site. How many visitors per month? Thanks for being an early adopter and promoting Dash.
0 points,7 years ago
hello stillcantstop, according to google analytics we have 4,754 active users in the last 30 days, please see more details in our "Pre + Budget Proposal Discussions" at dash forum. IoI i have to thank you and the masternodes for all your efforts in supporting the dash network
-1 point,7 years ago
hello masternodes, please do not forget the small business and independent entrepreneurs. Dash is the best cryptocurrency to small business. Tuapoma is the best classifieds ads especially made for small business and private sellers, making a perfect marriage between a digital cash and a marketplace
0 points,7 years ago
please help us to advertise dash on tuapoma to 1000 potential dash users a day, for 30 days! at the moment the future of this project is determined by you, masternode.
1 point,7 years ago
Is not a lot sound doable and I really hope he can get a better designer, I think the design needs a lot of work.
-1 point,7 years ago
hello JZA, we achieved a great many things in 2016 but we have much to improve upon for 2017 and beyond, we are now asking for the assistance of the masternode community; please do not forget, tuapoma has been accepting bitcoin since jan 2014 and has been accepting dash since june 2015, we are great promoters of dash, we are pioneers in dash digital cash, so we hope that most masternode voters will be able to make the right and just choice. thank you for your valuable contribution
1 point,7 years ago
Well I googled "Tuapoma International Classifieds" and your site is not in the top 10 results so I doubt there will be much visibility gained.
0 points,7 years ago
mr. bitedge, thank you for your valuable contribution, but first of all, please do an honest search of the posts that are there, for example: "with quotation marks", please search for "We accept DASH Digital Cash" and "DASH accepted here". A good suggestion, without quotation marks, please search for: (DASH digital cash Porsche Carrera) (DASH digital cash Porsche 356) (DASH digital cash Volkswagen westfalia camper bus). Some good suggestions, please seache for tuapoma followed by the words: porsche, wolkswagem, chevrolet... for example: (tuapoma porsche) (tuapoma wolkswagen) (tuapoma mercedes) (tuapoma steinway) "without quotation marks" and tell me about the result.
0 points,7 years ago
I did search tuapoma porsche and the site looks very promising.

Changing to yes.

One day you might get in that top 10.
0 points,7 years ago
many thanks
1 point,7 years ago
I've tried to use your website before, and quite frankly, I didn't ever try to use it again after that. I appreciate the effort, but voting 'no.'
-1 point,7 years ago
mr. n00bkid, we would like to know if it is true that you tried to use the tuapoma website, what is your username on tuapoma? we keep in touch with all users. Tuapoma is an mobile friendly website you can use anywhere, it's very easy to publish an ad and get in touch with other advertisers. please let us know when and where did you find out about tuapoma?
2 points,7 years ago
to get this right, you want us to fund your Ad campaign for your personally business?
-1 point,7 years ago
mr. mizzymax, as you can see, i intend to make Dash Digital Cash the only payment system available on Tuapoma Classifieds. Maybe you're right, the Tuapoma Classifeds is my personally business, just like the Dash Digital Cash is my personally business too
1 point,7 years ago
Maintenance?? Why would we pay for that? What promotional activities are offered?
-2 points,7 years ago
mr. narroway, the tuapoma classifieds is a promotional activity in six languages, not even the dashcentral is available in six languages; not even the dashforcenews is available in six languages; not even the dash org website is available in six western languages. The tuapoma twitter page has more followers than the dashforcenews on twitter, as example. Please signup for a free account at tuapoma, join us!