Proposal “The_Show_That_Launched_Bitcoin“ (Closed)Back

Monthly amount: 100 DASH (2713 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (12 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-03-20 / 2018-03-13 (added on 2017-03-12)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 198 Yes / 462 No / 47 Abstain

Proposal description

<Thank you to everyone, We decided it would be better to work with the core team on an option where the core team would escrow the funds and work with Free Talk Live so that we could build a track record and show some results. Everyone here has been great. Thank you. >

I propose that you let Free Talk Live, the nationally syndicated radio program, that both Gavin Andresen and Roger Ver credit as initially launching Bitcoin*, work for Dash to bring the message to hundreds of thousands of people, that in many cases, have never heard of an alt-coin. 

First: Dash has a HUGE advantage over other cryptos with it's built-in marketing dollars. If all other things are equal, this gives Dash a huge advantage. Second: This is an unusual way to present an ad campaign. So, I hope you will be merciful in your understanding if it isn't perfect the first go around :).
Free Talk Live is not just a podcast with 13+ million downloads. It is a radio program on 150+ US radio stations, with 300,000+ weekly listeners. We are the largest liberty oriented audio program in the world. 

I spoke to Amanda B. Johnson at Anarchapulco and she convinced me that Dash is a viable project. I had not taken a stance up to that point, but Dash's recent successes back this up. I am ready, willing and able to lend the power and reach of Free Talk Live to this new and exciting technical upgrade in the world of Crypto-tokens. I am going to offer you our Major Sponsorship Package.

This will get you:

- 1 Live Read per night. This in-show content, our premium product, is not for sale to anyone whom we do not endorse. I will handle the writing and periodic re-writing of this and keep it fresh.

- 3 :30 radio ads per show, for 13 weeks.
I will work with Amanda to get these voiced and keep them fresh and timely (she is an incredible talent and has agreed to help). 

- Banners – a small banner on every page of and a large banner on one of the most visited pages. I will have these produced.

­- Facebook –Periodic Facebook posts on our page with 91k+ likes.

- Streams – We maintain 2 primary streams, they are far and removed the most professional liberty-oriented internet radio stations, with thousands of listeners a month. Your :30 second ads will rotate 5-10x per day on these streams which are syndicated on dozens of internet radio stations and broadcast on 2 satellites to North America, Central America and Africa.

We intend to use the Dash that we earn to set up a Master Node, when we have enough. We are in for the long-haul and want this new exciting technology to be as widespread and successful as Bitcoin and more.

In her video, Amanda B. Johnson, suggests giving real-world contact info for us. We are on the air 7 nights a week at 1-855-450-3733. If we fail to do as promised, it is gonna be real embarrassing to deal with an angry Dash call flood. So far, in 15 years, we haven’t had an advertiser feel like we failed to play their ads.

It took me a couple of hours to get this up, I apologize. I will check back daily to answer questions.  

*In January 2011.Gavin Andresen, who was a subscriber and donor to our show wanted to meet for lunch and talk about a new currency. We focused on alternative currencies as a way to free oneself, in part, from a dominant and evil banking system. We liked the idea of Bitcoin, although we were still somewhat skeptical. I offered to let Gavin buy ads for the currency, becoming in that moment the first ad venue in the world, and likely the largest business, to accept Bitcoin. He
didn’t do that, but he did pay me for his meal in Bitcoin, around 45 btc. 

We spoke about Bitcoin on the air that night, and Roger Ver, an advertiser and listener, heard it and started investigating, making Ian (my longtime Co-Host) and me Bitcoin John the Baptist. 

These are their quotes: "Many of the earliest Bitcoin adopters first learned about it through Free Talk Live...I'm convinced that is one of the sparks that turned acrazy little open source software project into a multi-billion dollar industry." 
-Gavin Andresen, Bitcoin Head Developer 

"FTL is the premier voice for the peace and liberty Bitcoin will bring to the world. By broadcasting this message since 2011...FTL has been instrumental in creating the widespread adoption that we have today."
-RogerVer, CEO, aka Bitcoin Jesus

** I made this proposal on like March 4th. Dash price was ~$40. This is intended to be a $4000 proposal. Since the price has gone up dramatically, I will take the extra and put it towards (1st) more ads on my show. (2nd) ads on, my syndicate. This should use the money as wisely as I can. I have been doing radio marketing for nearly 20 years. I will do my best with the money that is entrusted to me. If the price exceeds $150, I will Post PLEASE DOWN VOTE in the title. 

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,6 years ago
My post is ill timed, but this is not a bad idea. Socialization is half the battle.
0 points,7 years ago
I'm glad this proposal is being covered now by the core team with an appropriate time period. I guess we can safely vote this down, or leave be. Good luck, and thanks for your interest in Dash!!!
1 point,7 years ago
The proposal should have three months period.
0 points,7 years ago
Voting yes because free talk live is an important and positive actor in Dash's target market.
1 point,7 years ago
I do hope you will resubmit this with a shorter time span and adjusted amount. I know most people think the price has to crash, but I honestly don't think it will. It's been artificially low for 3 years and I think it's going up a lot more (not trading or financial advice!!) But anyway, this is why everyone is cautious. We know Dash is worth a lot more than where it is now, and it's going up, so that a 12 month commitment is just too long for Masternodes to vote yes. They also worry it will be hard to vote down, as it's hard to get Masternodes to vote in the first place. So please do resubmit for a shorter period of time. I think both you and we will be happy you did it :).
0 points,7 years ago
Voting no because of the very long time period.
1 point,7 years ago
same here. Please resubmit for a three month period
0 points,7 years ago
I voted no, but now i am looking at our budget. We have spent 1033 dash this month out of 6900 budget. The other 5900 dash will just disappear. Maybe we should just hand out the cash anyway? Much as it pains me i think this proposal is the one to throw cash at, if we feel like throwing cash around.
0 points,7 years ago
No. Something ovtained for free is not valued. People need to work for this dash. If this is too hard for them then they can provide a product or service elsewhere. No handouts.
0 points,7 years ago
"Maybe we should just hand out the cash anyway? " This is never good. It only devalues the currency if the use does not bring appropriate productivity to the ecosystem. I don't mean this to be a reflection on the proposal here necessarily, just stating the importance of not thinking that 'handing out money' indiscriminately comes without cost.
0 points,7 years ago
i changed my vote to yes - although i think the rest of the masternodes are not so ready to do the same.
0 points,7 years ago
I voted yes. Last week Ryan Taylor, our director of finance talked about gaining a foothold in small communities that bring merchants and consumers together.
he found "that most of these that are successful usually do it within a very closed geographic area or a very closed marketplace where buyers and sellers can easily find each other."
I'm not part of the freetalk community, haven't been part of the freestate project, gone to PorcFest but I've seen how hard that group tried to make Bitcoin work for themselves. This community seems like a great candidate to be early adaptors of Dash.

Looks to me like Free Talk Live could really help bring merchants and consumers together in an established alternative marketplace.
1 point,7 years ago
OK, I'm voting yes, and if the price explodes more, I guess I'll vote no and hopefully they will resubmit? But yes, great way to get the word out!
0 points,7 years ago
Hi, I am also inclined to vote yes, but I am also not comfortable with a 12 month commitment. I would encourage you to submit a 3 month proposal for the next cycle.

5 points,7 years ago
I might vote yes for it but 12 months of submition is not something I`ll accept.
0 points,7 years ago
Voted yes because it is very simple for me to vote no again when Dash goes to 1000 dollars.
6 points,7 years ago
Way too expensive, consider dropping your price by A LOT.

Look at other proposal from Dash promoters that have passed, this size budget is not needed.

I could nearly get us a 30 second slot during primetime television on major networks nationwide each month (NBC). That would be a massive number of screens. See picture below with a screenshot from the ad agency I have been emailing with.
0 points,7 years ago
As far as the budget goes, I put this in as a $4000 per month deal. I had some trouble getting it to show up and after a few days, it is now a $7500 per month deal. I will ad more ads to make up for the disparity, but I can't control the price of crypto.

Vs. national cable ads. Our ads are endorsement ads and that means a lot. Our audience has built a relationship with us over 15 years. Also, we can change our ads up quickly and cheaply, TV can't. TV watchers tend to be old and female, crypto users do not. These 30s would be HOURLY, repetition sells, reach does not. Reach is good for awareness, but there are LOTS of companies that put out one Super Bowl ad and are out of business now.
1 point,7 years ago
Dash evolution is supposed to be so easy your mother can use it. So if Dash can't have a commercial and attract people just as easy as Venmo does it then we have failed. But that is when Dash Evolution comes out, so I do understand why we will not go to mainstream yet. Time for that is coming.

So I take it, you have a large audience of tech oriented folks? Can you give me a source to verify those listener numbers?

What do you charge others to advertise? The 12 month duration at this high of a rate bothers me and I don't think I can support something that long term. Give me an example of another person or company that has used your advertising (long term).

Thanks for the responses, I will do more research and continue to consider.
-1 point,7 years ago
You're a pro. I appreciate that.

1st, if you want to put in the proposal for a TV ad buy, I will help with creative and placement. I have done this for nearly 20 years.

NO! Our audience is general interest on the radio. Our podcast listeners (125,000 downloads a month) are more likely to be younger and tech oriented. I don't pay the $30k a year for Neilson numbers, but my estimates from seeing some numbers and experience is 300,000 weekly radio listeners. Satellite is anyone's guess.

The Major Sponsor Package is $11830 for 13 weeks. Well, Roger Ver used us to promote Bitcoin since 2011. That has gone pretty well :). The Free State Project used us for like 10 years to promote signers and their events. They gave us a trophy last year to thank us for our help and said that we were responsible for a full 1/4 of their signers. Is that good enough?

You can call in any night an grill us a bit too. 1-855-450-3733. I won't be on for 3 weeks, but there will be qualified hosts on every night.
-1 point,7 years ago

For more advertising info.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you so much for your response, all readers here please see the #proposals channel in slack for more discussion and developments.

To other readers, PLEASE go through everything with a fine tooth comb and reconsider if you have already voted.

I am currently reevaluating all of this info, will get back with a 2nd vote decision in the near future.
3 points,7 years ago
My votes WILL stay as a no for this proposal due to the fact that it is too long, and with dash price exploding this will most likely have extreme excess of funding.

Please resubmit a 3 month proposal or shorter term and I will vote yes, and if things work out would vote yes again to renew for evolution release.
0 points,7 years ago
Looking forward to the pre-proposal and discussion. You are legitimate and I do hope Dash & The Liberty Show have a wonderful relationship. That is the fast track to community consensus and a definite Yes vote.

HINT: Take a look at how we sponsor Crypto Show in Austin, TX
Some inspiration for you, and a glimpse into what the community likes to see.
0 points,7 years ago
Free Talk Live :).

Danny Sessom is a friend. We rode over night from Acapulco to Mexico City in a jalopy with no gas. Fun times.
0 points,7 years ago
Yes sir. We only have 1 vote so I hope it helps. Hopefully your wide audience will participate and help drive up the price.
This proposal system is kind of learn as you go. Mark I would say if you don't get it don't be discouraged take the feedback from voters and come back with something they like. I'm noticing the 12 months is an issue with some of the voters. Even Amanda's proposals are only 6 months and she's dedicated full time to a Dash only production. Good luck guys and welcome aboard.
2 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the proposal - excited that you want to partnership with Dash.

Unfortunately, I agree with the others that 12 Months is too long based on having no track record. 1-3 months initially would pass with a reduced budget. If all goes well then no problem to extend :)

12 month contracts would usually be reserved for long standing partnerships. I can guarantee you that if Amanda B Johnson submitted a 12 month proposal it would pass no problems as she has a proven track record.
2 points,7 years ago
To long and to much. You need to prove yourself first before we will pay you. How do we know you won't run away with the money? Make it a shorter time frame
0 points,7 years ago
I like it but like everyone said the 12 months is too long. You guys have a proven track record and i have listened to many show going back years. Give this track record and nature of the proposal i think 3 months would be perfect.
I would like to see a good sized banner like the crypto show has except just the standard DASH logo but with

You can't control the price but even the 4k sounds a bit high. If the price was lowered a bit next time and the time duration shortened and the logo properly placed you would have my votes. If everything went well the first 3 month cycle i would vote for 4k the next time.
2 points,7 years ago
lower your duration to 2-3 months for the first proposal and after we see results you can submit again in 3 months... the volatility in the price can vary the payout and either screw you over or screw us over... voting no, until duration is 2-3 months. i like the idea, objecting over duration.
2 points,7 years ago
I am getting a lot of No votes from the Masternodes. Is there something I can do to earn your business?
6 points,7 years ago
If I had to guess, a lot of nodes are going to have a problem with the 12 month duration. Currently, there is no proposal longer than 3 months currently (even for Amanda's wildly successful shows) because the price of a dash changes very rapidly. Furthermore, after initial approval traditionally it has been hard to rally masternodes to defund poorly performing projects.

In short, I am voting NO now, but if you resubmit a 1-2 month proposal I may change my votes to YES.
-1 point,7 years ago
Thanks for the input. I have 2 reasons for the duration. 1. We are taught that broadcast advertising is most effective if it is done long term, that brands are not built in 1 or 2 months, but over the course of many months. This is a different sort of promotion than say putting up a video, this is to hundreds of thousands of people that are popping in and out of their cars over the course of the evening. Making them aware of Dash is going to take repetition over a long period of time.

2. We are putting our endorsement on the line here. You may not have heard of us, and that is completely fair, but to our 150+ radio stations, what we say is extraordinarily important. 12 months is meant to be a gesture by the Dash community to show fidelity to our show, like we intend to show to Dash.

It frankly, looks bad when we bring on an endorsement advertiser and they drop off in a few weeks. I want to avoid that.12 month commitments are pretty common in my business.

It cost me $300+ to make this proposal, and paying to make a proposal is pretty uncommon for me. I hope that shows my commitment level and I hope you will consider giving us a shot at Promoting Dash to a large audience for the long term.
2 points,7 years ago
thanks for your interest and taking the first step by creating the proposal, however this is how our governance system works, you can add 5 DASH to your proposal to refund the fee to create the proposal if it passes.
0 points,7 years ago
The proposal fee is there to prevent spamming and scams. Usually, people include the reimbursement for the fee in the requested budget. In addition, it is better to make a post on the forum FIRST if you are unknown to the community to save yourself the money. I thought I heard Amanda say as much on your show, but I may have misheard.

Anyway, nothing precludes you from creating a new proposal after 1-2 months if the first proposal is successful. This is how other long term marketing proposals have worked in the past. This gives the proposal owner a chance to adjust to USD value of Dash.

In short, the issue is that Dash is worth 4x more now than it was a few weeks ago, in 12 months in could be worth 5x or 10x more -- as such long proposals have an additional burden of explaining why they think we should pay them more (likely a lot more in USD) in the future. A shorter proposal doesn't have this burden and you still may get 12 month worth of funds if things go well.

Just my 2cents. Others may disagree.
-1 point,7 years ago
I made an addendum to my proposal. My proposal is for $4000/month. I will use the overage to spread the ads that I create out on my syndicate, which hosts several large shows. I can get better rates than most people. Will that address your issue?
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for your response. I will take this under consideration.
-1 point,7 years ago
If you have any other questions, please ask. You can email me at too. If this proposal is to pass, and I sure hope it does, I will need to turn the No votes to Yeses.
0 points,7 years ago
Start with a pre proposal discussion on the forum.

Then create the proposal which already has a positive response there. Changes that are likely to help imo. A shorter contract. A contract with the endorsement of a core team member. Possibly a contract denominated in dollars payed for by the core team from a marketing budget approved by the MNOs.

If Ryan Taylor comes back with a 3 month marketing proposal to fund FTL ads I would expect it to pass.
1 point,7 years ago
Good point about the duration. Dash could be 5 times its current price in 12 months.
1 point,7 years ago
Too Long, even though proposal can be down voted I would recommend you start with 1 or 2 months
0 points,7 years ago
I hate it when people submit significant proposals without any pre-proposal discussion at all. it's like "Take it or leave it Dash guys. Is this how you treat all potential advertisers on your show?

I want to vote yes, but I will abstain. If you resubmit with a much shorter time frame, and the $4000 you intended I will support it.
0 points,7 years ago
It's quite possible that dash will reach 1000$ per Coin in the next 12 months and you surely don't need a 100K per months. So until we get an improved budget system that let's people change the requested amount or considers the dollar value of Dash I will vote no for such long-term proposals.

So please resubmit with 2-3 months and then I will vote yes (We will reimburse the cost of booth proposals). Additionally it is always a good idea to discuss a proposal before submitting it to be able to avoid such things.
0 points,7 years ago
So switching my votes to yes as we can downvote it once the price increases to much (probably soon).
-1 point,7 years ago
We like advertising, but we are past that stage. We don't need "launching", we are well underway and under full sail, you need to be catching up, not "helping us launch". The pitch is a little insulting. Sorry - no from me as well.
-1 point,7 years ago
It doesn't look like I claim that Dash needs launching, I just state the fact that FTL is credited with launching BTC, nearly 2 years after it's creation.

I am certainly confident that my show will bring a great deal of new attention to Dash. Confidence can sound insulting, especially in writing, but it is not my intention to insult you or Dash. I just want to work for you and am confident in my ability to deliver.
-1 point,7 years ago
Alright, I will modify the pitch. I can see what you are saying, but would you agree that this ad package would help to increase adoption as a currency and bring the attention of hundreds of thousands of people that have not yet heard of Dash?
0 points,7 years ago
In principle, if the atmosphere and feel of it was more "us", yes.
-1 point,7 years ago
OK, I gave a stab at it. Please consider changing your vote if you think the problem is hubris. Humility is not often considered an important trait for Talk Show Hosts, and I am often called vain. We can't be good at everything in this world and humility is where I fall short :).
-1 point,7 years ago
OK, let me think about that a bit. Since we are closer to a journalistic outlet than say Amanda B. Johnson, I like to keep a feel of some level of objectivity. Plus, I will allow other crypto-currencies to advertise, like Bitcoin.

I haven't taken sides, like some in the Dash, Monero, Z-cash debate, but I would say that Dash's built in marketing dollars mean that it could truly crush all other cryptos, all things being equal.
0 points,7 years ago
Those dollars come because of a completely different management and control mechanism. One which is capable of far more than you are seeing right now. OK - obviously the more objective you are the more you will see what I mean, so I am open minded on this.
-1 point,7 years ago
Right, I see in Dash, the advantages of Bitcoin, Etherium and privacy. I am certainly new, but I have watched some of Amanda's videos AND you and any other Dash acolyte can call in and tell us other advantages that we are missing.

Thanks for the open mind!

SEE?! I can be convincing! :-D
0 points,7 years ago
The whole proposal has a much better feel now. It has a chance in this form, if we can trust you to come up with the goods. I'm in two minds. I will see what other people say for a while.
-1 point,7 years ago
Proposal links back to this same page. No info.
0 points,7 years ago
I think I have that fixed. Sorry. This is all new to me. :)
0 points,7 years ago
your proposal is good i have a cheap way to do the same lets toll my email is i want to help you.
really badly ,,,
I really think this is Very necessary
0 points,7 years ago
If the proposal is for two months max, with an option to renew (to account for our new crazy price in two months, whatever that is) then I would consider it. A year long contract just doesn't work under the current highly volatile market.

An argument could be made that we don't need ANY additional advertising at the moment. I don't buy that argument, but I get why some people would feel that way. But, if the Evolution roll out is as big as we suspect, THEN we will want more exposure to the everyday Jane and Joe out there.

I think you are ideally placed to promote us to your tech savvy audience. We could have a long and glorious relationship in which we both benefit greatly.

I just can't sign on to a one year contract.

And come have a chat on the slack channel so we can get to know you better. If the conversation goes well on the Slack channel, you are extremely likely to get your proposal funded. So, win or lose on this cycle, give us a chance to interact and give you helpful feedback before you publish the next proposal. Let's go on a couple dates at least before you propose to marry us.